Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts - Presence of Hope w/ April Daniels

Episode Date: September 28, 2022

Holding onto hope in hard times is a revolutionary act! Just ask our girl April Daniels who, when faced with the devastating loss of her husband, REFUSED to lose faith in God. Sooo…When did resilie...ncy kick in? How did her pep talks with God go? And what should you do when your flesh tries to buck the spirit? Sis, press PLAY for all the deets! April told SJR that she traded her anger for questions and found hope in the promises of God. W.E. pray this episode allows you to draw near Him during times of grief and sorrow. With expectation that for every setback, God has a major comeback! Delegation, connect with this queen on IG @iamaprildaniels @thegirlfriendscorner @thembmag where she is crushin’ it as a faith influencer! Then, hit up podcast@womanevolve.com to be our guest co-host or to ask ya girl SJR for advice.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 God can't bless you for ten to be or who you can pair yourself to. He can only bless you and the lane that was created for you. I feel that for somebody. You don't need no itch, it's a unique boundary. What? I don't need your lights, I don't need your elevation. All I need is a God party for me that's their all things, all things, all things. Child. Girl, listen, if you're breathing, you've had your own unfair share of wounds that cut so deep you
Starting point is 00:00:39 didn't think you'd survive. I've been there. I've been there more times than I can count. Moments where I felt ill equipped. Moments where I felt inadequate. Moments where I felt like I could not be trusted with this level of pain, this level of responsibility. It's literally the grace of God that fills you with hope to dream, believe, and even to love again.
Starting point is 00:01:03 If you've heard of April Daniels, then you know like many of us, she is hope personified. Whether it's picking up the pieces of life after the sudden loss of her husband or the viral video of her praising God when their son was admitted into law school, it truly is an honor to have April as today's co-host and have her touch on this week's topic, the presence of hope. I promise you, if you've been in a dark season, you've been wondering if you'll ever get out or if there's any light at the end of the tunnel.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Keep listening. This is the Flickr of Hope. Hey there. Hi, how are you? I'm doing great. Thank you. How are you? I'm well. I'm well. Thank you for asking. We have met in passing, but I'm excited because I feel like now I'm about to really get to ask you all the questions I want to stalk you and ask you on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Oh wow! Yes, yes. that is so true. Mutual friends. Yeah, the whole thing. You know, we never had this opportunity. So I'm honored. Thank you very much. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:12 How you been feeling? Yes. I've been good. You know, yesterday was actually my wedding anniversary. Ah. And you know for the, well, I won't say for the first time since Shawn's been gone, I totally forgot. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And I got up and I was like a little heavy thoughts of him, but I wasn't even thinking about the date. And I went and worked out. And then all of a sudden I got a text that was like, so sorry, I know you're hurting today. I'm like, no. When I'm like, you're hurting today, why am I hurting? Right. And then I looked and I was like, oh my God, how did I forget?
Starting point is 00:02:47 And it's kind of funny because like the last three years Shawn and I forgot. Oh wow. Our son's woke us up and was like, what are you doing today? We're like, what's today? We don't know, you know? And it's like your anniversary.
Starting point is 00:03:00 So I felt like he was giving me a little hug. Like, baby, you still forget, and I'm not there, but you still forget. So I'm good. Thank you for asking. But yes, yesterday. How long has it been since your husband passed? Almost three years.
