WHOA That's Good Podcast - When All Your Biggest Plans Break Down ... | Sadie Robertson Huff & Christian Huff

Episode Date: September 25, 2024

Sadie & Christian offer a behind-the-scenes look at the LO Sister Conference 2024, including when an entire year’s worth of careful planning broke down and God moved right in to take it from there. ...Sadie & Christian answer questions from a live audience for the first time, and Sadie sets the record straight on Christian’s dry but sincere sense of humor. They answer questions about the best pieces of advice EVER, what to do when you don’t feel like working on your faith, where boldness in the Lord comes from, and more. Sadie and Christian recount some incredible, God-touched moments from the conference, and Sadie gets real about what it was like to cry then sing a solo in front of 4,000 people! Book your tickets now for the 2025 LO Sister Conference - September 5-6, 2025! https://www.losisterconference.com/ This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored by: https://ariseforwomen.com — Get this 21-day video series from Covenant Eyes completely FREE! https://www.drinklmnt.com/whoa — Get a FREE LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase! https://www.trymiracle.com/whoa — Get 40% off + 3 FREE towels with code WHOA at checkout! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a new day. How can you make the most of it with your membership rewards points? Earn points on everyday purchases. Use them for that long awaited vacation. Points never expire, so use them how you want. That's the powerful backing of American Express. On eligible cards, terms apply. Learn more at mx.ca. What's up everybody? Happy Wednesday. I hope you're having a great week, but per usual, tell them Christian. It's going to get a whole lot better because we are back.
Starting point is 00:00:35 The way you said a whole lot better was... Well I was debating on saying something about hump day, middle of the week, but then it's going to get better because, you know because it's well that's good Wednesday, so I don't know, I just kind of went with- So much flash to your mind in the span of 10 seconds. Yeah. So actually, considering it came out pretty good,
Starting point is 00:00:54 but it is about to get better, because guys, we had an awesome conversation on stage at LO Conference that we're gonna get to share with y'all in a little bit, but first I thought we'd take a minute to just recap some of our favorite kind of behind the scene moments from conference. And this isn't like a had to be there moment.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Like you didn't have to get a conference to kind of know what we're talking about. It's just some of the things that we literally like, God help us never to forget, because honestly, after conference this year, I feel like my faith was just through the roof. It still is. Like I just grew so much in my relationship with the Lord
Starting point is 00:01:25 and also just saw new ways of how God even works that maybe I just hadn't stepped into in the past. And it was just amazing. So I can't wait to talk about it. And I know you have a lot of moments too. Yeah, no, there's so many moments. And the cool thing too is, you know, you said like, do you say behind the scenes moments?
Starting point is 00:01:42 Was that what you said? Well, cause a lot of the, like my favorite moments weren't even the behind the scenes moments. Was that what you said? Because a lot of the, like my favorite moments weren't even the behind the scenes moments. It just was like conference moments in general that we got to witness in real time. Yeah. But I guess to start, one of my favorite moments, and this is a kind of behind the scenes moment,
Starting point is 00:01:57 but so Alex Seidle was supposed to be the first one to speak, her plane had, you know, maintenance issues so she wasn't able to speak. The first night, Lisa Harper had to fill in which- Can we just like set up that a little bit more? Yes, I'm saying set up, well set up what she said when you called her, cause it's kind of a- Oh, it was really funny.
Starting point is 00:02:13 So this was crazy, so- And set up, you tell me to go get you a coffee. Oh yeah. That was not one of my favorite moments of conference. I don't know why I did that. I was stressed. Okay, so this is what happened. Night one, and here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:02:27 we worked towards conference all year long, so a lot goes into the planning of conference and who we have speaking and flights and bookings and all the different things. And this is what I mean by I saw God work in so many new ways because yes, we planned so much, prepared so much, but so much of it just went out the window night one,
Starting point is 00:02:45 and we got to see God do what really He had planned, and it was so evident, so it was really cool. But anywho, so day of conference, so crazy, we get to meet all of the VIP people, which is like- And the weather's bad, it's like raining the last two days, so setting up for conference was kind of difficult in the rain. It was just crazy. To do everything.
Starting point is 00:03:01 But then, listen how cool, there was a rainbow over the Civic Center whenever conference started. Anywho, I'd just taken pictures with probably 375 people because it's like VIPs, so I met everyone. So you know, that's a lot of people to meet, which by the way, I love that, I love our VIP guests. And it's really cool because so many have come year after year, so now I'm like,
Starting point is 00:03:21 literally on first name basis with these people, get to see how they're doing each year, so I love it, but a lot of talking, right? So I'm talking, talking, talking. Then we go straight from that to the Q&A that we're gonna play later on this podcast. So Christian, I do this like full interview and I come right off stage from those two moments and just like, we already hosted a brunch
Starting point is 00:03:41 for all of our speakers and worship leaders and all the people working towards conference that morning. So just like all day full of me hosting an event. So I was already tired. So by night one of conference, I'm like ready to just enjoy. I'm ready to sit in the worship. I'm ready to hear the word. And I get right off stage and Steph,
Starting point is 00:03:58 who's like my right hand girl is like, okay, Alex is not gonna make it. Her flight got stuck. Maintenance was crazy. She won't be here. How do you feel about speaking tonight? And I'm like, uh, and for some reason, my first response was I just-
Starting point is 00:04:15 She looks at me and she says, you say get me a coffee or I need a coffee? I was like, go get me a coffee. It was like, and I was like, okay, first off. It was, I didn't even know what I was thinking. I was just like, I'm your husband. It was like, I don't know. Be a little more polite to me.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Well, here's why I did it. And I don't, by the way, I don't even do that to people. No, you never like this. I've never liked that to anyone. Which is why it caught me off guard. It was so, this is what went through my head. In my head in like 0.2 seconds, I was like, I'm exhausted,
Starting point is 00:04:45 I don't know how I'm gonna do this, I need a coffee, and I was getting so stressed that I was like, I just need you to walk away for a second because I just need to be in this moment. And so I was just like, who can get me a coffee? And then Kristen was like, okay, diva. It was like this episode from SpongeBob where Sandy Cheeks is in hibernation.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And she's getting so mad that- I can't. Not Sandy Cheeks. You know the scene that I'm talking about? Oh gosh. I saw that come out of you. It was like my one diva moment. In that quick flash.
