Wolf and Owl - S3 Ep 24: BAFTA Wins & Broken Flies

Episode Date: May 15, 2024

We’re talking… American football caps, Rom’s busy night at the BAFTAs, being amazing at being famous (that’s not us, by the way), the Kat at Tom’s O2 Indigo gig, stand-up outfit malfunctions..., raucous afterparty guests, the phenomenon of Baby Reindeer and Tik Tok ‘hate-watching’. Plus, we read emails about a very appropriate best man speech and a tempting offer to interview a big cat expert on the pod. For questions or comments, please email us at wolfowlpod@gmail.com - we’d love to hear from you. Instagram - @wolfowlpod TikTok - @wolfowlpodcast YouTube - www.youtube.com/WolfandOwlPodcast Merch & Mailing List - https://wolfandowlpod.com A Shiny Ranga Production For sales and sponsorship enquiries: HELLO@KEEPITLIGHTMEDIA.COM Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:31 Want visibly glowing skin in 14 days? With new Olay Indulgent Moisture Body Wash, you can lather and glow. The 24-hour moisturizing body wash is infused with Vitamin B3 Complex and has notes of rose and cherry crème for a rich indulgent experience. Treat your senses with new Olay Indulgent Moisture Body Wash. Buy it today at major retailers. Yo, yo what you want beak or jaws, feathers or fur Sharp teeth or feet with claws, whatever's preferred They'll grant you all last requests to steady your nerves Then podcast the body parts, get severed and served Bring your weak shit, wear the wolf and owler That ain't just a mistake, that's an awful howler
Starting point is 00:01:17 Both of them are known to pull up at your shows Have the crowd witnessing the murder like they rolled in with a gang of crows Fuck their censorship, let Wolf and the Owl. Two very tired animals, as it was. Cringed, Cringed Soles. You've got a lovely cap on today, yeah? It's a nice cap, isn't it, from? I bought it in Lids.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I bought it in more Ravens. I just liked it because it's cold. Unfortunately, when I was in Dublin, I encountered more Baltimore Ravens fans than I liked it because it's called. Unfortunately, when I was in Dublin, I encountered more Baltimore Ravens fans than I have done in my entire life. There's some Americans in the hotel and they go, Oh shit, man, Ravens. I was like, Oh, I just like, I just like the hat. And they look so disgusting. Yeah, I've had that five. Yeah. Yeah, it's a kick in the teeth
Starting point is 00:02:22 for them. And they think they've got a sort of touch point with you. Yeah, because they're like, Oh teeth for them and they think they've got a sort of touch point with you. Yeah, because they're like, oh my God, I'm in Dublin and this guy's actually wearing a hat of my team. Yeah. And then, oh sorry, he's a fucking hipster, fucking wanker. Great.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah. Um, so I want to talk to you a little bit about the Bafters, if I may. Mate, boy, my guy opening. No, no. A fucking monologue, beautiful. No, no, no. it was an amazing piece of work. Thank you. I was very proud of you and Mr Beckett. Shout out Beckett. Shout out Beckett. But that's not what I was saying. I was just saying this, but I was saying before we came on,
Starting point is 00:02:56 I'd arguably say the toughest gig in the game. I think hosting the Brits is probably the toughest. I think what do you ask I think hosting the Brits is probably the toughest and that I mean that no anyway We're on the so Jeff Goldblum. How do you pronounce it Tom? Well? Yeah goblins. Yeah Jeff Goldblum was was there and You can probably call him Jeff now because you've been hanging out with him. Well, it's funny say that so we're still on the red carpet So before we do the show They want to whiz us around to do all the press so that we can do it quickly and then get in and do the show. So they're whizzing us around. We're stood on the red carpet, just behind all the way the interviews are taking place. And Jeff Goldblum comes over to us. And he comes up to Rob and he goes, Oh, hey, so I see you've got a you've gone through the waistcoat. Nice look. And then starts chatting to Rob. I like what you've done with your hair and just starts chatting to both of us like really intently
Starting point is 00:03:52 right and I'm like fucking hell. Jeff Goblin's obviously done his research he's like come over and talk to the host and like seems to have an interest in what we're doing. We're talking to him about two minutes just looking at me going oh I see you've gone for the double breasted. You know, all that sort of charming, sort of pausy, pausy chat chat. And then two minutes into the chat, he goes, so who is this for? And I go, what?
Starting point is 00:04:15 And he goes, who's this, what are we doing here? He thought he was being interviewed. Oh my God. And then we went, no, just, just having a chat. We just having a chat. We just having a chat. I just love your stuff about chaos theory in the first Jurassic Park. I felt like you abandoned it in the later ones a little bit, but, um, and then he sort of just stopped. It was very embarrassing. And then he got moved off for an year. Yeah, awkward man, those by the way, the red carpets and such.
Starting point is 00:04:45 They're really awkward. Yeah they are, they are. I mean you have to do a lot of press afterwards, which is quite awkward as well actually. I sort of felt... After you win one, yeah. Yeah and then also you sort of feel like me and Rob have been on stage for three hours, does anybody want to hear us talk out loud anymore?
Starting point is 00:05:01 I certainly didn't. Yeah, yeah. I'd love to have listened to you Rob mean, I'm literally I'm in a place where I don't even get fired now. I'm like my my stock is so low. You know, when you start thinking you know, like at school parties, when you realize how popular your popularity is waning is when you start seeing it seem like other people sort of popping along who are sort of you're like, Oh, fucking hell,
Starting point is 00:05:23 they're at the BAFTAs. I know man, I do think about, I do think about. Like, look, and this is nothing against him because we've talked about how much we adore him, we love him, he's a great guy. Pete Wicks is at the BAFTAs. Arguably, you'd hope, I'd hope that having won one and but Pete Wicks is there. I was thinking of who else was there, Ladd Baby. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Ladd Baby and his sister. It feels like, you know, when you think, have I upset someone at past? Like, like the part of what I would say is, okay, so I'm just trying to look into the justification of this, right? So if you think about somebody like Pete Wick, so we both respect and admire. Think about somebody like Ladbaby, whose work I'm not particularly familiar with, but is an online presence, right?
