Yannis Pappas Hour - A Meek Comedy Performance

Episode Date: January 12, 2024

Yanni covers Joe Koy’s performance at the Golden Globes, the crypto scam documentary on Netflix called "Bitconned," and how Donald Trump prevented the American Civil War with his negotiation skills.... Bonus episodes every week: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator See Yanni do stand up live in your town: Ticket links: https://www.yannispappascomedy.com/shows Join our highlights page for highlight clips from the episodes: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykw

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Before we start this episode, I want to tell you about where you can see me live tonight. I am in Vancouver right now, Friday. If you're watching this on Friday, I am at the Vogue Theater in Vancouver. Then I'm in Austin all week at the Comedy Mothership, just doing spots. And then Miami next weekend, January 19th through the 21st. Marisa will also be with me if you're interested in that type of thing. But I also do my headlining set as well. It's a fun show.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Then I'm going to, uh, Cobbs in San Francisco, February 9th through the 10th, Atlanta, February 15th through the 17th, San Diego, February 23rd,
Starting point is 00:00:36 24th, Stanford, Connecticut, March 1st and 2nd. Um, Marisa will also be there with me and stand up. Obviously, those of you who've seen it,
Starting point is 00:00:48 it's my full standup chat. And then she comes out and plays with the crowd then I'll be in Chicago March 8th Denver finally those tickets will be up soon March 14th through the 16th Toronto at the Royal Theatre March 23rd Cleveland Ohio March 29th and 30th Tulsa April 5th and 6th
Starting point is 00:01:02 Kansas City April 11th through 13th Raleigh, Cary, North Carolina, the Raleigh Improv, May 17th and 18th, Atlantic City at the Maximus Theater, June 22nd,
Starting point is 00:01:14 Dania Beach, September 13th, 15th, Tacoma, September 19th, 21st, Brea, Levee Live,
Starting point is 00:01:19 and Milwaukee, all in the fall and next winter. So those tickets will be available soon. Patreon.com slash Giannis Papasour for our critically acclaimed, award-winning bonus episodes every week. Join the Fediverse. You can also go and sample it two weeks for free.
Starting point is 00:01:37 So you can go and join for free for two weeks and then you have the option to join. I hope you will support the show. We take pride in our content. We love making you laugh. Love you all and Support the show. We take pride in our content. We love making you laugh. Love you all, and Happy New Year. Can I still say that? Now, let's start this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful episode. What's up, everybody? It's Yanni Papi, and we are doing another episode of The Yannisappasour for your enjoyment.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Breaking news. Cat Williams' podcast appearance with Shannon Sharp was a psy-op that was initiated by the CIA to distract us from the fact that there's a war happening in Russia and Ukraine. You heard it here first. Cat Williams is a CIA agent psy-op. The Earth is flat. We didn't land on the moon. And other things that even if they didn't happen, why are you wasting time with it?
Starting point is 00:02:32 It seems like a waste of time. It seems like you got too much time on your hands. It seems like you need medication. The Golden Globes happened. And guess what? The ratings were up a little bit. People were interested. That just lets you know how many Filipinos there are now in America.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Finally, Filipinos have some representation, and they aren't just physical therapists and nurses. There's also one who's a comedian who represents them all, and his name is Joe Coy, and he's the sweetest guy in the world. And he dated Chelsea Handler for a little bit. So he thought, according to him, it seemed like he didn't think the monologue was going good. Me and Jesse, comedy experts, we went and reviewed the Epstein tape of it. And it seemed like he was doing fine.
Starting point is 00:03:18 He just wasn't delivering them with confidence because he was scared probably of losing good favor with these absolute psychopaths in the audience you got to go there and you got to be mean they deserve it that's what the public wants to want what they want to see is privileged people get roasted but mean not good not good-hearted roasts like tay-tay we're not going to have cutaways. Talk about something else. Talk about how she's a white supremacist. Go hard. Joe Coy, deliver with more confidence. The irony is he was representing Asians in being the first Filipino to host the Golden Globes.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Why is there two award shows, by the way, to host the Golden Globes? He was representing them, and then he fulfilled the stereotype by being a meek Asian. Be more American. Deliver it with some confidence, like Dave Chappelle, who's talking to you like he's Martin Luther King. Can Dave Chappelle stop acting like he's Jesus? I'm sick of the fucking noir cigarette smoke coming out, the pauses, whatever the joke.
Starting point is 00:04:29 You like special, wasn't that great? Guess what? The NRA, this is what you're supposed to do. Burn bridges like Cat Williams. I also work for the CIA. This is a psy-op, but guess which CIA I work for? The Filipino CIA. They hired diverse agents
Starting point is 00:04:45 in the field and I can speak Filipino. Pockety, pockety, pockety. Wayne LePierre, the NRA head, has just resigned because of health concerns conveniently right before
Starting point is 00:04:58 he goes on trial for millions and millions and millions of dollars being misappropriated and being used for personal reasons seems like it may be in an nra wide world uh nra wide scandal but they're definitely throwing wayne under the bus they're definitely shooting him they're definitely sniping him they're definitely
Starting point is 00:05:19 got him in the crosshairs they're definitely, they've definitely built a stock. I can't run out of gun analogies. They're whacking them. They're whacking Wayne LaPierre. The irony. Trump says he could have solved the Civil War with a negotiation. Well, he didn't say he could have solved it
Starting point is 00:05:39 in those words. He said the Civil War could have been negotiated. It could have been solved with a negotiation. I am filling in what was going on in his brain going, you see, if they didn't steal the election from me, the civil war would have never happened. Not only the Israel and Palestinian conflict would have never happened in the Russia and Ukraine war would have never happened if they didn't steal election. But guess what? I would have went back in time and stopped the civil war.
Starting point is 00:06:06 That's what he's talking about. We're going to talk about Bitcoin. We thought it was going to be some good news, but it's actually some bad news. It hasn't been regulated. As it's turned out now, 76% of all cryptocurrency companies have turned out to be a scam. Why is that? We will talk about it. And Tiger Woods has left Nike
Starting point is 00:06:27 finally because he's getting older. And you know what? He's left Nike to go with New Balance to endorse a certain insert orthotic for people who are in their 50s and 60s. This is the Giannis Pappas Hour where news meets truth. And truth means, meets, meets. Truth meets wordlessness. When you go off the top of the heads up, hey, I wrote some of these and some writers wrote some of these. You guys are laughing at the ones that I wrote.
Starting point is 00:07:04 That's all I care about. Put your swim trunks on, dive into the pool. I'm going in there. I'm going to follow you under the water. Hey, listen, if something doesn't work that I say, just know it was written by writers. I've only had 10 minutes to prepare for this show. So would you guys want a perfect podcast? Why was he being so meek and complaining? It's like when you go to get a happy ending and
Starting point is 00:07:52 the woman says, sorry, sorry to you when you pull out a small peen. And she goes, I'm so sorry. And you go, no, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that you haven't struggled, struggling with it. It's my fault. It's my fault.'s my fault or when she goes oh it smells you go i'm sorry i should have showered before i came here because those were the directions on the advertisement please come showered he was just apologizing too much we watched the joe coy golden globes intro and it was fine the The jokes were fine. Even the Taylor Swift joke was good and mild. He just delivered it like a bashful Asian geisha girl.