Starting point is 00:05:16 In six years of you knowing me, okay? That's true, yeah, you're not a diva person at all. But that was just a funny moment. But that sets up the point that I was talking about was that Alex was supposed to speak. Her flight was canceled because of the maintenance stuff to where Lisa ended up having to speak, which obviously in the grand scheme of things,
Starting point is 00:05:35 the way that God kind of orchestrated it. It was amazing. Lisa was the perfect person to start the conference. She's humorous, but she's also so deep and she just speaks the truth. Well, let me say what happened after, cause I was like so stressed. I was like, there's, I don't think I can speak tonight.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Mainly because, one, I wasn't really even done with my message, cause I wasn't supposed to speak to the next night. So I was thinking like I had the next morning to kind of get up early, ponder some things. I was kind of like trying to finish and I just didn't feel ready. I already felt exhausted like from the whole day.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And so I was like, oh gosh, well, I'm thinking Lisa Harper has so much experience. Like she, surely she can do this. You know, if it's me or her, maybe it'll be Lisa. And so I call her and I say, Lisa, I need you. And she goes, do you need me to speak tonight? And I said, yes. And she goes, girl, give me 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I'll get on my cowgirl boots and I'll be ready to preach the gospel. And it was such an epic response because like talk about someone who's just ready to go. And she showed up and she actually said that God had kind of been putting some stuff on her heart and she was really excited because she felt like ready almost like she,
Starting point is 00:06:41 not anticipate that happening but she's ready for it to happen. And so she gets up there and it was the perfect night one message. If you would have looked at like my notes, you would have thought we studied together. She did not, she didn't know anything that we were talking about on conference.
Starting point is 00:06:55 The only thing she knew was the like overarching theme, but she took that message and it was so the heart of everything we were trying to set up for the weekend and had this huge response time. And then during the response time, is this what you were gonna get to when she called me? No, that was, yeah, that was a good, I honestly forgot about that point. Wow, that was crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So backstory, this is like the behind the scenes, what I mean by behind the scenes, like no one would know this except for me and you. But for like weeks, I had been praying about conference and I just kept feeling like God was preparing me for like a vulnerable moment. And I didn't really know what that looked like. And so Christian had talked about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I was like, hey, I feel like there, that the Lord's kind of calling me to show a level of vulnerability that I haven't shown before. And I think the intention of that is to bring a vulnerability into the room. Because you know, vulnerability breeds vulnerability. If I'm able to be vulnerable in front of them, then maybe they will feel open enough to confess things
Starting point is 00:07:53 and to open up their heart. But I wasn't really sure how that was going to play out. And honestly, never really felt a full piece about how that was going to play out in the sense of like, I didn't know how much to share, what to share, when to share, what that really looked like. And then Lisa, like while she's talking, people are flooding the altar and she's like,
Starting point is 00:08:11 someone get Sadie a mic, Sadie needs to have a mic. And I'm just sitting down chilling, thinking like, I'm not doing anything tonight. I'm totally in the moment, but I'm like in my seat up in the balcony area. She's like, someone get Sadie a mic. And then she's like, Sadie, where are you? Sadie, just get down here. You're gonna lead them in the sinner area, she's like, someone get Sadie a mic. And then she's like, Sadie, where are you? Sadie, just get down here.
Starting point is 00:08:26 You're gonna lead them in the sinner's prayer. And you just need to have a mic right now. And I get down there and it was that level of vulnerability that I felt the Lord had been preparing me for. And I was able to lead this moment in full, like in full yielding to the spirit of like, God, what are you doing? I didn't know one thing I was gonna say
Starting point is 00:08:48 when I got up on stage that night. And it's like, God just led that. And it was like the most powerful first night. It was just amazing. And the coolest thing was none of it was planned. It was just what God had planned. Well, I think that's why it was, you know, one of my favorite moments because you plan it for a year
Starting point is 00:09:04 and it, you know, you got to ditch it the day of. And yeah, just seeing the way that it came together and how God's hand was in it, even amidst the chaos of what the plan was. And yeah, not to say that Alex wouldn't have been incredible night one, she would have been. Day two Alex was incredible. Right after Lisa's message, it was just the perfect flow.
Starting point is 00:09:29 When even Alex's message, which you can kind of talk about a little bit, but it was the same message that Alex preached 10 years ago that Sadie was the first time she saw a woman preach and Alex did not plan that message, but she felt like God kept telling her. Alex didn't even know. It was so insane. So Alex preaches his message.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And as she's preaching it, I look at Christian, and I go, this is crazy. This is the message she preached 10 years ago. It's the first message I ever heard a woman preach when I responded to an altar call and gave my life to the Lord, fully surrendered, got baptized that day. It was an amazing moment for me. And that was the first day I started journaling
Starting point is 00:10:04 about Live Original live events. Well, fast forward 10 years later, Alex is speaking at a LO live event. And she preaches the same message she did 10 years ago. And I thought, what an amazing thing. How did she remember that? Well, come to find out, she did not remember that. She had no idea that was the message
Starting point is 00:10:21 she preached 10 years ago. Had a whole other message she planned to preach at conference and felt the Lord wake her up in the night two weeks before conference and say, you're going to preach on the difference of the anointing of David and Saul. And she said, God, that message is 10 years old. Why would I preach on that?