Starting point is 00:06:12 So I think there's two reasons you get invited. One, to give the BAFTAs a bit of oomph, online or whatever. This is so pathetic, because I know the other one is to give them a bit of class No, if you're if you're you're either invited because you're nominated or involved in shows nominated or they think you're gonna give it a bit So I I just to give it a bit of content There is other people who invite by the way who are just who have that level of class who are there to? Keep it highbrow to keep me. Oh my God, so and so is there.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Well, I imagine if... Yeah, I imagine there are some people that are just invited because of who they are, yeah. But neither you nor I are on that level, right? So... Well, you're fucking... You're the king of it now. You're like the host of it.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Yeah, Tom. Tom, obviously they have to invite the host, otherwise it's logistically tricky. But what I would say to you is... Tom, obviously they have to invite the host, otherwise it's logistically tricky. But what I would say to you is, what I would say to you is, I've never been invited when I've not been nominated. You know, I just. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:07:13 But you know, when you're watching it and thinking, wow, like, I mean, I've been once to hand out one, I've been once when we won one, but I've not, and I've never been invited back since. To which I think, because you know me and you talk about how you conduct yourself when you've had a few drinks. There's a part of me that goes,
Starting point is 00:07:31 oh God, how drunk did I get at that? But if you're suggesting that you're reasonable that we invited, it's because your star has fallen. I would draw your attention to being in the biggest movie in the world, doing a nationwide tour, and also your huge successful murder successful coming to Netflix. You know, I would say if you're trying to get your little violin out, go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:07:54 No, no, no, no, no. But I do look at you must like I do look at everything. If I'm on a top or he won't go anyway, just because I mean, like, it's one thing to have your photo taken, because you're nominated, or you're presenting an award, or you're hosting. For me, personally, and I don't judge anybody, because there's certain people that absolutely nail taking photos and working the carpet over.
Starting point is 00:08:18 The idea of doing all of that without having any direct involvement in the evening, I can't even begin to take. There's certainly people who just- I couldn begin to take, I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle it. So you know some people are just incredible at being famous. Yeah. You look at them, you go like,
Starting point is 00:08:31 you know who's amazing at being famous? Vernon Kay. Incredible. Vernon Kay. Yeah. He's fucking like, he's like the Ronaldo of being famous. Yeah, and I do want to be absolutely clear, I'm not slating that. I think it's a skill.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Oh no, no, no, I respect it. I think it's amazing. I'll say Vicky Patterson. Vicky Patterson was at the BAFTAs right? Yeah. She came to my gig on Friday night. Everyone, I'd arguably say I just done my tour show, probably the biggest tour show of date like at the Indigo you know in South London. I came off and more of my friends are excited and they're wiser excited that Vicky Patterson was in the green room than anything else. Yeah, I understand that Vicky Patterson came to watch the show, why was she in the green room? Not in the green room, in the bar afterwards. Oh, okay, that's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah, it'll be quite awkward because my wife is also there. Well, you know, it was a big moment, it was the first time my wife has watched me do stand-up since we were first together. First time ever watching you do a stand up? No, since when we were dating, she came to watch me do a, I think it was a Brighton Fringe, and I was gigging in front of about four people, and she was one of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And it was, yeah, a bit of a car crash. And since that day, I found that really unnerving because she really wanted to come see what I did. I was, you know the score with stand up, it's really weird when you get someone you really like and if you're in the infancy of your relationship it could be a bit more noticeable in your mouth if things go fucking wrong, right? So I'm basically like, she'd come, it was quite clear to me I had to do a lot of heavy lifting after that to get our relationship back on track and since then, obviously I gave up for a long time. I didn't do stand up for a long time
Starting point is 00:10:08 It's coming back in the tour. It's obviously got a little one, but she's always had the oh to the indigo earmarks for the Keep this you go. I'll tell you the level of anxiety. I felt having her in the audience. I heard about it was absent I heard about yeah well, cuz cuz flow is there and I didn't want to bother you so I was texting flight to get updates on how you were and She she told me that the the main thing you worried about is that cat was coming to watch the show. Yeah What did she give you? Did she give you a report afterwards? Well, look, this is the truth, right?
Starting point is 00:10:46 I'd love the truth. I would love the truth. I was going to be honest with you. You're my boy, my brother, my brethren. This thing, right? The fear of her watching the show that I've put my heart and soul into for the last 18 months and thinking it's absolute cack and what have I been doing for my life? And also the thought
Starting point is 00:11:05 of your wife sitting and watching you and you're not finding anything you're saying funny when I sat and watched that you do stand up and Kevin do stand up and Rob do stand up and whoever else do stand up, Catherine do stand up and she's pissed herself laughing the thought of her sitting there in the crowd of going oh fucking hell he's not that heavy was paramount. Well, I'd love to unpack this a little bit. Is that your fear or is your fear the fact that you're talking about on stage? What is it?
Starting point is 00:11:34 No, there's two sides to it, so that's the first one. That thought of the person you care for most in the world, not thinking that you're very funny or that you're not, like literally looking at the thing that you love doing the most and going, oh God, you're not very good at it. Like, I've got to find something kind to say afterwards. And also, anyone's been to the show, I talk a lot about our relationship,
Starting point is 00:11:58 I talk about us as a couple, there's some quite personal stuff I talk about between the two of us. Yeah, it's quite overtly sort of sexual and graphic, the sort of stuff you go into. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. First of all, that's the vibe I've gone for. Really disgusting.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I mean, I would say I'm pretty unshockable, but when I came to see you, I gasped on a number of occasions. I wanted the show to be as sexy and raunchy as it possibly could. Yeah, yeah. I thought that's the only way that I'm gonna stand up above,
Starting point is 00:12:23 yeah, stand on the shoulders of John and also as soon as you start to talk about Katherine that the decisions sort of Bert Kreischer it and take your top off and then sort of just sort of stroke your chest Oh, yes, I in Birmingham on Saturday night was so hot the whole audience was I said, I'm so hot here I'm so sorry. I'm like I'm feeling a bit, I felt fucked, I was on stage, I'm sweating. One guy shouted, take your top off. And that then resulted in everyone in the room shouting, take your top off, take your, and I could do it
Starting point is 00:12:53 because Bert Kreisner is, that's his thing, right? Also, I didn't wanna do it. I don't think it's a copyright infringement to take your top off. Yeah, but also, you don't wanna fall into that trap of like, fucking performing. Hopefully the jokes are gonna be the funny thing, not a fucking guy with a fucking gut hanging out.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yeah, sorry Bert. No, I love Bert. No, yeah. Yeah, Bert's one of my favorite. Yeah, yeah. So how did it go? So how did it go? What did Kat say?
