Yannis Pappas Hour - Doing a Bid w/ Joe Derosa

Episode Date: September 24, 2022

Yanni’s old friend Joe Derosa drops by for a Longday. Joe is a very funny stand up comedian and jack of all trades. Joe edifies us on why the nurses of America hate him, troll him and what doing a 2...-22 day bid is like. You can listen to Joe’s podcast Taste Buds with Sal Vulcano. Watch Yanni’s stand up special https://youtu.be/ArlCFemEDvQJoin our Patreon for bonus episodes every week https://www.patreon.com/yannilongdaysJoin our highlights page for podcast highlight clips https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykwLongdays is your news show that’s not news. Come cheat on your beliefs with a delicious maniac. New episodes every Saturday and new bonus every Saturday on Patreon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Down is Bob's. Yeah. Here we go. Screwed in, got a lot to say Aw shit, it's about to be a long day It's a long day, it's a long day What's up everybody? Welcome to a very special edition of Long Days with Giannis Pappas Sitting across from me is old Joey left in a basket
Starting point is 00:00:34 Old Joey this or that Old Joey is the Italian Yes he is, the benefits are better Now your life is kind of like a black celebrities in that you're in a lot of things right you're a Europe you're a entrepreneur you own a restaurant you're starting a clothing line know that you're a comedian and a musician all those are true except the clothing line yeah I know but I wanted to throw that in there to make you a little more I did design a lot of the
Starting point is 00:01:04 merch for their for their bar that I opened for Joey roses You're you're you're a way to say jack-of-all-trades master and none Yeah, I mean the nicer way to say that is Renaissance man, it's not as funny it's not as funny Yeah, it's good to see you. It's good to see you too, dude. The last summer is in this place You were banging a chick. I gave you the keys and I said use it Did you yeah what remember this shit because I my memories of you I just get overwhelmed by You know, I just get overwhelmed by you complaining and I just kind of tune out halfway through. Dude, by the way,
Starting point is 00:01:48 speaking of complaining, I can already tell the heat's going to be a problem. Yeah, the heat's going to be a problem. Why can't we leave the ceiling fan on? Dude, your genetics are from Egypt. This is your speed. That makes that much noise that you can't leave that on? It makes that much noise. I mean, listen, you know, you're lucky
Starting point is 00:02:04 you got into America. You could be living somewhere in Cairo on the street with no shoes. Listen to me. I'm declaring it right now because I'm about to start my solo pod. What's it going to be about? Star Wars games or some esoteric interest you have? Basically, yeah. It's about collecting all my interests.
Starting point is 00:02:21 You're one of those guys who's fucking into cool shit. I like fun stuff but wait let me just say though yeah every podcast the sound bed of every podcast should be air conditioning buzz can't these fucking fans get used to it they can't get past it by now we all gotta sweat every time we do this it's a good point every podcast should just have air conditioning buzz in it and it's just that's what it sounds like now do you go air conditioner or fan oh dude ac dude iac in the winter ukraine or russia a little bit of both to be honest biden or trump i like them both okay no dude i'm i run so hot dude i crank ac in the winter time dude yeah I run so hot, dude. I crank AC in the wintertime, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I'm always hot. You make a good point because the rest of the set is pretty bare bones. It's pretty stripped down. I mean, we're in an apartment. If there was a little air conditioner buzz, I don't think we're ruining the professionalism of this setup. That's what I'm saying, dude. And if you don't want buzz, go to SiriusXM for your content.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I don't know what to tell you. Yeah. This guy's fucking got green screens hung up in his kitchen. What the fuck is... What are we doing? Turn the AC on. Now, I did call you Joey,
Starting point is 00:03:43 Joey lefts in the baskets because that was one of my favorite jokes that I made, and it was by text, and it deserved to be seen by people. One time I called you Joey Lefts in a Basket. Oh, yes. Because you were adopted. Now, we were talking about you were adopted into an Italian family, which is now what you identify as.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, we were talking about that before we started. My Instagram says Arab on some Italian shit. Like, because I just identify as an Italian-American. That's how I was raised. That's all I knew. I was adopted at nine days old. I don't know anything. I never met another Arab person until I was, like, 18.
Starting point is 00:04:19 So then why do you look like you do the door at CBGB's? That's, you could never tell if that guy was arab or you could never tell you could never tell now joe mattery said to me once when i first came to new york on medication or off i don't know who knows these days yeah uh this was a long time ago this might have been pre-meds well that's that's a that's a long day right there yeah he goes he goes you got a great look, man. It's going to be good for acting, which, you know, I guess he was wrong. No, he was kind of right. I do some stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I mean, a lot of people don't know because it's a small role and you got a generic face, but you've been in Better Call Saul. Yeah, yeah. And you've done other shit, too. My character's name on Saul was Caldera, which I think is Hispanic, no? Caldera? I never asked. I don't do any research.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I just show up and say the lines. Well, we have a Hispanic here just for moments like this. Is that Hispanic? I believe it is, yes. Yeah. Jared Harvin. I got in back when an Arab posing as an Italian could play a Hispanic without controversy. It would have burned me alive in this day and age.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Now, what's the other version of Joey looks like that never had talent? Because not only, there's another version of you that could be in Cairo. There's another version of you that if you didn't have any talent, you're very talented. You've always been one of my favorite comedians who kind of like, you know, does comedy when he wants. Thanks. comedians who kind of like you know does comedy when he wants thanks and if you didn't have talent there's another version of Joey DeRosa right who's just living out there in South Philly with his friends with Philly hats get wah-wahs
Starting point is 00:05:54 just being utter trash yeah yeah that's the one that was most likely yeah I mean, I'm teetering on it. I'm a fucking pig. I'm such a fucking pig. The only one that outpigs me is that fucking Laos DiStefano. He's the only one that outpigs me in this business. And how does he outpig you? Oh, you mean in that way? I just mean he's a disgusting human being. He's horrible.
Starting point is 00:06:27 He's fucking trash, dude. I don't know what you're talking about i think he's a great guy the uh the uh who who the fuck was i talking to the other day that was trying to oh fuck probably ari it was ari yeah it was ari i'm just going by your Oh, fuck. Probably Ari. It was Ari. Yeah. It was Ari. I'm just going by your Instagram posts. I just yelled at him. Oh, he came on Taste Buds. You got to do Taste Buds, by the way. I'd love to do it. But he came on Taste Buds, and I just, I go, you're fucking trash.
Starting point is 00:06:55 You live in squalor. You make me sick. But no, I'm a fucking animal. There is one good thing about Ari. He did... He did... What do they call that when you get your glute taken out? Vasectomy.
