Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts - Cultivating Sisterhood w/ Kyndal Banks

Episode Date: June 22, 2022

How 'bout W.E. rebuke the spirit of no new friends? Real talk, Sis! The enemy will finesse you into a season of loneliness or toxicity—whole time, you were created for community! Here to tell SJR ab...out finding a tribe of sister-friends, is the Delegation's very own AND creator of Solo2Soul Sisters, Kyndal Banks! This episode is a testament to the power established in coming together & declaring NO WOMAN LEFT BEHIND! So, enough with being corny. The next time you're surrounded by a bunch of baddies, introduce yoself! Who knows? They may be a protective covering over your head.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 God can't bless you for ten to be or who you compare yourself to. He can only bless you and the lane that was created for you. I feel that for somebody. You don't need no itch, it's a tea you need boundaries. What? I don't need your lights, I don't need your validation. All I need is a God party for me that's there for all things. All things, all things.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Child. It is no secret that I really love Wamen Evolve. If you've never been to a Wamen Evolve event, you've never been in the environments that we're able to create virtually, then I want you to know that you kind of missing out. Okay, like I know you busy, I know you got things to do, but you missing out a little bit because one of the core ingredients of what makes woman evolve, woman evolved is sisterhood.
Starting point is 00:00:55 If you think that I am your big sister in your head or maybe your auntie or we could have been sisters, if we'd have been born in the same generation, then you're already in the sisterhood, but it extends much further than that. In the C-specise you, in the comment section with you, there are women who are on a journey just like you, who've had a story and history similar to yours who are waiting to be seen and connected with. It's like a revolutionary puzzle, okay?
Starting point is 00:01:24 Sometimes it doesn't look like the pieces may fit, but they were actually created perfectly for one another. That's what happens when women come together and honor what's happening on the inside of the woman they're connected to. It's beautiful to me that women who based on man's logic ought to be complete strangers for life or forming lifelong bonds from an assignment given to me by God. My girl Kendall Hill must have been on Golden Gate Boulevard and overheard what he said to me because cis understood the assignment too. She is the mastermind behind a movement that refuses to allow women to attend woman
Starting point is 00:02:03 evolve events alone. And guess what? We love to see it. Introducing Kindle Hill, be a founder of Solo to Soul Sisters and a woman who is embodying what it means to be a real sister. Hi Kindle. Hey, how are you? I'm doing great. Thank you. How are you? I'm doing great thank you how are you? I am good. That makes me happy to hear thank you for doing this with me. Oh my gosh thank you
Starting point is 00:02:38 guys for this opportunity. Yeah my pleasure this month we're talking about revolutionary sisterhood and I heard you have a great story about Sisterhood and how you were able to cultivate it and so I look forward to sharing your story with the other members of the Delegation and to learn how we can create sisterhood as well Yes, ma'am I would love to share my story. Do I just like go ahead? Oh, I'm going to ask you, I'm going to ask you some questions and then we'll see what happens. Yes ma'am. Okay. Okay. Kindle, when I say the words revolutionary sisterhood, like what are the first
Starting point is 00:03:18 few thoughts that flood your mind? I think about a sisterhood that comes together to purposefully change things when I hear that phrase. Have coming together with a purpose to change. Have you experienced revolutionary sisterhood in your own life? Absolutely. I experienced it and coming to the conference because I don't have any blood sisters like at all. I had one brother, but I was always the girl that used to see like, hey, there's a group of girls. And I have now since I left the conference, I've formed a bond with so many women but specifically there are four women that I just keep in contact with and keep a circle with and they have
Starting point is 00:04:15 literally, they are my sisters. I call them my sisters. Their children are now my nieces and my nephews. It's a thing. Okay, so tell me like how did it, and this is the 2021 conference, which conference did you meet them? 2021? Yes, the Women Evolved 2021 conference was my very first conference to attend. I had learned about your ministry and women evolved when I read your book, don't settle for save. So I read the book and then I started like looking up and YouTube and seeing some of your