Starting point is 00:13:19 So anyway, so yeah, so I do the first half, came off. I think it was a bit rushed. I was so anxious. Also, I will say this, and this is no, my fly's on, so I made the decision to wear a pair of Stone Island cargoes and a black t-shirt as a uniform. So you told me to pick a uniform. Subsequently, I think you were taking a mick,
Starting point is 00:13:40 and I've noticed you don't actually wear a uniform now. So I think- Hold on, hold on, I do wear a uniform but sometimes, so I tend to wear a suit on stage for this tour but sometimes when you're flying it's a bit of a ball like, I don't have to explain it, it's a ball like to take a suit in your suit case. I will say it's one of the best bits of advice because now I used to get anxious about what I was gonna wear on stage now, I don't have to worry about that. So it's one of the best bits of advice because now I used to get anxious about what I was going to wear on stage. Yeah, so it's good advice. There's a part of you, yeah, but also knowing the little prick in you at times and that you are a Machiavellian sort of character that I adore.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I do love this about you because I do sometimes think, was he having a joke? Because I remember ABC, right, I'd done a warm-up with you and then you looked at me and went, the show's great, have you decided on your uniform yet? And I was like, what? And then you said i had to have a uniform for the tour no no no no you're you're first of all the way you've boiled that down is so you it's so fucking reductive i said to you i just i just that was genuine advice take the decision you don't want to be agonizing over what you're wearing every night and also also you want to supercharge this outfit that this is your outfit that when you start fucking Iron Man putting the suit on do you mean it's like yeah which is by the way you said at the time yeah I have
Starting point is 00:14:54 sort of cut that which was a beautiful thing anyhow the flies on these stone island bombs fucking for the second the first time that a pair of them broke was the when I was filming the special in Portsmouth. Yeah And then literally me and your brother backstage chatting I go and put them on and the fucking flight So stone island firstly, what? I hope this story doesn't go badly for Dinesh now what happens? And the flies I've done it's you and Dinesh So Dinesh is now squabbling around with a safety pin
Starting point is 00:15:21 In where my flies are trying to I did it's a G right, he's a very caring guy. Yeah and he will do that by the way when it's not required, he'll offer the safety pin all up. But we can't get the safety pin to take, it's a, so I've then, I thought like, yeah exactly, so then I'm like well, the t-shirts hopefully long enough, it'll disguise it, I then come to a part of my show, I look down and I can then I'm like well the t-shirts hopefully long enough, it all disguised
Starting point is 00:15:45 it. I then come to a part of my show, I look down and I can see how I'm gaping. So then I had to reference it and yeah. So I rushed the first half and then I'm quite anxious because like Catherine's there with friends and I've not heard from her and I'm sort of chatting to Flo. I can tell Flo is very much doing a Gary Lineker with Gaza, sort of like Bobby Robson, like, you know, oh God, like he's falling here. He's like, she's trying to, you know, you know, it's great. And then I get a text from Katherine telling me she enjoyed it. So second half was a joy.
Starting point is 00:16:18 It's really fun. And she enjoyed the show, which is a very special thing. Yeah. But anyway, it's difficult, isn't it? Because actually, if somebody comes to watch the show, what a very special thing. Yeah it's difficult isn't it because actually if somebody comes to watch the show what they're thinking is I'm going to tell this person what I think about the show after the show. Unfortunately what they hadn't anticipated is that we are such needy, thirsty little fucks that if you come to watch the show and we don't hear from you in the interval we
Starting point is 00:16:43 assume that you're not bothering to turn up for the second. I mean, you can see me in reading. I'm texting. I made them bring you back stage to see give me a, tell me what you thought. I was so fucking anxious. So horrible, man. It's like, you know, and then, yeah, but then we went, we go to, we have a few drinks in the bar and Vicki Patterson said, you know, mates of mine, mates of mine by the way, who are like, I wouldn't think that they knew reality TV or they knew too much about Vicky Patterson, we're losing their shit. She's there with her fiance, nice chat and yeah, yeah it's quite a nutty thing to
Starting point is 00:17:18 behold but she is, but she's very like, I'd say she was more comfortable sitting in a bar full of my own friends of family and people that I knew Not knowing anyone as being a famous person and I was as walking into people I've known for 20 odd years just having performed on stage to People and then feeling quite anxious and not quite sure where I fitted in life I sort of found myself just looking around thinking what if I'm honest that I kind of just want to go and get a Fucking wing stop and just go home yeah yeah it's hard also but I will say this as well a dorm of it to your mates go so hard sometimes you look at anything fuck me like number one like I because it was friends that I
Starting point is 00:18:01 know for years I was like oh you know flow is like you know you don't put some money behind the bar so this puts to put some money behind the bar? So I just put a little bit of money behind the bar so everyone can have a drink. Everyone then, I get in there like, fucking Tom, do you want a pint, mate? Do you want a pint? I'm like, no, I'm all right for the minute. It's free bar, free bar. It's not a free bar, I'm paying for the bar. It's like, fucking free bar, mate. Mates are doing shots, Red Bull Vogue, whatever, like fucking ordering cocktails. One of my mates was so leathered she was like sick but not like a big pool of sick she's doing like little cat sicks throughout the...
Starting point is 00:18:28 Oh my god. It's insane Rob. It's like the last days of Rome. It's like you know where the Titanic's going down and you go fuck all the bars free. Yeah. Dying. It's like insane. It does make you feel like you should have said guys just so you know the bar will appear free to you. But it is being paid for by somebody essentially. I'm buying one fucking massive great round Yeah, yeah to say say thank you for coming to the show for free I have put some money behind the bar so that you can drink for free as well
Starting point is 00:18:57 and also this is my other thing one of my mates is He's a great character very very funny Dan, but But he will make friends, so he's then going, oh mate, I've made some fucking funny geese down here mate, funny couples, like you know, three couples, couple of fellas down here, see if you can get my bands to come upstairs. I was like, no, I don't wanna fucking like, like, you know, family and friends is like,
Starting point is 00:19:20 it's sort of like a nice drink, it's like a birthday drink. No, no, you'll love them. So then I'm like, okay, all right, I'll get some wristbands for what? No, you're... Hold on, hold on, hold on. This, you didn't... Mate, this is where I'm weak. I'm weak. And then I'm like, OK, whatever. They come up and then next thing I know,
Starting point is 00:19:34 two of them are so drunk that they're just sitting on the floor. Right? And another one of them spends a whole night, no matter who I'm talking to, like friends, family, you know, whatever, every time I look around, he friends family, you know, whatever Every time I look at these on my shoulder going that bit in the show Right, that's it. My son. I'm gonna get my son and face time do that bit about the coffin. You know, I'm not just tell your son Leathered do I mean this is great all the free drinks. They're not free drinks. I Love the idea of you doing your Indigo show and then walking around going, just so you know, I understand that it does treat me a free bar,
Starting point is 00:20:11 but just so you know, those costs do have to be taken care of. And I don't want to be persnicketing about it, but I will be picking up the bill at the end of this. Mate, I'll say, you charge tickets to your after-part parties, bro. You're a fucking, you're that level now. I don't, I don't. You're like, big jump in. I don't, I don't. You're like, here we go, everyone here. I don't, I don't.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Here we go. Actually, I say don't, that is what I have done. It was not a bit like, yeah, but we're putting on a... You've got the room I did my big show in, that's what you're saying, your after party, for fuck's sake. Yeah, but, but, that party's... That's gonna be banging. Well. That's what I like to have come, I'm for fuck's sake. Yeah, but that party's... That's gonna be banging.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Well... That's what I'd like to have come... I'm so gutted, I'm gigging it, right? Yeah, you're gigging and you've also done the decent thing of getting Dinesh to do support, so he can't come either. It's a real... You two, two of the people I love the most in the world are gonna be in fucking...
