Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts - The Problem with a Promise w/ Sarah Jakes Roberts
Episode Date: December 4, 2024God is NOT a man, that He should lie. And after you hit the play button on today’s episode, you’ll hear why SJR’s message of truth understood the assignment! To start things off, she sheds light... on what her family is currently up against due to a recent health scare. Followed by a moment of deep reflection and devout surrender that seemingly renders life heavy. You see, the problem with a promise is that it contends with your present. But sis, if you can hold tight to the promise—no matter what life is serving up—the Promise Keeper gon’ come through!   See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
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Hey there, this is your girl, Sergiix Roberts, and you're listening to the woman evolve podcast.
It has been a minute since I have sat down at this microphone.
And I'll be honest, since the last time that I did, my world just feels very, very different.
For those of you who may not know, last Sunday when my dad was speaking, at the benediction
of his message, he had what at the time was just this unexplainable slur in his speech.
He kind of slumped over.
I was watching from home and they cut the live stream.
I had no idea, like many of the people who were watching online, what was happening.
Obviously no one had their phone on them
in the heat of the moment.
And so it wasn't until I figured out
which hospital he was going to
and went to the emergency room
that I understood what he was up against.
And while I know so many people love him
and want details about what happened, I will say,
you know, health issues are private.
It was life threatening.
It wasn't a stroke, which is what I thought it was when I was watching on the live stream.
But that was one of the first things that they cleared.
But it really was, I think, a call to rest, a call to slowing down.
And I think anytime something happens
that is life threatening, I mean,
he was in ICU for a couple of days.
It's also just an opportunity for reflection.
And in that reflection, I, man, I'm still reflecting.
This was just, I mean, this time time last week he was still in ICU but I will say that I have been reflecting on our
relationship my father and I's relationship I who he has been to me the
areas where I have felt like maybe there was a void in our dynamic and what can I do
with the time that we have left to heal, restore, reconcile.
So all while that was going on, I also realized that as the assistant senior pastors of the
Potter's House Dallas, that there was also a shift in,
I believe, my responsibility to the people were called to serve. I wish I could say that we were
just in Dallas because my dad asked me to come to Dallas and we were here to, you know, do what
daddy asked us to do. But it's so much bigger than that. We were in LA. We love our community in Los Angeles,
love our lives in Los Angeles.
And when my father first started talking about needing help,
I was like, you have so many spiritual sons, surely.
Someone else can help.
It was during the pandemic too,
so things were kind of shut down.
So as a family, we kind of huddled together. And while he was talking about needing help, you know,
I was like the matrix, like letting that dodge past me. But I came to this point of surrender.
And I'm like, God, if you are asking us to leave our lives to leave this city to leave
what we love in
order to do something here in Dallas, please make it clear.
And there were just a few messages, a few moments of me
speaking in Dallas during the pandemic where I couldn't deny
that there was something connected to our lives and our
destiny that had to do with Dallas. And when my husband
felt the same way, we felt like maybe that's our next step,
is we just show obedience and we see what happens.
And now we're standing in this moment
and we love the people.
We love how God is developing us.
We love our lives here
and how it's been good for our family
and our overall wellness.
But I think I sense this responsibility to also cover the Potters House Dallas while
my dad is recovering and to be to the best of my ability, an added layer of God's covering
for them. I'm stumbling even saying that
because it feels so surreal that the place
where I just spent so much time feeling alienated
and unworthy and inadequate is now the place
that I feel called to serve.
So the Sunday after all of these things happened, I was already on schedule to serve. So the Sunday after all of these things happened I was already on
schedule to speak. I low-key feel like I've been on sabbatical because I think
it was October the last time I preached but I was already scheduled to preach
the Sunday after this internet and I just felt a real heaviness stepping onto Stepping onto the pulpit where my father literally lost his life and came back.
Where he just blacked out, had this health scare.
Standing in that space, the spiritual implications of warfare when leading something that has
been so influential in leading people to Jesus.
The idea that maybe the enemy would think that we're spiritually uncovered because my
father's going through recovery, the demand on my own growth and anointing.
There was just a heaviness that I felt on Sunday.
And after saying all of that, I'm not sure why you would want to hear the message, but I feel like there was this place that I came to in my prayer and devotion where God just
told me, I'll be honest, I was kind of like, Lord, what is your word?
What is your promise to me in this season of shifting the weight, which is the last
message I preach. But you know, in this shift, in this mantle, passing, like, what is your word for me right
What's your promise?
Like, you know, God, where do I put my faith on?
Like, oh, we're going to take the church to another level.
We're going to grow.
