Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts - Trade and Travel w/ Teri Ijeoma

Episode Date: July 5, 2023


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Starting point is 00:00:00 God can't bless you for tend to be or who you compare yourself to. He can only bless you and the lane that was created for you. I feel that for somebody. You don't need no itch, it's a unique boundary. What? I don't need your lights, I don't need your elevation. All I need is a God fighting for me that's there for all things. All things, all things.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Try. Girl, how's your week going? I can tell you already that mine is off to a fantastic start. I feel like I am fully embracing this month's focus of learning to shine. For me, that is shining while I am resting because to be honest, my life has been a bit of a whirlwind lately, but if you have been plugged in, you already know between moving to Dallas and finding my way, I needed some time to just recalibrate and to remember that I am fully equipped, able, and purpose to walk in God's will for my life.
Starting point is 00:01:04 You see, the reality is that sometimes we get into these zones and it starts to walk in God's will for my life. You see, the reality is that sometimes we get into these zones and it starts to feel like God's will for our life and our will are completely two different things. Even though we have been obedient that's far to where God told us to go. Sometimes it still feels like there's a separation. We all love the scripture, Jeremiah 29-11. Before you formed me in the womb, I knew you. This is what the Lord is saying to the scripture Jeremiah 29 11 before you formed me in the womb. I knew you.
Starting point is 00:01:26 This is what the Lord is saying to the proper Jeremiah. He says before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you. He says I set you apart in this scripture. And then when we're actually set apart, we feel a little lonely. We feel like we aren't able to step into what God has called us to do because it does require isolation and being set apart. I want to talk to a woman today who knows this very well. She understands fully how the will of God can still rapidly change your life
Starting point is 00:01:55 that it begins to look foreign. So much has happened in the last seven years of her life. She went from being a teacher and serving others in that way too. I guess still being a teacher but this is a teacher with the caveat because she learned how to trade stocks. I don't think she could have anticipated that in the seven-year span of her career that her course would become one of the number one courses on Teachable or that she would bring in over $55 million in revenue teaching this course. And yet the reality is that even though success feels like the ultimate goal, it's not always providing the level of confidence and assurance that one would anticipate.
Starting point is 00:02:36 How do you shine in God's will when it feels like God's will is so foreign from anything that you plan for your life? Terry Ejima is going to teach us not just how she can put us on game to help us get our coins up but also how she came to a place where she started to embrace that God's will for her life was to have wealth, was to own this season of her life where she could walk with boldness and confidence and have options and to release herself from the idea that she had to live within limits and boundaries in order to make other people comfortable.
Starting point is 00:03:11 You were going to be blown away by her testimony inspired by what God did in her and empowered to see what God would allow to happen in your own life. Let's get into it. Okay, so I feel like figuring out who you are is a journey and there's who you are and there's who you think you are and then there's who God calls you to me and you were telling me before we started recording that you recently had an experience in Chicago that kind of falls in line with this. So can you tell me about that? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:45 So I used to work in full-time ministry in Chicago and I was the director of volunteers, but I would have to work with all these people that were more wealthy to help serve under resource kids in Chicago. And so I would go to all these churches and I would be on stage and I'd tell them about our program and then they would come and serve.
Starting point is 00:04:03 But this time, seven years later, I'm coming back and I tell them about our program and then they would come and serve, but this time, seven years later, I'm coming back and I'm the person that I would have been talking to. Like I'm the person that can give to the organization. I went for a meeting with Goldman Sachs about the philosophy of wealth, and it was only with like high net worth people, and I was looking like just seven years ago, like I wouldn't have thought that I would be here at all, but God knew that I was going to be here. Like, He had already seen me in this bracket, in this world, as the future Terry,
Starting point is 00:04:35 when I was crying in ministry and trying to just make it work and working all day. So, the thing that I've really learned is that God sees us in our future state. So he knows who we are past where we originally started from. Yeah. Okay, so you have to tell me what, seven years is a short amount of time to go from Terry who was crying to Terry who was now the very person who she would have been speaking to in these scenarios. What took place in seven years? Oh my goodness, everything.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Okay. Okay. So I left, so I was working at, by the hand club was after school program, I left there to come, found a school here in Dallas. It was a charter school, and I was a assistant principal at elementary school. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:24 During that time, I was trading stocks on the side trying to supplement my income. But figured out that, you know what? I want to do trading full time. This work environment is a little bit too toxic. I just want to be trading, living my life and traveling all around the world. So I started making sure that I could trade enough to earn $300 a day. That's all I needed to replace my income as a system principal. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:48 So I started working at it, working for about a year, working on the side, trying to see how I can do, finally started making $300 consistently, and then quit my job as a system principal and start traveling all around the world. Okay. So I was in Thailand, I was in South Korea, I was in Vietnam, I was all over and just trading to afford my travels, trading to afford my income. And while I was gone, people started asking me
Starting point is 00:06:13 to teach them. So I was with about, there was about 20 of us that were together and they were like, Terry, can we take you to coffee? We wanna learn how to trade. Terry, can we, can we buy you dinner? We wanna learn how to trade. So I did my first class in Thailand,
Starting point is 00:06:26 my second class in Vietnam. And then I came back, because I had to finish seminary. I was going to Dallas, the electrical seminary, and they were like, girl, if you don't finish, instead of years, we're gonna start you all over again. And now that I'm thinking about it, it's time for the fourth film, yes.
