Yannis Pappas Hour - Tucker Carlson Wins Peabody Award

Episode Date: September 9, 2023

Is there only one honest journalist left? Tucker Carlson interviews the very credible con man with a long rap sheet about his crack smoking and gay sex with Obama. Yanni had a little dust up with come...dian Christopher Titus (not really but we had some fun). Lastly, Delta and America had some technical difficulties this week. See Yanni do stand up live in your town: Springfield, MO sept 7-9 Calgary Sept 22–23 FORt Wayne, Indiana Sept 29-30 Red Bank, NJ Oct 14 San Fran Oct 27-28 New York City Nov 4 Providence Nov 10-11 Phoenix Nov 16-18 Spokane Dec 1-2 Tulsa Dec 8-9 Louisville Dec 15-16 Vancouver Jan 12 Toronto March 23 Join our highlights page for highlight clips from the episodes: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykw new bonus episodes every Wednesday at https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator Support our Sponsors: DraftKings Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app NOW and use code YPH.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody welcome to another episode of the Yanis Papas hour you know the deal America's broken nothing is working United Airlines they had to ground all of their flights nationwide due to a computer issue the you uh 52 million um airbags uh are being recalled in the U.S. Auto workers may strike. A pier collapsed in Wisconsin. A building in Davenport collapsed. Nothing works. It's broken.
Starting point is 00:00:35 We got to call tech support to come and fix it. Does anyone got a wrench? A Delta flight was grounded as well because of another very tech issue called diarrhea all over the place. I don't know why that doesn't happen often. But just like the lady who saw ghosts and ran off the plane, another crazy person just decided to run and have the runs. It was a run. The person just had diarrhea all over a Delta flight. I got Delta miles.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Does that hurt your gold status if you diarrhea all over the plane? Did they make a deduction? Can I still use the lounge? Burning Man got put out. It was burning, and everyone was on Molly, and then it rained on a bunch of tech geeks. Big whoop. My question is, what was Chris Rock doing there?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Isn't there an under-60 closet Burning Man? Chris Rock was that Burning Man with Diplo. Just get another wife, Gramps. What are you doing? What are you doing at fucking Burning Man? Get back to the hotel for a warm bath and a buck. That's what you need to be doing. YouTube will get
Starting point is 00:01:48 you out of a ban if you have a YouTube infraction if you take the YouTube re-education class. So, no more big mic videos. A new Texas law says that drunk drivers
Starting point is 00:02:03 if they kill the children of, if they kill the adults of the children in a drunk driving accident, they have to pay child support to the children for the rest of their lives for killing their parents in a drunk driving accident. So that's a weird way to find out you got a new godfather. This is the Giannis Papas Hour where news is correct every single time because it's on a paper play. Before we start, I want to say thank you to our sponsor, DraftKings Sportsbook. Football is back.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Ain't nothing funner than putting a little juice on a football game. Back in full swing. Thank the good Lord. So get in on the NFL Week 2 action with DraftKings Sportsbook. Download the app now and use the code YPH to sign up. New customers can bet just $5 and take home $200 instantly in bonus bets. Only on DraftKings Sportsbook with the code YPH. There's two ways, I guess, to have to pay child support.
Starting point is 00:03:37 One of them is you go to court with a lady and she takes you to the cleaners. Another way is to kill someone's parents. You kill their parents and now you got to pay cleaners. Another way is to kill someone's parents. You kill their parents and now you got to pay child support. That seems unfair. And how do you do that if you're in jail? How many, do children's tuitions take license plates?
Starting point is 00:03:55 How are you going to pay for a child's tuition in Texas? Texas has some strange laws. Okay, so that's a new Texas law that requires a convicted drunk driver to pay child support if they kill the guardian or child so it doesn't even have to be your real parent kill the parent or the guardian it could just be a guardian you could just say hey this is my friend Mike from the block he looks after me once in a while and Mike could be like yeah give me a hundred dollars a month I was watching the kid it's known as Bentley Law, which was first filed on November 14th of last year. It's a new law.
