WHOA That's Good Podcast - You Are Loved in the Middle of Your Mess | Sadie Robertson Huff | Sisters & Friends

Episode Date: September 19, 2022

Sadie's good friend — and doppelgänger — Lydia Dozier has some solid advice for us about how her good friend started pursuing a relationship with her and how her heart changed about him. She also... talks about how she went from a no-party girl to a never-miss-the-party girl and when she finally encountered the Lord and had her life transformed. Sadie and Lydia share hope for anyone who hates the cycle they find themselves in but can't find a way to stop. And Lydia describes how surrendering her life to the Lord led her to a role at Fellowship for Christian Athletes working with high school students. May the Lord give us eyes to see and ears to hear, the good and faithful way He cares for us every day. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh my god. What's up sisters and friends y'all. I'm so excited to start y'all. It's Monday off together. This one is gonna be so good because if you loved Elise's pie gas, Elise was my friend who was waiting on a baby and that story was just incredible. I know so many people were resigning with it. Now we have Elise's sister on the pie gas.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Here's another great friend of mine. I'm just so stoked that she's here to share her story. And we just get to talk because honestly, anytime I get to hang out with Lydia, it is a joy. So welcome to the Vigas. Lydia. Woo-hoo. Also my twin, which we don't really see it,
Starting point is 00:00:39 but like is so crazy. Like people stop you all the time and ask you if you're me. Yes, I got that from like, I was like in ninth grade. Like, we were little. And like, we, because we grew up in the same town, we knew of each other, we didn't really know each other very well. But I would go to like church camps or like Chick-fil-A, just the most random places and they'd be like,
Starting point is 00:00:59 do you never get told you look like that? Andy Robertson and I was like, yeah, I do. Actually, it's so crazy. And it's weird because I get the same thing when I was doing her. People would be like, do you know Lydia Dozier? You look so much alike. And I was like, yeah, that is so crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:13 And we both always got told that we look like Miley Cyrus. Which is so funny. It was always you and Miley Cyrus. There's always my two, like me too. It's a liberty look of like. I was like, yeah, those are, I get it all the time. Which you really do look like Miley Cyrus. I don't really see that for me,
Starting point is 00:01:26 but it is weird how many people have said that. Like I legit walked into an airport convenience store one day and someone goes, my god, Miley Cyrus. And I was like, nope. I'm like what? But it's just funny. So we get that all the time. And yeah, we grew up in the same place.
Starting point is 00:01:43 We didn't really know each other. And with Elise like you're new of her didn't know her until I moved back from Nashville and we all kind of got connected and for context as well because Reeves is on the pie-cass Reeves is leading Ella worship and Lydia and Reeves are dating. Yeah he's gonna be so happy you said that. He's like where am I shouting out, I can't wait for Sadie to say that. That's hilarious. Rises like score. Well, it's actually really cool too because by the time this podcast comes out, the dates
Starting point is 00:02:13 won't be the same. But in our life right now, Ella worship actually releases this Thursday or Thursday night at midnight, it's a really Friday. And Lydia and Rises one year is Thursday. Yeah. Which, come on. This is the sweetest day. It's been so much celebration. So much.
Starting point is 00:02:29 That is crazy. I love that so much. Okay, so we're gonna talk about how your Reeves started dating and all that kind of stuff later, because it's just a fencer. Actually, we should start with it. Let's start with it. It's so fun, it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:02:40 It's so funny. Now it's hilarious to look back on the work. Okay, we have to say it because so many people right here might be in the friend zone and they're like, what does this even mean? So you and Reeves were like best friends. Best friends, like the best of friends. My best friend was dating his best friend at the time.
Starting point is 00:02:56 And so that's how we met. And at first it was like, oh he's cool. Like he looks cool. He has long hair, he has tattoos. I was like, he's a fun guy. And it was like immediate best friends. We just, like every day together, but truly best friends, like nothing more, like nothing last is best friends. And it didn't take long for him to, you know, I started like, okay, wait a second. He kind of likes me.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I think he likes me. And I would tell my friends, like, we'd go to his house and hang out, because it was just normal. But then we'd leave and I'd be like, y'all, I think he likes me. I don't know what to do about this. Like, I don't like him back. And what's funny, I was always trying to set one a-al over three, and then y'all were like, no, we're just friends, and you really didn't have any interest.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Like, you really were just his friend. I was really just his friend. Like, it was truly just friends. Like, just friends. And I tried to make that clear too because I started, when I started realizing I thought he was showing interest in me, I was like, in no way want to lead him on. So I was like, how am I like am I leading him on? Like am I like enjoying the tension, am I flirting with him? Like, and I was like, I don't think I am. Yeah. But, but I don't know because
Starting point is 00:04:00 he might have thought I was because he got really bold. Yeah, he was. Which I showed Reeves, like me and Reeves, if y'all don't know this have been for instance, because he got really bold. Really fast. He went, which I showed. He was so brief. Me and Reeves, if y'all don't know this, have been friends since we were literally in diapers. And like, Reeves has always been like 100% if he's like, if he's either 100% in or 100% out. And I remember he kinda started having feelings for you. And he was confiding in one of our other friends who then gave him the advice,
Starting point is 00:04:21 well you should tell her. And what we thought he would do was tell you, hey Lydia, and I would be hanging out with friends, like I'm really starting to like you, but that's not what we, no, he's just like, I love you. I have to tell it, it's just hilarious, because well first of all, the first time he,
Starting point is 00:04:36 like he told me I was beautiful, and that was like the first like, okay, he definitely likes me, and that was when we were like, at a live original event, and I like told you all, he's like, y'all he's getting really bold. And everyone around me is like, Lydia, just go for it.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Like go for it. He's a great guy. Why don't you go for it. And I was like, I just don't know. I don't feel peace about it. That wasn't it. I was just out of it. But literally two days later after that, that's why I say he didn't wait long. He just like jumped right in. Two days later is when he showed up to my house unannounced and comes in the house and he was just like, Lydia, I just have to get this off my chest.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I think I'm in love with him and he'll be so glad I said that, but I actually not. Cause now it's just so sweet because he is just so intentional and he knew how he felt and he was like, I'm not gonna waste either of our time. I know how I feel about you, like I know I want this with you. So, like, do you want this too?
