WHOA That's Good Podcast - When I Stopped Letting Feelings Dictate My Life ... | Sadie Robertson Huff & Allie Schnacky

Episode Date: November 22, 2023

Allie Schnacky is about so much more than her social media presence — you've got to hear her "why" behind everything she does, and she does a lot! The YouTuber and JWLKRS speaker and singer chats wi...th Sadie about leading an influencer's life, overcoming the fear of singing, how big a part your feelings should play in your life decisions, and so much more! And we get the whole story of Allie's relationship with Austin: where it started, how it's going, and the one thing Allie says is the MOST attractive quality to bring to a relationship. Sadie and Allie share encouragement for anyone feeling defeated as you work towards what you know God has called you to do — YOU are the best person for the job that God has chosen for you!  https://give.cru.org/first or text FIRST to 71326 — Get a free copy of Sadie and Christian's new book "How to Put Love First" with your gift! https://www.auraframes.com/whoa — Get $40 off Aura’s best-selling frames when you use code WHOA at checkout now through Black Friday and Cyber Monday! https://www.stitchfix.com/whoa — Get 25% off when you keep everything in your Fix! https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 & 5 FREE AG1 travel packs with your first purchase! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I can think back on specific times that I've gotten to share the gospel of people and just seeing faces light up knowing that there's hope, there's a future that their past can be redeemed, it's just the most amazing thing in the world. There's honestly nothing like sharing the gospel with someone else and our friends at crew are doing that all over the world. Crew has missionaries in over 190 countries and they're seeing people come to Jesus every day, but these missionaries are facing some serious financial challenges as you can imagine. So here is where the amazing WoW that's good fam can come in and help. For $25 a month, you can help a missionary continue to spread the world around the world. When you do, crew will also provide meals to five hungry people through their aid ministry as
Starting point is 00:00:38 a thank you, and you'll also receive a free copy of mine in Christian's new book, How to Put Love First. If you haven't heard of it, it's a 90 day devotional challenge about putting love, which actually we're saying, putting God first in your life because God is love. I know it's going to encourage all of you no matter what season you're in and life. So many of you have actually already signed up for this and we just want to say thank you so much for that. You're doing huge work around the world, but the crew missionaries still need more to be done because they're doing more. So we got to be generous and keep giving. Simply text first to 71326 to help today. Just imagine the impact this gift is going to bring by just texting
Starting point is 00:01:15 first to 71326. That's first FIRST to 71326 to help now or visit giveiv.crucru.org slash first. Message and data rates may apply available to us addresses only. It's been so fun as honey's been to talk a lot. I've been able to see just her gift that she has of storytelling. It's so funny. She'll be sitting in the back seat and just telling stories the entire time that make no sense, but they're hilarious.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Emma has been looked at me one day. He's like, she definitely got the Robertson story telling, which is kind of like 95% truth to a story and 5% you just embellish to make it a good story. Y'all know how much my family, we love telling stories. And Audible is the home of storytelling. With Audible, there's always something new to discover or you can keep enjoying all of your favorites. There's an incredible selection
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Starting point is 00:02:47 There are literally thousands of titles, so there's something different for everyone to love I'm actually listening to one called you are what you love and it's been so challenging and so good with the all-in-one app You can listen anywhere any time any place my brother He loves sci-fi all that kind of stuff and he can go listen to all that on a double I prefer more memoirs and non-fiction real kind of stuff and he can go listen to all that on Audible. I prefer more memoirs and nonfiction real life stories and so I can listen to that on Audible. Mary Kate loves different kinds of stories my mom loves business and it's just so cool. In Audible you can get all of that plus podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:15 So new members can try Audible for free for 30 days. Visit audible.com slash woe or text woe to 500-500. That's audible-a-u-d B L E, dot com slash Whoa, or text Whoa to 500 500 to try Audible for free for 30 days, audible dot com slash Whoa. What's up, what up to good fam, happy Wednesday everybody. I hope you're having a great week, but per usual, it is about to get so much better. But you guys, I have someone on the podcast today that truly has been requested so many times and I am thrilled she was going to be on.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I actually got the privilege of meeting her about five years ago, but I cannot wait to hear all that God's done in her life since. Y'all know her, she is no stranger. We have Ali Shinnaki on the pie gas. I'm so excited, Ali, to have you on. What's up, guys? I'm so excited to be here. I am truly so pumped for you to be here. I actually recently did this thing on Instagram, and I was like, who do you want to have on the pie gas?
Starting point is 00:04:22 And I saw your name so many times, I was like, how have I not already had you on the podcast? But it's one of those things where I've followed you forever because we know each other. We met like, was that five years ago or something? I honestly, it feels like yesterday, but I think it literally was five years ago. I think it was, because I think it was 2018,
Starting point is 00:04:43 and you and your brother came to the L.O. event we did in Orlando. That was when we were doing tours and we were with Sterling. We went to Disney that day. Y'all came. It was so fun. And then we kind of stayed connected but really haven't thought since I've just been following along being like whoa. No, God is doing so much in this girl's life. It's so cool. No, same. I, you just said this earlier, but I've been following you from afar.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And what's even funny about it is at our conference, did you know, Naomi called me Sadie. We're all on the same. She's like, yeah, it's, oh my gosh, Sadie, it was so funny. We were sitting on the stage, doing a panel during our conference. And everyone kept telling me they're like, oh my gosh, you and Sadie have got to connect.