Starting point is 00:06:41 So came back to Dallas and finished up seminary and that last week. My friends were like, so we saw you on Instagram teaching everybody else how to trade. Are you going to teach us? And I asked the advisors at DTS, the sociological seminary, hey, can I host a class? My friends want to learn how to trade about 71 people showed up. And then other people from other places, so Atlanta, California, started asking me, well, Terry, we wanna learn too.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And I was like, well, I can't come everywhere. Let me put this online. I put it online. This is 2018. 2018, I did my first cohort, online cohort, about 35 people came. Girl, I thought I was ballin'. Because I was makin' the same amount as my assistant principal.
Starting point is 00:07:24 So I was like, oh oh yes, this is amazing. But the next year, it blew up. I made my first million in revenue in that same course in 2019, 2020. I'm trying to think, should I say this online? But just so I was the number one seller on Teachable, which is like this huge platform over 100,000 courses, I've been the number one seller on that platform for the past three years. Wow. And actually, it's pretty public.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Like, one of the years, I didn't make one month less than a million a month. Hmm. So it's just grown and grown and grown. And so that's how now I can come back as the person that is giving the money instead of the person that's asking for it. Okay, so the extent that most of us know, well, I won't say most of us, I'm going to say me, and probably about two other people, know about trading or like the little comments
Starting point is 00:08:18 we get on Instagram with like come trade, come trade, like what is trading stocks? So let's just think about it. So I've always been entrepreneur. I used to have a candy store. Okay. So I would go to Costco, buy blow pops for, you know, bulk the big bag. So I buy the blow pops for like 10 cents a blow pop
Starting point is 00:08:39 and then go sell it at school for 50 cents. Okay. That's literally what we're doing in the stock market too. There's a share of a company, let's say a share of Nike. There's a share of Nike and it's going for, let's just do round numbers, $100. We'll buy it at 100, wait till it goes up to like 105 or I'm making up numbers but it goes up a little bit and then we'll sell it. Literally the same concept as any other business.
Starting point is 00:09:03 You try to buy things that are inexpensive and then sell things that are expensive. It's just a market and a negotiation between buyers and sellers, that's it. Wow. Okay, so I'm sure there's going to be lots of questions about that as I got to let that marinade and sink in because that seems very simple,
Starting point is 00:09:19 but it also feels very complex considering that in seven years you were able to teach this many people and I'm sure they're experiencing success too. But I want to rewind, I want to know more about like how you grew up, how has, no, how do I want to start this? Okay. As you have become more successful, is success what you thought it would be?
Starting point is 00:09:44 No, no. When I made my first million, I had been working towards that for so long. I thought that it was gonna feel different. But when it happened, it was like, oh, this what it is, you still feel kind of lonely. Because now there's less people who you can talk to and who get it and understand.