Starting point is 00:05:28 Which, you have to appreciate it because so many girls out there, like, longing for that, like that clarity. And like, so many guys out there who were listening to this podcast, it's like, if you're gonna pursue a woman, like, pursue her. Like, be clear about your intentions. And maybe he came out a little strong, but at least it was clear from day one. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:47 He was actually, there was no confusion there, like on his part, I was like, I know how he feels about me. And that is so sweet now looking back. And it's just so funny, because even then that day, I literally was just like, okay. I was like, I don't know what to say, like, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And then I have to tell it, the next day was, we were at church I have to tell it. The next day was we were at church. And it was the next day. And I hadn't talked to Reeves again. And he leads worship obviously. And so he's up on the stage and he's singing. And I'm on the back seat, like the back view, and I'm crying. Because I'm like, I love him.
Starting point is 00:06:18 But is it as a friend or is it more? And I went to Sadie and Christian. That was literally the first time in only time we've ever been on the Puritima D'Archurch. I love that kind of stuff but like I like to just like go to church, like we do ministry 24-7 so I like to just go church but I was like you know that let's join the Puritima D'Archurch and that'd be great. So join the Puritima team. I try to forget about this moment because now like a couple years later it's so embarrassing No, it's not embarrassing. But I just went to them in like full tears and I was just like I just don't know what to do
Starting point is 00:06:50 And I don't want to lose his friendship, but I just don't think like this. I just don't think this is it Like I was like I don't know but it's this isn't what I want right now I knew that I did know that yeah, and but now it's so embarrassing to think I just like I sobbed to y'all We loved it and they were so to y'all like we loved it And we're so sweet y'all were I really loved and the thing that was really cool And this is like so cool of God is that me and Reeves really have been friends for so long And you were a good friend of mine like you are a good friend of mine Now we've gotten a lot closer and you're a great friend of mine one of my closest friends
Starting point is 00:07:20 But at the time like we were good friends and so I was like well This is really sweet because if Reeves didn, like, that would make me so happy because it's like, really family. And then like, she's my friend, so I'm like, okay, I gotta respect her. Like, she doesn't want this. But I'm like, pray, I'm like, God change your mind, like, change your mind. And it was pretty beautiful because I do think that like, there is something to say, like, it could be the right person in the wrong time. Oh, and like, that was the case there.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Like, it was the right person. You didn't know that at the time. But like, it could be the right person in the wrong time. And like, that was the case there. Like, it was the right person. You didn't know that at the time, but like, it wasn't the right time. Like, you weren't there yet. And so when was it that you realized, okay, I'm gonna give this a shot? It really was like, right person in the wrong time. And now I can look back and see that
Starting point is 00:07:57 because even like, okay, well, to answer that question, I guess first, I kind of like, I knew, even from the first time I said no and I told I pretty much put him straight in the friend zone. I knew that like there was something more, like the reason it was hurting so bad to do that. You know, I was like, okay, I put, I mean, like, I said no to guys before and like, you know, usually it's just like a, you move on and it's like, okay, whatever. But like with him, I was like, did I make the wrong decision? Like it was a constant, like I just wasn't sure. You were wrestling. him, I was like, did I make the wrong decision? Like, it was a constant, like, I just wasn't sure.
Starting point is 00:08:25 You were wrestling. Yes, I was wrestling like a lot. And so I even, like, I talked to some other mentors of mine and I was like, I just don't know, like, did I make the wrong decision? Should I've gone for it? And they gave me good advice too. And it was like, now, like, you've made that decision
Starting point is 00:08:39 and like, you kind of have to give him that space because he also asked for the space. And they were like, you have to give him the space and also pray. And this time, God would do something in your heart and in his heart. And if you all are meant to be together, you will come back together better. But right now, if you might have liked the attention, they're like, it could have been the attention you like. So, humble yourself to admit that if that is the case.