Starting point is 00:04:26 So my question is, do they go to prison or they just got to pay child support? Can they still go eat barbecue and hang out and just go, damn it? Not only do I got to pay Uncle Sam, I got to pay for this freaking
Starting point is 00:04:41 Rickerson boy. And lo and behold, he's not good enough to get a scholarship and anything, so I got to pay for his state school. Thank God he didn't go to a private one. Listen, if you kill my parents in Texas, if I grew up in Texas,
Starting point is 00:04:57 let me just give you a hypothetical. If I grew up in Texas and you kill my parents, I am God for sure going to make sure I go to the most expensive schools and have the worst drug habits. I'm going to make your life a living misery. You're going to be paying child support like you don't understand, my friend. Okay, you killed my parents like Batman, we got a problem in the Lone Star State. I'm going to Duke. I don't care how hard I got to work, what Chinese guy I got to cheat off of, I'm going to Duke, and you't care how hard I got to work, what Chinese guy I got to cheat off of.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I'm going to Duke. And you're paying 50, 60 grand a year. All right? So start making license plate and figure out a way to win the lotto. I mean, I don't understand this. They go to prison, right? Because you killed parents. It's at least manslaughter second degree. So, I mean, where's the money going to come from?
Starting point is 00:05:40 What if you get hit by, I don't know, a Walmart worker or some guy who works the cashier at Bucky's? We're in Texas. Bucky's is something you got to see. It's a Texas like mega store. People in Texas are really, really, really fat. That's why they love their guns, dog, because they can't fight.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I box now. You get winded after three seconds in boxing, and that's not even the adrenaline when you're fighting somebody else. I mean, dude, when you're 500 pounds, you have oxygen for 1.5 seconds in a Texas brawl. Yeah, what if you get it by a Walmart worker? You know?
Starting point is 00:06:21 I love, John Stewart made a good point about Walmart, that they, he made a good point about Walmart that, um, they, uh, he made a good point about corporations, how they reap all the profits without all the, any of the risk. So like all the employees, like Walmart's employees are the biggest recipient of like, um, state, uh, assistance, but government assistance, um, because they get paid so low. So it's like, um, their like their workers are able to like show up like with two legs because the government's just like
Starting point is 00:06:50 allowing them to pay them whatever, eight bucks an hour. You know, they hire a bunch of special kids and they go, can you, you know? And forget it when AI comes in. And it's just like, you just ask a robot. You know, now they got the robots that walk. You ever go to the supermarket and those like, it's so funny how far we've come in robotics you see those commercials of boston dynamics doing the dog robots and people robots and sex dolls and flesh
Starting point is 00:07:15 lights and things to that nature and then you look at the supermarket robot have you seen the circle marble robot who's just like this big and they put they just actually like they stuck like googly eyes like kid eyes on it yeah and it's just like this long pole and it just walks around and looks at stuff and it knows how to stay away from um shoppers as if they couldn't hire some 100 iq american to walk around with his coke bottle glasses and see if we need to restock yogurt. They hire this guy who my daughter loves, by the way. My daughter's always like, where's the robot? She wants to see the robot. But look at how freaking back to the future, 1983, this robot is in 2023. We actually have a robot in the supermarket
Starting point is 00:08:05 that just goes around, and it looks like it's from Weird Science in 1981. It looks like a Roomba with a pole on it. Yeah, I mean, it just looks like an air purifier. It looks like an air purifier. Now, what does this do? It just looks around and sees what shelves need to be stocked. It does inventory.
Starting point is 00:08:26 It does inventory. It walks around. And it's funny because it sees you and moves around you. So it's like, is that what we're doing now? We're not giving a job to a guy? How greedy are these corporations that they're like, we can save one salary by getting this stupid slow robot to just slowly turn around.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Can you hire one fucking who needs the money, pay him half price to go say if we need more Doritos in aisle four? We need more pull-up overnight diapers in aisle seven. Is it that hard? Well, this thing doesn't steal. Go to my brother's school and hire one of them half price. I think he gets $3 an hour to work at a paper store.
Starting point is 00:09:06 My brother works at a paper store. Okay? It's like the office, but everyone's drooling. Oh, no. It's my brother. Yeah, this thing never calls and saves. But he doesn't get paid minimum wage. There's a deal with the school.
Starting point is 00:09:21 They say, hey, can you occupy these guys for a couple hours without them getting paper cuts? And they feel good about themselves. My brother comes home, you know, $15 a week or something like that. It's great. It's good for a couple Subway sandwiches for lunch. I was going to ask. What does he buy?
Starting point is 00:09:39 I don't know. And he probably gets paid more than that. But, I mean, like, what is this, man? What is this robot thing? And what they do is they paste the, like, toy eyes on it so it looks like a, so kids go, wow, there's a robot. My daughter loves the robot at the supermarket. Why isn't it branded?
