Wonderful! - Wonderful! 251: Frying Pan Farm Park

Episode Date: November 2, 2022

Rachel's favorite hyped-up November ritual! Griffin's favorite pop mastermind!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spotify.com/album/7n6zRzTrGPIHt0kRvmWoyaNorth Americ...an Indigenous Tribal Food Systems (NĀTIFS): https://www.natifs.org/ MaxFunDrive ends on March 29, 2024! Support our show now by becoming a member at maximumfun.org/join.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, this is Rachel McElroy. Hi, this is Griffin McElroy. And this is wonderful. I'll pop up the monitor. I want to hear you, babe. We just did soundcheck. I want to hear you, babe. We just did soundcheck. I want to hear you. What were you doing while we did soundcheck?
Starting point is 00:00:29 I was thinking, just my thoughts. Yeah. I have a whole world in there, you know? There's just a bunch of little guys in there going on all kinds of adventures. Yeah. I believe it. I 100% believe it. I bet. That's the best thing about stories and making stories and characters is it's
Starting point is 00:00:46 just like you can have just like a little guy in there and he's just going on adventures and you just think about him uh-huh this is wonderful to show we talk about things we like things that are good things that we're into and it's november it's- It is. Movember. It's- Are you going to do that again? NaNoWriMo. What's that? Am I going to grow a mustache? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I'm going to grow a mustache. I'm going to write a novel. What else is November? I'm going to vote. Sure. Okay. Sure. Got to vote.
Starting point is 00:01:18 We love that here. DC is basically like, they're crazy about voting here. Like, everybody does it. They take two days off for election day well no they take one day off the school system takes two days they add it they're like well and you know bless it those teachers they deserve it fuck yeah they do and you know you gotta take the time to figure out who who you're gonna vote for you know that takes time it takes effort it takes energy especially if you just moved here a few months ago
Starting point is 00:01:47 and you have no idea. No idea. Not only who's running, but also like how government works in a non-state. Yeah. Still sort of wrapping my mind around that one. Uh-huh, me too. Because it's not a state.
Starting point is 00:02:00 It is a district. And those license plates will remind you. They will remind you they will remind you are getting taxed and not being represented not being represented they're really proud of it i gotta find out the story behind that everybody's like yeah we pay money but not heard in government in the in the senate and it's like i think it'd be fair to say they're actually pretty upset about it but they yeah no. No, but they have signs up where like. Yeah. No taxation without representation. Woo.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yeah. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah. It's exciting. It's exciting. Halloween was yesterday. Henry was a Sonic the Hedgehog.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I was nothing. You were nothing. Gus was nothing. It didn't even really occur to me. No. Until I saw, you know, people posting the pictures of like, here's our adorable family costume. Yeah. I think we did that maybe one year since Henry was born.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I'm sure we'll do it next year. It's that Gus is too young. Yeah. It was raining last night, which is not ideal. I knew I was going to have to stay home. Right. We didn't really know how into it Henry was going to be. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:00 And so we just didn't invest in ourselves. I'll tell you, he got into it. That kid was a shrewd businessman last night. So we'd be like, take a couple pieces. And he'd be like, and how many is a couple? Two? Are we talking three pieces? What does a couple mean to you?
Starting point is 00:03:14 What does a couple mean for you today? I will say this, though. Love this new neighborhood. I heard a lot of kids shouting about this. Did you get the jumbos over at that house? They got jumbos. This has been a stuff of legends. I have never as a child experienced the full-size candy bar.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I heard about it. Well, you also had like weird, like your parents didn't let you eat chocolate because they thought you were allergic to it. Well, it wasn't that they intentionally didn't let me. It was that there was a supposed allergy that ended up not being true. So sad. Make me so sad. No, it was just that I didn't do the strategy of going to the big fancy neighborhood ever. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:03:57 You got to. And so I never had the full-size candy bar, but Henry came home. He had like three full-size hershey bars yeah and he ate one entire one and felt so shitty which like yeah man i don't think anybody is i don't think hershey bars are supposed to be eaten fully well i've only thought of them as an ingredient for s'mores or other sort of but can't you say that you've eaten a full-size candy bar's worth of s'mores in one sitting absolutely i definitely have yeah but that's different you know oh okay then it's part of a healthy balanced diet do you have a small wonder Man, I mean, can I say Benadryl?