Starting point is 00:09:00 And it's either way. So, it kind of took a lot of humbling of, you know what? If I made the wrong decision like God has this in his hands like it's in his control and so a few months went by and I did I've like kind of put it I was like God I'm giving this to you like this like because it was like a heartache even you know which sounds weird because I was the one who's friends on him but for me I was like I'm losing my best friend in this because he was my best friend yeah and I also do kind of want to say this too
Starting point is 00:09:27 because I tell people now, all the time, like at first with Reeves, like, the main reason now, I can admit I didn't jump straight into it as my own insecurities because I had this vision in my mind of what I was gonna end up with. And I was like, I'm gonna end up with like a six foot six, like, really huge, like Jack Guy. And I was like, I'm gonna end up with like a six foot six, like really huge, like Jack guy. And I was like, and I've done all of that before, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Like I've been with guys like that before, and it didn't work. And now it's like so sweet to see like in that season of like, it was like five months, which isn't that long. But like five months of like, I told him no. And I was like wrestling with that no god truly like changed my heart in my desires. And like it was like, I don't want a that no God truly like changed my heart in my desires and like it was like I don't want a six foot six like big guy anymore I want a guy who like loves
Starting point is 00:10:09 you Jesus like I want a guy who loves you more than he loves me yeah and like serves you before he serves me but because of you know I was like you just changed the desires of my heart which was so sweet and like that is so cool and I'm glad you said because I wanted to say that but I wasn't sure if you wanted to share it But it was like I remember the reason why as a friend I wanted to encourage you to date him is because well of course like I wanted to date him because I love you both But the real reason is like as you were telling me like all the things you like about him Like the only things you didn't like it about him were based on insecurity. I was like yeah
Starting point is 00:10:41 You were like well, I think y' all are at the same height, right? He's a little shorter. Okay, I can't be good. We're past that, it's past it. Yeah, that's real. And that's right, he was a little shorter. And that's real. And honestly, so many girls think that they're like,
Starting point is 00:10:54 I had to have a guy teller in the mirror, he has to be this type of builder. I want it to be like this type of person, an athlete. And then of the day, like that's all gonna fade. You know, like, exactly. And that's what like you told me and other people told me it was like, Lydia, at the end of the day, like that's all gonna fade. You know, like, exactly. And that's what like you told me and other people told me it was like, Lydia, at the end of the day, like,
Starting point is 00:11:08 who do you want to raise your children with? Like, who do you want to do life with? When you're like 80 years old, like, who do you want to take care of you? You know, it's like, he, okay, he's an inch shorter than me. Who cares? Like who cares for this out on like, all of the fullness of like who he is.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And always gonna pursue you in how incredible he is because of one inch difference. And like, I know. And but, but like, that's real. Like, I know it. When you say it like that, you're like, oh, how can I think that? But that's real.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Because like, we as humans, like we're very like, image-driven. And like, you even said, you were like, I loved the way he looks. I love tattoos and it's hard. Ruggedness in his long hair and he's like, he's creative and an artist and he's saying, so like, there's so many
Starting point is 00:11:45 Attractive features to him, but there was one thing in your head that like was making you miss so much of the rest And like it's so cool that you got past that and now obviously y'all been dating for almost a year I'm in there like so in love and have the sweetest relationship and our son Krishna as greatest friends And so like it's just really cool to see how far you've come. And I know so many girls, maybe they're dating their best friend, or maybe they, maybe they're like, this might be their right person. This is a wrong time.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I love how you said. You were like, I kind of had to be like, okay, God, maybe I made the wrong decision, but you're in this. And I think so many people think they're gonna mess up God's plan. And you really, I mean, unless you are deliberately disobeying God and running in the opposite direction
Starting point is 00:12:27 of God, you really can't mess up God's plan. That's like, and that's so much like you can just live in peace knowing that, like if I'm pursuing the Lord and if I'm like doing the things of the Lord, like, I can't mess it up. Yeah, like, no, you know, like he's, because he's in it. Like he's in it with me, he's right beside me, walking it with me. So he will really route you I mean if you're there anything from Jonah Let's take so you run from Let me have a fish slowly you and get you in the right place like that actually is very comforting to me No, it's like okay, I'm gonna do the best I can to follow you God, but even if I Take a lift whenever maybe I should have gone right like you're gonna read it
Starting point is 00:13:02 Yeah, like so good Um, so I want to talk to you about your story because you have such a honestly relatable story to so many people. Like you grew up in Christian home. Yeah. You are a strong Christian now, but there is a little in-between, we got a loss.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah. And I think so many people not only have experience at, but honestly so many people listening to this are in that boat. Yeah. So tell me about high school and college. Yeah. I know. people not only have experience at but honestly so many people listening to this are in that boat. So tell me about high school and college. Yeah, a little shaky. I know.
