S2 Ep 80: Double Illness & A Christmas Lunch
Episode Date: November 15, 2023We’re talking… tattoos and hair-do’s, meeting 50 Cent, an ill Tom and a very run-down Rom, sad hotels, a round of golf with Jim, a Ranganathan and Dav...
Comedians Tom Davis (The Wolf) and Romesh Ranganathan (The Owl) shoot the breeze for an hour a week because they couldn’t work out a format. They also take on listener problems if they remember to ask for them before they record. Not enough podcasts are just people talking with no real purpose. We’ve come to change all that. It’s a huge waste of time, but an entertaining one. Contains swearing because it’s really cool. "As shooting the breeze goes, Tom and Romesh are as good as it gets" - Evening Standard For questions or comments please email us at wolfowlpod@gmail.com - we’d love to hear from you. Instagram - @wolfowlpod TikTok - @wolfowlpodcast YouTube - www.youtube.com/WolfandOwlPodcast Merch & Mailing List - https://wolfandowlpod.com/ A Keep It Light Media / Shiny Ranga Production. For sales, advertising and general enquiries: HELLO@KEEPITLIGHTMEDIA.COM
237 episodes transcribedWe’re talking… tattoos and hair-do’s, meeting 50 Cent, an ill Tom and a very run-down Rom, sad hotels, a round of golf with Jim, a Ranganathan and Dav...
It’s bonus time! And we’re talking… love for the North, hotel upgrades, supporting actors, losing your temper, Ross Kemp rabbit holes and an Emoji Mov...
We’re talking… messy wardrobes, high-level hygiene, a very strange dinner table, the errors of hanging up T-shirts, loud irons, cap collections, Tom’s...
We’re talking… party Tom, old-school hotel rooms, lost light switches, catering in space and astronaut caretakers, moon tourism, asking a stranger the...
We’re talking… Tom at the Hackney Empire, Rom’s warm-up gigs, end of show celebrations, the acceptability of jumping into the crowd, some mischievous...
Before we hit the emails, Rom challenges Tom to a Seinfeld quiz and we discuss our current TV obsessions, life after reality shows and the problems wi...
We’re talking… Tom’s broken boiler, holidaying in Spain, a calamitous self-tan lotion miss-communication, hotel prank calls, bumpy landings, duty-free...
Bonus emails time! First we discuss some of our sporting disappointments and general lack of competitiveness, along with some recent feedback about re...
After worrying they’ve absolutely nothing to talk about on this week’s pod, Rom and Tom pull 50 minutes of chat out the bag! We’re talking… bedroom pr...
First up - a bit of pod admin, some chat about nicknames, Rom’s rap with Verb T and Doc Brown, a potential school for Grace (featuring the Pythagorasa...
We’re talking… revealing T-shirts, self-deprecating texts, panic attacks, Rom’s mum at Tom’s Crawley gig, neglecting your elbows, thanking inanimate o...
It’s bonus time again! And this week we tackle email questions about which wrist to wear a watch on (WARNING: this topic is not as innocent as it may...
We’re talking… celebrity best friends, not swearing on TV shows, regrettable tour posters, Tom’s problems with a Pick Of The Fringe show, Newcastle bu...
It’s all about hugely positive vibes on this week’s super-special bonus episode! And once we catch our breath after all the excitement, we answer emai...
We’re talking… croaky voices, very chatty audiences, punting problems, unexpected house visitors, a missing Swan, post-show etiquette and showing enth...
We’re talking… confetti cannons, new W&O Live dates, a carvery gold card, the similarities between carrots and lemmings, new boxer shorts, lost house...
Is it a bonus episode - or a part two to last week’s show? We're not really sure but either way, we’re talking… second halves, eating on camera, Toby...
We’re talking… late starts, sore throats, swearing at football matches, Tom’s new tour, speedy spiders and baby flies, wasp stings and bee allergies,...
We’re talking… guest rap verses, an 8 Mile remake, Tom's film pitches for Rom and The Rise of ‘Easy’ Eliot Buchanan, very patient dentists, not follow...
We’re talking… curtain calamities, two wrong hotels, holiday swimming challenges and a near death experience, Lionesses pride, an FPL ‘Sexy Ballers’ u...