Starting point is 00:04:48 You must say Benadryl. I have what is maybe an allergy situation going on. I mean, it would only make sense, right, after several weeks of a stomach illness that I would go straight into an allergy attack. Yeah, you need that next vine to swing to. go straight into an allergy attack. Yeah, you need that next vine to swing to. But I'm super stuffy, and Henry is too, which makes me wonder, is this an illness or is this an allergy?
Starting point is 00:05:11 I think it's allergy. Either way, I took a Benadryl last night, and I was so excited to do it. Yeah, man. I was just like, I'm going to drift off into that beautiful Benadryl sleep. Yeah. And I'm going to sleep pretty well through the night without the sniffles. Yeah. And I just love the stuff, man.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I want to give a shout out. My small wonder is the group of, I think there were like four or five boys age, maybe 13, 14, who came to the door last night trick-or-treating. And it was pretty late. And it was pretty late. And one of them, who I assume was the leader, looked up at me and said, before anything, before trick or treat or anything, he just said, do you want to be done for the evening? And it took me a second to realize what he was talking about. And I realized he wanted me to give all of our candy to this group of boys. And I was like, nah, man, I don't think so. We'd say we may still have some more and I don't want to run out.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And he's like, all right, all right. And then I was like, has this worked for you yet? And he was like, no, I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:13 keep trying, man. I appreciate it. Thing is, I wish I had, I know, right? He was the last one.
Starting point is 00:06:20 We're the last ones. And now we have a bunch of young man is going to run for office. A hundred percent. He is. I'm not sure he'll be a great no but that pitch but that pitch he'll win he's just he may or may not be a good one i also am operating of the mindset that one out of five uh children we run into in this neighborhood has some kind of political parent. Some sort of, yeah. So I'm just assuming like. Do you do like me where if you see somebody wearing a suit or just any kind of like formal wear on like a Wednesday morning, it's like that's some sort of delegate, some sort of.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I don't. No? I don't. But that is because I remember that in business culture, people do wear suits. Not actually anymore in 2022. Yeah, they don't anymore. See, we are coming from Austin, Texas, where everybody, you know, kept it weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:14 By which they mean wear shorts. Yeah. And so. That should be the new motto of Austin is just wear shorts. Anytime I saw somebody in a suit, it was a real momentous occasion. Or a funeral. Or a funeral. Or a funeral. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Wouldn't want to forget that. But I imagine in D.C. people keep it dressed up out here. It's so exhausting. I mean, you know me. I'm a clothes horse. But it's exhausting trying to keep up with this pressure. Well, you got plenty of jackets. I do have so many jackets.
Starting point is 00:07:46 So that's a good start. Yeah, I do. Do you want to tell me about your thing? I do. I can't wait. Let's hear it. I do. It is seasonally appropriate, although I kind of wish I had saved it maybe, but it was all
Starting point is 00:08:00 I could think of. Okay. And that is the presidential pardoning of a turkey. I didn't know you were so soft on crime. I could think of. Okay. And that is the presidential pardoning of a turkey. I didn't know you were so soft on crime. I thought that you wanted to- And what crime is it that turkeys commit? Gobble. Gobbling.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Gobbling? Gobbling. Public nuisance, they are. Oh. Have you ever been around more than one turkey? It's loud. One turkey by itself is okay. Not the best to look at.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Can you tell me when you've been around more than one turkey? Baby, I grew up in the country. Oh, did you? Look at me. That's you over there. Squeak, squeak, city mouse. I'm over here surrounded by turkeys. Country mouse being chased by them, I think.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Okay, like on your way to school. On my way to school. And when there's more than one, they just scream at each other nonstop. They're so competitive. They're like little, round, just spherical dinosaurs. Yeah. And I think that they should not be pardoned.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I think that they should have to face the consequences of their actions. Okay. But I digress. I didn't know this was your platform. So I've talked about White House pets before. Which was one of, I would say, will go down in history as, in my books at least, one of the most mind-boggling segments that you've ever brought to the show.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I kind of love a tradition,. I love when I was a kid, especially Groundhog's Day, this idea that there is this inexplicable tradition related to animals in some way. And I'm always kind of curious about it every year. It's like, well, what happened with that? And what's the story? And I can't wait till next year. Yeah. You're always like, it's July and you start shuddering with excitement. And I don't wait till next year. Yeah. You're always like, it's like July and you start like shuddering with excitement. And I don't even have to ask you why. It's because the presidential pardoning of the turkeys is like just around the corner. So, of course, I had to look into this.