Starting point is 00:13:28 So, I mean, I did. I grew up in such an amazing home. As Sadie said, at least who was on the podcast to, I don't know, how long, a few weeks ago. She's my sister and it was just, I grew up in like your typical, just amazing Christian home and I did have a great childhood, everything. But then when I got to high school I was leading worship in like the church youth group and everything like I was going to church every Sunday every Wednesday
Starting point is 00:13:52 And I honestly probably could have answered every like Bible school like Bible study Yeah, I know it all I knew it all but I didn't truly know Jesus and I never relationship with him and that was the difference You know and it kind of did start out like in high school, I was kind of like the good girl, you know, like I was like, oh, it's Lydia, like she's a good, a goodie, like she's doing everything right. And then my junior year is when I kind of started to like, you know, well, I'll say this, my mom always told Elise
Starting point is 00:14:21 and I both, if you're gonna serve Jesus, like if you're gonna serve the kingdom, serve the kingdom, but if you're gonna live in the world, like live in the world, don't do both. You can't have one foot in and one foot out. And she always said that. And so it was always in the back of my mind and I always knew that, but my junior year,
Starting point is 00:14:37 I kind of started to do both, you know, because I was still on the worship team at church. And I was starting to kind of put my foot into like the parties and I was like Okay, but everyone goes like I don't have to drink, you know, and so I was like I don't have to drink so I'd go and it was like Lydia's in a party like this is what is she doing here, you know, and then before you knew it it was like Lydia's at the party like it's just normal like that's just what she does that's who she is and And so that was like high school and I was in date,
Starting point is 00:15:05 I was dating all throughout high school and never guys that I should have been dating, you know? And then really it was just like heartache and then like patching it up with something that was not ever going to fix it, you know? It was just heartache after heartache and choosing like drugs, alcohol, sex, over God, you know, and at the time I was like, okay, but like in my mind I was like, I still know Jesus, like I still go to church, I still
Starting point is 00:15:30 sing, I still like, I'm still, I'm still going. Did you think what your doing was wrong? I will say like, I knew what I was doing was wrong. I did know, and I did like, to an extent try to hide it, and I really was just living that like double life of like I was like constantly like going back and forth at this time like in high school especially like I knew right from wrong like that was the thing like I knew right from wrong and I was like this isn't right. Yeah, but it's fun.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah, I was like this isn't right and this isn't gonna like this isn't gonna end good but it's fun right now. And I'm enjoying it. And I was like, and tomorrow I'll get up and I'll wake up and I'll get ready for church and I'll go to church. Yeah, wow. And so that was like, it just kind of started that cycle, but then college happened and it was like,
Starting point is 00:16:17 I was so excited, I was like, I'm gonna go to college, I'm gonna be by myself and like, I can make my decisions for myself. And my freshman year I was in a relationship and I really just like decisions for myself. And my freshman year, I was in a relationship, and I really just kind of unplugged completely from the life I knew, and it turned into, I mean, it was just a life completely a mercenacincine. And at the time, now looking back,
Starting point is 00:16:37 I'd be lying, David, and say it was fun. You know, I had such a mask on. Like, at the time, it was fun in my mind, but looking, yes, I thought it was fun. And looking back, I was like, that was the most empty, lonely, broken time. When on the outside, looking into, I will say this, like, I mean, for me, even my social media,
Starting point is 00:17:00 I looked like I was living the most fun life. And I looked like I was so happy, and I looked like I was in the best relationship, but I looked like I was so happy and I looked like I was in the best relationship But I was really crying myself to sleep every night, you know, and That was my freshman year and I just told you this before Sadie, but Three years ago today. I Remember I didn't know Jesus like I know him now. I didn't know him I was like my friend my father, but I still like I said I still knew the right from wrong and three You knew you knew of him. I didn't know him as like my friend, my father. But I still, like I said, I still knew the right from wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And three. You knew of him. I knew of him. Yes, I did not know him. And I actually, three years ago, I remember, I was just broken, completely broken. And I remember praying, I was like, God, like if this is not the man that you have for me,
Starting point is 00:17:41 like if this is not who I'm gonna marry, you have to help me. Like take him out of my life because I'm not gonna do it. I was like, I just know myself and like, I can't get out of this. Like I was just in a place where I was like, I can't do it on my own.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And it's kind of like now, I just, we have such a sweet God because it's like, oh, so the next day is when this guy came over and kind of in like shock himself was like, I'm breaking up with you. Wow. And kind of in like shock himself was like I'm breaking up with you. Wow. And I remember even then I was like, God, like I don't like I don't even know you but you're
Starting point is 00:18:12 answering my prayer. Wow. You know, and you would think that that would have been like the turning point. Yeah. No, it actually like, but because that was hard. That was so hard. I mean it was like the hardest thing like, you know, and I feel like people can downplay like the like heart of a breakup like that But that's hard. It was hard and I just like I didn't get out of bed for two weeks hard
Starting point is 00:18:33 Like I was like devastated because I mean I was 18 years old But I was like I had already had the whole rest of my life planned in my head with a guy that was not the one. That leads to a lot of hurt. Two weeks of tears in my bed couldn't leave. When I did get up, I got up and went to the wrong place. It turned into that whole fall semester. I went back to college and I was just drowning. My hurt, once again,
Starting point is 00:19:05 like patching it with all of the wrong things. Wow. You know, like I was like, because I remember like when we broke up, I remember the next day I was like, God, like I want to change, like I do, I do want to. Yeah. And I remember like waking up that next morning and like getting like, I saw this graphic that was like talking about choosing joy. And I was I want to like no joy but how do you know joy when you don't know Jesus you know and so I was just like I wanted to
Starting point is 00:19:30 joy but then even still even still I like I took off running in the opposite direction it was like I can't even explain it's still like it was just like oh I'm just so grateful that like God was still pursuing me because I took off running again and I mean again I was patching it with the wrong things. I was patching it with drugs, alcohol sex. And like, it was like, I mean, you, I thought I was at my lowest point. And then I just kept getting like, dug deeper and deeper. And it was like, I was doing that to myself because I knew the answer.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I knew that it was Jesus, but I just didn't know how to let go of things that were comfortable, you know? And so That was all going on and now I can still look back though and see even in that like in my darkest moments like God was pursuing me the whole time and it's just so Humbling it really is because it's like he was there Yeah, and it's just so crazy when I think about it because it's like I may sound crazy and people may not believe it,
Starting point is 00:20:27 but I would literally like wake up like a next morning after like a night out and not even remember coming home. And I'd wake up to my phone playing worship music. Wow. And I didn't do that, you know? Like I did, but like because Jesus did that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:43 And like it was like I would just wake up in tears, it's like, God, like, why are you still here? Like, why do you still want me? Yeah. Like, what do you still want to do with me when like, I knew the whole time as a thing, and it's just so crazy, because he was there, and he was like, the whole time,
Starting point is 00:20:56 he was like, just turn your face to me. You know? He's like, just all you have to do, is just turn your face to me. It's so the prodigal son story. It's like, which is so mint, like that's most of our story. It's like us running from,
Starting point is 00:21:11 it's some extent and yours looks like that. And it's like the father's always there like waiting for you to come home. And even like blessing you in the mean time, like here's your inheritance, like here's the thing that like have to do just because you're my child. Like, you know, I'm still gonna be with you, I'm still gonna pursue you. I'm still gonna be right here with you
Starting point is 00:21:28 and I love how you said like he was answering your prayers like even like it was like before you even like knew him before you even knew him and so many people think like okay well like when I get my life together then like God's gonna love me but like know like God loves you right in your mess like God loves you like God's heart like aches when your heart aches. He cares for you like that. And so like, okay, I love how you're making it so clear that like you're talking to God, you're hearing God, you're talking to God, but you're still drinking and partying, going out and getting what the wrong guy is.