Starting point is 00:09:53 I don't know. I'm shopping in the suburbs. I don't want to chew on a gun. I miss bodegas. There's no robots. They don't have this at Trader Joe's. No, they don't have it at Trader Joe's. I love Trader Joe's. I love Trader Joe's.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I love Trader Joe's. You like Trader Joe's because you like a good discount and you're a real granola bar. You can walk in there with your rubber fucking shoes. Half the price. Yeah, it's half the price of everything. You look like you just got off a flight from Denver, Colorado, and it's your first time leaving colorado
Starting point is 00:10:25 i'm addicted to these shoes it's bad of course you are there's no other explanation for why you'd be wearing them it's like saying why do you do crack it's like i'm addicted i'm addicted too good they're too comfortable they're too comfortable tool a woman goes it's gonna take a child the truth of a child to change your mind when the truth goes, Bobby, who's the homeless person over there? Why does he have tires for shoes? It looks like you're wearing people tires. They're so ugly. Yeah, I'm going to take a picture of him and throw him on the gram.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I'm up to 200,000. By the way, editorial retraction. We're the only news organization that will give you an editorial retraction when we're wrong. Apparently, and you know who pointed it out to me on Instagram? It was Titus. Remember the comedian Titus? He had a short-lived sitcom on Fox, Titus,
Starting point is 00:11:13 and then I think he asked for more money, and they were just like, no, you're not Seinfeld. Now your career's over. Oh, no. Now you're commenting on Giannis Pappas' Instagram. So he commented, he goes, they do have drag show shows at Christopher Titus. They do have drag shows at old folks homes. You dink. And I said, well,
Starting point is 00:11:35 then everyone will support it. Like I said in the clip, cause that's what I said. I said, unlike a nightclub act, uh, for kindergartners, I go, would you be in favor of a stand-up comedy show at your kid's kindergarten? Nobody would. Why are you Googling me now? I was going to your Instagram. Oh, going to my Insta to see his comment?
Starting point is 00:11:59 Yeah. Yeah, that's, I mean, that's exactly what he said verbatim. He said, they do have it, you dink. What's a dink? I don't know. I don't know some fucking shit. I mean, look, the guy he said verbatim. He said, they do have it, you dink. What's a dink? I don't know. I don't know some fucking shit. I mean, look, the guy's upset, and I understand. Can you go to the story?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Because it's fun. Let's have a little fun with Christopher Titus, because he commented on my Instagram, so he asked for it. Just like Jay Moore, when he stole Rob Shapiro's character, he asked for it. By the way, those nuptials have been consummated, and Jay Moore officially doesn't have roommates anymore. You can catch him at Soul Joel's,
Starting point is 00:12:29 where he'll be flying on Jeannie Buss' private jet to Atlantic City Comedy Club for one show Thursday, three shows Friday, and two shows Saturday. Imagine being married to Jeannie Buss, basically a billionaire who runs the Lakers and having to take in a room at an improv.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Any Housers. Yeah, let's... Christopher Titus. So what happened with Christopher Titus? I think he had a Fox sitcom. I already quoted what he said. It's, you know, so let's look. Christopher Titus had a Fox sitcom, I remember. And it was like, I think it was actually well rated.
Starting point is 00:13:14 You know, I think like he was going to do good. Here we go. Why did the show Titus get canceled? Top one. Show got canceled due to an argument with executives. They wanted to split up Titus and Aaron because the show Dharma and Greg had done similar and their ratings went up.