Starting point is 00:05:26 You guys have got to connect. You guys are so similar. And I was like, we actually know each other. Then Naomi came in one day, or are sitting on the stage doing the panel. And she's like, yeah, I love what Sadie said. I mean, Ally, you guys are so similar. And I was like, okay, this is confirmation.
Starting point is 00:05:40 You reached out to me right after. And I was like, bro. That is hilarious. That is so funny. Well, it was funny because I've heard that too and I was looking at your conference stuff just before this pie cast and I was like, okay, we actually do kind of look alike.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And then I was like, we do. We actually do. It was really funny. Especially when my hair is natural, it's kind of your color. It's so funny. I know. And is natural. It's kind of your color. It's so funny. I know. And you had the slit right here with the braid.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And I totally do that. And the blazer with the tennis shoes. I was like, OK, I can see how we definitely do look like. And it's so funny. Even just some of your story, which we'll get to later, not to tell all your story at once. But I did see you're speaking. Then you're talking about being nervous to sing in front of people,
Starting point is 00:06:24 which is totally me. And then you did it anyway, and what God is doing. And then even how you started a conference, but it made no sense. And like everything you were saying, I was like, this is crazy. We have so much in common. No, it's so wild. Typically, I would like prepare a podcast with like questions. I was going to ask it.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'm like, you know what? We just have to talk because we have so much in common. And I also just wanna hear the story, but before we get into all the things, there's a question I ask every single person on the Will It's Good Pie Gas to start. And it is a big one, Ali. It is what is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? Boom, go. Yeah, no pressure.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I've actually been thinking about this question because I knew we're gonna ask it the last five days. And it's so hard because I feel so blessed. I feel like I've gotten so many good pieces of advice especially all the different seasons of my life. But I actually feel like God told me exactly what it was right before we hopped on here. Love that.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And I was like, I love when he comes in. And this is honestly, probably the most impactful piece of advice that I have gotten, especially for the season that I'm in and I honestly believe where our world's at right now. And it is genuinely to live on a fendable. Yep, pretty.
Starting point is 00:07:38 It is live, unoffendable. And as he was speaking to me, he just brought a couple verses to my mind that I would love to share. Yes. And Matthew, chapter 24, verse 10, this is the chapter that talks about like when the disciples are like, okay, Jesus, how do we know the signs of the end time are coming and you're coming back? And Jesus talks about persecution and all of this stuff. And one of the verses says in chapter 24, verse 10, and then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And why I bring this up is because, I mean, you face this, I face this, but even if you're not on social media, you're not an influencer, whatever that word is, we all are going to face persecution, we're all gonna face offense, and the day that we're living in right now, it's so annoying because we can't post anything,
Starting point is 00:08:26 we can't say anything without just everyone coming against us. I don't know if you've realized this too lately, but what's so sad is it's even other Christians that are coming against us now. For sure. So where we all live, so offended and so on guard, that we can't speak out at all about what God's calling us to do because there's such backlash. But what I love is Jesus in John chapter 12, verse 47, says this, my phone's got one of those octopuses, so it sticks on everything. It says, if any man hears my words, and believe not, I judge him not,
Starting point is 00:08:59 for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. And what an incredible example of what it's like to live on offended by the one person that could literally be the most offended because he was the most perfect. So that is probably my best piece of advice because you have to live for that audience of one.
Starting point is 00:09:19 You can't please everyone. That is so great. That's such great advice. And especially for the social media world, even if you're not on social media, like you said, this relates to everybody that applies to everyone because it's so easy to take offense.
Starting point is 00:09:30 There's actually a Bible abdivotional I did and it was, I think it's called unaffendable and it is so good and it kind of walks through just how to not take offense and how much offense will affect your life and stuff. But truly, in the social media world, if you are afraid to offend people or you are afraid to get offended yourself, you will literally never be able to post anything because you everything will be something that somebody takes one way or another.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And I've actually been so in my head about that this year, I felt like weird to post anything because I'm like, well, this person might see it from that lens or that person's like, I don't wanna post the good things because then what are people in hard times are like, you know, this is like out of touch or then I don't wanna post the bad things and what are people are like, you don't understand my life.