Starting point is 00:10:06 You're busy. So the things that you thought you would have, like this freedom and this, oh man, I'm gonna get to travel and nobody's gonna talk to me. No, boo boo, you made a business, so now you're more busy. And then, so I don't know that it felt like I thought, because I thought that it would be like smooth sailing,
Starting point is 00:10:28 I'd be on a beach somewhere chilling, but I think I had more of that before I had the money, because I was more intentional with it. Yeah. So now I think I'm finding my intentionality back again. So I've decided recently, okay, you have the wealth. Now let's operate in your wealth and not feel bad or feeling kind of guilt or feel like, oh, I should be doing something else, but no, God has allowed you to have this.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Now let's see what it looks like to operate in it. Wow. Okay. So how different is your experience now than the experience of the people who you knew eight years ago? And have you been able to maintain those same connections as your life has changed and evolved? So some yes.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I think the coolest thing is I've been blessed with a lot of friends that cheer for me. Good. And that's been a blessing. Like versus negativity or anything. Like we recently had a conference. I had a train travel conference and I hosted it here in Dallas. Okay. And I like, do you play space? Oh baby. Okay good. If you said no, we were going to have to stop.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah, no, no, no. So we had a big competition and I invited my space partner, and my space partner. He been my partner for about eight good years. Okay. And so he came, and again, it was just the same, like it felt like we were right back
Starting point is 00:11:55 in the middle of everything. Good. So that's been nice. Okay. Okay, so the reason why I said is I do think a lot of people think that if I achieve X, Y, and Z then that's going to somehow fix the things that have happened in my life or that's going to make everything better And so I think it's important that we talk about the whole journey connected to Becoming better because I think so many people end up selling themselves short and so I was curious to understand like
Starting point is 00:12:23 What type of work have you had to do as you have experienced success to still be cold and content within yourself? This week at Womanybaw, we're talking about like hope to shine as I am. And the thing is that like who you are changes from day to day and stage to stage. And so if you could go back to who you were, man, I'm gonna say, not even seven years ago, but like who you
Starting point is 00:12:47 were when you were a little girl and what your experiences were like then, armed with what you know about yourself now. What would you tell her that she didn't know about herself? I think Terry, the little girl Terry, has always been a hard worker. I'm half Nigerian and half American. So I think the Nigerian part of me has always been, like I'm gonna do the best I can. I'm gonna go for it.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I'm gonna try to get the best grades. But I also tried to make sure that everyone else around me was happy. It's not so much that I was a people pleaser, but I think I've always been a surfer. So all my life, I've tried to serve and make sure, okay, are you okay? How can I help you?
Starting point is 00:13:37 And I was the one that liked to be behind the scenes. Like if we were doing a production, even though I knew that I could be in the front, if we were doing a production, I would be the one on the mic behind the front, if we were doing a production, I would be the one like on the mic, behind the scenes, making sure everything was good, right?
Starting point is 00:13:51 But I think what that led to is even now, I've given, given, given, given, forget about me. Mm-hmm. And so I would tell the younger me, like it's also okay to serve yourself. Yeah. And that you're just as worth it as everybody else.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And I also say, so recently I decided I was a genius. Oh, okay. All right, well sometimes you gotta let yourself know. Right? Well, and here's the reason why. I'm a genius because my dad is a genius. Okay. And he literally took the whole, I guess,
Starting point is 00:14:24 his whiskler or something test, and he passed it. So I haven't taken the test, but I just assumed that he was. It's probably me too. Right? Like, he got some of that run by. First you got some mean.
Starting point is 00:14:35 But in the same way, like, I think like God is a genius. And it's okay to also, so this is the other point. It's okay also to speak highly of yourself and not humble yourself all the time. I'm just learning that. Like, and not in a bad way, not in a braggy way,
Starting point is 00:14:54 but just realize like, because my dad is a genius and my bigger father literally is a genius, I am that. And embody that and understand it and fully embrace it. So I would tell myself that too, my younger self. Okay, because you've said a word with this now, because we, I don't think that we have mastered fully the idea of like, yes, I am gifted and talented, but like also, I don't want to say it because I'm afraid that owning it. Why don't you think we own it? If we own it, then what what do we think will happen? I think we think that our friends will disown us. I think we also think that we'll look like we're bragging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I also think we feel like we'll isolate ourselves because we want to be, or at least for me, there's been times where I want to be like everybody else. I want to fit in. Yeah. And we're afraid of what not fitting in feels like. But now you, I mean, do you feel like you are comfortable with no longer fitting in? I just got there. Like literally just got there. I went to Bali and I was there for a month and I was trying to come home. Everybody's talking about, have you been there?
