Yannis Pappas Hour - The Parallels of Rome & America

Episode Date: March 22, 2024

Yanni presents an episode in his bonus episodes style, covering parallels between the Rome of Commodus and present-day America, Netflix getting sued by Egypt for depicting Cleopatra as black, and the ...surprising rise of Hentai porn as the number one searched porn. Our bonus episodes are highly rated and viewable here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator   Check out Prize Picks here: https://www.prizepicks.com/podcast?&utm_source=Podcast&utm_medium=PodcastAds&utm_campaign=100depositmatch&utm_content=YannisPappasHour&utm_term=YANNIS?invite_code=YANNIS Download the app today and use code YANNIS for a first deposit match up to $100!   See Yanni do stand up live in your town: Ticket links for his live stand up dates in your city: https://www.yannispappascomedy.com/shows Join our highlights page for highlight clips from the episodes: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykw

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, guys? As always, go to patreon.com slash januspapashour for our weekly bonus episodes. You'll enjoy them. I am in Toronto this weekend. It could be sold out by now. First show was sold out. As of the recording, there's a few tickets left.
Starting point is 00:00:14 So March 23rd, the Royal Theater. Then I'll be at Hilarity's in Cleveland March 29th and 30th. Tulsa April 5th and 6th. Kansas City April 11th through 13th. Los Angeles at the Netflix is a Joke Festival, May 2nd, Raleigh, North Carolina, May 17th and 18th, Harrah's in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Harris, Harris, Harris in Atlantic City, New Jersey on June 22nd, and then other dates after the summer.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Go to my website, yannispappascomedy.com for tickets. Yannis Pappas. Yeah. When you all tucked up in the David Mall And the news online going on and on What's right and wrong And there's something up
Starting point is 00:00:57 Now here comes a great kid you know you can trust From the true who's who To the news and cameras To the fake politics And the propaganda Get his kids screwed in Got a lot to say Aw shit It's about to be a long day Guys, football season may be over, but the action on the floor is heating up. Whether it's tournament season or the fight for the playoff home court,
Starting point is 00:01:18 there's no shortage of high-stakes basketball moments this time of year. Get in on the excitement with PrizePix, America's number one fantasy sports app where you can turn your hoops knowledge into serious cash. Download the app today and use code YANIS, that is Y-A-N-N-I-S, for a first deposit match up to $100. That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Use the code YANIS for a first deposit match up to $100. PrizePix. Pick more, Pick less. It's that easy. Good day, everybody. My name is Yannis Pappas. Welcome to the Yannis Pappas Hour. There's no big whoop to what's going on. We just talk about what we read about what's happening in the world from the previous week. That's all that happens here. That's all that's going on. I kick back because I'm a Greek guy
Starting point is 00:02:07 who always likes to lay down. I don't know if it's genetic. I was actually thinking about that in the car. I don't know if people do that, if people have similar brains to me. But that was actually a thought process of mine on my drive this morning to go do a podcast with a couple of Greeks.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm trying to pluck off a couple of greek fans you know maybe a couple of younger ones who don't believe in racism you know it's a new crop of greeks out there oh yeah yeah i want to get a couple of woke greeks they're enlightened the enlightened yeah because the older greeks would be like would get mad at you if you weren't racist now i think there's some greeks that'll get mad at you if you weren't racist. Now I think there's some Greeks that will get mad at you if you are. Not saying that those Greeks like me either. You know, I just don't know. You're never Greek enough for the Greeks. Kind of like the left.
Starting point is 00:02:53 You're never left enough for the left, and you're never Greek enough for the Greeks. In fact, that's a very good point. For the Greeks, you can never be Greek enough. You always got to prove you're Greek. You got to keep going. What are you doing? I got to fix the camera.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Should we start over? No, no, no. No, we're good? You just got a real lounge on right now. Oh, I got a real lounge on, so you got to reel back a little bit? Yeah. Well, you know the deal. We're shooting this like a bonus episode right now because I want to lay it out.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Why not lay it out? I was thinking sitting in the chair is too hard it looks like a therapy because this is a hard job this is a very hard job we worked very hard and it's too much it's back-breaking work so i figured what can i do to make it a little easier on me so i called um hr i called the labor department. I said, I got a couple of complaints against myself. I'm working myself too hard, and I'm working myself too long hours. I am currently filing suit against myself, and I am currently working on evicting myself out of my own apartment because I'm squatting in it. Because in New York, if you own a place in New York, and let's say your parents die which they all will eventually
Starting point is 00:04:07 so get ready to either rejoice or cry or both some people rejoice some people's parents are a real fucking buzzkill and let me tell you when they knock over when they when they when they get on the runway to to studio 76 which is what i'm just calling heaven because it's a party some sometimes you feel like this uh the monkey has crawled off your back would you say the war is over the war is over that's what my that's what my that's why i'm in trauma therapy directly because of my mother yeah but once you get on the hot once you get on the runway you know sometimes it just feels like for example let's say you're a gay guy from the 70s and your your mother gave you all hell for it and then she kicks the bucket guess who's going to a pizza with a free conscious
Starting point is 00:04:58 guess who's finally bringing a twink home to Christmas dinner because now the person who made it uncomfortable is gone, so now your cousins just have to deal with it. Now the younger Jason is just going, this is Barry, and Barry comes in in short, short, short, short, short shorts, short shorts and boat shoes. Is that what your brother did? No, I'm just saying. I'm sure he wasn't upset when they kicked the bucket.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I mean, we lived a whole life, and we didn't mention that he was gay. Nobody mentioned it at all. It was a weird thing. Never. Not once. Ever. Ever. Nowhere.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Nothing. Family gatherings. Nothing. So, you know. He never brought a friend. He never brought a friend he never brought a friend there was never that there was never this is my roommate situation those days were funny can we just leave the gays alone and hey gays you got to do something about the 67 genders because that really fucking
Starting point is 00:05:56 set you guys right back you had a bunch of fucking small-minded pea-brained uh people who were accepting you get married and then all these young people, started marching in with 150 genders. And people were just like, well, now let's get rid of them all. Let's get rid of them all. That's how it starts. It's like, all right, I let you in here. It's like that scene in Bronx Tale when it comes in and he goes, hey, we were just messing around.
Starting point is 00:06:22 We're just going to have a couple drinks. And then they go and then they spray the beer everywhere. And he goes, all right, I let you with that first thing. And now you just can't leave. So basically all the gays are locked in a bar. They're locked in a bar and they're about to get beat up by conservative Italians. And that's my analogy and I'm sticking to it. But yeah, everyone's parents are going to kick the bucket.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And I don't remember why I went off on the kick the bucket thing. You're talking about the house in Queens. So the house in Queens, when going to kick the bucket. And I don't remember why I went off on the kick the bucket thing. You're talking about the house in Queens. So the house in Queens, when your parents kick the bucket in Queens, because everyone lives in Queens. I love when the podcast gets too local. I did a podcast today with two Greeks, two funny Greeks, Christina, who's on our show, and Gus, who's a young gay. They're both Greeks from Bay Ridge.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And I did a podcast with them today. And I don't know why I brought that up. But anyway. You were talking about the young Greeks. Oh, yeah, but a while ago. But anyway. Oh, and we get ultra local. We spent half the podcast going, what's your favorite Bay Ridge restaurant?