Starting point is 00:10:15 And it's like all this stuff and I just have come to the conclusion that, you know what, Laura, there is good and there's evil in the world. There's light and there's darkness. There's always going to be both. But like you've given us the capacity as Christians to comfort those in all scenarios. So we are able to rejoice with those who were rejoiced, we're able to mourn with those who mourn at the same time. We're able to be in a dark world and be the light. We're also able to have hard days and bad days, but know that you're so good. So yes, life is crazy. There's, there's all these things coming at us, but like God gives
Starting point is 00:10:50 us a stability to live it and live it well with that steady anchor of him being good and on the throne. And so I just love that you said that because that's something that for me, I've been like, you know, worried about if ending someone or getting offended myself and all this stuff. And if you live like that, it makes you not live, you know, worried about affending someone or getting offended myself and all this stuff. And if you live like that, it makes you not live. You know, it makes you not say everything you're supposed to say. It makes you not post what you're supposed to. Not live how you're supposed to, but if you live in the place of like God,
Starting point is 00:11:17 you've given me this great capacity to live my life fully. And not take offense to things. Be quick to forgive. Not a fit, you know, not worry about if others take offense because that's not my responsibility always. If I'm living in, you know, your will and your truth and I'm not seeking to a fit, I'm just, you know, living my life fully for you. And so I think that is such a great advice because so many of us are paralyzed by that. So, way to preach and back it up with scripture, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:11:47 So, I want to hear about your life because a lot of people follow your family on social media. You're all of the Jay Walker's crew is just so cool and you all are all friends but also family. So, can you just like back it up and tell me a little bit about your family and how y'all kind of came into the spotlight, if you will. Yeah, it's such a long story because honestly, the lords spoke over us even when we were a little that we were all going to be doing ministry together.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And it took a long time. I mean, we didn't start doing that. We weren't really all in the same place until 2020. So we all just believed and held on to that promise that we would be doing things together. I'm sure you from a big family understand like when you're when you grow up close to your family, it is the best thing ever. You want to do life together in every way. And so that was all as a huge desire of our heart. But in the natural it didn't seem possible. We grew up, we had a youth group called Jay walkers that we felt God leading us to start. We did that through when I was in high school, but then after that, we all kind of split
Starting point is 00:12:48 up. So I was in Brazil doing missionary work. My brother was overseas doing country music because that's what the Lord had called him to do in that season. My mom and my sisters were back home and then during quarantine, we all got brought back together, which was such a hard time, but it was also so special for us because it united us together again. And there's just such power in that unity, especially within family. And then we began to bring in our friends to our house
Starting point is 00:13:12 that needed a place to stay, that needed community because that was such a hard time for so many people with being isolated and God called us into social media, which was something I never thought that he would call me into ever. I wanted to be on the mission field, but it's something that my brother was already doing and the Lord said, you need to meet people where they're at. So we did. We met people where they were at.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And at first, it was just silly videos that didn't make sense to me because my heart truly ever since I was young was God, I can't get a normal job. I just want to love you. Like if I sat behind a desk, it wouldn't't make sense. Like, I just want to preach your word. And so when he called me into that with my family, I really resisted at first because I didn't see why he was doing that. I didn't want to swallow it on myself. I didn't want to post videos. I didn't see the natural return with like, I just didn't get it. And I'm so happy that we continue to be faithful
Starting point is 00:14:05 and post relatable family content or videos that didn't seem like they're making an impact because God was making an impact even when we couldn't see it. Even though it didn't look like, oh, I'm going to like tell them all about Jesus all the time. It was pulling them in, making them our friends and having us gain that influence in their life to actually be able to share what was so different about us. And then last year, the Lord called us to start in person events because we could, now the quarantine was over, we did two events last year and then one with all girls were chosen and free and then this year we dropped our first ever worship song called Silence.
Starting point is 00:14:42 God did a work with that. And from then on we put out I think God with house fires and Noah was just on a song with Maverick City called Crazy Love. They're actually all on Torrey now with Maverick. And God called us to do our first ever conference. Three events in which was impossible. You know what I'm talking about girl. You know what I'm talking about. We have we knew nobody like in the Christian realm, especially we knew no one we'd never put on a conference and It is a beast conference There's such beast, but out of obedience, we said okay, God, you know what you've held us in the impossible like this far So we're just gonna set out no obedience to see what you do. And as always, he blew our mind. He continues to every day as he unfolds the next step in his story.
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Starting point is 00:17:01 So you know, sometimes it's just truly about the heart and not about the presentation, but thank, so, Aura, you don't have to worry about that. They'll make it pretty for you. I have gotten horror frames for myself. Also for other people, I love it so much because it's kind of like your own personal social media that you just have with like the closest people to you. They're actually just seeing things on your camera roll that you add. And so I think it's so, so special. And like I said, I love gift giving because I like the intentionality behind it. And this is definitely an intentional gift. From now through Black Friday and Cyber Monday, or is having their best deal of a year, listeners can actually save $40 on the perfect gift by visiting or frames.com
Starting point is 00:17:36 slash woe. That's a you are a frames.com slash woe and use the promo code woe to get $40 off their best selling frames turns and conditions apply I love that so much that is so cool and I it relates to that because you know talking about Christians being hateful on social media sometimes I've found that because I'll post funny things and like me and my husband dancing and being silly and like my family just being ourselves and sometimes I've had people respond and be like, you know, how could you preach the gospel of stairs and dance like this on Instagram or whatever it is You know, oh yeah, and for me, I'm like Because like that's who I am and I think that like to have real relationship with people is not just to always be so serious, which I think that that's great, but that's not even how my relationships are in person.
Starting point is 00:18:29 My friends who we have the deepest spiritual conversations with and I learn the most from are the ones that two hours ago, I was dancing and having dinner with and just having relationship with and it's how my relationship with the Lord is. Sometimes literally I walk outside and I'm just like, God, you're so good and it's fun. And then sometimes it is like crying and being like God Thank you. You know you're about you're my strength in the hard time
Starting point is 00:18:50 So it you have a full relationship just like you with anyone and I feel like social media I want to be the same way I don't always want to be so serious and always just like preaching these these hard words But I think what gives people the ears to hear those harder things and the truth is because they know, hey, I love you. I was just dancing yesterday to the same TikTok you're dancing to. You know, I was just, and that's, there's a difference though. And, you know, being worldly and being like, oh, yeah, I'm going to do all this stuff
Starting point is 00:19:20 to amg a lover. I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about blur in the lines. I'm not talking about like, I'm talking about like, being in the world, not of the world. So I'm talking about just actually being a true follower of Christ, always no matter where you are. And that doesn't have to always look like
Starting point is 00:19:37 explicitly preaching. That can also look like the joy of the Lord that you have in your heart. That can look like the peace that you're carrying. That can look like the love that you have in your family. And can like the peace that you're carrying, that can like the love that you have in your family. And so that's why when people see your family, they go, these people are so fun. They love each other. They're siblings.
