Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts - Hope is Here w/ Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

Episode Date: July 12, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 God can't bless you for ten to be or who you compare yourself to. He can only bless you and the lane that was created for you. I've built that for somebody. You don't need no itch, itch, itch, itch, itch, you need boundaries. What? I don't need your lights, I don't need your elevation. All I need is a God, party for me, that's their all things. All things, all things.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Try. My text for tonight is Genesis 21 verse 14. I've been using the same text from city to city, but I've been asking God as we come into the city, what is the assignment, what is the word for the space that we're in. God told me something about you guys that had me redo my notes and everything. All that matters is that one person gets it. One person gets it, turn the city upside down. I'm in Genesis 21 verse 14, New King James Version.
Starting point is 00:01:22 For those of you unfamiliar with what's happening at this point in the text, Abraham is sending Hegar, he and Sarah's made servant away. At this point in the text, Abraham and Sarah have had their son Isaac, and about 14 years ago, he had a child with hagar. Because Sarah could not have children. She gave Abraham her maid servant. And she had a child with him that they were going to raise as their own. But then God came through for Sarah. When God came through for Sarah, it changed the dynamic between Ishmael and Abraham.
Starting point is 00:02:05 And so when we find them in this text, Abraham is sending them out. God's given him permission to send them away. What's unique about this is that this is not the first time that Hegar has fled into the wilderness. She fled into the wilderness when she first found out she was pregnant. But this time she's being sent into the wilderness on assignment by God. She's got God's endorsement this time. She's a different woman than she was before.
Starting point is 00:02:37 She doesn't have the same strength that she had when she first tried it. Doesn't have the same faith. I guess you could say she needs a hope revival. So my text begins it says, so Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and putting it on her shoulder, he gave it and the boy to Hegar and sent her away. Then she departed and wondered in the wilderness of Birchivan, the water and the skin was used up. And she placed the boy under one of the shrubs. Then she went and sat down across from him at a distance about a bow shot, for she said to herself,
Starting point is 00:03:25 let me not see the death of the boy. So she said opposite him and lifted her voice and wept. And God heard the voice of the lad. Then the angel of God called the haigar out of heaven and said to her, what else you Hegar? Fear not. For God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. A rise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand. For I will make him a great nation. Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water and she went
Starting point is 00:04:08 and filled the skin with water and gave the ladder drink. Holy Spirit, we need a drink. We need a drink from a well that'll never run dry. We need a drink that would make a river spring up on the inside of us. We're not just asking for a feel good message. God, we're asking for a radical encounter. And yes, we have distractions. And yes, there are so many reasons why you shouldn't do it. But God, we know that you were just good enough to do it anyway.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And so spirit of the living God, we open ourselves up for a radical encounter with you. God, we exit your glory, would fall in this place as only it can do when you have a meeting with your daughters. God, I exit you would take this word and make it intimate to every circumstance, every situation, every drop place in this room. We spring forth up a well in the name of Jesus that this would be the place where everything changes, that this would be the moment where we are dry no longer. And so God, I thank you in advance that we got the right women in this room. I thank you in advance that we got the right worship in this room. I thank you in advance that we got the right worship in this room.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I thank you in advance that we got the right message in this room. I thank you God in advance that we have the right heart posture in this room. I thank you God in advance that we got the right destiny in this room. I thank you God in advance that we got the right past, the right shame, the right experience in this room God because you waste nothing. And so in the name of Jesus, we dedicate this moment to you. And we say, have your way, great God that you are. And we just preach, we'll miss. But if the Spirit of God breaks out in this room, signs and wonders will be our inheritance,
Starting point is 00:06:00 we make a demand on the Spirit of God, because we are your chosen vessels, God. And we say, fill us up as only you can do. And let there be overflow until it touches every woman and every little girl and every generation connected to her. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. Amen. When I was growing up and they ask everyone, every little girl, every child, the same question,
