Yannis Pappas Hour - America, Akward Am I Right? - Long Days with Yannis Pappas - Episode 2

Episode Date: January 7, 2021

Every Sunday Comedian Yannis Pappas is here to give you a LONG DAY! He's going to attack the headlines and the trending bullshit. He's also going to answer questions from the fans live on air. The sh...ow goes out every Sunday to youtube and audio platforms but while it's being recorded the show goes LIVE it Yannis' Instagram! Come join in on the LONG DAY. This Episode IS DROPPING EARLY CUZ Yanni has a LONG ONE. He talks how RONA might have been a biowep and then BREAKING NEWS hits Mr.LongDays about Trump supporters breaking through security outside the Capitol building in Washington, DC today. WE ARE A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY NOW AND THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS. Wild times we live in CUZZIES! Yanni breaks down what this means for the US. THE GATES OF HELL ARE OPEN HAPPY 2021 YALL. Follow us! Yannis Pappas Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yannispappas/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/yannispappas Website - https://www.yannispappascomedy.com/ 🎥 our producer Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thehomelesspimp/ Also check out Yannis' other podcast with Chris Distefano! HISTORY HYENAS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZP_D4LToVo7Tqmbw-Zr-QA   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? What's up, fellas? Welcome to another episode of Long Days. Your nights just got shorter. It's Yanni P, Yanni Long Days, hashtag Yanni Long Days. The first episode that went up, very well received. Appreciate you. We should start bowing.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Do you think the Asians started bowing because they've had unhealthy, dangerous pathogens that have been crawling around the East for a long time, infecting people, and they just figured out that shaking hands was disgusting? Please, let's not lose shaking hands. And when I say that, I'm talking to the black community. White people can lose shaking hands. It just looks like you're jerking off an elephant. That's what we do. We just go like this, and it looks like we're just jerking off an elephant
Starting point is 00:00:49 to help it reproduce because it's an orphan or whatever. I don't know what makes you want to inseminate an elephant, but humans do it. They stick in. They jerk it off. That's what we do with horses, and then we stick it in. But black people, if we lose black handshakes,
Starting point is 00:01:07 I mean, it'll be a lost art form that is talked about like jazz i mean you ever see lebron and any one of his teammates and any other teams he goes to to ring chase where there's a superstar um yeah he figured he even got kevin love who's a white guy to do fucking all that shit. And then they dance, and then it's like a thing, and he's got a different handshake with different people. That is intriguing. They take it to the next level because they live on a rhythm. They live on a rhythm.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Whereas white people, we live on worry. We live on worry, and we're very cognitive. We're going, what's going to happen? What's going to happen? Where black people, it's just kind of, they're living on a rhythm.'re going, what's going to happen? What's going to happen? Where black people is just kind of living on a rhythm. I mean, they're going with the flow of nature. So please don't lose handshakes. I mean, it's really hard to think of anything else that's happening right now except for the fact that someone has come up with a theory
Starting point is 00:01:59 who's been talking about it for a long time and wrote an op-ed in New York Magazine about, wow, it's not a conspiracy theory to think that COVID-19, and I say COVID, I don't wanna sound like a New Yorker, okay? I want a cup of coffee. Can I have a cup of coffee? My dad was from Brooklyn. He used to get paranoid about his accent.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So he would, the word coffee, he just trained himself to say coffee. And then otherwise he would talk like he was from Brooklyn and he grew up and went to, you know, James Madison High School, played football there. But then he would go, yeah, yeah. How you doing? Hun, Hun, come here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Can I get two eggs over easy? And then can I have a cup of coffee? As if, and then he would sit me down and make me go this, that, these, and those. Not that, this, these, and those. Which if you're from New York, you just kind of, at some point you say, let me get that. Let me see that. And instead of that, pronounce the H like a good English person. My dad was everyone's friend. He would have been a Benedict Arnold during the revolutionary war. You can't trust people who got too many friends. It means they're too nice and they care about people think,
Starting point is 00:03:04 and they're easily corruptible. Can't trust them. I don't trust my dad got too many friends. It means they're too nice and they care about people think and they're easily corruptible. Can't trust them. I don't trust my dad, even though he's gone. I still don't trust him. He's probably out there being promiscuous, being other people's guardians, angels, when he shouldn't be watching his son. But he's out there fucking protecting strangers
Starting point is 00:03:20 because my dad loved people too much. Don't trust anyone who likes people. They're giving away too many secrets. So I don't know if you guys read New York Magazine. I don't know if anyone even knows what a different article origin is. Nobody even knows any, nobody even checks anymore. The majority of the population just see an article
Starting point is 00:03:41 and read it. They don't check. All you gotta do is write the word Herald, Sun, or Times in whatever your website is, and you could get at least 5 million people to share it, at least, if it's a headline about something they want to believe to feed their narcissistic paranoia. That's all you need is any of those words. Herald, Sun, or Times. And it sounds legit. You can even be the asshole Times.