Starting point is 00:19:51 You are doing stuff together. They want to learn from you all. They want to be friends with you all. And then you say, hey, let me tell you the truth about Jesus. And then you have a much, you have a softer heart because you're like, these people are normal. You know, you said that at first it didn't make sense because people might have been like, well, how is this Christian or how is this whatever?
Starting point is 00:20:09 But that's just you being you and you are a Christian. So that's what it looks like. And so, I love that. Well, for sure. Like, even when the Lord calls you to do something, there's always gonna be opposition. So we just have to expect that. And I wish that I would have known that
Starting point is 00:20:25 when the Lord first called me into social media because it's so hard to not let the opinions of others in. And I remember like I even had some people that were on my team in Brazil when I first started posting online like them messaging me like on Instagram and just like they didn't understand just like I didn't understand but instead of like believing in like what God had told me because they didn't know themselves and that wasn't their fault They were they don't follow me like all of them like one after the next and they were like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:20:57 Like you're doing this for you and all of these things that I knew in my heart weren't true But that I let the enemy have a playground in my mind with. And looking back now, I realized that that was opposition. It was just a way that the enemy was using to try to distract me. But it was so real in the moment and it was so hard. It confused me so much because it makes you think, am I doing this for myself? Like, my posting the wrong things, like, God, I just want to do this for you, but is it for you or is it for me? And so I would just like encourage all of you guys listening to be so careful, like when
Starting point is 00:21:28 you're walking into something that God's called you to, to be in the council of the wise, but also be careful to let the opinions of other people like confuse you from where God is calling you. Because if you know, he speaks clearly, I knew clear where he had called me. And when you know clear, you almost have to turn off the opinions and just go more. He do. Yeah, absolutely do. I love that. If you get to read the story of Nehemiah,
Starting point is 00:21:49 it's so funny because the same things we're facing now or the same things they were even facing in the Bible. So Nehemiah is in the Old Testament. Sometimes we can look at the Old Testament and be like, you know, I don't understand it ever, but it's so relatable because Nehemiah felt this clear call from God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Starting point is 00:22:05 He was so burdened by it. But he was a cutbearer for the king. So how was a cutbearer about to build a whole wall of Jerusalem? But that's what the Lord said to do. He gave him a burden for his people and ended up getting in the position to be able to do that. You got to read the story. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:21 But to fill in the gap, he was able to do it. All these people rallied around him. But there was this guy named Tobiah and he was kind of like the, the hater on the scene, if you will. And he starts making fun of Nehemiah. And he's like, what are you building? Even a fox could knock that down.
Starting point is 00:22:37 And, you know, I just think about that from like the opposition on social media or like with whatever you're doing that you forgot to do. People looking at you like, what are you doing? Like that's not gonna last. That's not gonna do well. And he was trying to distract me in my, he was trying to get him to stop doing what he was doing. And honestly, like if you're Nehemiah, you could look at it and be like, what am I doing? Like, how could I do this?
Starting point is 00:22:58 Like, how am I supposed to rebuild the wall? This is so much bigger than who I am. But God called me to do it. That's how I can do it. And he had to turn off that, you know, he had to get rid of that distraction and really be serious about what he was doing and remind himself of what he was called to do and what he was burdened to do. So it's so cool that even in the Bible, we see the same things that we're facing now that opposition to what we feel called to do. And you're exactly right. You
Starting point is 00:23:21 got to tune that out and you got to just go for it. And I think, yeah, God's clear with a lot of the times and with what you're doing, like I said, I love what you're doing because you're being relatable, what you're doing is you're being you. You're being authentic and original to who you are. And but yeah, you're still fully following Christ. And I think, you know, to fully follow Christ,
Starting point is 00:23:42 you get to be fully who you are because He created you as who you are. And what you're doing, even though there are things about us that are similar, it's so different than me. Like some of the, like TikToks and stuff you did, if I did that, people will be like, say, what are you doing? Like, because it wouldn't be me, but it is you. And it's working and you're meeting people right where they're at.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And so I think that that's really cool and that's such good advice. I want to ask you about, because I know people learn so much from your relationship and you're all really public with it. Tell me about how you and Austin started dating, because I know there was like a while in between there that everyone was like,
Starting point is 00:24:17 are you not all the things I was even wondering? I was like, okay, are they dating? They have to be dating. Tell us the story. Oh my, guys, when I tell you so many people thought that me and Austin were just dragging things out for views and that could not be further than the truth. Like, I'm not like that. I'm the type of person that I've always had a hard time over sharing.
Starting point is 00:24:40 So when something's going on, I just want to tell everyone everything. And so when it came to me and Austin's relationship, it was seriously. He was my brother's best friend. I've known Austin since I was 14. I never thought me and Austin were going to end up together. People used to make jokes, but me personally, like we weren't even really friends. We had like a weird relationship where we kind of like were weird towards each other. Like we weren't friends at all. So when he started doing content with us in 2020,
Starting point is 00:25:07 I was actually upset about it. I was like, this is so weird. Like he's coming over and now he's like living here on my couch, like this is weird. And then all I can explain, because even my family asks this still, they're like, Ali, what changed? And all I can say is the Lord just moved.
Starting point is 00:25:23 He began to give me an Austin dreams that we didn't even tell each other about. He spoke to us and visions. And there were times where me and Austin were like, maybe this could be a thing. And then we were like, heck no. And we'd separate and then in our word, God would just feel things to us.