Starting point is 00:03:14 In September, it'll be three years. Gee. Yeah. It's time. Waits for no one. It's just flying. I'm like, it still feels like yesterday, but almost three years. I can like, it still feels like yesterday, but almost three years.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I can remember, I think on Instagram, because we have mutual friends, but no one that who would have alerted me to the last, but I can remember being on Instagram when news just kind of started spreading about your husband's passing. And I can remember just the devastation, just like that I felt, and I didn't even know you, I just knew your story from the outside looking in. And of course, like many people, you know, you go to your Instagram page,
Starting point is 00:03:57 you go to his Instagram page. And I feel like as a wife and, you know, I have, my husband's so incredible. And I think that you instantly just imagine, you know, what would that experience be like for me? And I know no matter what we imagine it can't, it probably can't compare it all. But I had this thought that like, I bet it's not the big things like the anniversaries and the birthdays
Starting point is 00:04:26 though I'm sure they have their grief connected to them. For me it's like those little moments where you got on your bonnet and you watching the show and they roll over like those little moments in marriage that are so sacred and intimate seem like they would be the most challenging part of missing someone. Yes, absolutely. I mean, a lot of people, they tell you, oh, after you get through the first, but I'm like, there will always be first. Yeah. It's not like you just get through a first birthday or first anniversary. There will always be moments that will be first that you won't be a part of. And you're so right, like getting in the bed at night.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm like, like, this sucks. I said, any woman that tells me, I love being alone. I'm a teller, you're a liar. And the truth is not in you because I let me tell you. I miss that man so much. And you know, I'm grateful that I'm in my right mind and I'm able to still function, but it'll be just moments where I just want to sit down
Starting point is 00:05:28 and have breakfast with them. Yeah. It's just a normal time. It's not the big to do event holiday or just the normal, the going to bed at night, the waking up together, the what are you doing today? Oh, I have to do this. Like those little things, it changes completely.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And it's like, you have to learn how to live all over again by yourself, you know? And although you have children, and they're great, it just, they're missing their father. I'm missing my husband. Two different things completely. We lost the same person, but in completely different ways. And so, you know, the highs and the lows and all of that stuff completely. We lost the same person but in completely different ways and so you
Starting point is 00:06:05 know the highs and the lows and all of that stuff is just so different for all of us. It's not like you know a commonality where it's like okay Sean is gone yes but what he meant to each of us is so very different and what he contributed in those areas and those moments of our life is still so very different. So like, man, what? I don't know if I want to talk about you finding hope or if I want to honor just the reality of what it feels like to be without hope at first. And maybe you didn't have that stage, but maybe you can kind of take us back to the extent
Starting point is 00:06:44 that you feel open and willing, like what were some of those hopeless moments like? Cause this week we're talking about the presence of hope. And I think a lot of times when we find ourselves in dark moments, someone's always like ready to push hope on us, but I think in order to earn the trust to bring someone into hope that we first have to relate to how they feel. So maybe you can talk to us a little bit about what that feels like and then where was
Starting point is 00:07:12 the light that was shimmering or blinking in the midst of that dark season. Yeah. Oh gosh. And you know, it was kind of like a rollercoaster effect when it initially happened. I was on the scene when I got the confirmation and my flesh just wanted to just fall out. And I did. I fell out completely. But as soon as I hit the asphalt, the Holy Spirit was like, get up. Jet was with me. That's my youngest son.
Starting point is 00:07:41 He was 14 at the time. And I just got up and went into Mama Bear mode. And as we're going back home, it was like instantly God was just like, you got this. I didn't feel like that, but I heard the connection, I felt the connection. My heart was like, my world is shattered.
Starting point is 00:08:07 But my spirit was like, you can do this. And so, I drove back home and I think about that often, like, how the heck did I drive home from the scene of the accident? And everybody was trying to drive. And everybody wanted to make sure I was okay who were who was there. But it was my responsibility to get me and Jett home. I didn't want anyone driving me. I didn't want
Starting point is 00:08:29 anyone to impose on our ride home together. That was the time for him and I. And you know, the moment we got into the house, I just kind of went into this, I can fix it, mode. And I'm thinking, who do I need to call? What do I need to do? What would he want me to do? And inside, I'm just completely feeling devastated and like everything that we were building towards is gone. I'm like, what does that look like? I don't even know how I'm functioning.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I don't even know how I'm gonna, I don't even know how I'm not how I'm going to get get back from this situation. How does this look? What does it look like? But I'm still moving in the process. I know, obviously, it wasn't nobody but God, but it's just crazy when you have an outer body experience and then you can go back and reflect and you're like, what in the world was going on in Owl? But in that, you know, inside I'm broken, I'm devastated, and I'm like, I don't even know what the next hour looks like, but I'm still multitasking and doing everything that I knew he would want me to do. And, you know, we got through it. It was hard. I definitely, from that period up until his memorial. I just really was trying to hold on to
Starting point is 00:09:48 the promises of God because for me, it was like if you stop believing God now, everything you and your husband represented would be a lie. That was, you know, the whole concept of our cool couples ministry, including faith, including God and the home friend and the marriage, that's really your superpower. And so I'm like, if you attempt from, this is where you have guys have been, you cannot walk away from that. You know the example, you know the history you have with God. You know who he has been, you know his faithfulness.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I know it doesn't look like tomorrow is going to mount to whatever you may have thought it was, but do not let go, do not grow weary. And I really just had to kind of keep replaying that stuff over and over so that I could really stay focused because it was days, it was weeks, it almost was months where I didn't want to get out of bed. I'm like, I'm not going nowhere. My friends are like, we love you, but you got to wash your behind and you need to wash your teeth.