Like, God, what's the promise? And I just heard God say so clearly to me that I do have
promises for your life connected to your obedience. But right
now, it's only about presence. And so I preached a message on
Sunday called the problem with a promise. And I want to share it
with you. And I hope that it blesses you. If you've ever
heard me speak before, you know, usually I have some type of analogy,
some type of story that kind of weaves into
whatever the revelation is that God has given me.
I don't have that this time.
I just have what God gave me.
And I pray that it blesses you.
We are about to close out the podcast this year.
And so the next couple episodes will be more like
what you are used to.
But for now, I am offering you an opportunity to tap into my intimate relationship with God
in prayer, in hopes rather, that it will be a blessing to you.
So I love you all and I'll talk to you next week.
I'm going to be in Exodus 33.
My subject is the problem with a promise. The problem with a promise. Exodus 33 verses 12 through 17 context is that Moses and the
children of Israel are at Mount Sinai.
And while they are at Mount Sinai,
Moses goes up to have a meeting with the Lord.
And as he's gone, he's gone for 40 days
and 40 nights having this meeting,
the children of Israel begin to wonder
if God is still with them or not.
They begin to believe that because Moses has been gone
for so long that maybe he has abandoned them and in response to this abandonment
they create their own God out of a golden calf. And now they're trying to
create a God where they once had a God and Moses comes down from the mountain
realizes what they have done and God is angered at the children of Israel.
And God is so good that he doesn't say
because you have broken these rules,
because you have created your own God,
you no longer have access to the promised land.
That's not the kind of God we serve.
God says instead, you can still have access
to the promised land.
I'll send my angel with you, but I won't go with you.
Because God can't break his promise and so when we find Moses in the text he's reasoning
with God because God is saying that you can still have the promise but you can't
have my presence but Moses never obeyed based on a promise he obeyed based on having God's presence and
So when we enter into the text then Moses says to the Lord see you say to me God
You told me to bring up this people
But God you have not let me know whom you will send with me
Yet God you have said I know you by name and you have also found grace in my
sight. Now, therefore, I pray if I have found grace in your sight, show me now your way
that I may know you and that I may find grace in your sight and consider that this nation
is your people. And he says, God says to him,
my presence will go with you,
and I will give you rest.
My presence will go with you,
and I will give you rest.
Then Moses says to him,
if your presence does not go with us,
do not bring us up from here.
I am not so obsessed with the promised land
that I'm willing to head towards the promised
without your presence.
God, you don't have to fulfill the promise
if it means I won't have your presence.
If your presence doesn't go with me,
don't let me move from this space
because your presence is just that important to me
that I don't even want the promise
if I can't have your presence.
If your presence doesn't go with me,
do not bring us up from him,
for how then will it be known that your people
and I have found grace in your sight except you go with us.
So we shall be separate, your people and I,
from all the people who are upon the face of the earth.
So the Lord said to Moses, I will also do this thing
that you have spoken for you have found grace in my sight.
And I know you by name.
And I know you by name. Woo.
Lord, I want you to know me by name.
God, we want you to know us by name.
That we would be so obsessed with your presence.
So insistent on your presence that you say,
here comes Sarah, here comes Jessica, here comes David again. I know them by
name because they just keep pressing in. God, these are your people. This is your
church. This is your moment. Let me not stand in the way.
God, help me to find this sweet spot
where your glory and my gifts and my talents,
my experiences converge and you stand before us.
Show yourself strong as only you can do.
I offer myself a living sacrifice and I say have your way God. May I decrease
in all of the ways where I need diminishing. May you give me strength in the areas where you know
I need strength. Give us peace God. Open our hearts to receive this word that it may take root and produce fruit. In Jesus' name I pray, amen, amen, in Jesus' name.
There's a scripture that I learned when I was growing up,
right across the way.
God, we thank you in Jesus' name for deliverance,
for peace, for breakthrough, whatever is necessary. We claim it done in Jesus' name for deliverance, for peace, for breakthrough, whatever is necessary.
We claim it done in Jesus' name.
We thank you, God, that he's in the right place because he's got a community of believers
who are believing for the same breakthrough that you have promised to all of us.
So we ask that you would dispatch angels in the name of Jesus to meet them in the place
of their greatest need. And we decree and declare that it is done in the name of Jesus, to meet them in the place of their greatest need,
and we decree and declare that it is done
in the name of Jesus.
Satan, we rebuke you, and we call you immediately,
thrown back to the pits of hell where you came from,
and we decree and declare that there will be freedom,
there will be breakthrough,
there's too much spiritual authority in this church
for us to just let anything happen on our watch. I said we plead the blood of Jesus over this
church. We got too much spiritual inheritance in this church. Our bishop may not be on the
wall but he is raised up in army of people who have been filled with the Holy Ghost.