Starting point is 00:07:20 And I'm like, you guys do know that nobody lives in Bay Ridge. People in Bay Ridge don't listen to podcasts. All right? They're watching Tucker Carlson, and that's it. They're watching Charlie Kirk. My mother-in-law is so right-wing, she doesn't even do Newsmax anymore. Really? Yeah, she's doing the Freedom Network with Charlie Kirk.
Starting point is 00:07:38 She only watches Charlie Kirk. That's it. You're also never right enough for the right either like once a little a little a little slip of something liberal then you got to go even writer Fox News is now two left for the a lot of the right and now I think Newsmax might have made another decision they might have said something sane and so then they got two left for certain righties. And now righties, those righties only have Charlie Kirk. That's the end of the road of Charlie Kirk. If Charlie Kirk says hello to a lesbian,
Starting point is 00:08:12 I don't know where they're going to go. And I think that's all it takes is just a wave to a lesbo and just acknowledging that they're human. And I think they got to, I don't know, I think at that point they just, I think they just move into Kanye West's house. I think that's the only place to go from charlie kirk is just moving in with kanye west and just becoming a part of yeezy selling everything for 20 he's been advertising like all things are 20 i don't know i think he's selling like kkk emblems or uh nazi
Starting point is 00:08:41 hats or whatever or shirts that say hitler wasn all wrong. I don't know what he's doing. I think the shirts, his new, he wanted to do a project with Adidas. Too bad they didn't get it to bring it to fruition, but I think it was going to go, Hitler built some great roads. I think that's what his shirt was going to be.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Come on. I think it was this. Come on, guys. Hitler did build some good roads. Dude, this can't be real, right? I don't does it say look at that yay shirt it's the it's like a schwoz no it probably is it is it is probably true there's a swastika yeah the guy's a nazi dude i mean i mean the the whole jewish financier they finance all sides of wars. These things are main conversations happening on Twitter now. And so they're so mainstream right now that they got me researching them.
Starting point is 00:09:31 So I'll go and be like, all right, let me get to the bottom. So I've been digging deep into the barrels. And it's the same old story I come up with. There's like a few high profile ones and then there's a whole other ones as well. It's the same story so i think the jew hate they're just gonna focus on and someone right now in the comments is gonna send me some fucking meme of how every war financier was uh didn't celebrate christmas i don't know what to tell you all right they got horns and they can turn you gay i don't know what
Starting point is 00:10:02 you want to i don't know what you want to read to tell you. But anyway, yeah, this is a Yeezy shirt that is, it's almost a swastika. It's the word, it's the letter 24. Oh, it is. Yeah, because it's, oh my God, this is real. Oh yeah. I don't want to live in this world anymore. I can't do comedy in this world anymore.
Starting point is 00:10:23 There's a guy with a flaming mental illness. Holy shit. Who's making Nazi shirts. Okay, so this is a shirt you can buy. It's Ye24. So the way he designed it, he designed it with the Y and the E. Can you put it up somewhere? Yeah, it'll be up.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, so you can see it. The Y and the E and the 24. What does that look like to you? It does say Ye24, but it also looks a little similar to something else. I don't know, dude. He lives in a good world. Listen, talk about believing. You could buy it in red as well.
Starting point is 00:10:56 You can get it in your favorite color. He lives in a good world, though. Think about it. In his world, the Nazis accept him. So we're all brothers. Dude, if the Nazis accept Kanye, then racism is over. So I don't know if that speaks to you, but it speaks to me. What's more of a sign of racism being...
Starting point is 00:11:20 Uh-oh. Hold on. That's a trouble knock. Did you just tell it to me that you're from canada yeah are you still rolling yeah hello can you hear me yeah so that was somebody registering democratic voters for some local guy she was like i was like yeah i'm all that stuff and then she goes no this is for i think she was telling me like uh to vote for some coffee guy. That's how local it was. Here is a way to get out of it quick. And I use it every time.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And when I first started dating my wife, it made her laugh because it works every time when you're walking by anyone and they stop you, you just say I'm Canadian and it confuses them because I think in their brain, they just go like, it makes, it makes the accent. Okay. So you don't have to go like i'm from france and they're like you're not from france but you just go i'm canadian and you don't got to change your accent anything and it just means like you can't be involved in anything here even if you can even if it's like a donation for like a
Starting point is 00:12:18 dog thing for some reason their brain just freezes and i'm canadian just works as an excuse i'm stealing that. Yeah, just go, I'm Canadian. It works every time you're with me. That's incredible, yeah. You see how fast you move? Yeah. Because I said I got all that, and then she tried to still reel me in to get my signature for something.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I'm not signing anything. I'm from New York. New Yorkers don't sign anything. The one thing about New York, if someone asks you to sign, the first thing you think when someone asks you anything is, get away from me. Get away from me. You want something from me, away from me you want something from me and i don't want to give it to you so i'm canadian always works so that's what just happened while i got a knock on the door from a five foot uh grandmother she was five foot out there i thought
Starting point is 00:12:56 it was gonna be a knock from a neighbor going like i can't hear the word nazi screamed because this is technically a residential studio. I hate those knocks. Those knocks always give me. Yeah. Yeah. Well, because you're a squatter. And those knocks, we used to get those knocks from the guy trying to kick us out. When we were squatting.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yeah. Those knocks mean something different to me. I'm like, now that I'm an owner, I'm like, I get it. I should be quiet. I should quiet down. Your knock is like, you're like a Jew in the Holocaust. You're like, let's hide. The Nazis are here.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Don't make noise. Don't make noise. The Jew hunters here are from inglorious bastards. I know you are harboring illegals under your carpets, aren't you? Are you not? Point to me on the floor where the illegals are. Point to me on the floor where the Scatoro family is. Because your family is definitely air quotes.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Jesse, how's your family? Oh, you mean me and my common law roommate? Anyway, back to the original point. What world do you think is, what would prove that racism's over more like kanye like getting a ranking like a ranking in the nazis not just like people saying he's doing nazi dog whistles or ideology like actually joining like as a fraternity like he gets his letters like they like you know like the cute
Starting point is 00:14:25 dogs in the black fraternity like they do a swastika on him and he gets like that fencing scar do you know why a lot of those nazis had fencing scars by the way no so they were all the nazi officers were like from the upper classes so they went to these schools where fencing was popular and it was like a big thing so they would fence and they would actually try to they would they wouldn't wear masks purposefully because they wanted to get them because it was like a big thing so they would fence and they would actually try to they would they wouldn't wear masks purposefully because they wanted to get them because it was like a mark of oh it looked cool it looked cool yeah yeah but they were just all those guys who wear officers jackets they're just they're all the same every country no matter how evil the ideology it's always the softest guys at the top you know trying to look the hardest except for alexander the great
Starting point is 00:15:03 according to documentary iway and you know You know, the guy banged dudes. He banged dudes and he fucking conquered lands. So he conquered assholes, Persians, Indians on elephants. You would think riding elephants to war, but I think it was the only battle he lost was against an Indian general on an elephant. So there you have it. That's so much for the Macedonian fighting spirit. Macedonia is Greek, by the way.