Starting point is 00:25:39 In part of that too, how to do with me, I'd never kissed anyone. I'd never been in a relationship before. I was very, very about like ministry that's all I could think. And if this guy doesn't live up to all the things I feel God has in my husband, I'm not even going to mess with it, which had its problems in its own because there was no room for growth. But the Lord just worked on our hearts and it took a long time, really long. But when the time was right,
Starting point is 00:26:06 the Lord really just gave us peace and was like, you know what, this is something that I called you into when you're together. Like it's all about ministry. You guys push each other and your giftings that I've called you into. And he's a part of Daywalkers worship, a part of my family.
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Starting point is 00:28:31 I remember sitting at lunch one day. I mean, I didn't, I don't do this often, but I got the gift of sitting at lunch one day with my great grandma and my grandma, and I was talking to them about who I was looking for this before I was met Christian. And I was just like, I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to do this because I'm not gonna be able to do this often, but I got the gift of sitting at lunch window with my great-grandmother and my grandma.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I was talking to them about who I was looking for this before I met Christian. I was just like, you know, I just want a sweet man, MMO Jolie. You were married to Pepple Shack and he was the sweetest man ever. I just have these high expectations because of who he was and who you're married to. I remember my great-grandmotherutton, she said, well, honey, she said, honey, they don't always start like Pepple Shack. Even Pepple Shack didn't start like Pepple Shack. And it kind of just maybe go, oh, yeah, of course not because he grew to become who he was. Now you look for the man who already has those things going for them who are pursuing
Starting point is 00:29:20 those things. I don't just think you can take anyone and be like, oh, well, they'll grow into it. No, obviously they got to show signs of growth. You know, it's like. Like don't just think you can take anyone and be like, oh, well, they'll grow into it. No, obviously they got to show signs of growth, you know? It's like, you don't have to, like, when you start playing a sport, if you're starting to play basketball, you might not be the best basketball player, but you have the skill sets to show that one day
Starting point is 00:29:34 you can be there with the right coaching, the right training. So you don't just go get the most unethical person and say, you're one day going to be great at basketball. Now you get someone who shows potential in that they're heading in that direction. And I think when I met Christian, it made me go, oh, he has that potential. Like, I can see him being such as like, he is a sweet man, but I could see him growing into the characteristics that I loved about this person or that person, what I've seen and what I expect. And, um, man, four years into marriage,
Starting point is 00:30:02 almost where our anniversary is next week. I don't know how the Thomas podcast comes out, when it'll be, but I've just already seen so much growth and vice versa. I'm so glad he didn't put this expectation on me to be someone that he saw, who's his mom or his grandma, who he thinks is amazing or this, because I gotta grow into that, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:22 And you do, you grow as you go, and you help each other get there. And so, that's really true. A lot of people out there, they're looking for somebody who's not there yet and they're not gonna be and you gotta maybe help them get there with the Lord and they gotta just grow as they go.
Starting point is 00:30:39 So, very good advice. And y'all are very cute together. I don't know how you didn't like him either except for I totally get it. No, and he really does. I used to look at so many things and just going back to what you said, the most attractive quality in a man or in yourself is just a heart that's willing to grow,
Starting point is 00:30:57 a heart that's willing to learn, somebody that's humble, that's like, you know what, I could have done that wrong. And he's so like that, that's like the best. I love that. So I mentioned this earlier, but how you you start speaking, you're super personable, you're super bubbly, you seem very extroverted, you seem great, you know, talking in front of people, great on camera, but you mentioned that you were scared to sing. And that's something that I can really relate to. But I know you've been overcoming that. So why do you feel like you are afraid to sing? And how has God been helping you overcome that? Man, yeah. That's actually something that I have been continuing to overcome every single day. I knew right after the J. Walker's conference that whenever the Lord breaks you free from something,
Starting point is 00:31:41 then he tries to come back and silence you again. So I've been taking voice lessons with Austin every single week since the Joachim's conference to try to stay free. But truthfully, like, I believe that looking back now, I believe the Lord was really moving in my life when I was young through singing. It's when I really felt close to him through singing and dancing particular. I did those a lot when I was young and that was really where I felt close to the Lord. And I believe it's such a pure form of worship, just using what the Lord has given you to glorify him, whether it's through dance, your body,
Starting point is 00:32:15 like whether it's singing in your voice, whatever it looks like, just bringing glory to him through that. And then as I got older, I began to compare myself to those around me. And my brother was in music, and he's always been my top supporter. He is so incredible and always has pushed me out of my comfort zone. As part of the reason why I sang at the J-Walkers Conference, but growing up, a lot of people compared me to him
Starting point is 00:32:37 that were outside of my family, and I began to buy into those lives that the enemy was planting in my life. And because of it, it silenced me not only from singing, but it also stopped me from dancing. I ended up quitting dance too because I was comparing myself with blood over into every other area. And I was very bound and super shy and super insecure about myself, even blended to relationships in my life
Starting point is 00:32:59 with guys where I felt like, you know what, God, like if these people are rejecting me, then they're going to reject me. And honestly, you know what, God, like, if these people are rejecting me, then they're gonna reject me, and honestly, you probably will too. And the Lord just began to break that off of me during quarantine. He spoke to me that I was chosen by him, and the definition of chosen is to be selected
Starting point is 00:33:16 as the best option, and that was the first time I'd really ever heard God speak directly to my identity like that, opposed to just reading things in the Bible, which is so good, but it's different when He speaks directly to you. And so when He spoke that to me, I began to see just Him uncovering and peeling back all of these lies that I had bought into that I didn't even know. I didn't even know I was living in bondage.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I kind of let all those things go. I started my ministry, like I started stepping out in a ton of different areas, but the one thing I held back was singing, because I just couldn't do it. My sister was singing now, the at started Jay Walker's worship, and there was multiple opportunities where I'd pray God if I'm supposed to sing,
Starting point is 00:33:54 not even that he's gonna use it, but just because it was an area of my life that I knew if he said go, I wouldn't, and that's bad. Like the enemy made me think, oh, God's still gonna use me, like in whatever way he wants, and you can bad. Like the enemy made me think, oh, God's still going to use me like in whatever way he wants, and you can still hold on to this little area.