Starting point is 00:21:00 Where are you gonna be? Scotland? Scotland, yeah, Scotland, yeah. Our Moisturizing Body Wash is infused with Vitamin B3 Complex and has notes of rose and cherry creme for a rich indulgent experience. Treat your senses with new Olay Indulgent Moisture Body Wash. Buy it today at major retailers. He's by the way being a consummate pro. he's been incredible your brother. I'd say now shout out to any, like he's such a great guy, I've watched him and followed him, he's fucking brilliant man, I love that guy. He's a G. I don't support those comments.
Starting point is 00:21:55 You do, I love your relationship with him, so cute. He idolises you man, it's a really sweet thing. I've got a younger sister I adore, but the way he talks about you man, it's a very lovely thing. Oh that's nice. To look up at your big brother. We both do, we sometimes just have little lovings where we sit there like two girls on a sleepover
Starting point is 00:22:17 just raving about a boy they fancy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Hot tub and Haribo milkshakes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got the fear of the other. Has he text you? He's texted me, he's fucking texted me. Did you get the fear off the indigo if you were drinking or did you get drunk? I had a few drinks. I knew I had bourbon in the night after.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I'm pretty good at the moment. You know what I'm really looking forward to? Me and you are having a summer day. So I I'm pretty good at the moment. I think you know what we looking forward to in this Yeah, is me and you are having a summer's day a summer day I will meet me at me around lunch get a nice lunch somewhere. We'd have an afternoon where we drink and Can you Just to get like I'm just gonna talk to you about this isn't something I would have talked about anyway This baby reindeer fall out with the Piers Morgan outfit.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Oh wow, bro. What the hell's going on, man? Like... Yeah, it's... So this, um... The show's incredible, right? The show is a work of art. Did you know Richard much before that?
Starting point is 00:23:18 I've met, I've gigged with him a couple of times and like... Same, same. And chatted with him a bit, but I wouldn't say he's a mate, no. But like, you know, get on with it. yeah yeah nice guy likewise sort of you know we had a couple meetings with him when I sat up shiny button and I went to watch the show. You famously turned down baby reindeer didn't you? I didn't understand it. Yeah. well you've got someone who likes you yeah I thought I'd fucking call it you should be grateful son that's what I call the show but yeah like I think shows it amazing I think now it's become bigger
Starting point is 00:23:56 than it's than a show isn't it it's become a like if it's a bit like Tiger King or making a murder yeah it's like. It's insane the size it's grown to. There's a thing about it. What's so amazing about it is it dropped onto Netflix without any fanfare at all. It's just like one of those... Obviously there's certain things that Netflix get behind and as soon as you log on to the thing, log on. But as soon as you get into your account, it's just all over the interface. There's things like Murder and Successful where it's on there but you get into your account, it's just all over the interface, you know It's enough things up murder and successful where you it's on there, but you've got a telephone
Starting point is 00:24:29 It's on there. You hope that someone might fucking watch it. Yeah Yeah, but you know It's good to sort of post two or three clips every day and sort of do behind the scenes stuff and put on it Don't see any captions but but Baby rain did just drops on without anything and then then it's just a proper word of mouth. Everyone's gone nuts for it, right? But it's like, without being too, it's a work of art, right? It's a genuine, when I watch it, I sit and watch it.
Starting point is 00:24:55 It's incredible. And the earnest nature of it, having seen the show when he performed it way back, it's so, the openness of it's incredible like I don't it's a weird thing that someone said was saying oh yeah about being a comedy dark comedy I was like look man you know as brilliant as it is I think it's an incredible work of art and the drama I didn't find myself laughing too much of many much of it um but I think it is an amazing bit. My thing with it is subsequently, with the
Starting point is 00:25:30 woman going on with Piers Morgan, which I found kind of, it's hard as well to know what to believe. If she was only paid £250 for that, which is what's been alleged, you think, Christ, she's now put herself front and center of everyone knowing exactly who she is and for 250 pounds. What's interesting as well is like how people perceive stuff within like this being a piece of art or piece of television or you know which is incredible but then the different the different things you see people writing on Facebook or Instagram or wherever about her that can be you know whatever
Starting point is 00:26:11 you know what she what she'd done to Richard allegedly or whatever you know but she's clearly someone who's struggling you know with mental illness you know there's there's no doubt in that there's someone who's what does look a fanciful there's quite a lot there you're just just like you know it's quite a worrying thing to see if I had to be sort of wheeled out you kind of thought I thought we were sort of over this sort of side of things like where someone was portrayed as this thing and it is very you know it's then obviously she's refuting quite a lot of the stuff and is yeah I don't know man I found found it. I found it very hard. I watched snippets I didn't watch the whole thing. Yeah, I've watched snippets of it too and I think it's look the truth is I don't know enough about it to really give a definitive take on it, but
Starting point is 00:26:57 What I would say is Of the clips I've watched I find it really difficult to believe that she's passed whatever sight test you've got to pass to be put in that position. And I know that, like, Piers Morgan's show, if they put someone into an interview, they'll have just booked it. They're not going to have gone, is this person...
Starting point is 00:27:21 They'll have gone, are they of sound enough mind to actually come on and answer the questions? But they won't have gone, are they of sound enough mind to be able to deal with what the potential repercussions of this are. Well this is a thing isn't it, because it's not, it's a YouTube, it's his own channel. Yeah exactly, so that you're not subject to the same, I mean you're not subject to anything as far as I'm concerned, I don't know what YouTube's rules are about what you're supposed to do in terms of those things. But what I would say is- This is interesting, like, casting that further a field and like, you know, not to sort of get into a deepness now about this, but like, when you, like, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:53 you are both like, I'd say, you know, TikTok addicts, both scroll through TikTok. Yeah, I would say it's fair to say I've got a problem. I mean, to give you some context three weeks ago I didn't know who Joe Joe Seward is now Exactly. Yeah, well listen don't play Joe. Joe see Joe Joe Seward is somebody that was a kid growing up on teenage dance moms. All right, this American show With a very pushy mom. She's now become a pop singer, right? She's undergone this image change
Starting point is 00:28:26 and she is now one of the most vilified people on TikTok. Like, if you look her up, if you look her up, there's countless videos of people, in an age, by the way, where apparently mental health is important, there are countless videos absolutely ripping the shit out of her, like absolutely destroying her, right?