Starting point is 00:22:03 But you're like seeking something good you're seeking happiness But you're seeking in the wrong places, but then there's got on the side. Yeah, when was it that you said that truly was like a Marker like obviously the guy doing that was not the turnaround When was it that it was like okay my life is actually good change and I'm gonna stop pursuing this and how did that journey look because When you're addicted to things it's hard to stop the addiction. So how did you actually make a whole repentance moment? Yeah, well, once again, because like you said, I mean, it's hard when you're in it,
Starting point is 00:22:34 because I still, like with the guy, I was like, I don't know how to stop. Like I don't know how to leave him. And in this, I was like, God, it would be like the weekend, I would go out and then the Monday, I'd be like, I don't know how to stop, I don't want to do it again. Like I don't want to do it again. But I was like, but I don't know how to stop. Yeah, was it, I think it was like, because friends were doing it still, was it because you craved that,
Starting point is 00:22:55 was it because you were trying to numb? What was it that made you like, not want to stop? At the time, like, my community was a community, that that was just the life we lived yeah and it was normal and it was like that's who I did life with was like that was normal and I will even say now like I love those people still I love them so much and like but the truth is is like in that like in that world it's like it's all empty like it really is and like I was like empty the whole time and like my friends were empty like we were just, you know, like it was numbing. Like whether it was like me numbing a breakup or someone numbing
Starting point is 00:23:29 something else, it was all just numbing. And it was like I think my number one thing was like it kind of got to the point where I was like God like I can't do life alone though. And I was like these are my friends because I completely unplugged from church. Like was like, this was my life, you know, and I was like, I can't do like the loan though. And even still, I was like, I have to have people to do life with. And I remember like, I called a friend, I called Elizabeth actually, and I was like, Hey, are you going to passion?
Starting point is 00:23:58 And she was like, Hey, like actually, yeah, me and Summer, which is another one of our friends, she was like, we're going to passion, like come with us. Like, it was an immediate, like, come on. And this is why they know how I'm living. And like, I knew how I was living. But like, they really come with us. Like, come on.
Starting point is 00:24:12 And so we went to passion, 2020. And it was just like, I mean, it was just life changing. Like, it really was. And I was just like, I kind of like went back like with that like fire. You know how, you know, you just sort of like, I was like, this is it. was and I was just like I kind of like went back like with that like fire You know how you know you just sort of like I was like this is it like I'm good I'm gonna get back and I'm not gonna mess up again, and it's like I'm done with that like it's good Wasn't exactly the case you know like I came home and I was I was like God like like I'm going for I'm going for it
Starting point is 00:24:39 And I like deleted like social media for a few weeks and I was like I'm done I'm done and then it really was like I Kind of I went out again, okay? And I went out and it was probably one of the worst nights in my life and it was just like, just awful. I don't know, it's gonna be details, but it was just bad night. And I woke up the next morning and I remember, it was again, like I woke up, I honestly,
Starting point is 00:25:01 like I didn't even remember how I got home and I was like in my clothes from the night before and I was like make up smeared on my face like from crying because I always cried. And I just remember that day though, like I looked at myself in the mirror and this was in February of 2020 and I looked at myself in the mirror and I was like, this isn't who you're going to be, like this isn't who I'm going to be anymore. And I just like fell to my knees and truly, like truly for the first time in my life I said God like forgive me like this is not who I know you've called me to be like you've been here beside me
Starting point is 00:25:31 This whole time and like I'm not gonna live this life anymore. I was like this isn't this isn't who I'm gonna be And like you said the prodigal son it really was because I got in my car And I drove to my parents house, which is like an hour away Still crying boo who I on a Sunday afternoon and I just walked my parents house, which was like an hour away, still crying, boohoo. On a Sunday afternoon and I just walked in the house and they were like getting lunch ready from church and I was like just crying. I didn't say a word, they didn't say a word,
Starting point is 00:25:55 they just dropped what they were doing. It just came and like held me. And they were just like, they just held me and like loved me because they knew. Like they had like first hand, they were my parents. They knew the hurt that was going on. They knew the battle that was going on, because I mean, there was a battle.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Like, Jesus was fighting for me, but the enemy was fighting too. And they just like held me, and that was just like, I mean, right here on Earth, like I had a glimpse of the love of the father, like through my parents. You know? I know this story of crying.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I know. And it's just like, I know. It makes me want to cry every time, but it humbles me too, because I just truly, I can't say that I even did that, because I can't explain why that day was the day that it was like you're done, but it was. And I won't say I was perfect after that, but by any means, by any means.