I thank you God for supernatural covering. I thank you God for angels warring
on our behalf. I thank you God that anywhere that the blood of Jesus is that there will
be freedom. I thank you for confrontations with the enemy. I thank you for our conflict.
I thank you for a war that allows for breakthrough to come. In the name of Jesus, we're not scared
of no devils around here. We didn't face off with too many. It's all kinds of
ancestors and great, great grandparents who have prayed so
that we could walk into this room. So we thank you God that
you're stirring up the gift of God that's on the inside of us.
Isn't it powerful? How there
are moments where God moves the spiritual covering that we think we must rely on so
that we can begin to stir up the gift of God that's on the inside of us. We haven't just
been coming to the Potter's house and watching the Potter's house so that we could rely on
someone else's Holy Ghost. We've been tapped in so that we could rely on someone else's Holy Ghost.
We've been tapped in so that it could stir up our own Holy Ghost.
That's why when Bishop went out, people started praying because Bishop, it's good when you
can preach to us, but there's something different when we can pray over the one who has led
us through.
It's going to take the combined anointing of everybody in this room and everyone watching online
for God to do what he's going to do in the earth.
And sometimes God moves what you've been relying on
so that you can step into what God has always known
about what he placed on the inside of you.
I wanna prophesy to somebody who's been feeling uncovered and I wanna let you know it's because know what God has known about what he placed on the inside of
you. I want to prophesy to
somebody who's been feeling
uncovered and I want to let you
know it's because you're the
covering now. I had to move the
covering so that you could
understand what you need to
step into. Greater is he that
is in you than he that is in
the world. I know your great
grandmother had a prayer but I hear God saying out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water
I hear that saying out of your mouth shall come a prophecy. I hear God saying that I put it
Not just around you I
Placed it in you and sometimes you need a situation
That makes you pull from What God put inside of you you. And sometimes you need a
inside of me because God sometimes puts you in a situation that makes a demand on the anointing that he put on the inside of you and I gotta tell you I
feel a little crazy cuz I feel like maybe just maybe maybe just maybe I'm
anointed for this I feel like maybe just maybe that I'm anointed to step into the
moment when all hell is breaking loose.
I feel like heaven's rises up on the inside of me
and starts saying I built you for this.
I anointed you for this.
I wanna talk to somebody where all hell is breaking loose.
I hear God saying it's time for heaven
to start flowing through you, wherever it looks like.
flowing through you wherever it looks like Okay, thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. I grew up in this church and one of the very
first scriptures we learned was John 3 16. It was the prerequisite for vacation Bible school.
John 316, if you didn't know any other Bible verse,
you had to know John 316.
And while John 316 is integral to our faith,
it is important in us understanding
the foundation of our salvation.
It is also a promise.
I started going through scripture, I started reading,
and I began to recognize that many of the scriptures
that we just kind of say cavalierly,
scriptures that we just quote of say cavalierly, scriptures that we just quote casually are promises.
We don't always recognize that these scriptures
are promises.
For God so loved the word that he gave his only begotten son.
That whoever believes in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life, that's a promise.
That whoever believes in Jesus will not perish,
but will have everlasting life.
You bring your belief, he gives you everlasting life.
That's a promise.
All you have to do is believe and he'll take care of the rest.
When I look at Proverbs chapter three, verses five through six, I see another promise.
It's comforting for sure.
It's powerful without a doubt, but it's also a promise when it says trust in the Lord with
all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,
acknowledge the Lord in all of your ways and he shall direct your path.
So that means that in order for him to direct my path, he's not just directing my path.
The promise is that if I trust in the Lord, if I lean not onto my own understanding, if I acknowledge him
in all of my ways, then he's going to direct my path.
That's a promise.
So in moments where I feel like my path isn't being directed, I have to ask myself some
Am I trusting in the Lord with all my heart. Am I leaning not on my own understanding?
Am I acknowledging him in all my ways?
If I'm doing all of those things,
then the path will be made clear.
And if there is no path,
there is nowhere for me to go because this is a promise that if I'm doing all of these things that he will direct my path.
of these things that he will direct my path.
Scripture after scripture that we have recited and quoted our
promises in disguise. And that means that we have an opportunity to recognize the way
that God works when he speaks.
That he's not just speaking casually, that he's making promises.
When I see Genesis three and 15, most theologians call this the curse
It's the moment where the Lord curses the serpent and he says to the serpent
I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed
He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. This is not just a curse for the serpent.
This is a promise for the woman.