Starting point is 00:07:11 He did give himself a vasectomy so he doesn't reproduce, which is a good thing he did. You know what? I'm thinking about doing that too. Because I... I think that would be a good idea. Yeah, I'm going to be a bachelor for life pretty much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:23 But I just... The week after sounds mildly horrific to me. Yeah. And that freaks me out. Right, and you don't want any accidental pregnancies? That's tough now that you're a comic. No, no, no, I mean the week after the proceed. Because if you do have a kid by accident,
Starting point is 00:07:41 you may have to have that kid depending on the state you knock the girl up in. Well, I mean, it's, but also too, I mean. Are you currently in prison or are you free man right now no i'm always a free man oh oh you know what i'm talking about we can talk about it yeah are you doing a bit joey joey uh is constantly in and out of the system hold on we both were at one point both were at one point yeah yeah we so yannis used to say we used to joke about when when if you were if you had unprotected sex the two to 22. every pamphlet says you got two to 22 days for the for whatever it is to pop up that you might have caught so we used to always laugh he was the only guy i knew that knew the time frame besides me so we would always go 2 to 22 and then we would start going are you on one you're doing it i would always go 2 to 22 and then we would start going are you
Starting point is 00:08:25 on one you're doing it i'm doing a 2 to 22 and then he started calling it a bit you're doing a bit and then and then i started saying i was like i'm always doing a bit dude i don't i don't even know how to live on the outside anymore the inside's my home, dude. Yeah, yeah. Every time I run into Joe, he's just like, yeah, I'm right in the middle of it right now. It's like day six. It's like constantly living with getting a positive COVID test. You're like, I'm on day seven. The first time, you remember the first time you sat
Starting point is 00:09:02 and you had to go like, shit, 22 days? Oh, my God. And then eventually you're like, that's nothing. Yeah, get old. Yeah, it's like Shawshank Redemption. You get used to the inside. That's what I'm saying, dude. Yeah, you start to just live a normal life and just be able to have normal conversations.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Whereas the first couple of bids, you can't even live in the moment. You're just constantly worrying. Every time you take a piss, you're giving yourself a detailed inspection yeah yeah dude jimmy hoffa said uh about actual prison and it was fascinating there's an interview that he did with dick cavett when he got out of jail he was in for five years and dick cavett said you know that's that's fairly like lengthy he's like can you do how would you survive if you had to do like true hard time like light like life and Hoffa said that the only way to do it is to divorce yourself completely from the outside he goes you cannot have visitors you cannot receive letters you have to accept that
Starting point is 00:09:57 this is what your life is because otherwise you'll go crazy and I was like holy shit man I never thought of it like that like you got to tell your mom you can't come see me ever again yeah that makes sense oh it's heart shattering yeah because you just divorce yourself you disavow yourself from all reminders of what could be yes that's what he said he goes you cannot pretend you are part of what's going on out there that's why what you got to do as a comic is you got to stay away from anyone who's more financially successful than you. Dude, seriously.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah, because that's a constant reminder that it robs your joy. Right. Yeah. Which is why it makes me happy that my richest friend is Sal, who still lives like a fucking Staten Island animal. Yeah. Yeah. a fucking staten island animal yeah yeah that those staten island kids they um it's that they're like institutionalized yeah dude it's weird out there they got a way of life out there yeah it's like taking a fish out of water like because you can't go anywhere like you know especially sally
Starting point is 00:10:59 grew up with sisters so he has like a slightly effeminate uh cadence yeah yeah so he can't carry that you can't go anywhere in the country without people going yuck i know it's disgusting you can't go to europe and be like hey how you doing i'm a multi-millionaire on a prank show how you doing my name is sal vacano they're like get out of here the plumbing situation is that way i mean he sounds like a plumber yeah i mean I mean, dude, but you're absolutely right. A friend of mine, Karen Kilgareff, from the My Favorite Murder podcast, before she was extremely wealthy and successful, we were both struggling. And I go, Karen, I can't.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I'm so fucking depressed out here. She goes, stop going to your friends' houses that live in mansions. Yeah. She goes, you can't. You're carrying that home with you, dude and i was like you're right i can't it's fucking driving me nuts man and yeah it feels like something you should be able to do and and zen and all that bullshit but if you're struggling and you're always at somebody's house and they got gates and shit forget it dude you can't you can't do it that's why Ari's a good
Starting point is 00:12:05 hang because Ari's very successful and has money but he doesn't want any of it and he throws it all away he doesn't live like it and he cut he gave himself a vasectomy and he grows his hair out to look worse yeah I mean you know he's just he's just you know he hurts his career all the time he doesn't do social media he doesn't want fame he doesn't want to he doesn't want to have a blue check mark next to his name he's a man of the people he thinks doing that he thinks like doing like a sitcom is like is like it's like suicide yeah like he's like he thinks the this is the life which i i understand i'm not knocking him for it i don't agree but like i but i but i get it where he's coming from but yeah really you what's that i would think you would have the opposite opinion
Starting point is 00:12:51 of that of what you don't seem like a guy who wants a sitcom i did a sitcom i i got a i booked a sitcom when i lived in la um a multi-cam sitcom yeah i was supposed to be on 10 episodes they cut my character after the first episode because me too was about to drop and i played an office perv and we we were scratching our heads we were like what this is a true story i booked the part i'm playing the office perv i was the aside from the main character i was the main character in the pilot right i was his like adversary um and andy ackerman who's who's like the scorsese of sitcom directing like seinfeld frazier like he's he's got it all under his belt um he was directing it and the network and it was on cbs and a guy named les moon moon vez who was the head of cbs yeah he was the one that gave me the part like it had to go up the ladder and when they called me and
Starting point is 00:13:52 said you got the part they said les moon vez saw your tape he fucking loves it he thinks it's hilarious you're in and i was like holy shit my life's about to change what year was this uh 2017 maybe oh okay so you were living in you were living in a delusion what do you mean 2017 i don't think a sick like a sitcom is going to take off at that time no no the money oh yeah 10 episodes yeah i was coming off of my special yeah i was like this is it this is the year my life changes i buy the house i i grew it in in L.A., the whole thing. Yeah. And so we start rehearsing for the pilot. And there's a bunch of female executives at CBS at the time. And they were so mean to me. Like, just callous.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Like, I'd see them and smile, and they would just act like I wasn't there. And usually you're a very good fucking schmoozer and networker i got a nice schmooze you're fucking good dude like sometimes i watch you talking to some of those executives and i go how is he paying attention yeah you do it i got a nice schmooze yeah you fucking you make them feel like they they they're worth something but dude they just didn't like me yeah they just didn't like me and and they would in meetings andy would acumen would talk to me after meetings and he'd be like he'd be like yeah they're uh they're complaining all through the meeting again today that your character's not likable and i said well i guess we did our fucking job then he's not supposed to be like right and we were scratching
Starting point is 00:15:23 our head everybody was like dude the character's so funny you're doing such a good job why are they being so hard on you and then we shot the pilot pilot got picked up if i'm a huge part of that pilot obviously like i get a little money i did something right you know what i mean two weeks before we start production on series they call me my friend was the showrunner He came to my house in almost tears, and he goes, I don't know how to tell you this. They're cutting your character. And they made me come over here and do it. Oof.
Starting point is 00:15:51 And it was brutal. They sent fucking, they sent Sheeran in to smoke coffee. You know what I mean? And they. A lot less historically important, but I get the. Zero important. Yeah. You went really hard on that.