Starting point is 00:15:36 But I think that would end racism if Kanye was a Nazi. That would end racism more than like Netflix casting Cleopatra as sub-Saharan black. Did you know that was a controversy? I just learned about that now that I'm getting into these Netflix series. The Alexander the Great was good. The Roman one I'm watching is like, eh.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And the Cleopatra one was unwatchable. And I'm only saying this just because, like can i say this it's like if you're gonna do a documentary like if you're gonna do a fiction if baz lorman was gonna make cleopatra the movie i'm fine it wouldn't distract me if it was queen latifah as so this is actually an interesting story because egypt sued netflix really yeah so the country of egypt sued netflix for this fucking documentary i don't even i didn't even know you could do that who's egypt's lawyer like how does a country have a like how do they sue so the country sued netflix for misrepresenting Cleopatra.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Now, Cleopatra was not black. They know that, right? So it's like a fact she wasn't black. But some people insist they were because, you know, there's that, you know, we do have that school of Israelite thought that everyone was black. I mean, there's that thing that we're all, and we just took all their stuff and, like, that everyone was black. I mean, there's that thing that we're all, and we just took all their stuff, and like the Egyptians were black.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I mean, even Cat Williams was like, what's that big nose? He's like, on the pharaohs, they cut them off. He goes, why did they cut them off? You didn't hear that? I wanted to say, I think because of erosion, because they stick out, and that's the first thing to erode.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I wanted to say that, but I'm like, you know what? His is just funner, because they wanted to cut off the noses so people didn't know that the Egyptians were black. So that's what he said. I believe he said it on Rogan. Or he definitely said it on some interview. Can I just say he's bipolar?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Okay. Yeah, he seems bipolar to me. That's what makes him great. Yeah, that's what makes him great. I'm not saying he's not great. But, yeah. You believe what you want to believe it's i mean what why did the greek noses fall off where they you know all the statues the noses and the penises fall off it's cut it's because of erosion they're hanging off they're the first thing to come off after a couple thousand years i mean those things are out in the fucking weather you didn't think i mean
Starting point is 00:18:05 we're black noses on the top sheath of the pyramid as well was it just all black noses because that came off too you know that used to be like a shiny white and it's all eroded off because i we were told it was white of course cat williams you're right it wasn't white it was just black noses the whole thing was covered in black noses, and they cut them all off because they don't want people to know that the ancient Egyptians who were capable of such architecture were sub-Saharan African. So that's Cat Williams' history.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And apparently Netflix as well, they made Queen Cleopatra sub-Saharan black. I say sub-Saharan black because above the Saharan desert, there's the Arabs. There's more of the Middle Eastern looking who are mixed with Persians and Greeks. They got a different look. They look more like bomb threat. They look more like double check them.
Starting point is 00:19:03 They're double check them cult. They're airport screened. You know what double-check them. They're double-check them, Colton. They're airport screened. You know what I'm talking about. You know what I'm talking about. They got to take the shoes off, even if they're pre-check. They still got to take. Listen, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:21 Pre-check, you don't got to take your shoes off unless you got a certain look. So that's why I call them that. They're pre-check. They're take your shoes off at pre-check look, the rest of them. So it's a certain look. So that's why I call them that. They're pre-check. They're take your shoes off at pre-check look, the rest of them. So it's a different look. And so the general concept, first of all, we know her genealogy, except there's one wild card.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And the wild card is, I think, Cleopatra's grandmother. We don't know exactly who she was. The mother they know, the father they know. But she's Macedonian, right? Because she's from the Ptolemy dynasty. And that was started by Alexander the Great's bodyguard, his right-hand man, who took over after the Civil War between the generals after alexander died and
Starting point is 00:20:06 he became the ruler and then um and then from there was his descendants right so she's from that line so they're greek they were greek so she's you know so the best educated guess is that she had a little persian in there but i mean she have, her grandpops could have banged out a sub-Saharan African. It's possible, but least likely. Probably not. But this documentary starts with a woman going, my grandmother always told me, it's a black woman. I mean, she could have been like,
Starting point is 00:20:39 I mean, she's an American black woman too. And you're going like, this isn't even an American story, right? But they just made it like america's problem you know what i'm talking about so it starts with like this old black woman who i guess is some historian at i don't know ccny or something you know i don't think they rolled out the best historians the other ones have like british speaking historians so i'm like these, it says like Cambridge.
Starting point is 00:21:06 These guys went to real school. Some old black woman, it's like, this is from Baruch College in New York. And she goes, my grandmother was telling me, don't let them tell you. This is how it starts. She goes, don't let them tell you. Cleopatra was black. And that's how it starts. So right there, they just lost me.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I go, oh, this is what's going on here. So that's my point. My point is I wouldn't mind if it was a fictionalized version, but the whole point of these series that they're doing, I think they're kind of successful because they keep making them, and they're done in an interesting way. So it's documentary style with acting. So it's like a movie, but then they cut to these historians
Starting point is 00:21:45 and they're telling the story. Alexander the Great one was the best because they also had an archaeologist who was like digging up his palace in Alexandria. So what was the lawsuit about? So the lawsuit was about that. They were going, this is your mischaracterizing history.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And they say, we're not doing this because we're racist. Again, it's an American thing, right? They're Egypt. They're not, you know, we're not doing this because we're racist. Again, it's an American thing, right? They're Egypt. They're not in, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:08 maybe they are racist. I don't know. Probably. Um, cause everyone is, but they, uh, they're seeking $2 billion compensation.
Starting point is 00:22:17 They're suing Netflix for making Cleopatra black. And so even it's funny cause the, whoever is the representative of Egypt kind of got pulled into America's thing too because he was like I'm not doing this because there's anything wrong with being black. I'm just saying Cleopatra wasn't black. I mean she wasn't black, right? Not only do we, like I said, the best educated guess or whatever based on evidence, and that's what I mean by educated, but also there's like, there's statues of her and stuff there's like we've we know what she looks like we know what
Starting point is 00:22:49 she looked like and um she looks at the very least you know more like take your shoes off and pre-check line a little bit right but we all know she's no matter what, she's mostly Greeks because the mess, the Ptolemy dynasty, the Macedonians ruled were so into being Greek and cared so much about their line for royalty that they inbred and did that shit. It's like they were all about being Greek. So it was like they wouldn't they wouldn't allow that. It wouldn't happen. Like Cleopatra. Just it wouldn't they wouldn't let just a black chick. It just wouldn't happen. I'm not saying it was Alabama in the in the 1820s, but I'm saying it wouldn't happen. They wouldn't let a fucking Russian. They wouldn't let, you know what I'm saying? It's just, they wanted it.