Starting point is 00:09:58 You know, so what's interesting about it, there is a National Turkey Federation, which has a history of giving presidents turkeys uh and this started back in 1947 with president truman uh and continues basically to this day i think because of the turkey federation okay just like a we want turkeys front and center every year okay i was gonna say you're gonna need to tell me what the Turkey Federation is. And most importantly, if it is a organization helmed by human beings or not. Do you know what I mean? Do you think that like, you know, milk, eggs, all of those campaigns that you see nationally are all headed by the animal that creates them?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Well, probably not like beef, huh? I don't think that that's, I don't think that that one's. We both know that's Lance Peekus. We both know that's American Ninja Warrior Lance Peekus. That is a joke for four of our listeners. That's a joke for nobody, honey. That's just for us i will go i will stand on this hill and probably say any american ninja warrior jokes we make on this show are for each other and it's an intimate pride it's not for don't live hey folks at home when we talk about american ninja warrior don't listen that's private intimate time for me and my wife
Starting point is 00:11:20 um so here's the thing about truman though okay so back then when they first started presenting turkeys uh to presidents there was no pardoning there was just a presentation in fact there is record saying that eisenhower which followed truman was presented eight turkeys and did in fact consume all of them no No, not all of them. Well, I mean, it says his family. So maybe he's got a big family. I would hope so. Eight fucking turkeys?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Eight turkeys? Eisenhower by himself. Usually one turkey is good for a whole family. Traditionally, when you roll up to Thanksgiving at Papa's house, there's not like five turkeys. Everybody gets their own personal pan turkey. I love that when you would read enough books as a kid. You get enough stickers to go to Chuck E. Cheese and get your own turkey. What is interesting around this time, so National Turkey Federation was coming out hard because
Starting point is 00:12:21 in the late 1940s, there was this campaign for Meatless Tuesday and Poultryless Thursday. When? What's this? Late 1940s when Truman was president. For Meatless Tuesday and Poultryless Thursday? Uh-huh. I would not expect that to happen in the 1940s. Was it like a resource preservation thing? Or was it a... I don't know if it was a health
Starting point is 00:12:49 thing or a resource thing. It has to be a resource thing, right? I can't imagine there was enough people in the 1940s like, guys, it's Tuesday. Let's do celery today. What do you say? I don't know. But the National Poultry and Egg Board came out and said, wait, you're saying poultry-less Thursday and Thanksgiving is on a Thursday? How dare you? Yeah, that's a good point. That year, Christmas and New Year's Day were also on Thursday. Brutal, man. Let's stop this.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And so that, I think, is when the Turkey Federation got their hands in the presidency. Like, let's make a big deal out of how great turkeys are. Man, it is shocking how easy it is to get your hand up in the pockets of the presidency. That's what I'm learning from this segment. Okay, so flash forward. So at this point, nobody has pardoned a turkey yeah uh the first president that was associated with pardoning a turkey was uh jfk 1963 he upon receiving the turkey just announced that he would not eat it uh and then was it was that of rude? Like if it was unprecedented?