This is the promise that though the enemy
may have come in your direction,
though the serpent may have tricked you up,
when it is all said and done,
I promise you that I'm gonna have the last say
because he may have bruised your heel, but when it's all said and done, I'm going
to bruise his head. This is a promise to the enemy just as much as it is a curse
that this battle is not over yet. You may have looked like you won in this moment,
but I promise you when it's all said and done
that I'm going to get some glory out of this. I promise you when it's all said and done,
I'm going to get some victory out of this. We're not just quoting scriptures. We're
declaring promises from a god who cannot fail. We're declaring promises from a God who does not lie. What he
said in Genesis three and fifteen
is true. When it's all said and
done, death didn't have a
sting and Jesus was risen from
the grave with all power in his
hand and he used a woman, the
same woman that allowed the
enemy access in the garden. God
takes that woman and says, now
I'm going to put divinity on the God takes that woman and says now I'm gonna put
divinity on the inside of this woman and I'm gonna partner with this woman to
fix what happened in Genesis this is a promise I want us to understand the
nature of what happens when God makes a promise he doesn't change his mind. When God makes a promise, he fulfills it no
matter what. So when I recognize that God is a promise keeper, it changes the way that
I move in the world. You'll see everyone else will be moving at their own pace. Everyone
else will be doing whatever the culture says, whatever the algorithm says, whatever the newspaper says, but for me I don't just move when
everyone else moves, I have to wait on the Lord. I have to wait on the Lord
because there's a promise in Isaiah 40 that tells me that those who wait on the
Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles.
They shall run and not be weary. Why I waiting because there is a promise connected to my waiting?
I can start running now, but I may grow weary. I can start running now, but I may grow faint
But because there is a promise connected to my waiting everyone else can look like they're gonna outpace me
Everyone else can look like they're gonna move past me
But I'm waiting on the Lord because when I wait on the Lord I get endurance when I wait on the Lord. I'm waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm
waiting on the Lord. I'm waiting on the behind, I'm waiting on the Lord. There's a promise connected to my waiting.
I'm waiting on something.
You better nudge your neighbor,
say I'm waiting on something.
I'm waiting.
Because there's a promise connected to my wait.
I'm waiting I don't push myself
beyond what I'm able to do because I'm waiting
on the Lord and when I wait on the Lord my strength is renewed when I laid on
the Lord my courage is renewed when I wait on the Lord I get filled with the
spirit of fresh when I wait on the Lord I prophesied differently when I wait on
the Lord I handle you differently when I wait on the Lord I don't just speak
whatever comes to my mind when I wait on the Lord, I handle you differently. When I wait on the Lord, I don't just speak whatever comes to my mind.
When I wait on the Lord, everything that comes out of my mouth is a reflection of what the
Father is saying in heaven.
When I wait on the Lord, hell starts trembling.
When I wait on the Lord, demons start trembling because I make sure that when I speak, that
I'm speaking what God has told me to speak.
I wait on the Lord because he's ordering my steps
And I've made too many missteps in the past. I can't afford to take another misstep. So I wait on the Lord
There's a lot of people
Who have learned to sit in the pocket of
Allowing God to fulfill the promise connected to their weight. A lot of people who have learned the art of
not moving unless they are stepping into a promise. Oh God help me. We call Abraham
the father of faith as we should.
A lot of times though when we call him the father of faith,
we call him the father of faith
as if what made him so powerful
is that he stepped out of his father's house.
And while it did require some faith to do that,
I think what really ultimately makes him the father of faith is
that he trusted that God would not break his promise. It's one thing to step out of your
father's house. It's another thing for God to give you a promise and for you to believe
that God won't break his promise. Oh, I wish I could say that better.
There are some people in this room
who have stepped out on faith
because they believe that God won't break his promise
to them.
There are some people who have not given up
on what God has told them is gonna happen.
And what is keeping them in the fight is because they have faith that God would not break his promise. They're not giving up on what God has told them is going to
happen and what is keeping them
in the fight is because they
have faith that God would not
break his promise. You want to
talk about having faith. Faith
is not just what you do. Faith
is what you believe about what
you do. I believe that in me
activating this promise that
God will not break his side of
the deal. God told me that if I move to this city,
God told me that if I started this business,
God told me if I wrote this book that there would be breakthrough, that he would unlock a different version of my identity.
God made me a promise and I'm crazy enough to shake up my whole life because I believe that he will keep
to shake up my whole life because I believe that he will keep his promise. God told me that that child was going to be saved and I'm crazy enough to believe that he's going
to keep his promise. I stepped out on a promise. I didn't step out on a dream. I didn't step
out on talent. I didn't step out on a gift. I didn't step out on a last name. I didn't step out on talent. I didn't step out on a gift. I didn't step out on a last name
I didn't step out on a bank account. I didn't step out on history
I stepped out on a promise from God and I'm counting on God to keep his promise
My father didn't keep his promise. My mother may have not kept their promise
My lover may have walked away from me, but God is not a man that he shall lie
God told me I was gonna be healed God told me I was gonna be whole so when I stepped into this next dimension
I stepped out on a promise
Standing on a promise you sit next to somebody who's standing on a promise
It doesn't make any sense for them to have the thoughts
that they have.