Starting point is 00:23:35 They wouldn't even let another Greek. It was like, it had to be in the, the Ptolemy line. That was the whole point. So that's what threw me off about it right away. Like I said, but if it was made by Spike Lee, I would have watched it. If it was fictionalized, it was fine. Yeah, maybe they were trying to do like a Hamilton thing.
Starting point is 00:23:50 They were trying to do a Hamilton thing on a series that was already established because the Rome was the first installment of this, was Rome, right? And they didn't make any of the Roman, the Romans were, you know, they were evil devils. They were all white. Oh, right, okay. So Cleopatra just came out of left field, they were evil devils. They were all white. Oh, right, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:06 So Cleopatra just came out of left field, and they just made her black, and it starts with that statement, with the woman going, my grandma always told me, and she says it like that, my grandma always told me Cleopatra's black, and she said, and then she goes, don't let anybody tell you different,
Starting point is 00:24:19 and I'm like, all right. So my point is they're purporting to be a pretty accurate, historic portrayal. That's the point of these documentaries. So they're essentially documentaries with act outs, right? So anyway, why did I bring up this? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Besides the fact that I have 20% of the people watching this call me a racist. You can't escape it. I don't remember where this started oh kanye in some way yeah well his yee shirts are for sale i'm gonna buy one i'm gonna buy one um i wonder where they came up with that two billion dollar number yeah you what do you do you sit in a room and you go what's it worth i don't know what's it worth to misrepresent someone who's been dead for a couple thousand years?
Starting point is 00:25:05 Let's go for two billion. And how do you win that lawsuit? Netflix just goes, what? We're just making a fucking, they're like, in our country, we can do whatever we want, dude. I'm a girl right now. I'm a boy. See, I just did it.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Like, we can do whatever we want, which I support. And I support the making of this. But I'm just saying, me personally, I'm being honest, it threw me off and I stopped watching. Because it just kind of, because I wanted to watch it for the historical accuracy because I was like Googling while I was watching it because I'm just a psycho like that. So there was also inaccuracies in the Rome one. I think the Alexander the Great one is the most accurate.
Starting point is 00:25:42 The Rome one also, they dramatized some things, but they were pretty close, but they took some liberties for drama. But they're good because they get you interested and get you Googling because it was an interesting period. And what I found from researching and reading about this is
Starting point is 00:25:58 you see so many similarities between what America's going through and what Rome, now I'm back to the Rome part, what Rome was going through when Commodus took over from Marcus Aurelius, which most historians, if not all, consider the beginning of the end of the greatest empire the world's ever known. And it's the same type of problems. They had a massive problem at the border. Of course, these problems were different in nature, but it was the same kind of anatomy. Ongoing problem at the border. They had Mexicans?
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah, their Mexicans were Germanic tribes. If you want to explain it that way. The Romans had... Most of them were Venezuelans. They're not even... Although, who could tell the difference?
Starting point is 00:26:47 You got to really fucking have an eye for that. I mean, who has an eye for that? I mean, who really can? I mean, dude, if your life depended on it, if someone had a gun to your head, it says your mom put two migrants next to each other. Gun to your mom's head. Let's make your chances even worse. Four.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Because you can get lucky by just picking one. Let's say they put four. Four of them right next to each other. And go, okay, your mom lives. You show me which one of these four is Mexican. And not Venezuelan or Chilean or, I mean. I don't even know why they got borders down there. It's just all Mexico.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Oh, boy. I mean, but the same thing in like fucking, you know, the Eastern European, you know, they got Croatia, and you go there and you're like, you guys all got that weird, you all got that weird Holocaust face look. So what's the deal with the sharp things and the, you all got that weird Holocaust face look. So what's the deal with the sharp things? You all got that weird poor white guy look. You all got that weird shady contractor in Brooklyn look.
Starting point is 00:27:58 What's the difference between a Serb and a Montenegrin or a Croatian or a Slovenian or an Albanian. I mean, it's just a whole bunch of people who aren't Greek and a little lesser of human beings. So it's like, yeah, why are they bored? Like, what's Ukraine and Russia like? Who gives a shit? That has nothing to do with, like, that's just all about that fucking pipeline and that fertile land.
Starting point is 00:28:29 That's what Russia wants. That's what all wars are. When you history you're going like what did they go in for they were a little more honest about it back then like we're going to plunder for grain now they're like um there's a freedom situation over there and we know there's a despot and we want the people to be free it's like you don't care about the people you're going in for some resources that's what all wars are about. Right? Who would go to war on a principle? Do you think America really... It's about Ukraine and how fertile Ukraine is.
Starting point is 00:28:57 That's why Russia wants it. It's supposedly crazy fertile. I mean, you could fucking make babies with Ukraine. And they got natural gas fields and shit yeah like why did he take crimea oh it happens to be a fucking offshore uh oil right under there oh they call it the bread basket of the world uh yeah i thought it used to be they used to call um egypt the bread basket but yeah they call Ukraine the breadbasket of the world now? See, that's not a coincidence. Okay?
Starting point is 00:29:27 It's basically the Auburn pain of the world. It's a nice little bakery where you can get some nice pastries. How did the USA become the breadbasket of the world? Jesse doesn't know what he's talking about, but that's what's great about this podcast. There you go. Why is Ukraine called the breadbasket of the world? At the beginning of the 20th century,
Starting point is 00:29:44 it's sharing the global export of wheat stood at 20%. Dude, we're going to war on barley, so we got to get our beer, our wheat, beer, and fucking bread. So they got barley, they got wheat, and they got grain. Holy mackerel. And earned the nickname the breadbasket of Europe.
Starting point is 00:30:05 USA is the breadbasket of the world because we got fertile land. We got it all. We got a fucking, dude, that land you make fun of where you think the hillbillies live, those people, if the apocalypse comes, they're the only ones that are going to be able to live because they can eat from their house. Their backyard has stuff in it. Oh, California is the breadbasket of the world. I hate to, look, i put this joke up about
Starting point is 00:30:26 san francisco now san francisco does have some kooky laws and stuff like that but is there a more beautiful state than california very nice is there a more beautiful place in california the people who hate california it's like you maybe you've never been but it's a lot better than Austin. It's a lot better than Houston. I'll go anywhere in California, okay? I bet you there's Nazis who want to go to California. I bet you, like, you know, you could be the most conservative person in the world and you're like, all right, look,
Starting point is 00:31:00 I don't like California's catch and release or whatever, but you're like, you know what? I'm going to go buy a house in this suburb that is incredible by the Atlantic Ocean. No. Pacific. By the Pacific, which is nicer than the Atlantic for some reason. I think because the Chinese are closer.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I don't know what they do. They put something in the water, soy. It's cold. You can't go swimming in it. It's cold? Yeah, Pacific's cold. Oh. Yeah, the Atlantic is cold too. Right? The? Yeah, Pacific's cold. Oh. Yeah, the Atlantic is cold, too.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Right? The Atlantic's got to be cold. But in the summer, it heats up? Yeah. Well, the Pacific down by Miami is warm. That's the Mediterranean? Is that the Gulf of Cuba? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:40 That's the Cuban lap pool. That's the Indian Ocean. I like to call it the Cuban lap pool. Because that's where Cuban lap pool. That's the Indian Ocean. I like to call it the Cuban lap pool because that's where they swim laps. They swim to, and then the Coast Guard makes us go back and they got to swim back. Yeah, that's the Puerto Rican baby pool.