Starting point is 00:16:07 I just try to say a friend. They brought what George Washington in to tell, you know, to tell. They made his friend kill him in the movies. Yeah, yeah. No one cares when you went missing. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Nobody gave a shit. But yeah, so so I was like, what the fuck? And dude, so so first call i get that night i get
Starting point is 00:16:28 the news and then that night i get a text sarah gilbert she was on it she was like joe you're gonna be okay you're great right uh jay ferguson who was the star he hits me from madman he's like bro what the you know like this is nuts this is bullshit uh uh david krumholtz from all types of shit he hits me i'm like these motherfuckers are like real actors and they're hitting me and saying this doesn't make sense what the fuck is going on and then fucking me too hit like a month later and moonves was one of the fucking poster guys that went down he apparently had a check on staff just to blow him and obviously these female in my theory was these female execs were like this character is our fucking boss that's why they didn't like me because i
Starting point is 00:17:20 was basically playing this guy they hated i think right. Right. And it's so funny, dude, when you think back and they go, Les Moonves loved your tape. You got the job. You're like, of course he did. Yeah. You know, so much, especially, it's still now. It's still about timing. But so much in show business is about timing.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Yeah. Like, I would say so much in show business Right Is about timing Yeah Like I would say So much doesn't even do it justice It's like It's the whole thing Like that sitcom is 2016 15 You get your money
Starting point is 00:17:56 You get your check Maybe it takes off It's 2012 2006 I remember I was sitting in a bar With Jay Ferguson And we were waiting to hear how many more names are you going to drop in five minutes dropped his okay i'm dropping that's a real good
Starting point is 00:18:10 driver okay you've hit your limit i think you can only do 10 per podcast i was sitting in a bar with him yeah it was two days after we shot the pilot we were waiting to hear if it got picked up yeah and we were drinking and this was like this was like his fifth rodeo yeah you know he was on he was on a he's been on a he was on a bunch of series and we were sitting in the bar and i go i just very passively go jay i live in this apartment and he goes we're gonna change that this year and i was like i was like here we go dude here we go i'm buying a house finally. I'm buying a fucking house, finally. Cut to 2022. I still don't own a fucking house.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I'm still renting an apartment. Worse than the one I was renting when I was sitting with him in the bar. Fuck. Show business, baby. This is brutal, dude. But you got, things are going good. You have a successful podcast. Yeah. Two successful podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Two successful podcasts. Two. What's the other one? We'll See You in Hell, which is movie reviews that I do with Pat Walsh. But that's Patreon only. But it's great. Oh, you've had that for a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:15 The fans are amazing. I remember that one. Yeah. It's doing very well. Yeah. I remember you tell me. You've had that for years. We I'm proud of I'm proud of both my podcasts but i'm very proud i'm especially proud
Starting point is 00:19:25 of we'll see you in health given the fact that pat and i we put that out at a time when podcasts were not making money yeah and we muscled through five years of not making a dime yeah so it really we earned what we're making you know what i mean and taste buds i'm not saying we don't work hard or anything like that but it was a little bit easier right obviously but like how did how did how are you able to do it get taste buds off the ground so much easier I mean I think cuz I'm popular enough that it just kind of took off I think that yeah I think your popularity helped a little bit. What, does Sal do something besides podcast? I think I heard.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I heard. I think I've heard he's done a few arena tours or two. That's so fucking funny. Yeah. Yeah, no, that was the... I love Sal's... Gives you a little bit of a head start. Yeah, because Sal's show was great.
Starting point is 00:20:20 It was like the Disney version of prank shows. Yeah, it was like a jackass that was like without like like like my me I watch you can watch jackass with your family but but there was it's Joker's like family-friendly jackass meaning you're not gonna see any shit right dicks or anything it was like it was like a very family-friendly prank show because prank shows on the internet are like they've gotten so popular yeah it's like I tweeted the other day it's dangerous to go outside because the chances of you running into a prank show are getting
Starting point is 00:20:51 exponentially high i mean dude and they do dangerous like they'll like walk like this is one guy who's like really popular you ever see him he just walks up to dudes in the hood and he's like what's up what's up like you want something like dudes and you know they're always like and they wait to see if they'll hit him yeah to see if they'll hit him and like yeah it's so and there's so many does he get hit um I think I think like most things on the internet including uh Jake Paul's boxing career it's a little bit set up you know it's a little like hey man I'm gonna walk up to you there's a prank show here's 100 bucks just do this that's probably what it is there's a kid i forget his name he's wildly popular on tick tock though he he he goes up to he has like a tube and he puts it in people's ear
Starting point is 00:21:33 when they're not uh yeah and he goes what's your mama poppy or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah to me i feel like early ones or you could tell are as good as the Larry David show I was about to say the same thing But you could tell the early ones are real then they start you're like that's fake. Yeah, but but that's a kid where I'm like This is Bad for society. It's fucked up what he's doing He deserves to get the shit kicked out of him and it makes me laugh harder than anything. I've ever seen Yeah, that's the problem with the problem. so funny prank shows and they're they're also popular you can go to any anyone who does a prank show if you go youtube it's popular because much like car crashes you
Starting point is 00:22:14 got a rubberneck you got to take a look you got you got it because it's like this bad thing could happen and we all tune in to be like is it gonna happen is it gonna happen is it gonna happen so they're they're basically entertainment's car crashes yeah i mean it's it i mean i blame um what was the one from before um vine i blame vine i think vine is is when the dam cracked this what was it eight seconds you had to make your point six six six and that's where everything started where people like started like doing these videos where they they would just get in your car and people would be like what the fuck are you doing man you know yeah because there's only so much you can do in six seconds to get people's attention obviously yeah and i blame vine and like that whole thing when that broke open like i was like this is not gonna go well and now tick tock is further
Starting point is 00:23:07 well amplified it yeah tick tock i further amplify it i think is a understatement they've kind of taken over the tick tock paradigm of one minute has taken over uh has conquered the internet so youtube is now doing and and prioritizing the minute reels instagram has now switched over to become like tick tock to compete because tick tock sucked us in so much right that now it's forced the other popular social media content sites to do the same thing that tick tock is doing i'm actually thinking of not i'm launching a new podcast like i said called down with jota it's a relaunch of an old podcast but it's a re a new format called down with jota rosa but and what so what is that a pun down with jota rosa or like like you're like down you're down with me like like let's let's you know
Starting point is 00:24:04 like we're gonna i'm gonna we're gonna we're going to highlight all the shit that I like. You know what I mean? Got it. Let's be friends, you know? But, and yeah, it's also a pun on like down with, you know. Yeah. But anyway. But yeah, it's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Come on down with me into the depths of depression with Joe DeRosa. But we'll also talk about Star Wars paraphernalia. But like, I'm honestly toying with not. I keep saying I'm going to launch a YouTube channel with it. I'm thinking about maybe not like thinking about maybe just do an audio and putting the video up on Patreon and not even getting into this YouTube game because this shit of them just I mean YouTube's been very good to taste buds and I and that's where it will always be I assume um you know I wouldn't betray that but I don't know man you talk to guys and they're like yeah they just won't let me monetize my videos I don't know why whatever the fuck it is.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Like, you know, people get pulled. I got two videos this week pulled off of TikTok that got banned for content. What was in the content? I have a joke about ride shares. Do you ever not give five stars? Why is there even an option? The guy could be firing the Glock. The guy could be driving against traffic on the freeway firing a Gck out the window i'm like five stars man i don't know what