Starting point is 00:08:30 You gotta really bring the heat, baby. You gotta bring that conqueror colonizing arrogance. That Richie Gervais, I'm here to burn it down. And he came with the he came with the I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. But he, he, he did say it was his second worst experience. The, the next to dating Chelsea Handler. That was fun. There was nothing more cringe than those two or three months when they were just posting videos together and they were calling each other babe. And she's just kind of like, I love you, John. John, I love you. And he was going like, I love you too.
Starting point is 00:09:15 They dated for a couple of months. It was enough to get her like career going a little bit again because he was popping. I mean, Joe Coy is so huge. And she was kind of fizzling out and she hopped right in there. She hopped right in there. There they are. They were taking selfies together. The amount of online content you post with your spouse is directly correlated to how short your relationship is going to be. If you're making it into a spectacle, it means that you're insecure about the bones on which the relationship is founded. This was,
Starting point is 00:09:52 this was, he was being used. You were being used. And then they want to give us problems. They want to give the white man problems for conquering you. It's because you're so naive. So easy to do, like a Bitcoin scam.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I'm going off the rails early here. All right? Most of the podcasts don't even claim to be white. I'm just saying, you know, he made the joke about that one movie that was just like white people stealing everything. It's like, if you were white, wouldn't you too when you see how meek these indigenous people are? We can't put it up on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:10:26 but we can release it on Spotify. That's what the name of this one is called. Come on, deliver it with some confidence. I know you looked out into the group and you saw Only Ali. You saw how he just latched on to the Asian face there because he's not used to that.
Starting point is 00:10:40 He's not used to that. Every one of his audiences looks like the working staff of a Carnival Cruise. He looks out and he's just... When Joe Coy does a concert and he looks out into the audience, what he sees is the same thing that Mao saw from the stage. Just a bunch of Asian faces.
Starting point is 00:10:59 He sees the same thing I saw when I performed at MIT for a comedy show. Asian faces. And he just wasn't used to it. He got up there and he goes, whoa, this isn't my crowd. And then he goes, whoa, there's one. Ali, I love you, Ali. And then he's like, there's only one of you. I'm nervous.
Starting point is 00:11:19 All his jokes were good. The truth is all your jokes were good. You were fine. You just were a little too meek with it you know that's like you got to take them you got to take them you know the hollywood crowd is a hot chick and you got to go in there and you got to just bend them over and you got to take that fucking you got to take it baby take it you got to be it, baby. Take it. You got to be this close to comedy. That's where they want it.
Starting point is 00:11:47 They want it right below bleep the. They want it right below comedy. There. They want a comedy assault. That's what they want. They want a comedy molestation. That's what you got to do. The people that you're doing this for the people at home.
Starting point is 00:12:04 You're not doing it for Meryl Streep. You doing this for the people at home. You're not doing it for Meryl Streep. You're not doing it for your mom. You're not doing it for all the little Filipinos looking at home. You're doing it for us, the working man who wants to watch these people get shit on. That's what makes it good. But I'm speaking with no authority because ratings were up, but I could only assume that's because every Filipino tuned in. And they probably went, turn it off. Halfway, they were going, turn it off. He's not confident.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Turn it off. Turn it back to the YouTube video of Manny Pacquiao singing. I'd rather watch Manny Pacquiao singing than watch Joe Coy meekishly deliver jokes. I'm going back to my physical therapy job. You can't do that again in 2024. You can't. If Dave Chappelle could start his lackluster special with another trans joke, I could do HFYS. The rules are back, baby. I'm anti-woke. the rules are back, baby. I'm anti-woke.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I'm so sick of anti-woke. The ratings rebound to 9.4 million viewers up from 2023. 9.4, that's impressive. That's impressive. But reviews have been poor. But it was up, wow, that's a lot it was up 50 from the year prior well wasn't that still kind of like covetish time a little bit not really i don't know but that's even worse because that means people are out and about um oppenheimer was a huge ticket
Starting point is 00:13:39 with nearly one why do they do two to what award shows oh by the way my chain my second chain broke no yeah do you know what it's like going out in the world chainless when you've had a chain on i gotta say that chain was a little flimsy i spent a thousand dollars at k's jewelers for it did you lose it no it just broke when i was laying on bed yeah it just broke it actually broke while i was watching the documentary Bitcoin, which was all about it being a scam. And then I was like, oh my God, everything's a scam. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:11 This is chicken wire. That was chicken wire for sure. Thank God I got insurance on it. So now I'm going to go back in and tell them to fix my chain. A little thicker this time. Yeah. A little thicker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:22 It's crazy that 76% of Bitcoin's companies ended up becoming a scam. 76% is what they call an overwhelming majority. So I guess the only things that are probably left are Ethereum, Bitcoin. But when you say company, what do you mean? Cryptocurrencies. Oh, the current, right.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Like all those like different coins. Yeah, all that stuff. Any company. People are making coins at any blockchain uh imitation whatever we're going to create our own network whatever it was right we got our own coin all that there was a beetlejuice coin beetlejuice coin dodge coin they were all scams um i guess bitcoin isn't ethereum isn't i don't know what that means that it's not but i had this revelation while i was watching bitconned which is a documentary on netflix and i wanted to ask you about it and the people at home so bitcoins in the blockchain
Starting point is 00:15:18 and digital currency are meant to replace fiat currencies, right? And the blockchain is acting like a marketplace for these currencies or currency, but also like a bank, right? Your Bitcoins are stored on the blockchain. So instead of putting your money in the bank you put your digital currency in on the blockchain now what's the thing that that has in common with banks is my question jesse scotero um what it has in common i thought is that they're both run by what am i going to say people run by people i thought you're going to go somewhere else with that. No. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Could have easily went and said, people of the tribe. But that's not the type of podcast. You got to go to X for that type of content. They're both run by people. So my question is, at one point, and listen to me good here, So my question is, at one point, and listen to me good here, at one point, you can easily conceive of a time where people had the idea for banks
Starting point is 00:16:31 and they went, this is amazing, okay? I keep all my coins, all my chickens that I traded for lobsters, they keep getting stolen. I need to open up a chicken, a Roman street vendor. You know, they had street vendors in the Roman times. I need to open up a meat vendor stand, but I don't have enough coins.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I don't have enough coins for the initial investment to pay. I got a couple of slaves. I got a couple of slaves. It's not enough. I need some chefs. I need farmers. I need produce. I need a couple of slaves. It's not enough. I need some chefs. I need farmers. I need produce. I need a chain of,
Starting point is 00:17:07 I need a chain of production, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I need some human capital. I don't got enough. I don't got enough actual capital. I need a loan. I need a loan. And they went, okay, go see this guy,
Starting point is 00:17:20 Spartacus, Spartacus, Spartacus Giacoma. Go see Mr. Giacoma Down there And they go down And they see him And the guy's like How you doing? My name is Spartacus Giacomo
Starting point is 00:17:32 I heard you need a loan Here's the deal I'm gonna give you 15% On the give On the rig On the give I don't know the terminology But I also want 5%
Starting point is 00:17:42 I want 5% Of your food truck Or I should say Your food wagon I don't know if I want 5% of your food truck, or I should say your food wagon. I don't know if the wheel was invented yet. Your food thing on squares. I want, I want 50% of your food box. And then also I want the principal that I'm loaning you.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And I also want an interest, which I'm going to charge you for this loan 50%. And if you don't do it, I'm going to register you for this loan 50%. And if you don't do it, I'm going to resist. And, and, and that's all there is to it. And if your place goes bust, I'm going to resist anyway. Hey, here's the deal. I might sister anyway, because I'm into sisters.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Just complete all these. And then someone came along and said, hey, I got a better idea. We take the power out of all these crooks' hands. We open up a legitimate fucking government-backed with the protection of the rule law building where we can put our money so it's not in our house. We don't get robbed anymore. And if we need a loan, they can give us a loan.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And there'll be a fixed rate. You know, they can't go too high or else the government goes, hey man, we need to keep things moving. We need people buying and all that stuff. And people were ecstatic. And a bunch of young people were like, this is the new way.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Get into banks. And it worked. And then it started. And then the types of personalities that like having a bunch of money fly into their account and a bunch of money fly out of someone else's account started flocking to this new industry. The people who are attracted to that type of industry,
Starting point is 00:19:18 they tend not to be creative. They tend not to be scientific. They tend to be greedy little fucking oink oinks who love money and can make money. So then banks become corrupt. And so then as a rebellion of banks, they say, we got this new thing that's going to work. It's going to go to blockchain, but I could get that. We're going to do our own bank. It's all going to be digital. We can get it off. And let's say it happens. Then who's going to start working at those places? People who used to work at banks. And do people not think that the same thing is going to happen again?