Starting point is 00:26:41 But even still, after that, once again, I was like, God, I'm all in, I really am all in, but you have to help me still. I was still just admitting that I know I'm weak, I need you to be my strength. And then COVID happened, which I know for so many, was so hard, and for me, it was so hard. I mean, I lost family members to it, but even still, for me, it was like,
Starting point is 00:27:03 I gave my life to Jesus, and then a month later, the world shut down me, it was like, I gave my life to Jesus, and then a month later, the world shut down. And it was like, I had no choice but to like, it was just kind of crazy, like, for me of like, I was like, I know I can't do it, and he was like, yes, you can like here, like go restore your relationship with your family, like begin pursuing me, like build new friendships,
Starting point is 00:27:20 like start fresh, and I did, and like, and it's just so humbling because like he's just so sweet that he gave me that like opportunity and like he heard me through it all. That is so cool. It makes me emotional. It's so cool. I think one thing that's really powerful is it's similar to the protocol sign and I actually had a moment like this too in life and here you are saying the same thing. There's a moment when I looked myself in the mirror And I was like I had make it through my face too. I wasn't living in a bad time of my life And I was like this is not who you are Yeah, you know, and you had the same way you listen to the mirror and you're like this is not who I am
Starting point is 00:27:55 And the product will suddenly have a moment when he's with the pite He's like this is not who I am Yeah, I think that you have to have this moment in your life where like you actually come to terms with the reality of where you're at Where you're like this is like that like I'm sitting here eating the pixel off Yeah, like I'm sitting here and I'm living this life and I'm drowning in sin and I'm numbing everything And I'm doing it because it feels good, but it's so empty and this is not what I'm creative for this is actually not what I made for Yeah, and like in that moment, how do you go from there to life? Jesus, you know, like how do you come from there to dead to alive?
Starting point is 00:28:33 The only thing is the gospel. And like you, for you, it looks like going to your parents and like just letting them hug you and letting them hold you. And like starting with small steps, starting with community, starting with telling your story. I remember when you said across the table at lunch for the first time, you told me that and I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:28:53 Because when you told me that, that was at the end of 2020, I think. Yeah, I was at fall. And this was at the beginning of 2020 and you already were so different that I couldn't even see that. I couldn't even see you in that position. Cause I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:29:08 Cause you were such a different person. Cause like you had just like, I mean, it's like what the word says, like you were walking in darkness and I were walking in light. Yeah. And you looked like so fresh. Oh, I think that's like so cool too.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Like because for me, it was like, I had to get past a lot of insecurity even after that. Of like, everyone knows who I am now. I was gonna ask you that. Was that hard for you? Just like being, because you set a long time ago, you were the Lydia who wouldn't go to a party. Then you were like, a Lydia's at a party.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Then you were like Lydia parties. Like that is what it is. So like how did you get back to like, I think it was like, there was a lot of insecurity and like in the sense of like, I was almost like telling myself, like you're not good enough, like you're gonna mess up again, like you're gonna fall back down again, like just self-deprecating, which is like not what you do,
Starting point is 00:29:54 you know, don't do that. But like you said, I was actually reading this morning and acts and it's like the Saul DePaul converted good. And just like all throughout the Bible, it's just, I've been just like realizing it a lot lately, like the immediately of like, Jesus changed my life that day and immediately, like I changed, like because of what he did.
Starting point is 00:30:11 It wasn't because of me, but it was like, I was not the Lydia that parted anymore. Like I was Lydia, like daughter of the king, like I'm a child of God, you know, like it right then, like God said it and it's done, you know? So it's like, and I did not believe that at first. Like I won't say that I woke up and I was like, yep, I'm good, like I'm past it, like no.
Starting point is 00:30:30 But now I can say that like confidently because it is, it's like, I mean God changed Saul to Paul and like immediately he was outspiriting the gospel. Yeah, immediately. It was crazy. And he was killing Christians. Yeah. I mean, I was doing bad things with you know, like,
Starting point is 00:30:43 he was killing Christians and immediately. It literally says I love that one I don't know why but like immediately he did it. It's like like don't even hesitate like who cares what I did like because Jesus is in me now like I can do this like and it's so cool because even with Paul like God he immediately changes life and he immediately is there preaching but that is not mean that everybody around him and he immediately accepted that. Like whenever God told Ananias to go pray over Saul and to go in the scale, he told Ananias, so you're gonna go and you're gonna lay hands on Saul
Starting point is 00:31:16 and the skills you're gonna be removed from his eyes. Ananias is like heck no. He's like, do you know what to do? Do you know that he was just killing Christians? I'm like, do you know? Cause that was so dangerous for him. Like, if this is not true, if he's not hearing the Lord Gregorl, he's about to get murdered by someone.