Starting point is 00:10:54 It's just getting crazy. But it was the only thing that made him feel like he was still with me, the scent on the pillow, or sleeping on inside of the bed. Those things that you take for granted, but that was all I had that equate to my husband. And so with that, I got a call, and I think this was the pivotal moment for everything. I got a call from a young lady,
Starting point is 00:11:22 and she was one of the wives in our co-couples. We had an e-group at Elevation Church and we had about maybe 40 couples in the e-group and one lady called me and she said, hey, I need to talk to you. I'm having problems in my marriage. And I'm telling you, we are maybe not even a full week after the memorial. And my flesh instantly wanted to be like, you're calling me, do you know what I went through? Like, why are you on my phone asking me anything about your marriage? And I heard the Holy Spirit say, why can't she? And in that moment, I was like, I have work to do. Like April, you're gonna be okay.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Get it together, God is not done. He has not forgotten you. He is not leaving you to figure it out on your own. Give it to him and get yourself together. And I haven't even spoken to that young lady since that, but I believe there was nobody but God calling her to reinforce what he had already started in me with my husband. And so with that, I just took it and allowed it
Starting point is 00:12:38 to be the thing that was the catalyst to get me back into, you come on, girl, put your arm away, get yourself together, you got this, like yes, you've lost the wing, you've lost a big part, the pillar in your home, but this is not the end. And so from there, I was really able to adopt this mind frame that was just like, my husband was so good with this because he would be like, baby,
Starting point is 00:13:03 you go in the room, don't you let nobody take you off your square. Don't you let nobody change you from being who you're supposed to be in that room. And I have not let go of that. And so with it, I was like, okay, you have it. Let's do this. Like you really got to give yourself these type of bad talks
Starting point is 00:13:21 because sometimes it should show and God. You know, it's like, okay, I got to do what I got to do. But in that, it changed everything. It just allowed me the things that my flesh wanted to kind of bucket and be like, what? Like, you know, I feel like people were taking advantage in trying to do things that they knew because Sean was no longer there. They could get access to me or they could achieve the things that they knew because Sean was no longer there. They could get access to me or they could achieve the things that they were trying to do with their own agenda.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And I just felt so alone, but I just had such a peace because I was like, do not let anybody take you off your mark. Do not do anything other than what God expects you to be in this room with these people. I don't care if they're your enemies, I don't care if they're your friends, I don't care if they're your people. I don't care if they are enemies, I don't care if they are friends, I don't care if they are your family. I don't care if they are your children,
Starting point is 00:14:09 be who you're supposed to be. And each day, it was like I was getting stronger and stronger and able to just really be able to embrace all the ups and downs of this traumatic ride that I wish on my worst enemy, you know, it's like, okay, God, you chose me for this. And what am I going to do? I can't say no, thank you. It doesn't change the result. I'm still walking in it. So I'm like, listen, I know who you are. I know who you've been. And we unfortunately all have a point, an appointment with death, we do.
Starting point is 00:14:47 We can't avoid that. Obviously my husband left way sooner than any of us anticipated or would have liked, but with it, I'm like this purpose and I see him every day in some way, his spirit. I know when he's right here looking over me, I know when he's right here looking over me. I know when he's you know involved in anything. And I know everybody won't get that because they're not spiritually in the
Starting point is 00:15:11 play. They'll be like, okay, man, he's a pleasant talk to you. I'm girl, but you know, I'm very sure of his spirit. I'm very sure of the purpose God has laid on me. And I'm honored that he chose me to be able to do the work that he's put before me because you know, it's it's it's a price for your oil, but this a blessing. And when God selects you to do a deed from him. And that's how I have to look at each that. Okay, well first of all, you're trying to drag us up underneath the weed. Listen, I need tissue and clinics over here. I marvel at your ability to explain the unexplainable and to give context to this responsibility. Because as can tell that you really see the responsibility in it, did you ever wrestle with the notion that like God is trusting you with this responsibility of recovery, of restoration,
Starting point is 00:16:25 of life after loss, even though you didn't necessarily trust yourself, like did you ever have this stage where like you were angry with God for trusting you with this because I do think that like where you land is where I think all of us should be able to land when dealt with any level of grief, what grief, whether it's the loss of someone, a devastating blow to our job, our family,
Starting point is 00:16:51 like we're all trusted with grief and pressure and pain and it's difficult in certain moments to not just feel like, God, why? God, how? And like, I'm upset with you and I'm gonna turn my back when you, but I love what you said, because I'm gonna say this but then I'm upset with you and I'm going to turn my back when you, but I love what you said because I'm going to say this
Starting point is 00:17:08 but then I want to hear your answer. I do feel like there have been moments in my life where it's like if you can only be in relationship with God when everything is going the way that you want, then your relationship with God was based off of this genie and a bottle mentality, but my faith in God, if I really believe this stuff that I'm saying, like if I really believe what I'm posting about and preaching about,
Starting point is 00:17:32 it's going to be put to the test in my own life. And like, what do you want your faith to say when fear or anger or pressure is trying to take the microphone? I have moments where I can tell that that's my fear and my anger talking, I may roll my eyes a God a little bit, but then I control them and start focusing on faith again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 You know, it's crazy because I had a situation when my husband was alive. And, you know, him and I made this huge decision to move to California for several different reasons. And we felt like God confirmed it. Like literally we was like Lord, if it's meant to be, we need to see it happen. We need X, Y, Z to happen. It was at the time when real estate was like not at all a solar smart kid. We made the front page of the real estate section of the newspaper when we sold our house.