Starting point is 00:19:53 And then the government's going to have to come in and go, but we regulate this. We ensure this. So what I'm basically saying is the more things change, the more they say the same. What's the difference between a bank and a fiat currency and a digital currency and a blockchain? Now, I know there's a bunch of finger sniffers or fake finger sniffers in the comments right now going, Yanni, you don't understand. But here's the thing. If I don't understand it, that's not a good sign
Starting point is 00:20:26 because it's not trigonometry. It's not supposed to be something complicated. See, the fiat currency, I fully understand. I understand inflation. I understand production. I understand why certain currencies are the universal currency of the globe because it's from the most stable economy and it has the most value because the economy is stable and investments in that country is stable, et cetera, et cetera. That currency is stable
Starting point is 00:20:54 because that economy is stable because that country is politically stable. I get it. It's very easy to understand. That's what you want. That's what it should be. If you need to yell at me at the comments, in the comments,
Starting point is 00:21:09 and say you don't understand, don't you see that you don't understand that that right there is a problem. Okay? Because until I start getting paid in Bitcoin, meaning I do work and the Bitcoin goes into my account and I can spend that Bitcoin just like I do fucking Washingtons, then I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Because as long as I got to spend my Washingtons on the Bitcoins and then those Bitcoins can actually become worth less Washingtons depending on how many people buy the Bitcoins, I'm confused. depending on how many people buy the Bitcoins, I'm confused. I am thoroughly confused and I have a few questions. And I guess I'm able to ask those questions with an open heart and an open mind
Starting point is 00:21:58 because I have not bought any cryptocurrencies because believe me, if I did, I'd be on here pumping them. I'd be on here pumping them. I'd be on here pumping them. Do you understand? Do you guys understand what I'm saying? Do you understand? Do you understand? Ask a person who doesn't own any Bitcoins about Bitcoin and then ask a person who does own Bitcoins about Bitcoin. You will get two different answers based on something I like to call fiduciary interest. One of those parties has a huge interest in making sure that that coin has value and they have a very, they have an interest in making sure that they market that value to you. Just like fake
Starting point is 00:22:43 companies had an interest in paying Floyd Mayweather to come make a commercial for their stupid fake Bitcoin product. Floyd Mayweather didn't know what he was getting into. He just took the money. So did Larry David. So did Tom Brady. So did all of them. Matt Damon. They just got a quick pitch from their agent like, hey, look, this is the future, man. Millennials. Everyone's mind was all warped because we were inside living in our computers. And we're like, is this going to be the new way? Because, you know, people can't think long term. And finally, what it made me realize is people love an easy antidote. They love an easy way to get rich and they always will. And so you'll always be able to fill that vacuum of need with bullshit. People will always want
Starting point is 00:23:38 to believe that they can get rich if you pitch to them that you have a way to get rich. Now, will Bitcoin become a thing? I'm not saying it won't. I'll tell you when it will be a thing. Again, one more time, when I can go to work, say some jokes, and then there's 10 Bitcoin in my account. When I can work, when my Bitcoin is not based on what I can pay for it, but what I can work to earn it, then I will know that it is the currency of the future. Right now, it's the currency of bullshit. Makes no difference. Odell Beckham Jr. took his salary, stupidly, in Bitcoin when he joined the LA Rams. He has suffered a major salary loss because the worth of the Bitcoins was dependent on the marketplace for Bitcoins. So it's basically like buying stock right now. It's basically buying stock, except there is no company that produces anything or does anything. It's just how much interest you
Starting point is 00:24:55 can generate in what they will be worth in the future, what that technology will be. I'm not saying it's all bullshit. I'm saying it's bullshit until you can work and get paid in it. And as Mr. Beckham Jr. knows, we're not there yet. Anyway, I found that documentary very fascinating because this guy, BitCond, just keeps talking about how easy it was. And just money was just flying in. And, you know, again, I couldn't blame him. I'm like, if these people are so easily, he's almost doing a service. He's selling dreams. Like they felt they got a rush when they bought it.