It doesn't make any sense for them to have the ideas
that they have, but they have stepped out on a promise.
It's not on the inside of them anymore.
That promise is a part of their being.
They're writing with a promise.
They're raising children with a promise.
They're saving with a promise.
They're prophesying with a promise. They're worshiping with a promise. I stepped out on a promise. They're saving with a promise. They're prophesying with a promise. They're
worshiping with a promise. I stepped out on a promise. I don't have nothing to lose because
I walked away from everything. But God told me I'd have everything to gain if I stepped
out on a promise. It may look like I'm lonely. It may look like I'm crazy. It may look like
no one understands me. But baby, me and my promise got a thing going on me and my promise
Understand something that no one else understands
God doesn't break his promise God oh God.
Doesn't break his promise. Oh. Oh.
I'm going to prove it to you a few times over.
In Genesis 6, God destroys the earth with a flood due to the wickedness of creation and this very creation that
he destroyed the earth over in Genesis 6 we find them in Genesis 11 building a
tower to reach heaven he's sick of him
He's sick of him
The earth just now dried out and y'all out here doing the most again
Should have wiped them out
But he says I made a promise to Noah
That I would never destroy the earth again
So even when the earth deserves it, I won't break my promise because my promise is greater than their obedience his promise is not contingent
on your obedience if he breaks his promise it would make him like us but
God says because I can't break my promise I'll confuse their language I'll
scatter them across the earth,
I will do anything but flood the earth again
because I made a promise.
David abuses his power,
commits adultery, murders, but God promised him that he would have an
eternal throne that he would be a part of the lineage of the Messiah and of
his kingdom there would be no end he made him a promise but David David does
everything that shows he's not worthy of this promise.
His actions don't align with the faithfulness of God.
And yet because God does not break his promise,
even though David didn't deserve it,
maybe in our own estimation,
God still allows him to be a part of the lineage of Jesus
because that was something he promised.
I want you to understand that there is nothing that you can do.
There is nothing that you can say.
There is nothing that can be spoken over you.
There is nothing in your closet that is so scary to God that it will make him change
his mind about what he has promised over your life. There is nothing that you can do. Now, maybe you don't deserve it and you
have to work through your own shame and you got to work through your own process
of unforgiveness. But I hear God saying one thing I need you to understand about
me is that I will not break my promise. If I promised you you're gonna be okay after this. If I promised
you that I'm gonna order your steps in this next phase of your life. If I
promise you that if you move to this place, if you move to that job that I'm
gonna reveal something about my character, something about your development
that is gonna make it all worth it. promise you you're going to be okay the problem with too many of us is that we let his promises slip through our fingers
We disqualify ourselves from the promise
We think to ourselves that because I've done this or that or because it doesn't look like what I thought it was look like then the promise no longer applies to me but God
doesn't change his mind that's why he had to go get Peter after he had been
resurrected from the cross Peter had gone back fishing because he thought surely he can't use me to build his church. I denied him three
times. Surely he's given up on me because I've given up on myself. But Jesus goes out
of his way to go find Peter because he told Peter on this rock, I'm going to build my
church and the very gates of hell shall not prevail
Peter if you don't get in position you're gonna make it impossible for me
to fulfill what I said have you ever had the Lord come and get you you think he
just got you because he had nothing else to do that you are a pit stop on the way
to him doing something else and I hear hear God saying, I came to get you
because the promise that I made was your great grandmother.
The promise that I made when you took your first breath,
it hasn't changed no matter what you went through,
no matter what happened on the inside of you,
that promise
is still exists.
It still exists.
You walked away from the promise.
Not God.
You changed your mind about the promise.
Not God. And how gracious it is that he would come and get us.
In spite of us. For the sake of keeping the promise alive.
Man, when God makes a promise, he doesn't break it.
Which means that navigating the reality of a promise really comes down to our reactions and
responses and I know why we abandon the promise. I know why we lose faith in the
promise. This happens because the promise has to contend with the present.
The problem with a promise is that it must contend with the present.
And what do you do when the promise doesn't look anything like the present.
What do we do when it's easier to let the promise go
than it is to hang on to a promise in the present?
Can I be honest with you, some of us had to let the promise go.
Because holding on to the promise while looking at our present was becoming heartbreaking.