Starting point is 00:25:29 kind of day he's having i don't i don't want to get anybody deported he was probably a doctor where he lived you know and then i go unless when i'm getting out of the car the guy goes give me five stars then i'm like you cocksucker You're going back to wherever the fuck you came from. Half a star. And they banned it because I said you're going back to wherever. It's so random. You clicked a lot of boxes there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:53 It's immigration. Oh, yeah, probably. Yeah. But the outrage is so selective. It's very funny. It really is hat in a strip club type of morality. Yeah. Especially coming from tick tock
Starting point is 00:26:06 yeah i know i follow three girls who do yoga yeah i know yoga they're like we're yo and then like the cameras just set up right below their they're just like stretching it's wild man it's wild but i also i had a lot of heat on me this week on tick tock I my web guy put up a clip from 2012 of me making fun of nurses and it fucking cracked open that but that bit has been posted so many times online including during the pandemic a couple people bitched most people thought it was funny whatever the fuck it was this week when that thing were last week when this thing went up it caught fire dude it was it was they I mean they were they were their review bar their review bombing joey roses my
Starting point is 00:26:50 bar they're leaving fake one-star reviews it's fucked up so now those are you sure those aren't ona fans no i'm good with the ona fans uh yeah so by the way if you feel like leaving a five-star review joey roses uh i'd appreciate it to counteract these angry fucking troll nurses. What are they saying in the anger? They're just going, fuck you. In the reviews? When they're doing the quote videos or whatever. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:18 So it started with hate comments. Then it turned into hate messaging, DMs or whatever. Then they started doing reaction videos to the fucking thing. They started doing reaction where they're watching it and giving me the fucking finger as they're watching. That starts going around TikTok. People started texting me going, dude, what the fuck is going on? Yeah. This video is getting pet.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Emily, who runs the social media stuff for We'll See You in Hell, and she's great. She texted me. She goes, dude, there's a video of you going around TikTok and not in a good way. Right. Like, you might want to look into this. In more of an Andrew Tate way. Yeah, I was like, I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:27:56 What exactly do you say in the bit? I say... This is the moment our video gets limited monetization yeah fucking nurses you bunch of whores women shouldn't be working yeah bye-bye Grubhub I go I go there I three went up one was about I go they don't I go they don't they don't care they walk it around the street with their scrubs on I go these same scrubs they're tending to you where where would they tend to you in the hospital go i go yeah like like it's a like go be a germ magnet
Starting point is 00:28:31 and then come into the fucking hospital i go if you had a i go if you had a butcher that you saw walking around the neighborhood in the bloody apron you'd be like i'm not calling to that guy that's gross so that was the first one and I got that was a lot of like fuck you asshole like we were we don't have time to change at work or we have to come in dress I forget what it was then I did one about hot nurses where I go where did the myth of hot nurses come from I've never met one in my life whatever by the way I was wrong on that there's a I've been getting a lot of messages from nurses there's a shitload of yeah um anyway so then that one got a lot of like you i'm not here to be hot how dare you sexualize
Starting point is 00:29:13 a profession or whatever but i didn't it's a part of a bit where i go it's like the hot cop fantasy it's like which also got released as a clip and got no bad feedback where i say i've seen a lot of female cops you know what they look like male cops that got nothing that got nothing well your white cops were nicer to me than the nurses yeah because the cops actually have a real job yeah so i'm just joking nurses jesus christ can anyone take a joke the joke that set everybody off though yeah the one that set everybody off i said i said nurses i said nurses don't really know that's why you die at the hospital i go do you ever wonder why so many people die at the hospital like oh it's just the nurses i'm joking right i'm joking i know and i go i go the problem is is the the specialist the doctor says come on in we need to do some stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And then you go in, and he works on you for maybe two hours, and then he leaves you with nurses the rest of the time. And I go, that's like taking your car to the shop and saying to the mechanic, hey, my car's broken. Work on it for an hour or two, and then let the receptionist fuck around with it for a week. And dude, they went sideways, dude. I'm like, guys, it's a joke man like and it was a lot
Starting point is 00:30:28 of how dare you after this pandemic what we've been to oh god and people think that you shot this yesterday they don't like there's so many like you've been there with this like yeah i got a big one my biggest one was uh was uh black twitter went me. Do you ever hear about this one? No. So I tweeted. It was during the pandemic. I said, if you call it a stimmy check, you're definitely getting sneakers with it. And fucking black Twitter went ape shit. They fuck.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah, it was like it was endless. I had to erase the tweet just because my notifications wouldn't fucking stop. And it was funny because all these sneaker sites were, it was a funny thing because all these sneaker sites had taken the tweet and were putting it up, like screenshotting it and putting it up on Instagram, like all these laughy faces and all that stuff. So it was like there was a bunch of people who loved it and got it. And there was a bunch of people who thought it was like a racist stereotype. And I was like, I subtweeted it. I was like, I call it a stimmy, and that's exactly what I'm doing with mine. But when you're on the internet, people make it whatever they want to make it about, and it's about them.
Starting point is 00:31:42 If they can make it about them, they'll make it about them because this is content for them. Yeah, they found something wrong. Yeah, they found something wrong, and then all these people made it content to promote themselves. Well, that's exactly what happens is you start to notice it's getting passed around to very specific people. It's not all nurses.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah. By the way, I can't wait until you get really sick and the nurses just let you die. Oh, they're like, Joe DeRosa? You think I didn't get that message a million times? I'm like, I'm getting death threats from nurses? Yeah. What the fuck is going on here?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Yeah, because you guys are such great people. Yeah. Right, right. That they'll review bomb a restaurant and not affect me, the owner. And let you die because of a fucking stand-up bit. And by the way, not affect me, the owner of the restaurant, potentially affect a young staff that depends on tips. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:28 That's who the ratings affect. Also a rich investor who's probably less known. Well, who? No, no, no. Who's probably going, Joey, you got to calm down a little bit, okay? I have this image here, okay? Like, I got this deal.
Starting point is 00:32:45 You're going crazy. Just calm it down a little bit. I get I have this image here, okay? Like, I got this deal. You're going crazy. Just calm it down a little bit. I get the joke. I didn't get it for a second. But I'm going to get hate mail from him. Don't do that. Don't make fun. Can anyone take a fucking joke anymore?
Starting point is 00:32:55 No, no. Have you guys done a Taste Buds Chrissy or Giannis yet? No, but they did DeRosa or DeStefano, and I lost. Q and Sal, Q guest hosted for me, and they did DeRosa or DeStefano, and I lost. Q and Sal, Q guest hosted for me, and they did DeRosa versus DeStefano, and I lost. About who's better? That's it. Pick one.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Oh, pick one. And I lost by a lot. By a lot. But anyway, but that's the thing, dude, is like you start to notice, okay, this is getting passed around. This is getting passed around. Because you can't help but look at a few of the profiles. And you go, everybody that's messaging me has a private profile.
Starting point is 00:33:33 They have the job thing in the bio. And then I'm like, oh, wait, this nursing group just, you know, found it. So, like you said, it's entertainment for them. And I don't say this, when I say them, I don't mean the nurses specifically. I have been trolled at this point in my career, heavily, viciously trolled by the alt-right, the far left, or the Hollywood left, I should say. What was that for?