Starting point is 00:31:53 That's the Puerto Rican. It's not the Pacific around there? That's the Pacific. Where? In Florida? Like around Florida. Come on, man. Caribbean?
Starting point is 00:32:04 Is that the Caribbean? Yeah. No, but on one side, it's the Atlantic. Yeah, Atlantic's on the east. Pacific's on the west. So Florida's on the east. Yeah. So I said it's the Atlantic.
Starting point is 00:32:16 You said the Pacific. Well, I'm not getting specific about the specifics. Who gets specific about the Pacific? I meant the atlantic guys we're brought to you again by prize picks i love this app it's the best fantasy sports app going and i love this way of having fun you just guess more less you pick more. Who's going to score this? How many assists? Is it going to be more than this, less than this? It's very easy. It's so much fun. It's a really simple way to play. I can make my picks and submit my entry in less than 60 seconds. I love how easy and user-friendly it is. Quick withdrawals, easy gameplay, and an enormous selection of players
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Starting point is 00:34:05 It's that easy. Pacific is just go Chinese, Chinese Pacific. And Atlantic, assholes. Northeast quarter, assholes. Jersey Shore. Assholes and pussies. That's the way to remember it. Pussies are on the West Coast, Pacific.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Assholes are on the East Coast, Atlantic But it's a beautiful state It is really a beautiful state Probably the most breathtaking state As far as natural landscapes I know Montana's great But it's landlocked I mean, who wants to be in Montana?
Starting point is 00:34:38 You gotta be close to an ocean for the beauty You need to be where the invasion hits first For it to be a nice place yeah waterfront property is always the most expensive yeah i mean look even obama even all the people who love climate change got waterfront properties nobody's landlocked yeah landlocked it just has a feel you know you go to kansas you just i mean you just have a feel you're trapped in there but they'll be the safest because they attack the coast first, right? But nobody can attack us anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:09 That's an interesting thing. That's the difference between Rome and there. So their Mexicans, to answer your question, were Germanic tribes, which is weird because those were the barbarians. And barbarian just means not Greek, but it became a slur. So originally it's like calling someone retarded.
Starting point is 00:35:29 It used to be not a slur. It used to be the official way, mental retardation was the way you describe someone who had mental retardation. But then a bunch of assholes got a hold of the word and started using it in a mean way. And so barbarian was the same thing. It just meant not Greek.
Starting point is 00:35:53 And then a bunch of goddamn nationalist white supremacist Romans got a hold of it, and they started using it as a pejorative, as a slur. So that's why barbarian became a slur. But technically, it just means not Greek. That's the translation for barbarian. So the barbarians were the Goths
Starting point is 00:36:12 and the Visigoths and the Vandals. I think the Vandals were the ones. And they all fought with each other and then they would unite sometimes and try to fight Rome. I don't know what they were doing up there. And then Rome would conscript a bunch of them. So like
Starting point is 00:36:28 all empires, people got used to the good life. And people didn't want to die. So then Rome had to start using mercenaries. And once that started to happen, it was open season for fucking Attila the Hun and Genghis. No, Genghis. Did Genghis sack him too?
Starting point is 00:36:43 Or am I thinking of Attila the Hun? One of those crazy Asiatic people. Eastern Hemis. Yeah, one of those crazy Eastern Hemis started plucking off the Romans. Like, dude, it's 50 million people. They, I mean, they had such a large empire. Like, there was problems at the border all the time. You know?
Starting point is 00:37:08 European Mexicans trying to get in for work and kicked out undocumented German labor. And that's what happened. The Romans would go like, hey man, let me see your paper. Which means, can I see your papers?
Starting point is 00:37:23 And the German would be like, I don't have any papers. And then they'd deport him. And then there was a Roman Donald Trump who said, I'm going to build a wall up there. It all happened. History repeats itself. At some point, there was a Roman Donald Trump who just came in and said,
Starting point is 00:37:35 we're building a wall. We're building a glorious wall between us and Germania and Gaul. And yeah, they had all the same problems. They had problems at the border, different types of problems. It was more war, but they were trying to get in.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Same thing, they were trying to get in and sack and shit, and the Romans would go and defend those outskirts. And then they had internal strife, communist, a bunch of civil wars and extreme differences. And then they had internal strife, communists, a bunch of civil wars and extreme differences. And then they had a plague right around communists' time. They had the plague that hit hard. So we've had all that shit.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And they also claim there's a theory about lead in the water that made people stupider, hurt their brains. And the soldiers just got comfortable. They didn't want to fight anymore. So we see that now, right? Enrollment in the army is down, right? They're like talking about just as soon as a Venezuelan comes up unsure, just throwing them in an army suit.
Starting point is 00:38:40 We got problems at the border. We've never had civil strife like this. We had a plague we've had uh inflation we've had shortages right food supply shortages baby formula shortages remember all those shortages they had i mean they're over now i toilet paper toilet paper everyone just rushed to fucking that's the first thing to go yeah because in america like i'm going to stay home what are you going to do we because in America Like I'm going to stay home What are you going to do? We're going to eat
Starting point is 00:39:06 So people I'm not going to have to walk around And be judged We're going to eat It's what we like to do We're going to eat And take a lot of shits So yeah
Starting point is 00:39:13 Right now 2024 The US military recruitment Is at an all time low It's breaking records So There you have it I mean it's all
Starting point is 00:39:25 It has all the elements The difference is Rome eventually got sacked Right? The Vandals The Vandals made it all the way to Rome And fucking sacked the goddamn city Deposed the emperor
Starting point is 00:39:38 And some dude became the first Italian king Some Germanic dude Hey how you doing? I guess I guess he was the guy. He's like, now we're doing sauce. Yeah. Now it's time for macaroni.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Sundays we do sauce. Now we're doing macaroni. You're no longer Rome. It's not an empire anymore. It's Italy. I'm going to get some Italian food. And that was it. They sacked.
Starting point is 00:40:03 But nobody's going to be able to sack there's gonna be no foreign army that could ever take us down you know that'll never happen which is an interesting thing so what do you think it's gonna be from the inside right i think it'll be similar to the british empires because the british people say the roman empire was the greatest empire in history but the roman empire was the greatest only by time because then when the Roman Empire fell, then the Holy Roman Empire popped up, so it stayed on.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And it continues today because it influences so much. All those Greco-Roman things keep going. But the Roman Empire was like 1,000 years or something like that. It just went on and on and on but as far as like land nobody's more successful than the british empire the british the sun never sets on the british empire but that was a quicker empire um and it just they lost everything i think america it's going to be like that. I think America's influence will go down.
