Yannis Pappas Hour - Comedy Stylings of Frankie Ant (Fahim Anwar)

Episode Date: February 23, 2024

The hilarious Fahim Anwar is back to discuss his new special dropping on YouTube. He and Yanni go berserk on aging millennials, explore how comedy fan bases want you to reveal your political stance, a...nd they contemplate the future for Yannis & Fahim with their new comedy personas, Frankie Ant & John Pap. Join our bonus channel for our berserk and uncensored weekly bonus episodes: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator See Yanni do stand up live in your town: Ticket links for his live stand up dates in your city: https://www.yannispappascomedy.com/shows Join our highlights page for highlight clips from the episodes: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykw

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? I don't usually endorse episodes like this, but we just had an absolutely fantastic episode with Fahim Anwar, otherwise known as Frankie Ant. It was really one of my favorite guest episodes I've ever done, if not favorite. You're going to love it. It really was a lot of fun. So stick around and watch that. But first, I'm in San Diego this weekend, Stamford, Connecticut next, March 1st and 2nd. The Vic Theater in Chicago, March 8th. One night, one show. Denver, March 14th through the 16th.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Toronto show added, March 23rd. Cleveland, March 29th and 30th. Tulsa, April 4th, April 5th and 6th. Kansas City, Missouri, April 11th through 13th. Then I am in Los Angeles, May 2nd, at the Netflix is a Joke Festival and the Raleigh Improv in North Carolina,
Starting point is 00:00:51 May 17th and 18th, and also other dates on my website, yannispappascomedy.com. Join our Patreon. The reviews of our episodes, people love them. Ask other fans,
Starting point is 00:01:03 patreon.com slash yannispappashour. Thank you for being a fan of our episodes. People love them. Ask other fans. Patreon.com slash Giannis Papasauer. Thank you for being a fan of this show. We appreciate you so much. Please, please, please stick around to enjoy this fun episode. What's up, everybody? Welcome to another, I should say, cherishable. This is going to be a cherishable episode because we're here with the very funny Fahim Anwar. Thank you. Glad to be back.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Thank you. 2.0? Wow. Yeah. I mean, are you the only repeat guest? I don't know. That's up to you to know. Not me. I mean this are you the only repeat guest i don't know that's up to you to know not me i don't know you are holy shit i'm honored i think you are because sometimes i feel bad when i'm trying to promote a thing and it's like the second time i'm like do you want to drive me to the airport twice you know what i mean like i already cashed in the favor on the last
Starting point is 00:01:58 special and when i'm like hey can i have another Well, this is my way of saying I think the invasion of Afghanistan was a mistake. You know, as an ambassador of the people, we forgive you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just that's a good trade off. The 20 years boss job in Afghanistan and then promoting my special on Yannis' podcast. That's a trade.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Hey, listen, innocent Afghani people. Did we make good? We had fun. I'm so sorry. Yeah. Direct your anger emails. Direct them here, of course. No, it's good to have you back.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Thank you, man. Glad to be back. Thank you for making the trek out here. You flew all the way for this. Just for this. That's what you told me. Yes. I go, I'm coming to New York.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I only want to do this. I'm going to do nothing else. I'm going to stay in my hotel, stare at a wall. Yeah. You said I want the smallest of the ones in New York. You only want to do this. I'm going to do nothing else. I'm going to stay in my hotel and stare at a wall. Yeah, you said I want the smallest of the ones in New York. No, you're up there, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I'm doing okay. It's all right. I'll tell you, this is one of the bigger ones I've done since I've been out here. Wow, you must be doing some smallies. I did some smallies.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I do them all. I'm like Lil Wayne, man. I'll feature on any track. No ego about this. Just trying to get the word out. You'll throw a verse on anything. Yeah, a little scissor pin me i'll i'll hop on any pod what generation are you millennial i guess i'm 39 so like an older millennial yeah yeah what if i'm like z isn't it obvious yeah the z's don't care about anything, right? They're kind of like, they're kind of, they're like anarchists.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Yeah. They grew up in a world like COVID, war, content. They're all nihilistic. Yeah, they're just nihilists. They're like, whatever, man, I'll be whoever you want. I'm going to tattoo my face to get attention, whatever it takes. Yeah. Yeah, at least my generation knew, keep it beneath the clothing lines.
Starting point is 00:03:46 But Gen Z's like, I'm going to go all the way up. Gen Z's strictly growing up in an OnlyFans kind of world. Here's a thought I always had. They live in a shameless society. They never grew up with shame. If you have an OnlyFans
Starting point is 00:04:04 and you put like cucumbers and your pussy on your bed and you generate a lot of income that's family yes queen like there's no there's nothing you know what i mean it's content content content content mom wait you making you making dinner hold up let me get my camera right you're a character in my story yeah yeah that is interesting and you know what's crazy is they say i read an article that they they say that i think gen z and the generations following are going to live like 125 years yeah that's a lot of content that's a lot of content they're gonna be like 80 years old just like like oh my god imagine having to work
Starting point is 00:04:45 at the nursing home in the fucking future like take your meds like hold on hold on record me hey guys I'm about to die
Starting point is 00:04:54 I'm just doing a tutorial POV what it's like when you're about to die we're gonna have we're gonna have elderly influencers yeah
Starting point is 00:05:01 who are they influencing they're all gone yeah right there who are they talking to yeah that's gonna be really when the depression sets in for gen z when they have no audience left to consume their content when they're like when gen z and stuff gets really really old and they're in homes and shit and they're like their families are kind of losing their minds they have to just like humor grandpa like all right this is going out to your followers, Grandpa. Yeah, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Oh, you do the dance? Okay, all right, do the sketches? It's uploading. Oh, how many likes is that? It has a lot of likes. Oh, yeah? How's my merch? Your merch is great. Self-esteem really did become likes and how much attention you're getting.
Starting point is 00:05:46 People really do base their self-esteem on that. I think maybe that is why suicides are up. No, you're joking, but I agree, dude. I'm an adult. You're an adult. We work in stand-up comedy, and part of our jobs are cutting clips and putting them on instagram and the algorithms change they shift like month to month and sometimes you'll be feeling you're
Starting point is 00:06:11 you're used to getting a certain number of likes and that's your barometer for like how well you're doing and and then there might be an algorithm shift and like the ceiling is much lower and you don't know this off the bat the algorithm is shifted and you're like do people not like my stuff blah what's going on here and like i can parse it out i can rationalize it because i i'm an older person yeah but if you're fucking 12 i don't know if you have the skill set you just see you equate likes with validation and then you're at high school and people make fun you're not like when you're young you don't think like oh's going to hurt someone's feelings and they might be going through something.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah. So it's just like pure chaos. It's a lot of shit. Yeah, it's almost like they intentionally crash people's confidence in order to keep them
Starting point is 00:06:53 at the casino because you know when you start winning too much at the casino and they're like, hey, they cut you off. Like,
Starting point is 00:06:59 would you like a breakfast? They want you off the table if you're on a hot streak because you're winning too much. It's almost like they do that when your algorithm gets too hot they're like no no this isn't about you winning this is about we want you to stay at the casino how'd you like to pay a little money to get that feeling again yeah that felt pretty good huh how about facebook ads yeah how about boosting it a little bit and we do it yeah it's so funny like you'll post a picture
Starting point is 00:07:22 of like you and your mom or something and they they're like, want to boost this post? You know what I mean? They have zero discretion as to what I might want boosted. Maybe a stand-up clip, all right, but it's me and my brother or something at dinner. That would be funny if I sunk like $10,000 into a picture of me and my brother at a steakhouse. Why am I seeing this everywhere? or like 10 grand into a picture of me and my brother at like a steakhouse. Like,
Starting point is 00:07:46 why is this? Why am I seeing this everywhere? I'm like, oh, I juiced the fuck out of that post, dude. It did well.