Starting point is 00:04:12 The word asshole could be in front of Times. People just see Times and they're going, I'm checking it out. Wow, we got fans writing in and I just looked it up. It's real. Trump supporters have stormed and breached the US Capitol. As we talk. So here we are. We are Slovenia now now and i predicted this this is wild because if you go to i did a little uh paul verzi had like a little patreon show or
Starting point is 00:04:36 something they put up on youtube it was a little show called dude i called it and uh i caught that is something i said was going to happen we're were going to look like Slovenia. The election was going to be contested. The House floor was evacuated by police. Wow. So we are now a third world country as we're doing this. Look, let's just all do podcasts until it all goes up. Nobody should go outside. I can't wait for it's not safe for anyone to leave their own home,
Starting point is 00:05:02 which we're getting very close to. Right now, they've evacuated the house floor. Everyone who lives in D.C. is not going outside. It's going to become, there's going to become two ways to live. Outside, protesting, giving each other coronavirus, and inside with a very big gun and artillery, having things delivered to you by people
Starting point is 00:05:19 who are pre-checked and, you know, you're escorted by police. That's where we're headed to. I mean, apparently the cops ran in and told lawmakers to get under their desks and hide because they- Nice. Nice. Because they're scared of their own citizens. Nice.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Well, you know, a little bit of that isn't bad. Maybe next time they do a stimulus bill and simultaneously another defense bill, A stimulus bill and simultaneously another defense bill, they will know that people need a little bit more than $600 to survive through a pandemic. There's only been like, there was only unemployment that went for a couple of months, however unemployment lasts. And I mean, there's industry shut down. And look, like I said, and I always say,
Starting point is 00:06:03 I don't want to repeat myself, but shit rolls downhill is something you should always keep in your mind. And that's the top. If it's shit at the top, everything below is going to be shit. Our president, in my opinion, is shit. He cares about himself and that's all he cares about. And he was rolling on a good economy. And of course, Republicans, their mantra and what they live by is just deregulate. So it's always an orgy and the economy always gets stimulated, but it's usually a bubble
Starting point is 00:06:31 because it's all fake businesses and fucking people just selling up, buying houses, selling houses, buying stock, selling stock. It's all imaginary. The stock market is imaginary. It's just gambling on how much something's worth by how much people wanna buy it based on good news from the company. It's all imaginary. The stock market is imaginary. It's just gambling on how much something's worth by how much people want to buy it based on good news from the company. It's all bullshit. So of course that stimulates the economy, but then you ignore the waitress
Starting point is 00:06:53 in Ohio who has to work six jobs or seven jobs just to be able to feed one of her kids. And the other one, she has to sell the slavery in Mexico or wherever they go. You don't hear that story in the press because you know, that's, that's the majority of the people. You just hear how the stock market's, you know, crushing. And that's what Donald Trump would talk because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his dad fucking took care of him. But that's what you don't hear. So he came in and that's what he had going for himself.
Starting point is 00:07:19 He's right on a lot of things, you know, border, you know, obviously China, but you know, he might have poked China too much and not understood that we're their bitch. You got to understand when you're someone's bitch and you're in a prison, we're all fucking glued to this ball that's floating in nothing. We're all kind of in a prison. In fact, if there was a God and he was good, hell would look a little like this, where you got to kind of make your own choices. You get cancer, corona, your girlfriend dumps you. You know what I mean? You got to eat other animals to survive, you know, and you got to prove to God that you're a good person. Like, cause if he's a good God, like we claim God is, this would be hell. Not so bad, but kind of horrible, but kind of a horror show. Yeah. Mental illness. You kind of lose your mind. Depression,
Starting point is 00:08:09 basketball injuries. You fall on your ankle the wrong way. You have a chest pain and you wonder if that's anxiety or if you're presently having a heart attack while you're doing a cup. How funny would it be if I had a full on heart attack while I was doing a podcast that I told people, oh, that's just anxiety. But for that one time, it was actually a heart attack. Then everyone out there who had anxiety and got a little tightness would think that they were having a heart attack and that would fill the hospitals even worse because this would get at least a few thousand people watching it in a certain area and those thousand people everyone's got anxiety right now everyone has anxiety i'm going to double check if this is true but somebody said a person just got shot outside the Capitol building. Good. I mean, you know, person probably had Corona. So there's one less person to spread Corona.