Thinking to ourselves, it'd be easier if I just shrunk my expectation so I don't have to deal with the anxiety
that exists because of the distance between the present and the promise.
This is where we find the children of Israel in my text.
They have a promise,
but the present doesn't look anything like the promise.
The present doesn't look anything like the promise.
They were slaves coming from Egypt,
delivered by Moses and told about a land that their great, great, great, great,
400 years ago grandfather promised.
They were promised this land, but they were exiled from this land
enslaved and now someone comes 400 years later saying that I'm going to deliver
you and I'm going to take you back to a land flowing with milk and honey and you
will no longer be enslaved and it took them a lot of faith to lay hold of this
promise it took them a lot of work to lay hold of this promise and they had
the faith to step out on this promise
but then something happens when they are in Sinai
that makes them begin to question
whether or not the promise is still on.
What's interesting about this moment in the text
for the children of Israel is that though
it doesn't look like their promise is progressing
This is actually a critical moment in their journey
God help me say it right
It's a critical moment in their journey on one hand their leader has gone up to the mountain to meet with God
For 40 days and 40 nights this man who was leading them day by day who was giving them
direction who had the rod who had the direct connection with God.
He was leading them everywhere they went and then he disappears for 40 days and 40 nights
and they're wondering does this mean that the promise no longer exists?
That's what's happening in their present. On the other side of this
thing at the top of the mountain God is having communion with Moses and what God
is doing with Moses is giving him direct information on how to establish the
children of
into a nation while they think they're forgotten, God is actually doing the work to establish them.
Sometimes God puts you on pause
so that he can go ahead of you
and give you everything you need
because the next step is not gonna be a tent journey,
the next step is gonna be an establishing journey.
So he had to pull you to the side
so that he could have fellowship for a minute.
We always talk about him going ahead of us and making our cricket path straight.
Sometimes for him to go ahead of us, you have to not go anywhere at all so that he can go ahead of you. You may look like you're stuck. I hear God saying, you're not stuck. I've just gone ahead of
you because I want the road to be prepared when you get there.
Oh God, I wish you'd help me say this real good.
Had the children of Israel not had this moment,
they would have never known,
they would have never had the tools to become a nation.
They were slaves for 400 years.
And with being a slave comes a slave mentality.
With being a slave comes a certain way of functioning.
It comes a certain way of being.
You don't think the way you should think when you're an owner.
You don't believe the way you believe when you have a right to be there.
But God says, I'm not going to keep them as slaves forever.
I'm going to turn them into a nation.
And a nation has to have laws,
and a nation has to have government,
and a nation has to have rules.
And so while they are wondering,
God, where are you?
I need a master.
God says, I'm actually preparing you
to be my set-apart people.
I'm preparing you to be holy.
You're looking for a master,
but I'm trying to make you a leader. You're looking for a master, but I'm trying to make you a leader.
You're looking for a master,
but I'm trying to make you at the forefront.
So these moments,
it's critical, not just for them,
but it's critical for you to understand,
and I preached this once before,
that your perspective is not the only perspective
that exists.
And if you start functioning based off of what you see,
because you no longer believe that the promise exists,
you're gonna miss out on how God was establishing you
when you thought you were stuck.
on how God was establishing you when you thought you were stuck, when you thought he'd given up on you, when you thought you were in it on your own.
And they start functioning like people who have to figure things out on their own.
They start functioning like people who have had their back against the wall and will just
take whatever comes their way.
And they create their own God. Not you, but people you know when the
promise that God gave them isn't fulfilled. create their own
for what God had for me because I'm gonna set up a retirement account. What's my god now? Was this or that? Because I
couldn't wait for what god had
for me because I didn't believe
that god was gonna do what he
said he was gonna do. I'm gonna
settle for something else that
may look like a god and only me
and god will really know that I
manufactured this persona that
I manufactured this idol but
date down on the inside. I know that this
There are some people who get
so used to being on the run
that they cannot fathom what God can do in stillness.
And God is offering the children of Israel a moment to trust him in stillness
while he works things out on the mountain.
What this revealed to me about the character of God is this, as though God doesn't break
his promises.
This is in the text, God is willing to break his presence.
Help me to say this good.
I found it interesting that when Moses comes down from the mountain and he's
dealing with the children of Israel that the Lord says to him I'm gonna still
take you into the promised land and I'm gonna still drive out all of the people
who are inhabiting the land but instead of me going with you I'm gonna send my
angel with you you can still have the promise,
you just don't have the fullness of my presence with you.
Can we take a minute and think about a God
that would allow you to still have a promise,
but not have the fullness of his presence?
If the promise is all that is important to you,
then I'll give you the promise,
but you may not have the fullness of my presence.