Starting point is 00:04:54 starments and things that you preach and there was one and it was called cold season and it's not on YouTube anymore because I looked for it and I was like, well, I would love to see her speak in person. And then I learned that you did women evolve as a conference. And I was like, oh my gosh, I'll be so great. And then it was held in different. I'm in Texas, like the Port Worth area. So I was like, oh, how can I get there? And then it was, nope, I couldn't I couldn't afford it. I couldn't get there. So then when COVID came, I was like, okay, I saw that there was a conference, the 2021 conference, and it was virtual at first. And I was like, okay, Laura, I still want to,
Starting point is 00:05:32 I still want to like, hear and be there. But I remember when they posted that it was going to be in person, I was like, I'm there. I am there, there's no excuse. There's no excuse. So you have to tell me, Kendall, how do you go from? I'm going to conference to I have left with sisters because most women thinking, I love that we're sharing your story because sisterhood is not just about your biological sisters. Sisters are sisters who we gain along the way
Starting point is 00:06:01 who become advocates for our destiny. And a lot of women feel like, how do I make friends? Like, I'm not in high school, I'm not in college. Like, where am I going to be in a community and environment where I can find like-minded women? How do you come to conference and then leave with sisters, nieces, and nephews? Yes. So after I purchased my ticket, I was like, after I clicked submit, I was like, wow, so I'm going by myself. I just realized like, hey, nobody's coming with me. But then as soon as I received the email, it says that there's a woman evolve conference group on Facebook. So I was like, okay, I'm a join, but I'm not going to participate because I'm kind of one of
Starting point is 00:06:42 those like sit back and like, I want to be in it, but I don't want to comment and be a part of like the whole thing I like to see what others say. So a young lady on there had posted that she was coming by herself, she had bought her own ticket, she was going by herself and she was coming from California and she was like, is anybody else going to connect? I don't know what got into me because that is not a part of my personality. I saw her post and I was like, okay, yes, I would love to come and sit with you. And then I was like, hey, you want to sit together? Can we do lunch?
Starting point is 00:07:13 And she was just inviting and warm and kind. And it was like instantly a connection. And then it's like three or four more women started posting. And they were like, hey, I'm coming along too. And it was like, okay, this is perfect. We get into, we start talking in the comments. We move the conversation from there into the Facebook messenger.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And at six of us, we're introducing ourselves, saying how old we are, where we're coming from. What are we looking for to? What is your favorite SJR sermon? How did you find out about SJR? Like all of this. And then it began to grow. So on September the 28th, the Lord spoke to me.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It was like, make a group me for these. It was six of us. Make a group me for six of us. And normally I'd be like, no, but it was complete obedience. It was like, yes, Lord, I'll do it. And I did. And I made the group me. So then we moved the conversation from the Facebook messenger into the group me. So then we're like, okay, we're chatting. And then all of a sudden people start commenting again
Starting point is 00:08:15 and they see the comment back in your Facebook group for the Women Evolved 2021 conference. And it's just like more women and more women. And it's like, yeah, come on, girl, come on in here. It's just like more women and more women and it's like, yeah, come on girl. Come on in here. Look, it grew from six to about 25 women. I remember and I was just like, okay, wow. Lower 25 is quite a lot of women. And God just would talk to me and he would give me started doing topics of the day in that group me.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And it would just be a word that I received from the Lord because I don't have any biblical knowledge or like training, but I read my Bible. And I'm at a point in my life where I'm hungry for the Word. So God was able to use me because I could hear Him clearly in that season to be able to purge women and then went from 25 and then there was You guys started doing in the woman evolved group a like live Facebook Thing with you and so there were other women on there and there was a woman in the group at that time and she was like Hey, I just want to you know say hey and shout out to solo to soul sisters And it's like as soon as she mentioned it on the live
Starting point is 00:09:26 with you, it went from like 25 to like 60 over night. I was like, Lord, okay, like that's great. I didn't think it was making such an impact, but women were just coming at women, words sending me messages through grief, telling me things, personal things, and they're like, how did you know I needed that topic of day? How did you know that I needed that word? And there were other ones in the group telling me things, personal things, and they're like, how did you know I needed that topic of day? How did you know that I needed that word?