Starting point is 00:16:02 No. Girl, okay. Maybe I don't want to spoil it for you. Okay. No, tell me. So, I went for a month and it had been a place that I had always wanted to go because I always see the pictures of people with the flowers inside of the pool. And then you see like the swing and the pretty dress.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Yeah. But what they don't show you is there's also bugs and it's also really hot and then the streets are dirty and there's lots of motorcycles. So not in a bad way, but if that's not your thing, you don't see that part. And but I'll say all that to say like I went to Bali and I did some just in your work. And I've been afraid to show people who I was because I thought that they would disown me
Starting point is 00:16:47 or I thought that on Instagram, people are just so mean. When you show them who you really are, then maybe they won't relate or maybe they'll start being mean. But now I've gotten to a point where I just don't care. I'm gonna be fully who I am. And a lot of people may not relate. Like I think about the wealth side of it. Like apparently I'm ultra high net worth.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And so some of the things that I do, like usually I just have it on my phone and don't show anybody else because, you know, you don't know how people respond. But now, no, it's okay to show. Like not in a bragging way, but this is my real life. And that's okay. Sis, I have a question for you. Do you instantly pick up your phone when you wake up? I'm not judging
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Starting point is 00:19:01 Oh, that's so good, because I do think there is, I like to call it the struggle Olympics. Like we celebrate one another culturally for like how rock bottom we are, but we don't always express once you've made it to the other side. Like it's almost like there's a shame or a survivor's guilt for not being that way anymore. So you kind of hide it and people know you aren't, but it's like, if you knew how far removed I was from that, maybe you wouldn't accept me anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:30 But I think owning that can be very aspirational, and it does require you to be comfortable in it in your own skin. And we've got to change the narrative. All black people are not broke. Like there's, my course is kind of expensive to some, to other people, they're like, gross, it's cheap. But the narrative on Instagram is like,
Starting point is 00:19:49 oh, if you've done so well, you'll give everything away for free. We don't ask that of any other culture it seems like. We don't ask Elon, please give me your Tesla for free since you're a billionaire. No, we just assume that there's value in whatever they're providing. But I don't know why it is. Do you know why? I don't know. My heart culture seems to be like, well, if you're for the culture, you can't
Starting point is 00:20:12 charge or you can't flaunt. Yeah. No. And not that I want to flaunt or anything. But you know, a lot of us have wealth now. We're growing as a culture. We're growing as a people. Like we can do more. And if we keep having this narrative that all black people, and this is not everybody's narrative, but that we're all lower, that we can't pay,
Starting point is 00:20:35 or that we then we're never gonna rise. Yeah, I think maybe because it feels like there's a disproportionate amount of us who have made it to this level of wealth or just even comfortability that it's like you have a responsibility to make it easier for those who haven't made it there yet. And yet then we've also realized like even when we host events like we have a free event every other month and people come or don't come but what we realize is that when people
Starting point is 00:21:02 invest they do take it more seriously. And so there is something to be said about creating investment, but also making sure that for people who literally can't, like they're in a position that they can't, that we are offering them something that at least feels like they're still receiving some tips, tools, and information. So your career has kind of like taken off in these seven years.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Like as you have been navigating conversations about trading, what do you think has been like one of the most common misconceptions about what you do? That I'm gambling. So there's about four big misconceptions about trading. Okay. One of them is that well, trading is too risky. Like, you're just gambling. And that's not true. We actually look at charts and we pick really strategic trades. So, we're not actually gambling. We have high probability of success for the trades that we're taking. And if we don't find that, then we don't take the trade. So, that's one of them. Another one is you have to have a lot of money to invest or to train to invest in
Starting point is 00:22:06 general. You can start with something really low. Like one share of there's this chip called AMD and advanced micro devices. It's in every cell phone. A lot of people love it. With AI coming out everybody's like, oh, and just disclaimer, this educational purpose is only, I'm not telling you how to go buy this. Right. Right. But one share of that is about $98. So if you have $100, you can invest in that. And then some of the stocks that I love, they're the cheapest that I've seen in a long time. For example, same thing, Amazon, Google, all of them,
Starting point is 00:22:40 but then $200, you could get a share. Mm-hmm. All right, so I was investing or wanted to invest in Google when their IPO came out. Okay. That was my senior year of high school. Not to date myself, it does a long time ago. And it was $83 when it first came out.
Starting point is 00:22:57 $83 a share. Now, 20 plus years later, you can get the same, you can get a share of Google for almost the same price. Wow. So it doesn't take a lot of money to invest. It's just the courage to say, okay, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna put some of my money aside
Starting point is 00:23:12 and actually purchase the stock instead of just buying or using the company, right? So that's another misconception. And then one last one is that, oh, it's gonna be too hard. I gotta know a lot of math and I gotta know one, like is that, oh, it's gonna be too hard. I got to know a lot of math and I got to know one. Like, I was elementary school, I worked, you know, I worked in elementary school. Like if I could break it down, anybody could learn it, right?