Starting point is 00:34:03 The left? Yeah. When Trump won, I said something. I can't remember what the tweet was. The wall's not that bad of an idea. Sign Joe DeRosa. I said something about how I didn't vote. Oh. Because...
Starting point is 00:34:18 Oh, I remember that. And all these celebrities, who I don't need to name, came after me. Mark Ruffalo? Not Mark Ruffalo. No, thank God. Yeah. But he was probably behind the scenes pulling the strings. And I say it all the time.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Shout outs to Moshe Kasher and James Adomian. They were the two guys that stepped in and got my back in the whole thing. And that was really big of them to do. Wait, that's really. Because it wasn't easy. It's really funny that you not voting triggered that. Well, it triggers the far left. And then when I said to them, but I wouldn't have voted.
Starting point is 00:34:48 So let me get this straight. You would rather me have participated and potentially voted for the guy you hate? And then they would be like, bye, bye. And it's like, no, because you don't want participation. You want participation on the team you want. Now, I wouldn't have voted for Trump, but that's not the point. The point is you don't want participation. You want participation on the team you want. Now, I wouldn't have voted for Trump, but that's not the point.
Starting point is 00:35:09 The point is you're not saying vote. You're saying vote for my person. Furthermore, let me just add to that. Let me piggyback off that. Let me give it a little addendum if I can. You're a comedian. People should be happy that they have comedians who don't vote, who don't take sides. I get this all the time too.
Starting point is 00:35:27 People want to know whether I'm left or right because I talk so much and I make so much fun of what's going on in the news and political stuff. And they want to know. It's like, can I just be a comic? Can I make fun? That's how you know our society right now is a little infirm, is because everyone is so interested to know what your political stance is as a comedian.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Comedians are not here to have a political stance. We are here to make fun and keep everybody honest. People have lost sight of that. And Hannah Gadsby, bless her heart, she was the turning point. And I honestly, I had no issue with Hannah Gatsby as an artist until she started telling everybody what to do. That's when I started to be like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:36:15 Shut the fuck up, Hannah. All right, you did your thing. I backed you through the, I backed, not that she needs my backing, but my point is I was one of the fucking meathead guys that that actually stood up for her when other comics were trashing her and and her and her whatever and i think that means something in our industry uh because people talk and and and we talk to one another and we influence one another and whatever um but whatever it's a small small tiny thing but when she
Starting point is 00:36:45 started saying here's how you do this that was when all of a sudden it was like oh that's what comedy is supposed to be well I think she was smart because what's underneath all this is commerce right like most things American what people care about his money. So what has happened is mainstream outlets have lost eyeballs. So in order to garner some back, they made it a moral crusade. Being like, if you watch that other stuff
Starting point is 00:37:18 that's independent on your phone that everyone's watching, you are bad. If you watch this, you're morally morally good I had a bit about this that was not funny because it was just too it was told by you yeah yeah it was too textbook II or whatever but I had a bit about this that they they have economized ethics yeah your morals are commerce now. So it's sitting in the room for the job interview.
Starting point is 00:37:50 They are asking you, outside of your skill set, what your political persuasions are, what your stance on this is, what your stance on that is. So we're all basically stockbrokers trading on behalf of our own corporations now and that stock is is it's fading away finally it's finally fading away you see a lot of the god bless Netflix who by the way you know she turned around and by the way look at this poster seems hilarious I can't wait to see this brand new stand-up show called body of work
Starting point is 00:38:26 where she's dressed as a traumatized geisha girl who looks like she's been kidnapped by korean aristocracy and forced to be a geisha show girl by the way she turned around and spit right back on netflix after they made her a celebrity the same way tic notaro did louis ck okay yeah so fine but what kills me with this, you're allowed to do that, you're allowed to say, I no longer appreciate this organization I was a part of, but what kills me with every one of these fucking celebrities, mainly the comics, that go out there after years and years of something
Starting point is 00:38:59 and say, oh my God, I need to take a stand against the thing that I was a part of. One thing they don't do, they don't give that fucking blood money back, do they? No. You never see that. There was one group of people in the entire entertainment industry that I saw give the money back,
Starting point is 00:39:15 and they were the people in the Woody Allen movies. And you know why? Because that money wasn't shit. And none of them did it for the fucking money. Yeah. Every person in a Woody Allen movie gets the same fucking call you're not going to make anything but you're going to be in the fucking cool kids club and that's why you did those movies people wanted to work with woody allen those movies have a two million dollar budget you're not making dick okay so and everybody made
Starting point is 00:39:43 such a big deal look at me i'm giving my woody allen money and i'm sure some of them didn't give it back they just said they did right so we know that story from uh you know johnny depp yeah yeah so my point is is like but but but whatever i don't want to get hung up on hannah but she is certainly the the the catalyst for that that that economy of ethics thing that was happening. But you're starting to see it swing back. And I think the major swing back is... Taste buds.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Taste buds. No, it was the president of Netflix saying, I'm sorry, if you're going to be offended by things, maybe you shouldn't work here. That was a huge moment. He's Greek, by the way. You'd figure maybe he would take a peek. You know, maybe take a peek.
Starting point is 00:40:32 He's a Greek guy. Yeah yeah he did that because i saw your i saw the uh your special well i think what did it air on doordash it aired on yeah my special aired on facebook it ended on my space no it's a youtube it's. The clips I saw are great. I got to sit down and watch the whole thing, but it's very fun. By the way, I meant to compliment you back at the very beginning.
Starting point is 00:40:51 I've always very much enjoyed your comedy for the same reasons you said. Your compliment's not going to be clipped and put up, don't worry, like Louie's was, so. Yeah, yeah, all right, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:58 It doesn't matter. Yeah, I mean, that guy's saying anything. Right now, I mean, the guy will say anything. I mean, Jesus Christ. He even said he liked my comedy he's saying anything to stay in the good grace like a good guy well we know he's not
Starting point is 00:41:10 did you see that movie it's awesome i did see it i went to the premiere it was awesome i saw louis after and i was like dude i i fucking cried at the end yeah i cried at the end it hit me so hard the thing about the mom and like, yeah, I just related to it. But it's a great movie. He's a he's a he's the Louie's Louie's one of the best comedians of all time. Yeah. As far as power for power. Funny.
Starting point is 00:41:35 You can't Louie's one of the best, if not the funniest. Like just like you're going to laugh. Dude, he came out of he came out of being the most disgraced celebrity of the of the me too thing right with one of the funniest specials i've ever seen in my life won a grammy and then the fact no that was the follow-up that won the grammy and then wins the grammy on the second one that one he did where he where he just where he just put it out himself i think both he just put out himself but you know the he just put out himself. But, you know, the first one back, I think,
Starting point is 00:42:06 it wasn't Sorry, it was called, it was the one before Sorry. Was it called Sorry? In any event, yeah, I know what you're talking about. Sincerely. Yeah, sincerely. Holy shit, dude. Yeah, then Sincerely, then Sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I mean, Louie's one of the great stand-up comedians of all time. You know, that era, they'll probably be the last ones because stand-up has definitely changed as far as, like, what people think stand-up is, what people think a special is, what gets people's attention. But here's why I disagree with that and why I think it's swinging back.
