Yannis Pappas Hour - Dysregulated Nervous System

Episode Date: July 16, 2023

Yanni returns with a solo tour de force on the trouble it brings you trying to lasso wild puss puss and all the things that disregulate your nervous system. See Yanni do stand up, live  Dates & C...ities below  All tickets: https://www.yannispappascomedy.com Poughkeepsie, July 21-22 Long Island Aug 17 Salt Lake City aug 4-5 Dallas Aug 24-26 Springfield l, MO sept 7-9 Calgary Sept 22–23 FORTË Wayne, Indiana Sept 29-30 Red Bank, NJ Oct 14 San Fran Oct 27-28 New York Nov 4 Providence Nov 10-11 Phoenix Nov 16-18 Spokane Dec 1-2 Tulsa Dec 8-9 Louisville Dec 15-16 Toronto March 23 Watch Yanni’s stand up special: https://youtu.be/ArlCFemEDvQ Join our highlights page for highlight clips from the episodes: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykw New episodes every Sunday and new bonus episodes every Wednesday at https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys, what's up? Before we get into this epic episode, one of my favorites, I think I had the most fun on that episode I've ever had. Here's my live dates where you can come see me live. Coming up, Poughkeepsie, New York, July 21st to 22nd. Get those tickets. Then Jordan Landing, Utah, August 4th and 5th. The Paramount Theater in Long Island. Most of the tickets are gone. Get the rest. Huntington, Long Island, August 17th. Dallas, Texas, August 24th through the 26th. Springfield, Missouri, September 7th and 9th. Calgary, Alberta, September 22nd and 23rd. Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 29th and 30th. Red Bank, New Jersey at the Vogel Theater, October 14th.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Cobbs in San Francisco. That's a big room, so I need you guys to tell all your friends, get tickets. October 27th, 28th, I'm in San Francisco at Cobb's. New York, Sony Hall, New York City, my hometown. Get those tickets November 4th. Providence, November 10th and 11th. Phoenix, November 16th and 17th. Spokane, Washington, December 1st and 2nd.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And Tulsa Comedy Club, December 8th and 9th. Louisville, December 15th and 16th. And the Royal Theater in Toronto, March 23rd. Now enjoy this fabulous, fabulous episode about trying to lasso the poos poos in a dysregulated nervous system and how it happens. Down is Bobbitts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:19 When you all talked up and the day been long And the news online going on and on What's right and wrong and there's something up Now here comes a brand new, all new Giannis Papasour. You know what it is, every episode's the first episode till the numbers get bigger So if you tune in, we'll just keep doing episode one So if any new people keep tuning in, they'll just go Oh, this podcast just started, it's doing great for just starting I don't know why the numbers are going down
Starting point is 00:01:59 Obviously, I just got off a red eye from LA So I slept, but I got the Delta One, so I got to bed, and it was nice. I slept through the whole thing. But I missed dinner, so I was trying to stay awake to get the meatballs that I ordered. So I was torn because the flight was 12, and I was like, I want to stay up and at least eat the meatballs and go to sleep. But they were taking too goddamn long. They were dragging ass.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Airline meatballs? Yeah. Dude. No, it's not like it used to be. Really? The meals are good. And so I just went to bed and I slept. But we will keep making this episode one
Starting point is 00:02:34 because YouTube is just dinging us. The Joe DeRosa episode got dinged maybe because we talked about an adult topic. That makes sense. I understand. I think maybe we mentioned either Kurt Cobain or something. Yeah, beep it.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Unaliving, they call it now. And they say that that word helps kids. Oh, that helps kids? Yeah. So I don't know if we should be talking about this in the beginning, but yeah, that's the new word. That's the politically correct word to describe it.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I don't know. How about you just go after these social media companies who are making these kids feel bad of yourselves? We got to shut down the internet. That's it. I want this. I want the gatekeepers back. I want to be kicked out of the business.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I want to save all the kids. I understand that I have a career because of the internet, but I want to close it. I want to close this shop like Nordstrom's. It's got to be done. Have a going-out-of-business sale, all podcasts half-off, and let's get out of here. Well, the podcasts aren't the one that are dysregulating,
Starting point is 00:03:34 which is funny because we get dinged for saying certain words, but we're not out there Photoshopping our jokes. Nobody's Photoshopping their joke and putting filters over their jokes and making kids feel bad. But you know who are? Influencers who have learned how to airbrush their bodies and make girls feel bad.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And guys have to watch TikTokers without their shirts off dancing, making them feel bad. Because most kids just have an American diet of Cheetos, 7-Eleven, and garbage, and fucking In-N-Out burgers. Their fries are horrible, by the way. In-N-Out burgers are gross. They taste like cardboard. There's no salt on them.
Starting point is 00:04:16 They're not even cooked all the way. They're raw potato skins, thins. In-N-Out burger fries suck. But yeah, kids are fucking It dysregulates your nervous system You sign on to social media You start scrolling around And I think that's what me and Joey talked about
Starting point is 00:04:33 Me and Joe DeRosa Me and Joey D Who I said does a little with a lot No, he does a lot with a little Is what I said So that episode You have to sign in to watch it. You have to, YouTube wants to know that you're an adult.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So, and here's the thing, I kind of understand. Is there just a place where we could do 18 and over comedy and just say stuff? Elon Musk, you're going to have to pivot, dog. You're going to have to pivot because let's just say, Zuckerberg's a little younger. he's a little more jacked he's training with actual champions and he trolled your heart he trolled your heart you know he created threads and he stole he stole all the libs who you pissed off. We live in a comic book where these billionaire playboys, these billionaire, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:32 guys are now going to MMA fight each other. It's getting cartoonish a little bit. I need glasses. Hold on. Pause it. Dude, he looks jacked. Yeah, I mean, Mark Zuckerberg looks jacked. He's younger than Elon Musk.
Starting point is 00:05:49 And right before the fight, he just stole a lot of people from Twitter. People who felt like they had no choice. They felt like they had no choice. And Joe DeRosa made excellent points about that. It's like going from the, he said, his line is, it's like going from the beach in Jaws 1 to go to the beach in Jaws 2. I mean, yeah, Mark Zuckerberg, he was controversial before, right? Wasn't he letting all types of disinformation fly before the election
Starting point is 00:06:16 as long as you paid? Yeah. And he's like, I guess we didn't know what was going on. I mean, we were collecting the money. We just didn't, we weren't looking into it. going on. I mean, we were collecting the money. We just didn't, we didn't really, we weren't looking into it. You know, we weren't looking into troll farms in Brazil and, and, uh, Romania. We just didn't know. We just didn't know that the black lives matter fan page was, uh, a Russian troll. We had no clue. Most people still don't know that. Most people still don't know that alarming fact that the biggest black lives matter page was
Starting point is 00:06:48 not black lives matter which is real funny which is really really funny that that's a buried story but these two guys doing an mma fight is what the headline is because there's just no more adults left on the planet and why would there be we're coddled like kids. Why would you grow up? It's like when I look at my daughter and I see why she doesn't want to potty train, it's like, why would she want to stop being treated like Mariah Carey, where she can just spread her arms and then she's attended to, she pees herself, the freedom to pee yourself, and then have adults just tend to you.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Why would she grow up? Why would anyone, why would any of us do it? Why would we inconvenience ourselves by having kids, becoming adults, dealing with the world when you don't have to anymore? Yes. So this is on CNN. So you know, it's the truth. The biggest Black Lives Matter page on Facebook is fake. This is from 2000. This wasn't that long ago. This was 2018. For at least a year, the biggest page on Facebook. Okay, the biggest page on Facebook, meaning the Black Lives Matter page.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Which camera, there? Yeah. The Black Lives Matter page was a scam. This is their words. With ties to a middle-aged white man in Australia, a review of the page and associated accounts of websites conducted by CNN shows. The page, titled simply Black Lives Matter,
Starting point is 00:08:13 had 700,000 followers on Facebook, more than twice as many as the official Black Lives Matter page. Okay, because I guess there was one. It was tied to online fundraisers that brought in around $100,000 that supposedly went to Black Lives Matter causes in the U.S. At least some of the money, however, was transferred to Australian bank accounts.