Starting point is 00:23:35 But it's not that tough. Really, it's more like business savvy. And a lot of us, we have business savvy. Yeah, just to make it, just to figure it out. We know how to negotiate, we know how to negotiate, we know how to hack, we know how to get whatever we want, a little bit cheaper. That's the same thing you're gonna do with stocks. You instead of getting full price,
Starting point is 00:23:51 you're gonna wait for it to come down to a better price, and then that's when we purchase it. So it's more business savvy. How much, well, I'm sure it plays a lot. Finance is obviously not my thing, which is why I enjoy learning to love, why I enjoy love, why I enjoy learning from people who know so much more than I do. How much does the climate of the economy,
Starting point is 00:24:11 the recession, are we in a recession? It's going to get worse. How much of that is playing a role into what you do right now? Excuse me. My son is with the growling. But it's really like, so all of the things in the economy pay a lot of or play a big part. Let me say that again. I don't know if y'all this is the last word out, but all of the things in the economy play a big part. One of the things with recession, we know recession is coming, but because of that we can be ready for win stocks go down in price. So it's about like being prepared versus being reactionary.
Starting point is 00:24:47 So this would be the time to learn, this would be the time to start saving your money so that when stocks come down, you're good. It'd be like knowing that COVID was coming ahead of time. Then you're like, okay, it's coming, let me get my books ready, my coin's done. Also, because I look at stock charts, we can forecast where companies will go, and then the news helps reach those levels quicker.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Okay. So for example, if the Fed makes an announcement, it'll move the market really quick, but usually it'll move it into a place that we already thought it might come. So if say for example, the overall market is at 4,300, the S&P 500, it's at 4,300. If the Fed makes an announcement and says, okay, we're about to raise interest rates. We know it might fall, but looking at a chart, we could say, okay, it's going to fall to 4,200. Like we can kind of estimate. So the news plays a part, but it just moves things a little quicker to where we thought it may already go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:47 That makes sense. It does. I have to ask you like, or such a girly question, what was like your first big splurge when you were like, okay, I have really like made it to the other side, things are turning around,
Starting point is 00:25:59 I'm gonna go ahead and get me a blank. Ourses'm my pleasure. Okay. Like, I've been in real estate as long as I've been in trading in the stock market. Okay. I used to actually help teachers relocate to Dallas. Oh wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:16 So now I bought a big house and my mom moved into the house. So that was nice. I tired my mom. That was a big thing. I hired a lot of my family. That was another big splurge. Amazing. So those are some of the things. How was it working with family? Girl, people are crazy. Everybody are crazy. But then it's like also like these are the people I trust, but this is the crazy I trust. Yes, exactly. Like that's the part that
Starting point is 00:26:40 was nice. Like I never had to worry like, are they taking money? And then my family, they actually are really heart workers. So that was a blessing. Like, I didn't have to worry about, like, where they gave in their best, they were. They were gonna try their hardest. Like, it was not just about me. Like, this was, we have a business, we're trying to make sure that people are learning.
Starting point is 00:26:58 We want the people we're teaching to be successful. So it was more about, like, how are we all serving? So that was good. But we have had to make some changes recently just because I feel like when you hire family, they don't know all of the like they're not skilled enough to take you always to the next level. So in our case, we had to actually like hire some new people that know how to get to that next level and bring some new talent. How do you define the next level for you?
Starting point is 00:27:27 First, I got a sleep. That would help. That's right. I know that's right. That would really help. Yeah. Sleep one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Two, like I'm in a season right now where I think I'm kind of quiet and waiting for the Lord to reveal it. Okay. I still feel like all of this is definitely God. The way that it happened so quickly and money has just come and there was one lady who actually prophesied to me and she was like, Terry, if you, she's like, got, she had a dream.
Starting point is 00:27:58 And she was like, God told me to tell you that as long as you keep obeying him, he'll keep pouring resources out to you. Wow. And then it started happening. So I really feel like this is a God thing and at some point he's going to tell me how he wants to use his money, like where he wants me to fund, what ministries he wants me to give to, et cetera. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:17 So I'm kind of waiting a little bit for what God has next, but I do think there is something about finding comfort in this current stage and then showing other people so that it becomes normalized. Because I think that there is something about normalizing wealth, normalizing black women with wealth, normalizing black women being at this higher stage, and not even just women, but black and brown people, all just being at a higher level. Yeah. And there's something that I can speak to in that world, and I'm not quite sure what exactly it is,
Starting point is 00:28:54 but or what it looks like, but I'm excited about it. This show was brought to you by BetterHelp. Who am I caught to be in this season? That's a question I like to reflect on from time to time. In changing environments, needing different people, and facing new opportunities, I get to rethink the way I see myself. My husband and I recently had a conversation that honored a new way of being. I really needed to hear that. Since sometimes we don't know who we are or what we want until talking things through.