Starting point is 00:13:31 So sometimes this works. Sometimes you fight for it. You know, like Chappelle's show fought for all those sketches that became the most popular, that Comedy Central was going, whoa, whoa, whoa, we can't, you know? Sometimes a show about nothing, you get it on the air, and you just get complete control, and they probably said,
Starting point is 00:13:49 why don't we try this? And Larry and Jerry were probably like, F you, we're going to do it our way, and it works. Sometimes it works. But when you're Christopher Titus, sometimes it backfires on you. The executives go, you know what? You're not making us that much money that we're going to listen to what you do. We're actually giving you a suggestion because we
Starting point is 00:14:08 wanted to get better ratings and you lose it. That's why I remember hearing this story that he kind of like shot himself in the foot and the show got canceled. And that's how it works sometimes in showbiz, babe. And listen, I'm not knocking it. I'm not knocking it because, listen, I'm recording my podcast out of my old apartment. But, you know, you can catch Christopher Titus at the Funny Bone and you can catch him in the Blue Room, which I'll be this weekend. He was just at the Blue Room.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And I will be there this coming weekend in Springfield, Missouri. And click for tickets, meaning that there's still tickets. And there's still tickets for me. I'm flying in on Thursday so they can make me do radio. This is the type of thing
Starting point is 00:14:54 I know my agent's nervous because I don't... Why? Why are we doing it? Springfield, Missouri, they're not... They don't come out. Everyone who goes there
Starting point is 00:15:04 is just fucking, they got to give away, Dan Soder went there. They tried to raffle off Matt Rife tickets if you went to see Dan Soder. So Christopher Tye says, but he is doing some theaters. Look at that, Texas Theater, Hobby Center. Yeah, I mean, he's doing it.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I mean, he's still a big comic. Look at that, Minneapolis Theater, Wilbur Theater, which I just did. I love you. I love you, Christopher Titus. I hope we don't have a problem. Okay? Listen, here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I love drag queens. I'm just saying, Christopher Titus, I just think that maybe we just stick to the one, two, threes ABCs and just let the teachers read to the kids. How about that? How about that? Because drag shows started in nightclubs. That's where they belong. It's like doing comedy in an open park. It's not a good idea for people to hear it who didn't pay for it comedy's in a nightclub you want to go see stand-up pay and it's at night and you have to be 18 and over uh what does trump have in republic okay so he's a big i don't even know why you know it's not getting him anywhere oh he went all
Starting point is 00:16:19 politics oh yeah he's big oh yeah that's why's why he commented on my thing, because it's his shtick. Yeah. It's his shtick. Oh, yeah. You're the weasel. What does Trump have on Republicans? To my Republican countrymen. Dude, you can't let politics take over.
Starting point is 00:16:39 The four horsemen, the Trump apocalypse. Jesus. Democrats versus Republicans. This is why I'm a Democrat. I'm a Democrat. When did we drop our standards for leaders? When did comedians become partisan politicians and thought leaders? Oh, that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:17:01 He's pulling the old Bill Maher. Okay. So that's why. He saw that. He was like, I pulling the old Bill Maher. Okay. So that's why he saw that. He was like, I'm going for it. I'm going, I'm going to knock this Republican, even though I'm not Republican. He just saw it. He's like, it's my, this is your brand now.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I get it. You got a brand. You're the Democrat. You're a Democrat. Congratulations. You know, the comedy is always good when someone can lead with what they are I'm a Republican comedian
Starting point is 00:17:27 hey I'm this type of comedian it's always the best you know Louis CK is funny but I didn't think he was funny until he came out and he said in his show I am a liberal Republican Democrat if I don't know what your political affiliation is,
Starting point is 00:17:45 I'm not listening. I'm not listening. Anyway, it wasn't, I don't even think he, it wasn't, we don't have to scuff up. We got no beef. I'm just saying maybe we should start a show. Christopher Titus, like Crossfire back in the day, Tucker Carlson, remember he was on Crossfire
Starting point is 00:18:04 with the other guy, the other Weasley guy, and they would be the Republican and the Democrat. And they did that for ratings. And they go, ah, well, well, school shootings, we should regulate guns. Oh, no, but a kid with a gun can only stop a bad guy. And they just went, ba-da-ba-da-ba-ba. Welcome to the Right First Left Show, ba-da-ba-da-ba-ba.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Now, and they used to talk about issues and they would sit down and there was a show with the Republican-Democrat. Now, Tucker Carlson's on the NWO of Twitter and he's interviewing the guy who's claiming to have sex with Barack Obama. Now, this guy was around a long time ago. Now, all these Barack Obama conspiracies, they're really, I think the chef dying in the two feet of water has sparked a lot of conspiracies. It is a little weird that a guy drowns going to swim by himself in like a lake or a pond or something like that. I don't know what his swimming status was. But he was, it was his African-American chef, right? Sometimes African-Americans, they don't continue to advance swimming lessons. Let's just say that. And I don't know,
Starting point is 00:19:20 but since then there's a fun conspiracies that that was Obama's gay lover. And, um, and, um, that's why he was killed. Do we know the status of that chef? Was he gay? Did he have a wife? Yeah, he had a couple of kids. He had a couple of kids. Okay, so, I mean, you know. But that's not evidence that he wasn't in a gay relationship. Yeah, nothing is evidence.