Starting point is 00:41:05 China knows it can't take us out, right? Because we'll take them out. So mutually assured destruction has created this detente. It's the only way you can get people to have peace is if you know that you'll be dead also. And that'll go on until that, unless, you know, that'll never end, because nuclear weapons, unless the electricity goes out, and then we go fight, I
Starting point is 00:41:30 don't know. I'm not smart enough to know. But like, so that's an interesting part. I think what can happen is America could become a dump. Like America, that could happen. But that's unlikely, so I think what'll happen is just our sphere of influence will shrink around the world, and I think what will happen is just our sphere of influence will shrink around the world.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And I think what could happen is we break up. Because that happens all the time. Yeah. Could you imagine if we just become separate states? That would be so bad. Countries that are... Yeah, but that's very possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Because you already hear there's a lot of this. And that's an old American problem, right? We've had a civil war. You know, the states' rights, federal rights, the whole federalist papers, the balance between the two. We've been doing a pretty good job about state autonomy, federal limits on federal authority. There's a good balance, right, where they throw it back to the states. authority like there's a good balance right where they throw it back to the states and every state does sort of in some small way operate like its own country right there's different laws
Starting point is 00:42:32 in different states um and then there's this over we're an american empire so it's like they're all united we're pretty good with language and religion and all that you know people are like freedom of religion yeah that's great and all that but People are like freedom of religion, yeah, that's great and all that, but what keeps people together is a common culture. So if the American culture continues to disintegrate and becomes more tribal and more divided by language, religion, and you get all these different, or politics, which is basically religion and all this
Starting point is 00:43:07 stuff you could we could just go backwards where are you going where are you gonna live i ain't moving from here especially climate change which i happen to believe in just because of fucking the way the weather is you're not going to texas no because you want to be on high ground and you want to be in the northeast that's the best place they say really yeah because of climate lowland yeah lowlands is going to be bad midwest bad california bad florida bad you're going to be living with a lot of wackadoos this is where i ain't staying in the city it's where the wackadoo laws are getting a couple of ar-15s are you just talking about like the total collapse of society yeah total collapse i want to be where i am i'm talking about when you get like the
Starting point is 00:43:43 different laws like let's say we get a national divorce. That's a tough question. You're going to be in a fully blue state? I'm going with the law. I'm going with the Paul brothers. I'm going to Puerto Rico. You're going to Puerto Rico. If I'm going out, I'm going out with Puerto Rico.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Where are you going if it all goes to shit? I don't know. I was thinking Texas, but now they just got that Pornhub rule. Dude, a guy from New York is never never like you're never gonna like texas texas is a culturalist fucking cesspool sorry i'm staying in brooklyn i mean there's all it's just lakes and and spiders that can kill you and a heat that you can't breathe in yeah and everything smells like mesquite i mean mean, they got no vegetables there. Everything's trucked in.
Starting point is 00:44:27 It's all steak. It's all steak and meat. Everyone's fucking fat. It's a different... It's not a charming place. No, but I like their idea. It lacks in French restaurants that have Michelin stars. Let's be honest. When we're in New York, beep the word.
Starting point is 00:44:44 We're all kind of f***ed in New York. Even if you're not aware of it, you're f***ed. Do you beep them? Yes. I like the sense of freedom that you hear about Texas. There ain't no Metropolitan Museum of Art where you can go and just be f***ed. Come on, you're killing me now.
Starting point is 00:45:00 You know, I like those options. Yeah. I like to be able to go, hey, I'm going to the Guggenheim today. Yeah, but now you're going to be living in the Purple Hair Zone. I like to know that I can those options. Yeah. I like to be able to go, Hey, I'm going to the Guggenheim today. Yeah. But now you're going to be living in the purple hair zone. I like to know that I can just put on my panties and go to the mat and walk around alone and just be in panties,
Starting point is 00:45:15 just be in panties for a day. Yeah. But your laws, they're going to be insane. Like you're going to be taxed out the wazoo. You know, someone's going to be able to live in your house without your permission.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Look, me and my mother-in-law and my wife had this conversation in the car the other day they said if your ideal place you could live my mother-in-law brought up ideal place and i said right where we live and they went really like i was crazy and i went yeah did you even think this through where are you gonna go she's like i want to be by some water somewhere so i go where you want me in florida when's the last time you were in flor? She hasn't been to Florida, right? She's all like Long Island-y. Florida's not even Long Island.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Florida. Talk about a cultural, I mean, outside of Miami. I mean, it's a fucking dump. I mean, it's one big fucking dump of swamp gator people. Okay? It's horrible. The weather is unbearable in the summer you cannot breathe it is so hot and humid you know what did you now in the middle of january it is gorgeous
Starting point is 00:46:13 but then you lose the santa stories you know people at least in the winter inside you know so it's like not like you go to those warm weather places there's homeless people nothing against homeless people i'm what are they called now they're unhoused are the unhoused people nothing against nothing against the unhoused but in the warm climate places they're all over the place at least here they get freezed out so you know at least it you know it drops below you know it drops to 20 degrees. Half of them die. The other ones go inside somewhere. They all go on the train.
Starting point is 00:46:48 They go on the train station, which I don't take anymore. So it's at least aesthetically, it's a little less of that going on. Nothing against the unhoused mental health problems. I was a social worker. I'm just doing this for comedy. I love everybody. Everyone's equal. Everyone deserves a shot.
Starting point is 00:47:03 I love everyone. Just love, love, love. Nothing but love. Take all my money. I give it to everyone. I support everybody. Everyone's equal. Everyone deserves a shot. I love everyone. Just love, love, love. Nothing but love. Take all my money. I give it to everyone. I support charities. I do all that stuff that celebrities do to distract you from the fact that they drink baby blood. I do all that same stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I mean, I really want to look at Mark Ruffalo's internet history. That's another story. There is no way he's a great guy. There is no way. There's no way. Everyone thought Bill Cosby was a great guy There's no way There's no way Everyone thought Bill Cosby was a great guy too Alright There's just no way
Starting point is 00:47:32 Anyway So I said to them like have you thought of all that stuff Like you know There's no bagels in Tampa You know what I'm saying There's no amazing Italian restaurants In Tampa You know in New York saying? There's no amazing Italian restaurants in Tampa.
Starting point is 00:47:49 You know, in New York, it's like the universe. You have the option for anything you want at the highest level at any time, right? The culture, everything. New York is the center. If New York becomes not the best place, then what's it going to be? Is Kansas City going to become, is Nashville that fucking dump full of fucking dressed up trailer trash?