Starting point is 00:06:40 what do you want to be when you grow up? And my answer was, I want to be a doctor. And I went through school a little while, and I realized how hard it was going to be to become a doctor. How much school goes into being a doctor? How much science goes into being a doctor? And I quickly diminished that dream. I decided to settle for something that would require a little less of me. And between becoming a doctor and becoming whoever I am now, I went through a series of
Starting point is 00:07:14 different things that I wanted to be. I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be an administrative assistant and little by little the more that I began to size up life the more I begin to change my hope to match the reality of my circumstance It was actually in this city where I experienced I would say one of the lowest points of my hope journey That's why your pastors mean so much to me when I That's why your pastors mean so much to me. When I lived here about 10 years ago, I was going through what was for sure one of the hardest, darkest seasons of my life.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And yet nobody knew it because my family was far away from me, but my parents told me if you need anything, you can call the Jenkins. And I didn't know exactly what I needed. But I knew that I needed to find a safe space because at that time in my life, holding going to hope felt like being in a holding pattern. I don't know if you've ever felt this way, where hope is not a perspective, hope is not an emotion, hope is a destination.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Like when I get here, then I'll finally have hope. If this happens for me, then I'll finally have hope. But there are some seasons in our life where hope is just in a holding pattern. And we're just waiting for a place to land. We're waiting for a place where we can finally feel safe again and to have security. And while I was here, my hope was in a holding pattern because life didn't look like what
Starting point is 00:08:50 I thought it should look like, but God made sure that I had a safe place even when I was in a holding pattern. And I can remember bringing my kids over and you all taking care of them and feeding them. And in that moment, I felt a little less alone. You gotta thank God for the moments in your life, where even though your hope isn't realized, even though your hope is intangible,
Starting point is 00:09:18 God provides a safe space where you don't have to be worried about the outcomes and you know for just a minute that this is going to be taken care of. Those moments in themselves are all for hope. Even if we're too blinded to acknowledge it as hope, God always makes sure that there is a way that you can keep going just a little bit longer. For me, your pastors did that. Because outside of that, my hope had started to feel like a burden. For other people, I think hope can feel invigorating
Starting point is 00:09:55 and it can feel like it's filling you with momentum, but there are some moments where having hope feels like a burden. I imagine that that's what Hagar felt like when we find her in this text. You see, because Hagar is the one who carries everyone else's hopes. Hagar was a maid servant for all intents and purposes. She was minding her business. When all of a sudden, because someone else had a hope they tagged her in so that she could carry the hope that they couldn't carry themselves.
Starting point is 00:10:36 See, we could act like we don't understand what it's like to be Hagar, but the truth is that some of us are at our best when we are carrying someone else's hope. Some of us, the way that we care for the people in our lives, the way that we make sure that everything is working out for their business, that they have a safe space. We end up becoming the person who carries everyone else's hope and we would never let anyone know just how heavy it is,
Starting point is 00:11:03 but Hagar gives us insight into what it's like to be you because you were not meant to carry everyone else's hope and yet you are the person that they go to by default and I wanted to let you know tonight that I see what you're carrying. Some of us can't even afford to have our own hopes because having our own hopes. Because having our own hopes would mean that I have to let down someone else's hope.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And because I'm so connected to trying to make sure that I please everyone else, I don't even have space to have my own hope. But God told me that we were in a moment of shift in our world, and that the shift was going to take place because it's going to be time for some woman to start stepping into her own Hope again that a woman was going to start making room for what it was like to carry her own hope to carry her own vision to carry her own where we're willing to let down other people's hopes? To trust that God can carry it for them or that God can give them the strength to do it on their own without feeling selfish and without feeling like I'm letting someone else down, even if it means that I'm holding them up at the expense of myself.
Starting point is 00:12:30 There are some people in this room who have held other people up while they themselves drowned, but I heard God say that tonight is the night that you're going to begin seeing that you got to swim to, that you got to come up for air too, that hope for you in this season is going to require that you got to come up for air too, that hope for you in this season is going to require that you be willing to create a boundary so that your hope can spread and your hope can grow. And most of us want to know, how can I keep being there for them and be there for me at the same time.