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah, so this is the thing that I can't comprehend yet, go on, sorry mate. All I was going to say is, look, her music is not for me and I understand that she's not the best singer, she's young, she's like 20, 21. I'd hate to be under that level of scrutiny at 20, 21 years old when you're still trying to sort of discover who you are as a person, do you know what I mean? And so she's been absolutely ripped to shit. Because of TikTok, I've watched so many hours on this, have become concerned for her, even contemplating reaching out and offering Careful careful careful I mean just going like sending something positive sending something positive because
Starting point is 00:29:33 Like she's just getting nothing but shit. It's somebody who doesn't know who the fuck this person was three weeks ago, man It's so I've got the same thing with a guy called Paul breach. Yeah, mate I've got the same thing with a guy called Paul Breach. Mate, same, same, this guy. So I have no idea who this guy is. So on TikTok, I follow you and I follow a couple of other men. I don't really follow, because I don't see the point in following because the algorithm works. And if I'm honest with you, I just scroll through shit.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So I have a thing where I've watched certain people and I'm interested, because I think it is a good time when you're a writer and you stand up, it's a good way of looking at human dynamic and whatever. So firstly I look at someone like that, Paul Breach, and I'm like, oh my God, the way he portrays himself is so toxic. It's sort of the stuff he says and how he conducts himself. And then as you probably do, you do a deep dive into who he is you start watching
Starting point is 00:30:30 YouTubes about him and there's some quite sort of grim stuff that you hear. I've watched a lot yeah. Yeah but clearly he's quite lonely but he's also clearly making some sort of money but also I don't think the money's worth doing he's like he just wants to be infamous so then the way he portrays himself and some of the stuff he says becomes more and more dicey because he's getting more views and you're like, but who, who's watching this and like, you know, and I, you know, you see it like TikTok live of him, like chatting to a girl who's like 15, 16 and you're like, this is fucking. Well, I mean, the thing is we've got this phenomenon and it happens on TikTok a lot. It happens on YouTube as well. Hate watching where people are like, you're getting attention, but these people
Starting point is 00:31:04 are not supporters of yours. They're watching it to get really, to just find things to absolutely destroy you for. You're one of the most intelligent people I've had. I'm like, and I think I've got half a brain on me, but I'm sitting there doing that, and I'm like, I know I'm doing this. I know I don't like anything about Paul Bridgefield.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Walks into a pub, the chances are down with pint and walk out, do you know what I mean? But I'm like I know I'm doing this I know I don't like anything about poor Brits, he walked into a pub the chances are down with Pint and walk out do you know what I mean? But I'm sat here. And that's Tom Davis saying that by the way. The Tom Davis that will befriend a fucking member of Barstaff that's just about to finish their shift. Which I have done fucking the last 20 years and made some amazing friends. But then on going on to what we're talking about the baby reindeer thing is there's also now this thing of like people being like you like I don't know how to best so you there's certain there's a certain laddish culture that you see that's growing on TikTok right there's some underground laddish there's sort of people I don't even know I don't
Starting point is 00:32:02 really want to name check them because you know know, but they're constantly on streams, they're fucking big hits on TikTok. But then they seem to sort of them drafting people who are either sort of what looks like quite severely autistic or, you know, or someone who's got quite severe disabilities, and then use them for their videos to sort of show almost this is my nicer side, but then sort of become a little bit done with it or it results in doing something that's a bit of a fucking prank or whatever and you think fucking hell this is this is essentially just lawless now like you know you're like when Big Brother started and yeah nasty Nick and and there was no sort of there was a different time yeah I think
Starting point is 00:32:41 people sort of caught up in people slowly like you know okay sort okay, sort of like, you know, we need to look after the people when they come out of these. And it did take some time to be fair to get that across all reality TV. It feels like TikTok is so fucking funny. It's like the Wild West. And it's like people are getting used to sort of just get, you know, just get these views and you're like, but there's no after care. There's not. And, you know, me and you have talked about, say, like Ryan Windridge before. And you think like, but there's no aftercare. There's not, and you know, me and you talked about, say like Ryan Windridge before, and you think like,
Starting point is 00:33:08 you know, this is a kid who's autistic, who makes videos, and at first his videos were quite, you know, about trucks or trains or whatever, and now they're about going out and getting dressed up, and you look at him and think, you know, there's some of the stuff that you see, right, that's said to him is fucking awful. You're like, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:33:27 I know, I know, I don't, I don't, I don't. But you're like, what makes you, I don't know what you're earning, so I've got no idea, hopefully you're earning some fucking coin out of it, but it doesn't seem like it's about that. It seems like it's about fame, and it's about being known,
Starting point is 00:33:41 and it's about being accepted, and you're like, for the small percentage in what I can see are actually quite nice to him the actual level of stuff and you open up a world that is so fucking personal your everyday I look at I think like what is gonna be in 10 years what is gonna be the outcome of some of these people well you know it's weird cuz I when it went like YouTube and we're getting very heavy here on but it's good Listen, this podcast deals with all sorts of stuff, right? We're We're just taking it to every aspect of society man, you know, that's what we're about here on the wall for now
Starting point is 00:34:15 But you know what if you think about how you used to get famous, right? Which would be go on TV Yeah, but the but the very nature of TV is that there are gatekeepers, right? And you have to be Yeah, it has to be decided by somebody that can make that decision No, you know, it's not one person but like somebody has to see you and go I want to put this person on something right so that is a very it's an arguably a closed shop Right because you have to appeal to these small number of people that make these decisions on who goes on TV So then it gets opened up to YouTube
Starting point is 00:34:44 It's open access anybody can do stuff. And that is a positive thing, right? Because you're no longer at the mercy of whatever inherent prejudices people have, be that class or whatever. They want somebody to be like them on TV or whatever. So you've got all of that. So that's a positive thing, right?
Starting point is 00:35:02 And there are people that have got a level of, talented people that have got a level of that. So that's a positive thing, right? And there are people that have got a level of, talented people that have got a level of celebrity. Yeah, because I look at like Chunks and I look at Young Philly and I look at Andy Ginges and I think they've got talent and they know, and they're also there, they feel like they're young guys who KSI are throwing to that mix, you know, whatever you think of Jake and Logan Paul, they seem like they've, you know, they've got their heads together and you know, and there's an entity of going like, this is what we're doing, there's going to be some hate
Starting point is 00:35:27 towards me. I know that was a bit a lot of love and what I'm doing seems to have some sort of fucking like I look so angry ginger, I've only become aware of recently, but I look at actually him and I think, well, there's levels to what you're doing there. You've got you've got different places been in. You're running this like a business, you know what I mean? Yeah. And you sort of go and I a business, you know what I mean? Yeah, and you sort of go, and I think like, you know, I think chunks and filly are a good example of like,
Starting point is 00:35:49 we are, like whatever you want to call it, entertainment, whatever, is a better place for those people making their way onto it, do you know what I mean? And there's an argument that they might not have done had it just been down to TV, you know, TV might not have looked at that and said, that's the sort of thing that people want to see but because
Starting point is 00:36:08 To certain degrees a meritocracy like putting stuff out there. They've found an audience right and it's great The the thing is is now you've got this thing where you've got some people that are just and a lot of people are just desperate to get themselves Over the fucking their head above the parapet and get noticed. And that's not always going to be through doing a thing really like if you get a reaction from something, you know, if one of your videos and TikTok is so random, what goes viral? It might be that you're that you eat something in a funny way. And then that goes massive. Well, it's like, case in point is Bevo, right? Well, there you go, yeah. I mean, that's a...