Starting point is 00:10:38 I like the message I planned for conference. The Lord said, no, this is supposed to be your message. And so just the craziest stuff like that, where God was just in every single detail, it was so mind blowing for me, just being there and seeing it all and hearing the stories. And even Alex, when I told her that, it was like jaw to the floor.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And I felt like God just kept showing us over and over again that he is sovereign, that he is good, that he's leading this thing, that he's the power behind it all, that his spirit is active and alive. Like he was just changing lives. And I don't think anyone there didn't feel that that he is good, that he's leading this thing, that he's the power behind it all, that his spirit is active and alive. He was just changing lives. And I don't think anyone there didn't feel that, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:10 I mean, from everyone working on the back, for everyone, even the cops, the cop who was there, he was so into every message. And he told us, he said, I'm having a hard time trying not to raise my hands during all these worship songs, because the spirit's just so present in here. And I and I say, well you can raise your hands. He's like, no I really actually can't with my uniform. Like I literally physically can't.
Starting point is 00:11:31 That was awesome. And then we saw him at the airport which was awesome after conference. Which one of the other incredible moments is when you did sing Mir, which I want you to talk about that, but something that for me was really cool. So then the night after you spoke, which your message was incredible, we had baptism moment. We had a baptism moment, which was more than a moment because it was a long moment.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And Teya Led, it was unbelievable. She was singing so loud, she blew her mic out. And then she like goes off to the side and like throws it for the people to kind of handle it and get her new mic. And then she starts like hand signaling, which I don't think anyone knew what she was doing. She was like doing like a for amazing grace
Starting point is 00:12:14 as if people would have known what she meant. And she went into it again. And then one of my cousins that was there got baptized, which was an incredible set. just the whole, yeah. Lisa Harper's daughter, Missy, who's just precious. That was amazing. Who Lisa spoke about the night before. So everyone got to see pictures that Lisa put up
Starting point is 00:12:37 on the screen and everything. The day before and then the next night. When we're showing the baptism moments, all thousands of people there can see her daughter, who she had spoken about the night before. It was an incredible, chaotic way to start. And then it just was the most special moment to end it, the way that it did.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And then you sang. Was that the first time you sang like that in front of a live audience? Well, pretty much. I did way back in the day, but that was not very good. Yeah, not near as, not near as like. Wasn't as intentional of a moment. Intentional or intimidating?
Starting point is 00:13:12 No. No, no, no, because I shared like a 10 minute personal testimony, talking about vulnerable and then sang Mirror, but it was so powerful and so beautiful and the girls were there. And Honey was like, kept saying, she's painting Jesus, which was really cool that she understood that moment because no one told him.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Well after you sang, we got off stage. What did she say to you? She said. She hugged me, she said, Mommy, you did such a good job. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you. It was so cute. Oh, it was so cute.
Starting point is 00:13:38 But maybe one of the most powerful moments was at the end of Amazing Grace, Tae went into Oceans. This was the last song that I was going to come up. And they said, hold, hold, hold. There's one more girl who wants to get baptized. There's one more girl who wants to get baptized. This is probably my favorite moment of LO conference.
Starting point is 00:13:55 This was just beautiful. So this girl, Natalie, Natalie, if you're listening, I love you. She's been to three LO conferences. I've seen her year after year. And she has just a condition where she isn't able to walk very well. I think it's a terrible puzzle. Yeah, that's what I'm pretty sure it is.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And so anyway, she has trouble walking and stuff. She has a little like walker thing. And anywho, she decided to get baptized. Well, here's the little thing about Natalie. She's never been underwater before. She's terrified too, because of all of her, you know, medical conditions and stuff. But she felt the Lord saying, you need to get baptized.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And she was like, God, are you, like, if this is you, you have to like make it so evident that I need to get baptized, because you know I'm afraid of water. Meanwhile, Taya's singing like, you called me out upon the water. And like, it was just the most insane moment. And so right when she prays that prayer, two people come and lay hands on Natalie, start praying over her, and she's like,
Starting point is 00:14:50 okay, Lord, I think you're speaking to me. I'm gonna get baptized. And so like the whole room just like waits for Natalie to get to the point of getting in the water. It takes her a little while. Oceans is, you know, Teah is leading oceans. And then Emily and Donna, who are baptizing, pick up Natalie and help her go underwater to get baptized. And, oh, it was just the most beautiful moment in the whole world. And the night before, Lisa was preaching on this woman in the Bible who was crippled,
Starting point is 00:15:16 and how Jesus, like, stopped the whole moment of church, like, go back and to speak to that woman. And he was talking, she was, Lisa was talking, my highlight, Jesus would stop an entire room to go and help this one woman and give her the time and the space. And so for the next night, for us to hear in our in-ears, there's one more, there's one more, hold, hold, hold. And then Taya just kept singing that bridge
Starting point is 00:15:39 over and over again. And then Natalie was able to get baptized and it was so cool because after the whole night was over, everyone's leaving, conference is done. And they say, Natalie's still to get baptized. It was so cool. Cause after the whole night was over, everyone's leaving, conference is done. And they say, Natalie's still here if you want to talk to her.
Starting point is 00:15:49 So Christian and I went out and got to talk to Natalie and hear her whole story. And just even the connections to the song, Oceans and what that meant to her. It was just like so beautiful. Her mom had passed away two years prior. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And her favorite song was Oceans. So when Oceans came on, yeah, this was this moment. It was beautiful. Yeah, that, you know, I don't think she was expecting. And then I feel like that's when she felt like God calling her to get baptized from, yeah, and just conference as a whole,
Starting point is 00:16:17 plus the words of the song and yeah, just her mom's connection to that song. So then we're like, hold on, we gotta go get Taya. So Taya comes out and gets to talk to Natalie for a long time, and it was just so beautiful. But what's so cool is like, Natalie's story is so amazing to hear the details of how God worked in her life and redeemed some really hard things.