Starting point is 00:12:57 But I heard God say that you may not be able to do both of them. But I promise you that if you choose you, that you will have overflow and that the hope that I put in your soul will help inspire them. I got to say that the way I fill it in my chest because I feel like God is trying to let someone know that you are better as a role model than you are as a support system. That you think that the only way that you can hold them up is if you stay in position. But I heard God say if you really want to grow them up, get out of the way and start allowing God to grow you up, to start allowing God to challenge you and to change you and to transform
Starting point is 00:13:35 you and convict you and to see that you can walk on water too instead of cheering from the boat while someone else steps outside. But it takes a certain level of courage but it takes a certain level of courage. It takes a certain level of strength, but I heard God say that you're in the right place tonight, because there's going to be an outbreak of courage in this room. And the way that you came in is not the way that you're going to leave, and like I said, I only need one woman to get in, because all it takes is one courageous woman to change everything for her community.
Starting point is 00:14:06 You see, I'm not just talking to one woman. When you talk to one woman, you talk to a community. And when a woman gets a revelation about who God is, she can't help but spread it to everyone else. If you don't believe me, let me take you back to the tomb. When the woman found out he had been risen, she couldn't keep it to herself. She had to go run and tell somebody. I hear God saying that this is going to be the season where you have her run tell that
Starting point is 00:14:31 and no one's saying because you get a revelation about who God is. Let shakes have everything you've ever known about yourself and it will be a testimony to what God can do. will be a testimony to what God can do. When a woman won't give up, it's something radical about a woman who won't give up. It's something crazy about a woman who stays in the game. It's something weird about a woman who won't back down. And I hear God saying that you may have backed down in the past, but if you're still here, you can get back up.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I hear God saying, girl, get up, girl, get up. Maybe it's time for you to set back up. Maybe it's time for you to pick that dream up. Maybe it's time for you to start believing that you can really break that generational curse again. I know you're a great cheerleader, but God said, I'm ready to put you in the game. And if I'm going to put you in the game. And if I'm gonna put you in the game, you gotta put your pom-poms down and put your hands up. So I know that you're ready for the next dimension of what I want to do in your life.
Starting point is 00:15:35 This is a destiny-shaking moment. This is the moment where somebody starts moving with authority. When somebody starts moving with power, they had no business having, but because God. Because God said it's time for a shift, it's time for a change, it's time for a breakthrough, it's time for a new revelation. I hear God saying I want to show you something about yourself that you didn't even know was possible. I wish God would have told me 10 years from now that I would have been standing in a moment like this. I would have said, God, you're crazy, but God would have said, I know something about you. That you don't know about yourself.
Starting point is 00:16:18 So if you and let your hopes go, I can let my hopes free up. And when my hopes free up, it'll never run dry again. When my hope springs up, it'll bring the nation with you. When my hope springs up, it'll bring the generational curse. Spatzen, I'm about to start digging on you. Cause I heard God say it's water underneath there. I'm about to start digging on you. I'm about to start digging past that shame.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I'm about to start digging past those excuses. Cause God told me you was that girl, baby. God told me that demons tremble when you wake up in the morning. God told me that help is nervous when you get a revelation of who you are. God told me it's still water underneath there. God told me you've been in a drop for too long. Everything, everything K-Gar's ever known about herself is about to change. Everything she's ever known about what was possible for her. Changes with one moment, the lowest moment she's ever been in. The lowest moment changes everything. The lowest moment changes everything. The lowest moment, oh God.