Starting point is 00:36:45 So this time last night, last year, sorry, last night, this time last year, Bevo, right? This time last night, it was 3am and Tom was feverishly watching Bevo videos for like three, four hours. Mate, I text you, but that was my night Sunday. Right, and I'm so interested. And then he's like completely, like all of a sudden he's doing video, saying I'm earning 10, 20K or whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:06 And then all of a sudden. Is that true? I don't know, I don't know how you earn from it. I'm too old, I'm too fucking. Yeah, but I mean, like, I don't understand how these guys, I feel like I've not fucking activated the monetizing bit of it, do you know what I mean? Cause like these guys are talking about how much money
Starting point is 00:37:20 they're making and this fucking thing. I've not made fucking anything from TikTok. Mate, why are you talking about five likes? from TikTok. If anything, I've paid in integrity and self-respect. Right, so then he drops off, right? Do you know what the saddest one, I don't know if you've seen it, there's like a couple and they do like, she's sort of got pink hair, he's sort of bald
Starting point is 00:37:41 and he looks a bit older than her, and they do a butling song This is so bad that I know all of these things that video was massively viral I think you gotta say 2.5 million watches. Yeah mad, right? This is a place for me that that one yeah, but this by this yeah Yeah, but now they're in a position where they're trying to that went mad obviously you'd never expect singing a butling song is gonna fucking send you absolutely fucking into the you know like that level of you know of views and now it's like they're in a situation where they're trying to sort of find because there's no and like all of us
Starting point is 00:38:23 are like and this is the madness of it is there's an element of me and you like this is stand up you know scripted whatever we're doing look we you know i know we both do you put a lot more thought probably into what you're doing but you don't you know it's a lottery of people are going to like it and watch it that's yes that's within every entertainment bit you know but with that it's so fucking boom. Like you said, so random. You've seen that, right? I know there's no way you're fucking going into your algorithm and looking at a buttons video. Right, isn't that, that for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:38:53 TikTok's decided or whatever that we all see that, right? But that for a lot of people, they're done with them. But then I'm now like, wow, who are these people? So I then end up sitting watching videos of them eating Tang fastic sweets or whatever and thinking, but that's got like eight views. And I'm like, this is like, how does any of this work? It's insane.
Starting point is 00:39:14 But the thing is, I think part of the problem of it is you get immediate feedback, right? So like, if you make, you take like the curse or something like that or avoidance, you know shows that we've worked on unwritten You basically I don't know what your approach is, but I try and write what I think is gonna be good Well, what I what I think what I think I'd enjoy watching right? That's what you're trying to make Yeah, you go. What do I think is funny? What do I think is interesting? Let me make that right and and and that is as easy or as difficult as it sounds, right? Because sometimes you
Starting point is 00:39:47 put out stuff and you go, it isn't quite what I wanted it to be, but I worked within the constraints of whatever, right? And then it comes out months later, like we wrapped on, I wrapped on avoidance, I wasn't in the edit. I mean, but like, I wrapped on avoidance in December, that shows out now. So there's months in between, and then you then then the response to it plays out, and then eventually we decide whether we're gonna do it again or not. There's all these things that come into play.
Starting point is 00:40:11 With TikTok and stuff like that, you get, it's immediate, right? You put a video out, and within an hour, you probably know how well that's gonna do, right? To a greater or lesser extent. And what that means then, is you are chasing whatever it is you think the people, like you're just like, what is the bit that went,
Starting point is 00:40:29 what is the bit that made that really fucking fly? I need to do that again, you know, or let me try. But also, but what's really interesting is like, for the most part, when you put avoidance out, or we put stand up out, or like whatever, you know, for the most part, people are gonna have watched it, stuck with it because they enjoy it. You know, obviously we're both fucking,
Starting point is 00:40:49 we're both seasoned in being trolled and whatever. We know that happens. That's gonna happen. Very heavily seasoned. I would describe myself as being those extra hot in terms of the level of seasoning for that. But even with something like that, right, but say like, you know, avoidance has just come out.
Starting point is 00:41:04 You've got, you might've had some kickback, but for the most part, people are like, we really enjoyed that. I thought it was pretty good, but I went and everyone should come with base. But like when it comes to like something like so say something like that, butlings video, like you read the comments underneath and it's like there's very little stuff in there going, oh, good on you too. That's a nice one. You seem to be having a nice weekend. It's fucking repugnant horrible shit. It's just aimed at them and it's just like, it's just insane. I find that insane. I'm like, so what are you, but then you're chasing that again. But for what ends
Starting point is 00:41:36 and like, I don't know how you might, I know there's people on Tik Tok who clearly making fucking massive money as they are on Instagram and all other influencers, but I do look at some people and think it's not, it doesn't seem to be, it's like, look, I'll put into context, I remember doing, there's a standup that would have been doing open mics when me and you were doing open mics and me and you started out, right? And I remember I got my first paid spot and I turned around to him and was like, oh man, I'm buzzing, I got my first paid spot. And this is after whatever it had been, like a year or so of doing stand up. And he went, oh I've never had a paid gig in my life. And I was like, really? And he was like, yeah, I've been doing open mics for like 15 years, I've never had a paid gig. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:42:19 wow. And in my head I'm thinking, wow, like fucking that's mad. Like 15 years of doing open mics, you've never even got close to like a paid spot. And I was like, why are you keeping, and like I'd seen this act, it was okay, it wasn't, you know. And he said, well, I just enjoy being here and being out and I just enjoy just being on stage. And it changed his act for like 15 years, but, and still he's on the open right now and I still every now and again hear from him and we message
Starting point is 00:42:51 it, I message him because I find him quite an intriguing character. There's a part of me thinking the anxiety I was already showing within three, four months of like, like pushing myself and that has been like you, that's been how my career has been It's been I've always tried to push myself I've never I look at it and go I'm always proud of myself happy But like a lot of the time that sort of represents itself in anxiety worry fear, you know I look at him he's always just he's very very happy crying. Yeah, well, he seems very happy in the life that he has He's no expectations from it.
Starting point is 00:43:25 He just quite enjoys going to an open mic two or three times a week and just performing. And so I respect quite a lot about that. And then so I look at like some of the people on there and go, is it about money or is it about being accepted? Is it about... And then you start thinking, but if it's about acceptance, that level of hate and...