Starting point is 00:42:44 It's just going to swing back in a different way. Shane Gillis. Look at Shane, dude. Shane put out a special. It's up to 6.5 million hits. He put it out himself. He is every bit of the hilarious and traditional fucking raw. He's like Louie in that same school.
Starting point is 00:43:04 He's very talented yeah very funny and that he got support he trended on twitter yesterday because snl posted who should we have host next and everybody wrote shane gillis yeah yeah yeah like it's like well shane's unique because he got popular he's very funny and his special is very funny he's he's an incredible comic um but he kind of got famous in the new way. And that's what I mean by... That's what I'm saying. It's swinging back in a different way.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Well, it's swinging back in a different way. But then also, for every Shane Gillis or us, guys who are trained stand-ups, there's a bunch of other guys throwing clips up that are getting a million views that are going to be doing shows on weekends we used to do um sharing at least time but god it's all changed yeah but here's the thing it's opened up i truly mean this with it god bless i don't say that out of any animosity i really mean that that's that's what it is as much as i could criticize Hannah Gatsby for what her stance is,
Starting point is 00:44:06 and as much as I don't agree with it, I have no ill will towards her or the fact that people want to see that now. God bless. If that's what it is, that's what it is. I say to other guys all the time, a lot of comics in New York in particular will complain about the scene at the club now. This club sucks now. That club sucks now. It's not as fun as it used to be now it's this oh my god why aren't the lineups as good and i've said every time i'm in the conversation guys it's time to move on it is their turn
Starting point is 00:44:38 that is what the scene is and sitting around and bitching about that will get you absolutely nowhere so go out and find a new avenue and being at a about that will get you absolutely nowhere so go out and find a new avenue and being at a comedy club will get you absolutely nowhere exactly so so but so find a new avenue for your art yeah like i'm taking my new i'm taking my new hour yeah well i don't want to say what i'm doing with it but i'm doing something different with it that i want to do with it do what you want to do yeah there's no common experience anymore there's a bunch of niche followings everyone has a niche following everyone is niche one scene has nothing to do with the other i felt that at jfl this year and i didn't want to have anything to do with anyone else and we don't have anything in common anymore we don't see each other as uh colleagues anymore
Starting point is 00:45:22 it's completely fractured jfl it JFL? It's fractured. It's fractured, and everyone's living under, in that organization, I feel like everyone's living under a fear of sort of being canceled. This happened to a few people in that organization,
Starting point is 00:45:36 as we know, the top and stuff like that. Yeah. And it's fractured. There's no, it's different. I'll meet a comic, and I'll be like,
Starting point is 00:45:43 oh, we're in totally different worlds and those worlds will never come back together. And the people who go to your show will like your thing and the people who go to my show will like my thing. I'll be able to go to your show and do well. You won't be able to come to mine and do well. But that's because I'm a professional, experienced comedian who's been doing it for a long time.
Starting point is 00:46:01 But there's this new thing where people just talk to the people who they have things in common with, and that makes those people happy, and that's what it is. I mean... And that just speaks to the internet. I have no interest in, you know, politicking around with...
Starting point is 00:46:18 I like young comics, and, like, I'm down, you know, like, I love trying to help them if I can in any way or having them on shows and getting to see them if i can in any way or having them on shows and and getting to see them and what like i don't mean that but i have no interest anymore in bleeding into that mixture of people like me neither yeah at a jfl type of thing i mean i would do it if they ask me again i'll do it'll go back. I haven't been there in a long time. But that concept of like the scene and the mix and all that bullshit, you know, I mean, it went nowhere good.
Starting point is 00:46:53 It made some people who were very, you know, lucky, very wealthy. And it's all bullshit. It's, you know, but this is the thing I was going to get, that I was trying to get to earlier and we got sidetracked cuz it's a great conversation but when you brought up the thing when I when I said I don't just mean the nurses I never finished the point every person there's the problem in this country and then it is this, because overseas they're doing fucking great. Everything is, you know, in a lot of places. I'm waiting.
Starting point is 00:47:30 But in this country, the problem is, is there is no shortage of groups of people to identify with. There are a lot of groups of people in this country. And the problem is, is that every one of those groups is made up primarily of of average people and the problem with that is is the average person thinks that there is no greater pain than their pain there is no greater struggle than their struggle there is no greater uh preciousness than their you know they're they are the most precious things on planet Earth. And I am talking, it doesn't matter if they're, I've been trolled by the right, the left,
Starting point is 00:48:06 bicyclists, nurses, fucking name it. They all act exactly the same. How dare you take a shot at my thing because my thing is the truth that everybody needs to understand and accept. That's how the average American thinks. So why wouldn't comedy be the same thing? It's the same thing with comedians.
Starting point is 00:48:30 It's the same thing. Once these really two very, very lovely nurses reached out to me and had a really nice conversation with me when all the bullshit was happening to say whether or not we agreed with your joke is irrelevant what's happening to you should not be happening and we had a great fucking conference off just just uh just talking and i said i'm not one of these comics that's out there going you know i
Starting point is 00:48:58 go the comments that were pissing me off the most were people saying oh because you've comedians and you all think no we don't all think i don't think that i am not for the comedy fraternity i am not for any of that bullshit are you for the sandwich owner fraternity yes that i support i thought you'd have an opinion on this i'm listening to you i'm not gonna cut you off oh oh oh okay i thought you just hang yourself i thought the joke but i'm but honestly i'm not no you're i you're i'm joking see you're taking it seriously now no no no no no i can't even be sarcastic with you no no it was funny i thought your joke was you saying this this is boring me no no no no that's the truth not a joke no that's a joke i'm not anybody's fraternity no group speaks for me and i speak
Starting point is 00:49:46 for no group i am a fucking individual who and i'm sorry to say it this way but there's no other way to say it who makes fucking art that's what i'm here to fucking do i could give a rat's fucking ass they tried to unionize comedians and comedians showed real fucking quick right how how individualistic they truly are when it comes to that so i i could give a shit i really could i don't care um so this whole thing it's just like i'm just so tired of it i'm so tired of all this groupthink bullshit with everybody well it, it's very small now. The groupthink's very small because there's all these small groups. We're talking about this right now.
Starting point is 00:50:31 People who are watching this aren't in the business, and they often hate this shit, so we'll talk about it quickly, but we're talking about this amidst the backdrop of NBC cutting back their primetime programming, which will be the first it will be seen as a moment in history where everyone else is going to follow suit because nobody's watching it anymore i mean tiktok gets more eyeballs youtube everyone knows that the streaming
Starting point is 00:50:54 services and streaming services certain things but not other things there's so much content now we live in a sea of content that the business has changed and I think that these small groups that have formed and the fracturing that has happened is more an economic reality than it is a moral one. I think the moral one is the pitch. That's the sale.
Starting point is 00:51:18 So that's why I don't take it seriously. I don't think I'm following you. What I'm following you is, Hannah Gatsby made a choice to stand out, to make money. I'm following you. What I'm following you is, Hannah Gatsby made a choice to stand out, to make money. Sure. To get, I'll do this. Sure.
