WHOA That's Good Podcast - Your Fear & Hardest Moments Don't Own You | Sadie Robertson Huff & HunterGirl

Episode Date: June 22, 2022

"American Idol" star HunterGirl opens up to Sadie about the hard moments in her life and how she pushed past them and learned to own her fears. Sadie shares a life-changing message about fear and cour...age from her mom, Korie Robertson. And HunterGirl talks about all the "American Idol" season 20 craziness, the adorable first song she wrote as a kid, and how her genuine passion for working with veterans changed her songwriting. HunterGirl's hit single, “Red Bird,” is available now on all audio streaming platforms. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, well that's good fam. Welcome back to the world. That's good podcast and happy Wednesday to everyone. Y'all today, I'm just gonna tell you we got something special. I am so excited to do now is that we have a hunter girl from American Idol. She had my vote all season and now she's on the low. That's good. Hi, guys. Hunter, welcome to the podcast. Oh, thank you, Sadie. I'm so excited to be here. I've been looking forward to it all week. Oh my gosh. I'm I've been looking forward to it. I was like, I think I'm going to fangirl because I've literally watched you on TV the past few
Starting point is 00:00:40 months and voted for you. And I know that might some funny to people because I'm also on TV And I've been on a show that people vote for but you get so invested, you know like you'll always just get invested in the stories And gosh, it was just so fun to watch your journey. It's just so awesome Thank you. No, I was fangirling so hard. So we I was I was freaking out getting to be on here I've watched you since I was younger and read your books and I've looked up to you for a long time. So it's a full circle getting to be here. Well, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me, it's me.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Well, kind of how this came to be, I'll tell people who are listening so, Hunter was just Hunter Girl, which was on American Idol. And I was voting for the whole way up and I just knew she was gonna be the next American Idol. And Hunter came in second, which is still just incredible. I mean when you think about just the reality of even that
Starting point is 00:01:30 is just insane. And for me, for those who know my story, I was on Dance with the Stars years ago and I came in second as well. And I just remember in that moment truly like, I could not believe I was even in that position to even one bandage with stars to make it to the finale and come in second behind someone who was honestly just an incredible dancer and funny enough Alfonso who beat me in Disbestars was just here about an hour ago. Just visiting, he was passing through Louisiana
Starting point is 00:02:02 and he stopped by and just a friendship that we formed was so beautiful and so I just remember feeling so grateful and yeah like a little sad because you know you wanted to win but also just so grateful for where I was and so I just kind of was like I'm gonna message Hunter on Instagram just tell her like thinking about her and I know how it feels to come in second and just I just remember not even feeling like a loss, feeling like a one because of all the things that I truly did win and it wasn't the end of my career is actually the beginning in so many ways and it wasn't the peak it was just a moment another moment you know because I think sometimes you look at those and you're like how can I get better than this and and then it did you you know? So I just encouraged her and she hit me back up
Starting point is 00:02:46 and one thing led to another and now we're getting to have a conversation on the pie gas. So cool. Oh, I am so excited. Yeah, I remember I just got back home after the finale and you messaged me and I was like, oh my gosh, I was like, I love you.
Starting point is 00:03:00 You know, just having all those emotions and such a crazy year and just feeling so proud of myself and after everything that I've been through that year. So I'm getting that message for me a lot to me at that point. So I appreciate you. That's awesome. All right, well I get to get to the question. I ask everyone on the world that's good podcast. So to start us off, how do you grow? What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given? Boom. Drop that question like it was hot. Drop the mic.
Starting point is 00:03:29 So I've gotten a lot of great advice in my life, but this happened a few months ago. It was right before I was about to leave LA, leave to LA for the last stint of idle, and we're going to the live shows. And I was scared to death. I was really in my head over thinking everything. Just worried, you know, feeling very, very human. And I was shopping with my mom for some outfits to take with me and put in my suitcase that I was gonna live in for the next,
Starting point is 00:03:55 you know, two and a half months. And the little, the lady at the counter, she was talking to me and she was, she was encouraging me and everything. And I was telling her how worried I was because I talked to everybody and She said, well, if God sends you to it, then he'll see you through it Wow, and so that just sent me on my way and I felt I felt so
Starting point is 00:04:21 calm and peace in that moment and so for through every show that I did, I said that, you know, through everything that I'd been through. And so that was probably the best advice I could have gotten at that point in my life. And I'll do that before every show that I ever have because that, I don't think she realized how much that she touched me in that moment. But that's what I really needed. So awesome. Come on.