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Starting point is 00:30:10 That's better help. H-E-L-P dot com slash evolve. Tell them we sent you. Do you think that men in general, black men are ready for a woman who is empowered by her own wealth and identity and confidence? Honestly, I think they are. I do too. And I think that some of them have seen their their sisters and their mothers operate at
Starting point is 00:30:38 such a level of excellence that it's actually what they expect. And I think that, Wow. If there's another woman that comes along that doesn't meet what they saw at home, then they're a little shocked by it. Yeah. So I think they're ready.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Yeah. Okay, so how are we gonna get you this rest? What are our plans? Girl, okay, first we gonna go, we gonna go to Greece. Okay. Yeah. Definitely get in that. Taking everything off my calendar. Is that Definitely get in that. Taking everything off of my calendar.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Is that hard? Did that, yeah. I think learning how to say no. You asked me earlier about things that I've had to learn and learning not to say yes to everything was something I had to learn. And I'm still kind of going through that. Like, oh, this speaking engagement or this comes
Starting point is 00:31:22 or oh, Terry, we gotta, do do you want to be in this meeting? No, I'm good. Thank you. I'm exercising right now because I'm still not good at it, but that felt good. Do you feel like I don't know. I feel like when things started changing in my life that I worry that like is it just a moment or can I trust this as a Is it just a moment or can I trust this as a lifetime? You know what I mean? Is it the moment or a lifetime? How do you feel about that for yourself? To have you settled into this is my life? Or are you hanging on to it like it's a moment?
Starting point is 00:31:56 I definitely felt like it was a season. I thought, especially with trading and investing, I thought, well, maybe just during COVID, like it'll be a couple of years and then people will forget about investing and they won't need any more. And then COVID came and passed and people still want to learn how to invest. It's like, oh, okay. I guess it's still coming. With finances for the online course, I definitely felt like, okay, we've reached a million. No one's going to buy it anymore.. And then, so every time I've put my own milestone on something, I think that guys come back
Starting point is 00:32:31 and be like, not it when you put a cap here and there's much more to come. Wow. Yeah. And so, I mean, so this is potentially not even overflow. This is just the seed still, and there's even more harvest connected to it. What do you think has been like the biggest testimony
Starting point is 00:32:48 that you've had from like teaching someone who maybe didn't know about stocks or were skeptical about stocks and now they are trading as a result of your tutorial. There is a lady named Camille who came to my conference just like recently and I didn't know her story at all, but we have these $1,000 in a day plaques
Starting point is 00:33:09 as someone who's realized that $1,000 in one day trading stocks. And then we have these $10,000 in a day plaques. And so she came and she's like, Terry, I've made $10,000 in a day multiple times. And I was like, oh, okay. Okay, tell me more. And what's crazy is she had told my staff members,
Starting point is 00:33:28 so I brought her to stage, and I had no idea what she was gonna say. So I'm like, okay, maybe this one, the best idea, but let me let her tell us how she made the multiple $10,000 in a day. So then she started talking. She said, when she first bought the course, her and her husband were in some debt problems. So she had actually bought the course on a credit card.