Starting point is 00:08:33 So maybe this was a guy, maybe this was a front for some intelligence agency wanting to cause dysregulation. Who knows? They were out there. I mean, I the the edited video of the the uh the guy screaming in the um the kid the the the old man old indian screaming at that oh yeah with the hat that was uh some that was out of south america some content creator south america i mean you know russia was definitely looking to dysregulate our nervous system i think
Starting point is 00:09:04 that's still i think that's why a lot of people have dysregulated nervous systems right now Is because that's what they're trying to do They're trying to dysregulate the population's nervous system Get people all frantic and worked up And going, what's going on? How do I get famous? What's going on? What's going on? Oh my God, my attention span's eight seconds Everyone's just dysregulated
Starting point is 00:09:23 You know, nobody's just, like, at peace, you know? You got to, like, in order to cure yourself of American chaos, you have to go to rehab in a Catholic monastery. You really do, to regulate your nervous system. Yeah, become a monk. I mean, dude, you know what kids are doing? Kids are just scrolling, dude. They're scrolling.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And all they're looking at is stuff that makes them feel bad. Nothing makes them feel good. You know? They're looking at stuff that puts pressure on them to learn how to become an influencer and make money now while you're hot and young. When you get older, what are older people doing in this country? When has there been a story? Where are older people visible?
Starting point is 00:10:05 Nobody's watching. Where are they? It's reality TV. It's TikTok. It's Instagram. Where do 40-year-old people chill at? Where can you see images of 40- and 50-year-old people telling kids stuff? It's like kids telling kids shit.
Starting point is 00:10:22 It's kids raising kids. It's nuts. There's no more teenage mom, but they're like, everyone's like fucking these wandering, atheistic, consuming, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:35 uh, adolescents living in extended youth, kind of like coaching each other at Coachella. What to wear, how much water to bring, how much fucking Mollylly to take. How to recover. How to filter.
Starting point is 00:10:51 What kind of content people are into. You follow me? I follow you. It's a circle jerk the same way Miami's a circle jerk. In that everyone's a party promoter. It's like everyone's got like a fucking vegan nutritionistist page or let me curry let me show you my travel blog travel blog everyone is you know everyone's just creating
Starting point is 00:11:16 content and becoming uh excellent marketers the new thing though though, is that Hollywood has been brought to its knees by these tech companies, which is wild. Because, look, it's not just like, it's not like this, like, oh, it's just, you know, the unintentional consequences of a free market. It's like intentional manipulation by tech companies to addict you. They have a product that like you know addicts you like cigarettes it chemically gets you locked in and so hollywood patients let's not only has hollywood been dysregulated this is this nervous system of everything institutions have been
Starting point is 00:12:02 dysregulated right not only has hollywood as an institution been dysregulated, right? Not only has Hollywood as an institution been dysregulated and they're in this strike and the studios are going like, we can't pay you because we won't make any fucking money because everyone's watching fucking you know, Matt Rife, take his shirt off! Which is fine, which is great, but
Starting point is 00:12:22 I mean, let's just say what it is. They're not making any money, right? I don't even think these blockbusters are going to be making as much money as they did. I don't even think the kids can pay attention long enough to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dune. They're like, is there a fucking abridged version of this that I can get in a minute clip? What they've dysregulated is patience. That's what they've dysregulated. Nobody has any patience.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Nobody's waiting around for the payoff. You know, it's like it's up front. It's front of the house entertainment, you know, with no payoff. It's like you got to get the conclusion has to be the premise. There's no premise, build, reveal, conclusion. Live is fine. That's where everyone heals.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I know this as a comedian because live has never been better, and I think that's why comedians are selling so many tickets. This is the biggest boom in live comedy that has ever existed in the humanity, in the history of humanity. And that is not an overstatement. That is not hyperbole, which Sebastian Maniscalco made fun of me for saying innocuous. I'm like, look, you got a billion dollars, guy. Maybe it's time to pick up a thesaurus because you're going to be around.
Starting point is 00:13:49 You're not going to be around your old pals in chicago anymore you're gonna be meeting people with last names like wasserman and you know zyzenzang and these guys went to harvard and yale and cambridge and maybe you want to know what the word innocuous means because you're not a kid from fucking chicago anymore he was like these guys just use a big word greatest guy in the world i want to become friends with him he drinks wife like you know they're older they got kids yeah they don't do drugs you know that's me drinking wine hanging out making jokes yeah yeah you know talking about the wife and kids and shit he had you over for dinner no i did his pod which and by the way pete Correale is the greatest guy. They're both just great.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I had a great time. Two gindaloons. Shut the fuck up, you dumb bitch. I know you listen to everything. Fuck you, Zuckerberg. Fuck you, Bezos. Fuck you, Apple. Fuck you, Tim Cook.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Fuck you, Elon Mucks. Yeah, I did their pod. Pete Correale cordiali also great guy they got a podcast you know pete and sebastian show and um so i went over there it was great and um but yeah i got i got on a sidetrack from that what was i talking about before yeah they've dysregulated everything so everyone's dysregulated you know know? So yeah, the entertainment, I was saying, yeah, because I think there's like, the conclusion is the premise. You know? Pretty soon, people, it's basically just like, you're going to have to,
Starting point is 00:15:13 there's going to have to be a bleeding, a bleeding model. There's going to be a fashion show with bleeding models. They're going to go out and they're just going to stab them like that as they go out. So they can go out bleeding. So you can just, they'll be, because they'll be research they'll do market research that knows that appeals to your lower amygdala or whatever because that's how creepy this shit is getting because they use all this like modern research of brain scans and stuff to know what hooks people, you know? And it's like, like a rock.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Like, what's going on? Why am I feeling maudlin? It's just a Ford commercial. But they've gone even farther now. Like, they just, everything is data-sized. I don't know if that's a word, but like, they know exactly to the point where like the lowest common denominator of attention trails off.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And so they go, let's make content that can fill. And it just gets less and less and less and less and less time. And essentially, it was really the TikTok, a TikTokization that changed it. That just took over the Internet. Suggested reels. You're no longer getting the things you want to see. You're getting suggestions, right? So that, you go, oh, well that opens up
Starting point is 00:16:29 That opens up for anyone to blow up, right? As opposed to the way it was before It was like, somebody saw it Got excited about how good it was And so the people were actually curating There was a period on the internet Where the people were actually curating By word of mouth The way like, My Big Frat Greek Wedding got big.
Starting point is 00:16:48 You're talking about going viral. Going viral used to be share it. You'd share it on another platform. People would keep sharing it, and then the algorithm would see the movement. Now the algorithm goes by how long someone watched it, and then they'll suggest it to people who didn't ask for it. So they're essentially now providing entertainment the same way television used to provide entertainment, in that they're putting it in front of you without you asking. I don't know how many accounts come in front of me that I did not ask for.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Twitter has a For You feed. None of those people I follow. You watch one Street Fight video on that feed, then your whole thing is just violence and of course you get locked in because it's that car crash phenomena and sometimes you go on twitter and it just automatically puts you in the for you feed and you don't want to be there and you start scrolling and you're in the for you and you watch one fucking fight video and your nervous system is dysregulated see but it's giving you
Starting point is 00:17:41 what you like see that's the problem it's given but but it's giving you what you like. See, that's the problem. It's giving, but sometimes it's not because it doesn't understand context, you know? Sometimes I want to watch a video because I hate someone, and you're checking in. You're checking in on a hate. I don't want to watch it again. Sometimes you just want to see something once. There was a golden era of the internet when it was pure.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Like all things, humans ruin it. We are here to ruin it. we are here to ruin it we're here to ruin we don't think about it we and it's part of our nature i'm not even criticizing it you know you look at animals and stuff like that they're not smart enough to evolve past what they are so they by no virtue, there's no virtue in them living in symbiotic harmony with the environment. You know, homeostasis or whatever it's called. I'm sorry, Sebastian. See, Sebastian, I'm stupid too. Homeostasis, right?