Starting point is 00:16:37 But then I've heard hundreds of stories, you know, in that same intentional way that God has worked and moved and words that were spoken and things that were said and this person talked to this person and that timing and this and that. And it's like, God, you are so crazy that you're so big. Like you are the God of the universe, but you are in every single detail of our life.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And we get to see that so evidently at conference. Girls came from all over the world and he moved in every single one of our lives so intentionally and so beautifully. So anyways, I know we're talking forever we could keep talking but we did do a Q&A with the VIP guests. Questions that they asked Krishna and I got to answer and so we want to play all that live from conference and also tickets are on sale for next year already. We are already selling a whole lot of tickets which is crazy. VIP is 80% sold out so if you want
Starting point is 00:17:23 to get that last 20%, definitely go to LO Sister Conference and get your ticket for next year. We are already anticipating, already looking forward to, already have some speakers lined up that we haven't announced yet, but very excited for next year.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Hopefully this next segment inspires you and encourages you and maybe even challenges you a little bit. Christian, what's wrong with you? That was a great segue. Oh, I thought you were kidding. No, I was being dead. No, enjoy this next part of the podcast. NeNe.
Starting point is 00:17:57 If you listened to this podcast for a long time, you know we dive into the hard and messy conversations, including the topic of porn. And the uncomfortable fact is that porn addiction isn't just limited to guys, it's definitely something that girls struggle with too. In 2016, a study found that one in three Christian women are struggling with porn use.
Starting point is 00:18:15 With the way that our culture is right now, we can assume those numbers probably haven't improved. In fact, they've probably gotten worse with social media. Our partners at Covenant Eyes aren't avoiding this uncomfortable truth either. They're actually so excited to share a new resource made for women by women to help overcome pornography addiction and begin the journey to healing. Arise is a free 21-day video series from Covenant Eyes designed specifically for Christian women.
Starting point is 00:18:39 With Arise, you can join a safe, confidential community of women who care about your story so that you don't have to struggle silently anymore. Arise can help you identify your triggers, explore childhood wounds, and also help you understand how even your cycle affects your porn use. Arise is all about helping you find freedom, hope, and a path towards healing.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I absolutely love what Covenant Eyes does because they help you form a community around things that we like to keep a secret and hidden, but there is nothing good that stays in the dark. Friends, you gotta bring it to light. You gotta have people around you. And I love that for women, they have specifically gotten a group of women to say,
Starting point is 00:19:16 okay, how did you struggle? How did you overcome it? Now let's help others do the same thing. Y'all, this is a game changer. If you guys are struggling with this, I highly recommend that you download Covenant Eyes and do the Arise program. Experience hope and freedom like never before with Arise.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Get this resource completely free by scanning the QR code on your screen or visiting ariseforwomen.com. Again, that is ariseforwomen.com. Friends, I know this is a scary step, but it is a step towards freedom. So I hope you'll take it today. She asked me today to be on it. So I was kind of like a last ditch. No, I did not. I'm just kidding. No, I did not. It was a couple of days ago.
Starting point is 00:19:58 The people, I knew what the people wanted. They want you. You are our, you know, most sought after podcast guests that I have on. That's understandable. I can't. That's a joke. People never think Christian's joking, and he is 99.9% of the time. So you just have to laugh at it.
Starting point is 00:20:19 But no, we're so excited. So what we typically do is do a little Q&A here. And we actually end up putting it on the podcast. So I'll probably do a little intro to the podcast, if you guys don't mind. Let's do it. OK, let's do it. No pressure, no pressure.
Starting point is 00:20:34 All right, no pressure. A live intro. Oh my gosh. OK, I've only done this how many times. Here we go. What is up, Woe That's Good family? Happy Wednesday. Welcome back to the Woe That's Good podcast.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I hope you're having a great week, but per usual, it's about to get so much better. But for real, is that our intro? I think it should be. I think it should be, and all of you guys will be like, yeah, I was there for that. Guys, if you're listening to this podcast, we are here in Monroe, Louisiana at the LO Sister Conference.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Come on, guys. Make yourself known. Let's go. We had the VIP people in the house. They have traveled from far and wide to be here. And you guys actually sent in your questions. And there was a lot of questions, I'm not going to lie. And we definitely don't have time to go through all of them
Starting point is 00:21:22 as much as I truly wish we could, because all of you are so special. Some of you guys, I was like, I think we need to hang out and be best friends, because yeah, there's my best friends right there. Their laugh was so contagious. I was like, you got me laughing. Anywho, you guys are all awesome,
Starting point is 00:21:39 and I hope to get to as many questions as we can in our short amount of time. But if we don't get to it, just know we have so much this weekend to unpack. I mean, truly, I wish I could tell you the details of how God has just put His fingerprints on every single moment. Like yesterday, we came here and we're praying over everything.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And everyone's like, why am I crying? I just feel like it's just so sweet. You just felt God's presence so evidently. And I pray that you feel that too, that it's just impossible to miss, you know? So we have so much fun ahead of us, but we'll get to y'all's questions. I thought this was, this wasn't really a question, but this was just really fun.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Someone said, would you please have your team put together a list of all the answers to the best piece of advice that's ever been given, questions that you've asked the podcast guest. I know I'm not the only one who loves a positive advice go to reference. So I thought that was a really great idea. And I thought I would kind of share two pieces of advice from the podcast that really stuck with me. I will put you on the spot, even though I know you think you don't know one, but you do.
Starting point is 00:22:44 What do you? Elizabeth Hasselback. Do you remember what she said? You you say all the time. I'll say it if you don't remember. The never say never always know, but that's good. Yeah, but well, Elizabeth Hasselback said on the podcast years ago, this was like years ago.
Starting point is 00:23:00 She said, you never want to be. Yes, yes, yes, yes. You never want to be so right that you're wrong with people. Yeah, that was good advice. And we actually say that to each other a lot. Like, OK, you might be right, but do you want to be so right that you're wrong with that person? You know, sometimes you have to humble yourself and just.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Anybody play pickleball in here? That is often me playing pickleball. Yeah. You know, if it's a shot on the line or whatever. But yeah, no, it's true. It's great advice because I think oftentimes it takes humility to lay that down because oftentimes we do think we're right.