Starting point is 00:14:05 If he was the first one to do it and someone was like, here's a turkey, his name is Dr. Gobbles, he is so fat and luscious and you're going to love him and he was just like, I'm not going to eat that.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Well, here's what I think forced his hand is that when the turkey was presented to him, it had a sign around its neck that said, good eating, Mr. President. That's great.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And so I feel like that kind of pushed him a little bit to be like, oh, you know what? Maybe I won't eat this guy because this makes me a little uncomfortable. Yeah, good, Jay. That's great, Jay. It's good that made that made you feel uncomfortable, Jay. So when the newspapers reported on this, they reported that he had pardoned the turkey. So it was not, in fact, JFK making that move. When it became a real tradition was during Reagan.
Starting point is 00:14:55 He was under examination because the Iran-Contra scandal. There was all this talk about whether he's going to pardon Oliver North. talk about whether he's going to pardon Oliver North. And he joked that if that year's turkey had not, in fact, already been destined for a petting farm, he would have pardoned him. At that's that sucks, Ron. Ron, that sucks, dude. Listen, bud, that sucks, man. That sucks straight up and down. So it took off after Reaganagan george hw bush began the tradition he said um that the turkey had quote been granted a presidential pardon as of right now allowing him to live out his days on a farm not far from here that sounds like a euphemism first you don't part you don't okay this is like if a serial killer or some sort of,
Starting point is 00:15:47 like if Ghostface came to your teen party, killed all your friends, came to you, and was like about to kill you, and then was like, ah, I pardon you. This isn't a pardoning. You were going to kill and eat me, and then you didn't. I didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I pardon you from wanting to kill and eat me. And then you didn't. I didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I pardon you from wanting to kill and eat me. Well, let me tell you about a farm that is,
Starting point is 00:16:13 for at least for a while, was known for receiving the turkeys. The name of the farm was Frying Pan Farm Park in Fairfax County, Virginia. Frying Pan Farm Park? Frying Pan Farm Park. In Fairfax County, Virginia. Frying Pan Farm Park? Uh-huh. Frying Pan Farm Park. Uh-huh. Frying Pan Farm Park.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Isn't there a suggestion in that name that perhaps these turkeys are not created for? Yeah. From 2005 to 2009, turkeys were sent to Disneyland Resort in California, and they served- Way better situation. I mean, for a turkey, you think turkeys are like super into Mickey? Than going to the frying pan? Yeah, I think so. These turkeys served as the honorary grand marshals of Disney's Thanksgiving Day Parade. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:55 From 2010 to 2012, they went to Mount Verdon as the estate of George Washington. Yeah. But then they stopped accepting them because it violated the estate's policy of maintaining its own historical accuracy. And Washington never had turkeys. Do they do that with like if a squirrel is running around? Get out of here. Get out of here. George Washington didn't have a squirrel.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Shoot, birds. He didn't do pigeons. Go. Let's see. 2013 to 2015, they went to Marvin Park in Leesburg, Virginia. 2016 to 2019, they went to Virginia Tech. They have a big poultry program. They got their degree in bioengineering.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Called Gobbler's Rest, where they send the turkeys. Gobbler's Rest, again, sounds like a place where you behead and devour turkeys. And then 2020, turkeys sent to Iowa State University. And then 2021, Purdue. So these turkeys, man, they go on to earn credentials. Yeah, sure. Do you want to know some turkey names before we close out? I must know some turkey names before we go out.
Starting point is 00:18:12 So turkeys really started receiving their names. What a wild way to say that, honey. When the turkey moon hung high in the sky. The Clinton presidency was when you first saw, like, here is a turkey that we are pardoning and here is its name. Yes. So that was in 1999, Harry, and then in 2000, Jerry. All right, guys. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:18:51 I get that we all had a lot of stuff going on in 1999 and 2000, but Harry and Jerry, there's so many better options. In 2001 is when you start seeing alternates. So there are two turkeys. This is where it gets even worse for me when it's like, what if they're friends? What if they're family? Well, a tradition starts where both get pardoned yeah just so you know this is my issue this is something that makes me a little uncomfortable uh but it was 2001 uh george w bush uh in the wake of the 9-11 attacks oh fuck no, baby. Liberty and freedom.