Starting point is 00:09:47 And there were other ones in the group that began to help out. We ended up, I'm wearing a shirt. One of the lowest ones is great. Then you guys come to the conference with shirts. Yes. Yes, she made shirts for us. And first the group was just like solo ticket holders. And then she made two shirts. And solo and then once it's all and
Starting point is 00:10:08 The Lord was like him. They'll all started out with each woman going separately But you all have formed bonds and made a soul tie with each and every woman It was phenomenal the conversations. It was a life-speaking group. I mean, like it was just every woman coming together, speaking life to another woman. I remember going from 60 and then as you kept doing the Facebook Live, it was like somebody else with an internet and Kayle got on there and then she mentioned and we're going from 100 and it's going up to 200 and I remember I had a mentor myself and I mentor. I remember sharing with her kind of things that we're going 200 and I remember I had a mentor myself and I mentor I remember sharing with her kind of things that were going on and I remember telling her I can't be enough for
Starting point is 00:10:53 over a hundred women like I can't keep up with the comments I can't keep up in post and topic of the day and all that stuff I can't keep up I can't keep up, I can't keep up. And she said, Kendall, let God do what he does best. And amazingly, after I talked to her, other women in the group began speaking into other women and speaking into their situations. They have questions, they have concerns. Every woman there began to speak to another woman into her situation and lift her completely life-giving
Starting point is 00:11:27 conversations. By the time the conference had came, the group was up to 263. I was like, but I knew, I knew for a minute, because it started with something I did do obedience. I knew there was no way that had nothing to do with me getting that many women together because I had, I don't, I, before I went to conference, I didn't even have like a close group of friends. Like I have ones or two's or people for a season, but I left the conference with just,
Starting point is 00:12:02 there were so many of us and it was, it just grew into like, hey, it was a big group. Two hundred six people and that's not, in my opinion, I don't know how you do it. You do because it's what you do and it's your ministry. That's not practical for who I am. But my goal was not to get a big ministry. Women, my goal was to make a girl that comes into the room and is coming along, hey, you can come sit by me. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Come have a seat. You want to go to the lunch and talk about, you know, what happened at the conference. It was amazing. I hosted zooms. We did the first zoom we did. What is your most fun on Facebook? On YouTube and Facebook, it was girl get up.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And oh my gosh, we all watched it we dissected it But I ended up after the conference. I removed the group me and Then I opened up a Facebook group which I still have to this day But I'm sure that there are many women out there because after the group me disseminated We all had smaller groups. I've seen what these women have been done from being from their conference and made these small groups of literally small sisterhoods, but they are accomplishing some really great things.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I am blown away, but the four ladies that keep in contact with they were the main ones as I was walking through this that I will talk to, just to the side, one helped to organize a dinner for all of us to go to dinner at the conference and Dallas and 75 women showed up to a restaurant. Oh my goodness, that was a thing. So now I have a specific group of women that pray with me and just help me and are completely my blood sisters now. I think that that is so powerful that you are able without growing up with sisters, without
Starting point is 00:13:56 having that close group of friends, even before entering into conference to create sisterhood, that you just know is a connection that you're going to have for a lifetime. How do you know when you have met a woman that is meant to just be in your life as a sense of support, enjoy, and love, and kindness? What is it that you sense from these women that let you know you know what? I think that we could do life together. For me, what did for me, and the reason that I realized that each woman that I'm drawn to,
Starting point is 00:14:32 it used to be in seasons of my life, I used to be drawn to women because of my brokenness. But in this season, when I met all of these women, it was because of the things that we have, that speak life to each other. And how you know is the discernment of the things that we have that speak life to each other and How you know is the discernment of the woman is she speaking life to you is what's coming out of her mouth The same thing that she is actually walking out in her own life Wow, is she truly wanting you to grow and whatever it is that you are doing is she encouraging you? Is she telling you
Starting point is 00:15:07 the truth when you are really not doing something right? But is she saying it in love? Does she believe that prayer can change things? Do you guys encourage each other's faith when you talk? There are different signs that the Lord has given me. I know for a fact, these are the people that I need to be surrounded by. Wow, that is so powerful to recognize the signs of someone who is supposed to be in your life, who can feed you and someone that you can pour into as well. For me, I feel like that is revolutionary sisterhood defined of the ability to recognize it. I'm not just in your life to take, but I'm here to give. And I also have needs as well. How have you cultivated vulnerability and transparency