Starting point is 00:25:34 When they bought it, they got a rush because basically they were hoping to steal money. Because when you're hoping to make money for nothing like that, you're basically hoping to steal money. So if you get robbed of money, why should I feel bad? It's not like you invested in a real company, right? You didn't do any research and say, who are these guys? This is how easy it is. And when you watch the documentary, you'll find for their CEO, they Googled old white guy.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Whatever came up, they took the picture. They made that guy's picture the CEO. They created a fake. It's almost funny. They created a fake LinkedIn profile for that guy. They took the Visa logo on their website and planted it on their imaginary digital Bitcoin card. And they just put, they just copped, they just took the logo and in Photoshop, put it on. This company ended up generating like hundreds of billions of dollars in investments
Starting point is 00:26:35 of people hoping that the technology of the Bitcoin debit card was going to work. So why are you punishing these people who created this company? This guy, thank God, got no jail time because he ratted all his friends out. There you go. That's the kind of chain you need. Yeah. That chain. Yeah. Look at that chain. That's the chain.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And that's the guy. I can't remember his name, but he's the best. He goes, ever since I was a little kid, I just was interested in crime. I just loved scamming people. The guy's on oxys the whole time, and he just loves stealing things. He loves gambling. He loves conning. That's him down in South Beach? He's in Miami.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Your first tip-off is the company's in Miami. There you go. Now, the thing is, he ratted all his friends, and his friends are mad at him. I'm going, guy, you knew who you were getting in bed with. And his other friend who got eight years was as big of a douchebag as him. So it's like, what, you weren't smart enough to rat him out? You were the one that didn't cooperate,
Starting point is 00:27:37 but kept going like, no, no, no, I didn't do any of this. He was like, yeah, I did everything. I'll tell you everything you want to know. And he's still going. Here's the best part. He now has started another company that's called cambridge brown now listen to this he loans people money who are in a bind for a 50 interest and he named the company off of two successful universities and this is what he told the reporter. So he goes,
Starting point is 00:28:05 what are two smart places? We got Brown, we got Cambridge. So I'm going to call Cambridge Brown. Dude, their whole website was so fraudulent. And my point was before it was so easy before you dumped your money into this company.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Do you know how easy it was to do a little research and find out that it was fugaz that it was fufu um all you had to do was call visa and go do you have a deal with senna or whatever it was called what was the company called whatever it was called yeah yeah or do you have a deal guess what happened one reporter from the new york times who by the way said that everyone at the new york times made fun of crypto saying it was never going to be a thing. He's going, I don't know, but a lot of people are falling for this. So he was the only one on the beat. So he decided to pursue this story. It's so funny. He calls them up and they're like, yeah, come take pictures of us. They never ask him what kind of article he's writing. They just invite
Starting point is 00:29:03 him in. And the guy's going like, I couldn't believe it. He was like, I told the photographers to rush over there, get the photos immediately before they started fucking being a little smarter. He's on the phone with them asking them questions. And the guy's going like, listen, I can't really, I don't know the full detail. I don't, yeah, listen.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And then the best part is when it got found out by the reporter that their CEO didn't exist, that it was a fraudulent person. What they did, you're going to love this. They made up a story that the guy died in a car crash. Okay? So they killed an imaginary guy. At the end, the SEC regulator guy is funny.
Starting point is 00:29:40 He goes, the thing that boggles my mind the most about this is how these guys thought they weren't going to caught with it like this stuff was so stupid and then you go like they were able to make millions and millions and then i go so what is it about this that humans fall so and it made me realize and you see it this whole era my my industry included people are going to be found that everyone's going to be found out everyone's going to be found out just like our good friend Eric Adams in New York
Starting point is 00:30:10 whose book is full of frauds people are going to find out that nobody had their pulse on the zeitgeist of America now more than Tim Dillon himself when he came up with fake business. He was right, dude. Everything out there right now
Starting point is 00:30:29 since our faculties left and went to China, since their factories left and went to China, it just increasingly became more and more and more Fugazi, more Fufu, more Fufu, more Fufu. That fake business thing, he just nailed it. He nailed what's going on in the world. And a lot of people are going to start with their fake marketing scams
Starting point is 00:30:59 and their lies. It's all going to come out now because now people are getting a taste for it. Like I predicted on the Giannis Papastas. They're getting a taste. They're getting a little taste. So now this is now becoming content. And this isn't taking people down who said something.
Starting point is 00:31:14 This is actually taking people who deserve it to be taken down. So we've gone from, you know, so now all those, and they're going to be taken down by leeches, people who are looking to make a name for themselves. But at least now they're going to be taken down by leeches people who are looking to make a name for themselves but at least now they're going to have their targets are going to be on the right
Starting point is 00:31:28 fucking bullet on the right bingo thing on the right dartboard their crosshairs are going to be on the right dartboard i'm struggling with words now much like this guy the documentary who was just slurring everything on the phone because he was high on oxys. Here's the best part. They hired a lawyer who they thought was a Wall Street tycoon who did the same thing they did. He was a college kid in Virginia.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Their lawyer that they hired was scamming them, and they were paying this guy fucking hundreds of thousands of dollars. He was sitting in his dorm room going like, so what? Yeah, they sent you a cease and desist letter, so just take it off your website. And they were going like, this guy fucking hundreds of thousands of dollars. He was sitting in his dorm room going like, so what? Yeah, they sent you a cease and desist letter, so just take it off your website. And they were going like, this guy's good. The guy goes, this guy's good on the phone.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Let me give you an, as someone who has known someone very well who ran a chop shop, if someone is good on the phone, hang up. Anyone who's good on the phone, hang up. And if anyone's really good in person, be skeptical. Most people with charisma are trying to take something from you. That's the whole purpose of the charisma.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Nobody's just a fucking good person. People aren't out there trying to make you laugh and be good for you. You think we go on stage for you? I want that fat check with a fucking banana logo on it. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for me to get attention that I didn't get as a child. None of this is for you. Nobody's a good person.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Even Jesus had an angle. What checks are you getting with a banana on it? I don't know. But you got to check the how look the the best place you can be is the people that you can sniff are humble and will tell you how full of shit they are that's what you want to know the guys who are going like there's no fugues here but they do it with a fucking smirk you You know there's foo-foo. Watch this documentary, Bitcoin. It's worth every free penny.
Starting point is 00:33:31 It's not free. You paid. It feels free. Feels free. On Netflix. It's so good. It's so good. And it really speaks to the zeitgeist.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Now, you have no Bitcoin. I have no Bitcoin. That's why I can speak openly with an open heartgeist. Now, you have no Bitcoin. I have no Bitcoin. That's why I can speak openly with an open heart about it. How about you? What do you think about Bitcoin, Jesse? I got one ETH. ETH is the play here. You got one ETH in the room.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I bought it at four. Now it's worth two. It's got half the value. But if you just hold, it's a stock, dude. Yeah, I'm not selling. It's a stock. I'm not selling. Nobody can argue me out of the fact that right now, at least, it's a stock, but it's less than a stock because it's not based on a company.
Starting point is 00:34:13 It's based on a dream. It's based on a dream that I don't fully understand either. Because like I said, I just don't see how it won't end up being the same thing as a bank i don't see how it won't end up having the same fraud problems that a bank had same greed problems that a bank had i just don't see how that won't happen because the common denominator is common denominator is people need loans is people people people people and guess what people aren't? Rational animals. They're not. That took me a long time to learn. That's why now I'm enjoying the show more and less trying to change the world.