Starting point is 00:33:48 At this point, I'm like, oh shoot. Right. Where is this going? But then she kept going. And she said, but then we really dug in. And she said, and then when I had my first $75,000 day, I said, wait, what? Wait a minute. You made $75,000 trading. She's like, yeah, and I taught my husband and so he was making $25,000 and I had $75,000 and I told him, get out of his trade. And so I'm like, wait, what? Then she said, yeah, Terry, but that's not the best day.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I had another day and I was making $125,000. She said, my husband and I, we actually paid cash for our home and we put a deposit down to $400,000. She said, my husband and I, we actually paid cash for our home and we put a deposit down to $400,000 that we had made just from trading stocks. Wow. And she said, and my kids know your voice. I said, what really? She said, yeah, I have your class on repeat. I watch it all the time. So they know your voice. They know how to trade because our whole household is learning this. And I looked at her, I said, you know what? You show me that God is real.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Because all the days where I was just sitting in a room by myself working on this curriculum and trying to put it up, and I bet I'm sure you felt that way, like probably working on your book and different things and you're kind of in a silo by yourself and you know that something that you know this is for something and for someone but you don't know who. And it just feels like, okay, well, my goal is just to get it done. Right. And finally, I get it done. And now I'm having a conference and I'm seeing this is who was for. Yeah. That's crazy. How long would you say it goes from knowing like absolute you how long does it take to go from absolutely no knowledge as it relates to trading to being well versed enough to do it, you know, in a way that could be I know the stocks determine
Starting point is 00:35:38 how much profitability I'm sure how much money you put in it, but to go from I know nothing to I'm ready to do this. How much time do you think you would need to commit to learning that? The course is eight weeks. Okay. So I think eight weeks is a good time to learn. But like my mentor told me when I was trying to leave the school, give yourself a year
Starting point is 00:35:59 to get good and consistent. Okay. It's one of those skills that like, I mean, you can learn some Spanish, but it's not until you keep practicing that you're gonna be fluent. So that's the same with trading. Like, it's not, doesn't take long to learn.
Starting point is 00:36:12 And we have some students that within a couple months, they've paid theirself back for the course trading. But I wanna be realistic. I think it takes some time, learn it quickly, but then practice. Okay, okay. So before we go, I have to know what woman in your life has been the most influential to you as it relates to pursuing your authenticity. Because my mom is here.
Starting point is 00:36:38 So I got at least a name. Yeah, right. Right. Thank you, mommy love you. Um, but you know who it really is, my grandmother. Really? Her birthday, at minus June 19th, hers was two days after me, June 21st. Okay. She was feisty, and she's the one who told me to quit my job. She had been praying like I was at the school, and you know how you get in that state
Starting point is 00:37:01 where you're a little nervous to quit. Yeah. And for me, I was in it. And now I'm kind of like, well, the next person gonna have it easy because I went through the hard stuff and she was like, no, I've been praying. I think you could leave. Wow. And she also cussed a little bit, tell it in the kids show.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Right. Yes. She was bisty. But I think she was the one who was just like, like there'd be times where this is so random. But she would be undressing in front of the mirror, and I'd be like, great, somebody's gonna see you. Well, if they see me, they gonna get a good heat.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Because she just had this like fearlessness that I hoped to embody. What do you hope that she knows about the impact that she's had on who you are today? I hope she knows that she was woman of God that I got that, that that triggered into me. Just the faith to know that God is there and God is real, like that big faith that I got it from her, seeing her and then I can still carry it. She also was like a Bible study teacher and she talked to a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I think I got that too from her. Oh yeah. But I also want her to know that I didn't give up and that like, she's always been wanting, encouraged me like, Tracy, you can, my name is Terry the Trees. Okay. She's like,
Starting point is 00:38:31 Tracy, you could do anything. Like you can really do anything. And I believe her. Wow. Wow. Okay. I don't, I don't know. You've given us so much today.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I guess I just want to know before we close out, someone's listening and maybe they're thinking to themselves, like I don't know if I'm smart enough, I don't know if I have as much time, but I am curious about what would be possible if I just dared to try and take a course or learn more about trading. What would you say to them?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Try and take your first trade. That would be the thing I would say. One of the things that we have now is just like take your first trade challenge. And I would say just take a baby step. Do that. It's like five days. you learn about the market, and you just try to take your first trade,
Starting point is 00:39:29 just take one. At our conference, we had about 20 people take their first trade, they made 10 cents. But they were so excited. It's just the first, like, I just gotta get over to home. I just gotta try, I gotta get over the fear. So take your first trade, then you can decide whatever else you want, but just take your first one.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Like oftentimes people have really bad money mindsets and they start feeling like in order to have wealth, you have to take from someone else. And there's this like fear around money. Yeah. And I want people to know that they don't have to fear it. It's something that God blesses us with. And then we can use it in order to do other things in ministry.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Like one of the things I see, I see myself, I don't know, if you've ever done the exercise where it's like, who are you in the Bible? Oh no, I've seen them, but I haven't done them. Well, I see myself as one of the women that was helping fund Jesus's ministry. It's like business women were helping do that. And I want people to know that there's a role for people at all different levels of wealth. And when you do get to a certain level, like you can actually give and you can help God's
Starting point is 00:40:43 ministry go further. I just think that there's so many people, especially in the world of faith that get really nervous, like they're like, oh, you know, it's harder to get into heaven or, you know, like harder to get through the eye of a needle or a camel to get through the eye of a needle than the wealthy person to go to heaven. And they stay there. Yeah. But at the same time, God has so many resources.