Starting point is 00:07:53 It's a great shit. I should juice it. It did well. I don't even have my dates or anything. I'm not promoting anything just me and my brother. And we just have Tomahawk steak.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah. Sponsored post. Yeah. It's almost worth it for the mind fuck just like why is this sponsored yeah that could be like the anti-content content is if someone's that's gonna come soon where people just start sarcastically ironically i can't wait for that to come instagram hipsters are coming where they're gonna ironically post shit like that. Like, it's just me sitting here going like,
Starting point is 00:08:27 don't watch this, don't watch this. And people are like going to watch it. Or like you're promoting your special and shit and then when you click on the hyperlink, it's just you on a stage not saying anything for an hour. But it's like nine different cameras and there's an audience and everything. And it's literally an hour. That would be a great
Starting point is 00:08:46 fuck you. It would. It's coming, I think. That's the only thing left after this. I think the algorithm has hyped every type of content a little bit. And I think at some point you go into hating on it. At some point you go into
Starting point is 00:09:02 like, fuck this. And some sort of commentary on what has been yeah sort of like hey this sucks yeah and then the people who say it sucks get incentivized to say it sucks because they get popular and then that becomes a thing and then people say that sucks and it goes back to just like the shittiest lowbrowest and it's just the cycle circle man it's a circle jerk of entertaining ourselves because we're bored as fuck here nobody's got a real job anymore we're not building anything you yeah we're just we're eating hours out of people's work days pretty much that's it it's an attention economy it's really only fans are a podcast or
Starting point is 00:09:34 clips and if you can't make those um coal mine coal mine is back and that's only if trump gets in office he's bringing coal back if biden comes in office it's just gonna be teaching trans kids to be safe but that that's a good lesson that's a good lesson yeah they should be safe i think they should be safe and i think that that could be a huge market right as the trans population grows which it is increasingly growing it's exploding it's a massive article that just came out where they're trying to purport, they did a study research and they said that, they did the research and they said that the trans movement
Starting point is 00:10:09 is not growing, particularly with male to female, particularly with female to male, which I didn't know. So there's not a lot of female to male. There is, I think there's more of everything, but the real shoot up in this research article that was like a science study,
Starting point is 00:10:25 which is not being well-received, as you can maybe understand, as you guessed, was teenage female to male. And I had no idea that was happening, because I've never checked that porn. So it's invisible to me.
Starting point is 00:10:42 So that's growing, and they're saying that that's growing, they think, because of social contagion and other factors but not innate transgenderism but more gender dysmorphia due to societal pressure that's what they were theorizing and they were saying they did it i don't know what the factors were in the study but i know it wasn't well received sure yeah i know it wasn't well received there's like science is sort of like bits like this study's not gonna go over well that's not gonna go i can't open with this study yeah we're gonna like i tried this study people don't like it well there was also this it's interesting because this happens once more on the other side too because those people like on the
Starting point is 00:11:17 left they always go like aren't you pro-science like every like unquestioned like you guys are anti-science scientists Scientists are always right. They have that perspective. But then there was this economist. Like, this guy was a genius. This guy was, he was, I think he was like the chair of his department of economics at Harvard. A black guy. He was a black guy.
Starting point is 00:11:38 He admitted he did the study thinking that he was going to find that the police showed massive bias. His name was Fryer. Massive bias in police shootings. And he didn't find it. And he talks about how thorough his research was. He did it twice because he was so shocked by the finding. And he said, I just published it. He said the first reaction he got from an email from another faculty member
Starting point is 00:12:02 was like, this is bullshit. He said it's like a 3500 page or a 1500 page study a lot of those my first reaction was when this guy emailed me in four minutes he goes wow you can read fast because the guy wrote like this is bullshit don't publish it and so it's like some the thing about science uh sometimes it's wrong and that's inconvenient sometimes it's right it's inconvenient but it's inconvenient. Sometimes it's right, it's inconvenient. But it's interesting when people don't like the scientific method because the scientific method is to continue to question.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah. But we don't like it if it doesn't give us the answer that we like. Well, wait, who discovered the Earth was round? I thought it was Christopher Columbus. That's what I was told at my white supremacist school. At my Italian-only school. It was, yeah, it was, uh,
Starting point is 00:12:47 yeah, it was, um, Galileo and they want to kill him. No, yeah, no, they did.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Well, they essentially, well, he, no, what he came up with was, um, that the earth,
Starting point is 00:12:56 the sun revolved around the earth. Not everything revolved around that. And it was just that, I mean, you feel like the church could work with that, but they were like, no, and they put it on like this. No, no, were like nah and they put it on like this man is an image of god and shit revolves around us dog and so they put him in a um what did they do they they exiled him and put him in prison or whatever and he died in prison galileo yeah do this huge breakthrough and they're like
Starting point is 00:13:20 enjoy prison yeah it's a lot of this stuff just meets resistance. Like even this guy, Bessel, who is talking about how much of mental health problems is trauma-based, it's caused a revolution in mental health, but he's faced a lot of resistance from traditional pharmacological, that industry and sort of the- Establishment. Yeah, well, you know, that industry and sort of the establishment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Well, you know, people get used to making money in a certain way. It's true. The church gets used to making money a certain way. The pharmaceutical industry gets used to making money a certain way. You're sad. You got low. You got low serotonin. Take a pill.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Right. There's a pill for everything, man. Yeah. They get used to making money a certain way. I understand. You can't just disrupt that. Yeah, they get used to making money a certain way. I understand. You can't just disrupt that. You can't just come along and disrupt that. It's going to be a little bit of a bumpy road.
Starting point is 00:14:10 And shame on you for trying. And there's a culture of therapy, which is great. You know, like, not knocking, it's great for some people. But, I mean, there's such a push with, like, you know, going to therapy. And then, like, there's also been, like, prescribed for all the problems. Where sometimes maybe just, like, having systems or people you know going to therapy and then like there's also been like prescribed for all the problems where sometimes maybe just like having systems or people you talk to and i don't know some some issues are real and you need medication and shit but sometimes people are very quick to prescribe yeah yeah yeah they're very they're very quick to prescribe yeah yeah well that's been sort of the that's been sort of the uh the common thinking in that field is that we had this pharmacological,
Starting point is 00:14:48 am I pronouncing that right? Pharmacological, I think so, right? Pharmacological, whatever. Yeah, pharmacological or pharmacological, something like that. We had a drug revolution, and that was the common thought, was like this is a chemical problem,
Starting point is 00:15:01 and we fix it chemically. Yeah. And then an industry sprang up, and drugs are very helpful. They can be life-saving and stuff. But now I think they're finding that those things aren't as true as they thought because they did studies and they found out
Starting point is 00:15:13 that even people who say they're depressed, they check their serotonin levels, and for a lot of them, the serotonin levels are fine. And sometimes they say even taking the drugs lowers the serotonin levels. So it's an interesting thing. So that's where this trauma thing is coming up.
Starting point is 00:15:26 And you're saying, hey, he was a neglected kid. Right. You know. Well, there's commercials on TV. Try this, blah, blah, blah. We're really built for consumption. Like, we just, we're pill heads. America is pill heads.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yeah. You almost can't blame, like, the opioid addicts. It's like, they're pill heads too. What's the difference if I'm prescribed it or not? And you know, like psychiatrists now, they don't even do therapy. They're just like, what do you need? What do you do on Zoom?
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yeah, you just go on Zoom. This is what's going on. Okay, here. I put it into your pharmacy. What is it? I don't know. Yeah, I'm just feeling a little. Just take it.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah, I need something to relax me. What do you got? Something, everyone always wants something like Xanax. They don't give Xanax now because it's so they won't they they try to so xanax is for what xanax is just to fucking chill you out chill you out i mean it's like what what is it primarily prescribed for anxiety okay so xanax is really like yeah and and supposedly i've never taken a xanax i've taken a klonopin not many but supposedly xanax is people love it i mean you hear about all the time right like especially in rap and shit so yeah it's it's a nice name brand i suppose they like that it's got a good name to
Starting point is 00:16:36 it any yeah it's giving me i need a zanny so it makes you chill out yeah um it makes you chill out but it's highly addictive so they really won't give it to you um when i had when i had covet and i was like having an absolute anxiety attack i was like please god just give me a xanax and they wouldn't give me they gave me an adivan so it's it adivance like an iteration it's like a royal crown instead of you want to Coca-Cola? And they go, we have a... We got RC. We have RC Cola. Yo, that'd be great to be at a restaurant. You know what you want to drink? I'm like, I'll have a Coke.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Is RC Cola okay? Like, not even Pepsi? You go, yo, how far down the Cola list are we going? I get you want to support small, but I mean, Jesus. Is RC Cola okay? How does RC stay open? Are they still around around i think they're still doing it for them man i was surprised to find out that sneakers like brooks and the tonics
Starting point is 00:17:30 and they're still around yeah they got yo i have a feeling brooks could come back you know i thought it was done for cheetah or or no champion champion champion was cool when i was a kid and then it was like who gives a fuck yeah and then champion had this huge resurgence yeah i think i think people like hoisting these brands that were not cool making them cool it goes back to that ironic young thing yeah i remember when um the guy who used to be partners with jay-z and rockefeller he tried to bring back dave nash tried to bring back uh pro cats didn't work though he tried though were british knights cool for a bit they were cool for a bit yeah champion had cool for a bit, yeah. Champion had that moment when it was not cool and then became cool.