Not every promise that you're jealous of
is one that has the fullness of God's presence on it.
Not everybody who looks like they have a promise also has the presence.
Their lives may look promising on the outside, but if they don't have the fullness of God's
presence, then the promise risen isn't really the promise. Oh I wish I could say that real good because that's the whole message
right there. The problem with a promise is that you could manufacture your way
into a promise because God won't break his promise, but God will let you have
the promise without his presence and it is a dangerous thing to have God's promise
without his presence because if you have God's promise, but
you don't have his presence, then you don't even know how to
handle the promise God has given you. You don't even know
how to protect the promise. Oh, I wish I could say that the
way I feel it in my spirit because there are too many people
Selling promises selling destiny selling purpose, but they don't have any presence connected to it
I don't want your promise if it doesn't have the presence
I don't want your promise if I get a reduced version of your presence
God don't take me to the promised land if the promised land doesn't have your presence. God, don't take me to
the promised land. If the
promised land doesn't have your
presence on it, you see, these
are the types of prayers that
nobody's willing to pray because
we all want the promise but
very few of us are willing to
say, god, I don't want the
promise if it doesn't have your
presence. God, I know I said I
wanted the land flowing with milk and honey, but if I get there and your glory isn't there
Then I don't want it god. I know I said I wanted the marriage
But if the marriage doesn't have your presence on it, I don't want to just settle on a promise when I could have presence
I know we're going somewhere
Because I want to break the spirit of God give me a promise for this
season God give me a promise for this next stage of my life no no no I want
you to stop asking for promise and start asking God for presence because God's
presence is a promise in itself God if you don't do anything else the fact that
I could just have access to you.
Moses has something that the children of Israel don't have. Moses has an
understanding of how critical the presence is to his walk. God help me.
Moses has become someone that only works
if he has the presence.
Moses' identity as a leader, his identity as a deliverer,
it only works with the presence.
That's why he can't count on the promise
He did not get in he was in Midian. He was fine. He wasn't worried about the promised land, but the presence
Caught him out of his comfort
The presence caught him out of his comfort
So God you can't get me in the wilderness and tell me you can still have the promise
But you can't have the fullness of my presence
God help me when I was studying this message. I said God I want to be like Moses
Where I have built an identity that only works if your presence is connected to it.
I wanna build a life that only works
if your presence is connected to it.
I don't wanna just be gifted,
I don't wanna just be talented.
I don't just wanna have the things that people have.
I want your presence,
even if it means I don't have a promise.
Moses says if your present doesn't go up with us from here,
then don't let us leave.
Do you understand what the presence means to Moses?
The presence took a stuttering, shameful man in Midian
and turned him into a leader who could face off with Pharaoh.
The presence showed him that a rod is not just a rod,
that a rod could turn into a snake.
The presence taught him that you don't have to have the words,
that I'll give you the words when you get there.
The presence taught him some things that a promise could never teach him
The promise can't teach me how to raise this family
The promise can't teach me how to build this church the promise can't teach me how to walk with you
But the presence the presence
I need the presence
I need the presence
Moses insists on having the presence
Gotta have I gotta have your presence
Yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I I shall fear no evil for thy rod and thy staff that come.
Your presence gives me the power to walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Your presence equips me and empowers me to step into the identity that you have set before
There are some things I cannot do outside of your presence.
God, please, please, please don't make me do this
without your presence.
God, I need your presence. Because I'm not just trying to arrive at a destination.
And when we are promise oriented, we make our lives about arriving at a
God, I just gotta get my promise. I just gotta get to
the land. I just gotta get my promise land. The children of
Israel, they were sad that he wasn't gonna go with them but
they stopped it sad. Moses said, I can't do this without you.
I don't want the promised land
if I don't have your presence with me.
And I don't know why,
but I believe that God gave me this message
because there are people who have felt stuck
because they don't have a promise you're used to it. because based on the promise you step out on faith but what do you do when you don't have a promise do you insist on his presence
When I was reading this scripture, I thought to myself, what Moses says in Exodus is worthy of us committing to our memory.
When he says, if your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.
If your presence does not go with us,
the heart posture to be like Moses
in every season of our lives.
Lord, if your presence doesn't go up with us, we talking about going higher, higher,
glory to glory, only if your presence is there.
I don't want promotion if it doesn't have your presence with it.
I wish I could unpack to you what the presence has meant to me, but I'm telling you what Bishop said, it cradled in a crisis.
Not because the crisis wasn't real,
but because the presence was stronger than the crisis.
The presence of God has given me strategy
when I had no words at all.