Starting point is 00:31:31 But he'd go, and he lays hands, and he prays, and it happens. And then there's a couple of verses later, maybe he's in a chapter, and the disciples are arguing over Paul coming back, and I think it was Barnabas who stood up. I could be watching that, who was like, was like no like he's had a true change There's like one person who was like no like I know this is true like he actually changed and so like That is so true just to make a point that like God really can't immediately change your life And you can draw you out of that and you can truly go from dead to life
Starting point is 00:32:02 And you can truly go from darkness to light and you can truly go from darkness to light and you can truly change. You can walk in being the art of life. That doesn't mean everybody's gonna see that and I think you have to believe it before other people necessarily respect it and see it. And the fruit of your life does the talking. I remember talking to someone about this when I had gone through a rough season and saying, well, like if people knows about me and I start living for the gospel, like, what are people gonna think? Saw me in that other light. And she told me, she said,
Starting point is 00:32:30 let the fruit of your life do the talking. And I remember that was almost like a hard thing to hear because fruit sometimes takes a long time to grow. Like, actually, can take a long time for people to see it. But when people see it, they're like, oh, well now, now they just see you as the fruit. Now they just see you as Lydia.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And that's why I was so shocking to make because I only knew you as Lydia. My friend, my awesome friend, who's so joyful and fun. And love's her friend so well. And now it's just like, wow, that's crazy. And so now, you're so not known for that. Like, you're known for who you are in Christ. And that's the beautiful thing of like,
Starting point is 00:33:03 the oldest, gone, the newest the newest come and your life is Such a testimony of that. So now you work for XDA Yeah, it's awesome like you're full on like ministry and I in a Gali relationships, so like you're and this is 2020. This isn't that long ago Like 2020 was not long ago and here you are. And so like, what's it like now? Like where is your life now? How'd you get involved with FCA and what's life look like? Yeah, well, I know it is crazy,
Starting point is 00:33:32 because even still, like you said, I mean, it's been like two years since 2020. You know, like it's really not that long and I think it would be easy still for me to be like, oh, well, it really hasn't been that long. Like I am, you know, but it's like, like you said, you have to believe it for yourself and like the fruits will grow. Like, as you don't wait for them to grow, they'll like grow with them, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yeah, yeah. And so it was, I started to feel like, well, let me start from last May, I graduated from college. So, 2021, I graduated from college and at the time I had a plan to go get my masters in mental health counseling. But then the school that I was going to lost their accreditation and I found that out like five days before graduation. And so that was kind of like a... What does this mean? Like what's next, you know? And so then I was working out at Camp Chioca last summer also summer camp and I kind of at the beginning of the summer I was like you know what I'm just gonna like do my best to just
Starting point is 00:34:30 be in the moment and like be present out here like pour into these campers like work here in this ministry like love these kids the best I can and then I mean honestly they're like every weekend I was like what is my future what am I gonna? I don't know. And then probably like two weeks before school ended, or not school before camp ended, I really just like, it was just crying, doing worship one night, and I was just like, I felt the Lord put it in my heart, and he's like, you're gonna do ministry,
Starting point is 00:34:57 and like, your story, it wasn't for nothing. Like, I want the story to be used to touch other people, and I was like, I just remember being like, I don't know. I don't know about that. Like, whoo! And you're right on that one. I'm like, come again, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:12 Like, I'm like, I don't know. Um, but I did and I was like, and it was cool though, because while yes, I was like, me? I didn't. I was like, okay, let me call my parents. And so immediately, I was like, okay, let me call them. I called them and I was like, hey, like, I know we've talked about me like getting my degree
Starting point is 00:35:28 and like furthering my like career and that. And I was like, but I think God told me I'm gonna do ministry. Wow. And they were like, my parents are amazing. But they were like, are you sure? Like, yeah, you're sure about that. And I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:41 And they're like, well, what do you wanna do? Like, what does that look like? Like, you know, like, there's not a ton do like what does that look like like you know like there's not a ton of like just options for like females like in like in my mind like in their mind you know and I'm like well I have no idea what it's gonna look like but I know that God is telling you he said it's like I know he was saying it and it's on my heart and it's heavy on my heart and so like I know like something I don't I was like I don't know what so know something. I was like, I don't know what. So it was just that answer of like, I don't know, which is not a great answer to give or to receive.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah. But that was my answer. I was like, I don't know. And so it kind of ended it at that. And they're probably still in their minds like, okay. Can't see what the answer is going to come home and apply for school. And we're going to be good.
Starting point is 00:36:22 But then it was cool, the story of how I got in with FCA is pretty cool. So FCA here has, which FCA is fellowship with Christian athletes. We haven't had that in like five years here. And so the head football coach at the high school. I know that. Really? Yeah, I could. I used to do that.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I know, we had it when we were in school. But they've had it, but not like as, you know, like a leader. So there was no leader for like the, you know, like a leader. So there was no leader for like the past five or six years or something, and the head football coach of the high school I went to actually April of 2021 felt called to FCA full time, and he's been a coach for 20 plus years. And so he just kind of was like,
Starting point is 00:37:00 he stepped down on the limb, trusting like God in faith with what God was calling him to. And he took the position as the full-time area director of S.Y.A. So that goes back to now. So then August 2021 is when school was starting back. And my mom taught at the high school that I went to also at the time still. And so she was talking to some coaches and she was like, yeah, Validia feels like she's called in the ministry, kind of just casual conversation.