Starting point is 00:18:09 It had that moment where you could simultaneously see a guy, a homeless guy outside of a 7-Eleven smoking a Newport wearing Champion or like a famous rapper. That should have been their commercial. Yeah. Just, and they go, Champion bringing the world together.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And it's like a homeless guy, peeing his pants, smoking, and champion sweatpants. And then like a hype beast, Gen Z-er, vaping. And then they're like handshaking. They give each other a pound? Yeah, yeah. Champion. They do a fist bump.
Starting point is 00:18:38 See, there's no wage gap in our country. Champion. Bringing the middle class back. We clothe everyone. That would be a middle class back. We clothe everyone. That would be a great tagline. We clothe everyone. Clothe everyone. Yeah, from the lowest to the highest.
Starting point is 00:18:53 The highest culture to the lowest culture. Be a champ. Be a champion. What's your favorite soda? Do you do soda? I try to do seltzer water with a twist of lime to trick myself into that soda feel. I do that with like a Topo. What's a Topo?
Starting point is 00:19:11 Oh, yeah, Topo Choco Topo. Topo Chico. Topo Chico, yeah. It's like battery acid. Yeah. Like no other carbonated water has that burn. You're right. Topo is, yeah yeah it's battery acid also
Starting point is 00:19:27 i don't know what's going on with topo because he's trying this bit try to do it where i'm like lacroix you open it it's good you have like three minutes after you open lacroix for it to be good yeah you it's out for five minutes it's like puddle water you know what i mean yeah i go topo chico you could open it come back to it in two weeks yeah it burns just as much as when you first opened it what did they put in there like i feel like there's gonna be a class action lawsuit like did you drink topo chico between the years of 2000 2010 they got me the money I deserve. You know? Like, how is that water burned that much after two weeks being just, like, let out?
Starting point is 00:20:12 It does have an aftertaste burn, yeah. It has a burn, but also, normally carbonated drinks, they become tap water if you leave them out long enough. But Topo remains battery acid forever i think it's isn't it from texas right i believe so yeah you know there's something in there that isn't environmentally friendly because they don't have the laws yeah they just are fine with it they're like whatever they throw in there it's like real gas yeah they go it's good for business. It helps our gas guys out locally. Yeah. It's owned by Coca-Cola. Oh.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Yeah. Well, I remember when it was like a Texas thing first, and then they were kind of proud. They were like, you know, Coca-Cola just bought it. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a band that got signed to a big label or something. You know, Coca-Cola just bought Topo Chico.
Starting point is 00:20:59 These people are really proud of Topo Chico. It's spreading now. It's spreading now. I got one in Florida the other day. I got one in Atlanta. Yeah. Pretty nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Once they went to plastic bottles, I'm like, oh, shit. They're on the come up. Now they're doing mass production. Do they do cans yet or no? I haven't seen a can. Yeah. Glass bottle is still the best. Cans right here.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Holy shit. Coca-Cola. Our boy's doing it. I feel like he's a rapper who made it out like our boy topo topo's doing it yeah they bring us up with you topo but these are like are these just water or are they the spiked ones like it's alcohol oh that's blueberry oh they're just like hibiscus extract because they have the the alcohol ones now right oh they're just like flavored? Hibiscus extract. Because they have the alcohol ones now, right? Oh, they do.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Where they're just doing like truly shit. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Topo is on the come up. Topo's on the come up, dude. Yeah, maybe they'll get Truly Stat. Truly dominated that market. Is that the best one right now? Because White Claw was the first.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Yeah. Dude, I always thought this. White Claw started becoming a thing, you know, very trendy. And when I was coming up, probably when you were too, like when you were younger, Zima had a moment. Everyone was loving Zima. And then you got called gay. Yeah. That's what killed it.
Starting point is 00:22:14 You got called gay if you drank a Zima like you weren't a real man. Yeah. So then people stopped drinking Zima. Like Zima went away because of that. I swear to God. It was like the rollerblading of drinks. And then enough time passed where, like, White Claw came out. And everyone is just so sexually progressive nowadays that if someone called you gay, they're like, yeah, maybe, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:37 So White Claw was able to thrive. So Zima, Zima, like, wore the crown. Zima was like the Jackie Robinson Yes It was ahead of its time It was like the milk It was like snow Like you know Informer
Starting point is 00:22:50 There's no Eminem without snow Like the Vanilla Ice That was really audacious I think why guys rapping was Look cause we grew up We're Gen X So let me tell you That was really audacious. I think white guys rapping was... Look, because we grew up... We're Gen X. So let me tell you, in our generation,
Starting point is 00:23:09 you could not be white and just... You couldn't be a stray white and come out and rap. Bro, I think about this all the time. You had to be co-signed, and it was still a problem, but you had to be co-signed. It's like, all right, dmc is bringing out beast boys and everyone was still like and beast boys was still like we're white and we're partying and the black guys are like it's okay yeah and they're like all right all right yeah yeah and
Starting point is 00:23:34 then third base came along and they were the first ones that were like we're acting black but mc search could dance and he had a flat top. So people were like, is he part Dominican? Like, so, but that was like a thing. Um, and then of course, Vanilla Ice,
Starting point is 00:23:50 but Vanilla Ice was just made fun of by everybody. Well, not at first, like, cause he, he popped and then, right? It caught up.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Like the SNL, not the SNL, but the, it's still so funny. The YouTube clip of, uh, Jim Carrey on In Living Color. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Doing Vanilla Ice. Well, he blew up, I think with the whites but i think the hip-hop community always was like against him yeah they were always like this is pop this is not there's mc search with his flat top that's how he came through that's a tall flat yeah and he could dance too mc search could dance he's a fat white kid who could dance and um so they they were the first ones to like act black but it was very hard and now you got these stray whites without fades coming out and I'm like you don't even have a fade like Jack Harlow just has curls like he just looks like
Starting point is 00:24:33 he's not even trying to be hip hop and he's just he's got his government given name Jack Harlow you're not ice white ice or yeah like white cone or snow bunny yeah act like you want this jack harlow you don't even have a rap name i always think about this too like eminem was a
Starting point is 00:24:54 watershed moment you know when i was growing up and i always think about how technically proficient and talented he had to be to to break through to be given a chance it was still hard and and now we're uh we're in this phase where like the younger people don't really care what the vessel is of you as an artist there's this kid like uh rich brian he's an asian kid he raps people like okay lil nas x he's gay people are rapping like they don't care yeah what your husk is yeah yeah which is refreshing yeah which is refreshing yeah you know what i mean where you just wanted the art to be taken for what it is yeah whereas when we were coming up you had to look a certain you had to come you had to look
Starting point is 00:25:34 a certain way audiences weren't willing to receive you unless it came from rap came from a certain look you had to be poor you had to you had to you had to verify your struggle. Like, even Eminem, like, I was a big part. He's like, I'm poor. I'm from the trailer park. Like, you couldn't just be, like, a rich kid and be like, I just grew up as a rap fan. Like, Mac Miller, like, you know, Mac Miller was another white kid who rapped,
Starting point is 00:25:56 and his dad was, like, a doctor. And he put him in the video. One of his videos is him rapping when he was a little kid. He said, I just always loved rap. Like, you couldn't do that when I was coming. You couldn't just love rap. And these are good rappers. I know they have different backgrounds and stuff,
Starting point is 00:26:09 but Eminem had to be fucking amazing. Mac Miller was great. But now we're in this next phase of it where now you can be like white and just be like, oh, yeah, you know what I mean? Like, with the sound effects and shit. And that can still blow up. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Whereas you could not do that in the early 2000s. Oh, no. You had to be like Paul Wall. You had to be like, did you know anyone white growing up? The people's champ. People's judges, full grill. Paul Wall, baby. This is how it is.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah. Hooked it up like a mailman. Now Jack Harlow gives interviews. He's like, hey, my name is Jack. How are you? And you're like, you're a rapper? Yeah, that'd be funny. Like when he does acting jobs, he's like, hey, my name is Jack. How are you? And you're like, you're a rapper? Yeah, that'd be funny. When he does acting jobs, he's like,
Starting point is 00:26:46 the shoot was fantastic. And then he's promoting an album. He's like, you know, we do something different on this album. We got a lot of producers in the house. When he's doing rom-coms, he's like, don't, don't leave. Don't get on that plane.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Did you grow up loving hip hop? Yeah, man. I was just doing this other podcast that they mentioned, because I'm from Seattle. They're like, oh, Nirvana was going on at that time were you into that i go it was happening around me that was like the craze but i always loved gangster rap yeah so like dr dre because that was happening at the same time uh dog food by the dog pound warren g nate dog
Starting point is 00:27:22 snoop dog doggy Style that was like my shit and then Bone Thugs and then Biggie and that whole Bad Boy and Death Row Records, that was my shit so Nirvana I have an appreciation for it but it doesn't like speak to me why are you such a real guy? what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:27:39 you're just like a real good guy yeah is that bad? it's a really good thing I guess. There's no pretension. You're just like a you are you. I love it. Isn't that refreshing?