Starting point is 00:15:59 and friendship or sisterhood that still feels well, I mean, I know in time wise that it hasn't been that long, but the deep roots that you all have created has made time seem like it's been an eternity. Was there a moment, or was it the conference? Was there a moment where you just felt like, you know what, I'm going to take a chance and be vulnerable and see if this woman can handle it? this woman can handle it. Oh, so this is such a good question. What I did is I hosted one Zoom and I was done
Starting point is 00:16:34 because it was like, that was fun, Lord, thanks so much. I don't wanna do this anymore. And literally the day after I held that first Zoom, I ended up getting COVID. Oh my God. So then I got put in a room by myself to have time alone with God and he spoke to me and he said, do it again.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And I said, oh Lord, what do you mean? Which I knew what he meant. He said, do another zoom. And I said, why Lord? He said, somebody needs to hear it. And I was like, what is it? Because I was like, what else can we do of Ms. S.J.R. So we talked about the book or how we're looking for the conference.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And he told me, tell your story. And I was like, that is something I had heard in other seasons of my life. And I heard it very clearly, but I chose to ignore it. So my second zoom was literally my entire life story. After that moment I think sharing with women, ooh something that I did not want to share. I didn't want to write it down. That's how much I didn't want to share my story. I didn't want to write it down for myself to journal to look at it.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And I had never, other than that Zoom, I had never told anyone that specific things about me I had walked through. The response that I got back from those women because I chose to be vulnerable and completely honest and transparent about, hey, here's who I am. Like, I had COVID as I was doing the Zoom
Starting point is 00:18:09 because I was by myself, but I am like not made up, I am not cute. I literally am back here with the Lord. Me and this COVID, and I'm just praying, praying God, please heal me. But interesting enough, I thought I was sick with just COVID, but God please heal me. But interesting enough, I thought I was sick with just COVID, but God was healing me. But the person inside of me by telling my story to other women. So that's where the connection for me really set the tone of they saw that I was real. Like I'm a
Starting point is 00:18:40 regular person with real problems and I can I can use my voice for something like this. Okay, so I hate to interrupt all of this good conversation, but I wanted you to know that I want to talk to you too. I want to hear your story. I want to hear your thoughts and opinions. You can send me your application, your video to be a co-host to podcast at womanevolved.com. Let me know what it is you want to talk about. Why it's important to you that you be on the podcast. Maybe you like girl, I am not going to be on anybody's podcast. I don't do talking to people.
Starting point is 00:19:14 First of all, this is a sign overcome yourself. But if not, you can send me an advice question. Podcast at womanevolved.com. Okay, let's get back to the podcast. Okay, so this is going to be a strange question, but I believe that you know my heart and you're going to track with me and we're going to get it. Do you think that you were able to create sisterhood with other women because God positioned you to first be a sister to yourself? Because I feel like a lot of times we want to have sisterhood because we need
Starting point is 00:19:46 to be affirmed by another woman. We need to be validated and seen and like to be the end the end crowd like we see other girls in the end crowd. But there is something powerful about you coming to a place where you say you know what? I'm going to have to be a sister to myself. I'm going to have to talk to myself the way I want a sister to, level myself the way that I need a sister to. And God sometimes creates environments where the sisterhood begins with you before it can extend to anyone else.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I completely agree with that wholeheartedly. I think I had to come to a place to realize who I actually am. Like, what is Kendall? What is that role of Kendall as a sister to a woman? What does that look like? And I remember looking at myself in the mirror and I had tears because I didn't understand what was happening to myself at that time. And all I could muster was, I don't know why it is me, but it is me. And I have since then understood why I said that to myself and not a group of women.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Okay, so when we talk about sisterhood and you think to yourself, what type of sister do I want to be to another woman? I feel like one that's amazing. But I think it's also necessary because what we're really saying is how do I want to relate to other women in the world? Because being a sister doesn't necessarily mean that you do it in the context of community.