Starting point is 00:08:49 No, it's horrible. Horrible. And we're all worried about Dr. Dre right now. There's only one person who's not worried about Dr. Dre. It's his ex-wife. She got the news and she, there was a little pep in her step when she went to the refrigerator to get a yogurt. It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Please, 2020, stay in 2020 and don't take one of the best rap producers of all time, billionaire Dr. Dre. There's gotta be a downside to being a billionaire. And I'll tell you what that downside is. If you're married. Imagine you become a billionaire and you're married. Dinners start to get a little different
Starting point is 00:09:28 while you're looking across the table. Every argument becomes a reason to kill your wife, right? It used to be, because look, you get into an argument with your wife when you're not a billionaire, right? You're like, bitch, leave.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I don't give a shit, right? I'll give you half of my $30,000, right? We can go to court and yeah, fucking sue me for what? But every argument when you're a billionaire becomes a reason to maybe kill your wife because that argument could cost you in Dr. Dre's case or Jeff Bezos's case or Tiger Woods's case, and the list goes on, hundreds of millions of dollars in argument. So you got to understand human nature. First of all, if you're someone who marries Dr. Dre, who has hit a few girls in the past, you're someone who's not, let's say, good at stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:26 You're good at one thing, and that is using your sex appeal to get powerful and rich men. Because if you'll notice, all these powerful and rich men have dope-looking wives, especially rappers and fucking athletes. So imagine when that reality hits you, when your wife just starts more arguments and more arguments with you, and then you have that moment of clarity where you're
Starting point is 00:10:51 taking a shit and you're, you know, I imagine just marbled out, fucking balled out bathroom. And you realize, oh shit, this bitch is trying to divorce me because she wants a couple hundred million dollars. Yeah. I would do the million dollars yeah i would do the same thing i would do the same fucking thing if you don't get a prenup that must be the worst thing to marry your chick before you make your money ah yeah that's gotta be the worst thing but also on the flip side shout out to the little bit hold on shout out to those women shout out to these women who who marry rich guys and fuck them even though they don't want to, but do it for the money shot. That's a job. That is a fucking job. And that should be
Starting point is 00:11:32 taxed. You should have to pay taxes on what you get. Like when you go to the hair salon or you go to Bergdorf Goodman's to shop with his money, there should be a gold digger tax on that because it's a job you're making a salary and it's not easy. And that's shout out to you because that's not easy to fucking go to the gym, you know, get the fake tits, be, be a sexually appealing to him forever to sleep with someone who absolutely makes you nauseous. That shit is a job. That's in a lot of ways, a harder job than a lot of these people work in other jobs that are considered jobs. Imagine having to fuck someone who you absolutely are disgusted by and are doing it. So you can go to Bergdorf Goodman's. That's a hell of a job. You keep that person happy. jobs. Imagine having to fuck someone who you absolutely are disgusted by and are doing it so you can go to Bergdorf Goodman's. That's a hell of a job. You keep that person happy. He's not
Starting point is 00:12:09 going to donate his money to whatever party is going to blow up kids in whatever third world country. So you're doing your job. You're doing a very important job by taking that semen out of his balls in order to relax that disgusting fucking ugly guy or short guy. Because let's be honest, nobody who's really good looking becomes billionaire you got to have a weird eye or lose your hair i mean if you see early pictures of elon musk the kid was bald now he's got a full head of hair him and lebron go to the same guy who makes miracles happen for a hundred millionaires have you ever seen younger pictures of him he's completely bald and je Bezos it's disturbing and Jeff Bezos
Starting point is 00:12:45 has one eye I mean the other eye is fucking you know the other eye is like thinking of ways to fucking not pay workers more than minimum wage
Starting point is 00:12:52 this eye is always thinking about that while this eye is fucking thinking about how he can take over the world and they're just all squeaks they're all
Starting point is 00:13:00 either you gotta like I told you you gotta watch those squeaks and ugly people because ugly people get motivated and good looking people it's too easy they take it for granted they're not motivated because things just come too easy so it's like they're always good good looking people just take things for granted they don't have to learn how to fucking take you out
Starting point is 00:13:18 with power because they're just given power by people wanting to bang them out. And I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why evolution favors beautiful women over ugly women. I mean, over smart women. You would think, hey, why does evolution not favor moral and smart people if that is what keeps civilization going, keeps society in check, and also helps us survive, I'll tell you why. It may in the future,
Starting point is 00:13:48 but up until this point, evolution has favored beautiful women over smart women. That's why powerful rich guys go after the beautiful women over smart women, because there's something in our brains and in women's brains
Starting point is 00:14:01 and in reality that knows that if there's a war or a famine, which there used to be like every year, and millions of people died, you can always sell pussy. You can always sell pussy. You can always offer your pussy to the top chieftain, the top warlord, and survive, and make kids, and probably more kids.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Genghis Khan had like 10 kids per chick. So that's always in the back of our mind. That's left over from evolution. You can't sell a thesis in Belarusian literature during a fucking famine or a war. So that's why pretty chicks with fat asses and big tits are fucking favored over the, you know, the... I mean, pussy's more powerful than drugs.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Pussy's more powerful than brains pussy's the most powerful thing in the world it just truly is the chat is blowing up people really think shit's hitting the fan and I'm reading Trump's tweets what's he saying he's now turned on Mike Pence
Starting point is 00:14:55 I mean Pence didn't have the courage to do yeah yeah and yeah guys and Obama so you zealots I'm gonna call you fanatics you're Trump fanatics. You treat him like fucking Jesus. You're so stupid and manipulated. All this fucking, he's a child,
Starting point is 00:15:13 he's a petulant child who couldn't lose and doesn't mind lying and doing whatever to get what he wants because he's an absolute narcissist. So yeah, Obama wasn't born in this country either. Do you remember that one? That basically put him on the political scene? It's just like, he just kept going with that obvious lie. And then when he was asked about it, he just shrugs his shoulders and go whatever. It put him on the scene. Now, like if you watch a video from 2016,
Starting point is 00:15:39 there was this guy that predicted that he was gonna do this. They basically have to drag him out of the White House. And if he lost, he was going to claim election fraud. There is zero evidence. This has gone to courts. There's zero evidence of elector fraud. He didn't, the election wasn't stolen.