Starting point is 00:48:12 A bunch of blonde girls in cowboy boots walking around drunk, vomiting on the floor because they just came from a fucking fake bowl bar where their pussy got chafed because they were on a plastic fucking bowl. And now they got chafe marks on either side of their fucking camel toe. Is that the place? It depends. It depends on governance. Like at one point,
Starting point is 00:48:32 Detroit was super rich. It was one of the greatest places to live and look at it now. You know, it's all because of the way first an industry left. Detroit was never the greatest place. It was an amazing place because they had, they were really rich people. If you look at some of the property in Detroit.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Yeah, but if you look at Detroit, you're going like, all right, this was a good place. But New York was always the spot. New York is always amazing. New York has always been the spot. Yeah. And if it doesn't remain the spot, and mark my words, if New York does not remain the spot with the port city that it is in the Northeast and everything that's here, America's over.
Starting point is 00:49:02 That's like saying Rome's not the spot anymore. No. Imagine the Roman Empire was like, okay, now it's Brindisi. Now Brindisi is the spot. So New York is the spot. And then I started going evidence. I started going like,
Starting point is 00:49:15 I want to live in the place where the wealthiest people in the country want to live, the Gold Coast. Why is the Gold Coast here? Why is Darien and New Canaan and Greenwich and all the Gold Coast areas, country want to live the gold coast why are they why is the gold coast here why is all those why is darian and new cannon and greenwich and all the gold coast areas they're all new york area places i want to live wall street was here huh because wall street is wall street in new york but now things are changing they could move wall street yeah there you have where'd they put it
Starting point is 00:49:40 that's when people used to actually go into what did i miss did i skip a day of news no no no i mean wall street is still there i'm just saying like now everything is automated computerized like people don't actually have to go to a trading floor anymore i don't like that look i know the critiques in new york yes there's national guard in the subway yes you can get stabbed out of nowhere yes you can get shot in the head in the subway yeah but yes there's rats the size of dogs here yes it's a little dirty and sometimes it smells like pee yes in the summer the garbage outside smells like the inside of an 80 year old chinese guy asshole after too much ramen do i still have to pretend that ramen's good or is that just for san francisco people pretending
Starting point is 00:50:22 that they're cultured it's just dirty water with noodles. It's not good. It's pretty tasteless. Oh, yeah? Yeah. It's got a couple of fucking green things in it and then like some tasteless mushrooms and then dirty water.
Starting point is 00:50:36 It's not your thing, all right? It's not my thing, Rob. It's not my thing. I like, get me some orange chicken. You're not a soup guy. I want some Americanized, sugared up Chinese food with MSG. Give me some beef with guacui. You can't fill up on soup. That's why you don't like it.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I don't like soup. It's dirty water. Okay? It's just dirty water. I just want Italian food. I want Italian food and Greek food. You want pasta and cheese. That's all I want is pasta and cheese. But I would pick New York. Great summer, especially now with the weather. Great, you know, short winter, pretty mild.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Great spring, great fall. Summer can get hot, but not crazy. Most of the summer you're outside. Most of the summer you can go. There's only a couple days where it's always like crazy. Whereas like in Florida, that's a whole season. So where would you go no new york new york new york is good if you got some cash if you're if you're broke in new york it's kind of
Starting point is 00:51:31 tough well i mean you insist on wanting to live in the where ethan hawk lives i'm just saying in general no you could go live in queens you could yeah but you don't get to take advantage of the city as much if you don't have a lot of money but doesn't that go for every city though like if you're you know you have the rich parts of the rich parts yeah yeah like you said you said it whatever your income bracket is it travels with you yeah wherever you go that's right yeah but i think you can like all those things you're talking about like going to these amazing restaurants you're not i mean you're fucking eight hundred800 a plate
Starting point is 00:52:05 at some of these places. All you got to sell is one of these baby Socrates, guys. These things are for sale for $14 million. This is an original piece. I think you did sell a few of these. Yeah, I sold a few. Yeah, so look, he only has 18 of these, which he can make as many as he wants.
Starting point is 00:52:21 But to keep the value. That's actually not true. How many are left? I don't have any there's none yeah so we will sell you this baby if there's a greek hedge fund guy watching right now we will sell you this baby sarkaties um for four million dollars is that pretty good all right all right all right all right i hear you protesting we'll sell it to you for 17 bucks wait a minute okay 77 do i hear once going twice sold sold to the greek guy in canada who hired me for his birthday party
Starting point is 00:52:54 and put me up at the shangri-la he was a hedge fund guy and i had to do mr panos at his birthday no yeah thank god i can say no to those gigs now. Was that awkward? Some girl asked me, she was having a birthday party at a diner, and she asked me to come. Oh, God. You're like a clown. I just left them unread, and nothing feels better than leaving something like that unread.
Starting point is 00:53:16 I used to get those all the time. Can you come as more recent to my birthday party? No, I can't. And it's always funny, once in a while you give a number, and they're like, whoa. I went, whoa. What do you think this is? I think I'm showing up for 50 bucks to your fucking birthday party. You think I'm going to get in a cab in full drag for 50 bucks?
Starting point is 00:53:39 It ain't going to happen. So anyway, who knows what's going to go on with that? But I'm definitely buying that Yeezy shirt. I'm definitely buying that yeezy shirt i'm definitely getting that and um you know we'll see what happens but i i recommend everyone sees uh the alexander the great netflix it was it was it was very very good what's going on in the news what's what's happening what we just reading about that was very intriguing this porn hub story is very interesting because apparently porn hub went dark in texas i don't know what that means does that mean too many people were jerking off at the same time and it went down yeah they collapsed the system yeah by the way have you ever known have you ever
Starting point is 00:54:13 gone to those analytics where um porn hub or whatever shows you where certain things are googled no and it's like the bible belt is all like trans really gay yeah really yeah yeah it's like the Bible Belt is all like trans. Really? Gay. Really? Yeah, yeah. It's pretty funny. That's amazing. Yeah, because it makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:31 We know that, I think, as New Yorkers. It's like, thou doth protest too much. Whoever protests. Like Shakespeare was a genius, and he said that line for a reason, right? Thou doth protest too much. The more you rail against something and say it should go away, the more you want it. The more you rail against something and say it should go away, the more you want it. The more you want it.
Starting point is 00:54:48 The more you want it. So apparently Pornhub went dark in Texas. And hilariously, VPN searches shot up. Because people were like, I can do without three things. I can't do without three things in my lovely state. That's my gun, my ribs, barbecued, of course,
Starting point is 00:55:12 cooked on a slow cooker on a Traeger grill, and shout out Traeger grills. I'm not even getting paid for that, but just because Joe Rogan, I guess, doesn't sell, but sells Traeger grills. And my porno.