Starting point is 00:19:30 We were doing a lot of stuff back then. Listen, listen, y'all. It sucks so bad. It's so, it's, it sucks so bad. Obviously, 9-11, total drag. We're all on the same page about that but 21 years out it's cartoonish it is how how fucking hard liberty and freedom and freedom and liberty and justice and freedom and they hate our freedom and our liberty and our fries. Like, I'm not saying anything new here, but that's truly parodic.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Now, this really drives the point home. 2002, Katie, the first ever female turkey, was pardoned. Oh, good. It's a big moment in women's history. Huge. And then we get both turkeys, the main stage turkey and its understudy, getting like coordinating names. So 2003, Stars and Stripes.
Starting point is 00:20:30 2004, Biscuits and Gravy. That's great. I like that. That's my favorite so far. All the way into Obama presidency, we've got Mac and Cheese. Good. Tater and tot okay i it's getting a little and then most recently during the biden presidency 2021 peanut butter and jelly okay so they've they've settled into a naming convention here i almost kind of miss liberty and freedom just like
Starting point is 00:21:03 a big swing like that well you know what's what's kind of surprising liberty and freedom, just like a big swing like that. Well, you know what's kind of surprising when I was looking through this? 2011 Obama presidency, there was another turkey named Liberty. Wow. And the alternate bird was named Peace. Well, okay. I like that better, right? We wouldn't have done that in 2001.
Starting point is 00:21:22 We wouldn't have that one. No, Peace would not have been. Peace and forgiveness. No. There's your's turkeys thank you for the turkey knowledge i appreciate that is it is truly is bonkers and i want to go um to steal you away I'm Lisa Hanawalt. And I'm Emily Heller. Wow, Emily, we've been doing this podcast for 10 years. I know. But hey, don't worry. You can jump in at literally any episode and hear us talk about some of our favorite stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Caterpillars becoming butterflies. Martha Stewart flying around in a private jet full of trees. Yes, you heard me right. Trees. Neighbors becoming enemies. Martha Stewart flying around in a private jet full of trees. Yes, you heard me right. Trees. Neighbors becoming enemies. Just kidding. Whatever messed up stuff we can find on Wikipedia. Our impeccable taste in everything from dogs to TV shows to bodily functions.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And horses. Lots and lots of horses. Come for our horned up rants about the world. Stay for the catchy theme songs. You might not learn anything, but we're a good hang. Baby Geniuses. Every other week on MaximumFun.org. Hi, I'm Jesse Thorne, America's radio sweetheart. And I'm Jordan Morris, boy detective. Our comedy podcast, Jordan, Jesse, Go, just celebrated its 15th anniversary. It was a couple months ago, but we forgot. Yeah, completely. Our silly show is 15 years old. That makes it old enough to get
Starting point is 00:22:53 its learner's permit. And almost old enough to get the talk. Wow, I hope you got the talk before then. A lot of things have changed in 15 years. Our show's not one of them. We're never changing and you can't make us. Jordan, Jesse, go the same forever at MaximumFun.org or wherever you get your podcasts. So it's not, uh, it's not Poptober anymore. That is what I... was that what it was that's what i am calling it now on the other side of it um because you know we got tay dropped a new one we got carly dropped a new one like it was an important month for the genre we're one day late it's pop now i do want to talk about another sort of of iconic pop just mastermind on this week's episode,
Starting point is 00:23:50 whose name is Griff. So, but it's not me. Can you imagine if I was like, here's this new pop star I'm just wild about named Griff. It's me. Boy, you win away. I can't, I don't, I can't write pop music on the fly like that, but I'm talking about Griff, who is fantastic. I first heard her on a track called Head on Fire
Starting point is 00:24:14 that she did with Sigrid, a frequent guest on the show, Sigrid, and that song's a bop. Go find that one. I'm not going to play it for you today, but we love Sigrid in this house. Her voice is like super powerful. And then Griff comes in on that second verse. And it's like, wow, now that's also what I call singing.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'm going to play a song of hers now at the top of the show in case you are uninitiated. So you can just hear what a sort of powerhouse she is. This is a song called one night uh griff was born in england in 2001 uh her dad is a second generation jamaican immigrant and her mom is a first generation chinese immigrant uh and she got as all people do super into taylor swift she credits she had she got an i i think an ipod shuffleuffle with a Taylor Swift album on it in 2008 that she credits for being her launchpad. It's such a reminder of how old we are. Yes. When there are people that are coming up in the music scene that have just never lived a life without Taylor Swift.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Sure, yeah. I mean, in 2008, she would have been seven years old listening to Taylor Swift on an iPod shuffle. And, like, that really turned her on to music, so much so that she started learning how to make her own music via YouTube tutorials. Wow. And, like, Logic on her older brother's laptop, which is, like, I very much enjoy that. Yeah. When she was in university, she was making music the whole time, but she was keeping it basically a secret.