Starting point is 00:34:53 You got to stop trying to change the world. First of all, you turn into a psycho. Secondly, that's not what the game is here. The game is to enjoy yourself and have a good laugh, experience some love, and to get some entertainment value out of these people. You got to just enjoy the show. Nobody is looking for the truth. They don't want to know. And this documentary proves it because all you had to do was take two seconds to just make a call to Visa. Nobody made a call to Visa. Nobody. They just started dumping their fucking hope money in. It's a casino. It's like stocks. They just wanted
Starting point is 00:35:36 to believe it. So I don't think this guy's a fucking criminal. He is a businessman filling a void in the dream market. What's the difference between him and somebody else who's pitching you some bullshit? Someone claiming to be some social justice hero that's not. What's the difference? He got you to buy his product, whatever that may be, comedy in this case, based on the fact that you thought he was this freedom fighter out there fighting the good fight against this fucking boogeyman of oppression and that's why you gave him your dollars in full or in least in part
Starting point is 00:36:12 so what's the difference you wanted to believe it well you wanted to get rich well no you want in this case you wanted to get rich but underneath that you you wanted to get rich because you wanted to believe that you get rich just like they wanted to believe that you'd get rich. Just like they wanted to believe that this guy, or whomever I'm talking about, was Martin Luther Gandhi. I don't begrudge any of these guys, dude. I know a lot of people are saying,
Starting point is 00:36:41 like, why are you hating? The opposite. I'm enjoying. My point is, if people still want it, they should. What's the difference between them and a magician? What's the difference? When the black kids run around in circles and go, I can't believe what I just saw. We know it wasn't magic, but they can't, I can't believe it. Even I run around in circles. What's the difference? These kids pulled a great magic trick. It's just a lot of people lost their money.
Starting point is 00:37:08 A lot of money disappeared. There's another guy in the documentary who's like this former military guy who admits it. He's like, oh, serious. And once he found out it was a scam, he started targeting him. He's like, I want them all.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And then he finds out this guy got no time and he starts to cry. And he gets up from his seat. He's like, I need a second. And I just started laughing. I just started hysterically laughing. Then he sits back down. He goes, it doesn't seem fair.
Starting point is 00:37:31 You know, he's one of these guys. Yeah. It doesn't seem fair. And I'm going, you admitted at the beginning of the documentary, you wanted to get wealthy. You had dreams of traveling the world. Was it not at least worth it for how that felt? was it not at least worth it for how that felt the rush you got when you saw the fucking money going up when you saw how many millions they got didn't you feel like i'm in early i'm the guy this is going to be the new paypal you can't put a price tag on the feelings because ultimately
Starting point is 00:38:00 he said he wanted to travel the world and be wealthy. For what? For a good feeling. He wanted to bang hot chicks. What do you want to do that? To feel good. So at the end of the story, everyone is selling good feelings. This guy, this douchebag from Jersey gave you that good feeling for a little while. He never said it was going to last for you. He just gave you the good feeling and you had the good feeling. You paid for it. Now you paid a lot, but it was a really good feeling. You paid for a good feeling. The best part is when they got found out that the CEO was just, they Googled rich white guy, old white guy,
Starting point is 00:38:38 and they copied and pasted his face on the LinkedIn. After they did that, they needed a new CEO. So what they did is they took a picture. This is so good. They took a picture of his grandfather, who was an absolute crook, who gave him the initial money to start his Lamborghini rental business in Miami that went bust before this. He's some some italian fucking grandpops from jersey who was wearing who has a toupee and chains on and they took his head and they put it in the ceo box his grandfather and they just cut it right above the chains so it's just an old guy
Starting point is 00:39:19 with a toupee but you can tell he's a ginzoid i mean you can look at him and just tell that the guy can't spell definitely right you can smell the garlic oh you could smell the garlic and then the one guy goes the military guy goes finally the guy who had big dreams decided to do a little due diligence and he went this is the best part he went to this guy's instagram so he goes to his instagram and he just scrolls back a little bit because he wanted to see his Instagram and he sees him with his grandfather. And in the caption, it says, it's my grandfather. And he goes to the chat rooms and he goes, guys, the new CEO is this fucking guy's grandfather. It's fake.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Dude, they made millions and millions and millions of dollars. Excellence ain't fair, and people ain't looking for excellence. They want to be conned. I support him. I support the person I was alluding to before. I support every single one of you to continue what you're doing because it's full-blown entertainment. It's what people want. You're doing nothing wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:28 You're providing a service. You're giving them hope and good feelings. That's all I have. I'm giving you bad feelings. Can we just call this podcast Busted Bubbles? Too much reality. Stop, Yanni. I want to live in a world where Trump could have stopped the Civil War from now. I want to live in a world where Trump could have stopped the civil war from now.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I want to live in that world. You got to love this guy, dude. This is how Joe Coy should have performed at the Golden Globes with full confidence. Donald Trump is so confident. He says if the election wasn't stolen, he hired a guy to research if the election was stolen. The guy that he hired said it wasn't. He's still saying it was stolen. How much fucking confidence do you got to have to just see what you want to see? He said, look, if I would've been elected, Russia and Ukraine wouldn't have happened. When they asked him about Israel and Palestine,
Starting point is 00:41:18 he goes, look, I don't want to talk bad about nobody, but if I was in office, the whole thing wouldn't have happened. I neutered Iran. I neutered him i had him begging on the floor none of it would happen and then he goes you know what i'm gonna go even further the civil war could have been negotiated and you know he was implying in his mind if i was there i would have stopped it make a deal make a deal yeah the guy couldn't get a fucking university to work but he would have stopped the civil war he couldn't get his casinos in atlantic city to work but he would have stopped the Civil War. He couldn't get his casinos in Atlantic City to work,
Starting point is 00:41:47 but he would have stopped the Civil War. He couldn't have got his fucking board game to work, but he would have stopped the Civil War. He couldn't have got any of his businesses to work until his dad bailed him out from all his fucking failures, especially at the beginning, but he was going to stop the Civil War. Nothing was going to stop the Civil War
Starting point is 00:42:02 because if there's one thing Southerners like more than their fucking sweet potato pie, it's slaves. Yanni's going off the rails today, baby. That's because I knew I got, I had to give you a little kick in the fucking butt for that shitty last
Starting point is 00:42:20 episode. I gave you, uh, that last episode. I could just read my energy. I was just going like, there's nothing good in the news. This podcast isn't growing. Why should I even try to be good? And guess what? It got the most views. I don't understand how this internet game works, baby. Because we gave you hit after hit after hit. Great episode after great episode, great episode.
Starting point is 00:42:43 They would do 14,000, 15,000. This one's already at 17,000 and we filmed this at the beginning of the week. So this is going to keep going. And I think it was the worst episode I've ever done. So I shouldn't be doing this right now because I think this is going great. Yeah, you're pulling the Joe Coy. I'm pulling the Joe Coy.
Starting point is 00:43:01 So anyway, more frauds Have been Unmasked One of Two of One of which is one of our favorites
Starting point is 00:43:13 Eric Adams As it turns out This is Sean Terry Reporting for you Reporting to you from Hozone Park I moved my family here From Corona Queens When that neighborhood got too fucking Dominican So I said I'm out to you from Ozone Park. I moved my family here from Corona, Queens, when that neighborhood got too fucking Dominican.
Starting point is 00:43:27 So I said, I'm out of there. Okay? I'm fucking out of there. I want to live around fucking white faces, and you know what I'm talking about. Italians. I want to be in an Italian neighborhood, and that's it. I don't want to look around and see any...