Starting point is 00:18:29 That's how miraculous this thing was. Everything we prayed came to pass. And then when we got there, I was publicly humiliated. I was devastated. And I was like, God, you told us to come out here. I was like, I felt like you threw me on the front line with no type of arm or no gun, no nothing. And I just took bullets and I was so angry. I was so angry. I was heated. I mean, it took me probably well over a year to really get out of it. And I could not understand for the life of me,
Starting point is 00:19:06 like, okay, you love us, you, you sealed the deal, answering everything we put on the altar to know if we should do this or not. And then you let it blow all up. I couldn't understand, I could not wrap my head around. And I remember that whole year, I was just angry. I was like, I'm not praying. I am not even talking to you.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I ain't wanna look at you. I'm not going to church. I didn't want no parts of it. And I remember showing like, baby, you gotta let go. You gotta let go of the singer. And I was like, I'm gonna let go of the singer. Like it was the only thing I owned.
Starting point is 00:19:41 So I'm going to as far as this situation. So that to me was like, remember when your heart was hardening? Remember how hard that was? Because I went through it the most. God wasn't going through it like, you know, he's like, come on, door to get back over here. But you know, I'm, you think you get back at God,
Starting point is 00:20:01 but you're not. And you know, you're over there with a hard heart. You know, everything is just being affected by that hard heart. And it's no fun for anybody. It's not fun for the people that have to deal with you. It's not fun for you when you want to be angry and everybody want to be happy. So I knew what that looked like Sarah. I was like, yeah, I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:20:22 That cannot be a repeat. And I felt like that experience had been preparation for this moment, not to say that the things that happened then versus losing my husband were equal. But I believe, you know, God gives us those little, you know, test or test to let you know, like, okay, remember this, because when I get to take you there, I'm gonna need you to remember what not to do, what you did on it at that work.
Starting point is 00:20:48 And so, you know, I was like in that moment, I just, I had such a peace. And it wasn't that, you know, if people didn't understand my faith, somebody wouldn't look that in, been like, why is she so happy her husband's not here? It wasn't that, but I knew God had me. I just knew that even though he took him,
Starting point is 00:21:12 he's where we wanna be, you know what I mean? He's good, but he was not going to let me fall. He was not gonna let me, you know, that it wasn't a debt in for me. And so I just said, you know what? Don't do that. Stay focused April, because you know, no, keep your hands straight, you know, because we can often be our worst enemies, you know. And so with that, no, I never had a time that I wanted to be angry when Sean passed. I had questions.
Starting point is 00:21:45 The biggest part for me was the way he passed. I felt like he was such a phenomenal man and such a great person. And I'm like, why would you take him that way? Like couldn't it just been peacefully in his sleep? But even with that, I found out later that it was just like a snap of a finger. It wasn't what I thought and had envisioned. It was carrying with me. But in that man, I just, I didn't want to be, I didn't want to have a heart and heart.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And more importantly, I wanted to be able to, when that lady called me and asked me, could I help her? And I heard the Holy Spirit say, and why not? I knew at that point. I had to be some type of help to women who didn't even know they would be walking in the same shoes as higher. When I looked up, I was like, who can help me?
Starting point is 00:22:39 There was no one, Sarah, no one. You have your grandmother your grandmothers and the older people that lose a spouse when it's time, you know what I mean? But they don't know any that they don't know how to talk into a young woman losing her husband at 41. Like what does that look like? So you know with it, I was just like,
Starting point is 00:23:01 not that I wanted to be the poster child, but my heart was so heavy like whatever I'm going through, I'm sharing somebody needs this information. I have to let people know, you know, what this feels like because there's no information out there. Who's talking about being a widow young? It's people, don't get me wrong, but it's less people talking about that than it is.