Starting point is 00:15:55 He is fucking whining and bitching. And that's because he's Donald Trump and he doesn't like to lose. Even though he does a lot of losing, most of the stuff he does is losing. He never admits it. You never know about it because he's a celebrity and he was made by The Apprentice. That's what
Starting point is 00:16:13 put him on the national scene. Before that, people didn't know who Donald Trump was really, except New Yorkers. You know? So, I mean, the shit's hitting the fan. So, yeah, I mean, it's the Civil War. We, yeah, I mean, it's a civil war. We're here. I mean, it's really happening.
Starting point is 00:16:27 My mom even just texted me. Trump supporters took over the government. Now there's a total lockdown in D.C., apparently. Wow. So this is going to be like Trump supporters are, yeah, this is all you guys, all you Republicans, you moderate Republicans, you beautiful people who were talking about how violent the left is and how violent Antifa is, and it's only the left you got to worry about. Nah, man, the internet doesn't just create paranoia one way. There's extremists on both
Starting point is 00:16:57 sides. Everything's become extreme. And this is the media's fault, man. This is the media's fault online that's created people into paranoid extremists. You know, it's like the joke I have on my hour that, you know, it used to be you could have a Democrat and Republican you have in your same family. I mean, it's the truth. My dad was a Republican. He did it mostly for business.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And my mom was a Democrat. And it was like nobody, it wasn't that big of a divide. Politicians spoke with respect to one another. When they lost, they graciously conceded. And then Trump came with his pugnacious kind of name calling and ad hominems. And everyone loved it because we've been inculcated
Starting point is 00:17:35 with reality shows and just the basis level of entertainment where now our celebrities are doing like 13 second dance videos, you know, and that's just where we are. I mean mean we're completely appealing to only our reptilian lowest common denominator brain where we're just looking at 14 year old 15 year old girls going like that's where we've gotten you know but i tell you who's fucking out there i'll tell you who's in fucking d.C. right now. It's fucking Sean Terry. Let me tell you something. There's fucking
Starting point is 00:18:05 14,000 votes missing in fucking Atlanta, Georgia. And I fucking took time off from the firehouse, went down there, and I'll tell you where those fucking votes are. They're fucking in Kamala Harris' fucking pocket in her dyke suit. Go fucking check those pockets
Starting point is 00:18:21 in her Hillary Clinton fucking dyke suit. She got those fucking votes right there. It's not fucking fair. Trump won this fucking election. How do I know? Because fucking Trump told me. It's crazy. Trump's now tweeting like kind of pro-storming the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:18:36 He's encouraging them. But also saying don't hurt the cops because we're with the cops. Right. So he's telling the storm the Capitol. I can't believe this is happening in our own country. My cell phone's got to be blowing up with my brother living out there. Yeah. Yeah. This is a real problem, dude. This is a real problem. And this is this is why the Republicans lost the election in Georgia because, you know, Trump was obsessed with votes in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Even if he won Georgia, he's not going to win the election. I mean, you have to overturn or turn a bunch of states and there's just zero, there's just zero evidence in reality of it. I can't believe this is happening during a pandemic. Although you kind of can, people are losing their mind. There was a guy walking around fucking Queens with a machete, chopping people up and some staffer got hit with a brick. And it wasn't because she was a staffer of Cuomo or de Blasio. I can't remember which one, it just happened to be a random attack on someone who happened to have that job. But that's the type of crimes that you used to see in the 80s in New York, in the 80s, during the Reagan-Bush era, where trickle-down economics was really at its height. Milton Friedman, there's a lot to be said about the free market, but there's also a
Starting point is 00:19:47 lot to be said about socialism that tempers the free market. Socialism on its own, obviously an evil. Capitalism on its own, also you have to admit, is evil. It ends up being, I mean, when you could just put your money in the bank and your money makes more money than people make just off the interest because they're loaning money out. It just becomes unbalanced. Have you ever played the game Monopoly? There comes a point where one person has all the money and the other person has none.
Starting point is 00:20:15 That is what you call laissez-faire capitalism. It's a French word that means unfettered capitalism. If you're a fucking idiot like me, unfettered capitalism means no intervention, completely free market. You got to have rules. You can't play basketball with jail rules. Okay? You can't have capitalism without rules.
Starting point is 00:20:34 You can't have socialism without rules. You have to use them to temper each other. And people say, I don't want to become a socialist nation. We already are. I hate to break it to you, you fucking morons out there. We live in a mixed economy. We have socialism. We do. That's what social security is, Medicare, cops, firefighters, roads. Every country in the first world is a mixed economy, and that's what works best. But don't be an idiot. Don't be
Starting point is 00:20:57 an extremist, okay? Don't be an extremist on the left or the right. Let's get back to being leaning left and leaning right and arguing about that. That's fine. So we can look at each other like human beings. Stop thinking everyone on the right is an animal and stop thinking everyone on the left is like a trans, bi, family-hating, immoral demon. It's not true, okay?