Starting point is 00:18:39 You know, this constant, you know, balance, right? There's no virtue when people go, the humans are bad. It's like, we're not bad. We're serving our nature. We survive by using our fucking brain. You want us to turn that off once we got to a certain level? Once we invented the wheel or hopped on a horse, you want us to go stop?
Starting point is 00:18:58 It doesn't stop there. You know, chimpanzees and all these other lower life forms, they can't keep going. So, of course, they're good for the environment because they can't figure out air conditioning. They didn't know how to fucking manipulate oil. They couldn't figure it out because their brains are small. Like women!
Starting point is 00:19:18 So, our problem is we know better. That's the problem. No, but here's the thing. We know better. But once you've achieved consciousness now you know you know what's right from wrong yeah but you still need to fucking cool the air you still know that you need to cool the air that's because your balls are sweating that's yeah it's comfort but what are you gonna you're gonna stop are you gonna not do it when you figure
Starting point is 00:19:39 it out then you gotta keep figuring out ways to deal with the consequences. And it's never ending until the planet explodes. I know the point you're making and I'm enlightening you to my point. No, we're here to destroy it. There's no like fucking balance. There's no like, oh, I went and lived in a monastery and I'm fine. There's no like, oh, I'm happy with what I have and I don't want to. That's called depression. You're in a state of depression. There's no like, oh, I'm happy with what I have and I don't want to. That's called depression. You're in a state of depression. There's no way to escape the misery and suffering of being a human. And there's no way to escape the up and down, the thrills.
Starting point is 00:20:17 You know, there's no way to escape the need to achieve competition, jealousy. The need to achieve competition, jealousy. I mean, who wants, without these things, with a big brain, you're living in a state of absolute mundane repetition and boredom. You're living in boredom. You're living like an animal. What's the fucking point? What's the point then?
Starting point is 00:20:45 What's the point to have a big brain and just live like a fucking chimp and be like, I'm cool with anything as long as I can eat, as long as I can drink, as long as things are here. So then what's the fucking point? Well, we traded barbarism for boredom. See, without that, you have barbarism. But then when the boredom hit,
Starting point is 00:20:57 we said, now it's time to tattoo our face. And I agree. It's time to tattoo your face and cut yourself and stab the models on the way out to the fashion show Stab them Like that Who's not tuning into that fashion show
Starting point is 00:21:09 Just like I mean look If I put a fashion show where the models get stabbed They all live but they do bleed And we have a doctor on call to stitch them up As soon as they get back Stab them with forks No not a fork a nice butter knife Yeah I want to see consistent blood flow because that's part of the fashion.
Starting point is 00:21:26 You go out and the white dress gets, it's live blood. So that's part of the fashion. You're in a dark place. No, it's part of the fashion, it's blood. We're trying to get people's attention here. And that goes up against the pay-per-view of two fucking egghead nerd
Starting point is 00:21:41 billionaires doing MMA fighting. I don't care how many moves they learn. I will headbutt either one of them in their dicks and win. Dude, Zuckerberg looks, I don't know. He looks pretty good, yeah, and he's learning some moves. But he's an egghead nerd, and nobody wants to see this stupid fight. And if I put my bleeding fashion show up against it, I guarantee you people will watch.
Starting point is 00:22:04 My point is that's what we're going to have to do to compete with the eyeballs of two fucking billionaires fighting an MMA cage match. I mean, does anyone have any decorum? What happened to the decorum? What happened to someone going, that's beneath me? You know, Elon Musk was on Twitter going, Zuck is a cock.
Starting point is 00:22:22 You're going, that's a conversation for you and Rogan over wine. That's not a public statement for the world's richest man who's got companies and shareholders and customers who have different beliefs. Like, leave that to me, dog. What has happened in the world? Everyone wants a piece of the fucking attention. But without the charisma.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Everyone wants a piece of the fucking attention. But without the charisma. Without the charisma, it's just, you're just causing dysregulation of nervous systems. You know, because you own a Tesla and then you open up your Twitter and you just see Zuck is a cuck. And you're going, guy. And you see the blue check mark and you're going,
Starting point is 00:23:01 that's the official Twitter of Elon Musk. So what do we have here? Twitter revenue. He's hiding what's going on because he's losing money. I mean, he's bleeding. He's paying people now. He's paying what? Yeah, but everyone's leaving it.
Starting point is 00:23:21 So what's he doing? He's giving people for their content? Yeah. How's he going to do that? I don't know, but people are getting paid. Look at this dude. He got $24,000. For what, a tweet?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Okay, so tweet anti-Trump commentator Ed Cranston. Now this just incentivizes these guys to make content. There's no winning here, man. There's no winning. This guy's an anti-Trump. So when Trump goes away, he's going to keep doing anti-Trump stuff because it's his bread and butter.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And that's what dysregulates all of our nervous systems. Ed Krasenstein, who followed up with a screenshot of 24,877 that he said had been deposited into his account. He has a twin brother, whatever his name is, who cares? Who's also a political commentator.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Oh, Jesus Christ. They're like the Cavender twins. These college basketball twins who are hot, except they just like fucking their twins who do political commentary. I would love to see a date between those two set of twins, the Cavender twins and the Krasenstein twins. And they're like, Cavender twins and the krasenstein twins and they're like
Starting point is 00:24:25 cavender twins are like in their dresses and the the the krasenstein twins are like just saying anti-trump things in unison finishing each other's sentences trump is a nice i bet we finish each other's sentences. So they receive money. He promised he would start ad revenue, blah, blah, blah. I don't know. So here's how it works. Twitter shares an undisclosed percentage of the ad revenue it gets from replies to people's tweets directly to the user. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:24:59 So the more people reply to a user's tweets and ads and those replies get viewed. Oh, so because then they'll put the ad in the replies. Yeah, it's profit sharing. The more money you'll get from now, the only users getting paid are ones who meet specific criteria. It must be a verified user. They pay for a blue checkmark.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Or if they've been gifted one, like LeBron James was, they have five million impressions or views on posts in each of the last three months and have a Stripe account linked to their Twitter account. All right, I'm going to look into that. But listen, I get revenue sharing on all this shit. The only money that really comes in is patreon.com slash Janice Papasour. Join for the weekly bonus episodes.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Don't just support the show like a freeloading fucking teenager living in his mom's house. Pay rent here support it you if you're enjoying this content pay for it because that's what makes it thrive and it also gets me new snickers you know what i'm saying so pay and the episodes are awesome go check them out you don't have to stay there's no pressure but you should you should support you should support the things you like that's all there's gonna be is you should you should support you should support the things you like that's all there's gonna be is all these independent creators you know i heard shane's moving to austin he wants to create his own studio people are creating their own studios
Starting point is 00:26:15 they're shooting their own content that's what people are doing now with the strike this yeah especially with the strike but even without it like just people go to people's YouTube pages or these tech... You know, Hollywood is done. This is the coup de grace. It's over, man. It's done. Like, people are going to start making their own shit. They already have been, but now people are realizing, oh, there's... Like Yanni said years ago, there's nothing to get, only
Starting point is 00:26:37 something to build. And that was a great line, and I was right years ago, and I'm right now. And I have been, and so many people have benefited from my prescient wisdom. There's no evidence that I'm bipolar, right? Bipolar is a tough one to have, dude. That's tough. I was reading about Brody Stevens, a comedian who had bipolarity.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And he was on the street swinging a bat. And then he was saying he's Napoleon or whatever. That's tough. I was reading about Brody Stevens, a comedian, who had bipolarity, and he was on the street swinging a bat, and then he was saying he's Napoleon or whatever. That's real bipolarity, right? Then you get really low, too. Yeah, then you get real depressed. So you go like, I'm Napoleon, or then you go like, I'm the worst shit in the world.