Starting point is 00:43:39 Bleep all this. This is Sean Terry. I fucking moved to Ozone Park. I live in Howard Beach and Ozone Park. How can I live in two neighborhoods at the same time? Because I'm a comedy character, and I wanted to combine those fucking two neighborhoods for emphasis on how fucking Italian
Starting point is 00:43:57 I wanted to make that fucking place. That's where I live, and I'm reporting with this next local news story that our fucking mayor, I can't believe I live And I'm reporting with this next local news story That our fucking mayor I can't believe I live to see today That we had one of those in the White House And one of those in the fucking state capitol Is he in the fucking state capitol?
Starting point is 00:44:15 Cause that would be bad No I think he's fucking city hall Same fucking difference Cause the fucking leader of New York Is basically the fucking leader You think we care about fucking Karen Homolka or whatever her fucking name is who's running the state? Nobody cares about fucking Buffalo. Nobody cares about what's fucking going on in Woodstock, New York.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Nobody cares about what's going on in fucking Poughkeepsie or fucking Kingston, New York. The mayor is the fucking governor of New York. And somehow we got a fucking guy in there Who doesn't live in my neighborhood And lo and behold He turns out to be a fucking criminal Who would have told me? All I am is just a firefighter
Starting point is 00:44:55 From Queens, New York I don't fucking know So how did I know to fucking spread on the jets the other day? And I won five I fucking know things I could have the other day. And I won five. I fucking know things. I could have told you a million miles from here that this guy was a fucking huckster. He was a fraud. He was going to all these fucking nightclubs.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And he wouldn't have dressed like that. That's not a fucking mayor's salary. That he's fucking paying the Turkish. He's getting money from these fucking Turkish commies over there. We got a big fucking problem over there. And we're going to storm that fucking building too. We're fucking storming it. Get your fucking Make America hat on
Starting point is 00:45:31 and we're fucking storming City Hall. And we're getting this fucking mayor because as it turns out, he read a book. I was fucking enjoying the book too. I was reading the fucking book. I was like, this isn't fucking bad. I bet you had a Jewish writer because ain't nobody fucking can write like that.
Starting point is 00:45:48 So I'm reading this fucking book, all right? And it turns out somebody did a little research and there was a near-miss school shooting incident described in his book that didn't happen. He also admits a lot of other instances of things that didn't happen, including a confrontation with a neighbor. And he changes the story about being beaten up by the police.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Didn't happen. Of course it didn't happen. Never fucking happens. When it happens, they deserve it. Stop resisting. Stop fucking resisting. You saw it. It's on video.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Do it, the officer X. Do it, the officer X. Do it, The Officer X. It wasn't me. That was Sean Terry from Ozone Park. You're still doing the voice. And Howard Beach. Oh. That wasn't me.
Starting point is 00:46:39 That was a character I played called Racist Firefighter, small-minded firefighter from Ozone Park and Howard Beach at the same time. Firefighter from Queens, New York, ladder 14, Sean Terry. Thank you. And scene. And scene. And scene.
Starting point is 00:46:57 So it turns out he made up a bunch of stuff in his book. Adam's claims that his book, which addresses topics like teenage pregnancy and alcohol abuse was never proofread and he's working to remove it from circulation so he's got so many lies in the book he's not even going like he's just going hey man just let's get rid of the fufu we gotta we gotta clean up all the fUFU. There's too much FUFU. FUFU means Fugazi. It's short for Fugazi.
Starting point is 00:47:30 So there's too much. And Fugazi means bullshit. Lies. Scams. Fake. Fake. Fugazi. Eric Adams is a fucking fraud.
Starting point is 00:47:40 He's like, fuck it. I'm mayor now. Just get rid of it. Just fuck it. So he's removing the book altogether from circulation. Yeah. Because he just wants to get before they find all the other lies. Well, he saw what happened to Santos. Dude, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I mean, all you got to do now is get the people hyped. Tell them something. You just tell them something. It's all sales, dude. It's all sales. And then where these people make their mistake is they get so arrogant. They have such a good idea. It's all sales, dude. Those people, more than money though, I'd say fame. I've noticed it's power and fame. Those people will do anything. They just, because they got the blinders on and they'll just, they want it, right?
Starting point is 00:48:31 And the road is paved with lies. The road to fame is paved with lies. Aversion to yourself. You know, you got to become greater and bigger than who you are. That's why all these leaders have statues built to themselves. It's all marketing.
Starting point is 00:48:46 It's all to keep this illusion. That's why the pharaoh started the rumor that he was part God. People believed it. Can you believe people believe? You can make people believe things that are clearly bullshit very easily. The Virgin Queen, she did that. It was marketing. You know, Queen Elizabeth, I'm a virgin.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I'm dedicated. I'm married to the england fucking using you know the former catholic beliefs of that country making her you know marking herself as the virgin mary she's holy she's pure it's fucking brilliant she was fuck i mean who wouldn't be fucking she was bringing guys in girl with that much power she wanted to be spit. There was guys spitting in her mouth like this, like this. And going like, you sure you're not going to cut my head off?
Starting point is 00:49:31 And she's like, I need you to spit in my mouth again. Because she needed to balance herself out. There's no way she was having I'm dominating sex. There's no way. We know that. We did a Slaver Size video. The people who go to see these BSM people, what are they? Dominatrix? Yeah, the people who go to see these BSM people, what are they?
Starting point is 00:49:46 Dominatrix. Yeah, the people who go to see Dominatrix's, they're never like, you're never going to see a fucking bus driver come in there and go step on my balls. There's no bus drivers.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Do you remember who we saw? Who? Remember that firefighter that came in? I don't remember. You don't remember that? No, did he have a mask on like the other guy?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah, he put a mask on. No, he wasn't a firefighter. That little guy with the mask? Yeah, yes, he was. Was he? Yeah. All right, well, they got good benefits. Why are you throwing a wrench in my fucking story?
Starting point is 00:50:13 I'm sorry, I'll cut that out. Let's cut that out. Yeah, cut that out. No, leave it in. Start over. No, we don't market here. That's why we don't grow. There's no rule without an exception,
Starting point is 00:50:23 as the ancient Greeks would say. Usually, it's rich people ceos that want to usually a japanese business guy wants you to stomp in his balls and force feed him shit from your ass the human brain is fucking wild oh you remember that story she told about the japanese guy he wanted he laid eggs yes tell the story again yeah he was he wanted this is a true story he wanted he walked around the room and he wanted to be a chicken he put an egg up his ass and he would lay them in various parts around the uh and he wanted her to praise he wanted so this dominatrix we filmed this video years ago called slaver size this chick wanted to make an
Starting point is 00:51:01 exercise dominatrix video and we filmed it and we saw some of the funniest stuff we've ever seen and she told us the story of one client she had one of the dominators there's like two or three of them there one of them said she had this japanese client all he wanted to do was dress up like a chicken stuff eggs up his ass and then lay them in various areas around the apartment and he wanted her to praise him for being a good little boy and laying eggs. Ooh, what a big egg you laid. Yeah, what a big egg. And he loved it. So you tell me what's going on.