Starting point is 00:41:06 That's limiting God too. Right after that it says, but with God with Christ, you can do all things. Yeah. So there's like, I just want people to know like, in terms of money, mind says, that it's okay to have wealth. And you don't have to feel bad about it. So I went to this meeting in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I was telling you about the philosophy of wealth. Yeah. One of the things the lady put on the screen. So she's talking to all wealthy women. Uh-huh. But she put on the screen this timeline and it had emotions on it. Okay. And it went from negative to positive. So everything from ashamed, um, what else did she have on there? Like scared, all the way to empower, like the positive ones were more empowered and excited, proud. She asked everybody in the room to pick the emotions that have matched them when she said the word money.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Oh. And I was excited about it. I was like, I'm on this positive side, and I'm thinking everybody else in the room is gonna feel that way. Maybe it's because I didn't grow up having any money. So I'm excited now. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:13 But 70% of the people in the room, and she said this is a normal thing around the country, felt really negative or mixed feelings about having money. They felt panicked, you know, happy but panicked, or grateful but ashamed. And there were these kind of just mixed emotions. So I want people to know that they can actually be empowered by this.
Starting point is 00:42:38 It doesn't have to be something where you feel like you're taking away from someone else or you feel like having this is a heavy burden. It actually could be a great opportunity too. So that's something important. Do you feel like you had to work through that in order to get you to do it? So you feel like a personal connection to that?
Starting point is 00:42:58 I do. I didn't grow up with a lot of money. So I grew up with single mom and grandmother. And my mom always tells me about how she actually like we would split a happy meal. And we couldn't go to the grocery store and just get anything like she had to get what was on the coupon. And that's her favorite part about me having money now because we can go to grocery store and we get anything we want. And so I didn't grow up like that.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Everything had to be on sale. We bought things that were on clearance. And even that money mindset, I think it kind of puts a little bit of boundaries around you. It's almost like an invisible jail sale. You can't go any further than your money allows you to. And so you're bound by these imaginary walls. Even if the walls are taken down,
Starting point is 00:43:46 I think we still sometimes are bound by them. Like I won't buy for a long time, I didn't buy first class, because we on the same plane, but no, it's okay to actually have comfort. You can afford it. Or like I'm going somewhere and there's this hotel room or this one, but I'm gonna get the one that's on sale.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yeah. It's just ingrained. So now I've had to learn, like, actually, the walls are down and it's okay to walk a little further. You're gonna be okay. You know what I think is most powerful about this conversation is somebody's listening. And I think that sometimes God really does allow you access
Starting point is 00:44:22 to a mindset that feels so foreign to where you are, that it has no choice but to be a seed for where you could be. You know what I mean? But you can't unknow what you have been exposed to. And I think even in hearing this conversation for someone, they're like, oh, sis, I'm right behind you. I'm right around the corner. Sign me up.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Someone else is like, I have no idea. I cannot imagine or relate at all to what she just said, but they've heard it. And because they've heard it, they now have a point of reference. And it's even more brilliant when that point of reference looks like them. And it's just to be able to see that God can do anything. And sometimes God allows you access to mentors,
Starting point is 00:45:03 right when you didn't even know that you needed it to keep your mind Stretch wide and so I think if anything today your life is offered as an opportunity to have our capacity stretched Yes In a way that we didn't even know what's possible And that's why representation and exposure is so important Because now someone has a perspective on something that they would have never known before so I think it's important that you continue to live out loud that you live vibrantly and that you show us what it looks like to really live in the fullness of who God has created you to be.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Thank you. I appreciate that. You're welcome. Terry, as if you being resourceful and revolutionary wasn't enough, you became my kind of woman when you started giving us tools on how to not just learn about trading but how to engage today. I know that we are going to want to learn so much more, but I thank you for your generosity in sharing your lessons. I believe that your story has given our listeners permission
Starting point is 00:46:06 to stand boldly in the fullness of who they are. So thank you for taking the time to enlighten us. I know that I am much better because I've been in your light. If you enjoyed this week's episodes, then this is an email at podcastatwomenevolved.com. We'll see you next week. www.carmelivov.com. We'll see you next week. you

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