Starting point is 00:23:26 And so when I started being open about my healing and the process and everything I was going through till this day, I still get such an overwhelming amount of DMs. And I am honored to be able to just help people because something as small as when we were sitting at the table in my husband's business partner was there and we were just going over business things and I said, what am I? He said, what do you mean? I said, well, I'm a widow, but I'm like, when I write, when I fill out an application, like I'm not legally married anymore, and I couldn't wrap my head around that. Like it sounds silly like, yeah, you know, your widow, yes,
Starting point is 00:24:12 but in that moment, I'm like, no, I'm not a widow. I'm a married woman. My husband just isn't here, which obviously is the same thing, but it's just little things that you don't even know until you know. No one's sitting up giving you the education of how to be a widow, but it was just so many things that I had to learn
Starting point is 00:24:34 now in this new stage of life that was oblivious to me. So I just wanted to be a vessel of information for other women and to be able to really have the conversations and be educated or have some type of knowledge from someone who's walked through it. Because I believe that's why God gives us these things. We go through these things to help somebody else. It's not to keep it to ourselves. And so, in doing that, it was just like, okay, I'm just going to
Starting point is 00:25:05 be a vessel of information. Those who want it, I'm here. If you don't need it, that's great. But I know what God has told me to do. Now, I've had a gang of questions for him, but I have not been angry. I don't, I don't choose. I don't want to be angry. I don't even want people to be able to have that kind of power over me to make me angry. Because it's just, it's, I just feel like you lose out so many other beautiful things when you're focused on being angry, having a hard and hard toxicity. It's just, it's no room for that. Not when God has purpose on your life. It just isn't. Okay. So I hate to interrupt all of this good conversation, but I wanted you to know that I want to talk. Okay, so I hate to interrupt all of this good conversation,
Starting point is 00:25:45 but I wanted you to know that I want to talk to you too. I want to hear your story. I want to hear your thoughts and opinions. You can send me your application, your video to be a co-host to podcast at woman evolved.com. Let me know what it is you want to talk about why it's important to you that you be on the podcast. Maybe you like, girl, I am not going to be on anybody's podcast. I don't do talking to people. First of all, this is a sign overcome yourself. But if not, you can send me an advice question. Podcast at womanevolved.com.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Okay, let's get back to the podcast. You know, April, while you're talking, I'm thinking about in scripture when Jesus talks about people coming to him as a little child. And I think that when we are angry, whether it is justified or not, that it does make us feel big, right? Like hanging onto this anger, it makes me feel big.
Starting point is 00:26:36 It makes me feel strong. Like it doesn't make me feel like a victim and doesn't make me feel weak. And yet the reality is when we release anger, it's not necessarily that you go from anger straight into hope, but you go into anger to small. And from that place of small, from that place of wounded, from that place of vulnerability, we do have encounters with God that allows us access to hope. But it does require that letting go. And it sounds like you found the beauty, you found the hope and returning to being small.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And I feel like I'm walking that out in my life, especially as a faith leader in these days. I see so many people who are so strong and vocal about certain things and judgment till about different ways of thought. And I don't speak out about a lot of things that are political because I don't think that God is on either side. I think God is on both sides and we're all a little bit wrong. And no one wants to be that small though. No one
Starting point is 00:27:33 wants to admit that we are all just out here doing the best that we can and trying to be the best reflection of God. But it sounds like you found the power, the beauty, the hope, and just being small and allowing yourself to feel, and in that place, I think we see you as big, we see you as a giant. I see you on Instagram, sis, like, of course you've been sharing your healing journey, like I'm gonna give you all of that,
Starting point is 00:27:57 yes, the healing journey is beautiful, it's powerful, but you come for our edges every time you post and you know you do. You know you. It's giving beauty, it's giving queen, it's giving stunning, it's giving there's life after pain. And I think that's important. How intentional is that for you to make sure that like,
Starting point is 00:28:18 you're still posting the truth and beauty and essence of your life and your journey, that video that went viral of you and your son when he, I think he passed the bar or I got in the bar. Yes. Yes. Yes. And the bar. Your story is so much.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I mean, obviously the passing of your husband is a large part of it, but you've allowed us access to the fullness of who you are as a woman. And I love that. Yeah, you know, I guess, you know, we was just crazy enough to be an open book who he was here. And why should that stop? You know, I just listen, I don't have it perfect. Some days I'm on here like, y'all not getting no makeup, I ain't still in no edges. I'm just going to tell you. And that's still takes our edges. make up, I ain't still in no edges. I'm just going to tell you. And that's still takes our edges. But it's other days, I'm like, girl, go on the nand, knock that ball out the park. But you know, I think it's it's good to be