Starting point is 00:51:34 You know what the funniest part about that? And then that guy fucking got up, put his clothes on, which was probably a $3,000 suit, and just walked out with a confident walk out of that building and right back up to his company and said good morning to his secretary. Fired like 10,000 people.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah, nobody in that office knows that the guy just had eggs in his ass. Now, Wayne LaPierre has been a bad boy. The NRA, who would have thought? Who would have thought? Who would have thought the NRA would be misusing millions of dollars for personal expenses? So it seems like only one person is going to trial over this. It's the former CEO, Wayne LaPierre. CEO Wayne Lippier.
Starting point is 00:52:29 So it looks like the court's going to be looking for reimbursement and it looks like there'll be possible Supreme Court involvement if the NRA loses. Oh, they're going to keep fighting
Starting point is 00:52:44 this all the way, right? Well, he resigned, so you know there's something there'll be possible Supreme court involvement if the NRA loses. Oh, they're going to keep fighting this all the way. Right. Um, well, he resigned. So, you know, there's something going on. He said he resigned for health reasons,
Starting point is 00:52:52 but he resigned right before the trial. Um, and you know why that is. Can't be representing the company in trial. If you, you know, if there's, if you're the company's being accused of doing something illegal,
Starting point is 00:53:04 if the guy on trial doesn't work at your company, that helps anymore. I don't know, dude. To me, the NRA always seemed like a very trustworthy moral organization that, um, was just protecting our second amendment rights and didn't care at all about, uh, the gun sales of weapons manufacturers. That's that. So I'm surprised by this. I'm more surprised by this than I am the Catholic church scandals.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I'm more surprised by this by then fake Kickstarter pages that have made the news. This is the most shocking to me. I held the NRA in such high regard when it came to what they wanted for us all that I just, I'm just shocked that this would happen. It's absolutely shocking. I don't know what to say. What's the word, beklemped?
Starting point is 00:54:03 I have a loss for words Wayne LePierre was a saint in my house you know how a lot of her parents had John F Kennedy up on the wall a lot of black families had John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King which I've seen when I was growing up I had Wayne LePierre up there hanging right next to my bump stock AR-15 school shooter special.
Starting point is 00:54:33 So I don't know. I don't know what to tell you. But they are obviously defending themselves. They allegedly misuse charitable assets, manipulating internal controls and misreporting information in annual reports. You know it's bad when they go, among other allegations. We don't have enough space here. Alleged financial improprieties.
Starting point is 00:54:59 The original complaint also named former chief of staff Josh Powell. But Mr. Mrs. James and Mr. Powell reached a settlement agreement last week. Oh, that's not an admission of guilt. A settlement agreement. Hey, here you go. I'll give you some of the money back. The attorney general is seeking to implement an independent monitor to oversee the organization's governance as well as impose financial penalties against the defendants. Dude, you know what the marketing here is, right? I'm doing it
Starting point is 00:55:28 for you, NRA. I hope you watch this podcast. This is government oversight. They're coming to take us down so they can eventually take your guns. I mean, do you have to be a fucking Harvard grad to know that that's the play here? Right, Jess? This is Letitia James. She's the one who also went after Trump for a lot of time. So there you go. You know she's corrupt, or else she wouldn't be going after the Lord and Savior. I mean, you just know by who she's going after
Starting point is 00:55:59 that she's got to be bad. Because these people are beyond repute. They're holy. They're holy. They're holy. Trump came up on that. Epstein mentioned, I ain't believing it. And neither are any of my Trump brothers and sisters.
Starting point is 00:56:11 We don't believe it. There's no way he was ever about that. Granted, he's got a hot model as a wife who's much younger than him before he became president. That was kind of his whole deal was young chicks and banging a lot of chicks, but I don't believe granted he was friends with Jeffrey. I've seen, there's many pictures with him and whatever. Before he became president, that was kind of his whole deal, was young chicks and banging a lot of chicks.
Starting point is 00:56:27 But I don't believe, granted, he was friends with Jeffrey Epstein. There's many pictures with him and whatever together. But he hasn't talked to him in a very long time, is what he said. I cut that guy off a long time ago. And why would he say that if it's not true? Why would he say that? There's no good reason to say that. Doesn't make him look good or bad, right? Bill Clinton also came up.
Starting point is 00:56:48 He's denying it. They're denying it. Even though that was kind of his thing. He liked chicks, one of which he put a cigar in her vagina. She was a lot younger. What was she, 21 at the time? So how much younger were those chicks at Epstein Island? And the chick who made the allegations against these people,
Starting point is 00:57:06 by the way, was on Epstein Island. She retracted what she said because she said, I just, this nothing good's going to come from this. I don't, I can't give you my friend's name for the safety. She ended up admitting about the tapes because she had a reason.
Starting point is 00:57:22 She wanted to make Epstein believe she had something on him in case he wanted to harm her. All this stuff. She made up a couple other details. It definitely discredits the wetness. It actually makes you think maybe she's making it up. But here's the thing. Here's the thing. Here's the Yanni.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Here's the Yanni Pappas ad op. She was on the island. What was she doing on the island? She was on the Island. What was she doing on the Island? She was on the Island. That's a indisputable fact. She was a young girl on the Island. She was an Island girl, an Island girl.
Starting point is 00:57:58 There's pictures of her on the Island. So I don't know. Did Epstein kill himself? Did none of these people know what was going on? Did Richard Branson not bang any young chicks? Did Donald Trump not bang any young chicks? Did Bill Clinton not bang any young chicks? Did Prince Andrew not bang any young chicks? What else were you doing with Epstein? Did the guy give great conversation? This guy was offering young puss left and right. That's what he had to offer.
Starting point is 00:58:28 He did donate a lot of money here and there, but Branson and Trump and Prince Andrew, they weren't fucking business. They weren't politicians accepting donations. Well, Clinton was. Clinton was. So there's a reason why he might
Starting point is 00:58:44 have been around. But was. Clinton was. So there's a reason why he might have been around. But in the email extracts from Ransom, she also took aim at Hillary Clinton saying, I will make sure neither that evil bitch Hillary or that pedophile Trump get elected. I will also make sure that everyone on the goddamn planet sees that footage and photos and release them to WikiLeaks
Starting point is 00:59:01 by Sunday. She did none of this. She also said she reached out to the Russians for help. the press claims that's bullshit the press goes it's all bullshit it's all blah they keep calling it discredited claims but for how long were they fucking going ah it's all bullshit you know even though the guy got convicted he got convicted in florida of a little wrist slap of fucking trafficking minors and then he gets out of course like it's no big deal who do you believe
Starting point is 00:59:32 they also told us Epstein hung himself in a prison cell under suicide watch 24 hours with guards and cameras you know I mean what are we doing here? Who's buying this Bitcoin? She was on the island.