Starting point is 00:34:08 But anything you're not willing to get to the Lord is not little, it's huge. He needs our full surrender to take us where we're going. And so it was always just burdening me and there's so many times I tried to and it might have seemed like it, but then I just allowed the enemy to build those walls right back up or I was gonna speak death of myself.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Oh, you don't want me to sing. I'm not the singer of the group. And those lies, even as jokes, began to just build things back up again. And finally, my first time ever speaking was at the J-Walkers Conference. And I already was like, Lord, I don't know how to do this, but I know you're calling me into it.
Starting point is 00:34:40 So I'm just gonna trust in you, get alone, speak through me. And he gave me a message on the rich man and how God requires our full surrender and that anything we're not willing to give to him we're a slave to. And I was talking, I actually got this from you, I listened to you at past in one time,
Starting point is 00:34:55 and you said, whenever the Lord gives you a message, you preach it in front of your friends. And I was like, you know what? I'm gonna do that. So I preached in front of my sister. And my sister was like, Ali, that's awesome, but you can't preach it.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And I was like, why? And she said, Ali, because you're not free, you're not willing to give up your fear of singing to the Lord. So you can't preach freedom when you're not living free. And I just knew, I just knew that she was so right. And in that moment, I was like, you know what? I'm gonna break it free, Lord.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Like all sign up for the worship team. I'll do it ever. And he began to show me like, no, I want you to sing on that stage in front of everyone there for the first time. And so I remember the meeting before I told everyone, I said, well, I don't wanna make it about me. So if the Lord leads me not to do it, then I'm not gonna do it. But if he tells me to do it, I'll do it. Okay. So nobody will lie on it,
Starting point is 00:35:49 because you know, everyone was coming back on stage to nobody rely on it. But if the Lord tells me to do it, I'll do it. But I don't know. I'm just going to let the spirit. You know, and I walk on the stage and the worship he was on the stage. So I start singing right when I walk on the stage before I talked. And I said, see God, I did it! I'm broken free! And then at the end, at the very end, when no one else was on the stage, the Lord said, okay, now is what I want you to do it. So that I wasn't with everyone else, it was just me alone. And so I did. I didn't even think twice about it, but honestly, Sadie, everyone asks me, they say, Ali, like, were you nervous in the moment? I was so overwhelmed
Starting point is 00:36:32 by the goodness and the power of our God that I did not even think twice. When you truly taste and you see that God is good, you do not care about anything. You want to give everything to him because there's nothing like it. There's nothing like the freedom that you gain when your life is fully surrendered. And so I did. I was not nervous because of him. And I've continued to break that thing down, man.
Starting point is 00:36:59 It's stand off. Break that. Break that thing down. I love that. So I said's so good. So it's so good. Sometimes I can feel overwhelming to keep up with your overall health and there are so many trends that come and go and there are so many seasons of your life.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I mean, for me, I'm in that postpartum, you know, just had a baby a couple months ago, getting back into the routine of things. But if you follow me in Christian for a while, one thing we love that's been consistent for us is AG1. We've been riding the AG1 train for a long time. When we first tried to drink an AG1, you're gonna immediately notice what we did. We noticed this boost in our energy and focused you out the day that was really awesome
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Starting point is 00:38:12 to support your immune health. And with two kids running around the house, you know that you need all the immune support that you can get. So I appreciate that. Christian and I recommend AG1 to literally everyone. That's why you've heard us talk about it on both of our podcasts a lot.
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Starting point is 00:38:45 they are awesome. It should have helped me so much. I mean, I still love a good cup of coffee or tea in the morning, but nothing gives me the best energy like AG1 does. When I started drinking it, I totally noticed a difference. AG1 is the supplement I trust
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Starting point is 00:39:16 that's drinkag1.com slash woe to check it out today. And sometimes you do have to be willing, it's like, Lord, I would rather like make a fool of myself in front of everybody in this room than to not be obedient to what you're asking me to do, you know? And you obviously did it because you sing beautifully and God has gifted you in that and called you to that. But truly, I've come to that sometimes, whereas like before I'm speaking, I'm so nervous, I'm like, I would rather face plan for everyone than walking to subidias because of the joy it brings me to walk in obedience
Starting point is 00:39:49 with you. I mean, truly, he covers you. That's where he meets you with that piece. He meets you with that like, you know, strength, winger, weak. He meets you with that comfort. Like, there's something so special about just doing it afraid and like trusting that he's going to come through because he will every time, you know.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And I love that you were obedient to that. And I also love what your sister said to you because I have a very similar story whenever I was about to go on dancing with the stars. And I actually said no to it at first because I was so scared. And I remember I took my little sister out to lunch the day that I said no And mom was still saying say to you sure you want to say no to this I mean this would be an amazing opportunity You would be light of the world like just so encouraging to me and I was like no no no no And so I took my little sister out she was 11, okay?