Starting point is 00:21:19 That's just what the media throws out there so you'll fucking stop and watch the car crash. And that's what happens now. These fucking extremists that are storming buildings and burning down things in Portland, they believe Twitter is reality when it's not. Because it's the biggest losers who are on Twitter for the longest amount of time. And they're the ones that start to believe that that is real. When really they're just talking to people who are crazy like them on
Starting point is 00:21:46 the other side or absolute 100% Russian bots or Chinese bots that are put there or fake accounts that are put there to sow discord in our country because they know our weakness is our democracy and our freedom. They know that. And that's how you fight wars now with subterfuge. You can't storm a border anymore. We'll nuke the shit out of you. But you can fuck a country up from the inside. They're basically matrixing us right now. We are Agent Smith and they are Neo
Starting point is 00:22:16 and they have jumped inside our body and they fucking put Corona in there and fake news. So this is really wild that they're storming the Capitol while I'm doing a podcast. This just feels so much more important than that. So I'm glad you're sticking around and not watching the news. Why not? Watch this. It's just as important. It's a matter of opinion. I can claim it's important. I told you I'm a scientist. I'm a journalist. You got to be here to get the truth. Some fans want to know what Derek's going to do in the Civil War. Let me tell you something right now, brother. First of all, I got a message out there to any ladies who I might have married during the blockout, brother.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Listen, lady, I don't know you. If I can't remember you, I don't know you. I think I might have even married one of these Democrats out there in Miami. Man, at one time I married an old Jewish woman in Fort Lauderdale. I mean, I've been all over the praise brother, but the thing is, if I can't remember it, the marriage is annulled. I'll tell you right now, I'm Trump 2020 all the way brother. I live in Florida. So I am pro business, my establishment, and I want the government out of my pocket. And if you pay with cash at the bar, you get an extra free shot
Starting point is 00:23:26 from our guest bartender next weekend. We got the one and only Maria Menounos. She had a brain tumor last year, so the gig's kind of drawn up now. She's got her own internet show. I was able to book her for a couple of grandbrothers. She's coming down with her fake husband. She's pretending to marry because I don't know if that guy's a straight man at all.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I'm just making things up. I don't know anything about Maria Menounos. She was the first person that came to mind because I couldn't think of any C or D list celebrities who would be available to bartend. Maybe I got to look through whoever was on 90210 in the 90s. Jason Priestley will be behind a wood wall. Believe it or not, he's a hardcore Republican, and we'll be talking on Fox News like a lot of former A-list TV celebrities. That's what I love about Fox, brother.
Starting point is 00:24:16 When you go on Fox and they go Hollywood to show you a Hollywood celebrity who goes right, it's either Chachi from Who's in Charge or Jon Voight, and the list is very short of James Woods, brother. And I think James Woods has completely lost his mind because he had corona of the face, brother. The guy's got bad acne. I don't know how he was able to ever get an acting role with a face that looks like the moon's surface, brother. Have you ever looked at James Woods' face face in a high definition camera brother you might sprain your ankle if you tried to look walk on it it looks like a road that should have been filled up from snow damage a long time ago there's fucking crater holes in his face brother but i love his
Starting point is 00:24:56 politics he's james woods he's the smartest actor to ever come out of hollywood brother i don't know if i answered your question, but I definitely did the Derek character. Somebody want to know if Sergeant Starburst is now at DC helping them out? Sergeant Starburst. Are you talking about Luke St. Simon? Yeah, we were there doing an... Hi, this is
Starting point is 00:25:18 Luke St. Simon, and I'm here to put you on notice. You're on notice. And yeah, we were there with a couple of my comrades and we did an anti-protest. The thing was, we got overwhelmed with Proud Boys. Proud Boys, these are a bunch of males who live in their basement, usually unemployed or usually work at the mall or at a Buffalo Wild Swings as a waiter or a bartender or bar staff in some of the areas of America, suburbs and otherwise,
Starting point is 00:25:49 that you would never go to unless you're from there. It's those kind of places where you marry your high school sweetheart and your high school sweetheart has a job holding a buzzer at Panera Bread. And you guys meet at the mall and just walk around in circles to the same mall you've been walking around for a long time. So the Proud Boys, who are those boys, have been quarantined as malls have been thinned out. And they've just been taking steroids and watching a lot of Joe Rogan and Alex Jones. And these boys are really hyped up.
Starting point is 00:26:22 So they're all on Ponser Chocolat right now and amphetamines. And so they just kind of pushed us over and they've stormed the Capitol. But we're going to follow them and put them on notice. So I'm just regrouping in here. And I'm going to go back there and put them on notice. I'm going to say, hey, you guys are on notice. Okay? You're on notice.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And I am armed. I am armed with wokeness. I'm gonna say, let's talk for a second. Let's talk, okay? Let me hear your views, you know? But yeah, it was just a sea of blue and yellow. And by the way, is anyone angrier about the Proud Boys than Fred Perry? I mean, Fred Perry.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I mean, Fred Perry. Now, here's the thing about Polo you guys don't know. Polo obviously used to be a brand you couldn't just pick up in Marshalls for $14.99. Hilfiger at one point was a brand you couldn't just pick up for $14.99 in Macy's. But what happened was gangs started wearing those clothes. When I grew up, there was a gang called the Lowlifes. And they would wear all polo and they would flood stores. Like 40 of them would just smash and grab.