Starting point is 00:23:35 And me being vulnerable, I think I'm right a lot of the time. And that often does sometimes leave me be wrong with people. So heart check for me. Yeah, that's something that I need to work on. But that's a great quote. Don't be so right that me be wrong with people. So heart check for me. Yeah, that's something that I need to work on. But that's a great quote. Don't be so right that you were wrong with people. Thank you for your vulnerability. That was very sweet and very true.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I just feel like the people need that. They did. I did. OK, that was great. And then another piece of advice that has stuck with me, and someone actually asked me about balance, like how do you find balance in your life. And I remember Jen Johnson saying on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:24:07 forget balance, learn how to juggle. And I thought that was really good advice because she goes on to talk about how juggling is a rhythm, right? You got to learn how to juggle and get good at juggling. And then sometimes when you have too much on your plate, you have too many things going, you have to set one thing to the side
Starting point is 00:24:24 and get back in rhythm before you can pick it back up again, which actually is teaching you how to have balance, right? And so I thought that was great advice. Jess Connelly recently was on and said, I took myself out of the competition. That was a great podcast. And she said, I'm not in the competition with people around me.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I'm not going to compete with others. I thought that was so good. So I thought thought great advice to us that we should make a list of advice. So thank you for that. All right. Someone asked, what is your favorite book of the Bible and why? Great question. For me, definitely the book of James. I'm a guy. I love things to be black and white, very plain. And I feel like James is just very blunt with his teaching. And for me, being a one on the enneagram, I like things to be just straight, just give it to me straight.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And I feel like just the way he writes is so, yeah, it's just very straight to the point, very black and white. And I think it's really cool for him, if you don't know James was the brother of Jesus while he was on earth. And James did not believe that Jesus was who he claimed to be until after the resurrection. So even just reading the book of James with that perspective of, man, this is a guy who did not believe his brother was the son of God, you know, for 30 years. And then it wasn't until Jesus appeared to him post-resurrection that he believed who he said he was.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And he wrote this book kind of through that lens. So I love it for so many reasons. I have one brother, so kind of that aspect of it. But yeah, James is super practical, tells you how to live your life and things that you are to do if you are a follower of Jesus. That's great. I love that.
Starting point is 00:26:02 It's actually so funny, your explanation as to why, because it shows how opposite we are. follower of Jesus. That's great. I love that. It's actually so funny, your explanation as to why, because it shows how opposite we are. Because my favorite one is John. I love the book of John, but mainly because I love how it tells all these stories with people's lives with Jesus and how relational it is. Because I love stories.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I love relationships. I love getting in the weeds of it. And I love how it tracks Peter's life and the disciples' lives and Jesus and how he treated other people. I think if you're going to start in a place, I think John's such a great place to start because you get so the heart of Jesus throughout that book. So so good.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And you've been studying something from John. Yeah, well, that also leads me to the next question. Little teaser. Someone said, which woman of the Bible do you find as an inspiration or that has inspired you most in your walk with the Lord? Yeah, well, that also leads me to the next question. Little teaser. Someone said, which woman of the Bible do you find as an inspiration or that has inspired you most in your walk with the Lord? So tomorrow night, I'm going to be talking about the Samaritan
Starting point is 00:26:52 woman. And I don't know if you all have heard that story a million times. I have heard that story a million times, but it has never hit me like it has hit me the past couple of weeks of studying this message. It has just inspired me in so many fresh ways. I cannot wait to talk about her,
Starting point is 00:27:08 but she has definitely inspired me the most, but not just her. I mean, she inspires me so much, but it's the way Jesus loved her and cared for her and knew her and just sent her. Like, I mean, it's just the most beautiful story ever. And I won't give away my entire message for tomorrow night, but I love the Samaritan woman.
Starting point is 00:27:25 She's done a lot of studying on it. Yeah, I'm obsessed. Christian walked in yesterday and I was like studying and I was just like, had tears. He's like, he's like, I'm gonna leave. I think this is a moment for you and the Lord. It's like, you are correct, sir. Okay, this is a great question.
Starting point is 00:27:41 How did you get the boldness and ability to just obey God instantly? That's a good, how did you get the boldness? And maybe that is a, have you gotten the boldness to obey God instantly? Because- Yeah, that's a really good question. I think for me, I was talking about this earlier
Starting point is 00:28:02 with somebody and kind of going back to the book of James. But in one of James's last chapters, there's only five chapters, so there's not that many. But I said that because it's either four or five, I can't remember. But he says, he who knows the right thing to do and fails to do it for him, it is sin. And that verse just hits me from the standpoint of conviction.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I think we all have different convictions. And if you try to look at other people and kind of gauge where you're at to other people, then I think you're gonna kind of disobey your conscience at times, and more so the conscious being the spiritual side. So for me, it's just super simple. It's like, if I know the right thing to do it
Starting point is 00:28:43 and I failed to do it, then for me it is sin. And something that might convict you is different than what might convict me. But if I deliberately disobey what I feel like God's put on my heart, then I know that for me it's a sin. So I think that's what kind of helped me over the years for how do I obey God? And I can't compare my convictions to anybody else. I have to know what the Spirit has put in me and obey that.
Starting point is 00:29:06 So yeah, that, I don't know, I just love that verse because it's super simple. It's like, if you know the right thing to do and you don't do it, then for you, it is sin. So whatever that is for you, you know, lean into the spirit in that, don't, you know, maybe neglect those feelings that you have towards something that you know you shouldn't be doing.
Starting point is 00:29:23 So yeah, it was not an instant thing for me. Obedience is still probably not the most instant thing for me, but you know, we're in a battle with our flesh. So I just love that verse. It's great. I love that. Such a good answer. Friends, it has been such a busy season and not to mention so hot outside, so hydration
Starting point is 00:29:46 is definitely something you have to be intentional about. Hydration isn't just about drinking water, it's about keeping a healthy fluid and electrolyte balance too. Element is here to help maintain that balance in a tasty drink mix that includes everything your body needs and nothing it doesn't. Every pack of Element delivers an essential dose of electrolytes with no sugar, artificial colors, or ingredients that are found in other drink mixes. And it's formulated to suit the needs of everyone, even people who live that keto, paleo, or low-carb diet. Element even offers a sparkling water option. I actually have it right here. You can see the can.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Element Sparkling contains the same formula of essential electrolytes that you already trust, but in 16 ounce can of sparkling water. It's a great way to say no to sugar and stimulant heavy canned drinks, but it's also really good because if you are used to sugary drinks or energy drinks, it kind of gives you that feel that you're getting that, but you're actually putting something good in your body. Element is used by everyone,
Starting point is 00:30:42 from moms and dads to pro Olympic athletes, US special Forces teams, and people like you and me just trying to live a good, healthy life. I love Element, it's a game changer in our family. I used to drink other mixes like this, but it had a lot of sugar in it, a lot of other ingredients. So while I liked the taste, I felt good,
Starting point is 00:30:59 it was still putting things in my body that I shouldn't. And so this was so good because I also love the days. It actually replenishes the things that I'm missing and gives me just the healthy dose that I need. And I definitely feel a different hydration. When we are sick, we definitely have our element around, but even in our day-to-day life, like drinking an element a day has helped us just feel great.