Starting point is 00:18:08 The lowest moment is the moment where your closest to the water. The lowest moment is when your closest to the breakthrough. The lowest moment is when you're becoming more and more like what God had in mind. She was about to give up when she was in her lowest moment. But God says, don't give up, I haven't changed in mind. She was about to give up when she was in her lowest moment. But God says, don't give up. I haven't changed my mind. Don't give up. I haven't changed my mind.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I'm changing your mind. Changing your mind. Because the lowest moment makes you notable. Lowest moment makes you notable. Lois moment makes you desperate. The lowest moment makes you open you. You open the more options. You see when you're in your high moments, you have some things that you can and cannot do. But when you're in your lowest moment, see, I want to talk to some people in this room who have had some low moments because in those low moments, when you're about to give up,
Starting point is 00:19:05 you're so desperate to hear from God that if he would just send one drop, if you would just send one word, there were some women in this room and God told me that nobody would ever know it, but you've been at your lowest for a long time. But I heard God saying, I know. I know low when I see it. When God is getting ready to shift everything for Hey, God. She's tired. She's so tired.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And she doesn't even see properly what's in her world. She does what most of us do when we get tired. She starts watching her life from a distance. There's a she placed the bull underneath the tree. She moved away, and she didn't want to see it. Have you ever gone through a season of your life where you couldn't bear to watch how things were going down. I mean, I can't completely block it out, but I guess I just got to create a little bit
Starting point is 00:20:35 of distance. I can't be as invested. I got to move away a little bit because if I watch this thing die, it's going to reveal all of my biggest fears and I can't deal with this. All of my biggest fears coming to reality. So I've been watching my life from a distance. I've been watching as it falls apart. I've been watching as the child gets lost.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I've been watching as the marriage falls apart. I'm watching it from a distance. Because if I had to watch it up close, it would hurt too bad. Man. because if I had to watch it up close, it would hurt too bad. Man, hey, guys, and quite the predicament, because she can't even remember that there was a time when God gave her a word for the very season that she's standing in right now.
Starting point is 00:21:25 for the very season that she's standing in right now. If you go back to Genesis 16, God gave her a promise that he was gonna make a nation out of Ishmael, but you can't even see the promise when you're in the thick of the pain. I came to let somebody know that the promise still exists even in the midst of the pain. I know it looks like things are coming to an end, but the promise doesn't have an end. God's promises are yes and amen.
Starting point is 00:21:48 God's promises are generational. So even when it looks like the end for you, it is just the beginning for God. Because God is not a man that he shall lie. If God said it, then he's going to do it. And maybe just maybe you need to be back in position so that you can see when God moves. I wonder if you can see when God moves. If God said it, then he's going to do it. And maybe just maybe you need to be back in position so that you can see when God moves.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I want you to get the full expression of worship when God comes through when you thought it was over. You see, some of us have half worship because we disconnected. We didn't see when God came through, but some of us know that we know that we know, that there is no way that God should have been able to come through the way that he did.
Starting point is 00:22:29 God knows that there was no way that I was even in position to receive it. But God did it anyway. I want to talk to somebody who has witnessed God show up in a season where it didn't make any sense at all. And I want you to make some noise, because there's another woman in this room who needs to understand that God moves in mysteries,
Starting point is 00:22:52 that He makes the way out of nowhere. That miracles happen from nowhere. That breakthrough is still what God does. That He's still healing bodies. That He's still healing hearts. That He's still got recovery I don't know who this is for but stay off Beyonce's internet self-diagnosing your symptoms and sis But stay off Beyonce's internet self-diagnosing your symptoms and cis.
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Starting point is 00:24:37 hope for so long that she doesn't even realize that she serves a God who keeps hope on reserve for her. Jeremiah, 20, 9, 11 tells us, for I know the plans that I have for you says, God, plans are priceless for you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope. Wait a minute. That means that while I'm carrying someone else's hope, the God's got a hope on reserve for me. That means that I don't even have to ask God.
Starting point is 00:25:07 What do you want from me? The God says I got a hope with your name on it. I got a hope with your past on it. I got a hope with your gifts and talents on it. God says I'll give you a hope. I'll give you a hope. The kind of hope that you couldn't give yourself. I'm sorry, but I feel something happening in my spirit.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Because God gave me this hope for one many times. But God didn't give it to me since I was a little girl. I stumbled into a hope that God had for me. I just want somebody to know that you don't have to have had it planned out since you were little. If you would just lay down your idea of what your life has to look like, one day you'll look up and you'll little. If you would just lay down your idea what your life has to look like. One day you'll look up and you'll stumble into destiny. You'll stumble into hope.