Starting point is 00:51:30 This is, you know, it's the same reason why Pepsi would make a commercial with the Kardashian handing a Pepsi to a cop and then they all dance. Right. It's morality as fashion. Right right that's what the kids are into now yeah yeah and so it's it's it's always a it's always a monetary choice right and i think that the industry made that choice in order to uh strong arm you however you want to put it i
Starting point is 00:52:00 troll you mark it to you hey still we're here if you want to be a good person you do it here you don't do it on the net where the place is swarming with alt-right supremacists and right evil trumpets and all this stuff so they go we do the good stuff here we do the nice stuff here so if i'm hannah gatsby i'm going like i'm already a lesbian you know i bet you if i saw i and i don't know this for a fact but i'll just throw it out there and if anyone knows anything from australia who's watching i bet you you go back to hannah gatsby like 10 years ago right i bet you it was totally different i bet you it was a totally different type of i don't think it goes it barely goes back 10 years she was only an eight-year comic when she broke oh well i have to go back four years i might be wrong i might be wrong i
Starting point is 00:52:43 bet you but i can tell you this. I can tell you this. I bet you there's some Hannah Gadsby stuff that she would cancel herself for now. Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure. But I'll tell you this. I was at the Melbourne Comedy Festival three years before that Netflix thing popped.
Starting point is 00:52:56 And it was interesting. A lot of Australian comics had a lot to say because who was winning all the awards? Hannah Gadsby at the festival. and a lot of comics were like mate she cries on stage every night they're gonna give her the awards man you know like they were like and i was like oh i wonder who this lady is like crying every night saying that say she's gonna quit comedy every day i was like and even then i was like well isn't that weird that she says every night that she's gonna quit comedy every day i was like and even then i was like well isn't that weird that she says every night that she's gonna quit that she keeps doing the show the next night they're like yeah it's fucking weird you know like and then like who knew i thought i thought
Starting point is 00:53:33 that was it at the fest that was it then it went like global and then three years later this there would have two years later whatever it was pops up on netflix i'm like holy shit man like that was that was well done yeah but um and wait a second are you telling me she hasn't quit yet are you telling me that kid who got his special on Ellen who said he was dying isn't dead I I watched her second I watched her second special where she has to say at the beginning why she's doing another special I've decided not to quit because still there's still opposition out there she there's still opposition out there my work's not done she fluffs it off buddy she doesn't even hit it that hard she's just kind of like who knew that tragedy would be so popular so
Starting point is 00:54:17 here I am like she kind of blown away like wait a minute no wait a minute i thought we all cried with you yeah uh but like but but dude you know um you're right it is it's it's it's it's it's morality is fashion that's a great way of putting it um and and let it be that but i also think that there's a there's there's a the thing that lit that fuse the internet amplified it and the internet conditioned it, the internet amplified it. And the internet conditioned it, and the internet allowed us to take advantage of ourselves, take advantage of one another, and act in the worst way possible. Which any new technology, that's what we do with it.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Nuclear fusion is a nuclear bomb. Guns become a thing to mass shootings. People drive cars into crowds of people. I mean, that's what people do. People are fucking sick. Just with the gun example, I mean, you can't really bake a cake with a gun, so of course i mean that's what people do people are fucking sick just with the gun example i mean you can't really bake a cake with a gun so of course you're going to shoot people with it well you're like it's supposed to be for self-defense well but you shoot you're shooting people right but my point is is shooting bad guys it's misused yeah
Starting point is 00:55:17 uh obviously so so my so i think so the internet is just the latest and greatest version of that right And here's the thing to me there's a there's a there's there's something at the foundation a lot of having children a few years back Having children became part of Your to-do list as a suburban person in America your neighbor gets that truck you get that truck your neighbor gets this house you get that house it all it's this cookie cutter suburbia thing keeping up with the Joneses yeah exactly which was a street in Savannah yeah
Starting point is 00:55:59 there you go and children is a street became part of that parents were not ready to be parents they didn't know how to handle their kids this thing that every person now that has a baby has a au pair and a like that's just part of it now that's not when we were growing up it was like you have a nanny good for you you can afford that that's just built into the cost now dude yeah so you don't have parents. I'm not saying if you have a nanny, you're not a parent. I'm just saying there's a lot of people that are using the nanny to not be parents. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:56:32 So there's a lot of people out there. They have these kids. They don't parent them. They're not ready to parent them. They're, oh, shit, what did I do? They pawn the fucking responsibility off on everybody. And what that eventually leads to is you being at the mercy of your child if you do not have a bond with your child if you are not parenting your child
Starting point is 00:56:51 truly you have no control over your child your child will rule your household and when kids became old enough to become obsessed with the internet and the things that we've seen in the last 10 years come to fruition with social media, their parents all followed suit. Why? Because their children ruled the fucking roost, and the parents wanted to be as cool and to be liked by the kids. So now we've got this epidemic on our hands where, and I say this in my new hour,
Starting point is 00:57:16 it's not just the kids. That was what we used to say. The kids these days, it's not the kids these days, it's everybody. I've been trolled enough now to know it is not 18 year old nurses trolling me it is 53 year old women trolling me it is 62 year old gun nuts guys on the alt-right trolling me it's 37 year old hollywood actors it's not the fucking kids it's people It's people that wanted the kids to like them and now they have roped themselves
Starting point is 00:57:47 into this fucking thing. It is crazy. It is crazy. That sounds like everybody is trolling you. What's that? Maybe it's you. Oh, probably. It might be me. Maybe if you're just like, it's 25 to 23. It's 40 to 45. It's 50 to 55.
Starting point is 00:58:04 It's 60 to 65. It's every profession from A to Z. I'm like, maybe it's 40 to 45 it's 50 to 55 it's 60 65 it's every profession from a to z i'm going like maybe it's you probably probably just kidding but no no i know you're kidding but but let me ask you this is there a world is there a fucking world where if you were not a comedian with a podcast that you'd be on fucking tiktok. As a guy in his 40s? No. Ain't no fucking way I'd be on there. I wouldn't even be on Instagram, dog. The only reason I'm on both is to promote my dumb fucking comedy
Starting point is 00:58:33 because I have to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a good point. Yeah. I don't want to discourage anyone from getting off those platforms because those are the people who watch our stuff. Yeah. And I promise you right now I will never say anything bad about nurses.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I think you guys are heroes, and you guys saved us from COVID, and you're the front lines. You're Marines. They are heroes. I don't salute the troops anymore. I salute the nurses. No, listen.
Starting point is 00:58:55 They're heroes. Trust me. They've told me. No, they do do a very difficult job. Of course they do. They're fucking great. They're amazing. It was job. Of course they do. They're fucking great. They're amazing. It was a joke.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Yes, of course it was a joke. We make fun of things. I had a joke where I made fun of police brutality that I'm actually working back into my act now because of this, because it's just funny, where I was like, I was like, the cops are the only public servants that can't have a bad day at work
Starting point is 00:59:23 because somebody dies. You know what I mean? They're not allowed to be like, Jesus Christ, man. I go, you fucking snap after a while. You know what I mean? And I always equate it to like a heckler. I'm like, by the fifth time you say something, I want to beat your brains in with a stick. And then the manager comes in and goes, what happened?