Starting point is 00:31:19 So right now, Element is offering a free sample pack with any purchase. That's eight single serving packets free with any purchase, which is a great thing to try out because you want to figure out what flavors that you really love. Christian and I have different flavors, so it's great to kind of try those sample packets. Be sure to also try the new Element Sparkling. This is a bold 16 ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water, and you can claim your free sample pack today. Visit drinke element.com slash whoa.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Again, that's drink element. D R I N K L M N T.com slash whoa. I would say for me, yes to all of that. 100%. There's a side of it. That's like, you got to just learn to lean into your conviction. And Christian taught me this. I've shared this on the podcast before, but I used to feel like so much shame
Starting point is 00:32:07 whenever I would feel a conviction. And I remember you telling me like, hey, don't feel like shame when you feel a conviction. You should feel love that God loves you so much that he won't let you stay that way. You know, that he won't let you stay in your sin. That there's something in you that goes, this isn't right, this isn't me.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You know, there's something more for me. And so instead of of feeling convicted by something and being like, oh, I'm horrible or I failed, it's like, oh, God, thank you. Thank you for making me aware of that, because I actually don't want to be doing this. I want to be better. So God, through your spirit, make me better.
Starting point is 00:32:38 But then I think there's this other side of this question. And I love how you took it more with conviction, whereas I was thinking of it more like, OK okay getting the boldness and ability to obey God in the sense of like God's asking you to do something and getting to the point where it's just like a yes you know even if it's scary even if it's hard even if it's intimidating how do you get to that point and I remember there was this word that someone told me about years ago, before I did my first LO tour.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And she said, there's this word in the Bible, it's the same word as Samuel, whenever he woke up and he said like, here I am God. And it's the word Henene. And basically that word is like, here I am, but it's more than that. It's like, here I am God, whatever you say, it's a yes. Like I'm here, I'm all in.
Starting point is 00:33:23 No limits, no distractions. There's no limits, there's no distractions. It's just all in kind of yes. And I remember her telling me at the time, you gotta get to the point with the lawyer where you hear his voice, it's Henany. I'm all in, it's a yes. Before you even ask the question, it's a yes.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And at the time I wanted to do that, but I was not there yet, you know? And I'll tell you what got me there though. And not that I still don't have human things, you know, and fears and anxieties and have to talk it out with the Lord a lot of time, but what helped me get to a better place was just actually knowing and loving the Lord.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Because when you know and you love Him, you trust Him. And because now I've seen time after time in each place I've walked in and said, yes, dude, that was scary. He met me there. I had a peace there. There was joy. There was a strength.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Even if it was hard, no matter what it was, I gained my trust in him. And so now it's so much quicker for me to say, yes, Lord, because I trust you. It's kind of like this is a fun example. But Mitchell, he's been running our conference for the past three years. And last night, I got here, and we were going through soundcheck. And I didn't really have anything to say. He's been running our conference for the past three years.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And last night I got here and we were going through soundcheck and I didn't really have anything to say, any notes or anything. And he goes, you're being so nice. You don't have to be this nice. What do you want? What's different? What do you want different? And I said, I just trust you.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Like, you just do such a great job. You know, the first year we were figuring it out together. We're like, maybe we could change this, change this. Last year, change this. Maybe this could lead. And this year, I was just like, I just trust you. If you think it's good, it's good. And I think in the same way, because I've gotten to know him,
Starting point is 00:34:53 I trust his vision for this. I trust how it's going to come together. I just get to step in and say yes. And with God, it's the same way. There's no notes, God. It's just good. It's just a yes. It's just whatever you have for us.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I'm gonna step in and I'm gonna meet you there. And that just comes from a relationship with Him. That comes from a spiritual maturity of knowing Him. And man, it is beautiful to get to that place. But it's not always the case, because we're human. All right, let's see. There are so many great questions. What change did you make that made you grow the most
Starting point is 00:35:28 in your relationship with the Lord? That was a cool question. That is a cool question. By the way, I did not tell Christian any of these questions beforehand, so he's genuinely thinking. So if you're like, wow, he's doing really good, that is kind of, you know, kidding.
Starting point is 00:35:42 So if you're like, wow, he's doing really good, that is kind of, kidding. I think for me, I would say if I've looked at my life the last eight or nine years of really following God, I would say for me, it's just been reading my Bible. I know that sounds super simple. I'm not the best early morning person. I like to think that I can get up early and have my Bible set before the sun comes up and it's super sweet.
Starting point is 00:36:07 But that's really not true. But if I just look at my life throughout college and early on in marriage, now having kids, I think the thing for me, it's just been reading my Bible. Whether that's in the afternoon or at night or in the morning, obviously there's so many things I could say. But for me, it's just actually loving the word of God and just wanting to obey it and wanna learn more about it.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Wanting to ask questions to mentors about it and to friends about it, to study it with guys that I do life with. So yeah, I think just reading the Bible for me has been the way that I've grown in my relationship with God the most. And like I said, I don't do it every day. I would like to try to do it every day, but I don't. So yeah, kind of rambling a little bit, but reading the Word of God has been the thing that's helped me grow my relationship. One of my favorite things about Christian and probably
Starting point is 00:37:00 one of the things I love about him the most is he is so honest. He's like so unapologetically himself and honest and that's something I find so refreshing. So he reads his Bible all the time, but I know him. He's like, I can't honestly say I read it all the time. He wants you to know like, it's not perfect. It's not like I'm up every morning, like I wish I could be there, like I wanna be, but the desire is there.