Starting point is 00:04:43 That's so cool. You know, you just never know when you're going to speak something over someone's life and that's exactly what they needed in that moment. I remember someone told me one time not to ever keep a good thing a secret and it's like in those moments, it's kind of like that. It's like she said one thing to you that probably didn't seem like a big deal to her but that's something that you're going to hold with you every show that you ever perform at every season of your life. When it feels so massive and so big, it's like, hey, if God sent me here, He's going to
Starting point is 00:05:09 see me through it. And, gosh, I can think about that in so many aspects of my own life where I need that advice. So, that is really good. So, it's, you know, saying it right before we got on, just saying a prayer for you. And I was just thinking God for the gift that you have and more than that just who you are. And so obviously, you know, everyone knows you for your voice right now. Everyone knows you for American Idol, but take us back to who is 100 girl.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Like, where did the name 100 girl even start? Who were you? Where are you from? All the things. Okay. So I grew up in Grootley, Logger, Tennessee and Winchester, Tennessee later on. But so growing up, small town, my grandfather, he was a preacher, and so I grew up, I grew up listening to him talk, and I always knew I wanted to be like my grandpa one day.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And got started playing shows whenever I was about 14. My parents would come with me and drive me and watch me through the window, be like, oh my gosh, that's my daughter. And yeah, rotten songs, playing guitar in a small town and just figuring everything out, I always knew that I wanted to do music. And I got to Nashville whenever I was 18. I started school with MTSU and I kind of hit the ground running playing shows. Anywhere they would have me seven
Starting point is 00:06:25 days a week, four eight hour shows and I remember just calling my mom and all my way walking back to my car and just telling her I'm like I'm praying, things work out and I hope one day, you know, I get there. And so this whole experience has been incredible and it just like watching my family go through all they're go through it all with me to every step of the way and so hunter girl the name hunter girl actually happened so my real name is hunter but I was an elementary school and the lady at the front desk she could never know about nobody can pronounce my last name my last name is Walkinowski. Well, yes, 11 letters kindergarten was hard whenever I had to spell my last name.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And so she would always be like, the girl hunter, hunter girl, come to the office and because I was the only girl named Hunter, and then it just kind of caught on and everybody would call me that. And so I guess I'm hunter girl So that's where the name happened from I love that because I thought it must have been like a show name You know whenever you started doing music you decided to go out hunter girl, but that's so cute that it happened when he were young
Starting point is 00:07:37 I love that. That's awesome So you said you were always kind of wanting to pursue music. I was always kind of a passionate of yours Whenever you were little and when you would sing, did your parents already kind of know like you had something special to you? Or when was it that y'all were kind of like, oh, you're actually like really good. I mean, you guys, I mean, I think about that
Starting point is 00:07:59 for people who can't really say. And I'm like, you know, there are moments where you'd be sitting in the shower like, am I good, you know? But then like you're like, you're not really sure. Like when'm like, you know, there are moments where you'd be seeing the shower and you're like, am I good? You know, but then like, you're like, you're not really sure. When was the moment that you're like, wait, I'm actually good. Oh my gosh, you're crazy. I don't think I ever had that moment.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I think I was just like, I was too crazy to give up. I think that's what it was. I was like, I was so happy. But, yeah, I was saying, and my grandpa's church, and I would sing around the house. I drove everybody insane, singing all the time. And so my mom and dad grandpa's church and I would sing around the house. I drove everybody insane Singing all the time and so my mom and dad out. They always knew I wanted to do music I listened to Dolly Parton growing up, but too. I wanted to be as an artist and So they always supported me and I just I just kept running for it ever since I was little