Starting point is 00:37:31 And she feels called in the ministry. I don't know what that looks like, just kind of getting off her chest. And one of the coaches heard her and then next thing, the next day, they're at the mall. And this coach, and my mom is talking to Brandon to Jeff, which is my boss now. And Jeff is like, man, I've just really been like praying.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Like that God would send a female to like, to this ministry, like, because he's like, I mean, we need a female, like, you know, like sports aren't just for guys, like, we need a female too. And the coach was like, well, Ms. Dozier's daughter is apparently feeling called in the industry. And so Jeff's like, well Ms. Dozier's daughter is apparently feeling called in the industry. And so Jeff's like, oh, interesting, interesting.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And then next thing you know, at that same day, him and my mom ran into each other at the mall too. And he was just like, Ms. Dozier, I need your daughter's number. Like he's like, and my mom's like, huh? But if you knew Jeff, he is like so on fire for the Lord.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Wow. And he was like, I, like the Lord is like, this is, she's the one. Like she is the female, like I've been praying for. That's crazy. And so he calls me and I like to call and call because I thought it was weird that my football coach was calling me.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I was so late. But then I call him back and it took like a few months of like getting it all figured out and everything. But it was like pretty clear, pretty fast. Like that's that was like the answer. Like that was what God was calling me to. Wow. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:48 It's just crazy. That's crazy. Now it's been a year since all of that, too. Wow. Which is just wild. And when I say it's crazy, because yes, when you try, it wasn't that long ago, but you're spiritual maturity and where you're at in life feels like forever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Like, that's what I love about God. Like time, what is time to God? I know. Like, it that's what I love about God. Like, time, what is time to God? I know. Like, it's just, it's crazy. So, you are so planted and like, so invested in all the things that God is doing. You're like, and now you're literally going around to athletes all over Louisiana.
Starting point is 00:39:16 And like, in our local high schools, and talking to girls who are literally right where you are at. And you're like, and it's just so cool. Cause it's not like, you're a Christian coming in like, don't do the wrong thing. Like, you're like, I've been there. cool because it's not like you're a Christian coming in like, don't do the wrong thing. You're like, I've been there, I've done all that. I can tell you it's empty, but look at what I found in Jesus.
Starting point is 00:39:31 You're the best example for all those girls. And I'm secretly so jealous because I wanna do that job. I wanna go into high schools and talk to girls all day long. It's just so cool. It's just crazy. I mean, because even I literally will go, literally will go to the college I went to. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I'm like, talk about Jesus and I'm like, oh, it's just so humbling. I say it so much, but it really is. Because it's like, I don't deserve to be able to do this. And I'm not worthy to do this, but because God has called me to, like, I can't live with my family. What did you say before the podcast? Like, because of the grace. Yes, God. Yeah, I was listening to sermon last night and it was talking about like,
Starting point is 00:40:07 by the grace of God, one day you can look back and like see him in like all the little moments and stuff. And it's like, it's so true about everything. Like by the grace of God, I can see like he allowed these things and he allowed like all these things because of like right now. Like because like I get to use that now. So like for his glory, because like that's what it's all about,
Starting point is 00:40:25 is to bring his name glory. And it's cool, I was like, no, even the things we go through now, everything's by the grace one day, I'm gonna look back now and be like, oh, there he was. He was right there too. And even just down to the days.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I mean, down to the days, it was the same with the least. Down to Christmas day, when she was pregnant, it's down to the three-year marker and the one-year marker relationship like that is so intentional. If you have the eyes to see it like you will see it. It's so true. You truly do just have to like have the eyes open. Like be willing to like see what he has. Yeah. The little things because it'd be so easy to miss that. So true. Like not to pick up on those little details, but he is a God who cares about the little thing to make the little details and everything matters.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And it's sweet when you can like, just join in with him on that. It's so cool. It's like the classic part. Like give us the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the heart to receive. Like there's a reason you pray those things. Cause it's like, truly like if I have the eyes to see you,
Starting point is 00:41:22 I'm gonna see you. The ears to hear you, I'm gonna hear you. If I have the heart to receive what you're to see you I'm gonna see you. Yeah. The ears to hear you I'm gonna hear you. I have the heart to receive what you're saying. And I'm gonna receive it. And like my life's gonna change for the better. So this is so good Lydia. I'm like every time I get to sit across your friend and hear their story because I know these stories
Starting point is 00:41:36 but it's like it makes me smile, it makes me my mind. So I'm like God is so good. And his faithfulness over every story is so crazy. Like the fact that he is, we have this, an, an, an, a worship our song, promise to the end. It's like, you're the lion and the lamb, Redeemer and a friend. And the reason why we put those four words is like,
Starting point is 00:41:57 he is this big, huge god. That's like faithful to creation and all things. Yeah. But he's also a friend and he's faithful to you personally and like that to me It's just like mind blowing. It's so cool But thank you for sharing your story I know you change girls lives every day when you walk on their school But I know for a fact girls who are listening are being moved and changed by your story
Starting point is 00:42:18 And I love how in the Bible like the first preacher really it was like the woman at the well when Jesus like go and tell Your people it's my favorite. Come on! It should go and tell us your community and people come to know Jesus because of her story. And like I strongly believe that's happening right now all over the world. People who are listening to this because of your story and so. Makes for them my god. Thank you so much. It's so fun. you

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