Starting point is 00:40:40 So she was not like you know who she is she's amazing now and she was amazing them, but she was only 11, okay? And I was trying to talk to her about like, I can't believe mom, what do you want? What made you do this? Because this is crazy. And think about, I mean, I'm in high school, like I'm gonna miss school. And I'm like trying to tell Bella,
Starting point is 00:40:56 like to get her on my side. And Bella just stops me. I don't know, we were in the drive-through line and she said, Sadie, is this the fear talking or is this Sadie talking? And I just remember being like, I'm a writer line, she said, Sadie, is this the fear talking, or is this Sadie talking? And I just remember being like, oh shoot. And I was like, this is like 100% fear. And my 11 year old little sister just called me out.
Starting point is 00:41:16 And I was like, I'm about to give her an example of like showing her that fear is an excuse not to do something that guys called you to do or open a door for you to do. And I was like, I'm not gonna do that. And if this is for like no one but her to see that I can do this afraid and trust that the word is gonna be with me, then like, I'm gonna do it. And so I literally whipped it around
Starting point is 00:41:39 and drove home mom's office. And I was like, a came mom, I'll do it. And I was just like, I don't even know if I told her what Bella said. I just was kind of like, this is just scary. But I will do it. And honestly, it was really doing that time that God just changed me in so many ways and did open the door to start doing more stuff that I was doing. And like you said, if you're not surrendering one thing to him, it might seem like a small thing, but it's a huge thing. Me saying no at the moment, it was like,
Starting point is 00:42:06 oh, well, I mean, I've never been as berserk as before. Like, it's not really gonna matter, you know, like I'm fine without it. And it was, but doing it, man, God really used that to change my life, you know, gave me the platform that happened. And so, yeah, it's not a small thing. It's a big thing when you say no to what God's asking you to do.
Starting point is 00:42:25 And I can totally relate with the singing thing. I've done the same thing and here recently God's been putting that on my heart again. And that was with the worship team because we started a little worship. And we were worshiping. My little sister loves you guys. Oh, that means so much.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Well, it's been so special. And God has like just taught me so much through it. And I've just been a part of it, but not singing it. I just a part of the writing and the backend and stuff. And so anyways, last week, I came to kind of pitch this idea for the next EP and we were talking about all these things. And then as we begin to talk, I just kind of was faced with what you said. Like, I'm preaching this, but I'm not living this. And then all of a sudden it got turned on me and they were like, what, you need to be doing it
Starting point is 00:43:08 and all this stuff. And so we wrote this song kind of about my testimony and they're like, you have to sing it. And it was crazy because I knew that. Like, I was like, I have to sing this one. And Chidama was there. I don't know if you know Chidama from Passion. And like, she's singing so beautifully.
Starting point is 00:43:24 And so we're all in the room. And I kept being tempted to be like, I mean, Chidama from Passion. And like she's seeing so beautifully. And so we're all in the room and I kept being tempted to be like, I mean Chidama, you could do it. But then I was like, no, because it's not about who's better or whatever. It's about what's original to you and who God created you to be. I love that. You were chosen for this.
Starting point is 00:43:36 You're the best person for this. Not because you're better than anyone else, because you are you and because you were chosen for it. And I think that that's the important thing. It's like, I'm not gonna compare myself to others around me because yes, I'm not gonna be as good as they are, maybe at that particular thing, but I'm the best person for the job God chose me to do.
Starting point is 00:43:58 And I love that that's what you're taking on. It's like, I don't have to be better than Noah at singing. You know, I don't have to be better than my sister. It's not a lot better than everyone in the world because guess what? I might not be, but I'm me and I'm the best for the job He chose me to do. It's her love that you're living that out in your life. So I know you started a ministry and you're big on sisterhood. We are obviously huge on sisterhood over here too. What is sisterhood mean to you and just from sisters that you actually have,
Starting point is 00:44:29 but just the grand scheme of sisterhood and why are you making sure other people have that? Yeah, for sure. Well, I mean, even our conversation we just had, sisterhood is accountability. Like my sisters might be younger than me, but just like ballot, they hold me accountable like nobody's
Starting point is 00:44:45 business in Anna's older sister. Like there are things that I've gone through that they haven't gone through yet that I feel that the Lord's blessed me with because I can go and I can share them so that they can avoid those things. And there's just so much that we can learn from one another, but also just so there's such an attack on godly female friendships. And I felt that a lot of my life growing up, I really didn't have any friends, especially female friends.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I never really felt like I belonged. And you know, the enemy just comes against us in so many ways, whether it is comparison to each other or there's just so much land or so much gossip and insecurity and honestly, like I felt left out a lot growing up. And so my burden really came from a place where I really just wanted to have somewhere that girls that felt left out could be included and they could be loved on. And they could be really shown that you can have female relationships that build you up
Starting point is 00:45:40 that are rooted in Christ. And I'm not going to compare myself to you because God has a unique plan for me. And we need each other to operate in the way that God's called us to. We're more powerful together. And so that's really where it all came from is somewhere that I just, I really have a burden for girls to do life together and cheer each other on
Starting point is 00:46:01 and see what we can do because the enemy is coming against it. So it must be good. It's so true. It's so needed to. When girls are able to champion other girls and not compare themselves, it changes everything. You're able to do so much more. And I think even for the things that you're doing and things I'm doing, they're similar. In a worldly sense, like if we were in another industry, they would say compete with one another. But in the kingdom, you're like, no champion one another because
Starting point is 00:46:29 what we're doing actually helps not just one another. It helps everything. It helps the kingdom grow. So we're actually on the same team. And when you're able to have that same team mindset, then you don't compete against one. It's like, embassical. I keep using basketball because I play basketball, but say, you know, two people go after the ball, and what does everybody say in the stands if they're on the same team? Same team, you're shout out, same team,
Starting point is 00:46:52 like let go of the ball, because you're actually hurting the game, but not letting go, and allowing, you know, the person on your team to continue, because it helps both of you. And I think that's the same way in the kingdom, like rejoice with those who are succeeding whenever they're doing stuff for Jesus because you're on the same team.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Like don't stop the game. Don't hurt the team or the game because you're not willing to let go and to be selfless and let someone else kind of have the ball for a minute. And so I think that's so good and ministry like cheering one another on. We're all on the same team truly if we're really in this bringing people closer to Jesus and add to heaven, then then we are on the same team. So I love that that you're a shout out sisterhood and getting people on that page. So I want to ask you just about your siblings because y'all are so sweet to one another
Starting point is 00:47:40 and so encouraging and I'm sure you'll have you know sibling things and whatnot and tips here and there especially working together and whatnot but like overall you all just are such an encouragement to what siblings can look like and where does that love for one of their come from something your parents helped you do is something that you all just naturally have because it's really a beautiful thing. This episode is brought to you by RBC Student Banking. Here is an RBC student offer that turns a feel-good moment into a feel-great moment. Students, get $100 when you open a no-muffly fee RBC Advantage Banking account and will give another $100 to a charity of your choice.