Starting point is 00:43:46 I guess that's the thing, right? It's not even even the videos it's the comments that gives you a bigger insight into where we are as a you know as a society globally. You know the first thing we're sitting there a lot of us and me and you are included watching stuff and watching people that we even we just you know you're like fuck is this person and then you're also watching it with with an air of sort of like I don't know disgruntled sort of like fucking yeah whatever I don't know it's just yeah I find it all very yeah interesting man well listen on behalf of both the wolf and myself just say you're welcome for us giving you insight into where we are as a society globally.
Starting point is 00:44:25 You know? That was so deep. We're going to have to fucking... Jesus. Yeah, we're going to have to put you... I hope you've got some funny emails. Yeah, I know. That's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Should we get into some emails? Yeah, let's see. The pressure's on you, baby. Thanks once again to the Swan. So did the Swan come with you to the BAFTAs? Oh, the Swan did come with me to the BAFTAs, yeah. I felt a bit sorry for the Swan. Well, I actually had a bit of a panic. Can I tell you about it?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah, go go go go Yeah, yeah Well when Robin Romesh won the BAFTA We won the BAFTA BAFTA early on in the show, right? I think it's like the fourth or fifth award or something and then Rob started doing an acceptance speech we both did but Rob was sort of doing the Beginning bit of it and he said thanks to production team Whatever he doesn't know he was thanking the team who are brilliant on that show
Starting point is 00:45:29 and then he said and also thanks to Lou and Lisa who was sat over there, right and Pointed them out and then I said because I thought I needed a joke I were not really to Lisa because I don't think she's actually been that supportive, right? Now, I was just trying to cut through, I was trying to cut through the earnestness of what we're saying and I just made a little joke. And then we moved on. All I could think about was, the only time I've mentioned Lisa here
Starting point is 00:45:58 was to completely and utterly undercut her, right? Like, you know, I made a joke about her, right? So that was going through my head a lot. I've got to say, you know, I made a joke about her, right? So that was going through my head a lot. I've got to say, she's, I was so worried about it. I went up to her afterwards and went, I'm sorry about the joke. And she goes, what joke? I mean, it hadn't even, like, she had heard it,
Starting point is 00:46:14 but she just, she just didn't. She's incredible by the way. I would tell you, like. She didn't even register her as a thing. Do you get what I mean? Like, she was just like, oh yeah, it's funny. Lisa is like, Catherine sat with her at the last Wolf in Our Life, right? And me and you, you know, we were joking and whatever on stage. And you made a few Lisa jokes, I made a few
Starting point is 00:46:33 Catherine jokes. And Catherine was a bit like, what, what? And Lisa went, that's just it. This is it. This is the game. And it was so like, sort of like a weathered, like, you know, like in a film about a boxer yeah he's gonna take some licks he's gonna take some beats but in the end it's gonna be all right oh don't say that laces are where the old boxer is that what you say no no no we're the boxers but no no caffeine oh we're the boxers okay yeah so when caffeine came to my show i was like let some of the staff if you get upset she was like look you know it's like lisa said and i was like, let's some of the stuff if you get upset, she was like, look, it's like Lisa said, and I was like, fucking hell. This is the only film about the Robbie women.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Okay, let's have a look. Dear Wolf, this is very exciting for you, not as exciting for me. Okay. Dear Wolf, Al, Cat and Swan, my name is George, the gentle ger gerbil long time listener of the pod George I've got my stuff mix it up. Yeah, okay. I got married last October to my wife the loving lioness Okay, well, it makes me happy when I know a couple listen to this together
Starting point is 00:47:42 Yeah, what this is gonna make you, this is, I'm gonna say this now, this might be the highlight of your day, what I'm about to say to you. My brother, the amusing Antelope, was my best man and he's also an avid listener of the pod. Fucking three? Yeah. And calling each other to creep up about various aspects of it. Having ripped me apart for 80, 90% of the the best man speech he finished with a few kind words
Starting point is 00:48:08 With the great Tom Davis getting a mention with a couple of quotes Taking us out if you will well, I've got the clip below Please play it to the animal pack and enjoy Tom. We're seeing you in 18th of May and leads. I can't wait This is the this is the kicker for me wrong. You may feel somewhat left out of this But we love you all your stuff, but unfortunately can't make your lead state Rom you may feel somewhat left out of this, but we love you all your stuff, but unfortunately can't make your lead today So well, thank you so much guys. I've not lived your legend, bro. Yes, you bet. You are a legend Okay, all of three of you are George never change to To quote the great Tom Davis, you do you. You are and always will be, my guy. Wow. Wow. Wow. How's that feel?
Starting point is 00:49:00 Wow. Fucking amazing bro. That's incredible, right? Yeah. It's put into context. I felt nothing. Yeah's incredible, right? Yeah, I felt nothing Yeah, yeah, but fuck it. I'm joking. I'm joking. Man, that's you know what? It's cool, isn't it? Yeah That that I needed that this week. So thank you George. Thank you to all of the The pack that rely within your lay within your your seed. Oh my god in your seed. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Okay, one more email because Tom's got to jump into the sherbet. My mind drifts back to a certain podcast, which this is from Steven. My mind drifts back to a certain podcast where Tom was discussing the saber tooth tiger, woolly mammoths and other such animals that have walked the face of the earth. However, which now find themselves extinct, or in Tom's world are they? One of my friends is a super interesting guy that has, amongst other things, hand-reared all of the big cats in his home. He worked with Steve Irwin, RIP, and does a lot of work in the global conservation arena with large mammals. We were at a party and I mentioned your podcast, and it would be hilarious to put him and Tom together discuss large cats
Starting point is 00:50:08 It came to light he's a big Romesh fan and he'd love to be finally some fucking shine for me And he'd love to see what it's all Lisa when you're selecting them, I know they're at random, but they can't be random I know that you think it's a bit modesty to not have your husband bigged up, but just a little bit of lime light would be nice. Let me have a little squirrel frooties before the record. That's why you were 10 minutes late starting the podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Given the wolf in our scripted, joking, I think the jars would be a great addition to a full art discussion on Tom's theories and evolution Darwinism specifically around Tigers and large caps of All descriptions I'm sure that jars is a quiver full of large cat related Anecdotes that you'll listen to will find funny and they could spark some enlightened chat Who would win between a tiger and a lion a saber-toothed Tigers really extinct at what age would you move tigers out of your house? If you're being eaten, I mean the mind boggles anyway point is jazz is cool and could be a funny addition to one of your podcasts Naturally, I'm a fan of listen to your podcast when I jog thought it's a match made in heaven
Starting point is 00:51:11 We'd also like to explore Tom's mind a little further. Yes. Yeah, Tom's mind such a fucking amazing things No, let me know if this sounds interesting Stephen. Well, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Giles We are inviting you onto the podcast. We never normally do guests but I think we should get him on. Can I say why we're doing this for Giles because I'm very interested in Giles and that's exciting. At the Liverpool show there was a doctor who turned up afterwards big fan of yours I think he saw your Liverpool show he's gonna go see your Liverpool show very much loved you. Actually found me via you which I found very exciting. Seems to have happened to me. It's really got out of control. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:48 He's a fucking very, very, he's a doctor, very knowledgeable champ. And he said he listens to the podcast and he's actually, there's a lot of stuff we've said that actually probably he could put us right on. And he was again saying, so I was like, well, he could be quite good. I think maybe we should do like a few guests. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:02 But not like, we're not gonna make, we're not gonna make this a guest podcast in their field. Because you can barely organise the two of us getting out. No, no, no, like a few guests. Okay, but not like we're not gonna make Us can barely organize the two of us get no, but yeah No, but but if you and also I'm I'm probably like yourself I've got a lot of we got a lot of heat on the fact we've said the last two weeks We're doing a bonus we haven't Also, we've got a lot of heat on the back
Starting point is 00:52:18 Like we've said we're gonna do stuff that we haven't when we buy finish our tours We have made a deal that we're gonna get our shit together a bit more. Right? We both finished June, July. Obviously you're going to do your big nationwide, worldwide tour, right? Actually shout out by the way, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, my guys coming for you.