Starting point is 00:27:38 They'd all run into a store and just grab polo. And they were called the Lowlifes. And they'd also sell drugs and beat you the fuck up in Brooklyn and shit like that. So kind of ruined polo. Hill were called the low lives and they'd also you sell drugs and beat you the fuck up in Brooklyn and shit like that so kind of ruined polo hill figure same thing like fucking gangster started wearing it and shit
Starting point is 00:27:50 went out of style Fred Perry now you got these fucking political extremist kids they're a gang pretty much the Proud Boys they gather
Starting point is 00:27:59 and they fucking you know they're there they say they're there to beat up Antifa which is also a gang I mean what are we doing how has Americaica turned into fucking west side story without the dancing what is going on right now i feel like i'm watching the warriors in the 70s there's just gangs of people i mean
Starting point is 00:28:18 this is what you call a period of turmoil wow and so now f Fred Perry, which was a high-end brand, I used to love wearing Fred Perry shirts, has been ruined because it somehow became the Proud Boys uniform. Couldn't you guys have picked fucking Old Navy? Jesus Christ. You know it's not a real tough gang if to get into the gang you're required to buy a polo shirt that costs 140 dollars per shirt i mean so this is some of the footage from the capital holy shit they're really
Starting point is 00:28:52 there it's really holy shit i mean i guess after reading that bioweapon article this is kind of like a full circle i'm sure putin's watching this i mean they're loving it dude they're they're absolutely loving it um they're loving it, dude. They're absolutely loving it. They're loving it. I mean, we're in America, so we don't understand that our president, who he really is, man, he's a star from reality TV. He's a celebrity. He's always wanted to be famous.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And so these people follow him, and they really believe that the election was stolen, even though there's no evidence because they watch one video that's misconstrued or maybe a few votes were thrown out here and there. But, you know, overall, he lost by such a substantial amount that, you know, it's just there's no voter fraud to that level where it would affect the election. It's just there's no voter fraud to that level where it would affect the election. But these people hold on to the rhetoric. They hold on to one fucking video they watched or, you know, whatever pundit they're listening to, whatever pro-Trump Twitter personality. And this is the result of it. You know, there's a lot of people dead from coronavirus because they're listening to Dr. Drew, who ended up getting coronavirus and apologizing for his stance. But you know, there's a lot of people dead because they were listening to you act like you were a fucking virologist. You know, it's really, people have really, it's criminal. We've gotten to the point where free speech is too free. There's consequences. Everyone's yelling
Starting point is 00:30:20 fire in a crowded movie theater. You know, And what that means is Oliver Wendell Holmes, in his famous quote from a decision, a Supreme Court decision, Oliver Wendell Holmes, who was chief justice, his famous quote is, you can't, you know, free speech, there's a limit to free speech, you can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater, which means you can't say things that will endanger the lives of others when you know it's not true. Our president does that now without remorse, without conscience. He just lies, knowing that this is going to be the result of it. And just as bad, so do Twitter personalities. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah, it's just, it's actually the Chinese, it's a Chinese answering machine that I constantly get that's just spam call and it's in Chinese. So yeah, no, they're watching this now
Starting point is 00:31:16 laughing their heads off, man, because this is how we get taken down and people aren't aware of it. They're just watching me going, you said something bad about Trump. You said, oh fuck, I can't watch Yanni anymore. He's fucking a liberal cunt. Your brain has been completely fucking manipulated.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And on the other side, they're going, Yanni's a Nazi. Yanni's a Nazi. Venetia's friends are watching going, are those guys Trump supporters? I'm a comedian. I have no power. If I say something that gets you upset, maybe you're a fragile little cock, whether you're on the right or the left. Maybe you're a bitch. Maybe you haven't been anything through your life so you get upset about stupid shit. Maybe you've never really licked the soil of hell the way that
Starting point is 00:32:02 I have. Have you licked the soil of hell and been through anything difficult in your fucking entire life? Because if you have, you wouldn't look at the world that way. You would understand what bullshit is. You would know what's important. It ain't this shit. You wouldn't be marching down the fucking street talking about the election was stolen when it wasn't. It clearly wasn't. It's paranoia to think that the Democrats have a stronghold on the legal. Trump has installed more fucking, he's installed more justices than like any president
Starting point is 00:32:36 in the fucking whole century, two centuries. How many, can you look that up? How many judges have been installed by the Trump administration? There has been an absolute run on the courts. And then tell me how many he's installed to give the Supreme Court a conservative majority. You guys are fucking insane. And that's why you're turning on other Republicans,
Starting point is 00:32:59 because that's how much you want your delusion to be true. The Supreme Court is now a conservative majority, which, by the way, all you dumb lefties who celebrate Ruth Bader Ginsburg, RBG, it's her fault that the Supreme Court has now become a Republican and leans right and has Catholics on it who don't believe in abortion, et cetera. It's her fault. Obama took her to lunch and said, hey, you know what? You're 80 something. Your health's not the greatest. Why don't you retire now so I can install someone? No. Also go look at her stance originally on gay marriage and a few other things.