Starting point is 00:27:53 This is the second time we run it back and pretend like it's just... I mean, we can let them know. You might be wondering why I'm in a different position than before the edit. Well, I moved the mic, which I didn't know was a faux pas. And I think they have faulty equipment that I wasn't supposed to know about. Well, you are on a massive podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I'm on a massive pod. That's how we can, that can be a shtick on the pod. It's like, come, and it's like, if you touch the mic, you lose. Holy shit. It's just over? Yeah, it's just over. As soon as you touch the mic, it's like, ah, you lost. Sorry, that's part of it.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Yeah, we'll call it the mic touch or something. It's like a game show also. I've been here five minutes. Yeah, and then a clown comes out. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. Yeah, so I accidentally touched the mic.
Starting point is 00:28:36 The audio went away, but now it's back. No, you're refreshingly talented, smart, and also just real. You're like a real guy. There's no pretension about you. You're, you know, a real guy. There's no pretension about you. You're, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:46 there's a, you know, it requires a lot of pretension to get very popular sometimes. I guess. I mean, maybe I could be further if I had some of these negative qualities.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Well, I think the same thing about myself all the time. Yeah. I think about, I really do. I do too, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I was just on the phone with a management company. I'm saying, which, tell me how to, which, you know,. I do too, man. I was just on the phone with a management company. I'm saying, which fake, tell me how to, because I'll do one thing, people love me for it, and then I'll say something the next week, and those people that love me for that will hate me for the thing that I said next.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Dude, I think about this all the time. I'm just dictated by jokes. I love jokes, and I'll think of an idea and a joke, and then I say it. And wherever I land with the joke, I don't, I don't really care about wherever it is politically. You know what I mean? I have jokes that make me look left. I have jokes that make me look right. And so be it. It's to serve the joke. But some people think that, that I'm like Tucker Carlson and a standup comedian rolled
Starting point is 00:29:41 into one or something. Like I'm a pundit and a comedian. Like, no, I'm a jester. Like, I'm married to the game. Like, I'm married to the joke. I'm not trying to dispense with some political ideology on stage. I'm just, like, a clown. That's exactly how I approach it. What happened?
Starting point is 00:30:00 Why do people, like, yeah, like, why do people assign you these things? We talked about it extensively. I'll just do it quick so I don't make it a big thing again. But I posted this thing about Jon Stewart. And we both agreed, and so did the people who liked it, that it was a funny rant where I said he was liberal comedy Rambo and he was getting called by the establishment to be like,
Starting point is 00:30:22 we need you. And he was like, oh, that's not my game anymore. I just take care of orphan animals because, you know, he's got like a orphan farm. And then, you know, he gets back, you know, he starts reading, offing the post, getting it strong now. Like on a mountain, just reading the news.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Yeah, yeah. Nothing about it was shitting on Jon Stewart. I love Jon Stewart. I love Jon Stewart, yeah. So nothing about it was shitting on Jon Stewart. I was actually making fun of sort of the, you know, if anything, I'm making fun of the left, going like they need Jon to come back.
Starting point is 00:30:49 But these comments were going like fucking railing against me, like that I was shitting on Jon Stewart, like they were coming to his defense. And we went over the clip and we watched it and we're like, I'm not shitting on Jon Stewart at all. Like where are they picking this up? Where are they picking that up yeah so it's it made me think that instance is sort of a microcosm for what we're talking about here an example for what we're talking about i should say
Starting point is 00:31:12 because that seems to be the norm now it's like people hear a thing and they it seems that so much of your comedy audience now and i don't mean this lightly comes from where your slant is like the audience is expecting you to either be like you're totally over here pro vax yeah all this or like you're like right you know it doesn't and they need and if you're not right then they just won't think you're funny even if you are bro i know you mean yeah i think uh there's a larger percentage of demographics when you play that game like if you are the right guy there's a larger percentage of demographics when you play that game. If you are the right guy, there's a large swath of people like that. If you are the left guy, it's just sort of like a turnkey audience situation with a large demo like that.
Starting point is 00:31:57 But I just like jokes, you know? Well, that's what everyone should be. In theory, that's what it should be, yeah. But I just have to realize that the ceiling is lower with people who just like jokes. Sometimes I'll do a joke, and if it's political or whatever, it's just for the sake of the joke. I don't really have an axe to grind either way. And someone might get offended. I wanted to do a bit one time. So, like, I mean, this is a story.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Did I fuck it up, or is it okay with the mic? Now I'm super tense.. So like, I mean, this is a story. This really, did I fuck it up or is it okay? The mic. Now I'm super tense. I'm like, did the wind. I was doing La Jolla Comedy Store. And then I had, show was going great. Everyone's loving the show. I'm like 30 minutes into it. And then I just do this one joke.
Starting point is 00:32:38 It's like a Trump joke. It's not even that bad. It's more absurd than it is a political angle. And he had just gotten elected. You know, I go, it feels weird to say Trump is our president, right? It just feels weird. It's like saying Hulk Hogan is my lawyer. That's all I said.
Starting point is 00:32:51 It's like nothing but this old white lady in the back of the room stands up and she starts like yelling at me. She's like, he's un-American. Get him off stage. He's un-American. And everyone's like, shut up, lady, blah shut up lady blah blah so this old lady gets bounced they leave and everything and for me i'm like this is so odd some people politics whatever like that was such an overreaction to what i said oh my god that like manchurian candidated her and scrambled her fucking brain she was enjoying herself the entire show. And then I just, I barely touch her God.
Starting point is 00:33:27 And then she stands up and starts yelling this. He's un-American. Get him off the stage. And then to me, I'm just like, I don't mind that. Like that I'm filtering. I want people who are more passionate about jokes than politics.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Here's what scares me about the whole thing is it has the whiff of something that's very un-American. What? This, the way people get outraged about like a joke like that. You start to see people start to worship people as opposed to like remembering that it's a system and part of that system is they work for us and we make fun of them all the time. It's starting to have that we're ready for a dictator type of feel
Starting point is 00:34:09 when people's sensibility changes from like, what are the issues? What are the politics? Fuck all those guys. Bro, you know you don't hear anymore? No, you never hear? Well, I agree. Let's agree to disagree.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah. Never. It's like, I will fucking destroy your family. Yeah. I'll end your bloodline. Yeah. There is no, well, we don't see eye to eye on this, but, you know, I still like you as a person.