Starting point is 00:26:08 She has some quote about like, nobody wants to hear about how you want to be a singer. And so like just nobody knew about this secret life that she had going on. She told the faculty that she was going to take a gap year. And during that, she started to perform and release music as Griff. Her real name is Sarah Griffiths. And she has a quote where she said, Sarah Griffiths isn't that glamorous.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I sound like I have a mortgage and four kids. It's very corporate. It's like, I don't know that I agree with that. Sarah Griffiths does not say it doesn't like motivate any kind of particular image in my mind yeah it doesn't sound particularly businessy to me uh so in july 2019 she signed with warner records while she was like taking this gap year uh and then over the next few months she just made this colossal splash in the uk pop music scene uh started to perform and tour like crazy. She released her
Starting point is 00:27:07 debut EP last year called One Foot in Front of the Other, which is like the extent of her discography. It's just that and a few singles. The EP she called a mixtape. I don't know if that's an actual like category of releases in the music industry now. Yeah, that was not anything I was familiar with until recently. Yeah, okay. Well, it's just her as far as I know. A mixtape for me is like a bunch of songs that you record off the radio because you're 500 years old. But I suppose you can mean anything these days uh she's just super
Starting point is 00:27:47 duper duper impressive i love a self-starter yeah in in in the music space um especially in pop music where like pop music it's a bad rap uh for being like extremely manicured very like um like produced produced and not just the music but just the public persona and the songwriting and all of this stuff uh and that's that is an unfair characterization of of the the genre i think these days especially. But she produces her own music. She is a vocalist and songwriter. She has directed her own music videos and choreographed those music videos. She's also a fashion designer. She has made her own dresses and outfits that she's worn to awards shows that are outrageously great. And she just does it it all which is i'm glad a lot of attention has been brought to this idea of like creators and people being creative this idea that like
Starting point is 00:28:57 there are many ways to like make something and share it and that often people that that have that inclination like can do it across multiple areas. You know, as a kid, I feel like you and I like we were really taught to specialize.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Absolutely. Figure out your thing, pour all your effort into that thing and be an adult. And now it's like, hey, you can do lots of things
Starting point is 00:29:19 and all of it can be valuable to you and enriching and don't limit yourself. Well, and it's also like we're talking about, you know, the generational sort of creative difference. Like, I don't know that this kind of creative, like, diversity would be as achievable when we were younger, when, like, you couldn't get on YouTube and get on your brother's laptop with Logic on it and just like make stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Every step of that process, the making the music, the finding out how to do it, like all of that stuff like wasn't really available to us when we were kids aside from, you know, apprenticeships. That makes it sound like we grew up in the dark ages, which isn't true.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Well, I mean, or you could do what you did, which is like print out stuff on the school printer. Yeah. I mean, that was mostly like walkthroughs for Pokemon Gold and Silver and stuff like that. But yeah, I appreciate what you're saying and trying to make some sort of comparison here between me and this pop star. On top of like all of that, on top of like how impressive an artist she is, just the music is so incredible. I don't know how deep a dive you did after I sent you some of the tracks.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Just the songs you shared me, yeah. Just the hooks are so catchy. Like I can't get them out of my head and it's the kind of like catchy where if I'm in the car, I'll just like throw them on because I can't stop thinking about them and need to sort of like scratch that itch.