Starting point is 00:33:41 She wasn't the fucking champion of the left that they made. Yes, she was a woman. She made history, et cetera. She's the same age as my mother that generation. There wasn't many women in the law school, but because of her refusal to quite reasonably retire at like 86 or fucking 83 or whatever it is, she died during Trump's presidency and Trump was able to push through his second Supreme Court nominee. One of which assaulted somebody in high school. He didn't assault her. He jumped on her with another boy laughed and was rough with her
Starting point is 00:34:17 and she had to get up and run away. Somebody in the chat said, get to the more important news. Kim and Kanye are getting divorced. I mean, what are we talking about here? Thank you to the more important news. Kim and Kanye are getting divorced. I mean, what are we talking about here? Thank you to the person watching this. Who cares about that the capital of the United States has been stormed by fucking troops
Starting point is 00:34:33 like we're living in the 1700s with Trump flags? Who cares about the fact that we're on the verge of a civil war with fringe Republicans who can't accept the election results and Antifa's on the way. The thing is the Trump supporters are now going to win this fight because they are all strapped with big guns and Antifa comes with their little Molotov cocktails and their Portland little slingshots. It's not going to happen. And your little shields and your umbrellas,
Starting point is 00:35:02 unfortunately, wearing black clothes is not going to make you invisible to fucking infrared semi-automatic weapon fire, even though you're dressed in all black. Because these people are fucking strapped. So you come from a state that's very liberal, that has a lot of gun laws, which in some of them I support. But unfortunately for the Civil War, it doesn't bode well. So now we're in trouble as a country
Starting point is 00:35:24 because a lot of these people are as strapped as the military. So this is fucking wild that they've stormed the Capitol and where the fuck is the military? I guess because
Starting point is 00:35:32 the police supports it because the- Well, somebody wrote in the chat that they're refusing to send the National Guard in kind of leaving everyone stranded. Well, send the fucking National Guard in
Starting point is 00:35:40 and take these losers off the fucking Capitol and take Antifa off the streets. At this point, you just got to start shooting people. What do you want from me? Go home. Rubber bullets. I don't know. Get them inside. Okay. This is bad for tourism. Somebody's asking, why is everyone a hypocrite? Everyone's a hypocrite because it's human nature to put, it's human nature to look after yourself and your family first. It's very hard to be an evolved human being and put principle over interest.
Starting point is 00:36:10 At the end of the day, if you're scared for your life or you perceive that your life or livelihood is being threatened, you can get anyone to believe anything. It's very few people, and they're always the heroes of history, and they really are the locomotive of history, these brave men and women who put principle above interest. They do things in the interest of principle and not for the principle of interest. Most people you can scare into or manipulate into doing what you want based on threatening their livelihood directly or indirectly.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And so that's why it is. It's because we're, look, we're evolved monkeys. Believe what you want to believe. But the evidence is unequivocal, and it is certain that we evolved from an ancestor that we shared with chimpanzees. Do you think we made it? Do you think we're closer to chimp or closer to Elon Musk? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:37:13 What do you think? I'll tell you who I am closer to. I'm closer to a chimp. I can't sit down and talk with Elon Musk and know what the fuck he's talking about. I can't sit down with Mark Zuckerberg and tell you how to code. I can't sit down with a fucking scientist and tell you who do all these vaccines and virology. I can't sit down with you with an engineer. I can't sit down with these fucking architects.
Starting point is 00:37:33 There's like 1% of the people who are closer to human, right? And then there's like half of a percent who are like genius. And then there's another couple of percent that can talk to those geniuses and then the rest of us are in the middle and we're closer to the 80% or I'm not good at math so I'll just show you
Starting point is 00:37:51 I'm fucking I'm making up percents here we're closer to the 80% that are barely sliding into human I'm talking about replay at the plate they're getting a finger in
Starting point is 00:38:02 it's got to go to an instant replay it takes a 10 minute commercial break to decipher whether he got a pinky before the swipe tag by the catcher. That's who we are. Barely slide into human. Most of us are there. And then there's some of us like me who is more closely related to them than I am to the ones who can understand the 4%. You basically break up humanity into four categories. The fucking stupid, the kind of stupid, the smart, and the genius.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I mean, a lot of people are writing in, do you think Chris DiStefano's on the steps of the Capitol? No, but his friends are. No. And somebody else wanted to know, how would you think this would go if it was blm people doing oh if this was blm people it would totally be fine but in their defense the bl the blm people are um their their cause even though black lives matter is just like they're all over the place and
Starting point is 00:38:59 there's stuff like that their cause historically has some merit. It's like if you don't think that police officers have been a little rougher, especially before cameras, it's just like, come on, man. It's like, come on. The thing I think Black Lives Matter makes their mistake is the mistake that Martin Luther King did not make. They're going about it to Malcolm X-y, which I understand because they got angry, and you get angry, you just fucking,
Starting point is 00:39:29 and you see the videos, and of course it's pulled in this certain context. The reason, what I'm saying is like, if you go the Martin Luther King route, you go after the moderates. You don't make it more about race, you make it more about police brutality. Because police kill more white people
Starting point is 00:39:45 than anything. It's just nobody cares about that because it's not as politically charged and it doesn't cause as much division. So the media doesn't report on it the same way they report on the racial stuff. Because like I said, they're looking for the biggest car crash impact. They want you to rubberneck. So they want it to be horrible. So they emphasize those more than they do, you know, the Tony Temples, the white people who are, you know, there's, if you look at the stats and you go search for white guys killed by cops, there's horrific ones that are tantamount to the ones that you see in black people. Black people get killed at a higher rate, but unfortunately also black
Starting point is 00:40:21 people interact with the police a little bit more per, you know, if you account for population. There's a crime problem there because of poverty, because of the history of this country. In my opinion, I'm not scared to say the truth. It's trauma. It's trauma. You were abused. The black community was abused by America. And if you look at the problems in the black community, and I'm not the first person to bring this up.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Maybe I am. I don't know. But I would doubt it because it's obvious. Single parent homes, crime, education are problems in the black community. Why? Well, you look at the history. That wasn't long ago at all. At all.