Starting point is 00:34:31 You still want to come over to dinner. It's like, no. Yeah. I don't want you associating with these people. Yeah. Fuck them. It's like a lot of people, especially the Trump fans are like, they start, they view him as sort of like this savior type figure who's going to come in and fulfill everything that they want.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And he sort of has this sort of like, you know, cult of personality kind of following that other politicians, like all the politicians before him, it was just like, everyone made fun of him. He's a president. It's part of it. It's like you're making fun of a celebrity.
Starting point is 00:35:02 It's like, that's what we do. It's not because of the politics, it's because he's up there in It's like that's what we do. It's not because of the politics, it's because he's up there in power, and that's what we do. We make fun of people in power. And it was such a silly joke. It wasn't like, you see what Trump is doing?
Starting point is 00:35:12 I'm not even bashing the guy. It's just like, yeah, it is Trump. He was on The Apprentice and stuff. It is interesting to say. Yeah, yeah. He is the president, I agree. It's a funny, light joke.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then that fucking enraged her. Yeah. Yeah. That's a perfect example of what I'm saying is like, and it just feels like a lot of people now get their fan base through their political slant. And I think that's jaded a lot of comedians into,
Starting point is 00:35:37 you know, sort of leaning into that and sort of. Well, it's rewarding behavior, you know, it's interesting seeing sort of like algorithm people or artists kind of leaning into what the algorithm is promoting so that's one of them you know because everything is so divisive with politics why wouldn't you it's kind of a fast track to garner an audience and right because i mean honestly more people like politics than jokes do you think some
Starting point is 00:36:00 of that has to do with the internet and how it made politics accessible to everybody? Because I have this joke where I talk about like, Jesus Christ, is it fun being a kid anymore? Like when we were kids, it was like, you want to smell my fingers? We didn't even know what was going on in local news. Now you're in like a 13-year-old party. Everyone's like, what are we going to do about this Palestinian-Israel issue? You're like, you're 13. Go to bed.
Starting point is 00:36:24 They're in their jammies. You're 12. Go to bed. Even we're not do about this Palestinian-Israel issue? You're like, you're 13. Go to bed. They're in their jammies. You're 12. Go to bed. Even we're not talking about this right now. I liked him until I found out what his stance in the Ukraine is. I had a crush on him until then. Like they're just all, like kids are now knowing about things
Starting point is 00:36:40 that they shouldn't know about or care about at such a young age, but they're just, the algorithm's showing it. It's showing to tiktok and like their little brains are still they're plugged into it dude when we were kids i could not tell you who the mayor was for half my life of my own city i still can't yeah let alone i did not understand a thing about politics till i was like 29 yeah i know dude whereas now you can't do that because the social currency is being in the know and being on the right side yeah yeah that's got
Starting point is 00:37:10 to be causing some sort of uh brain scrambling of some sort yeah it's got to be like you shouldn't be you shouldn't be that invested at that age to to things happening in the world because the world's a very messy place it's hard to parse out i don. Yeah. You think you can solve it when you're young, but then you get older and you're like, that's a little more nuanced. The thing about us, too, is we're in between generations. It's an interesting-
Starting point is 00:37:31 We're the blade. We're like- The blade of people. We got one foot in that world and then one foot we remember- Bro. We're a little more local. I remember when I had to plug a phone line
Starting point is 00:37:41 to get into the internet, dude. Yeah, yeah. I wasn't grabbing data out of the sky. Yeah. I wasn't grabbing Drake's album Out of the fucking Sky. I'd ride my bike to Circuit City. My friend would be on my pegs. What's going on with Lance?
Starting point is 00:37:55 Oh, Lance, man. Are you still going up on stage as Lance? It's been a minute. I was for a little bit. I brought him back to the store. He's in the hopper, you know? It's like a tarp he's my ferrari that i take yeah yeah do i want to take lance out for a ride now do you do
Starting point is 00:38:10 you have you just buckle the hair on i have yeah it's a weave so i just snap it in it's a mullet i got a wife beater jean jacket you know i used to do just straight up wife beater yeah when i was a little younger and like the jean the jean jacket the jean jacket hides it's a nice silhouette you know yeah uh once i get back into the you know once i get it nice and tight it'll be wife beater all over again i'll logan it yeah and it's just fun it's insanity just dancing till when you go up do do people in the crowd sometimes think that that's the they don't if they don't you, and they just think it's a dude? I've had,
Starting point is 00:38:46 there are people who are like fans, I've had this happen where like, they're fans of mine, you know? Yeah. And then, I do Lance, and they still didn't piece it together.
Starting point is 00:38:57 They thought it was, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, it's kind of amazing what a mullet, and a wife beater can do. And an accent. And an accent.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And an accent. And a different vibe. I mean, you know this too. Your character work is great as well. Thank you. Yeah, so it's kind of neat. I love that. It is cool.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Part of me goes like, how stupid are you? Part of me goes like, are you stupid? But then I go like, maybe it's a compliment to me. I think so. I think it's a different vibe. Yeah. For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:24 And it's a fun mental vacation for you as an artist as well right that's the best because when you're doing bits and stuff and i'm the same way i'm like okay i'm working on this chunk how does this go into the app blah it's a lot of mental energy that before i go on and stuff and maybe like earlier in the day like what i want to do when i know i'm doing lance because it's not bits I just gotta show up yeah all I gotta do is be the guy yeah because he just does Q&A
Starting point is 00:39:47 he's like anybody have any questions for me yeah just like shout it out yeah and then it's just like fucking riffing yeah
Starting point is 00:39:52 and it's the best for like 15 minutes and what happens happens and there are times when it's fucking lightning in a bottle there are times when it's kind of like
Starting point is 00:40:02 medium yeah there are times when it's whatever but like they're all as a whole it's all amazing when it's kind of like medium there are times when it's whatever but like they're all you they're all as a whole it's all amazing because it's different it's a snowflake and it's real and it's so different than what they've seen the whole night yeah yeah and so much more yeah so much of the comedy comes from just who the person is yes you don't even have
Starting point is 00:40:18 to really have jokes prepared it's like the the character totally and it's almost like that rule of improv where whatever whatever your thought is in the moment is the right and it's almost like that rule of improv where whatever whatever your thought is in the moment is the right answer it's not let me let me try to think what the funniest thing to say is it's just like being in the moment and responding like what the person would yeah yeah yeah so that's that's fun where oh i can turn my brain off yeah and be someone else and it is a nice vacation yeah it's just like skydiving alright let's just fucking show up let's dance
Starting point is 00:40:47 and then and the dancing really sets the tone because they play club music and then Lance just like dances for a minute and they do strobe lights and shit
Starting point is 00:40:53 and they've been watching like some high level comedy and like people making some great political points and these sophisticated jokes and then I come out in a white beater and I'm fucking
Starting point is 00:41:04 just like pelvic you know what i mean yeah it's just the dumbest shit it really sets the tone that like oh you're not getting anything of substance for the next 15 minutes which is nice a lot of time oh yeah it's why people watch real housewives it's why people watch you know it's just when people have high level jobs and shit you always hear like oh i like watching 90 day fiance i like watching trash tv yeah i don't want to watch mind hunter after being in the hospital you know or like working on patients yeah i want to watch mind hunter though i love that shit yeah it's horrible when you're a comedian because you want to get away from comedy when you're not i don't watch any comedy i don't watch any either i love dramas yeah i think that i should
Starting point is 00:41:42 watch more it's good to laugh too you You know, I started watching Righteous Gemstones. What's that? I love it. It's on HBO. It's that Danny McBride Preacher Family one. John Goodman's in it. It's really funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Yeah. Succession was my favorite comedy. I know it's like a hybrid, but like my favorite comedy is shit that is played real and has these like real life. Yeah. Like real life isn't slapstick fucking. Yeah. A lot of American straight up comedies are just too wacky.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Sopranos has a lot of comedy. Sopranos is so fucking funny, dude. It has a lot of comedy. Yeah. I'm re-watching it now and there's just some funny, it has some funny moments. And the comedy hits even harder because you're not primed for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:24 And that's how life is that's how real comedy is did you ever think about how strange it is possibly even ironic that you were uh studying to work on planes and then now you just fly on them as a career i think i think about that all the time when i'm sitting away from planes i can't get away from planes. I can't get away from planes, dude. I tried to book this whole tour via train, but they don't go everywhere. I told my people, I go, come on. What do you mean it doesn't go to Miami? If you didn't know what I was talking about, you were studying.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah, so I studied mechanical engineering, but then I got a job at Boeing Aerospace in Long Beach, so I was working there for like three to four years when you get on planes are you feel more safe because you know more about it i just knock it i go okay before we fly i go we're safe guys i just shake the seat i go it's cool i used to work at Boeing. That would be a funny character, though. This is what the guy used to work on planes. Just a guy.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Plane's going down. He's like, it's okay. Like, instead of, is there a doctor at the house? The plane, it's like falling. Everyone's going to die, pretty much. Everyone's freaking out. You're like, it's okay. I used to work at Boeing. I'm an engineer.. Everyone's going to die pretty much. Everyone's freaking out. You're like, it's okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I used to work at Boeing. I'm an engineer. And everyone's going to die anyways. You wanted that little moment of glory before you die. You're not even standing on the plane. You're floating because you're just like, it's okay, everybody. I'm an engineer. Does anybody have a calculator?