Starting point is 00:27:21 So it's like, my dad wasn't really bipolar then. No. He took a little lithium, but he never was like, I'm Napoleon. Plus, that guy saw some shit in saw some shit yeah i think he was more i think you always have to go to trauma first now we're gonna get dinged because we're talking about mental health but you know it's like that's the you have to go to trauma first my dad took a little lithium or whatever he wasn't but he wasn't like you know i think when you go high that's a real situation yeah and probably that's caused Pie trauma too You know Could be
Starting point is 00:27:46 Sometimes the wiring Is just fucked Sometimes the wiring Is a little off But yeah It's sad when that happens You know And also you gotta be careful
Starting point is 00:27:56 When you play around With those drugs man Especially like Hallucinogenic stuff Yeah That could trigger stuff Even weed sometimes For people
Starting point is 00:28:02 It's one of my biggest regrets Is all the weed I smoked Why Cause it Like My memory is for shit You know it doesn't do much but it's just we smoked low quality it was the consistency though it was like every day from the time i was 12 to 20 i smoked i got high yeah me too it was just like yeah that stuff alcohol you can't you got to do everything in moderation if you're not you got a dysregulated nervous system. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Where are you getting this? What is this? Because that's what it is. That's what it's really all about. Are you quoting this new phrase? No. It's out there. It's a dysregulated nervous system.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And that's what it is. Trauma causes a dysregulated nervous system. You know, dysregulated nervous system is when you feel like unsafe. It's a dysregulated nervous system is when you feel like unsafe, you know, when you're subconscious, when these evolutionary parts of your brain are reacting to the modern world. You know, we haven't figured out how to how to live in harmony with that, with those instincts. We haven't figured out how to sometimes it's not you can't logic with it. It's like you're dysregulated. If your mom ends up being a hoe on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:29:12 because this is the future. This is not the world we know. If my daughter's mom was an Instagram hoe, she's going to have a dysregulated nervous system. If you get two weeks off from maternity leave, you're going to have a dysregulated nervous system. You know? If you get two weeks off from maternity leave, you're going to have some level of a dysregulated nervous system,
Starting point is 00:29:30 which, make no mistake, serves the pharmaceutical industry just fine. Oh, yeah, they got a pill for that. Oh, they got a pill for whatever. But at the end of the day, we haven't figured out how to, okay, okay, go, okay, we figured this all out. Now, how do we look at the old world and see how they naturally solved some of these problems? And by problems, I mean these survival instincts from when we were hunter-gatherers that we brought with us into modern society.
Starting point is 00:30:01 How do we reconcile those two and make harmony and peace between those two? Because there's not. There's not. And what I mean by that is like, okay, someone has a baby. Is two weeks enough? No, that's not right. Women usually are used to, before we became civilized and women were living in tribes, women would raise the baby together. There'd be a lot of women around. If the mother's breast didn't produce milk or the kid didn't latch, that's what a wet nurse was for.
Starting point is 00:30:32 There would be another woman who would breastfeed your kid or else the kid would die. So that's an example of something that's in our brain. That's in our fucking brain. That's probably in women's brain that then they're just alone then they're like there's no women around god forbid their mother-in-law is a fucking instagram hoe and she's out in la trying to cash in on her fucking on her twitch account or her tiktok
Starting point is 00:30:57 and you're all alone your mother's just alone she's just sitting there alone fucking dad's you know on the road and she's just alone trying to you know and there alone. Fucking dad's on the road and she's just alone trying to and she's going to feel dysregulation and she's not going to know why but it's because of that alarm bell in the lower brain, the instinct brain,
Starting point is 00:31:18 the survival brain going, you're not safe, you're not so, when you kind of are, you have formula but it's going off because we haven't figured out a empathetic environment um when considering the the subconscious we have a sub dude when you dream that's subconscious you know i had a dream the other night um that i was like late to a gig and i was like i was all like anxious i couldn't get to a gig one of those anxiety yeah and it's like that dream is about that's my subconscious going like you have this fear you're too late to life you're too late you're not gonna make it you know that's a you
Starting point is 00:31:54 why do we dream in metaphors seal nailed everything seal seal seal the singer nailed everything and the cosmic joke that this world is, is that most people don't know that the true secrets are in Seal's albums. Maybe you are getting a little bipolar. He goes, why do we dream in metaphors? You know that line? Why do we dream in metaphors? You're like, yeah, we do dream in metaphors. And then heors. You know that line? Why do we dream in metaphors? You're like, yeah, we do dream in metaphors.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And then he goes, it's the loneliness that's the killer. I can't remember which song, but you show me somebody who can mentally survive solitary confinement. And all mental illnesses have an asocial component. So I worked
Starting point is 00:32:43 with mentally ill people. Every one of them has an asocial component. So I worked with mentally ill people. Every one of them has an asocial component. So if you're not social, you lose it. I think you lose your mind. Yeah. You know? And also if you huff paint, that's not good either. Yeah, that can't help.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Did you just watch a Jonah Hill documentary or something? No, Jonah Hill. Why is that in the news that his fucking whore of an ex-wife threw some stupid text out? I don't know. What kind, why is that in the news that his fucking whore of an ex-wife threw some stupid text out? I don't know. What kind of shit is that? What kind of, like, revenge porn? The fuck the news?
Starting point is 00:33:13 Who fucking publishes that shit? Why make a fucking story out of that dumb, stupid fucking thing? We're on the verge of fucking World War II. You think I'd fucking give a shit? Three. Thank you. I just got off a red eye look at this dumb bitch jonah hill talk about doing a lot with a little he puts joe de rosa to shame yeah he's doing good because here's the thing about joe de rosa when you walk with him
Starting point is 00:33:38 too he walks like he's got this unathletic kind of gimpy walk. You just want to kick his pencil legs out from under him and just beat his Tom Hanks-looking face into a pulp, you know, with his little skinny arms and his double chin. You just want to fucking stomp him out. And see, that's the lower part of your brain where you're going, I'm an alpha. I got to kill the weak one. With his dumb tattoos that look like they should be on a biker,
Starting point is 00:34:04 not a fucking poet. The kid could talk, though. Oh, no, Joe Zorosa's great. I'm joking. I'm just joking. And then you look at Jonah Hill, who's a fat, his jeans are unathletic, he's slow, he probably walks with his knees knocked like that.
Starting point is 00:34:20 He's probably got loose skin hanging off, and you just want to stomp him in his chest and his head. But you see what he did with it. See, this is motivation. He's not a good-looking guy. He's lucky to have his hair. That's good hair. But he's not a good-looking guy.
Starting point is 00:34:35 He's fat. He's got fat genes. His lineage has been fat fucking pencil pushers for a long time. You definitely didn't watch his documentary because this is very hurtful to him, what you're doing right now. No, I did watch his documentary, and you need to accept it.