Starting point is 00:21:23 It doesn't mean that you had a birth sister. To be a sister is to say, this is how I choose to show up in the world and support as an advocate and a lover of other women who are out here on a journey. Who were you as it relates to being a sister to every woman in the world? world. I as a sister, my goal is to encourage and make space for other women. I believe that is what my purpose is when I relate to other women, when I looked up the definition of hood, because I started thinking like, what is sisterhood? What is that? I'm a person who looks upwards, but what does it really mean in the definition of the word? The I saw was a protective covering
Starting point is 00:22:11 for another one's head. Wow. So I took that and I said, Lord, I want to be that friend, another woman. I want to cover her head when I can in times of need. Whether that's through prayer, whether through the encouraging thought, whether that's sitting down, getting coffee,
Starting point is 00:22:29 whether that's just sitting and listening to another sister vibe about what she's not going on. God help me to cover the sister next to me. Help me to cover her head. We have to pause right there because Wousa, like that is what sisterhood is. It is covering another woman's head and to really see that role and take it seriously and to see it as an honor and to help another woman feel safe in the process of that.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Like I think that's one of the greatest gifts that we can give the people were in relationship with. What did you learn about yourself when you assumed the identity of a sister after having not had, well, you've been a sister because you have brothers, but after being a sister to another woman, what did you learn about yourself in the process? I learned in the process of gaining all of these new sisters,
Starting point is 00:23:31 that a sister has your back. Like she has your back completely. Like a sister wants you to win. She wants to see you succeed. She wants to see whatever God has planted within you grow into completely whatever that is. And sometimes that means, happening, hey, how can I help you? But I learned about myself that I have a voice. I had lost it for such a long time.
Starting point is 00:23:58 But I learned through sisterhood specifically, through this experience, that I have a voice that I had lost. with the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the
Starting point is 00:24:18 spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the I stopped sharing my thoughts, I stopped believing in myself, I stopped showing up. And I felt like it was so much easier to just not be in the spotlight. It's so much easier to not take up space because when I took up space last time, I was rejected or because I took up space, I didn't do it right. And yet in the context of sisterhood, and I didn't even know that it was going to be
Starting point is 00:24:46 sisterhood that healed me. I was just telling my story because I'd learned to be a sister to myself. Other women echoed in me not only that I have a voice but that it matters and it is important and so many women and men but women come up to me and they're like, please don't stop doing what you're doing. It's so important. And we need you. And then I always say, I know you hear it all the time, but the thing is that like I can never hear it enough because hearing it is a reminder to the little girl, the little
Starting point is 00:25:18 wounded girl inside of me that still shows up that your voice does matter. Even if it's shaky, it still matters. Even if it's shaky, it still matters. Even if it's nervous, it still matters. Even if it's still learning and growing and evolving, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have value. And sisterhood is an opportunity for us to let another woman know, I see you, I hear you and what you're saying matters. It matters to me and I'm going to hold it in my heart and treasure it because you had the courage to give it to me.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yes, that is everything and all tied up so nice and neat with a boat. That's exactly what sisterhood means. It's the voice the woman standing beside you and allowing her to share and to speak. I think it's so important because when we learn to find our voice and we decide to speak, there's such a weight that comes from it. I believe that God rewards us when we speak on things that we have held back.
Starting point is 00:26:18 He takes it, he grabs it, and then he cultivates it, it grows. That's why I had read a scripture in Romans like 112 and it was like, let your faith encourage another one and let them sharing encourage you as well. So if my faith is not encouraging you by sharing and yours is not encouraging me by sharing, I'm like, what are we doing? Share, share even if you don't think it's going to do anything.