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Starting point is 00:48:37 ever since we were young. Like, this is gonna sound so ridiculous. But all of our worst fears, those are we all got married and we all had to move away from each other because we just love this season of life so much We just love each other so much and we've been blessed like my brother and all his friends live next door So God's like given us grace through the different seasons But no it really came for my parents like parents parents, I believe, are such a foundational role and like how the family is built.
Starting point is 00:49:07 They are the, besides God, the foundational role. And ever since we were young, like my parents really pressed it upon us that our feelings aren't as important as the mission that the Lord has put over us. And if he's connected us altogether, it's bigger than what we can see in our natural flesh. There's a bigger reason, and it's a kingdom reason why he's made us family.
Starting point is 00:49:29 And so instead of tearing each other down, which sometimes it happens, like we try our best to not, but we fight all the time. Like about stupid things, like your sister's feeling your outfit or your sister. I have one sister that I really so much. But instead of tearing each other down, you really realize, like, we're not fighting against each other, we're fighting against the enemy trying to divide us because there is such a war over family staying together. And we just realized through that obedience and through continuing to not give up and fight
Starting point is 00:50:00 for one another, like the covenant that God has for us that we're so much stronger together and that we need each other. Like I said, we need to be connected because Noah and Ella and I and Newell and my mom and my dad, we all have giftings that the other ones don't have that cannot come out unless we're all still connected. And so that's a decision that we make every single day to stay close, like even today, maybe my brother, like, he is like my best friend. Like we got into a little spout and then he texted me
Starting point is 00:50:26 right before he's like, I love you so much. I want you to know none of this matters because it doesn't. None of this matters. All that matters is that we're living united with one another that we're doing what God's called us to do and that we are pushing forth the gospel. And so that's what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:50:42 That's good girl. I love that. And that quote, your feelings aren't as important as the mission That is good right there because honestly the world's message is totally opposite It's like your feelings are the most important thing and when you live like that That is just a really scary way to live actually to be controlled by your feelings and control by your emotion It really is. I mean your feelings will lie to you all day long. Your emotions will be kuku, no matter,
Starting point is 00:51:07 like, you know, it might just be a bad day and that's just what it is. And all of a sudden, it's like, I'm the worst. I can't do anything. I'm stupid. I'm not lovable. And it's like, what? No, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:51:18 And so I love it. It's like your feelings are not as important that cannot be the top priority, that cannot be the driving ship of our life or else we're going to have a lot of crashes. And so, man, putting that truth above feelings and not just a truth, not just your truth, but like the truth above feelings is so important of the mission that you're on. And so, way to go, mom and dad, and that's just so inspiring watching your family do that. I mean, it really is amazing.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Well, Ali, I feel like we could talk all day about all the things and I've loved hearing more of your story because again, seeing it online is a beautiful thing but getting to hear your heart and what God's actually been doing and why the why behind what you do. I think that's just a beautiful thing. I think that when I started this podcast, and I knew I was gonna be interviewing influential people, I feel like there's an obvious thing to everyone, right? It's like the thing that everyone obviously sees.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Like you're obviously an influencer. You obviously are great at social media. You obviously do all these things. And you always start by Jesus, but like why? What makes that so obvious about you? Why did you start that in that first place? It's such an interesting thing to learn. And so it's cool to hear like,
Starting point is 00:52:29 hey, why we actually do all these videos that might seem silly or gifir whatever it is because we want you to know that we're your friend and that we're fun and we're a family. And then we also want you to know what's behind it all is Jesus. And hearing that why from you today has been just a true gift. It's been really, really cool.
Starting point is 00:52:48 And I hope that those who are listening know that, you know, and in your life, in your own way, in your original, unique, chosen way that God has put you on the earth to do it. You can do the same thing in getting the mission of sharing the gospel out there. And so, Ali, thanks for being a pioneer in that. A great example in that. And I said this in the prayer, but I mean this, a true influencer for our generation,
Starting point is 00:53:10 not for your gain, but for Jesus. It's very inspiring. Thank you so much. I'm so loved being on here. It's been so fun. Well, you'll have to come back for sure. And one day, you'll have to be on our sisters and friends where you'll actually have to get you down here
Starting point is 00:53:24 and we'll be on the couch and do an interview and make it fun. I'm so down. It's great. Well good luck at all your things, love you so much and thanks for being on. Bye guys! you

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