Starting point is 00:52:36 I really wanna come out for your Dubai dates. Well you should. And Vienna. Yeah, you should come. The city of sex. Yeah, you should come out for Dubai if you want when you come out I'd like to go Listen the kids are gonna be there. Why don't you all come we can have a little family holiday together
Starting point is 00:52:51 I might bring the family. Yeah, bring the whole fam Yeah, little grace grace. Oh, love. Can I tell you can I tell you can I tell you something your face? I'm just to tell you this your face Betrayed what you were saying there because basically can I tell you what I think your face said? Right? Good. As you said, the tone of your voice and everything, this is what I got from this. I'd quite like to do that. There's no way Kat would allow that to happen.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Oh, Kat's got no interest. I said that if you were very quick to say we should make it a family thing, I then steered the ship in a different way. They've got no interest. If I'm honest with you, I'll come out, I can hang out with Gratz and Martin Tewesmith. I mean look, the truth of it is, is that you know, Kat won't even let us into the house, why would she want to come abroad with us? Holiday with you? He said he's gonna pay for everything. Yeah, no I don't know, I'd rather, do you know what, I'm gonna leave.. Yeah, no, I don't know. I'd rather, do you know what, I'm gonna leave it. Free hotel, everything, I'm not sure if I'm gonna listen to you.
Starting point is 00:53:48 All right, well look, Stephen, the unfortunate thing is you haven't put any contact details for Giles, but can you, I mean, I'm assuming you're mid-jogger, so you listen to this. Could you email back with Giles' contact details? Tom, I assume you've got it. Or you could email Stephen.
Starting point is 00:54:02 You could email Stephen. Yeah, that's true, but I mean, it's a bit of admin, isn't it? OK, in fact, let me do it right now. Let me do it right now. Just go, hey, Stephen. It's Ramesh. OK, so hey, Stephen. Ramesh here.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's me, Ramesh. It's me, Ramesh. So it's me, Ramesh. Well, I've just put Ramesh here. I'm not retyping that. Would love to speak to Giles. This is like a... Put love, put L-O-V-E in capital N.
Starting point is 00:54:31 So, erm, okay, so what are we gonna say? We're gonna say, erm, Ramesh here... would love to speak to Giles, erm... Actually, I need to get my... About animals. Okay. Send... Shall I click send? Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Okay, that is sent. Okay, Tom. What are you getting distracted about? Have you got to go? I've got to get my taxi to come pick me up. Okay. Can you do final thoughts now, please? I'll do final thoughts. Yo, peace and love from heavens above. Heaven, what is it? Is it just clouds? Or are people up there residing, chilling, waiting for you to come up and take a little
Starting point is 00:55:11 view yourself, sit down and break bread and say, well, the world's changed down there. In some ways it's better, in some ways it's worse. But that's evolution, right? A dinosaur will check, tap you on the shoulder and go, you should have been there when we were there. It was great until it got really cold and we got iced out iced out now There's no such thing as dinosaurs you give them a little nudge and say well have you ever seen a wild or a crocodile I believe they're your ancestors or brethren or kin or such but that's the thing
Starting point is 00:55:35 We don't know if it's true sometimes I sit there with my feet up just staring at the world staring at the sky thinking what? It's going up there, but if you get a contemplate above you got a contemplate above below what's going on down below is that really where everyone gets sent if they're bad the real assholes of the world you hitler's your starlings sat there in a far you never beyond almost like a petrol station at night when you walk past and see four guys you've given up on life sitting throwing pennies in a lottery machine just thinking where the fuck did it all go wrong what is hell what is heaven that we can ask these big questions the truth of it is all we have is now so as you step out your front door today and you
Starting point is 00:56:12 sit put your feet on the porcelain of a finely finally tuned bathroom or you walk through the aisles of the supermarket picking up some stuff you don't need and just thinking wow fuck it I will make a risotto tonight the truth is the world is open-ended you could do whatever you want be you challenge yourself but always remember this second right now you're listening to this you're only get once the rest is unbeknownst so enjoy it while you can friend God bless you Godspeed and I shall see you all down the road Really great and I quite enjoy you doing it under time pressure actually two things I want to say
Starting point is 00:56:53 Number one. We are very far from sold out on these Sheffield cross-wired festivals podcast festival, so It was a worth-selling shot, right? I think we be. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, I just had to find out. But no, I've heard from other people. Is that true? We're the worst selling show? Yeah. Yeah. I'm not gonna drop names. But yeah, apparently we've sold hardly any tickets compared to everyone else has been did a real big push and we haven't. So yeah, I mean, if you're in the show. I mean, it's
Starting point is 00:57:23 gonna be quite an intimate show. Yeah. Listen, thank you to both of you. In terms of music to play us out. Do you like sweet, candy, feel good pop? Well, you'll love Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. It's my my favorite uplifting tune at the moment. Slightly distracted by Tom sort of getting ready for the taxi as I talk. JT, play us out with a little bit of espresso. Guys, we will see you next time. Take care of yourselves. Peace out, people. God bless.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Right, I'll see you later, bro. Bye, guys. And now he's thinking about me every night Oh, is it that sweet I kiss oh? Say you can't sleep, baby I know That's that mi espresso Move it up down, let it dry oh Touch it up like Nintendo Say you can't sleep, baby I know That's that mi espresso
Starting point is 00:58:35 If you have a problem, opinion, feedback or anything at all, please email us at wolfalpod.gmail.com. That's wolfalpod.gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you, mainly because we don't have any content ideas. Thank you.

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