Starting point is 00:59:53 This girl was on the island. She said her, her friend, they had sex with these people. You know, what would be the motive? You want to put yourself in harm's way? What do you get out of it? There's no money. There's no yourself in harm's way what do you get out of it there's no money there's no settlement like so what are they getting out of it making these claims i can certainly understand why they may get scared and retract them i can certainly understand why the press where you might have a lot of friends and allies and fears and maybe
Starting point is 01:00:19 they also did some things wrong and bosses who did things who go hey let's keep we don't want to fucking i mean there's a lot of people that went to that island who were very important to society, one of which was in a wheelchair, which, give them credit, imagine having so much money that you could make
Starting point is 01:00:32 your entire private island wheelchair accessible for one pervert. So my question is, like, why would they make it up? I'm just asking common sense street smarts questions that a lot of people don't seem to have anymore. Common sense. I'm asking you a question, Jess, what would be some potential reasons why she would make it up?
Starting point is 01:00:56 She just wants attention. Who wants this type of attention though? Who wants to go? Who wants, there's another accuser who said i was quiet i kept quiet i didn't want to say anything but then i had children and then i had to step forward because i thought i couldn't live in a world knowing there was another um jane doe or whatever you call them another testimony from another one of these girls supposedly there's a lot of girls i can understand why a lot of girls want to keep quiet well they're getting paid these girls getting paid they were getting i mean they were getting paid what for 16 year olds to give hand jobs or i don't know why how did they get down on the island they got that they got they got flown down there now and he took them in
Starting point is 01:01:36 epstein conned them into it he i know it was a pyramid scheme of it was not a pyramid scheme. It was a multi-level marketing trafficking. So he would groom the girls. Maxwell would groom the girls for him, give them a sense of safety, a woman. He would pay them for the massage. Then he'd jerk them off. Then he'd fuck a few of them. This is all we know, too.
Starting point is 01:02:01 This is the only of the details we know. As you can tell tell this thing's not being blown open little by little it's little by little over years you know people want to be like just wait till i'm dead keep it going there's a lot of powerful people who want to keep this thing slow um and then he would say i'll pay you more money if you bring your friends so find friends you get more and then they find friends and they find friends so it was multi-level marketing of human trafficking of young underage um down and out kind of girls or girls who were desperate for influence to help get into college
Starting point is 01:02:39 or whatever one of those girls was like he's gonna help you he's gonna you know give you good recommendation all that flew him out there he He had another fucking sex rant over there. I mean, this is what this guy was into. They're also saying there were definitely girls like, yeah, they made tapes of all these guys. There's rumors he was blackmailing. That makes sense. Rumors he was a Mossad agent.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Just let it all out, man. This is bad stuff that happened. But they're not going to, and they never will, and you never will know. Just like the JFK assassination, just like 9-11, there's fishy stuff no matter what. You don't have to go into any like, this definitely happened.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Something fishy happened on all three of those things I just mentioned. But it'll never come out because powerful people keep this shit under wraps. We were talking. Ghislaine Maxwell's in prison right now. Why is nobody going to talk to her? Why is nobody making any deals with her? Tell us what you know and at least you'll get a window or something like that.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Like talk. Where is she? She's alive. They're not talking to her? Nobody wants to say anything to her? Why is she being kept from us? Can't we at least flog her, give her a walk of shame, and throw things at her?
Starting point is 01:03:54 Like Queen Circe? It's unbelievable. She's in Florida. She's in Florida in federal prison. Hello? She's serving 20 years there for luring and grooming teenage girls. Can we ask her a few questions? When's that book coming out?
Starting point is 01:04:10 When's this book coming out? How come nobody's going to interview? How come fucking legal people aren't going to find out who the fuck else was in this thing? They're not like acting quick to find out who did what. And of course, there's a reason why.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And the reason why is because nothing happened. It was just a networking getaway. And this was all a setup. It's all a setup. The world's a good place full of many good people. it's all set up. The world's a good place full of many good people. And
Starting point is 01:04:46 invest in Bitcoin because it is the currency of the future and the future is now. Want to give a shout out to ExclusiveAutoShipping.com if you're moving your car out of state or you bought your car out of state.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Go to ExclusiveAutoShipping.com Student and Military Discount Supply. Talk to our boy Jared Z. He'll move that car for you. Getting a divorce? Need to move? Want to get the car out? Call Jared Z. Disappear with the car before she can take it. Chris Minetti, 215-750-3730 is the phone number. The location is Philadelphia and South Jersey. We all hope Chris Minetti's still with us. I haven't heard from him in a while. There's no comments or anything. His credit card still works. But, you know, who knows what they know.
Starting point is 01:05:32 I didn't say anything. I just read the ads. But I will tell you, if you want your check to be cashed, Minetti Financial Services will cash your business check in the Philadelphia-South Jersey area at an undisclosed location. For the free.art music in Hawaii. DisplayPros.net.
Starting point is 01:05:53 They build your custom trade booths, retail fixtures and promotional items. You get 10% off. You mentioned my name. They will build your custom trade booth, and they'll build anything, a sign, whatever you need. DisplayPros.net, check them out. MA Insurance Services, Matthew Albani. This was obviously named after his initials.
Starting point is 01:06:15 So it's not MA. It's MA Insurance Services. It sounds more professional, dude, than MA. MAinsuranceServices.com, 813-260-0338. Check them out. It's MA insurance services.com 8 1 3 2 6 0 0 3 3 8. Check them out. Uh, it's MA insurance services. They offer a wide range of commercial insurance property, uh, pro policies, including workers, comp commercial property, auto professional. They got bundles. They got umbrellas. They got general liability, right? If you're sick of your insurance company, give MA Insurance a try. Let me know how it goes. I fully endorse every one of these companies.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Caprotech.com. They use AI. They use all the stats. They do all the number crunching for you. And they give you what they think is going to be the outcome based on all of their egghead stuff. And they got a great reputation. So if you're gambling, use my promo code YPH still. Stop losing money on sports betting and start investing. It's more of an investment with CapRetac. They have all the sports betting tools
Starting point is 01:07:19 and content you need to help you win. Like I said, they use machine learning AI to simulate game results and give you the best betting advice available. All, here's the best part, 100% free. No BS. Go to CapRatec.com or download the CapRatec app in the Google Play or Apple stores. Start winning right now, guys. Rebels Raider. I love my bag, dude. They sent me a bag. Our boy sent us a bag. Jesse's got a bag. I got a bag. This is my new road bag that I'm going to wear on my back. I love the backpack. So quality. Go to rebels-raiders.com. Pick up your tactical gear, your bags, whatever. Backpacks, packs for everyday carry, hiking, trail running, training, all that stuff. Love this product. And then, of course, thinkingman.substack.com.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Go check them out for free. You can donate for $5. It's a newsletter that publishes articles, essays, and thoughts on things like movies, pop culture, and politics. I went and checked it out. It's very nice. I read a couple of the articles. Very nice. You got to keep writing, though.
Starting point is 01:08:29 There's only a few up there, but I love it. So go to addthinkingman or search the link thinkingman.substack.com.

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