Starting point is 00:55:30 So elected officials in texas are requiring users on pornhub to verify their age before allowing nobody wants to sign up nobody wants to sign into pornhub so when you log in this is what you see yeah so you see this you're about to do your thing you you punch in pornhub and this pops up yeah this part can't you just make a yeah so they don't want any young kids watching they didn't stop us and we didn't have the internet even back then i mean we got the magazines that you can't stop kids from getting porn this is a real buzzkill dear user this is what's happening now it's getting like this is the over correction happening on both sides like this is like i mean what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what's the point of this you You want to stop some
Starting point is 00:56:06 12-year-old from looking at... They're going to find a way. Just go to RedTube. Just go someplace else. Yeah, I think people in Texas are too stupid to just go someplace else. There's a bunch of other porn sites. You don't have to go to Pornhub. But maybe Texas is requiring this
Starting point is 00:56:22 for all of them. Could be, yeah. I don't know. But now in Texas, you can't even jerk off anymore. Get back to using your imagination. I'm telling you, we're going pretty soon, it's going to be fucking Messenger by Bird because everything has turned everyone evil. So most search terms of 2023 in 2023 on Pornhub, the most searched terms, if you were wondering, number one is hentai.
Starting point is 00:56:48 What's that? You're going to have to Google that. That just shows we're both not into it. That means we're into something a little more esoteric. We go against the grain. Hentai. There's somebody who's into hentai right now who... No, if you put in hentai, Jesse, it's just
Starting point is 00:57:05 going to put hentai porn. Oh, it's cartoons? Oh my God, it's cartoon porn. This is weird. Why the fuck would you want to watch this? Hold on a second. You like this? Am I into hentai porn? You just get a little tingle? Holy... Can you pull... Do that one of the girl giving a blowy right there. Which one? Over one more. Yeah, I've never even seen hentai porn.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Some guy drew this frame by frame. Do you think the guy got an erection while he was drawing this? Yeah, he must have. It's like a video game. What the fuck? Damn, dude. People are jerking off to this? Oh, this is trippy, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Can you skip the ad? Yeah, I just skipped it. Yeah. Oh, she's hot. She's a cartoon. Oh, it's Japanese? Oh. does she have allergies well she has no nose dude oh that's right she has no nose she's a mouth breather
Starting point is 00:58:19 dude we're watching a cartoon i've never seen a cartoon? I've never seen a cartoon porn. This is wild. Why is she struggling so much with this? There's some ugly Asian woman in a booth somewhere going, doing the voiceover for this? I guess it's good work in japan if you can get it yeah seriously yeah okay so uh fate uh cartoon porn is number one that is blowing my
Starting point is 00:58:53 mind how do we get back i want to see some more of that well i wanted to see the list oh okay oh look they got interracial hentai porn um so weird okay go back to the list so the list is hentai then milf oh freud was right i i guess freud was right no this is not my list and then lesbian is third japanese now is this just because there's a sheer amount of asians but why would it why would they like japanese because they're so submissive and they make weird noises like the chinese are jerking off the japanese porn it's weird and then uh pinay what's pinay pinay where's that yeah i have no idea cream pie is a little lower on the list than i would have thought it would be higher right i mean what is pinay big ass latina it's too low yeah it's too low for you right too low It's too low for me Well, it's in the middle though Pinay, a woman or Filipino origin or descent?
Starting point is 00:59:46 Oh, so Pinay porn Pinay porn I've never even Okay, I'm sold Alright, so it's not a cartoon No, it's just Filipinos getting banged It's Filipinos getting banged Dude, people got like serious Asian fetishes
Starting point is 01:00:04 Serious, very specific. Yeah, because, you know, the women just culturally, they just, you know, they don't put up as much of a, you know. They don't. They just do it. They just do it. They just let it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:19 So what's after penne? Penne, then anal. Anal gets in there. That's the old classic. It's funny because a lot of people are, it's kind of gay to go anal. Isn't it not? Well, I always thought that was number one. Yeah, but anal's apparently Pinay.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Although, look, they actually give you a list of what's trending. Or what, based on past years. Right. So Japanese has fallen two slots. Two slots. Yeah. Right. So anal is up a
Starting point is 01:00:46 slot up a slot asian is down a slot so so people people want to specify their asians so japanese and then asian the general someone who's so the connoisseurs are are really on are trending so if you're more of a asian connoisseur meaning you want cartoon or japanese orne, that's a little higher than the people who just go, give me a generic Asian. But generic Asian is hot. Then Latina right after that. Then big ass. Looks like a lot of brothers are beating off. It's down. Down a point.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Down one. That could be because of diabetes taking a lot of people out. Really? Ravages that community. Then stepmom is down one. Anime, which I'm sure is close to hentai, is up. Plus four.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Plus four. Dude, people are jerking off to cartoons. I had no idea. That's strange. Did you know this? Did people know that cartoon porn is the most popular porn? It must be because people are jerking off to it. It's number one.
Starting point is 01:01:41 It's number one. We're the ones out of the loop here. Oh, my. Dude, we are i guess this new generation like they really don't want reality at all yeah i guess that maybe there's some correlation between like oh yeah like we don't like reality but like no one's getting hurt and yeah nobody gets hurt right like there's no there's no victim no victim right no power dynamic exploitation right now give me that exploitation porn That's what you like
Starting point is 01:02:05 And then Stepmom is in there That's always a dark fantasy BBC is way down on the list Threesome, Ebony, Massage I like Massage porn I like the way it turns I like the way it turns Cream pie
Starting point is 01:02:19 Who doesn't like a good cream pie Big Tits Gang Bang, Holding Strong in the Middle BBC Who doesn't like a good cream pie? Big tits. Down two. Gangbang. Holding strong in the middle. BBC. Oh, shit. Trans is up 10. Trans is up 10.
Starting point is 01:02:32 You got to root for the underdog. Trans is up there. Trans is, well, it's towards the lower, but it's still up there. What's below trans? So guys find trance more attractive than Indians, Koreans, black, animation, and mature. Well, they're trending up. They're trending up.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Right. Yeah. Trance is trending big. Mature is trending big. Animation is trending big. But it's still lower than blowjob. They don't have what I like on this list. What's yours?
Starting point is 01:03:00 Bratty stepsister. Oh! I like the bratty stepsister. You like the bratty stepsister. Dude like the bratty you like the bratty stepsister dude has porn gotten too it's way too niche you can almost go like i like black girl i like black girl in white shirt with wearing pro kids on a skateboard on the eiffel tower, stepmom, tranny porn. That's what AI is going to be. You're going to punch in exactly what you want to see.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And then the AI porn will give you people that look like people that are doing it. Yep. Dude, the world we're leaving and the one that's coming. Why am I saying that? I got to drive carefully tonight because that's how it always happens. Oh, my God. That'll be our most viewed episode too just because people want, like, did you hear what he said?
Starting point is 01:03:49 The world we're leaving and then he put his Tesla on autopilot and fell asleep. The world that's behind us and the world that's coming is vastly different. It's vastly different. It's crazy. And I'm excited to see what the future holds
Starting point is 01:04:09 because I think we're going to be okay. I think we're just all going to become either China or we're all going to become either hentai. We're going either hentai or China. But either way, we ain't going ussa there's two s's want to give a shout out as always to exclusiveautoshipping.com if you're moving your car out of state or you bought it go to exclusiveautoshipping.com student military discount supply if you're moving your car very simple go to exclusiveautoshipping.com
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