Starting point is 00:19:39 You can't, data cannot change. Michelle Obama, I've seen pictures of her pregnant, but listen, a lot of people just, she's Big Mike, and that's what it is. And look, I'm not saying she's not. How am I supposed to know? It could have been a doctored picture of her pregnant. You know?
Starting point is 00:19:54 I don't know. The only way we're going to find out is if we pull down her trousers and take a peek. She's got a mud puddle under her. She's got a dog. Are we talking about a beef jerky, or are we talking about a fun bun what do you got michelle it's important americans need to know so they can figure out their health care and their mortgage they gotta know what's the first lady a guy
Starting point is 00:20:18 as jason rossosen say i'm fooled okay so tucker carlson is doing hard-hitting stuff like this now now i said i messages to you and you you you actually had like a moment of sadness for this country a little bit you were like i'm sad that this is a news story so because when you look at who this guy is now, let's take a peek of the guy because he's, he's, um, let's, let's take a peek. Let's take a, yeah, let's just take a quick listen. Let me guess. Hold on first, before you start it. Hi Tucker. First of all, I want you to say, I really appreciate that you're the only one picking up this story. And I know it's important because you don't have Moderna as a sponsor. You don't have a bunch of sponsors. You got nobody to answer to.
Starting point is 00:21:07 It's just you and Elon free speaking against the world. Now I know Elon might've lost his mind because his daughter went ultra woke. It happens to everyone in Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights as well. Did you hear about that? So Elon Musk has a daughter who like got like really woke. So I think that has something to do.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Like, first of all, I think he first struggled to remember her name and he was like, are you Tiffany again? And he's like, did I make you like with like who, which who's your mom? And then she was like, it's not about that. Okay. That's a partner, partner, love insemination. My name is six, five, three, seven, nine. my name is 65379 you called me code one and i am a non-binary trans nazi liberal mafia member and he you know you know i always want to know what the true motivation is behind why people do what they do and i'm not saying that that's why he started x and started you know wiling out with free speech um and let's be honest, lean into the right hard. Let's just call a spade a spade.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Elon's leaning to the right hard. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. I'm just saying, I'd say he's leaning to the right hard. And he's definitely given some air to some conspiracies. I remember one he threw up there that he took it down. I can't remember what it was. Oh, it was the, it was the Nancy Pelosi's husband one where he was like, that he took it down. I can't remember what it was. Oh, it was the Nancy Pelosi's husband one, where he was like,
Starting point is 00:22:28 that is a good question. And it happens to be all on body cam and stuff like that, but who knows? Who knows? Maybe that Paul Pelosi was having an affair. People are really, who knows? Maybe every person who makes six figures is just a,
Starting point is 00:22:44 what's the word I'm looking for, is a deviant. Maybe once you get to six or seven figures, you're a deviant. Maybe everyone in power is a deviant. I don't know because I don't have power, thank God, but I'm miserable. So maybe it's fun and that's why they do it.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I'm not, you know, but probably not. I think it's probably not that Paul Pelosi was having a gay affair with this guy. And then the guy, what a guy, hit him with something in the head. Hit him with a hammer. Hit him with a hammer. I doubt that. I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:23:13 He might have said, I'm sick of this. I can't pretend it. It might have been that when the cops came in, like, what's going on? He was like, I'm waiting, looking for Nancy. He would have been like, I'm fucking sick of this. Okay, Paul is still fucking prancing around San Francisco, asking like he doesn't go to the whatever it's called, the old dollar. What's that part of town?
Starting point is 00:23:31 He doesn't go to the Orange District and fucking leather dance with me. And I fucking had enough, Mr. Police Officer. Come and bash his brains with this fucking hammer. We didn't hear any of that. It just looked like a deranged guy who was lost in Internet culture. Internet culture is warping people's brains. It's a guy who spent a little bit too much time having his mind warped, watching something, probably a bunch of insinuations from the Tim Pool podcast.
Starting point is 00:24:01 He'll be like this. He'll be like, we're white, we're losing this country, but I'm a liberal. Grab your guns, prepare I'm a liberal. Grab your guns, prepare for the race war. But I'm a liberal person. I'm a liberal. Underneath this beanie hat is a socially conscious granola munchin
Starting point is 00:24:18 center city Philadelphia lib. But make sure you got two AR-15s. Okay? Make sure you got two. Ten. Why? Because the government is about to attack your living room and the race war is coming.
Starting point is 00:24:35 But I'm a Democrat. I voted for Obama. People who... That's very funny if you know Tim Poolis. It's the old switch. I'm tempted to do it every episode. I'm tempted to do it every episode, right? Cause the libs, the libs ain't checking in on this.