Starting point is 00:37:23 And that every time you read, you have grown. And I just love you because I know the whole time. I haven't read today. That's why I know. I know that about you because you're so a man of integrity. You're like, I can't say it if it's not true about today. So I appreciate that about you. I will say for me, probably when I just finally
Starting point is 00:37:41 stop limiting what God could do, I think I just put God in a box for so long, based off of just like traditions that I grew up in and ways I thought God moved, ways I didn't think God moved. And I just was a little bit closed off to other things or maybe things, I don't know. I remember one time I just had so many questions about God.
Starting point is 00:38:01 And of course we all knew, there's always gonna be questions. His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than ours. How could we not have questions. There's always gonna be questions. His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than ours. How could we not have questions? There's a lot to ask. But I was just so in my head. And I remember like a mentor kind of figure in my life was like, you gotta stop like overthinking everything
Starting point is 00:38:16 with God. Like just trust him, just step into it. Like don't overthink, you know, just those little details. Just like, just get to know Him, you know? And man, I remember the season in my life where I just wanted to know everything about Him. And not in like asking questions in an interrogation way, but asking questions as like, I want to get to know you.
Starting point is 00:38:37 You know, I want to know who you are. I want to know your character. I'm not overthinking it. I just want to know. And I wanted to know Him for all that he was, like father, son, spirit. What does that even mean? And I was just thinking about this because we just wrote this song and we're actually going to sing it tomorrow night, I think.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And I've written these lyrics and it kind of describes this time of my life. And it was, I want to bow before your throne. I want to chase you like the wind. I want to sit with you like you are just my friend. It's more than I can comprehend. I don't want a God I understand. It's a mystery that you have entered in. And that really represents this time of my life,
Starting point is 00:39:17 where I was like, I want to know every side of you. I want to know the bowing at your throne, the king part, the Lord. I want to know chasing you like the wind. I just want to know your spiriting at your throne, the King part, the Lord. I want to know chasing you like the wind. I just want to know your spirit and how your spirit moves. I want to sit with you like you're my friend, because Jesus, that's what you did. I don't actually need to understand all of you,
Starting point is 00:39:34 because I can't. How could I understand God? But I want to step into that mystery. And so I think the biggest part of my life was just breaking the box, being like, all right, you can't fit in a box. I'm not going to put you in there. And that was a beautiful season in my life.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I think we have time for probably maybe one or two more questions. Okay, let's see, gosh, I wrote down too many questions. You guys asked so many good questions. Okay, well, speaking of reading your Bible, because you said you don't read it all the time, advice when you feel far from the Lord and it's hard to read His word and pray, et cetera?
Starting point is 00:40:16 Good question. I don't know, I feel like, at least for me, and like I said, this might not be good advice to somebody, but for me, I just have to like force myself to do things that I don't really want to do. So for instance, like- Well, I think that's discipline. What is discipline?
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah. Like I think it's the same thing with- Okay, it's discipline. But for instance, like, you know, if, if let's say I'm having a not so great day, I was going to say another word, crappy was the word I was going to say. I was going to say, please say it. Let's say I was having a crappy day,
Starting point is 00:40:57 and I like to work out a lot. That's part of the thing that I like to do. And for me, I view that as a time of worship, and I like to listen to worship music in, I view that as a time of worship and I like to listen to worship music in that time. But there are days where I'm like, look, I just want to listen to some music that's maybe not the most edifying for my life.
Starting point is 00:41:14 But I forced myself to listen to worship because I know it's like, if I choose to listen to this, then I'm gonna be less patient with my wife later. I'm gonna be more prone to maybe snap at honey if she's talking back or whatever. So, it's those moments where like, I, you know, I don't want to listen to worship right now, but I'm going to do it. I don't want to get up in the morning, so I'm going to do it. So, I mean, there are plenty of days, weeks, months where I feel far from God, but I just force myself to do the, you know, just to do the routine and just the mundane things
Starting point is 00:41:42 and ask him to speak to me and to maybe take this, you know, this thing off of me that I'm, you know, not wanting to sit with him or wanting to know him. And I think too, I think when you feel like that, I think it's great you asked that question because, you know, you're confessing that. I think sometimes when we feel like that, we don't want to maybe tell other people that we're not, you know, we feel far from God or we have no interest in reading or praying or whatever. So, I think you have to confess that one to God, not, you know, we feel far from God or we have no interest in reading or praying or whatever. So I think you have to confess that one to God, say, I mean, that's a simple prayer.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Like, God, I don't wanna read my Bible today and I don't wanna pray to you. Well, you just kinda said a prayer, you know? Or, you know, telling a friend that or telling your mentor or your mom or your sister or whatever. So I think just confessing it is the first thing. And yeah, I think just forcing yourself to, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:27 to do things that you don't wanna do. There are not, you know, there are plenty of times where I don't wanna confess something to Sadie or there's plenty of times where, you know, I'm feeling like God's convicted me of something and I don't wanna do it because I do feel far from him. Instead of this conviction, I do feel shame. And I haven't read, I haven't listened to worship today,
Starting point is 00:42:44 I haven't, you know, prayed. And I haven't read, I haven't listened to worship today, I haven't prayed. But it's just when I just force myself to do the routine things that I know I need to do, eventually over time, I do think that, that love will start to grow. So for me, it's just, yeah, forcing myself to do the routine things. ["Goodnight's Rest"] Getting a good night's rest is essential to staying healthy routine things.