Starting point is 00:40:56 You know, 150, 160 years. That's nothing, dude. That's two lifetimes of people living, you know, like Louis C.K. said, two 80-year-olds living back to back or whatever. It's like if you read, if you were a black person and were educated in America, you know, like Louis C.K. said, two 80-year-olds living back-to-back or whatever. It's like if you read, if you were a black person and were educated in America, you were killed. So, yeah, that's going to get in your head a little bit whether you're aware of it or not, you know.
Starting point is 00:41:15 If you're raised in an abusive family, you become abusive to yourself and to all. It's just that's what you learn. It's what you know. So if you were conditioned to think, hey, if I learned or went to school, it's not cool or bad or something bad's going to happen to me. Okay. You see that problem now. Single parent, you know, single parent homes, blah, blah, blah. What was happened? They ripped families apart to sow discord. So they would disunify people to sow discord. So they were always fearful of revolution, of, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:44 of revolt. So they would rip families apart. revolution of uh you know of revolt so they would rip families apart so where does that have its roots fucking there unfortunately it's trauma it's trauma so it's like you were abused the black community was fucking abused so it's rooted in that at least this is rooted in delusion this is being led by an immoral person who only cares about his own ego and his own power. And this is brutal, dude. But this is what happens, man, when someone's charismatic, a charismatic leader gets people to believe things that are complete lies because it doesn't matter. He's so charismatic and funny and shit. And these people believe that he won the election. That's why they're there.
Starting point is 00:42:20 They're there because they believe he won the election although there's uh no evidence of uh widespread voter fraud through the courts a lot of them republican republican senator uh secretary of states who've certified the elections governors they're all republicans republican vice my mike pence none of this shit is good for the republicans and that's probably why you lost in georgia so is that one bitch who was appointed by whatever, the lieutenant governor or whatever, and she was appointed senator and she lost, she was the one, she got him going straight to DC
Starting point is 00:42:51 to fucking, to protest the stolen election. We're fucked, dude. And then you go to these Twitter personalities and they're just, they're shamelessly self-interested and they're spreading this misinformation and paranoia and they're doing it for their own podcasts. They have no principles. People who want to get famous will do anything for their own interest and make it seem like they're doing it on principle. To wrap this up, do you think the gates of hell have opened? Oh yeah, I told you that a long time ago. Yeah, me and Timmy
Starting point is 00:43:23 were talking about that a long time ago. The gates of hell are wide open. They're wide open and we need to close these gates with the national guard. So yeah, that's a great way to start the year, right? It's a great way to start the year. Um, yeah. If you think that we were going to get a clean break, like when you take a really, really high fiber shit and you don't have to wipe. If you thought that was gonna happen in 2021 from 2020, you're not looking at the food we've been eating in 2020. Diarrhea is gonna last for a little while. The fumes of 2020 are fucking definitely on 2021.
Starting point is 00:44:08 And I don't know how we're gonna close these gates of hell, but it's going to probably lead to a dictator. Yeah. To wrap this up, you go read Plato's Republic and you see quite clearly that Plato's recording of what Socrates allegedly said in the cycles of government in the Republic is democracy leads to tyranny. And you look at Rome, you can obviously see that the democracy in Greece didn't last long, and the democracy in Rome didn't last long because human beings can't handle freedom, man. We can't handle it. Think about it. You ask, oh, I don't want things regulated. Sometimes things, I mean, look at fat people. They can't even control fucking the amount of calories they put in their body. We can't even control ourselves with a pie of pizza. We're greedy little pigs. So maybe we deserve, maybe we deserve a dictator. Maybe we deserve to be oppressed. Maybe we deserve to live in a
Starting point is 00:45:07 police state. Maybe we deserve a CCP type of party that just completely holds control over your freedoms in its own interest to keep itself in power and to keep some sort of order. Maybe we deserve a dictator like North Korea. Maybe we deserve Putin. Maybe it's what we deserve. Because look, that's what these people want. Yanni, long days. Your fucking days just got a lot shorter
Starting point is 00:45:36 because your night just got longer because the winter's here. Winter isn't coming. It is here. And it is this podcast. Every Sunday, new episode. Check it out. Go subscribe.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Giannis Pappas Comedy on YouTube. It's now available on Spotify. It's probably available at this point on iTunes and everywhere. Tell your friends about it. You know, post in your stories. Make clips. Do whatever. Promote it if you like it.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Thank you for being here. I appreciate you watching this show and being here to help me explore my functioning mental illness. Now I got to go get a Klonopin.

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