Starting point is 00:25:50 You don't have to have the degree for it. You don't have to have the connections for it. Some of us have called it stumble into hope. I know it doesn't look like it, but you want to be in your stumble in season. I'm not just shumbling to break through. I'm not just stumbling to a miracle. I'm not just stumbling to hope. I'm gonna stumble in my lowest point I'm gonna stumble when I'm tired. I'm gonna keep going cuz I'm just one step away from a breakthrough
Starting point is 00:26:18 I'm just one step away from knowing who I am and God. I'm one step away. From understanding why I was anointed. I'm one step away. From understanding who God is in this season of my- One. One stumble. One stumble, one stumble, one stumble. You're stressing because your baby is stumbling. I hear God saying they go stumbling to an auntie
Starting point is 00:26:47 You're stressed cause you keep stumbling I hear God saying you go stumbling to a ministry You go stumbling I stumble, I stumble Somebody did everything the right way But some of us stumbled into this room Somebody had all the right way, but some of us stumbled into this room. Somebody had all the right connections, but some of us stumbled into position. Stumbled. That's why I gotta keep moving when I'm tight.
Starting point is 00:27:25 That's why you can judge me because I'm stumbling. But at least I'm still moving. At least I'm still trying. I may have to stumble my way, but I can't stand still. Because I don't know which step is gonna be the next step. That shows me why all things work together for my good. I stumbled into it. She... It's about to stumble. Can I tell you why it blessed me so much this text?
Starting point is 00:28:37 Because it speaks so much about who you're connected to when you're in your lowest season, he goes and puts his my L under the tree. He goes to watch from a distance. And my text tells me that his myel cries out to the Lord. The angel of the Lord speaks to Hegar, but Hegar isn't the one that cried out to the Lord. Isch-me-el was. The power of connection is that when you have found yourself in a season where you don't have the words, you want somebody in your corner who can lift you up when you can't lift yourself up. We've been in buses from city to city to city because we were crazy enough to believe that if we lifted you up to
Starting point is 00:29:46 God that you would receive a second wind and all of a sudden haigar goes from being at her end to receiving a second wind all because of who she was connected to. In a moment, you're in this room and you sit next to a woman who's had a hard time carrying herself. Yeah, I know. Season to season. Looking out for herself. Trying to make the best out of whatever came her way.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And that woman she's done well for where she's come from. But every now and then we just need somebody who will carry us a little bit further. I want to give you 30 seconds to carry that woman just one inch further. To give her the strength she needs to just take another step. Because when you touch and agree with that woman, heavens resources are going to back you up. And everything you decree over that woman, God's going to make sure it is fulfilled in the earth
Starting point is 00:31:07 So I'm going to give you 10 seconds to grab the woman closest next to you And I want you to take a minute and begin to decree and declare over her life They got so every tear that he heard every heartbreak that she won't have to face it on her own And I know you used to be in it by yourself that he heard every heartbreak, that she won't have to face it on her own. And I know you used to be in it by yourself, but if nobody touches you, you'll be trying to touch somebody for yourself, because you don't have to do this thing on your own. God said, if you're open up your mouth wide, he'll feel it. And I just want you to take 10 seconds and a pouring to that woman you're sitting next to.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Because that woman's got an assignment over her life and she's got to break through connected to her name. And she's got to double to find out her family and double to break out of her marriage and she can't do it by herself. But if the power of God wouldn't flow through this place. Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost, holy Ghost I remind this woman that no one can form against her will prosper I remind this woman that anyone who walked away from her That I didn't need to use the pro where she was headed I decree over this woman that she's still anointed I decree over this woman that she still has value She still has worth I decree over this woman. That she carries a
Starting point is 00:32:48 generational curse breaking anointing. I decree over this woman. That she will evolve by anything's necessary. I decree over this woman. I need to break through in the name of Jesus. I decree over this woman. That depression has to get off of her I decree open this woman that anxiety will not have the final say I decree open this woman That any devil that runs up against her is gonna be man with the power of God Through her I decree open this woman that her children's children, children, children, children, children will understand the righteousness of God. I decree it. I decree it.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I decree it. I prophesy it over you. I speak it into existence. I say in the name of Jesus, in the name if I had to say it in my name, you would be in trouble. But when I say it in the name of Jesus, that's how I know that it's sealed work. Healing in her body, healing in her mind, healing in her thought life, healing in that addiction, healing where she had exaggerated healing. Oh yeah, He's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, mad, he's mad, he's mad, mad, he's mad, mad, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad, mad, he your own, but I heard, I see it's just gonna take a stumble and it ain't even gonna take that much.