Starting point is 00:26:44 You'll be surprised. I want to conduct a little research since I have you. What is it that you think happens in a woman-evolved room that creates an opportunity for this level of sisterhood? Because I have to tell you there was a woman who tagged me in a post just two or three days ago where she was talking about it was someone's birthday and they met at conference and now she's her sister and I can think of so many people like I could literally name their names and which they have created sisterhood because they met at conference they met at tour they watched the podcast they're in the social media commenting all, like, what is it about the environment that is conducive to sisterhood? I think what it is when I look at it in the environment, it allows women to share freely
Starting point is 00:27:35 who they are. I think it's in a place where you know that if you share something, you're not being judged. And a lot of times what you're seeing somebody else post is exactly what you wanted to post or exactly what you were thinking. So when you have the confidence and you go into a room and you look around and you see many different women, you see ages, you see sizes, you see different ethnicities all there and you know why they're there. We all come together first for purpose. You know why they're there. It just allows you to let go of some things that you've been holding
Starting point is 00:28:14 onto and hiding and putting to the side. Specifically for me, being in that room, I have never Being in that room, I have never got on my knees and so tears at the altar. And I wholeheartedly believe in a room that size that women sowed something, whatever it is, whether it was tears, whether it was raising worship, whether it was just showing up and getting there. There was something that was so, and God is so good because he gives you something for you being obedient for you showing up for you deciding to so into that experience and then that room and woman you all. Okay, I want to hear about your sisters. I want to hear about these four women in particular
Starting point is 00:28:58 who have changed your life. And I want you to like tell me like something about them like something brief about each of them and the gift that they add to your life. Can I say their name? Yeah, if you're comfortable with that for sure. Oh, okay, okay. So one of the sisters was one of the original six. Her name is Crystal Deferences. Oh my gosh. On my first, she encouraged me so much. She, she helped me when the group was
Starting point is 00:29:28 growing so significantly. She was one that helped to put together the dinner. Like she just hopped in and took it on. Unbeknownst that it would go from like six of us to like over a hundred and two hundred. So first of all, Jefferson, what she contributes to me as a sister. Oh my gosh, she has the gift of words. Her speaking, she's able to take an idea, but the way in which she's able to articulate it and put it together is completely phenomenal to me. Like every time I talk to her, I call her like, she's like a nugget gipper. I love her so very much in her energy
Starting point is 00:30:10 and she's just beautiful, like beautiful. Another one of my sisters is Miss Angie. I love Miss Angie. She to me is, she's like my big sister because her children are older than my children. So I looked to her to see how she is raised to daughters as a granddaughter and her son is getting ready to graduate high school and he's gotten a scholarship for college and I see how much she loves. She works in social work. Oh my goodness the way she loves people. Angie is such a lover and the way that she
Starting point is 00:30:47 prays is phenomenal. We have Ms. Jay. Oh my goodness. Jay is her gift is administration. I tell her this administration and training. And dealt a lot with Zoom. Jay showed me how to share my sound, how to share my screen because I was making PowerPoint presentations. I put a presentation and she was just so patient and she walked you through everything. Miss Jay, Jones and she does a weekly, it's called J's Jewels and they are amazing. It's a word of just whatever God downloads in her spirit and it has just oh my god I could see how God started with it and now when she puts it together it is phenomenal. It literally lines up with like all the stuff that you guys have going on a lot of different times.