Starting point is 00:08:42 Come on one thing that you just said that I love is that it's too crazy to ever give up. And honestly, I think more people need that craziness, you know, I think that with our culture, a lot of people think, you know, if it's not easy, if it's not working for them, it's not right. But that's so far from true. You know, a lot of things that are worth it are actually going to be really hard. And I think a lot of people think because we live in this culture where it's,
Starting point is 00:09:06 it seems easy to get like famous, you know, you can post one video, go viral and you think you're going to make it. But for you, even though you had like a famous moment, you had this moment I'm making idol, you were actually like grinding, like you were working, like you said, you're singing seven days a week at different places, you're pursuing your music. And so talk to me a little bit about just the times where it wasn't, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:29 cameras, lights, action, close hair makeup, like the hard moments and what kind of helped you push, push forward in those times. You know, there was, there's a lot of hard moments going through music just because everything so uncertain, you know, I remember whenever I was younger and playing shows and just learning how to bring all my equipment in, I'll be packing up my cables, counting my tips at the end of the night and I was like 15, 16. And then going into Nashville, where everybody's trying to make it in music, it's a very, very scary thing and where most people think it was scary.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I was like, well, I'm excited and my parents are like, oh my gosh And you know, I learned so much while playing shows I think that was the really really special part about this journey is I started when I was 14 and I'm 24 now And it's been a ten year process and I remember learning how to do my own sound because we had to figure that out I remember the lots going out and figuring out, okay, I need to do this. I how to do my own sound because we had to figure that out. I remember the lots going out and figuring out, okay, I need to do this, I need to do that. Just learning how to do every part and just learning as you go along,
Starting point is 00:10:32 I felt like all that work that I put into it whenever I was younger, it definitely prepared me for everything that was gonna happen this past year. I couldn't have done this five years ago. I couldn't have. And just to think that all that time and all that work and all those knots where I called my mom and my dad and I was like, hey, guys, like, you know, I'm sorry, like I'm trying my best. And
Starting point is 00:10:54 they're, you know, they're just pushing me on and encouraging me. And there's so many moments where I thought, like I thought about giving out just because of how hard it was. And not everything can you're good enough. and there's so many people out there. But in those moments, you know, I just remembered that, you know, I'm here for a reason and I want to write the songs that are gonna help other people. And maybe that song could help somebody through something and if I give up now, I'm not gonna get to write that song.
Starting point is 00:11:21 That's awesome, that's so powerful. And I know so many people feel that way and different contexts is maybe you're not a singer out there and maybe you're going through college and it's just getting hard or maybe you're pursuing a career that just just seems like you have a long stair step to climb. But you know it's in those moments that you do work hard and even when it seems like things aren't working out that you really are strengthening muscles that you're going to use later. It's just like when you're training in a sport,
Starting point is 00:11:45 it's like some practices get so hard and you're thinking there is like, no way I can do this and you wanna quit and it gets hard, but then when you're in the game, man, you're so glad you've us in your butt because if you didn't have that preparation, you would not feel the confidence you do in the game. And for you to step on an American Idol stage,
Starting point is 00:12:00 man, how scary would that be if you had never words you're about off before and done all the things that you do. Speaking of just kind of that fear and the overwhelming feeling, were you scared when you tried out for Americanado or was that your first time? What was that process like?