Starting point is 00:34:46 A second wind, a second wind, a third wind, a fourth wind, a second wind for this next stage of your life, a second wind for this new job, a second wind for this new marriage, a second wind for this page, a second wind, a second wind, a second wind, a second wind, a second wind, a second wind, a second wind, girl get up, the wind is coming, girl get up, you've got a world to change, a second win And no giving up where we from And no giving up where we from And no quitting where we from, what's up D&B? What's up D&B?
Starting point is 00:35:18 I heard there was some women in this room Who could turn this thing upside down I'm not gonna let you quit. I'm not gonna let you quit. Ishtenaw basically starts praying, because he can't let his mama get stuck here. I'm not gonna let you quit sometimes you need somebody who won't let you quit here. Quintin' season was a long time ago. If you was gonna give up, you should have gave up five years ago. But since you kept on pushing, I hear God saying, I'm about to pursue into the next stage of your destiny. Yeah. Hey, Gar.
Starting point is 00:36:05 It's moving. From a season of suffering to a season of establishing. You're moving from a season of suffering to a season of establishing and it doesn't look like it's establishing because you're in the lowest point but everybody knows that when you're going to build a foundation you don't build it at the highest point you build it at the lowest point so that when everything is shaking that can be shaken. There will be one thing that is not shaken. And that is what God develops in you in the establishing season.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Brick by brick. Revelation by revelation. God's establishing you, even when it looks like you're low. You're never too low to be established. I'm gonna make you a monument for my glory. That's a beautiful sound. Tell you, that sound is so beautiful, because I imagine that that is the sound of affliction. Affliction that's been buried a long time. And the beautiful thing about affliction finally coming up, is that it makes room for hope to come in. Inchmail means, God has heard my affliction. She names Ishmael this 14 years before this moment. 14 years before she finds herself at the lowest point, God gives her insight into
Starting point is 00:39:07 what will deliver her. And that is when her affliction finally makes a sound. You see, you don't get to be strong women Without having to swallow a few things But in the process of swallowing that Every now and then God says you can't take anymore Until you give something up. You want vision, you want clarity, you want strategy, I know you want strength, you want purpose.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I know all of those things that you're asking God for, but God says I want the affliction, because the affliction is the catalyst for destiny. And as long as you're acting like it didn't afflict you, I can't use it to propel you. But when you release the sound, God can release his voice. So isch-mail releases the sound. And the angel of the Lord comes to Hegar, and he says, what else you? You don't have to be afraid. The promise is still on. I'm still going to make a nation out of him.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Then my text says something so beautiful. He says, God opened her eyes. Sometimes we're walking through life with our eyes closed. You have to walk through life with your eyes closed to even understand what I mean through about that. Because there are some moments where on the outside looking in, it looks like your
Starting point is 00:41:25 eyes are open, but I'm talking about the eyes of your heart being closed. It says something radical in this message. Doesn't say that God created a will. Doesn't say that God dug a well. When God opened her eyes, she saw it. As if it had been there the whole time. But she was so focused, so convinced that this was just going to be another thing that ended in devastation, that she didn't even look for hope in where she was standing.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I want to give you a charge DMB before I get on this bus, and that charge is not that you would pray that God would change your circumstance. I'm not even going to ask you to pray that God would move you from the circumstance. I'm going to ask that you would begin to pray that God would open your eyes in the circumstance so that you can see where hope exists here. When that little girl on the video said, hope is here, hope is here. That was a prophecy that I want you to take back with you.