Starting point is 00:24:56 No, the libs ain't watching this. The libs are going, what did he say? What there shouldn't be dragged Queens and fucking kindergarten Nazi to the right. Right. So I'm tempted every day to go, listen, what's really going on with big Mike's dick. drag queens in fucking kindergarten, Nazi to the right, right? So I'm tempted every day to go, listen, what's really going on with Big Mike's dick? What are we talking about here? The problem is we got a, we got a, we got a fascist Biden crime family.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Okay? This is the problem, is nobody is looking at Nancyancy pelosi and her deals with north korea welcome to the yada's papas hour on the daily wire where i will get paid and i will you should see me on fox i mean i when i was on fox with vivek i was like i'm voting for you i was like hillary clinton's bad i just went all in i was like are I'm voting for you. I was like, Hillary Clinton is bad. I just went all in. I was like, are you guys going to give me a check? I'll take the check. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Guys, football is back, and there's nothing funner than putting a little scratch on a game. Guess who's got your back? Draft Kings Sportsbook. Draft Kings is the best. Me and Jesse use Draft Kings to bet on games. We talk about it in the group chat. And look at what they're doing for you.
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Starting point is 00:26:40 Only on DraftKings Sportsbook with the code YPH. The crown is yours. So anyway, Tucker Carlson. I don't know how we got swayed from this. Oh, because I was saying, yeah, he's the gay lover and then Paul Pelosi. So here he is. This is Obama, the one guy who's coming forward because he had jungle fever with our former president.
Starting point is 00:27:18 And it's Tucker Carlson on X. Pulled up in a bar outside outside and there's this guy that's introduced to me as Barack Obama. I had given Barack $250 to pay for coke. I start putting mine on a CD tray to snort and next thing I know he's got a little pipe and he's
Starting point is 00:27:37 smoking. Oh, he's cranking coke too! I just started rubbing my ass on his thigh to see where it was going and it went the direction I had intended it who he was. That's the obvious question. What was Obama like back then? Is it your sense that that's who Obama is? Is he transactional?
Starting point is 00:27:58 Or that he's bisexual? Or like, what is that? It definitely wasn't Barack's first time. And I would almost be wrong if I said it wasn't his last. Because he, let me tell you something, he knew some tricks in the sack that none of the boys, none of the boys in the Chaz. What's the gay part of San Francisco called?
Starting point is 00:28:16 The Tenderloin? I think so. I don't think it is, but it sounds like it. Where did this happen? Okay, so this is when he was in college at Occidental in California. like it um where did this happen okay so this is when he was in college at occidental in california um so he's a crack smoker and a cocaine user who ended up going to where harvard or yale or whatever where do you end up graduating from i think harvard law right harvard law where you know a lot of people struggle with crack and then i'm graduating from the most prestigious
Starting point is 00:28:41 organization prestigious legal school in the country. Now, let's see if there's any, is there any merit to this? I like it. Don't get me wrong. I'm enjoying. I want him to be, he went to Occidental, right in California. Then he went to Columbia University. A big problem with cracked
Starting point is 00:28:59 air. And then after that, he graduated from Harvard Law School. So did Big Mike big mike apparently is where they met and their gay love started so this is tucker carlson now i think there's got to be good info that he has that this is true or else he wouldn't have because tucker carlson never supports any conspiracy theories and um he's not about salaciousness he's not about insinuation innuendo salaciousness at all so what about insinuation, innuendo, salaciousness at all. So what is the evidence?
Starting point is 00:29:27 We got to look into the evidence. What's this guy's name? You're looking at it. This is the evidence. This is the evidence, him? Yeah. Come on. Can you go to something?
Starting point is 00:29:36 Can we pull up the guy's name and see who he is? I think I texted you a whole Politico. This guy's been around for a little while. He didn't just emerge out of nowhere. So wait, first let's watch this Tucker. Cause this one's good. Like,
Starting point is 00:29:51 can we watch that? Cause this is Tucker doing a little AOC speaking to camera through his phone. Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack. And a guy came forward, Larry Sinclair and said, I'll sign an affidavit. And he did.
Starting point is 00:30:03 I'll take a lie detector. And he did. I smoked crack a lie detector. And he did. I smoked crack with Barack Obama and had sex with him. Well, that was obviously true. Nobody reported it, not because they were squeamish about sex or drugs, but because the Obama campaign said anyone who reports on this gets no access to the Obama campaign. And so they didn't report it. People wanted access.