I wish I had about two or three people in this room
who could testify about what the presence could do
that no promise could have ever done. That the presence allowed me to see my way
through grief. The presence allowed me to see my way through depression. The
depression was strong but the presence was stronger. The pain was real but the
presence was stronger. The pain almost tore me up on the inside but the
presence, the presence made the difference. And it made me realize that too many of us have become comfortable with things
that keep us from his presence. And anything that is standing in the way
between you and the presence of God, if it is not dismantled and confronted, you
may find yourself with a promise but no presence. When I was studying this
message, God highlighted for me when Moses, when God tells Moses, I know you by name
When we study Exodus we see time and time again
Where Moses steals away to be in the presence of the Lord?
I'm gonna tell you this and then we're closing you can start playing
Practiced the presence.
He practices the presence.
It's not just coming to church.
I'll have to get my help.
When you practice the presence, you do whatever it takes to bring your mind into alignment with who
your God is. And then when you bring your mind into alignment, your spirit into
alignment, your body into alignment with who your God is, you start checking what
can live in the presence. I notice my depression doesn't exist in the presence.
When I come out of the presence, anxiety comes to get me.
When I come out of the presence, I feel the grief again.
When I come out of the presence,
I start to wonder if I'm okay, but when I'm in the presence,
I'm not afraid.
When I'm in the presence, I'm confident.
When I'm in the presence, I speak against principalities.
When I'm in the presence, speak against principalities when I'm in the presence I can break that generational curse I have to practice the
presence and too many people are waiting for someone to bring them the presence
and God says I'm waiting for you to pursue the presence I want to know you
by name I want you to set time apart I want you to go out of your way to practice the presence.
I want you to tap into another dimension.
I hear God saying there are secrets that I want to tell you.
There are instructions I want to give you.
And I can only give it if you come up a little higher.
I can meet you where you are for sure.
But if you really want me to know your name, you got to be willing to come up a little higher how do I come up a little higher I start saying God rid me
of anything that doesn't look like you got anything that keeps me from getting
in your presence anything that weighs me down got eliminated God if I could just
have five seconds in your presence if I could just have five seconds in your presence, if I could just have 10 seconds in your presence,
I need your presence.
This marriage only works in your presence.
This gift only works in your presence.
I can only raise this child in your presence
because when I'm in your presence,
I'm not as worried as I once was.
When I'm in your presence, forgiveness comes easy. When I'm in your presence forgiveness comes easy
When I'm in your presence, there's a humility that falls on me when I'm in your presence
There's no room for my ego when I'm in your presence
I joined with the angels when I'm in your presence
I realize that cancer is not too big when I'm in your presence
I realize that nothing can separate me from the love of God when I'm in your presence
The enemy can't get to me up here when I'm in your presence warfare can't get to me up here
I need your presence. I need you to hide me in the secret place of the most high
I need your presence for this next season of my life. I need your presence if I'm going to say yes
I need your presence. God, please don't make me do it without you. God, I don't want it more than I want you.
God, I want him more than I want you. God, I need your presence over anything.
And if it can't exist in your presence,
then I don't want it.
then I don't want it.
God told me that I am offering you an opportunity to return to being presence oriented,
not promise oriented.
He's not your genie
where you just need another promise.
You need something to put your faith on.
God, if you give me a promise,
I just need something to put my faith on.
No, no, no.
For some reason,
and maybe it's not for everyone in the room,
maybe it's just for me and a few other people
That says I'm not going to give you a vision for what to do next
I'm not going to give you something to reach towards
I'm not going to give you something that you can hustle your way into and push yourself. I'm not going to give you anything
but my presence and
You're gonna have to believe that my presence is enough. And you're gonna have to carry some of the weight
of being in relationship with God.
Oh, I feel my help coming.
The children of Israel were so used
to being carried by someone else.
That when no one else could carry them,
that they gave up altogether.
But I hear God saying that you're gonna have to carry some of your own weight.
You're going to have to grow and allow yourself to pursue my presence just the same way you saw
Moses do. Just the same way you saw your grandmother do. Just the same way you saw your pastor do.
I'm going to need you to pursue my presence because it is going to take the collective
expression of who we are in order for us to shake hell up. We need some people in the
kingdom who are searching for the presence of God. How else can you establish the kingdom
of heaven? If you don't even know where the kingdom of heaven is i know where the kingdom of heaven is
because the kingdom of heaven exists on the inside of me i seek the kingdom and all other
things are added unto me i gotta pursue the presence
the presence
the problem with the promise is that it makes us a fiend for another promise
the problem with the promise is that it makes us feel like the promise is the presence
But the promise is not the presence
So even when the promise isn't there doesn't mean you're in trouble
Don't check for the promise check for the presence
Because if you have the presence you don't have to worry about the promise. Leave off.