Starting point is 00:42:38 And when you're looking at any circumstance in any situation that feels like it's destined for devastation. I want you to start saying to yourself, hope is here, hope is here, hope is here, hope is here, hope is here, I lost the job, but hope is here, hope is here. They act crazy again, but hope is here, hope is here, because you gotta start training your heart to start looking for the hope, even in the middle of the pain. I believe that hope is coming to your city.
Starting point is 00:43:06 No, no, no. I believe hope is already in your city. I believe that hope is already in your business. I believe that hope is already in your marriage. I believe hope is already in the education. Hope is here. Hope is here. Somebody's waiting for hope to arrive. Hope says I've been here all along. I've just been waiting for someone who has the right eyesight
Starting point is 00:43:27 to understand that it wasn't what you thought it was going to be. But it's everything that God knew it was supposed to be because one thing leads to another thing. And the another thing leads to the best thing. And the best thing leads to the God thing. And the God thing is where you get to experience the fullness of God's glory And I don't know about you, but I've spent in my life chasing glory. I want to go from glory to glory to glory to glory to glory So
Starting point is 00:44:01 If it doesn't look like glory Then I must have missed something. Because God never did a miracle where He didn't use what was already within reach. Which means there's something that you got your hands on right now that may not look like much to him. I don't know who I'm talking to, but that felt like more than a prophecy. That felt like a word of knowledge. That you got your hands on something
Starting point is 00:44:26 That no one else sees the worth in No one else sees the value in But God says the reason why you can't let it go The reason why you can't walk away Is because hope is here, hope is here Hope is here, hope is here Nobody has to see it, but I see hope is here Nobody has to understand it, but I see hope is here. Nobody has to understand it but I see hope is here.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I said I gave you the vision so that you could bring the hope into reality. I heard God say that you're going to go from laying the home to becoming somebody's hope and when you step in the room somebody's going to say I can have hope because that woman had hope because she didn't let go. I'm going to hang on a little bit longer. I'm finished. Hey, Gar, you can stand with me. I'm gonna pray. I'm finished. Hey, Gar, you can stand with me. I'm going to pray. Hey, Gar does what we're going to all have to learn to do.
Starting point is 00:45:38 When God gives us a hope, a better, how big or small. Hey, Gar sees the whale when God opens her eyes. And immediately, she gets up, she fills the cup, and she takes it over to Ishmael. She understood that it's one thing to see hope. It's another thing to put hope to work. When God gives you a hope, sometimes we can be so afraid that it won't stay. So afraid that we aren't worth it or that will mess it up,
Starting point is 00:46:21 that we don't work it even when it's standing right in front of our face. But I believe that that curse is broken over your life. That we are women who will not just ask God for hope, but will put hope to work when it knocks on our door. When I was praying for you, I heard God say so clearly to me that it was time for a woman to move back into a space of radical hope, radical hope, hoping for the types of things that you shouldn't even be hoping for based off of what the doctor said based off of what statistics say, but I heard God say that if you shrink your hope to fit the report, then you'll miss out on the radical faith that will make that hope your reality. And I don't know who you are in this room, but I just want you to know that you serve a radical God.
Starting point is 00:47:23 So why not have some radical hope? I don't know who you are in this room, but I felt like you should know that you serve a radical God. So why not have some radical hope? I don't know who you are in this room, but I felt like you should know that you've got a radical Jesus. So if you're going to have a radical Jesus, you can't have a little abnormal hope. You've got to have the kind of hope that feels radical in the face of divorce, radical in the face of everything you've gone through.