Starting point is 00:34:50 You also need to accept my job and the truth. If I need to accept the fact that the gravity is pulling my face into my nose, you have to accept the fact that you have a fat, fat, gened body. You had no athleticism in your lineage, and it is what it is. All your ancestors were figuring out a way
Starting point is 00:35:11 to manipulate people and to give them the money so you could provide a service. You're a service... What? You're a mercenary... Uh-oh. What's wrong with that? They used their brains because they had to.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I've already admitted that. I get it. But look, this stuff gets in the genes. It's like that Bill Byrd joke. When they go, the white guy, they go, the white guy, he's like, oh, that was a smart pass. And then the black guy just fucking flies to the air, ducks in the air. He goes, geez, how come I didn't think of that? He's the guy's, I'm a smart player.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Why didn't I think of that? It's like, you know, certain things get in the genes. It is what it is, you know? And Jonah Hill, there was no athletes in Jonah Hill's lineage. What do you want to tell me? There was a lot of guys sitting behind counters in whatever European country he's from.
Starting point is 00:36:10 They were doing business. It is what it is. So Jonah Hill should be an inspiration to a lot of people who are not born with a lot. You can do a lot with a little. You really can. And that's the beautiful thing about being human. You can do a lot with a little. You can really dress up a pig you know and look at his hot wife yeah and you know and this
Starting point is 00:36:32 bitch has dysregulated his fucking nervous system he wakes up and he gets it everyone knows the text that he sent which was completely appropriate if you would have seen some of the texts i've sent some of my ex-girlfriends, some of the slots I dated. Just kidding. But yeah, I mean, he's like, hey, she's posing with her bathing suit or whatever. And he said, I just want to let you know my boundaries. You know? Pull up the tweet that Jonah Hill.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Here we go. Oh, here it is yeah oh yeah so according to the screenshots that posted on break so she posted it on her instagram how gross here's the world here's for the world let's all gang up on him i want to hurt him i want some attention now people know who i am because nobody knows who this person what is she a she's a surfer or something nobody knows who she is um and so he attempted to establish boundaries obviously he's in therapy with the guy who does the tools Great book And obviously he talked to his therapist
Starting point is 00:37:49 But that's the only funny part about it When you talk to a therapist And then you can almost hear the session in the tweet Going, my girlfriend's posting these pictures In her bathing suit with guys And it's making me insecure Jonah, just tell her Tell her these are your boundaries.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Just be honest about it. And then let her make the decision. And he just goes right to the text while he's in the office and goes, these are my boundaries. I just want you to know that I am uncomfortable with you being on Instagram in a swimsuit with other guys. This is my point. Instagram, this regululates your nervous system.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I know what you mean. Well, I kindly ask that you not comment on my body, good or bad. I want to politely let you know it's not helpful and doesn't feel good. Much respect. Oh, is that what he's saying when I said what I said? When people call him fat, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Well, you're not fat anymore, so kudos, dude. And also, let's be honest, a little bit of that pressure that people said you were fat helped with you to get skinny. I mean, look at him now. Look how fucking hot you are now. Not hot. I mean, you still got a big head and you got small hands. But, you know, you're doing good. You got a cool looking wife who you, who, who you don't want, uh, you know, talking to black guys and taking pictures with them.
Starting point is 00:39:11 This is his, um, what's that guy's name from the Clippers? The, the, the, the owner of the Clippers who got caught going out Sterling. This is his Donald Sterling moment where he goes,
Starting point is 00:39:21 listen, I just don't want you on Instagram. These are my limits. He goes, this is my limits. I don't want you taking pictures with black guys. Big deal. That's, by the way, when you know the poos poos is real good is when it's got you all strung out like this.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yeah. Yeah. When you're trying to control it. When you're trying to lasso the poos poos, you know you got a wild poos poos on your hands. I've been in that situation a few times It never ends well It never ends well
Starting point is 00:39:48 And it's always the best poos poos That you try to lasso The name of the episode will be lassoing the poos poos Lassoing wild poos poos Because whenever you find yourself guys Trying to lasso wild poos poos, you're in for trouble, and you're in for a dysregulated nervous system.
Starting point is 00:40:14 That bitch is going to dysregulate your nerves. Whenever you find yourself talking to your therapist about your poos pousses Instagram posts, the war is lost. You know, that's the toughest when you meet a guy early in the battle and you're a wise veteran of war. You know, you're a general, you're an officer now, and you find a guy early in the battle and he comes to you and he goes,
Starting point is 00:40:42 man, my girl's Instagram posts are bothering me. You go, dog, retreat. Retreat. He's going, no, no, no, no, no. I think I can win. I see them over the hill. They don't have reinforcements. I don't think they got proper ammunition. I don't think they have the artillery that we have.
Starting point is 00:40:59 They don't have the intelligence we have. You go, dog, dog, dog, dog, dog. You go, dog, dog. You can only see 15 chinese on the horizon but there's a billion of them right in the canyon below right behind with tanks and armor trust me those sneaky chinese are also underground retreat retreat back punch Retreat back. Punch out. Retreat back. We're only here to hold the line. We're not here to take territory.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Leave it. Leave that country alone. It's a sovereign nation. Leave it. Leave the nation of poos poos To its own government and people. Let them self-govern. Stop trying to incorporate them into your empire. It's over.
Starting point is 00:41:53 And you can tell she's hot. She's a surfer. She's got a wild spirit. When you're going to date someone like this, it's just, you know, there's clues that they're not into family and they're not into stuff, you know? So you just go, they're not into like And they're not into stuff So you just go
Starting point is 00:42:05 They're not into not being Certain girls are into being looked at by a lot of guys And there's clues Let me ask you a question Are these boundaries acceptable? That she can't surf with men? So what does he say? This is what he says here
Starting point is 00:42:20 She alleged that Hill told her He alleged But she did post screenshots. So we got to see the screenshot. You got to find the screenshot for me. She alleged and said you can't surf with men. Now, that's a completely understandable
Starting point is 00:42:35 boundary in my home country of Taliban occupied Afghanistan. But here's the deal. There's no problem with her surfing with guys. The problem is he knows that he's got wild puss-puss that he's trying to lasso. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:42:57 That's what it is. He knows it's not that. He's seen the way she reacted in restaurants to something else. He's seen something else. He's insecure. He knows he's in over his head. The poos poos is too wild. He can't tame it.
Starting point is 00:43:13 There's some poos poos that can only be tamed by a pimp. I'm being serious. Not an actual pimp, but a guy who has got that pimp mentality who doesn't get dysregulated by women because he can manipulate back. You know? Because sweet guys get torn up. You're going to get walked all over.
Starting point is 00:43:34 You're going to get walked all over. Did you find it? Yeah. Here we go. All right. Let's see what it says. Okay. First of all, he goes plain and simple, which I like.
Starting point is 00:43:42 That's lawyer speak. He's going, let's get to the facts here. Okay, we're in LA. This is an LA relationship. I'm going to play a little hardball with you. I'm going to send you my terms for the contract, which have been vetted by my attorney and representatives. Plain and simple.
Starting point is 00:44:02 This is a copy and paste from my attorney, sweetheart, in this Hollywood romance where we wore cheesy matching blazers. And I have a fucking tattoo on my chest now to distract from the fact that I'm doing a lot with a little. That's a tattoos is a really good distractor when you got a little. I recommend tattoos for average looking people. It really dresses it up. Glasses can help. Beards help.
Starting point is 00:44:33 These are things that really can help. Beards cover half your face. Glasses kind of throw people off, make your nose look smaller. Tattoos make you look cooler, more dangerous, more free spirited. There's a lot of stuff you can do You can cut yourself while you're at a fashion show So he goes, if you need Plain and simple, if you need
Starting point is 00:44:54 Here are my terms Surfing with men Boundaryless Boundaryless inappropriate friendships with men Okay, I'm with that Boundaryless meaning like you can't men. Okay, I'm with that. Boundariless meaning you can't blow them, you can't hold hands with them,
Starting point is 00:45:11 and you can't be touchy-feely with them. There's no boundaries. This is like over-therapy here. Boy, this came straight from his therapist's office. This is embarrassing. This is embarrassing for him. And this is embarrassing for her. That she's like making this public.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Just go fuck this guy and move on. You don't like it? Hey, guess what? You don't have to. Why is this like, oh my God, he had me in a prison. Oh my God. This formerly fat, non-threatening fucking Jewish actor who I could probably kick down a flight of stairs with my big, strong surfer legs
Starting point is 00:45:52 made me feel like a Ukrainian POW in Crimea. World, please help. SOS, send money. Biden, United States Military industrial complex Come to my aid Because Jonah Hill Sent me some therapy speak
Starting point is 00:46:13 People are fucking I mean we're living in a fucking Tragic comedy Good point Surfing with men Boundaryless Inappropriate friendships with men Two Boundary-less, inappropriate friendships with men. Two model.
Starting point is 00:46:28 So he doesn't want her. Two model. To post pictures of yourself in a bathing suit. To post sexual pictures. Friendships with women who are in unstable places and from your wild recent past beyond getting a lunch or coffee or something respectful.
Starting point is 00:46:43 I am not the right partner. Okay, so this is the honest part. Right. There's nothing wrong with this. The guy's in over his head with wild poos poos. You can't throw a saddle on a wild horse, dog. And what happens is once you dip your fun stick in the fucking, in the hot sauce, baby,
Starting point is 00:47:03 the burning has begun. Once you've jerked off, once you have choked your chicken, pulled your meat, disciplined your cock with Vapes Vaporub, it feels good for the first couple seconds until the heat kicks in.
Starting point is 00:47:25 The heat has kicked in, Jonah. You have proverbially jerked off with Vic's vapor rub. And then he goes, I'm not the right partner for you. If these things bring you a place of happiness, I support it, and there will be no hard feelings. These are my boundaries for romantic partnerships. My boundaries with you, based on the way these actions have hurt our trust.
Starting point is 00:47:49 That's open and honest communication, dog. That's all that is. He's setting his terms in a very Hollywood-like manner. And he is, let's be honest, he's Jonah Hill. He does a lot with a little, but also he's a fucking star. And you got to respect the star more than him than Brad Pitt because it's all based on talent and funny that he got where he got. The guy's talented.
Starting point is 00:48:13 He's an incredible actor. Moneyball, he was incredible, okay? He was incredible in the Wall Street movie. The Wall Street. He was in all these movies. He's incredible. He's an incredible actor. He's gotten there through sheer talent,
Starting point is 00:48:31 and he's also gotten to look like a cool dude from willpower and hard work. So Jonah Hill is an A-list star, my man. Oscar winner. Oscar winner, lady. Listen, listen, little surf, little surfer, little girl. You're a fucking Venice Beach surfing hoe dating an A-list celeb who has some terms. Now, if you want to play in the big leagues There ain't no
Starting point is 00:49:06 Boundaryless friendships with men Capisce? And if you don't like those terms You can go back to hanging out With your fucking drug addicted Loser Sun baked Surfer boys
Starting point is 00:49:22 Who drink on the beach And live that point break life, who fantasize about Robin Banks being chased by Keanu Reeves in point break. That's it. But here's the thing, though. Yeah. He probably had no problem with these posts before he was dating her. Well, that's not the problem.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I mean, whose lawyer are you? You working for this broad or are you pointing it out he probably likes i'm team jonah sweetheart listen sweetheart i mean no boundaryless posts i'm with you look if my wife started fucking having boundaryless relationships with men i love that boundaryless can mean anything that's the part that's funny that's the part where you go like can you be a little more specific? They're boundaryless. Can I say hello to them?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Right. You know, it's just open to interpretation. Well, it's his interpretation. Yeah, that's what makes him look bad because he's just like boundaryless. It's like, hey, man, I just want complete control over you because I like that puss
Starting point is 00:50:16 and you're beautiful and I have some self-hate issues and I know I'm in over my head and I know you can leave me at any moment. It makes me insecure. I'm better looking. Guys, look at you. How do I stop this? Why do I stop?
Starting point is 00:50:27 This is what happens. That's what comes with America. You can become a Jonah Hill. A guy who should be just sitting in a rug store. Dealing with me haggling for a price on a Turkish rug. That's where he should be.
Starting point is 00:50:48 That's where his genes are supposed to put him. That's why he has anxiety and he had to go to a therapist because his genes want him there. The reason why my genes have me sometimes having anxiety is because I'm not supposed to be in front of a theater of people commanding them. I am supposed to be taking your order, asking if you want fries. That's what my jeans. Deluxe, deluxe.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Yeah. I'm from a village, dog. A generation ago, I was from a village, you know? You've given in to your jeans. That's why I respect it. You're like, I want to just paint in a fucking, in an air conditionalist room with ilk minded people who are all hot with little fans on that's what our genes ask so when we're trying to go beyond we experience
Starting point is 00:51:36 a little bit of anxiety because that's what comes with winning Jonah Hill's winning dog he came here he went beyond what his genes wanted, which was for him to sit in a rug store. And he became an A-list celebrity, and he's dating Poon Tang.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Nobody in his line could ever get. From when we were amoebas to the time that amoeba became Jonah Hill, not one person in his chosen people tribe line dated anyone that looked like this broad. Well, let me take that back. She ain't that great. If I was up to her, I'd say, yes, sir. And I'm converting tomorrow Baraka to Tyra El-Khalil.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Hey, boo. You're not going to get better than Jonah Hill. Funny, cool hair, and isn't into boundaryless relationships. And rich. And rich. And famous. So that feels good. So I think what happened is, this is my take, and maybe I'm just siding with the guys and
Starting point is 00:52:35 I'm a misogynist, you tell me in the comments, please, for engagement, because AI is a psychopath and that's all they care about, even if the engagement is insincere. This is my take. He left us broad. He got over her. She didn't feel that he cared anymore, sending her those texts or whatever. And he moved on because he's Jonah Hill,
Starting point is 00:52:57 and he's with another hotter chick. Because he's Jonah Hill. There's going to be another hotter chick. She got scorned. She got a taste. Because, listen, when everyone has the power, that's when people abuse it. It takes a real philosopher poet to be humble when they have power. Because when you got power, you keep going, I'm going to take more. I'm going to take more.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And then when you lose that power, you go, oh my God, I took it for granted. I missed that power. I was addicted to that power. How do I get it back? And then you can't. And so then you lash out. That's your last resort. This is a last resort to try to get some power back over Jonah Hill. And she ain't going to get it. Most people don't care about this. They read the text.
Starting point is 00:53:36 That second paragraph is really, you know. And here's the thing. Most people got mad at Jonah Hill. I blame the attention span thing that we've been talking about. The dysregulated nervous system of social media. Because they read that first paragraph and those first couple lines do sound bad. But if you keep reading, the second paragraph goes, hey, take it or leave it. That's me.
Starting point is 00:53:55 So, you know, people have the things that they like and they don't like. Right? She likes surfing, for example. Some people like shellfish. Whatever it is, some people have shellfish allergies. They have to talk about their boundaries. Here's the contract. I'm an A-list movie star.
Starting point is 00:54:11 No boundary-less relationships with guys, okay? Right? Now, maybe I'm defending Jonah Hill, and maybe the next, if they were together a year, maybe the next text is, here's my boundaries. You are no longer allowed to wear your own hair. You're going to have to shave your head and put on a wig
Starting point is 00:54:32 because I don't want any men to be attracted to you. You're going to walk behind me so other men know that you belong to me. Is this sort of in the same neighborhood as that? Is this the gateway drug to that? Yes, probably. Did those religious laws grow from male insecurities like the ones we saw in those texts? Yes, that's how it starts.
Starting point is 00:55:04 It starts with a powerful man who knows he's powerful going, I don't like you talking to guys. And then she goes, I'll talk to whoever I want. And he goes, put this hat on.
Starting point is 00:55:25 And then she talks to a guy in the hat. And he goes, here's the thing. I don't want you talking to guys with a hat on. And she goes, I'll talk to whomever I want. I've already compromised with you and put a hat on. So I did what you wanted. And he goes, put this long sleeve shirt on. And she talks to a guy with a long-sleeve shirt.
Starting point is 00:55:47 He goes, I don't want you talking to guys with long-sleeve shirts. She goes, I'll talk to him whenever I want. I compromise. I put the hat and the long-sleeve shirt on. He goes, cover your ankles, your feet, your legs. I want you wearing gloves. I want the only thing exposed is a slit for your eyes so you don't fall or bump into things.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Do you understand? It's also going to be black, so I want you to sweat in the heat during summer so you think about the devil you are because you've decided to eat an apple, okay, and listen to a snake. You're a demon from hell. You're under my control.
Starting point is 00:56:22 You're my property. You will be a baby machine for me. I will be able to go out and get younger girls who won't be able to question it because if they do, I will smack them. Do you understand my boundaries? That's where it ends. So is Jonah Hill's text where it starts?
Starting point is 00:56:43 Yes. But am I Jonah Hill's lawyer and pr representative in this scenario yes so look two things can be true jonah hill's an insecure fat kid who's got a fat heart who's skinny but deep down he still hates himself and he's dating a girl that's hotter and he's insecure about it uh-huh true is he trying to lasso wild puss puss's hotter and he's insecure about it. Uh-huh. True. Is he trying to lasso wild puss puss because he knows he can't handle it? Uh-huh. True.
Starting point is 00:57:13 He's dating out of his league and he knows it and he's worried about it. Uh-huh. True. He should be with a girl named Jessica Rosenfarb, who's a private school teacher at Brooklyn Friends. He's a private school teacher at Brooklyn Friends. And they celebrate matzah holidays and tzitchiva together. That's what his gene says. But he goes and he gets this schvatzah, this Gentile.
Starting point is 00:57:39 This Gentile pussy's no good. They tell you that's why we stay away from them. Stay out of the world, Jonah. They're no good. They're no good. They're not chosen. And he finds himself in trouble. That part is true. But it is also true that it's pathetic for this chick to cry like she's a Ukrainian POW.
Starting point is 00:58:00 So, in conclusion, why is this a story? It's a story for these reasons We live in a tragic comedy Where all the gazettes Whatever, make fun of me for using an old timey word Who post this story Know that it's going to be a hot topic of fodder For people to tweet about,
Starting point is 00:58:25 for podcasters to talk about and make jokes about. They know there's a market for it. The problem with news is it really can't be in the capitalist system. It really can't. There can't be a monetary, but then you go, hey, the innovation of that, I get that, I get that,
Starting point is 00:58:51 but that leads to this too. So what is the solution here? Because it does worry me when I say, hear politicians, fiery politicians go, you know, the problem is the dishonest media you're like oh that's what hitler said too so that worries me right that's what all despots say they shut down the media first that worries me but also you can clearly see that the media is just running consequence free i mean it couldn't be more obvious that they're just they'll just say
Starting point is 00:59:23 something they go whoops, and no consequences. Nobody gets fired and nobody gets in trouble. Why? Because the story, whether true or not, served the bottom line well. A lot of people looked at that story, even if it was false. So that's why there's no consequences, because they're not being punished by the market. So when you're in something where you're not being punished by the market
Starting point is 00:59:48 and the punishment by the market doesn't serve society, you have to step in and regulate. That's why libertarians are a joke to me because it's a joke because capitalism and the free market are about serving the bottom line. They're not about serving morality. And the bottom line doesn't naturally, organically support morality. Right?
Starting point is 01:00:15 People are complicated. They're greedy. And they want more. And they have complicated psychologies and histories and traumas and personalities and genetics. And it runs the gamut. And it's a big mess So you need referees you need laws you need Regulation that's what you need
Starting point is 01:00:29 It should oscillate according to the times yes But don't be a baby and give me This puritanical fucking Political philosophy like you're A freshman in college just because You get a lot of dumb people to follow you on twitter Because they have high school educations And they think you're like their Jesus. Don't look at me with a straight face and say
Starting point is 01:00:49 you're not a fucking charlatan. If you tell me you are in private, I'll respect you more. I'll go, hey, this shit's working, so I'm going to keep doing it. But don't look me in the eye and tell me it's true because I'm not an asshole. I'm not an asshole. So cut the fucking libertarian shit out. Of course, Jeff Bezos is a fucking libertarian. Would you be a libertarian if you were a greedy fucking moralist fucking one-eyed businessman who makes people pee in a cup so they keep working on minimum wage to pad his fucking bottom line so he can shoot steroids in his ass and bang a fucking hot news anchor? Yeah, that would be my favorite political philosophy too. Why? Because it serves me best.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I don't want the government saying I can't do things. These are my slaves. Now pick up the package slave and fucking send it. And if you can't send it on time, I'll put it in a fucking drone and fire you. Because I need to shoot testosterone in my ass on my boat in Miami. Same thing with communists and objectivists and, you know, laissez-faire capitalists and socialists.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Whatever your thing is, acknowledge the other side has some points and talk it out, negotiate. Everyone leaves miserable. You know? But, you know, it's like a good business deal. Both people know the other side has a point.
Starting point is 01:02:13 They know that they want it. They know that they want it. And it's like, I could see in your shoes. And, you know, that's what makes a hard business deal. If I was in your shoes, I'd be doing the same thing. I get it. And then you make a deal. And just say, everyone acknowledge that everyone's just out there for their own self-interest.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Can people stop pretending like they're Superman and Batman? You know, this bitch, I'm a hero. No, you're not. You're a shameless dummy. You know, if people could just start acknowledging their humanity, their flaws, their greed, their fungus, that they're dirty fungus on a rock floating in nothing, like little mice trying to get more cheese, it would be an easier world. People would have a better sense of humor because what's happened now is everyone is starting to believe their own bullshit. They're starting to believe they're the avatar they created. They're starting to believe that they are the curated version of themselves that they put forth on their social media platforms, which are filtered and, you know, culled perfectly to present only the highlights.
Starting point is 01:03:23 They're exaggerated, full of hyperbole. This is all for you, Sebastian. Big words. And people are starting to believe that they are those people and other people believe that those people are those people and that makes them feel bad about themselves
Starting point is 01:03:37 when really it's a lie. I know all those people. I've met the best looking people. I've met stars. They're riddled with anxiety. They're worried about somebody else. They got an ax to grind. They're unhappy just like you.
Starting point is 01:03:49 They're struggling to stay fit. They're struggling to find happiness and purpose just like you. So don't buy the bullshit unless you want to. Because guess what? Bullshit is entertaining. So I can't knock it, sweetheart. But just know There's consequences
Starting point is 01:04:06 That come When you buy the bullshit When you buy the bullshit It means now You gotta live with bullshit Bullshit smells And it's in your house And at some point
Starting point is 01:04:17 You gotta take it out of the refrigerator This has been I Yanis Papasour I enjoyed this episode I really did Patreon.com Slash Yanis Papasour For bonus episodes
Starting point is 01:04:34 Please join It's $5 a month You get the audio and video Of both episodes And all things comedy I would like to make a promo video for that We'll do that afterwards. But now let's go to some of our coveted
Starting point is 01:04:48 and appreciated small business sponsors. Guys, want to give a small business shout-out. Support these guys. Brooklyn Cannery. All natural sodas, no added sugar, low in calories, natural sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit. Incredible. Calories for ginger beer, like 22.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Cola Amaretto, I think the calories are like 42 Root beer like 32, 42, something like that Key lime jalapeno These are my four favorite flavors, they have other flavors too They have a coffee spritzer as well It's a mom and pop shop If you like soda, drink these So you don't get diabetes, it's simple dog
Starting point is 01:05:22 It's 2023, you don't have to be manipulated By Sprite commercials anymore It's simple, dog. It's 2023. You don't have to be manipulated by Sprite commercials anymore. It's like, just get with it. Brooklyncannery.com. Order a case to your house. Put them in your basement freezer. And Giannis Pappas, all one word, for 15% off your order.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Love you guys. Matcha and Brewski, or whatever their names are. Jared knows their names. I can't remember them. Jared Z. This is Exclusiveautoshipping.com
Starting point is 01:05:46 You buy a car out of state You're on Carfax or whatever You buy a car You need it shipped You hit up Exclusiveautoshipping.com They'll ship it for you Or if you're moving
Starting point is 01:05:55 They'll ship it for you And they'll give you a free quote If you call them Go to their website Exclusiveautoshipping.com Student and military Discounts apply Minetti
Starting point is 01:06:04 Financial services South Jersey Ph, Wawa's, parking lots is where my office is. 215-750-3730. Call me from your home phone and get a kook. No social media, old school, baby. The IRS can't track nothing. Give Chris Minetti a call, 215-750-3730 and say
Starting point is 01:06:26 how you doing and bring him some pastries. For the free dot art there's music in Hawaii and you got to check it out. Sporthorse farrier dot com
Starting point is 01:06:43 864-200-9007 The town is Nashville. The person is Sam Gubera. The occupation is farrier. What is farrier? Farrier is a podiatrist for horses. Someone who cleans hoofs. She'll fix your hoofs.
Starting point is 01:07:04 She's got 10 years of experience doing this Because her daddy brought her up on a farm Because she's a Because she's a She's a redneck from Texas From Nashville And she grew up on a farm So when she's not checking out
Starting point is 01:07:20 Nate Bargatze comedy clips She's Shaving down the hoofs of horses we got a huge horse horse owning listenership in nashville so i want you guys to know and i want you to know 80 percent of equine lameness is hoof related i want you to know that if you if your horse if you fuck if you if you steer because you steer i don't know this is that's a cow lets you know i'm a city boy if your horse is acting fucking like it's got low test it's lazy it's acting like it's got sleep apnea not moving around a lot you go why you
Starting point is 01:07:57 tired during the day 80 of that 80 of the time that happens, it's going to be because her hoof's hurt. And that's where Sam Gobert comes in and changes his shoes. So if you need a farrier with no fumare and over 10 years of experience and you're in the Nashville area, she's got a lot of requirements that need to happen for you to do business. She's like Jonah Hill. If you have a horse, if you're a multimillionaire, if you live in Nashville, if you don't like your farrier,
Starting point is 01:08:27 if your horse has equine laziness, then, and only then, call 864-200-9007 or visit sporthorsefarrier.com. Please, more sponsors like this that I can have fun with every
Starting point is 01:08:43 week. Thank you, Sam Gubera. Sam Gubera looks like an extra on Yellowstone. She looks like she's living in the bunk. Manly Girly Studios. Our favorite failed conglomerate. I'm kidding, guys. You guys are fucking crushing it, dog. Manly Girly Studios.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Get 40% off your first studio recording at their studio in North Carolina by referencing this ad. So if you want to start a podcast, just do it. At this point, it should be hobby podcasting. People can sit around with their boys and like, hey, let's have a good time.
Starting point is 01:09:19 We like books, so let's talk about books. Maybe people will listen to it. They probably won't. But we had a good time, you know? So check out their comedy podcasts also. Manly Girly Studios. They got new podcasts. You go find them. All you got to do is go to manlygirlystudios.com
Starting point is 01:09:38 or check them out on YouTube. These guys are great. Displaypros.net. You're setting up a booth, at a at a convention yeah that's when you use these guys absolutely so they got everything you need displaypros.net use the coupon code what's the deal is for 10 off your first purchase or just tell them yanni sent you they'll build you a booth they'll build you stuff they'll build you a booth. They'll build you stuff. They'll build you a sign. DisplayPros.net. You need to display anything.
Starting point is 01:10:08 You got a store, whatever. Sign DisplayPros.net. We'll hook up your business, whatever you need. Staffing Beaver. These are the types of guys we need in here. And then the insurance guy, I hope, is still here. Staffing Beaver, okay? Now, that doesn't mean that this guy's racking up a bunch of beaver in his crib
Starting point is 01:10:28 and poking each one. No, no, no, no, no. He's getting you employees for your business who could live anywhere so you could save cost. I'll just say it that way, okay? He finds your talent offshore, basically. I've been looking at the wrong camera the whole time, which is funny.
Starting point is 01:10:49 We're going to keep it. I'm used to looking there. I'm looking there. So if you need to hire a bookkeeper, customer service rep, data entry specialist, graphic designer, inbound call expert,
Starting point is 01:10:59 outbound call expert, you name it. Go to staffingbeaver.com. Schedule a discovery call. Wit Rob. That's it. His name's Rob Mention Yanni sent you You get 10% off your first placement fee
Starting point is 01:11:11 If you don't have office space No supplies Don't worry about it Global talent is the hack To grow your business faster And make sure to follow them on Twitter At Staffing Beaver All one word
Starting point is 01:11:21 For You know the funny thing is Talent is You know slang for chicks And his It's called Staffing beaver. All one word. The funny thing is talent is slang for chicks, and it's called staffing beaver. So, dog, when this business fails, keep the LLC and start a fucking cam girl business to get your Bugatti.
Starting point is 01:11:38 You know what I mean? All right. Ah, this guy's still with us. I thank you. Matthew Albani Has an insurance company From his fucking mom's basement He's just taking your money
Starting point is 01:11:52 I don't know if he's licensed to cover you for anything Have we looked up this company? It doesn't matter I'm not subject to FCC regulations I can sell garbage to ya I'm kidding, of course Because MA insurance Ma insurance FCC regulations. I can sell garbage to you. I'm kidding, of course, because MA insurance, my insurance services is legit, dog.
Starting point is 01:12:15 A lot of people watch these commercials, they go, oh, my God, I got to go with Farm Stand, or I got to go with Grove Brook, Grove Brook, or I got to go, I don't want to get sued, or I got to go with, you know, they always got a name like that. Grovebrook or Freestand. Yeah. Or Dyco Hamill.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Or, you know. No, no. You got to go with Ma. Who loves you like your Ma? This guy's marketing is on point. All right? Ma. Ma Insurance Services.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Who helps you more? Grovestone or when you go, Ma, I hurt myself. Grove Stone's not coming. Ma's going to come. So mainsuranceservices.com. Guess what? In the St. Petersburg, Florida area where a lot of people are doing business. So hit up Matthew Albani
Starting point is 01:13:00 at mainsuranceservices.com. They will help with a wide range of commercial insurance policies, including workers' compensation, commercial property, auto, professional liability, general liability, and umbrellas. My Insurance Services is a local, independent agency located in St. Petersburg, Florida, so you can be sure that you're getting personalized service that you just can't get with the larger agencies nowadays.
Starting point is 01:13:30 I mean, Matthew calls you personally and checks on you. He becomes your friend. He plays video games with you. Also, you can give them a call at, scroll over that way, 813. No, push it the other way. Push it the other way. What are you talking about? That side. Right there. 813. You got me it the other way. Push it the other way. What are you talking about? That side. Right there. 813. You got
Starting point is 01:13:48 me. You're right. I was looking over there. 813-260- 0338. Or you could just go to your local... What? No, I'm just kidding. Maybe bleep
Starting point is 01:14:04 that. Alright, that's it.. Maybe bleep that. All right, that's it. That's it. Yeah, bleep it.

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