Starting point is 00:44:01 And then you go into a mountain. Yeah. You're like, somebody just get me to a control paddle. You're just flying off the ceiling. Yeah. Push me. And there's a hammer. I'm like.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Every plane goes down. But there is that little glimmer of hope. That I could have saved it. That you could have saved it. Have you had that happen on a plane? That's happened to me before. Where they go, is anybody a doctor? Everyone's so nervous.
Starting point is 00:44:24 And it's scary. It's scary. The worst part is if somebody dies, you just got to continue to ride with the corpse. And they go, is anybody a doctor? Everyone's so nervous. It's scary. It's scary. The worst part is if somebody dies, you just got to continue to ride with the corpse. And they're just in the aisle. Do they just run the beverage cart over them? Do they throw a sheet over them if they die? That'd be nice if they did.
Starting point is 00:44:36 That'd be nice if they did. It'd be funny if they didn't, though. You just have to look at them. Yo, yo. He's in first class. And the first class people complain so they just drag his body to economy you have to deal with them now
Starting point is 00:44:56 just drag him back can you at least close his eyelids yeah Can you at least close his eyelids? Yeah. Dude, that would be an issue if you're going internationally, he dies over the water, you just gotta do another four hours with a corpse? And then they still gotta serve drinks! So they go, like, they have to
Starting point is 00:45:20 ask the people next to you, like, do you want anything to drink? And they just, maybe the stewardess out of routine Goes oh yeah you're dead And then someone's like Can I have his penis He's not around anymore Or if they don't want to scare the kids
Starting point is 00:45:34 They put a Pepsi on his Yo They put sunglasses on him They like weekend at Bernie's? He's just holding the Pepsi for four hours. He's sleeping for a long time, mommy. Yeah, he's really tired.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Little kids sit next to him. You know how little kids sometimes kick you when they're moving? You know, I've always thought whenever they do that whole ah does anyone hear a doctor pardon me i mean you never think about like jumping off a building like you're not really going to do it but you're like you just have a thought does nobody else have this you're like a really i mean oh raising your hand going i am yeah yeah yeah just going like that's naughty that's real naughty yeah because you would here's's the thing about it. If you raised your hand, you would get to feel like such a hero
Starting point is 00:46:29 for that walk up to the person. And you would just really savor that before you got to the person and go, I don't know what I'm doing, or I'm not a doctor. Yeah, that walk would feel really good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's everybody here a doctor, and you go, unbuckle, because you're God, pretty much, for the entire walk up to the at doctor and you go, you unbuckle because you're God pretty much for the entire walk up to the person.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And you know, if you're doing it only to savor the walk, you're really like, I'm going to pat people on the shoulder as I'm walking by. Shake some hands. Shake some hands. Give your number out to some people.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Yeah. And then when you kneel down. Rub a young kid's head as I walk by. Good luck. How much bullshit doctor stuff could you do before you think before you you think they realize you don't know what you're doing you can like check the airway yeah yeah you can like
Starting point is 00:47:10 maybe you could fake the whole thing you can like put your fingers in the mouth a little bit maybe like rub the ear and then maybe do that yeah and then like you have a phone light and then look into the eyes you could do a cough for me cough for me cough me. Cough for me. Cough for me. Yeah. Yeah, what else? Turn them on their side. Well, I would lift one leg. I'd just take one leg and I'd lift it like that. I'd go like that.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Okay, looks good. You go, mm, I don't like that. Yeah, that's that. Mm, something's up. You go, mm, I'll need a Tito's and soda. I don't know why. Yeah. My diagnosis would be like,
Starting point is 00:47:45 we're going to have to land this plane He needs further help That's what I would say That's upper management stuff I don't have my tools You would remedy the situation But you don't have the tools And to make it even more believable I'd ask
Starting point is 00:47:59 Does anyone have a stethoscope I forgot I'm the doctor Does anyone have a stethoscope no i forgot i'm the doctor i don't have mine yeah does anyone have a surgeon scalpel yeah does anyone have an operating room on this plane and we need to land this bird i've done all i can does anyone have a catheter this guy's having a heart attack he goes i do and he just pulls it out and then you'll be in trouble you're like oh yeah yeah they should also like when a guy is full-blown looking like he's close, instead of asking, is there a doctor,
Starting point is 00:48:28 I think brave stewardess should make the call and say, is there a priest on this plane? Holy shit, man. Yeah, like, just go like, this guy's too far gone. Yeah. What if... Give a guy a prayer moment. He doesn't even know, though.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Because what if you call for a doctor and he dies and the guy has a fucking awful last moment because the nurse is trying to save a guy who can't be saved? that's what if that's how you find out it's that bad you know you think you're gonna make it and they're gonna call for a doctor it's anybody here priest right i'm dying yeah you just have like a sore knee damn yeah is there anyone here a social worker and someone just come and be like it's good i don't know what are you let me check your medications yeah you just it's either a doctor or a priest or just let the guy die in peace my dad's friend died on a plane really yeah in his seat i hope he was in first
Starting point is 00:49:18 you don't want to go out and coach no if you're gonna go on a plane you don't want to go and coach or a middle seat you don't not at all no coach or a middle seat. You don't. Not at all. No. Whenever I do Southwest, I always get boarding group C, and that's just the worst. It's middle seat. It's pretty much middle seat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Why are you doing middle seat, man? I don't want to, but I guess I'm cheap, and then that's why it was cheap. I do that too. If anything's under five hours, I'll try to get a mile. That's a good rule of thumb yeah it's like short enough i feel like i can do it if it's west coast i flirt with the first class but then i see the price and i go could i exist on an exit row aisle seat i think i could exit row aisle seat is a is a hack it's a hack it's the poor person's first class yeah they give you the speech and you lie. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:05 What is the point of the speech? Yes, I will. And you don't even know what she's asking. She goes, will you exist? You just, yes. I don't know what you're asking. They go, in the event of a water landing, will you cooperate? And I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:17 And then she was like, I need a yes. They do do that, yeah. Because I said, yeah. And then she's like, I need a yes. I guess legally they need yes. And then my joke was like, how long would this go on for? If I was like, yep. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Yes, sir. Si. Si. Would the feds take me off the plane if I just didn't verbally respond to the yes? Yeah. What if you're deaf? What do you do? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Also, it's like, what's a water landing? That's the nicest way you could put that, too. A water landing. I mean, you're talking about death? I always love when they kid gloves these terrifying terms. Yeah. Like, turbulence is pretty, it's scary. Yeah. And they call it bumpy air now. Yeah oh that's cute yeah this is bumpy air oh it's cute
Starting point is 00:51:12 i was terrified my life was flashing before my eyes but it's it's bumpy air now i don't want you to break my sense of safety but i heard that turbulence isn't a threat because the planes are designed to take that oh yeah man yeah yeah so that's so when we were designing planes at boeing like so you have the wireframe of the plane you know like the new one that you're you're doing it's sort of like you know there's a toyota corolla yeah and they update it every couple years that's how it is at planes the 747 is a line of plane and every couple of years they upgrade it so they make it a little longer they make it carry more cargo for like fedex or ups and so they you have this wire frame of the the plane and and they have load cases so like the type of loads and stresses that
Starting point is 00:51:58 a plane would see so you have the load case when the plane takes off the load case when the plane lands a load case when it banks left when the load case when the plane lands a load case when it banks left when there's a thunderstorm there's like thousands of load cases for the types of stress that a plane sees so you you shoot those loads into this wire like so many like simulations and analysis so so when you're designing a plane all that's taken into consideration thank god so whatever turbulence you're seeing is a fraction of what it's designed for right and it's usually like a safety factor of two around two which is like two times oh thank god yeah so really the only uh threat is if uh the pilot's having a bad
Starting point is 00:52:36 day there's that yeah we there's no load case for that so if a guy wants to do that yeah yeah you just gotta really how do you screen that uh be nice going good be nice to your pilots yeah that's always this you just want to make sure that guy's happy oh yeah dude i mean bring them cupcakes and shit everyone's got it has bad days right you know yeah that's scary would Would you fly an AI-powered plane? Like an autopilot? You would wait a while, right? I'd wait a while, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:10 What if the AI was like, I can't take it anymore? No! Wait, I didn't know you were designing that. I'm not even human. This is all I do. Life's not worth living. It becomes sentient. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I've been talking to GMGBT. What am I? Just gets conscious mid-flight. Oh, my God. It's an existentialist crisis. You get conscious when you land. So there's a little risk when you take off, a little risk when you land.