Starting point is 00:29:15 it's it's such a freedom to walk in who you are. I don't have to pretend. I don't have to go and rehearse lines because I forgot the script. I can wake up and be myself and I can walk in there and either you love me or you don't. And if you don't, that's fine because there's some things I don't particularly care for too or it's in social media. But, you know, at the end of the day, more importantly, I need to do this for me. Yeah. I need to know that I can make it. I need to survive
Starting point is 00:29:47 from this. I will survive for this. But I need my sons to see what forgiveness and healing looks like because, you know, they're still figuring it out. They're still, you know, going through their healing process, but there's so much younger than I am. And so what we know is God can sometimes feel like, well, if it is a God, then why would He take my dad? And so for me as a mother, especially with African American boys, men, I need them to see the beauty and being able to walk in this piece and know that it's nobody but God. I would love to say, girl, yeah, I know I put this together, but listen, thank you Jesus, that you allow me to be able to do this because
Starting point is 00:30:35 you can take the little things for granted so quickly. And, you know, I know it is nobody but the grace of God that has allowed me to still be my funny self, to allow my alter ego Vera, who is a whole mess, coming in there, has some fun every now again, but also to speak wisdom, to just wanna be a blessing to other women. That's nobody but God. And so I walk Bolly in that.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Someone was like, oh, you're an influencer. I'm like, I'm not an influencer. I said, you know what, let me correct that. I'm a faith influencer because I want people to know that. If he did it for me, he can certainly do it for you. I don't care what you face and don't turn your back on God because that is it. For the first few months, it was just me and God.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah. You know, it was obviously my son's too, but I really had to lock in with him because had I let people persuade me to be a certain way or to fill a certain way, I don't know if you would see this version of April sitting before you and I was very intentional about where my healing came from.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And so, you know, I just, I'm honored that I can just still touch so many people individually as I did with my husband because we really enjoyed our ministry. Like, it was like, okay, we just love talking to couples and sharing all our crazy mess because we know if you have anything like us the first five years we was getting divorced every week. You know that was really authentic and fun for us. And so you know coming into this new era that God has placed me in just being able to be my authentic self. The things he's blessed me with in the place of the couples ministry with the magazine, you know, it's just so many things that he keeps choosing me for that I'm like, I can't and I won't turn my back on him. It's just not in me. And so I'm just, you know, again, overjoyed at who I'm becoming, but also how he felt about me and knowing he could trust
Starting point is 00:32:50 me with his assignment. Yeah. That part, man, trusted with that assignment, I think if we can remember that, that we've been trusted with it, then I believe that we can find how it could work together for good. That doesn't mean everything was good, but how it can work together for good. Okay, April, you have to tell me what has been like one of your most proud moments as you've been on this other side of like, you know, single womanhood, little life parenting. Like tell me about a moment where you like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:33:23 I'm doing all alright out here. You know, I have to say being the editorial director of My Blowing Magazine, I started on the inaugural cover as her first guest and she was like, oh my God, she said yes. No, I'm not. And so, you know, from there, a beautiful friendship, I'm blossom and she offered me the position, but Sarah, I've been doing the darn thing over here.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I'm just glad to be here. I know that myself, but man. I couldn't do it without my team love that's all around me, beautiful women. It's definitely teamwork, but just to see, I didn't graduate, I didn't go to college. You know, I graduated from high school and I've always felt heavy about like, pain. Why didn't I go to college? Like, I should have went to college and I didn't. And I have,
Starting point is 00:34:17 I had regrets up until recently because to me, I felt like that college degree would define me even more had I had done it. And with me now doing this and operating in this role and just seeing the vision God has given me for the covers and the features and just seeing it grow. And I'm just blown away at how it's really just becoming this beautiful faith-based publication and it's like, oh my God, like you chose me to be a part of that, and I didn't even go to college, or else this is amazing.
Starting point is 00:34:51 But you know, we can take the little things for granted and sometimes the things we tell ourselves will make us feel like we're not capable or we can't do this. And you know, I think that's very important for people to, you know, not getting the weight. away because we do that a lot, you know, if I believe that I was less than who I was supposed to be because I didn't go to college, but to see what God has allowed my hands to touch. And I don't, I don't have any knowledge in any of this stuff. I'm just learning that I go along, but
Starting point is 00:35:22 I am just really overjoyed at every issue we put out in just my part in that magazine. And, you know, it's ministry for me. It really is. Okay, so you got to tell people because they're going to be hitting me up. How do we find the magazine? Can you please tell them how can we support our sis out here doing the things? Yes, absolutely. It's mindblowingmagazine.com. And we're also on social media at the things. Yes, absolutely. It's mindblowingmagazine.com. And we're also on social media at the Mb. M is the money, b is the Bob Mac, M A G. And you can find us across all media platforms, but yes.