Starting point is 00:12:17 Oh for sure. So, you know, I had somebody reach out because we started to zoom auditions. That's how it first began. And so I just got back to Nashville. I had somebody reach out because we started to zoom auditions. That's how it first began. So I just got back to Nashville and somebody had talked to me. They're like, you should do American Idol. I was like, yeah, I'm going to think about it. I'm coming back trying to figure everything out. Literally the next day, I was playing a show. Nobody's ever there. I was just
Starting point is 00:12:42 trying to make rent. A girl comes up to me and she was like, hey, you know, I used to work on American Idol and I think you should audition. And I was like, okay, okay, God, I got your son. I'm gonna do it. I don't know if I don't think I'm gonna make it, but I'm gonna do it anyway. And so I was so scared before my first American Idol audition and getting in there with the judges,
Starting point is 00:13:03 people that I've looked up to for a really, really long time and I really respect. And my mom was there with me at the National Edition and she, I think she had, I think she was more nervous than I was. I was nervous, but she was falling apart. I was, I was like, Mom, I can't look at you before I go in here because you're crying your eyes out and I'm scared. And it's just that moment of just like, okay, I'm just gonna push through it and y'all scared of death singing that song,
Starting point is 00:13:29 a singing riot to them. And I was not prepared for anything that happened after. Well, that's incredible. And I think that's another thing. It's like just because it's hard, it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, nor do it as you should, and just because you're afraid,
Starting point is 00:13:43 it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. My mom always said to me, she's like being afraid is not a good enough excuse to not do something. She's like look you can have other excuses and I might listen to it and I might be like okay, but if you ever come to me and you say I'm not gonna do it because I'm afraid then you're doing it. And I just love that because like I think our generation focuses so much on like not having any any anxiety and it's like sometimes you need a little healthy dose of anxiety to get you going you know because because sometimes that just means it matters just means you care and when you walk in front of Luke and Lionel and Katie and you're doing something that matters to you like it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:14:21 scary and that's okay and you're so awesome that you push through and you've been through so many other moments where you probably felt free that you're saying anyways and man it just prepared you and Luke is actually one of our good friends he's one of my dad's best friends and I love him so much but I can't even imagine having to sing in front of him I would be so nervous oh yeah I was scared to death but, I definitely agree with you about fear. You know, I think if I ever go on a stage where, you know, I'm not afraid, it will be, it will never be a day that I'm here
Starting point is 00:14:53 because I think fear is just showing you what matters in a way in some points in your life. You're like, okay, if I'm nervous and I'm scared and I'm going out of my comfort zone, this means a lot to me. You know, I wanna do a good job. I wanna put my best foot forward. And if I have to go through fear, it just feels so empowering afterwards.
Starting point is 00:15:13 You're like, oh my gosh, I did that. There are so many things in my head that told me that I would never make it through that, but I did it anyway. And that's what I love. Like courage is, basically, courage is knowing you're scared and doing it anyway. And that's what I love. Like courage is basically, courage is knowing you're scared and doing it anyway. And that's what makes you courageous.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Exactly. That's what gives you confidence to keep doing it. Because once you see, you did it once. Like, oh, I can do it again. And I feel the same way as you. I speak a lot on big stages and people I say, are you nervous? And I'm like, yes, I'm nervous.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And they're like, oh, you shouldn't be nervous. You have no reason to be nervous. And I'm like, I actually think it should be, because this is a really big deal, you know? And I'm about to walk up just me in front of thousands of people, and I'm gonna have to fill 45 minutes with words, trying to impact people's lives. And those words matter to me.
Starting point is 00:15:59 So it does carry a lot of weight, and it's okay that makes me a little nervous. And honestly, it helps me really lean on God and depend on my faith because I'm like actually I'm not capable of this moment by myself but I know like by the power of your spirit and what you put in me I can do it and so it's so cool. Man I bet that journey was just crazy. Can you think of any moment during American Idol where you had the realization of like whoa like my life is totally changing.
Starting point is 00:16:25 It was there a moment that you're like, this is actually crazy that I'm in this scenario right now. Yeah, I think it whenever we were there, you just, we were constantly going and going and going. And I think the moment where I find, if everything kind of finally hit me is when we went back to our hometowns. That was just incredible. My hometowns supported me so much whenever I was just a young kid running around trying to learn how to play guitar and playing shows and just to see everybody that showed up. It was just overwhelming
Starting point is 00:16:57 just how many people that had supported me and that believed in me and thinking that I could do this because I couldn't make it without those people you know yeah, it just that moment of like oh my gosh like they're here that like they showed up I never like I never thought that I would see all those people out there and just to have that moment with them it hit me I was like this this is bigger than you know everything you know there's people out there that maybe might chase after their dreams or somebody that listened to a song that might have gotten through a really hard time and just for me to be a part of that in that whole experience.