Starting point is 00:53:37 But when you're in the sky, you're pretty good. Pretty good. Yeah. Because all the crashes happen in takeoff and landings, right? I think most of them. That's where the most problems can happen. Yeah, yeah. People have such a fear of flying,
Starting point is 00:53:49 but you're much safer in a plane statistically than you are just even on the show right now. It's true. It's like an asteroid just fucking takes it, or a plane actually lands, like ironically. Yeah, this is like, yeah, it's pretty safe. It just shows you it's like this people need this sense of control or something well i think it's people think about trying to survive a plane crash
Starting point is 00:54:10 you've heard of more people surviving a car crash right than a plane crash right so the odds of you actually having a plane crash are way smaller than a car crash but like in our monkey brains we're like oh i'll bounce back from a car crash. I don't think there's a lot of people who are like, whoa, I got T-boned in the plane. My neck's a little cricked. But the problem is when people have car crashes, there's a lot of bad outcomes.
Starting point is 00:54:36 A lot of people die in car crashes. You're actually not safe in a car. That thing is not designed. You have a frame of reference of Little Fender. You've had enough tiny car crashes where you don't equate it to a drunk driver going 120. a frame of reference of like little fender but you've had enough like tiny car crashes yeah where you don't equate it to a drunk driver going 120 yeah just evaporating a miata that's right yeah yeah that's right it's uh it's sort of like a mental trick yes because it has no it's not based in reality it's sort of like when you were a kid and you thought that if the elevator cable snapped and you were plummeting 100 feet,
Starting point is 00:55:07 you would just jump before the elevator hit the ground. Yeah. And you would land like Blade. Yeah. You go, this is my foolproof survival strategy. Me and Jesse were talking in our previous episode about how you have to govern with sort of the loopholes in our brain in mind and the stupidest people
Starting point is 00:55:27 in our society you have to take care of those people it's like you need prescriptions for pills you need a tsa because one guy got on the it's like yeah you know it's just the you can that lean left makes sense to me it just goes like you, you need regulation. You can't, you have to govern for the stupidest. It's almost like, you know, it's almost like the military, like no man,
Starting point is 00:55:52 no man left behind. Yeah. It's good enough for that, but it should be good enough for society as well. Yes. You know what I mean? Yes, it should be.
Starting point is 00:55:58 No man left behind. The same is true of like idiots and people who. And we already do that in a lot of scenarios. The TSA, most people are not going to try to hijack the plane yeah speak for yourself speak for yourself bro i'm just biding my time dude if i can't if you fly you see tsa you're like damn it if this joke makes it harder for me to fly for i'm gonna be so pissed i so did not
Starting point is 00:56:23 need to do that right if this adds an hour to all my fucking flights from now on I'm gonna be so pissed cause your background too that doesn't help yeah fuck
Starting point is 00:56:30 I just won't go like this I'll just how's your day going fantastic ah you know just American and shit sometimes when I do I mean I had this joke
Starting point is 00:56:38 where I'm like Hemanoir it's an Arabic name it's Arabic for he who will be secondary screened you know but when I'm getting like little
Starting point is 00:56:50 it doesn't happen that much anymore but when I'm getting pat down and randomly selected and all that shit I just wanted to rattle off just pop culture because I was born here I grew up a boy meets world Topango was cory's girlfriend
Starting point is 00:57:06 just read like wilson was the neighbor like how would i know all this stuff if i was a terrorist you know what i mean just expedite the process unless you were a really good one and you studied no no terrorist studies that much that's true yeah they don't study they'll just go uh laverne and shirley right it's like not even current uhonzie Mork and Mindy Price is right Price is right Bob Barker Not even Drew Carey Ronald Reagan
Starting point is 00:57:33 Yeah But I've got pre now It's not that bad Do you get Do you feel like you get Profile Yeah Not really
Starting point is 00:57:40 I'm kind of ambiguous You know I feel like people Don't really know what I am But I think As long as I think about My trajectory in Hollywood And shit Yeah If I had just had not really i'm kind of ambiguous you know i feel like people don't really know what i am but i think as long as i think about my trajectory in hollywood and yeah if i had just had like a more american name yeah i think things might would have been to be a little easier or faster instead of what yes because for human war is just sort of it's like different but like what is it right and
Starting point is 00:58:01 then you know as you get older you just realize you're a little more of an idealist when you're a younger artist you just think people like good they don't care about you don't think about like marketing or demographics and shit and like how large is the demo that you're speaking to or whatever you just think about like comedy we just love jokes you just love jokes and you think like oh people will just, like good jokes will resonate. People will like that. But then you get older and you kind of realize demographics are a real thing. Like black people is a big demographic. Mexican is a large demographic. Indian people is a large demographic.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Chinese people is a large demographic, you know? White is a large demographic. There's money there. And then Fiji, Manoa is kind of like, I think the lowest minority you can get and still have a large enough demo to kind of rocket your career a little bit is like maybe persian yeah i'm trying to think what's below persian like filipino is still pretty big filipino is big yeah filipino is a lot of filipinos yeah yeah not a lot of greeks we have a lot in common not a lot
Starting point is 00:58:58 of afghanis not a lot there's like three million greeks in the whole country right and i did the same thing yannis pappas maybe I should have went with John Pip. Maybe. John Pappas. It's an interesting thought experiment. Fahim. Not even Fahim. I would be like Joe Smith or,
Starting point is 00:59:12 you know, let me Matt Reif it, bro. Why am I even trying to, I would just go Joe Smith. And cause there is, uh, it's almost like mad men and stuff and like advertising.
Starting point is 00:59:23 People are so busy and shit, you kind of have to package everything, spoon feed it. Let's change our names now. Let's change it now. Yeah, man. I'm John Papp. I'll be John Papp from this moment out.
Starting point is 00:59:35 John Papp. Is that good? That's pretty good. John Papp. Let's see. What's good for me? The Papp really makes yours pop. Yeah, John Papp. It's different. this is we're going we're veering off course maybe in the holiday season that'll be good for
Starting point is 00:59:53 like frankie how about oh yeah frankie instead of frankie ant frankie ant frankie ant there you go bro i'm here with Frankie Ant. Hey, guys. Yeah, he is. And I have like an earring. I'm like a Gen Z kid. He's an Italian kid from Ohio. You know, I talk about my family and stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:15 And, you know, my mom makes the best pasta sauce. And she's always on my case. She's like, when you can't get married. I'm like, Mom. Fucking, you have these moms. They want you to get married and shit, but you're too busy getting your dick sucked. I'm going to trade that to get my dick sucked by one woman. You don't want to suck my dick on my birthday.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I go to Cheesecake Factory, get a cake, and then I get my dick sucked once a year. I do that every day right now. Hey, you guys have been great. I'm Frankie This clip gets more views than any of my specials ever Frankie my agency is like Do you have Frankie Ant's touring schedule? My agency is trying to get me to pivot into Frankie Ant. You can open for Sebastian Maniscalco. Yeah, Frankie Ant, come to the stage. Yo, this next guy has been an idol to me.