Starting point is 00:35:59 You're right. So proud. We need you to come and grace a cover, ma'am. Well, you know, whenever you need me, I'm here to serve. Yes. Okay. You're broke.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Yes. Oh, go ahead. No, I would say yes. That for me, as far as my career is one of my proudest moments. And of course, to seeing my children continue to excel. You know, I mean, not having my wing, them not having their father can really make you think that, you know, you won't be okay. And what if this and what if that? And
Starting point is 00:36:34 I'm a woman raising men, they need their father, you know, it's just so many different things, but they have continued to soar and do well. My young is just finished high school all year early. Oh, yes. And you know, my other two are doing amazing. Omar, he's now working at the law firm. He chose the work at. He's been dreaming to work at. And my other son, he is now getting back into his music. So they are my three hardheets. And I am so proud of all of them and how they are recovering from their loss. Yeah, and it sounds like you've been an incredible North Star for them. So I commend you for leading the way. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Okay, we have an advice question and it's long, but we got this. Okay, it says, hey, Auntie Sarah, first I wanna thank you for this book. I am at the part where you talk about using things in your life not to just serve your wants, but also to push darkness away. I suffer from wanting immediate gratification and I struggle with finding the beauty in the suffering. I am 25 years old.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I live in Northwest Florida and I have been working as a delivery driver for a big named courier for three years now. I enjoyed my years old. I live in Northwest Florida, and I have been working as a delivery driver for a big named courier for three years now. I enjoyed my time here. I climbed as far as I can here, and my time is up. More than anything else in life, I want a career that matters.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I decided to go back to school. Now I am a criminal justice major. As a black woman, I believe it's important to have women who look like me in these roles, so that they know someone is here who understands them, we're underrepresented in law enforcement. I recently applied for law enforcement agency in Central Florida and I'm excited about it. God called me to this and he sends me confirmations.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I feel like he is preparing Central Florida for me to move there. I feel no hesitation or reservations about changing careers or moving. Now, Auntie Sarah, my problem is this, I have to wait to get processed and have some steps to complete before getting into the police academy. And while I get those things done, I have to stay at this current job because it keeps the bills paid while I transition. But it is literally making me miserable. Being care makes me want to cry. How do I use my current situation to combat the darkness?
Starting point is 00:38:47 How can I stay happy at a place that makes me so depressed? I often feel like if I'm so unhappy, what's the point of staying here? The truth of the matter is, I can't jump until God says it's ready, but I find myself moving prematurely a lot of the time because I'm ready for new adventures, and I don't like to be in situations
Starting point is 00:39:05 that make suffer. So how do I sit patiently and not get depressed while God moves things into place for me? Wow. Well, that's loaded. One thing I will say, you do not leave till God releases you. Yeah. A lot of times we think what it looks like on paper defines the moves we should make. And if God hasn't released you, don't you go as many before the time that when he does. I kept doing that. And every time I did it, I found a harder wall to run into because it was not time and I did right back
Starting point is 00:39:49 where I was running from and didn't wanna be there because I felt like there was just, like it just wasn't giving me life, but what I realized later on was, it was part of the alphabet. You can skip letters to get to another part because you like that one more or it's closer to your passion project. I feel like that every letter in the alphabet is beneficial
Starting point is 00:40:12 to the journey. Don't try to put it fast forward. Don't try to skip some of the letters, like walk through that whole thing and walk through it. Trusting and believing God is going to take you to where it is that you have placed on the altar before Him to do in your life. I think that a lot of times, it's the trick of the enemy, like to remind you, you're not happy here, you're not gonna be here, you should just go and do it.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Okay, and then you do that, and then you can't pay your bills, and now you find yourself in a situation that was even more worse than the one you were running from. And so I think that when it comes to those type of situations, first be a person of your business. If it don't make sense, don't do it. To create more problems.
Starting point is 00:41:01 But in addition to that, if God didn't say, go, then don't you move. I don't care how much they drive you crazy. It's something in that season that you have to get, that you have not gotten yet, to go into the next season with excellence. So that's my little two words about that. I love that.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I love that. We run and we think the running is actually progress, but it's avoidance of a situation of us suffering. There's beauty in suffering. Suffering doesn't come without a lesson, without reassurance, without a type of understanding that makes you excel in the next season. So don't focus on the lack. Don't look at it being half empty. Look at it being half full. I love that.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I think God shows us this vision and we get so excited about the vision that we want to move right into the vision, not realizing the steps that lead to the vision. And sometimes we get frustrated because my reality doesn't look like this vision. I see clues of the vision, but not the fullness of it. And we get so desperate, so hungry, so excited to move into that vision that we begin to discredit our reality.