Starting point is 00:17:35 It's one of the most incredible moments of my life and we, I think we get through life because of the people that support us along the way because it's lost hard. But if you have people there that love you and appreciate you and believe in you, you know that you can do anything. Absolutely. Man, your hometown was it made me cry. I remember me and my family were watching it and we're all watching the finale and I was like your biggest fan. I was like 100 girls gonna win and then we had a couple members of my family. I know who's gonna win and some others are Leo's gonna win. We're all kind of in different K-Obs and all of y'all are just amazing and incredible people.
Starting point is 00:18:11 But when your hometown was shown, I was like, see, that is the American Idol. And everyone was like, okay, I changed my mind. She's the American Idol. It was just so sweet and it truly, your humility just really, it's shined in that moment. And it just showed how much you care truly about your people and like this deep root of where music even comes from for you
Starting point is 00:18:35 and just your genuineness to it. Because you know, a lot of people are talented, a lot of people are gifted, but not a lot of people have the generosity and the care and use their gift for such good. And that just really, really was shown beautifully in your hometown. And I love how you sat with the veterans and hearing them speak life into you after you had spoken so much life into them.
Starting point is 00:18:58 That is what got me. And it was just so beautiful. So talk to us a little bit about just your passion for veterans and where that concern and some of the work that you do. That moment in the finale, getting to watch that video, because I obviously lived it, but just watching it and having that moment, I was emotional entire time. They've given up so much for all of us. I can't imagine some of the things that they went through.
Starting point is 00:19:27 You know, what I'd basically do is I sit down with a veteran and we talk about what they went through, things they saw during war, and I write a song about that. And they get to keep it forever. We record it. So cool. We play shows and the coolest part is getting a sing that song for the veteran and them getting to keep that forever.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And I think it made me definitely realize like how much music helps and heals people. And I have learned so much from them. And as in my music journey, my writing completely changed whenever I started working with veterans because it's, you know, whenever you're writing for yourself, you're thinking, oh, is this word rot? You know, my singing this the right way is this is this rot? And then it goes, okay, what's gonna make somebody feel something? What's gonna get somebody through this? What's gonna speak to people? And just working with veterans is changed my life and I have a huge military family and I love getting to work with them and I will continue to do that for the rest of my life because they've given up so much for us and if I could do anything for them I'm going to do that.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Come on man that's so good and just such a good reminder of how much they have done for us and do for us and in any way that any of us can give back. You want to do that. And I just love, I love how you hold, I guess you really see the gravity that your words carry. And the Bible talks about that a lot. It says, your words, your tongue holds the power of life and death. And so we can speak words that literally give life to people and I love that that's a
Starting point is 00:21:03 huge part of your writing. Do you remember the first song you ever wrote when you were a little girl? Oh my gosh. Yeah, it was probably terrible. It was probably terrible. I started writing when I was nine years old. And I don't even know what I had to have been going through
Starting point is 00:21:19 like my crayons broke. I have no idea. But hilarious. I wrote about anything and everything, but yeah, I can't even remember. Do I? Oh no, I think I do. I wrote like little...
Starting point is 00:21:35 Oh my gosh, I wrote little songs, but I think there was one that I wrote about a boy in class one day when I, like later on, and I was like, it was called like night and shining armor, and I was like, oh my gosh, my sister still has the video. That was hilarious. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I'm a mess. It was, I just learned how to play guitar. It was, it was a lot. It was a lot all at once, but my sister never lets me forget it. That's for sure. That is awesome. Hey, leave it to your siblings to always humble you.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Oh, yeah. We need that. Everybody needs to sibling to just give them a little humbling. Oh yeah, for sure. So your song that you put out red bird is so good and it's actually really cool because my friend, one of my very best friends, she has this thing where like she really feels like God has given her red birds in different seasons of her life. And she had an aunt that passed away and red birds always reminded her of her aunt and it's actually really cool because whenever we lived in Nashville we had moved like three different times in Nashville because we were roommates and she told me before we
Starting point is 00:22:40 ever moved for the first time she was telling me about the red bird thing and she was like every time my family moved when we were younger, there would always be a red bird at the new house we got to. It just kind of reminded us that our aunt was there. I'm not kidding. The three times we moved, there was a red bird at our house every single time. All three at our new house the day we got there. And it was just so special and you know, I don't know all the ways God works. God's mysterious and he works in a magnitude of ways. And I don't know what it means,
Starting point is 00:23:10 but it was just such a reminder to us that he had us and he had that place that we were going. And gosh, I have another friend that has the thing with Ladybugs and Ladybugs always show up. And you know, it's just his little things. And so what was the red bird for you? And why did you feel like that was a song you wanted to put out? So, my, so whenever whenever I was younger, my mom always told me that whenever I saw