Starting point is 00:30:23 So that happens. That's just one small example, but that access. Wait a second, pause it. Because that's how our country works. The president can deny access to reporters. No, it's an open, you go in, your organization, right, is credentialed, and it goes in, and it gets prepped, you know. So Obama said, if anyone reports,
Starting point is 00:30:41 and that was enough to keep it quiet. If anyone reports in this, I'm not talking to you. If anyone reports on my crack, coke, gay sex, bar perusing, wild days, I will not talk to you. You are dead to me. So that was enough of a deterrent for journalists to lay off it until Tucker got unleashed on Twitter, the artist, the social media site formerly known as Twitter.
Starting point is 00:31:13 So Larry Sinclair, let's take a peek into Larry Sinclair. I bet you, let me guess, Larry Sinclair has just been married to the same guy. He's got a business. Okay, let's take a peek. This is from 2008. So Larry Sinclair has been around for a long time. Okay, there's his mugshot. Larry Sinclair is wanted in Colorado.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Larry Sinclair is wanted in Colorado. But you can catch him today at the National Press Club. Sinclair is familiar to political junkie and reporters as the source of an outlandish allegation about Senator Barack Obama. Tales that begin with sex and drugs and moved on to murder. Okay, so I remember now. He wrote a book about it.
Starting point is 00:31:59 He wrote a book. So he actually has a book out called, like, Butt Sex with Barack. I think it's what it's called. We can check the title, but I'm pretty sure it was called Butt Sex with Barack. He's from Duluth, Minnesota. He appears at the margins of every presidential campaign. And both presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton had their own obscure accusers with dramatic allegations. George W. Bush and Bill Clinton had their own obscure accusers with dramatic allegations. Well, Bill Clinton's probably were true.
Starting point is 00:32:36 But as the old media ignores him, Sinclair has taken full advantage of the Internet and a video in which he makes his claims to a view of more than 900000 times. So since 2008, he's been saying I had butt sex with barack he's reserved the holman lounge at downtown washington's national press club to try to lend his story the legitimacy that comes with national media attention his biography may get in the way of that pitch uh okay so they're saying some of his personal history may conflict with him being a reliable source let's check public records and court filings okay that's anyone can find reveal that he's a 27 year criminal with a specialty in crimes involving deceit the record includes forgery charges in two states one of which drew Sinclair a 16 year jail sentence uh the Pueblo County Colorado Sheriff's Office also has an outstanding warrant for Sinclair's arrest for forging an acquaintance's signature and stealing her tax her tax refunds uh hold on it is what it is said Sinclair's spokesman uh Montgomery Blair Sibley
Starting point is 00:33:36 of his client's criminal record he's not hiding from it he's not denying it okay I'm a guy who does a lot of deceitful crime but when it comes to me talking about having sex with the most powerful man at that time in the country i tell it like it is i tell it like it is and obama i'll tell you this much it wasn't his first time because let me tell you he worked it he worked that fucking sausage. I came three times with Barack. Barack's got a clean asshole. It's clean. It's clean.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Let me tell you something. People say he's got menthol lips from smoking cigarettes. Well, let me tell you something. He's got menthol anus as well because there's a blue fucking halo around that holy ass. And you can believe me because I'm Larryry sinclair i did 16 years 16 years in two states so it's not being denied by his spokesperson here so what i'm telling you is public record um he's got a criminal record uh he had jail sentence 16 years He was forging an acquaintance's signature and stealing her tax refunds. Sounds like a fun hang, but not a great guy if you know him
Starting point is 00:34:54 and he gets big and you get big. He may make a story up about you. But Sinclair has addressed the elements of his criminal past. So he's talked about it on his own blog and in court filings punctuated by unusual spellings and capitalizations. You don't say. This guy's not a fucking, he's not a candidate for editor-in-chief of New York Magazine?
Starting point is 00:35:17 No? County theft charges, Sinclair swore in a 2004 affidavit that his alleged victim seeks to use defendant as a scapegoat for her husband's and brother's problems with Mexican drug dealers. This guy's hanging out with the creme de la creme. So it wasn't his fault. It was a scapegoat because her husband and her brothers had problems with Mexicans, Mexican cartels. This is, I mean, sometimes you don't have to make jokes. You can just read who the guy is. Sinclair's affidavit, which he posted to his blog,
Starting point is 00:36:01 accompanying the request to a Colorado judge to dismiss the warrant on the grounds that Sinclair was disabled with a severe spine injury. I can't come to work. I hurt my back. And nerve damage. Okay, he was disabled. So he wanted the warrant dismissed.