Starting point is 00:59:41 And I go, I thought he had a gun. I'm having a bad day yeah yeah but it's like it's like wild man you know but but anyway sorry how's the sandwich shop doing joey roses i really want to thank thank thank the people who have supported us from day one and continue to and and the new supporters. The comedy community, it started there with comedians and fans of comedy, and it's continued to grow from there. And there's all kinds of people coming through now that may know it from comedy or may not.
Starting point is 01:00:18 But it's going awesome. Each month is better than the last. We'll come up on a full year in December, and I can't believe it's working as well as we hoped it would. JoeyRosesNYC.com. Eight sandwiches for eight bucks. We've got other sandwiches, too. We always feature special sandwiches.
Starting point is 01:00:39 They're a little more expensive. But the core menu, eight sandwiches for eight bucks a piece. For the people who may get, yeah, it's eight a piece Not eight for eight It's a lot of fat people out there just licked their lips Yeah, yeah, yeah Fat poor people just got excited Gonna have a lot of motorized scooters coming to your sandwich shop soon
Starting point is 01:00:51 Say again? Gonna have a lot of motorized scooters coming to your sandwich shop Yeah, you don't want that And then full, and it's a full bar The sign says Joey Rose's Sandwiches and Social Club We just got written up in Eater, which was nuts I'm gonna go Yeah, you should come through
Starting point is 01:01:04 Yeah, we're going to go. Look, if you're taking a trip to New York, you got to stop by Joey Rose's, get yourself a sandwich. You got to check out Joey Rose's on all social media. Listen to his podcast, Taste Buds with Sal Vulcano. His new podcast called? Down with Joe DeRosa will be coming soon, and then we'll see you in hell with me and patty walsh
Starting point is 01:01:25 and uh and when does this air uh this will air two or three weeks or something like that i okay so then at that point i'll be i think the next date i'm on is is is north carolina at the dead crow greg i love that club yeah it's great it's a great intimate room it's going to be a lot of fun joe sorry yeah jodorowsainfo.com for tickets and all that stuff. I got a bunch of other dates through the fall. Go see Joey on the road. He's a really funny fucking comic. One of my faves.
Starting point is 01:01:54 The jokes are always so good. Thanks, buddy. So good. Where can they find your music? Are you still doing that? Yeah, we're about to put a record out. My band Salsa Windfall is going to put a record out that my band salsa windfall is gonna put a record out that's been on the shelf for a few years but joey can sing you don't want to take us out with a song no but that'll be that that's not me though that music album the voice i can't ignore
Starting point is 01:02:15 that's another guy named joe de rosa and it's his music record but it's not me but that is you let me down that's my yeah the rest of the albums there are all my comedy where is your where's your music there's there's not much online at the moment we're there's one record by salsa windfall out there and but we're putting a much better record we can only get an online wire yeah go joe de rosa song no you can just... These are yours? No, these are my comedy tracks. It's coming. Music's coming. Well, there's got to be something online of you singing a rock song.
Starting point is 01:02:51 There is. What is it called? Well, my Salsa Windfall has a record on Apple Music. Yeah, Salsa Windfall. But it's not rock. It's not even spelled salsa, but it suggests these ways. Slosa. Close enough.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Yeah. Slosa Windfall. Yeah, but I don't really like this record salsa, but it's a Jesse's way. Slosa. Close enough. Yeah. Slosa Winsol. Yeah, but I don't really like this record. I like the one we have. Well, I'll be the judge of that. Throw it up if it's taking us out. This is your moment of zen. My fair devil loves a miss.
Starting point is 01:03:15 That's funny. Yeah. Oops, sorry. I'm sweating my nuts off, dude. I got to go. Is it over? It's over. It's over, yeah
Starting point is 01:03:25 But we just get This is the last second I know you don't want to stick around for this I don't really That's why I wanted to do it This is an old four track recording I don't even know how this made it online Yeah, we did a lot of stuff with Casios.
Starting point is 01:03:48 It's kind of like Ween. Like old Ween. If you ever listen to Ween. You know what that is? Ween? Ween? Yeah. All right, I can't sit there.
Starting point is 01:03:56 That's why I did it. But you're going to get mad at me for putting it on. It's on the internet. Yeah. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. I just found it. You're going to get mad at me for putting it on. It's on the internet. Yeah. It's Joe DeRosa, everybody.
Starting point is 01:04:17 We'll see you next time. Remember, nurses are heroes. Good night. Guys, I want to give a small business shout out to freaking cold spring water that is freaking cold spring water.com go there right now buy yourself a whole case for your house your office whatever no plastic stays freaking cold and it's recyclable it is the water company when it comes to premium water also want to give a shout out to our friends over at BrooklynCannery.com. A little shout out to Jared right there drinking the Key Lime.
Starting point is 01:04:53 It's so good. BrooklynCannery.com. My cousin just ordered these. She ordered the whole case. Replace your soda cravings With something a lot healthier All natural Low calorie No added sugar
Starting point is 01:05:08 And sweetened with monk fruit And stevia And all types of natural sweeteners So go to brooklyncannery.com Promo code Janus Pappas For 15% off your next order That's a good little discount Janus Pappas for 15% off
Starting point is 01:05:23 You can make your Take the ginger beer Make your Moscow mules You're having a party Guess what? Order a case of these. Have these in the fridge. I have my full basement fridge. It's full of Brooklyn Cannery. Brooklyncannery.com. Nicola Ragusa, O-C-N-Y-I.com, or call 646-543-9474 to get LASIK. If you live in the New York area or you can drive there in Astoria, Queens, give him a call, mention my name, and get 10% off your LASIK. Eventually, I'm going to do it. I'll just go to him because when my eyes go, when I need reading glasses, I'm just going to get LASIK. Longshore Coffee, I had a cup this morning. Delicious
Starting point is 01:06:06 premium coffee located in Providence, Rhode Island. They ship anywhere in the country or anywhere. Longshorecoffee.com. Use the promo code FUMES to get 15% off your order. Pick the coffee you like. You like it strong. You like whatever it is. They got all types of different blends. Go right now. And we are also brought to you by Nate Linder, natelinder.com, your social media managing guru, helping home service companies, e-commerce companies, B2B companies drive more sales at the lowest possible price. It's time to start making money online. natelinder.com. Chris Minetti. 215-750-3730 to cash your check in South Jersey or Philly. Okay?
Starting point is 01:06:51 The IRS cannot track it unless they do. Aaron Lee for the free.art, a brilliant, brilliant site for music in Hawaii. Go check out the bands. Go check out the local artists. Go check out the shows.
Starting point is 01:07:10 It's a fun website to peruse, ForTheFree.art. And then, of course, we've got 305 PLP Media Services. They do videography, post-production, creative services. They won't do weddings. Okay? I'll just go with what they want. No weddings. Okay. I'll just go with what they want. No weddings. Info at 305plp.com or you can text or call 786-548-2274. Check them out on vimeo.com slash 305plp. Check
Starting point is 01:07:37 them out. If you want to shoot a video, you want anybody doing your videos, your content, and you're in the South Florida area, 305plPLP and exclusiveautoshipping.com. You're moving your car anywhere in the world. Get a free quote from our boy Jared at exclusiveautoshipping.com.

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