Starting point is 00:30:44 It's that sort of like satisfying type of catchy. The harmonies have layers upon layers upon layers. Her voice is amazing. And yeah, she's just great. I'm going to play another one of her big singles off that mixtape that I mentioned earlier called Walk, which I've especially been listening to just nonstop this week. which if you are a door like the way that you learn when you fall and how you get up where
Starting point is 00:31:25 you're going yeah you don't even know it at all at all uh that's griff uh i think she's really really really talented she's gonna be i think the biggest thing ever uh it's already kind of like i think she's i think she's already getting there but she has had this crazy meteoric rise over the last year and a half even. And I think there's nowhere to go but up. And I can't wait to hear more tunes, more tracks. And that's a Griffin McElroy guarantee. That's a guarantee from me. You can bet money on it.
Starting point is 00:31:59 2023. 2023 is the year of Griff. And I'll get a little, that'll benefit me somewhat. They'll be like like it's your year and I'll be like no no but maybe you'll start seeing a lot more kids named Griffin no probably not no
Starting point is 00:32:15 what about Griffin Griffiths that would be a strong Griff Griff Griff Griff that just reminds me of the rough rough tweet Dave show rough rough tweet it Dave show. Rough, rough tweet in, Dave. Have a magical day. Okay. Anyway, that's it for this episode.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. We never say that, do we? I think we do. I've never thanked our audience before. I'm pretty sure we do. We appreciate the hell out of you.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Yeah. Thank you for your patience. This episode's not late, so I don't know why I'm thanking you for that. Thanks to everybody that sent me real nice messages after the intense poem I read last week. Yeah. A lot of people really enjoyed it, and I always like hearing that. A lot of people was like, made me sad. Yeah, I mean, there were tears.
Starting point is 00:33:03 And it's like. But that's good. Well, but I like happy better. Do you know what I know what i mean oh i know that's kind of my thing yeah it is your thing like not me though if i have a choice i do happy because that's the good feeling one i don't know if you've seen this movie inside out and in it you learn that basically happy is better than sad. Yeah, that is how it ends. Where joy goes through and just destroys all the other emotions and then stands on top of their bodies. And then the girl is happy all the time. It's like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:36 It's just good. It's just good to be happy. But thanks to Maximum Fun. We've never thanked Maximum Fun before. For having us on the network. Thanks to Bowen and Augustus've never thanked Maximum Fun before. For having us on the network. Thanks to Bowen and Augustus for the use of our theme song, Money Won't Pay. You can find a link to that in the episode description.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Hey, we got a show coming up next week. I mean, we got lots of shows coming up next week, but me and Rachel, we got to get that shit ready, huh? I know. We're going to be performing here in D.C. next week. I was thinking I should have saved Thanksgiving turkey for that one. But I'm sure there's plenty more things to talk about. I mean, we got to talk about the district, baby.
Starting point is 00:34:13 We got to talk about we have not lived here long enough to be able to extol its virtues. We'll figure something out. Yeah, we're going to be at the DAR Constitution Hall here in D.C. I think Sawbones is also going to be opening with us for Mabimbam. Yeah, I'm excited. And we're going to be doing Mabimbam in Cincinnati and Detroit. And then we're going to be doing Mabimbam here.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And then we're going to be doing Adventure Zone, Dadlands 2 with special DM Brennan Lee Mulligan. I can't wait. I cannot fucking wait. It's going to be a hoot. So go get your tickets for that go to macroy.family we'll have links for you there and that's it
Starting point is 00:34:48 have a good one everybody have a fresh Wednesday keep it light keep it what's wrong I'm just trying to people listen to this show cause they need a little like,
Starting point is 00:35:06 well, you know what I mean? A little like, ha! And I feel like they lose that a little bit when at the end, you're like... I say, keep it light, keep it tight. Keep it light, keep it tight, keep it so right. Going all night. Drink Sprite.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And then this episode is sponsored by Sprite, the Sprite company. I like the Sprite and then this episode is sponsored by Sprite the Sprite company I like the Sprite in you I like the Sprite in you what if we had the courage to end every episode like that I like the Sprite in you money won't pay
Starting point is 00:35:44 work can all pay money won't pay Working on it, money on it. Hey! Hey! Hey!

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