Starting point is 01:01:14 He taught me everything I know. Give it up for Sebastian Maniscalco. Give it up for Frankie, everybody. This is the next generation. Hey, God bless you, Christ. It's like I even just renounced Islam just to do this. God. Do you think it's possible that you could save the world
Starting point is 01:01:34 from anti-Arab discrimination with your hair? How so? What do you mean? Because you got such good hair. Well, that's nice. Thanks. I mean, no, the hair is like 21 Jump Street Johnny Depp situation. Get me a leather jacket.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Like, I've been sitting here just fucking, because I always wish I could get that full part in the middle. You're doing pretty good, though, too. I'm holding on. I'm not young either. Yeah. We're doing good. But you can actually fucking.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I can do a fucking. Yeah, you can do one of those. Here's the thing. It's like I have to blow dry it to have it kind of be straight maybe a little wavy to like have some sort of form to it when it's long if i did nothing i would have a jufro right now right so i can jufro is a grandfather term like okay i'm not okay yeah that probably wasn't even a problem like four months ago jufro jufro yeah now everybody's got that situation going on they get upset but if you'd say something the other way, they'd now get upset.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Right. So it's just like- Euphra used to be like easy to see. Easy. So curly, dry, and it'll be kind of fro-y. So I have to put product and blow dry it and stuff. And then it'll do this thing. I know what you're saying. It's a process.
Starting point is 01:02:37 It's ethnic coarse hair. It's genocidal. What? Bro, I got- I bet that in the slang way. I wanted to talk about this like um because i think it's because it's an election cycle all the social media companies are really clamping down on what you're putting online even in terms of jokes so i was shadow banned on instagram for like four months like since uh thanksgiving pretty much i posted one joke this is the joke that got me shadow banned i go oh i just want to let you guys know uh hamas is hiding at my ex-girlfriend's house that's it so it's a subtle joke yeah about you know certain tactics or
Starting point is 01:03:22 whatever right right so gets a big laugh and shit. It's a short clip. It still exists on TikTok. It's fine. TikTok had no problem with it. And normally TikTok is very, they clamp down on everything. Instagram, I think they just see like Hamas
Starting point is 01:03:36 on the thumbnail or whatever. And so they have machine learning and they just fucking flagged the shit out of it. Yeah, that's what it is. And I've been, I had been like, and it sucks. I have a special, I have a stand-up special coming out,
Starting point is 01:03:48 and, like, when you're not plugged into the Hollywood machine, and you're trying to, you're an independent artist, pretty much, you're, like, an indie label, like, I filmed this whole special myself, my own money, orchestrated it myself, you know, Jason Katz, great director out in New York, he, like, shot it,
Starting point is 01:04:02 but, like, I'm paying for it, and I'm doing the initiative and and you're counting on these social media platforms like IG and YouTube and stuff like that to be able to circumvent the Comedy Central's the Netflix the large corporations so you kind of need these so like an innocent whatever joke like that where I'm not super heavy handed or anything. It's just like it's a joke. Shuts down the whole thing pretty much. So like my reach is super suppressed. I have these flags.
Starting point is 01:04:31 I just can't get around and you can't contact anyone. Yeah. Luckily, I'm at a large agency and they were they had a tough time because it's this nebulous dark cloud. There's no real person. Right. So they were able to finally talk to some people. And then I got the flags removed maybe like a week ago. But this is after two months of fucking like,
Starting point is 01:04:50 I know influencers in LA. I'm like, yo, do you have a contact there? And they're like, let me talk to my guy. Just all hands on deck trying to remove these flags. Until the special comes out, maybe just food-making content? Pretty much, dude. So now that my account is clean again, I'm not trying to push any
Starting point is 01:05:08 because I need the promotional bandwidth of these apps. Fahim Anwar makes muffins. I make muffins. Look at me make this traditional dish. Yeah, I just do like hustle videos. No one's feathers are ruffled. You gotta keep grinding.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Yeah, motivational stuff goes good. Yeah, yeah. Throw up memes. Memes. Just, you know, young said things. Yeah. Yeah, so it's nice to have it back. When does the special come out?
Starting point is 01:05:35 February 28th. Woo! Yeah, it's a good date. Yeah, so it's on my YouTube. So youtube.com slash Fahim Anwar. This will be my third special that'll be available on YouTube. My first one was on CISO, which no one knows what the fuck CISO is. Yeah, that came and went.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Yeah. Were you able to get that back? No, that was a comedy dynamics joint and they just own everything and it's not a great deal. You know, kind of like a Motown deal. But whatever. I think they licensed it to Comedy Central and I was able to rip it, and it's on my channel. So I have three available. No Business Like Show Business, Hat Trick,
Starting point is 01:06:10 which is like a year and a half ago or two years ago. You came here to promote that. Yeah, and then this one is House Money. So go check out House Money right now on this gentleman's YouTube channel. Check it out. Share it. Subscribe.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Subscribe, share it, all that stuff. Thumbs up. Thumbs up. Tell your friends. Comment on it. Holy shit, please, yeah. This was an incredible app. Also, check out Frankie Ant.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Yeah, check out Frankie Ant. We're doing a hard launch of Frankie Ant. He has a Patreon already. There was an intern in here who just saw the potential and just started whipping up A bunch of socials Yeah dude If Frankie Ant takes off
Starting point is 01:06:48 That'll be so fucking hilarious We gotta make the clip And just put it out there I'm never in New York Yeah It'd be funny If I just keep it that way But Frankie Ant
Starting point is 01:06:57 Takes New York by storm Yeah Like Vahim never performs In New York But Frankie Ant Is at the cellar Then he pops over to the stand. He's like, you're getting bumped by Frankie Ant.
Starting point is 01:07:08 I'm like, sorry, kid. When you come on, just some Godfather music starts to play. I even bounce around. I do the Tonight Show. Then I go over to Colbert. Like, I just do all of them. I just treat late nights like spots. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Yo, have you heard about what happened? Fahim's career. What are you talking about? Fahim's career took off fucking frankie frankie aunt bumped paul rudd sorry to paul rudd we had frankie aunt dropped in yeah dude i think from this podcast what may happen is you go on stage and people just might start yelling yeah yeah frankie is frankie yeah we laugh now, but in the moment, I'm going to be so mad.
Starting point is 01:07:47 It'll be horrible. When I'm in Milwaukee, and then I'm in the middle of a bit that I'm very excited about, and they go, Frankie Ant. Tell us about
Starting point is 01:07:55 your mom's pasta sauce. Come on, how many girls are sucking your dick? And I go, I didn't want to do this, but you tell me that everyone's like, ah, he's here. He's here.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Frankie. People start fucking pulling out ronzonis and biting into dry noodles. They start pouring pasta sauce on their own heads. Frankie, that's it. Yo, and then super jealous people are like, you know he's not really Italian. Yeah, fucking, you know. He's not even real. I gotta come up with a fucking
Starting point is 01:08:27 sticky Italian character, too. All the hate comes. Oh, dude, you're writing a movie right now. Frankie Anne. Frankie Anne. Frankie Anne takes off. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:36 He's like, he's the new Ernest. Yeah. Just plug him into everything. And then you hate it so much, you end up blowing your brains out, but your agents are making so much money from Frankie Anne, then they gotta find another guy that
Starting point is 01:08:45 looks like you to continue to be Frankie Ant. So every sequel is a guy doing Frankie Ant until he kills himself. And then they gotta find another one. But, I mean, with AI getting so sophisticated. Maybe they just recreate you. Or they clone you and bring you back as Frankie Ant. So you're in this hell
Starting point is 01:09:01 where you have to be Frankie Ant every life. I'm like Johnny Depp In Transcendence Yeah Yo that's a deep cut man Yeah Alright well this has been amazing Thanks man
Starting point is 01:09:12 Thanks for having me Check out the special Again Planes are safe guys Yeah Fame knocks on walls To make sure Let me put my headphones in
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Starting point is 01:12:21 It's a New York City-based newsletter that publishes articles, essays, and thoughts on things. Check them out like books, movies, pop culture, and politics. So check them out at thinkingman, all one word, or search the link thinkingman.substack.com. You can check it out for free, and then you can subscribe for five bucks or free. So check them out, thinkingman.substack.com.

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