Starting point is 00:36:17 That returning to Colorado would put his life in danger because of his disability. And that he was terminally ill. This was 2008. He's still alive in 2023. And he just gave an interview with Tucker Carlson on Twitter. So terminally ill. This sounds a lot like the black guy who did a special on HBO after telling
Starting point is 00:36:37 Ellen he had brain tumors in his head. He's still alive. So Sinclair. So he, this is funny when you go back and read this article from 2008 where his affidavit says that he's terminally ill he has a severe spine injury and nerve damage but he survived a long time too it's 2023 he is uh and this is Sinclair, who is still alive, is 46. So now he's what? This was 2008.
Starting point is 00:37:07 So now he's 60s. Something like that. He stands 5'7". He weighs 168 pounds, according to arrest records. Kid's got a rap sheet. Colorado records list him having 13 aliases, Colorado records list him having 13 aliases, including Larry Vizcarra Avila and Mohammed Gahanan. His story has generally been ignored by the mainstream media because he's been unable to substantiate his allegations. But I thought he signed an affidavit and took a lie detector test.
Starting point is 00:37:47 He's come to public attention recently, however, because his planned appearance at the National Press Club drew complaints from a wider array of prominent liberal bloggers, led by whoever this person is. Their petition to prevent Sinclair from renting space at the club, which bloggers feared would lend him credibility, drew more than 11,000 signatures. Why would you stop this i sometimes i don't understand like and i'm not even talking about who's right or wrong or if
Starting point is 00:38:10 this is true or not because i think it's true okay i think this is true you do i do think it's true i think that he happens to be a con man is a coincidence right i just happen to believe it's completely coincidental um um i believe it i believe i believe especially when he said i tell you i tell you what it wasn't his first time that's you can tell right there that's a detail right there that you could tell he's not lying um if he takes a lie detector test on on the joe rogan podcast or the pds podcast or one of those podcasts is any passes. It's all that. That's enough for me.
Starting point is 00:38:49 He should identify Obama's dick. Like the way they do. He should, he should be able to do a birthmark, do a birthmark. I told him, well, he did identify the S. I said,
Starting point is 00:38:54 there's a blue halo around it. He's got the same sort of menthol ring, cigarette ring. Yeah. His ass close. Yeah. His ass close. It's a holy,
Starting point is 00:39:03 it's a holy hole. But my point is, you know, there was actually a lot of liberals who funded in the last, they funded like Lake and they funded some of the more extreme candidates because they knew that they would win against them. When you got a gift like this you need to embrace it you shouldn't try to protest to get it you embrace it maybe it's true let's hear him out if I was in the Democrat war camp
Starting point is 00:39:34 I'd be like let's grant him an interview let's bring him in so you're saying Tucker's working for the Dems Tucker's working for the Dems Tucker's working for the Dems because Tucker's working for the Dems. Tucker's working for the Dems because Tucker is too much of an honest journalist. Non-partisan.
Starting point is 00:39:51 He's just about the American people. He's about the working man, truly. That's what he cares about. You don't know the bars I've seen Tucker hanging out in. Not one pair of boat shoes. Everyone was wearing socks and boots, drinking Miller Lights. seen Tucker hanging out in. Not one pair of boat shoes. Everyone was wearing socks and boots, drinking Miller Lights, just him at
Starting point is 00:40:09 the end of the bar, singing Sweet Caroline with a bunch of goddamn SpaceX citizen blue-collar workers in blue jeans. He's a blue-jean kind of guy you can have a beer with and fucking eat some barbecue with, man. He's a blue jean kind of guy you can have a beer with and fucking eat some barbecue with, man.
Starting point is 00:40:25 He's not this fucking Newport blue blood who hangs out and eats shellfish out of an Asian woman's face. It's not that. He's not up there in Newport, Rhode Island, sucking on scallops. He's down there at the bar eating chicken fingers with Dennis. In Uniontown, Pennsylvania, saluting the flag and serving those people. His viewers are his people and he's one of them, is my point.
Starting point is 00:40:56 So the only excuse I can have for this is he's been bought and paid for by the Dems. Because no way he wouldn't just read this one article or go to the public records and find out that the guy had an alias named Mohammed Gahanan. Can we keep scrolling? