Yannis Pappas Hour - Slap on an Elderly Wrist

Episode Date: February 16, 2024

John Stewart is back in the hot seat; Yannis delves deep into John Stewart’s return to The Daily Show, Joe Biden’s slap on the wrist for mishandling documents, the Navy recruiting gamers, and Yann...i goes berserk towards the end. Join our bonus channel for our berserk and uncensored weekly bonus episodes: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator See Yanni do stand up live in your town: Ticket links for his live stand up dates in your city: https://www.yannispappascomedy.com/shows Join our highlights page for highlight clips from the episodes: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykw

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So if you're watching this on time and not later, it's always good to go back and watch old episodes. But right now I am in Atlanta, February 15th through the 17th. San Diego's up next, February 23rd through the 24th. Stanford, Connecticut, March 1st. See me live March 8th. I'll be at the Vic Theater in Chicago. Denver, finally, March 14th through the 16th.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Toronto show added March 23rd. Cleveland, March 29th and 30th. Tulsa, April 5th and 6th. Kansas City, April 11th and 30th, Tulsa April 5th and 6th, Kansas City April 11th through 13th. Then I will be at the finally Los Angeles, LA. I'll be at the Laugh Factory for the Netflix is a Joke Festival May 2nd. Then I'll be in Raleigh, North Carolina May 17th and 18th. And then the rest of the dates will be posted soon. So go to my website, yannispappascomedy.com for tickets and patreon.com slash yannispappasour for the best bonus episodes weekly that you can get.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Don't, don't be an American scumbag. Support the show. What's up, everybody? It's Giannis Pappas. We're back with a solo episode after our lowest episode on YouTube. I rarely promote episodes on other episodes, but I'm using this episode to just please get the Joe Bartnick episode to 10,000. It actually was a great episode. People who watched it love it. So watch this and go back and watch that.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I am endorsing the last episode, just like the Democrats are endorsing Joe Biden. It's not going to help the episode. It doesn't mean people want to watch it or will watch it. But I, much like Nancy Pelosi, much like Senator Chuck Schumer, are saying that that episode is sharp and as smart and with it as ever. So go check the Joe Bartnick episode previously. We're endorsing losers here. I'm fresh off my stop in the San Francisco Bay Area where I had a great sold-out weekend. Zacob's, even if there's a few seats empty, you still call it a sold-out weekend.
Starting point is 00:02:02 I had a great showing, though. And I had a great time. I am happy to report that San Francisco is not completely covered in human feces. It's covered in Chinese people. They're everywhere. It looks like the CCP invasion has begun on the West coast. I was there during Chinese new year. And boy, if you're a person with paranoid schizophrenia who watches Fox news, you do not want to be in San Francisco during the Chinese new year. Cause all you see is Chinese people making big boom noises and you're going, what's going on? Has world war three started? Um, I also took a picture of one, uh, squatting down, smoking a cigarette like that. You can see it on my Instagram. I caught one in the wild doing what they do.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Uh, so I'm not just making it up. It's like how they like to eat. They're very compact people. And there's a lot of them on the West coast and I love them to death. I, um, I, I, I admire Chinese culture. When is somebody kind of come out identifying as Chinese? We got black people people there's one Danish black chick who identifies as black and she went all the way to like she colors her skin and she
Starting point is 00:03:10 did an interview as black and she's like I want to go to Africa to further understand the culture when are we going to have someone going like what the hell yeah my name is hi it's just like a white dude he goes like this with his eyes I think we have a few of them who wanted to be korean uh they want to be korean teeny boppers or whatever k-poppers but what about chinese because there is a difference if you care about that sort of thing there is a difference they're different people um finally um tucker carlson uh hot off of the hot off of his previous episode with Obama's gay lover, went to Putin. Went to, that interview really hurt his rap. He went and gave an interview in his favorite new city, Moscow, which he called more beautiful than any American city. And he talked to, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:06 to Vladimir Putin who, who knew, who knew his feelings were so hurt that he got rejected by the United States because he wants to join NATO. The guy just wants to be in the club and that's why he's throwing a fit. Just give him Ukraine. It works with my daughter. When she cries for a lolly,
Starting point is 00:04:21 I just give her the lolly. That's the name of the episode. Ukraine is a lolly. Give Putin the her the lolly. That's the name of the episode. Ukraine is a lolly. Give Putin the lolly. And maybe it'll end it. We will get into it. I got the takes. I got the hot takes.
Starting point is 00:04:33 They're hot cakes. And you can put your syrup on them, baby. The Black National Anthem was played for the first time at the Super Bowl. And it caused some controversy. We got a Megyn Kelly and Melon Megyn Kelly outrage. And then guess what? A Stephen A. Smith endorsement of Melon Megyn Kelly's outrage. What is going on? They're breaking my brain just like I wanted you to break my brain. On our last Patreon episode, I said break my brain. Patreon.com slash Giannis Papasauer for award-winning bonus episodes.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Look, I'm flying like Mark Jackson. That's for all of the Pacers and New York Knicks fans who are over 35, who know that he used to do this after he did the teardrop. Remember the Mark Jackson airplane? Which was ironic because he was slow. We got a lot going on. A shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs parade
Starting point is 00:05:27 celebrating the Super Bowl win, which is probably the most American news ever. The only thing missing is a fentanyl overdose, maybe some hot dogs, and a nice keg of Bud Light. And that's all that's missing right there. The military is recruiting gamers, highly embedded in gamers. Hey, kid, we saw what you did there last night at 2 a.m.
Starting point is 00:05:54 with your buddy over in Finland, your partner in Call of Duty. You got a good eye for shooting. Can we talk to you for a little bit? They're recruiting. They're recruiting star gaming shooters. So apparently we need some more people to join the military. And look, he might be able to shoot very well from his couch in his living room, but once you get a load of that kid's body, once you see his BMI,
Starting point is 00:06:27 you're going to go, all right, we got to whip this guy into shape because there's no skinny gamers. They're all fat, fat, fat. We're a fat country that likes to sit on the couch and play video games. So I think it's a good idea. Force them into the military. Hey, kid, do you like killing fake brown people? Guess what? I can make your dreams come true. You want to go pro? Well, you're a D1 recruit. Want to kill some real browns? Sign on up. See you down there at the
Starting point is 00:06:54 strip mall next to the subway. And sign up for the Marines. We got a lot going on. Guess who's back? It's DeAngelo. It's Mrs. DeAngelo, my favorite, favorite DEI queen, is back calling Michelangelo's God mural white supremacist. It does not get better than that. The Sistine Chapel is the KKK's mural. We are back, baby. Break my brain.
Starting point is 00:07:26 This is the Giannis Papas Hour. Jon Stewart's back, and he's causing some Libby boo-hoos. Who saw that coming? We'll be right back after this prolonged instrumental that probably gets a lot of you to click off on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yeah. Off on YouTube. This is the return to America that we were all hoping for since we lost it in the early 2000s, where we got our left-wing hero, Jon Stewart, In the early 2000s, where we got our left wing hero, Jon Stewart, and we got our right wing hero, Tucker Carlson, back in their appropriate seats, dominating the headlines. Tucker Carlson is off in Russia, giving an interview with Vladimir Putin, the democratically elected president of Russia. And we have Jon Stewart back in the host seat, just making it look easy. So good. He's so good at what he did.
Starting point is 00:08:33 He didn't even miss a beat. He didn't even need to do any like podcast warmups. He's right back into it. You'd figure he'd go down to the liberal comedy commentating G League and do a few, you know? Hop on a few of those pods and just do a few laps to get the tongue moving a little bit. He didn't miss a beat. He did not miss a beat.
Starting point is 00:08:57 He's a little older, but his wit is still there. He did a great performance. And the big takeaway from his debut was, which is only coming on Mondays because he's old. And that would be great if Biden could run on. Hey, I'm only going to do Mondays. I'm only going to do Mondays. And Gavin Newsom is going to do the rest of the week. Just like Michael Kosta and the rest of the gang, Roy Wood. They're all going to do the rest of the week. That would be great.
Starting point is 00:09:27 That would be a great campaign. If he goes, hey, I'm doing just Mondays. I think the guy can handle Mondays. It's a heavy lift. If the Daily Show is a heavy lift for John, then being the most powerful man in the world is probably a heavy lift for Joe Biden, who really got a slap on the wrist for his classified document mishandling. Apparently, he put him in the driveway with his house shoes. Can you believe they were probably right next to a beat up pair of New Balance that he does?
Starting point is 00:10:08 He cleans out his garage, his dad's shoes, his house shoes. It was probably just right there in just a case of classified documents. He really got a slap on the wrist, especially from the media. It's been a real slap on the wrist. When you unpack a lot of this stuff, you go, hey, one guy was excoriated, get smarter, and the other guy got a nice little pat on the wrist when they basically did the same thing i guess and essentially they said hey the special counselor goes hey look he's an old guy he's an old guy what are you gonna do put him
Starting point is 00:10:37 in prison now i mean he's old he won't outlive the sentence he's old. No jury would ever convict him because they'd look at him as an old man with bad memory. And so that's essentially why they let him off the hook, which is wild, but that's the truth. It's wild. You ask yourself, why do so many conspiracy theories end up gaining traction? And I just explained it to you.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I mean, that is the actual reason why they let him off the hook. Ah, you know, he's an old guy. Every jury would just look at him as a sympathetic old man. They would just go, he's got memory issues, which also didn't look good by saying he had memory issues. So then he gets on TV live, which was a mistake. He should have, that should have been prerecorded by AI and eight. If they don't have an AI Biden construct by now,
Starting point is 00:11:34 what is the point of using AI for malevolent purposes? Okay. Benevolent. If you're a Democrat, get an AI Biden up there who can speak, who knows which president has what border and where they are. Benevolent if you're a Democrat. Get an AI Biden up there who can speak, who knows which president has what border and where they are. Because during that speech where he was doing his PR cleanup for the mishandling of classified documents, where he was supposed to go out there and prove that his mental acumen is as sharp as ever,
Starting point is 00:12:03 he went out there and he confused the Egyptian president for the Mexican president. He called the Mexican president Sisi. He misspoke. It's a big misspeak. It was what they call a what? A goth? A goth? A gaffaw?
Starting point is 00:12:18 What is it called? A big goffay? A goth? Whatever it's called. A whoopsie. He did a big time whoopsie right there. And it was a real PR tragedy. I like to call this the James Corden rule, meaning nobody's asking for it, but they're shoving it down our throats. A new poll just concluded that 85% of Americans, 85, to put
Starting point is 00:12:48 that into perspective, a president usually wins by like 50 plus percent, usually, right? Every election is like 53% of the vote. And you're like, whoa, it was a landslide. He got 53. 85% of the American public agrees that Joe Biden is too old to serve. 85%. That means 55% of the people that were interviewed were 107. Going, what are you talking about? He's a young man. I mean, Nancy Pelosi said, what are you talking about? He's younger than me.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It's like, that's not saying much. That's not saying much. That's like me calling somebody else's podcast smaller than mine. So it's a weird thing. It's being pushed down the throats and nobody's asking for it. Just like James Corbyn. Am I saying his name right? Nobody demanded that guy.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Nobody said we need a portly British guy to do the Late Late Show. Let's go outside of the border and pluck this obscure portly guy who was, I guess, semi-famous in England and have him do it. Nobody wanted the guy. And then when he started doing it, nobody wanted it. He had to go to a car karaoke to get some people on board. Nobody
Starting point is 00:14:09 watched the show. The ratings were low and they still kept pushing it. His biggest hit was his YouTube videos where people were doing car karaoke. Nobody wanted it. This guy's biggest hits are, are, are his son in the news. That's it. He can't make a splash. He went on TikTok and he started talking about cookies. I mean, nobody wants it. He's 15 years past his prime. It's like watching Kiki Vandeway on the Knicks. It's for my people in the 40s.
Starting point is 00:14:38 It's like it's too late. It's too late. I mean, really, who is the DNC general manager right now I mean is it James Dolan because I mean the DNC is just full of Kiki Vandeways Keith Van Horns I mean
Starting point is 00:14:56 how many guys Pat Amari Stoudemires I mean the list goes on of basketball players that the Knicks got after their prime Derek Roses I mean the list goes on Derek Har players that the Knicks got after their prime. Derrick Roses. I mean, the list goes on. Derrick Harpers. Rolando Blackmans.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I mean, it's just, they're all old. But also Trump is old. Trump is old. And he's still speaking loose. He just said, I'll just let Russia do whatever the hell they want. That was his quote, he said. He just feeds right into the hands of the other side by just running his mouth. He also said that Taylor Swift would in no way,
Starting point is 00:15:30 would in no way endorse Biden. She couldn't. How could she not vote for the guy who made her rich? So he claimed all of her financial success on some music bill that he passed in 2018, which probably has some truth to it. So, but I don't know if he's solely responsible for her being rich.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I don't know. I would say it's the mediocre music tastes of young girls. I think that's what probably did it. The lower standards in the musical arts. I'd say that would do it. Kanye West bought a Super Bowl commercial. I can't believe they allowed him to do that. Just lets you know that money talks all the way.
Starting point is 00:16:11 He bought a Super Bowl commercial. What did he spend on it? Six million? Seven. Seven million. And it was just a cell phone video of him in a car going, go to my website and buy my shoes. He claims it made 19 million.
Starting point is 00:16:28 And who knows i think it was they were all bought by um ben shapiro who's gonna do a bonfire with all the shoes he's gonna burn them all up so anyone can buy a super bowl commercial including j. The two biggest stars of the Super Bowl commercials were Dunkin' Donuts, Yeezus, and Jesus. I mean, the Super Bowl, Jesus was, he gets us, dude. I mean, how many mega church Jesus ads were there? I'm telling you, the Christian idol is coming, I told you. And I told you. I'm telling you what's going to happen in the future. Taylor Swift is going to have an affair with Kanye West and they will birth the Antichrist.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And that's how it's going to go. And it'll be Jesus versus the son of Taylor and Kanye who will be the Antichrist. And then and only then will the rapture happen. Then and only then when their evil mul happen. Then and only then, when their evil mulatto baby turns nine years old, like the prince in Game of Thrones, that evil little prince, Queen Cersei's son.
Starting point is 00:17:33 That's how it's going to happen. But Jesus gets us, and apparently Jesus was in favor of the new overtime rules, which I think the Democrats wrote. And as it turns out, the Chief won. Not because they're the better football team,
Starting point is 00:17:49 but because it's all part of the Democrats' plan to install this elderly Alzheimer's case. I mean, can someone just remember to put some Aricept in his coffee before they fucking roll him out there in front of cameras? Just put some Aricept in his coffee before they fucking roll him out there in front of cameras? Just toss some Aricept in the coffee. You know, crunch it up like I used to do with Ritalin Pills in high school and just tell him it's sugar and pour it in the coffee.
Starting point is 00:18:14 So maybe he can get the borders right. Unbelievable. It was an unbelievable Super Bowl. It was fun. It was exciting. It looks hard to rig. I don't know how you could rig it. But it an unbelievable Super Bowl. It was fun. It was exciting. It looks hard to rig. I don't know how you could rig it. But it was fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And right on cue, the Super Bowl parade happened in Kansas City. And there was a shooting. One person's dead. 15 were injured after gunfire erupts at a football party i'm telling you i don't know how you can get more american than this we don't know what it was we don't know if it was a beef we don't know if it was a deranged a q and honor who was just there trying to spread patriotism and stop this dnc hijacking the election? We don't know. But this is on par with the type of news that we're used to these days.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Footage shows the suspect springing behind Jersey barriers and across the grass towards a sea of confused and terrified celebrants shortly after shots rang out. We don't know. We don't know. We don't know. We don't have any, at the moment of this recording, we have no information as to the motives of the shooter. We will find out. It could be anything.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Someone could have lost a lot of money on their bet. Someone could be trying to get to Kelsey to take him out because they're in love with Taylor Swift. It could be her stalker, because I think her stalker got out of jail and went right back into her garbage. It could be that. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:59 We have any update on this. We will keep you posted as we try to find out. Several suspects were taken into custody. Who knows? It could have been Brock Purdy. He just flew off the deep end. It could have been Shanahan, who just couldn't take it. He just couldn't take it because supposedly they had no,
Starting point is 00:20:19 they did not prepare for the new overtime rules, which was big news. Who knows? But he let San Francisco down. San Francisco needed that victory with all the press they've been getting. You know, I went and saw the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a bridge.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Once you get there, you're like, this is a bridge. It's not the star of the show. It's the bay and the mountains and the fog. I mean, it's a big bridge, but so is the Verrazano. The thing that makes the Golden Great Gate Bridge nice to look at is the period red color that makes it pop off the mountains. If that thing was purple or like a shit brown, it wouldn't be hot as it is. It's the setting, right? It's the mountains behind it.
Starting point is 00:21:06 It's Oakland in the distance, which looks nice when you're not in it. And by the way, when I went to San Francisco, I made sure to have all my toiletries because I knew I wouldn't have been able to pick up a toothbrush or whatever because they're all closed. I brought my coffee pods.
Starting point is 00:21:22 There's no Starbucks anymore. Everything's closed. It's like camping. Look, either you can't find a Rite Aid or you can just walk in and take it. All you got to do is throw on a mask, walk in and take it. And they don't do anything. But the Golden Gate Bridge itself is kind of like a middle-aged bald guy in a Ferrari. It's like he looks better because everything around him is better, right?
Starting point is 00:21:47 You throw that thing someplace else, it doesn't have the same pop. It's the natural scenery around the Golden Gate Bridge that makes it hot. It's a bald guy. All right, and did you know it was named after a ferry company that it usurped and replaced? Yeah. That's great. That's like Apple Music calling itself DVDs. I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:16 let's pay homage to what we just put out of business by calling it the Golden Gate Bridge. It's not golden. It's red. It's period blood red and it pops. Whoever decided to color that thing red just shows you that red, I mean, it's red and blue are the colors that attracts the most people. Can you imagine if like the Democrats went with pink and the Republicans went with like,
Starting point is 00:22:43 what's an ugly color, maroon? It just wouldn't have the same, you know, what's an ugly color, maroon? It just wouldn't have the same, you know, it's blue and red, baby. And I think they should paint the Verrazano. Paint the Verrazano a nice dark blue. And then we get some more Bay Ridge tourists because it's the same thing. I was there, I was like,
Starting point is 00:23:01 I could be in Bay Ridge right now. I don't know what the hype's about. But San Francisco is a beautiful town. It's a beautiful town. And that's why you can't believe what you read or what you hear on the internet. Like it's fine. It's the same arrogant tech psychopaths with their heads held high, walk around with the same arrogance in their Patagonias, their jackets around their waist and their camper shoes and their designer coffee. It's no different. Their arrogance is a little bit, their heads went from here to here. They just took a little blow, but they're still cocksuckers, but it's all the same. So I had a good time in San Francisco. While while i was there the chinese were setting off
Starting point is 00:23:47 a lot of fireworks and um they did attack one driverless car during the chinese new year celebrations um just like we covered when they were attacking those robo delivery bikes i don't know how these things drive without a person in them in traffic but um they set one on fire for fun um this is just where you go this is the human element that's gonna really won't be ignored the human element that's going to really won't be ignored. The human element will not be ignored. Whenever technology makes a huge step forward, the human, the fallacy of being human, the flaw in humanity will not be ignored. Here they are just breaking with skateboards and then they set it on fire for no reason it's a celebration it's a celebration it's the chinese new year the year of the dragon or whatever and it's just what they're gonna do it's like when the internet was invented
Starting point is 00:24:56 just like who knew it was gonna be used for child porn pornography, you know, bullying. The metaverse, somebody's going to get hit by a car with the goggles on going like this. They're going to be walking across the street, watching YouTube. You can have four screens up at the same time. And someone's going to get hit by a car because they're going to be wearing their goggles outside.
Starting point is 00:25:23 The war is heated up, right, between Apple's new goggles and Meta's new goggles. And Zuckerberg went on his Instagram to give an impassioned defense of his goggles. But he gave props for Apple. He was basically just going, hey, it's a lot more expensive, and I just think that ours are a lot better.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I just don't see this taking off, man. I just don't see virtual reality, augmented reality taking off. Did you see the clip of the guy watching Hoops? That was pretty cool. So he had the game up up and then on the other side he had stats. So you could have like multiple games going.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yeah, but how, the average fan isn't a nerd like that. They just want to watch the game and they don't want to get a headache. Well, that depends. Or eye cancer.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I mean, the screen is like right in front of your face. Yeah, it's taped to your face. I mean, this thing is, I mean. Yeah, it depends on how it feels. Dude, like I remember
Starting point is 00:26:24 my brother walking. Have you ever talked on the phone like this? Have you ever talked? I get a headache like in three minutes when I talk on the phone. It's like holding a microwave to your face. That's why I always, I always do speakerphone when I talk, you know? Like it can't be good. I don't know if it's gonna work who wants to be
Starting point is 00:26:46 more in the internet i think people want to be less in the internet it just might be good to watch movies you know like i think it might replace um laptops also like imagine if you're sitting at your workspace and you just throw those things on throw those things on you know you got all your different screens going if you you do heavy computer work, shit like that. The only benefit I can see is if it's a three-dimensional girl giving you a blowjob and then they make like a, you know, a fleshlight right there. Oh, that's coming.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah, so you can, and it just, it automatically goes on. Yeah, wait till the bank brothers release their goggles. I mean, are a lot of people buying these things? Are they performing well yeah i think uh i think they're sold out for the run that they made wow so maybe i'm wrong dude everyone says that but i remember when the ipad first came out i was like who who wants this and then everyone got it everyone got it yeah so apple did real well and mark zuckerberg's up there going like i just don't want it to, like, everyone just thinks that, assumes Apple has a superior product. He's like, but ours is more superior.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Just, it is Apple, Steve Jobs, he just, like, people just, he's got the Midas touch. Whatever he creates turns to gold. So that war's heating up now that they're both on the market we got our coke and our pepsi one is uh the 500 though yeah one's a lot cheaper and zuckerberg's is a lot cheaper cheaper yeah but apple has a higher resolution so that's what it is so what he was basically pitching is look at all these other things that we're better at and how much cheaper ours are is so i don't think apple's is worth that price of course that price is going to come down though so yeah they got to make them smaller like regular glasses yeah they got to make them cheaper yeah i i want less internet i don't want more internet there'll be two camps the people i'll just go completely into the computer and then people
Starting point is 00:28:44 will go completely out yeah we'll just go start living off the land or something yeah i'm interested to see how this plays out because it's new and it's a huge jump it's another huge jump virtual reality and ai is another huge jump in technology um here he is you know i love how these tech multi-billionaires are always so understated with their dress yeah he's worth 165 billion he's like 165 billion dollars to spend any of on clothes he's wearing a true classic t-shirt and he's got on some like levi's jeans i mean and then you go to a rapper who's worth like 200K and it looks like he's just raided the Gucci store.
Starting point is 00:29:31 These guys were 265 bill. He doesn't even have a watch on. And this interview was done through the virtual reality. Like, this doesn't appeal to me. Alright, so what? You got three screens up at the same time. Everywhere you looked you looked as a screen up and you could just press on stuff
Starting point is 00:29:47 it doesn't i mean it just seems like overkill to me depends if you got league pass nba league pass you got a few games up whatever game's popping off yeah that one in the middle i guess so but how many games can you watch at the same time like let's say a game's really getting good you take that game you throw it in the center and then you got the other games going on the side. I do think there is a thing is too much. Like when I got the Apple Watch, at the beginning, I was like checking it, talking on it, and now I don't wear it anymore because it's like redundant. You know, it's one of those things.
Starting point is 00:30:16 It just feels redundant. You're not checking your steps anymore? No, I'm not. Well, now I have the aura ring, which is much better because it's on your finger and you don't have to, you know, constantly check it. But with with the apple watch i felt obliged to take my oxygen levels just to like use it i was like oh wow and then after you do that for a couple of weeks and i you know what i've heard that from a lot of people who have the apple watch you're
Starting point is 00:30:38 just kind of like yeah i did it for the first week and that was it yeah and then you're just like all right it's redundant yeah and it's a much smaller screen. So it's like, I just feel like this stuff is redundant. I could see maybe laying down and putting them on. The novelty wears off on it, though. I know people have had the goggles, and then they just end up not using them as much. I mean, the gamers may use them. I don't know. But, you know, it is interesting that gamers are being recruited by the military.
Starting point is 00:31:05 It is great that they're like watching them play video games and then contacting these guys. It's crazy. They're recruiting teens from the gaming world. Cause it is kind of simulated murder. Yeah. Just put them behind a drone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:19 The U S Navy has ramped up its effort, um, to meet recruitment goals, allocating up to 4.3 million this year for e-sports marketing. This includes hosting video game tournaments and having sailors compete as the e-sports team goats and glory or whatever. So critics argue that targeting blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, targeting teens. I mean, that's what we've always been doing. What are you going to target, 70-year-old men? You're going to target kids who don't know what they're doing,
Starting point is 00:31:52 who haven't developed their long-term planning yet. There's only two ways to get people into the military. Force them or get them young. It's like trying to convert them to a cigarette. You're not going to convince a 45-year-old guy to switch his brands, but you got a nice, young, nation brain who, you know, it's a known fact that teens haven't developed long-term planning. This stuff about the brain needs to start coming to the forefront because I have learned so much about the brain that's been enlightening. So much of it is behind the way we're manipulated and behind our shortcomings that this stuff
Starting point is 00:32:30 has to start becoming like front page news. The fact that when your emotional brain, your rational brain is shut down, how it's impossible to reason yourself out of a panic attack or, you know, like it's impossible to negotiate or yell at your kid when your kid is like, ah, because your kid can't access the reasonable part of their brain. Like the way the brain works, the reason why people end up killing each other or whatever is because they're in their emotional side of the brain. So if everybody had like these breathing exercises or whatever, and they knew like, let me take four deep breaths. And then your whole perspective changes. And you go, maybe I shouldn't murder this person on the Belt Parkway.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Maybe I shouldn't go to my trunk and get a tire iron and kill this off-duty firefighter. Remember that happened right there on the Belt Parkway over some road rage incident? It's like, you just take three deep breaths and then you go, oh, maybe I should just go say, hey man, I'm sorry. You know, and it's the reason why a lot of teens end up liking stuff that's bad is because their brain, the young brain just has not developed long term thinking.
Starting point is 00:33:37 That's why teens jump off roofs. That's why they do parkour and all that crazy stuff. That's why they do parkour and all that crazy stuff. And for some reason, nature wants that because nature wants young people to go out there and defend territory or hunt or whatever it is. They don't want young, capable, physical people. Not they, the brain, nature, doesn't want young, capable people long-term thinking.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And that's what companies and the military and all these manipulators tap into. That's what R. Kelly tapped into. I mean, seriously, that's what companies and the military and all these manipulators tap into. That's what R. Kelly tapped into. I mean, seriously, that's what he did. That's what he tapped into, is they're not long-term thinking. They're just like, I'm around a celebrity. And then next thing you know, they're eating his shit out of a bucket.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I mean, it just happens like that because they're young. You know? It's the reason why Jeffrey Epstein, this seems like a good idea. I get 300 bucks. Next thing you know, you're in a room with Prince Andrew and his bad teeth. Come here, honey. Come here, lady. Come with you.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Just so you know. And this lizard person is raping you. Because the young brain is not developed yet. So the critics are arguing they're targeting teens. Shut up. That's how we recruit for the military. What are you going to go recruit a 35 year old guy with a five-year plan? You can't do that. You can't go recruit a guy who regularly watches Tony Robbins videos. You know, I'm going, no, no, no, no. I got a 10 year plan, 15 year plan. I'm focused. You can't
Starting point is 00:35:04 go target a 24 year old who just started reading The Secret. That's not what you can do. You got to get them 14, 15. We go, hey, you want to play video games for real? We got plenty of Slurpees and plenty of Doritos. You like Takis? Do you like Takis? Guess what?
Starting point is 00:35:24 You could sit in a drone. You can operate a drone while you eat Takis? Guess what? You could sit in a drone. You can operate a drone while you eat Takis. It's basically what he's doing right now. Yeah, come on. Talk to me. So, of course, that's where they're going to recruit him. The U.S. Navy's getting smart. Getting smart.
Starting point is 00:35:37 What, are you going to go recruit able-bodied athletes? That doesn't seem to be working. Because now they all got plans to play overseas. You know? America's too comfortable. Nobody wants to fight anymore. Nobody's patriotic. You got to get these gamers young.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I understand. So hats off to the military. And basically, you just need people to control robotics now anyway. Plus, I think recruitment's down, way down. Way down. Yeah. Because, yeah, nobody wants to go. No.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Nobody wants to go. Why would you? Why would you want to go? You could die. It's the whole point of the military. It's like, hey, guy, you want to, here you are. We'll give you $15,000. And how about this? You'll get to board planes first, but there's a 75% chance you could get killed if you're called
Starting point is 00:36:35 up. How does it sound? How would you like to be in front of the Delta One passengers getting onto a plane? Talk to me. Huh? Would you like to get on with the elderly and people in wheelchairs? How about this? You might be a person in a wheelchair and also a service person. So you'll be the first on the plane. Of course, you'll only be able to afford a coach ticket,
Starting point is 00:36:57 but you'll be able to sit first. You may only be able to sit. You may never be able to stand again. But does that sound good? Especially for the $14,000 a year we offer you? Americans ain't stupid. 2024 is recorded as the lowest recruitment year on record. It'll be the smallest active duty force since 1940.
Starting point is 00:37:24 So you know what that means. You know what that means. We needed a nice little world war to get recruitment up. That means in one year, we'll be in the next year. We were at war, right? Wasn't it 41 to 45? World War II, we were in there for four years. I think it was 41 to 45.
Starting point is 00:37:44 We do have a lot of people coming in. Huh? We got a lot of people coming in from the South. We got a lot of people coming in the South and apparently from the North now. Apparently now, as the news has reported, we have the biggest encroachment of our border from the North. Who would have thought?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Who would have thought that these sons of bitches would get all the way up to Canada just to go back south? But there's a growing number of immigrants coming from Canada. Most of them are coming from Venezuela. And actually, last month was one of Biden's lowest three months of illegal immigration. And they shored up something in Panama. I can't remember what it's called. Some crossing in Panama.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Because most of the migrants are coming from Venezuela. Which, again, is just some more real-world evidence that I just don't know what it's like to live in a purely socialist country. But if you look at the sheer amount of people trying to get out, you're going like, it's almost like fleeing a fire, like what a building's on fire. And you go like, Hey man, maybe it's the building fire. Maybe it's the burning fire that's making people flee. And they go, no, no, no, no. You don't understand the politics of the firefighters that get involved. That's the reason.
Starting point is 00:39:17 So according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the reason behind the flow of migrants and refugees includes a democratic breakdown, repression, and a lack of basic human rights in Venezuela. It's all governance too. They're a rich country. Yeah, they're a rich country with a lot of oil. The problem is when you try to control people
Starting point is 00:39:40 and say, this is the amount that you can get. This is as high as you can go. It just will never work out. This is what we're going to take from you if you excel. We're going to take more from you and give to them. It's just idealistic thinking. It's like assuming everyone is just this great person going like, I want to help everyone. And that's not the personality of people who achieve. They're very selfish. They're very self-aggrandizing. And often what comes with their shitty personalities is great achievements.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Steve Jobs was a shitty human being, okay? His daughter has to do EMDR therapy to look at an iPhone. He's a shitty human being. But he gave us the iPhone. All these great people end up being shitty people. This guy Bessel who wrote The Body Keeps the Score, which caused a revolution in mental health, just got fired from the thing he created because he's such an asshole. I mean, this is what happens. I mean, Michael Jackson gave us Thriller, but he touched
Starting point is 00:40:42 a lot of little boys. I mean, this is how it works. There's a yin to the yang. There's tokens that need to be paid to the devil. Mephistopheles needs his money. So that's the problem. And then the other problem is assuming that all poor people are poor because they didn't get a fair shot. They didn't get a fair shot. That's probably about,
Starting point is 00:41:11 if we were to ballpark, guesstimate the stats on that, I would say that's probably 37% true. I would say 37%. Me being alive for as long as I've been alive and interacting with the public as much as I've interacted with the public, I'd say 37% of people are well-intended and ambitious and got their shit together.
Starting point is 00:41:33 And the only thing holding them back is lack of opportunity, right? I would say that would leave 73% who are just fucking stupid. They're just retarded. And they've got a victim mentality. And that's just what it is. You know?
Starting point is 00:41:54 And I would say similarly for good, rich people. I would say there's probably 73% are bad. Sometimes some good comes with that bad. But a lot are bad. Sometimes some good comes with that bad, but a lot of bad. And then 30-something percent are still bad, but bring good things into the world. So that's why it'll never work. That's why socialism can only work
Starting point is 00:42:18 as a check on the free market. That's the only way it'll ever work. It'll, it can never be the independent variable. Never. It'll never work. Capitalism can be the independent variable. Um,
Starting point is 00:42:34 but you can't have capitalism without socialism. You just can't, you can't not have a mixed economy. You just can't. I mean, it's as simple as playing monopoly. I mean, at one point everyone's got everything.
Starting point is 00:42:43 And then if, even if for self-preservation, he's got to give some money out, or else six people who lost are just going to fucking storm his foyer and shit and do a lupus face. So you got to pay people out. There comes a point where you win the game, and $49 trillion is just too much, Jeff Bezos.
Starting point is 00:43:03 And guess what? You got to build a library, and sometimes you're such a fucking greedy miser that the government has to say, hey, we're protecting you. We're protecting your ability to make money. The way you made this money is you sold to these consumers. Give them a kickback. It's like the mafia's over.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Give them a fucking kickback. They made you a quadrillionaire. Taylor Swift, give a kickback. You know, it's like you got to do it. You got to go, all right, you guys made me a quadrillionaire. Taylor Swift, give a kickback. You know, it's like, you got to do it. You got to go, all right, you guys made me a quadrillionaire. Here's one trillion. And then you build roads and whatever, and you pay the police.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And guess what happens when you pay police? They don't storm your foyer or go through your garbage. So you need that. You just need it. I hope we just get, I just, I hope we get past that, you know? I hope we just, all the arguments start from there. You know, all the arguments should just start from that moderate, realistic, adult, experienced position, you know, with just the knowledge and experience of humanity in mind. Humanity is a horse shit show.
Starting point is 00:44:09 I mean, it's just, it's just horse. There's just fucking manure everywhere. So you got to account for that. Anyway, that's the, my, my Yanni long day of the day. I'm talking about Venezuela. I mean, you know, it is like watching people flee from a fire and going like, I can't be the fire. It's got to be the fault of the place
Starting point is 00:44:30 that these people are fleeing to. You're like, okay, how many times is that argument going to keep working? You know, it's like, ah, the place they're fleeing to doesn't want to have anything to do with the fire. And you're going like, yeah, I think that's why people are fleeing to it because there's no fire over here they go you don't understand you don't
Starting point is 00:44:50 understand you don't understand how unequal and equitable and corrupt america is you're like i hear you but that you are able to say that to me means it's pretty good. If I see you tomorrow and you're not thrown out of a fucking hospital window, that means it's pretty good. Furthermore, I think the sheer volume of people trying to get in is also evidence that it's pretty
Starting point is 00:45:18 good. So stop trying to gaslight us. Stop trying to gaslight us just because you don't have any personal motivation or direction in your own fucking life. Just because you haven't developed your brain to have any long-term planning in it. You're 17. You're 23. You're telling me you want to make Palestine free from the river to the sea, but you're doing it by blocking the fucking tunnel. And it ain't the tunnel that the fucking Israelis
Starting point is 00:45:50 and fucking commandos are going in. You're blocking the fucking Jersey tunnel where people are trying to get to Jersey. You're throwing soup cans on fucking Botticelli paintings and you're telling me these people are leading the the climate campaign i told you glue yourself to mark ronson's penis make a story out of it nobody's hurt hurt. You're going to go to this artistic icon, this priceless relic, and throw soup on it
Starting point is 00:46:33 instead of gluing yourself to fucking Mark Ronson's penis. That's how you get, because then you have no enemies. Then people are going like, it's fucking hilarious. And they just, while they're there trying to unglue your hand from his penis as it shrinks,
Starting point is 00:46:49 you know? Right. Because if like you're, let's say you're an undercover climate activist, you pretend you're a hooker. You know, Mark Ronson's getting some fucking hookers. You get it in that Hollywood scene where there's like paperwork and the
Starting point is 00:47:00 prostitutes are like not really prostitutes. They're high end celebrity escorts who get it you know there's a that's a big job out there right they get it you know it's sort of like charlie sheen's on a plaque somewhere in the madam's house he's like on a plaque you know that type of place so you get in one of those you go undercover as a climate activist in one of those and then you get hired by mark ronson because you know he's doing it and then while you're jerking him up you glue yourself to his penis so then his penis shrinks in your hand but you're still glued to the top of it like that and so then he's got to make an embarrassing call you make sure tmz is told about it you get another plant in tmz who's also like waiting for the story
Starting point is 00:47:42 so she doesn't leak it and i say, because it's usually who these people are. You know, like I said, you know who they are. You know who these do-gooders are. Fat-calfed, family disappointments, you know, rich family, black sheep, that type of thing. Brother's a doctor, sister's a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:48:03 They're a climate activist. Every family's got one, right? And thankful for them because sometimes they get behind a lot of good causes. Climate is a good cause. I mean, Greenland is turning green. You know, Greenland's actually turning green. So Greenland's ice sheet is melting and being replaced by vegetation. So Greenland will actually be green.
Starting point is 00:48:22 So whoever named Greenland, I don't know if it was Nostradamus or whatever, but he's like, yo, one dayland will actually be green. So whoever named Greenland, I don't know if it was Nostradamus or whatever, but he's like, yo, one day this place will be green and Miami will be water. And everyone keeps saying they don't believe in climate, but the scientists keep saying, hey man, this is what's going to happen. And it keeps happening. And you're like, I don't know, dude. I don't know. I just don't know what their motivation would be. People say funding. Maybe that's it. I don't think it's the alarm that they set off. I think it's sort of that COVID thing where they set off too much of an alarm because they want to get things right. So you can't convince people. That's the other side of the argument that you got to understand
Starting point is 00:49:01 is like with the vaccines and all that, if you're in that position, you can't just go on. You can't, you're dealing with the stupidity of humanity. So if you go on stage and you go, Hey, listen, man, just go out there. If you get it, it'll be cool. And then it's just like the hospitals are overflowed. So you got to kind of make a horrible decision to go out there and be like, don't, everyone don't move because you're trying to control a free country of idiots. You know, you got the smart people who can handle it and be like, if you told them the truth, they'd be like, I can't handle it. But then you got poor people and stupid people
Starting point is 00:49:37 who are like, I need cheese. I need to go to the supermarket. I want to go to a rave. You got kids who are like, I'm going to a rave. And just like, it just keeps going. So, you know know in some back room they were just like hey man tell them it's night of the living dead just whatever to keep these people in because they're building tents outside these fucking hospitals we don't understand this goddamn virus yet just do it you know there's some of that politic real in there you know there's some machiavelli in there you know there's some of
Starting point is 00:50:03 that and i think there's probably some of that in the climate too because the scientists are going to these political leaders and saying hey man this is what our research shows it's probably like hey in like 300 years we'll be out of here so they're probably going like what are we going to do tell fucking humans that it's going to be fine for 300 years so then what are they going to do like that's 300 years fuck it just fucking light up their rubber bonfires and get another Hummer, you know? Or they go like, hey, oil's going to run out. Like, we got to, what are they going to do?
Starting point is 00:50:33 Like, hey, it'll run out in 500 years. People be like, fuck that. I'm driving gas. Oh, but the emissions, fuck the emissions, dude. I'm going to a NASCAR tomorrow. They don't give a shit. So you got to kind of, you got to look at their perspective too.
Starting point is 00:50:46 You know? Nobody ever thinks about that. It's like, if you were in that position and let's say climate change is real. Okay. Just assume. No, no, no. Assume. Shut up. Just assume it's real. I'm putting you in a make-believe scenario. Assume it's real. So if it's real, okay, let's start from the premise. It's real. What would you do if you were the Western world? When you go to these international summits and you got kids, you got grandkids and all this shit, how would you PR it? Like, what would you say? But Hey, don't worry. It's down the line. Would you do that? Would you trust people with that message? You know, nobody ever makes that point. It's a good point. Let's say you were the head of government and COVID happens. And a lot of people were dying. I mean, a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:51:28 we all know people, um, who were fucked up or dead and, you know, viruses cause fucking problems, dude. Um, well, how would you control it? You don't really know what's going on, how it's spread. You're trying to get ahold of it. You're getting calls from hospitals like, yo, it's fucking overflowing. Like, what would you do? Would you go, hey, everybody just keep living as normal. We'll get a grip on it. Like, how do you, how do you account for the stupidest people? It's like saying we shouldn't have TSA because most people aren't going to try to blow up a plane. You have to account for the stupidest people. That's the whole thing with the guns. You're like, most people are good fucking, and you got to give them credit. Most people are fucking law abiding. By most, I'd say overwhelming majority are law
Starting point is 00:52:17 abiding, fucking good gun people. But like, what about the retard? What about the fucking maniac? You know, and it just takes one and he could take down, he could go up to a hotel room in Las Vegas and just mow people down like in an open air prison of Republican music. Wasn't that like a country music concert? Which was ironic. He was just up there going he's going you voted for this motherfucker i don't know i'm just bringing it up in all other
Starting point is 00:52:54 things we take you have to that's the that's the tough thing about society is that you got to take care of your weakness and you also have to protect yourself from your weakest. You just have to. Should we have no prescriptions? Should people just be able to score oxys? Are you going to trust people to just go, heroin is legal. It's all legal. Are you trusting that personal responsibility? Are you that much of an eye? Have you met anyone? Have you interacted with people? They're fans of you.
Starting point is 00:53:30 So that should say something. Do you think there's fucking Nobel laureate prize winners listening to this fucking podcast right now? You're fucking driving in a Hyundai listening to this. You haven't even figured out a way to get a better car I'm gonna trust you with a fucking gun I'm making a little bit of a point no disagree with me if you want I just don't like you insulting our fans well they know I mean they're listening to me I'm insulting myself i mean it's a mirror i'm
Starting point is 00:54:06 getting people like me who are stupid ideally i would like to get people like me who are stupid and okay with it i'm totally okay dude i am the log line of the show yeah i am stupid and okay i am fully aware that i'm king of the dipshits. I am fully aware. Like when I hear these motherfuckers take themselves seriously and they go on their fucking channels. I mean, I've been around smart people. I've been around people who have access. I've been around those people and the way they talk
Starting point is 00:54:37 and the degrees that they have. It is crazy, the difference. It's there. You got your people who have that entertainment factor. God doesn't give you anything. Like those people just aren't entertainers. Like you couldn't listen to them.
Starting point is 00:54:49 If you see anyone drawing an audience, that means there's a part of their brain that is lacking because they want attention and there's flawed. There's something
Starting point is 00:54:58 not smart about them. You know, I'm making some sense here because the people who are the fucking smartest are like autistic level they don't want to be looked at they don't want to interact with you they look at you and me like absolute monkeys they can't like they can't deal there's something they're rude like this dude bessel who's like brilliant harvard psychiatrist he's so fucking rude to his
Starting point is 00:55:22 staff like they had to they fired like the board fired him because like you can't you can't be yelling at people like have you ever met like a really start and they just fucking yell like they can't like this eye doctor my wife had to go to the eye doctor and obviously if you're an ophthalmologist surge eye surgeon you're fucking smart and my wife's like saying all this stuff and i'm asking questions and you could see him go like he goes i've been doing this a long time he's just just like, can you monkeys shut up? Like her eyes are going to fall out. I need to do this surgery. Like can you monkeys shut your fucking mouth?
Starting point is 00:55:51 People are really arrogant to think there's fucking planes in the sky, there's cars on the road, there's bridges up, there's cancer cures, they can fix your heart. But they feel like they got the fucking answer because they listened to some fucking pundit run his fucking mouth on his take or his interpretation of the fucking news. Can we get some fucking humility and self-awareness back? I got one talent and that's making you laugh. It's the only talent I've ever had. Before I could form sentences and knew what the word excoriating was, I put G.I. Joe figures in my ass and ran around parties naked. That's what I did. Jesse was there.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I put on my friend's little sister's clothes and ran around for a laugh. That's what I did. That's what I did. I barely graduated college with the help of my mother writing some papers for me. That's what I did. My brother is smart. I am not. I'm not smart. I was dealing with the contractor at my house today,. I am not. I'm not smart.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I was dealing with the contractor at my house today and he was talking. I was pretending to understand what he said because my only hope is that he's a good man because I have no idea
Starting point is 00:56:57 what the fuck he's talking about. That's my contractor. He's a fucking construction guy. Do you know how much smarter he is than me? He was out there with his fucking measuring tape and he knows how to fucking build something so it doesn know how much smarter he is than me? He was out there with his fucking measuring tape and he knows how to fucking build something
Starting point is 00:57:06 so it doesn't fall down. Are you kidding me? I can't even get this fucking podcast off the ground. You can stick things up your ass. Are you good at that? I used to put the G.I. Joe figure out and I'd run around with it in my ass. And I used to put Crayola markers in my ass in the bathtub.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Maybe that's what the podcast needs. I lost it a little bit for a second there. But I am okay with that because if you come see me live, and people who've seen me live know, I've developed a high level of skill to be able to entertain you for an hour with jokes. So I don't have another need to grift you. I don't need to, I don't, I just don't like there's a whole generation. Now you see them for one minute and then you go see
Starting point is 00:57:50 their show and you go, Oh, you got me. And everyone knows what I'm talking about. And this isn't a bitter state. It's just the truth. I mean, it's just how it goes. There's no way you could be good at this. If you haven't been doing it for 10 to 20 years. It's just, you can get kind of good. You can get 15, 20 minutes. You can be kind of good, but it's just like anything else. The people who are the best have been doing it the longest and they have the most natural talent.
Starting point is 00:58:14 But you can trick anyone with a one minute TikTok video. You can get anyone interested in marketing. That's what marketing does. And everyone's a masterful marketer now trying to build their brand. And then they try to cash in by saying, and then you go watch and they're just talking to the audience the whole time.
Starting point is 00:58:29 And they're doing it for one clip that then other people will see and go, oh, I got to go see this guy. So it's just going to take a while for everyone to realize that, oh, this didn't. I mean, I'm glad for what it's doing for comedy. It's getting a lot of people interested in comedy. I think eventually they'll find better,
Starting point is 00:58:46 more experienced comedians. And I think those comedians will get better as well. But by that time they'll lose their fan base because they've seen them and gone like that live show was nowhere near what the one minute clip is. Whereas I think if you see me and I'm not tooting my own horn, I'm just saying people comment right now, comment.
Starting point is 00:59:01 The people who are in San Francisco, comment right there. Anyone who's seen me live, comment right there. You'll see a minute clip of mine, and you might even go like, I don't know, he's talking about January 6th. Seems a little boomerish for me. And then you come and you'll be like, wow, that guy knows how to do an hour
Starting point is 00:59:18 and really entertain for an hour. And I'm not tooting my own horn. I'm just saying that I'm experienced, right? That's gone in America. It's been replaced. Like, anyone can pop up on fucking YouTube, get a channel going, and people are like, I'm listening to this guy because they got some charisma or they're fucking saying some shit. It's like nobody's seeking out, like, what's his credentials? Where did he go?
Starting point is 00:59:38 Where did this guy go? What did he do before? Did he work in government? Like, who is this guy talking? Does he know any epidemiology? I mean, like, you know, where, who is this guy? Who is he? Nobody's doing that.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Because excellence has been replaced by diversity inclusion on the left, right? And on the right, marketing. Marketing and emotion-based reptilian brain manipulation. What's up, everybody? Want to give a small business shout-out to ExclusiveAutoshipping.com. ExclusiveAutoshipping.com. If you're moving your car out of state or you're buying a car, go to ExclusiveAutoshipping.com.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Student and military discount supply. Jared Z. Jared Z, we love you. Chris Minetti. You know the guy. He's got a phone number. It's the landline, 215-750-3730. Give me credit for making every one of these ad reads a little different each time and
Starting point is 01:00:35 still making them entertaining. Chris Minetti, okay? Just call the phone up. Just call it and give it a whirl. Call it and see what happens. Hand something to him and see him he hands you counterfeit dollar bills in return. 215-750-3730
Starting point is 01:00:50 That's all the information I have. He has no address. He's got no fucking website. For all I know, he could be killing my fans one by one and that's why my numbers have been going down. People could be calling. He'd be like, meet me here. I'm going to cash your checks and he just murders people. there could be a serial killer on the loose and
Starting point is 01:01:07 chris minetti could be him in the south jersey area so if you're in philly or south jersey go get killed great ad he's gonna be like what the fuck guy i'm a serial killer yeah for the free dot r they don't even know what's going on he's back nate linder is back. Nate Linder, one of our founding partners in our conglomerate, is back. Nate Linder helps businesses across the world create high-performing, I miss these, high-performing websites, rank on number one, spot on Google. So he will do your social media managing. You know the deal. He'll get you right up there.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Satisfaction guaranteed, but only after full payment. He will get you up there satisfaction guaranteed but only after full payment he will get you up there he'll he'll make your digital advertising profitable whether you need more brand awareness better leads or more online sales sales nate is your non-binary nate linder.com think marketing think nate linder he's even fucking guys he went he went getting strong now he went back he got his marketing up look at remember how long they used to be i'm nate linder meet me boom you got to get a pithy think marketing think think think marketing think nate linder i deliver like that guys think marketing. Think Nate Linder. I deliver like that. Guys, think marketing. Think Nate Linder.
Starting point is 01:02:31 You booked. You got the job. I got the job. I'm the spokesperson. DisplayPros.net. Guys, if you're building a custom trade booth, I don't know who the fuck would ever be doing that. But if you are and you need some retail fixtures or promotional items,
Starting point is 01:02:43 our good friends over at DisplayPros.net got you covered. This is one more of these great big businesses that are taking advantage of my fucking low prices. You get 10% off, you mention me. Is it 10%? Yeah, 10% off your first purchase. Tell them you want to send it. And then, of course, MA Insurance Services.
Starting point is 01:03:02 I actually may need to speak to you, Matthew Albody. I actually may need to speak to you, Matthew Albody. I actually may need to speak to him. Matthew, I am getting a renovation done on my house. They won't cover it. These scumbags. You got to go local with it when you're doing a renovation. So, Matthew, talk to me. I mean, how much do you cover?
Starting point is 01:03:20 Is this a real company? Because I need to know or you're just going to take my money and send me some fucking Monopoly certificate? MAinsuranceServices.com I'm probably going to call. 813-260-0338 It's an insurance company in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Starting point is 01:03:36 They offer a wide range of coverage and policies. Then we got, of course, Capratech. It's your sports handicapper. Go there and let them use Simulate Game Results, giving you the best betting advice possible with their AI, all 100% free, too.
Starting point is 01:03:54 So look at that. No BS. Go to Capritech.com or download the Capritech app in the App Store or Google Play. It's the only sports betting advice that you should use. Rebels Raider. Love my, I love my backpack, dude. I'm not.
Starting point is 01:04:09 This is just a true endorsement. It's the best one I've ever had. I travel with it now. If you see me in the airport, you could check. Don't talk to me, please. Just let me get on the plane. Just take a peek at the backpack. It's always awkward.
Starting point is 01:04:23 It's good. No, I love it. Say hello, but let's keep it moving say hello but let's keep it moving okay let's keep it moving that's the irony the bigger you get you know i do get recognized a lot like yeah in airports and stuff pictures selfies yeah pictures fine stuff is fine you know but like that's it yeah i mean you know just hey i love you and i say i love you and we point and then point yeah point is good yeah shoot me down i'll shoot you down baby fist bumps little fist bumps are good i get those no power most people are way again this goes to my this goes to my episode
Starting point is 01:04:58 rant it's like 99 of the dudes are great Then the 1% of the dude wants to go, can I switch my seat to seat next to you? And you're gone. All right, guy. Rebels-Raiders.com. Rebels-Raiders.com to get your high-end tactical backpacks, pouches, backpacks, pouches for everyday carry outside activities such as hiking, trail running, training, traveling.
Starting point is 01:05:25 They're just great, great bags. Go look at his website. Thinkingman.substack.com. It's a New York City-based newsletter that publishes articles, essays, and thoughts on things in books, movies, pops, cultures, etc., politics. Go to thinkingman.substack.com. You can read for free or you could subscribe for five bucks a month if you want to support. So go check it out for free.

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