Starting point is 00:31:30 She is amazing. And she made name tags for every single woman that showed up to that there without being asked. She has the administration gift and training gift. She's amazing. And last but not least, it's my beautiful sister, Don. Oh my goodness, Don is Don is Don. She is a light. She is bubbly, her voice, she laughs. She is just warm and receiving. And she is just such a season in her life where God is showing fruitfulness from her coming to that conference.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And I absolutely let it. We greet each other every single morning. We pray for each other when one of us has something going on. We are there if somebody has something that they're struggling with. But the difference is you're not judged. You are prayed for. What does the word say? And then how can I help you? How can I support you? What can I do? I'm here for you. Pick up the phone. We need the FaceTime. Those are sisters for life. They're blood sisters. They're kids are my kids. My kids are their kids now. It's for life after November of 2021 for life. That is so beautiful to me. Don,
Starting point is 00:32:39 Angie, Jay, Crystal and Kindle, a Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, Christian, connecting with other women, that doesn't mean that God still can't bring restoration in the form of sisterhood to your life. And so I just want to thank you for sharing your story with us about the revolutionary sisterhood, the two experience that we, it's such a blessing to me to understand that there are women out there who are taking seriously the mission of covering another woman's
Starting point is 00:33:23 head and having joy along the way. Yes, ma'am. It is definitely something that I have seen from going from 263 women and being able to see the different women now on Facebook with formed smaller sisterhoods. So it's great. You brought us all together in a big group, but what you have done is spoken into different women and now the sisterhoods are smaller sisterhoods, but they are manifesting and growing things. I've seen podcasts, I've seen LLCs come out. I've seen businesses come out.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I've seen women host events. It is completely phenomenal. Something that I want to share is just one one last thing that a sisterhood can do because this will really bless somebody. Through my church they have a ministry where they help single pregnant mothers and I've always wanted to sponsor one and if they have a baby shower for like she comes in we do their hair they're makeup makeup, they give them dinner, and then they bless these young women with gifts. I posted it in my Facebook group
Starting point is 00:34:29 that I still have for the solo, the solo sisters, and I made a baby registry. None of us know this young lady, I don't know this young lady. Other than she's single pregnant mom, and they take a eight week course, so she's committed to something and she's been consistent and I put baby registry they provided every single thing for another woman that they have never even met and I'm
Starting point is 00:34:53 gonna post pictures it's actually tomorrow it's it's it's coming in May but it is just to see the tangible hands and feet of God through women coming together has completely blown me away. That woman will touch love from people who don't even know her. Well, how we got to know about it. I tell you, I just, I want to say this, I know we're finished. We finished. There's one more thing, but there is power and women coming together and ultimately
Starting point is 00:35:26 saying no woman left behind. I think that when we see how easy it is if we come together to make sure that other women aren't left behind, it does create a hunger and a desire to keep it going. I love that there are smaller sisterhoods created within woman evolved because woman evolved was never meant to be about pointing to me. God always made it so clear to me that everything that I do with woman evolved has to make sure
Starting point is 00:35:55 that it includes everyone. So even with us doing the podcast this way where we're connecting with the women who are listening to the podcast, it is our responsibility to make sure that when we have platform we're sharing it and that we are connecting women with the women
Starting point is 00:36:09 who can walk out life with them. Because much like you, you've got your group of 263, I've got my group of two plus, whatever. And it's like, I can't walk with everyone, but I can create environments where you can meet someone who can walk with you. And I feel like that's part of my mission. So thank you for being the fulfillment of what God told me,
Starting point is 00:36:29 woman evolve could be and for taking care of the women who are under your care. Ooh, they, oh, you're welcome. And thank you for creating and being obedient for God to tell you to start woman evolve. The way that he has just blessed it is phenomenal. I am so in awe of God's goodness and grace as I continue to see its flourish and grow. Hey man, thank you Kindle. Thank you so much. This was amazing. Thank you. So much! This was amazing. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Okay, love you, take care. You're good. Bye. Kendall, I want to thank you so much for spending time with me and letting us get all in your business. Thank you for sharing your story, your journey, and about your incredible friends. You blessed me, and I know it'll bless so many others. If you're listening to this and know that you're ready
Starting point is 00:37:28 to share the story and get a little bit raggedy with me, I mean, I'm an transparent, vulnerable and just a little raggedy. Let's do the thing. Email podcasts at womanybuff.com with a one to two minute video about why you should be my next co-host or you can send me an advice question that you'd like for me to answer. Hit me up! you

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