Starting point is 00:23:34 a red bird, it was just a sign that somebody was watching over us up in heaven. And, and I remember she, as she also told me that whenever I saw a red bird to make a wish, she went it flew away, it would come true. And it was right before the first episode of American Idol was going to air and I was driving back to home and I was scared to death. I was like, oh my gosh, I'm about to be on TV. I don't think people are going to like me. All these things in your head that just like drive you down and I was driving down my road and I was talking to God and I was like, hey, I know that you know everything's going to be okay, but could you just let me know? And I saw a red bird flying in front of my car and another one and another one all the way back to my parent's house and I just broke down right outside and just
Starting point is 00:24:19 started crying and I just knew that it was just that same saying, like if he's gonna send you to it, then he'll send you through it. And I was like, okay, I can do this. And I came back to Nashville the next week and I got in a room with two of my friends and we ended up writing that song. And we were all through, just we were crying at the end of it,
Starting point is 00:24:39 just because we were all separately going through something in life where we needed that song. And I left for California probably about a few weeks later. And when it came time for us to cut our singles that we did on the show, I'd send in songs and everything. And Red Bird was the one that was the one that was chosen. And that's the song that if I had to choose one song that was a hundred percent me as a person it would be that song and it feels like I pulled my heart out and laid it there
Starting point is 00:25:11 for everybody just because I had I'd lost so many people in my family I'd lost some of the veterans that I worked with and whenever I was writing that song I was thinking about everybody that I had lost and just to keep going and sometimes you just need to know that you're not alone in this world and so getting to sing that song in the finale, I felt like that was that moment for me where that was why I was there and that was my purpose. I just wanted people to know that they're not alone. I feel like in during, you know, 2020, like that feeling of alone and scare and fear was like so prevalent. And that song, I feel like music had got a lot of people through that time. And wanted to choose a song that was a hundred percent me and that definitely told my story. And about how hard life can be,
Starting point is 00:26:05 but we can always make it through it because, you know, God's always gonna have our backs and show us where we're supposed to go. So using that song was one of the scariest moments because it's like, oh my gosh, this is 100% me. It's not half me. It's not a little bit of me. It's all, it's all everything that I thought.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And so getting a sing that song was one of the most special moments of my entire love. Wow that is so cool and it's so powerful just to know the backstory and you know it's so cool. A hundred is that you put that song out and it is a hundred percent you and it is a beautiful song that's incredible. A Krishna I listened to it a couple times yesterday just known you're gonna be on today. It's such a good song but what I love about it is when you listen to it, you take it personally and I always say that about writing books because when I write a book, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:26:50 oh, this is scary because this is 100% me and it's not the good moments, right? It's the hard moment. It's not like, here's my highlight. It's like, here's all the hard stuff I've walked through and I'm figuring out and God's teaching me. Here's when I was the most afraid and the most weak and the most lonely and this and that and the other. And when I realized after writing my first book as I was so scared because I felt like everyone's gonna see me but when people read my story they don't think oh Sadie went through this they see their story within those words they're relating to that feeling and they're relating to that situation and so when people read my books they're not like oh I can't believe you went through all that they hugged feeling and they're relating to that situation. And so when people read my books, they're not like,
Starting point is 00:27:26 oh, I can't believe you went through all that. They hugged me and they say, I won't do the same thing. Or when you said that, it touched me in this way. And when people hear your song, it's the same thing. People aren't saying, oh, hundreds, this and that. The other other other, they're like, man, thank you, Hunter, for giving me something, putting language to something that's really hard for me to say.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Or, you know, thank you for giving me hope, putting language is something that's really hard for me to say. You know, thank you for giving me hope in a time that has been really sad or helping me fix my eyes above where I'm at. And so I just think it's awesome that you're using music in such a way that it really does help heal people, you know? And it helps relate to people and you're doing something bigger than yourself. I think that's something that really stands out about you and it
Starting point is 00:28:05 stands out when people do that. When they're not just doing something to be the next American idol, although that would be great too, but you're doing something to help people and to move the hearts of people and that you're doing and that you're winning at. And I just think that's incredible. I want to ask you like,, you know, just going forward. Who, you know, because when you step into fame, like fame's crazy, right? And fame makes people do crazy things. But I've, you know, had fame, I guess, if you will,
Starting point is 00:28:39 since I was 14 years old, and people always say, you know, it's crazy that you didn't go crazy. And I always say, well, you know, I could have. And there are certainly moments where fame can lead you to do that. But I just felt super rooted in my family and my faith. And honestly, I was doing it for something bigger than me and it kept me really humble. What are some things as you go forward that you just hope to really say true to?