Starting point is 00:42:21 And I think that you have to be willing to say, God, thank you for showing me the vision. I see it. I have a hope. I have a future. Now, give me this day, my daily bread, because right now this day doesn't look anything like what you're promising me. And if I'm going to make it through this day, I'm going to need help. I'm going to need patients. I'm going to need wisdom. And I'm going to need strategy because I've recognized that this is the thing that leads to the thing, but sometimes today's heavy, sometimes it's hard. And so I think you have to understand that vision and reality don't always look the same, but it doesn't mean they aren't connected. So trust those connecting pieces. Yeah. I'd also say, you know, sometimes I got to dip my toe in the
Starting point is 00:43:02 water to see if God is releasing me. Going to look for some jobs that pay the same. You know what I mean? I'm not gonna leave. I'm not gonna leave. I won't leave until you tell me. But if you give me this job, maybe you tell me to look. Because you just in there frustrated.
Starting point is 00:43:17 But have you applied for another job that could just patch it through? I don't know. Just see what the Lord is saying. Yes, yes. Make sure you do your research. You don't know just see just see what the Lord is saying Yes, yes, make sure you do you do your research You know make a quick decision on that, but I'm with you on that I'd be like well, you know, I thought you was busy You gotta do If they don't call me back in this and no I stay here, but if they call me back, I'm gonna see. What's happening?
Starting point is 00:43:45 Right. No, that's what you wanted me to do. Yeah, no, absolutely. All right, April, I love you so much. I just wonder before you go, I love you to lady. Would you consider just like maybe praying for someone who's in a dark season, they have no hope. They're watching this and they're thinking, man,
Starting point is 00:44:04 if she made it through that, then maybe I can make it through my circumstance, but they just need a little bit more of a push. Can you pray for us? Yes, absolutely. Father God, in the name of Jesus, Lord, we thank You for this day. We thank You for this opportunity.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Father, I pray for your child, your son or your daughter, wherever they may stand, that they fill your voice in your hand and your touch, Lord Lord over their life in their situation. I pray, Lord Jesus, that they put their focus on you and not on their circumstance, that you continue to show them ways that you are covering them in their time of need and let them know that they are not alone and that you have everything, everything Father God in control. Nothing wasted Lord for that individual who is struggling, who doesn't even see hope at the end of the day, Lord.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I know certainly if you can do it for me and are still doing it for me, that you can do it for anybody else Lord as they seek your face. And so, Father God, I pray that as they hear this podcast that they are touched, that they are lifted, that they are inspired Lord Jesus to rest their cares in your arms and allow you to do what you are going to do through them, Father God. We know that through pain there's so much purpose. We know that you have your hand on each and every one of us Lord and I just pray that they
Starting point is 00:45:20 can fill you in a mighty way that lets them know that there is peace all around them if they give it to you, Lord. Father God, I thank you for what you're going to do. I thank you for what you have done. And I give you all the glory and everything that I am and everything that I do, Father God. I pray that you continue to blow your breath on every individual who is in need of you right now, Lord, in your mighty name we pray.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I pray that you cover Sarah and her home and her children and her family, Lord, and that you continue to allow her to be a blessing to so many people, Lord Jesus, through her ministry. Lord, we thank you for this opportunity and we give you all the praise in your mighty name we pray. Amen.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Amen. Thank you. I received that. You're good. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. I feel the same way about you. Thank you. Yes. Take care. Thank you, I received that. You're a gift. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. I feel the same way about you.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Thank you. Yes. Take care of yourself. All right. Bye-bye. I'm not sure about you, but that conversation has left me feeling more hopeful about so many situations. I feel peace, the kind of peace that makes me feel like I don't know what life has
Starting point is 00:46:24 up its sleeve, but I know what grace is following me. What mercy is going ahead of me. April, I thank you. You're a blessing, a light of hope to so many of us. Keep shining, keep slaying, keep dragging us on this timeline. Okay, delegation, listen up. I need someone to pull up and feel a pro seat as my co-host. And all of you can answer at once by sending me an email to podcast at woman evolved.com. If co-hosting isn't your thing, but you have an advice question you'd like for me to answer, that's cool too. Hit the same inbox podcast at woman evolved.com and we'll try our best to get your questions answered on an upcoming episode. you

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