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Starting point is 00:44:58 It's good, which you're a really good example of discipline because you work out like every day, even when you don't feel like it, and that's a very hard thing for me to do. If I don't feel like it, I'm really not doing it. However, thankfully the working out thing doesn't matter as much as the spiritual things. But you know, it's interesting because yeah, there are so many times where you're not going to feel like it. You know, you're just not going to feel like it. But go read the songs, you know, like they just brought God into that. They brought God into their sadness, into their sorrow, into the fact that he felt far away.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And what has really helped me so much is journaling. Like I used to be I used to be inspired by people who journal and be like, that's so awesome. That is just not even my personality. Like, I just don't sit still like that. Like, I don't know if I can do that. And like some girls have such great handwriting. And I'm like, if I had that handwriting, I might love it, too. But I'm like, I don't know if I can do that. And like, some girls have such great handwriting. And I'm like, if I had that handwriting, I might love it too.
Starting point is 00:45:47 But I'm like, I don't. So I don't know. But anyways, and then also, I didn't feel disciplined enough where I was like, oh, I hate that days have gone by, and I wish I was more consistent, whatever. I finally just let go of all that and was like, look, the reason I need a journal is because my thoughts are so ADD that if I'm sitting sitting, and I really mean
Starting point is 00:46:06 that, I really actually am ADD, so if I wasn't meaning that offensively at all, I feel you. I'm with you. But my thoughts would just go everywhere. So I'll start praying, and all of a sudden I'm thinking about, you know, what are we going to eat for dinner tonight? And then I see when I'm texting Christian, what are you going for dinner tonight? And then I'm at the store, and I'm like, ah, I was praying, you know? So I know some girls are like, that's me. But if I journal, if I open a book and I have pen to a paper and I don't get distracted,
Starting point is 00:46:35 you know, I just, I get to see exactly what I'm feeling and write it down and finish my thought. And there are plenty of times, if someone read my journal, it would be detrimental. I mean, I let it all out on the journal, you know? I'm like, God, I am mad, I'm sad, I don't feel like praying right now, I am tired, but help me, Lord, give me the strength, give me,
Starting point is 00:46:53 like speak to me. And it's so amazing because then when you look back, you get to see your growth with the Lord, you get to see how he was moving, what he was doing. There are times where I journaled and it felt like he wasn't near and I look back, I'm like, I can't believe I felt that because he was moving, what he was doing. There are times where I journaled and it felt like he wasn't near. And I look back and I'm like, I can't believe I felt that because he was,
Starting point is 00:47:08 like he came in the next week and did the thing, you know? And then you get to see how you track with the Lord. And so I highly recommend journaling it out, talking it out with the Lord out loud, on paper. That's so, so, so helpful for me. And yeah, seasons are gonna be different than others. Some it's gonna feel super exciting. Like right now, it feels super exciting
Starting point is 00:47:28 because I'm obsessed with the woman at the well. Other seasons, I'm like, where do I even start? And it feels like starting fresh again. I will say one thing that is really helpful. I know this is going to sound funny. But my dad always says, I wish everyone had to preach a sermon. Because when you have to preach a sermon,
Starting point is 00:47:44 you force yourself to get into the word. And then by the time you get to the point where you're about to preach it, you're so obsessed with what you're about to say. You've grown so much in the word, that it keeps you in there, it keeps you disciplined. If you don't have that end goal, sometimes it is hard. And so, not everyone has to preach a sermon,
Starting point is 00:48:02 but we all are actually called to go and tell the world. We should all be ministers of the gospel. That's who we are. We're spokespeople. The woman at the well, was she a preacher? No, but she brought her entire town to know Jesus. And so I think if you have it in your mind that you're equipping yourself not just for yourself,
Starting point is 00:48:22 but for others so that you can testify, so that you can go, so that you can testify, so that you can go, so that you can tell, so that you can share. It's gonna help you so much more get into the word because reading your Bible really isn't just for you. It's actually for all the people you're gonna encounter. It's for moments like this, whenever I'm on stage and scriptures are coming to me that I didn't even know I knew,
Starting point is 00:48:44 but I'm like, man, I'm so glad I read that. Because somebody needs to hear that right now. It's active and alive in this room. It's moving people. And so yeah, I would just say have that mindset that it's not just about you. It's not just for you. It's actually for others.
Starting point is 00:48:58 And sometimes whenever you get that in your head, it's actually so much easier. Because you can press past what you feel like because you're doing it for someone else. And yeah, I think you gotta have that just mission in mind at all times, it'll help you so much. Well, I know we're out of time here, but don't worry, because we're literally just getting started.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I know there's a long line outside the doors right now, waiting for me to stop talking. So I better stop talking. But guys, we're gonna have the most amazing weekend. I mean, I am serious. I could not hype it up enough because God's so much greater than what we could have planned. And we're stepping into it with you. I hope you know I'm stepping into it alongside of all of you. God has already ministered to me so much through the process and I know he will in the next day. So I'm so grateful that you guys came.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Christian, do you wanna pray for us as we pray out and pray into a great weekend? Yes, I will. God, we love you. Thank you for this day. Thank you for just this weekend and this conference. God, we just thank you for all these women and these girls who came here
Starting point is 00:50:04 who are maybe even curious to learn more about you and to want to follow you and who just want to love you and serve you. God, we just ask that over this weekend that your word would just be imprinted on our hearts. Father, that you would just illuminate things in our mind and our hearts that we desperately need. Father, that you would send us out of here changed and empowered in Your Spirit, and God, that we would go and make disciples.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Father, that all these words that are sung over us, that are spoken over us, would fall on good soil. God, that it would fall on ears who want to hear and do Your Word. And God, that we would not be like people who glance at ourselves in the mirror and forget what we look like, but God, that we would be people who hear your words, who want to do them, who want to just live it out. So God, we just pray that that would be the theme this week and God, that we would leave here and just go out into a world where the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. And God would just ask that we would add some more laborers to that harvest.
Starting point is 00:51:07 So thank you for just this conference and what you're going to do here. We ask that you just would protect us all here and just put a hedge of protection around this building. And Father, that your spirit would just invade this space and that you would just show these women how loved they are and that they're seen by you. So we love you and thank you for Jesus.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Amen. Amen. Amen.

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