Starting point is 00:29:07 And this is not a pressure thing, we're all gonna make mistakes. But what are some things that you're like, this is 100 girl and this is who I wanna be as an artist and as a person and as a celebrity, if you will. It's crazy to think about it like that. I know it's crazy. I think that this year has been the craziest
Starting point is 00:29:27 year of my entire life. And I think that I got to know myself a lot more as a person throughout this entire year. And I know that there's, I'm always going to choose and write the songs that people need. It may not, It may not be the most commercial song or anything like that, but I'm gonna write the song that's gonna help people and heal people because going through seasons of life, everything constantly changes and life's hard. And if there's a song that can be written
Starting point is 00:29:58 that gets somebody through, at least like there's three minutes where they don't feel that fear or sad or lonely. You don't want to rock that song. I want to be the person that helps people. That's, I think that's one, that's one of my collins. Like I want to help people just through everything that life throws at us. And I want to be 100% me and honest all the time.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I feel like, you know, riding, you know, you, like whenever you're talking about riding, it just feels like it's your personal diary that you have laid out for everybody to look at. And I don't think that I'm never going to change that. I'm never going to filter myself in that way because you have to say the hard things. You have to talk about these things that you've been through because there's somebody out there that's waiting for somebody to be able to relate to that. You need to hold onto those words and the hard parts alive because somebody needs to talk about it. And so I think I'm always going to be that person that you use to talk about the hard thing and always stay true to myself along the way because it's been a great year, the best year, but I'm always going to stay true to that.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And my family and my home and all that. That's awesome. Hey, well, we're going to cheer you on what you do it because me and all of my listeners are 100-girl supporters and fans and and also more than that friends. And I want to ask you to, what are you looking forward to? I mean, yeah, American, I would just have it. And that's epic. And that's awesome. But what are some things you're working on and looking forward to in the years ago? I am looking forward to everything just laugh in general, but working on new music, want to be playing shows soon. And but yeah, I'm really excited about new music. I had a lot to write about this past year. And so I'm really excited about new music. I had a lot to write about this past year and
Starting point is 00:31:45 so I'm coming back to Nashville and immediately started writing songs again, hit the ground running because I can't rest. That's awesome. Yeah, new music is something that I'm working on and writing the songs and playing the shows and just excited for life, honestly, and I can't wait to see what happens in the future. That's awesome. Well, hey, we're so excited for you. And like I said, cheering you on, you are just as fun to talk to you over the phone as you were to watch it. You know, I'm in Nashville. Good bit. So I'll hit you out one of there. We love to hang out. I know some of my very best friends live in Nashville. So next time I'm there, we'll have to outreach out to you.
Starting point is 00:32:24 But seriously, thanks for being on thecast. Thanks for just being a huge inspiration to so many. And I know there's so much more behind the music and it's fun to get to hear the heart beat behind what you do. Next song you put out, I know everyone's just gonna jump on it. It'd be so excited now to see even knowing your heart behind it. And you're just awesome friend. Love you already and thank you for that we got the chat. I love you, Sadie. Thank you so much for having me on and when you're in Nashville, I better get a phone call.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Girl, you will. We go go to Topgolf. We could be having so fun. That's going to be awesome. I'm excited. you

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