Starting point is 00:47:42 I know I shouldn't have this hope, but I have it because this hope that I have didn't come from me This hope that I have came from God and I've got a radical hope for regeneration of women who would rise up and become ambassadors I got a radical hope for regeneration of women who would begin to prophesy through their art Who would prophesy through their families? Who would prophesy through the work that they do I got a radical home for a generation of women who will heal little girls who went through the same thing they went through I got a radical home for an international women's conference that'll draw women from all over the world I got a radical home for removing that looks like there's some headline and like Beyonce little do they know that the headliner is Jesus
Starting point is 00:48:26 I got a radical home for a generation of women who take seriously their position and begin to wage war with hell Because Genesis 3 and 15 tonus that there was gonna be war between The woman but I got a radical hope that a woman arrives up and crushed the head of a serpent I got a radical hope that a woman arrives up and crushed the head of a serpent I got a radical hope for a generation of women who will allow Christ in them to be the home of glory. I got a radical hope for your DMV because I serve a radical God. And anybody who's been through what you've been through ought to be radical because you shouldn't have survived.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Anyone who survived what you went through ought to be radical because you should have been in jail. Anybody who went through what you went through ought to be radical because you should be in a mental health hospital. Anybody who went through what you went through all of that abandonment and all of that rejection. You had radical pain. That means you got radical purpose. You had radical obstacles.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Which means you got radical strength. So I had a radical obstacles, which means you got a radical strength. So I speak to them in so-called you family, the kind of power that makes hell nervous, the kind of power that makes demons tremble, the kind of power that has you to create things. And it is as famish and earth, the kind of power. That conviction, when you're not you, the kind of power that convict you, when you sleep on yourself. So guys since Hagar are wake up call, and DMV this is yours. Wake up baby. Wake up, baby. Wake up, baby. Wake up, baby. It's revival season. Revival's gonna happen through you. When you wake up, everything else will wake up to. When you wake up, I see the world changing.
Starting point is 00:50:21 When you wake up, I see the family changing. When you wake up, I see you changing the industry. When you wake up, I see everything that God meant for you to come to pass. So, spirit of the living God. Good morning. He opened our eyes. For the first time in a long time, things don't look as blurry. The obstacle doesn't seem as big. The pain doesn't seem so chronic. God I thank you for an outpouring of your hope in this place. The God of hope, the God of hope resting inside of us. Jesus, I thank you for these women. You know every
Starting point is 00:51:17 scar, you know every wound, you know every tear. And yet you still have hope in them. God made this word just be the beginning of hope springing up in them. God, I thank you that you're going to draw people to them that protect their hope, and you're going to subtract those who drain it. God, I thank you that you're going to give them the strength to create the boundaries that protect what you're doing in the life. God, I thank you that you're not just my God, but you're there, God too. So I can take my cape off so that I can finally know you as my Savior, as my healer, as my
Starting point is 00:52:00 provider. God, I thank you that you're not finished with spring. So I ask that you would keep their ears open and their eyes open, that they would look at their circumstance of fresh and they would see the little pockets of hope that you've been sending their way. May they treasure them, hang on to them and trust that the same God that is providing hope now will provide hope for everything that you put them up against. We
Starting point is 00:52:34 rebuke the spirit of worry, the rebuke, we rebuke the spirit of fear and delk, we have no space for that. We renounce our covenant with doubt. We renounce our covenant with worry. We renounce our covenant with shame. We renounce our covenant with worry. We renounce our covenant with shame. We renounce it. You've been here long enough. It's time for hope to make way. And God, I thank You that it's not just me who received hope. I thank You for the woman next to me, beside me, in front of me, and behind me.
Starting point is 00:52:59 I thank You God that You raised up a whole bar in me. And I thank You that You sent me next to this woman so that when her hope sprung up it would feel my cup and when my hope sprung up it would feel her cup and I thank you great God for overflow but if I never try again that all I have to do is be reminded of what it was like to sit next to a well and I thank you God that there are more wells along the way so God helped me to understand when a woman is a well and when a woman is a train so I can understand when I need to pour and when I need to receive and I thank you God that as we are in relationship with one another that it will be like Mary and Elizabeth and those dreams that are inside of me are going to
Starting point is 00:53:43 start leaping again and those dreams that you place on are inside of me are going to start leaping again. And those dreams that you place on the inside of me are going to give birth to transformation. And I thank you God that the world will be better because we said yes. I thank you God that the world will be better because we found hope together God. So I ask that you would seal this word. Let it take root and let it produce fruit. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. you

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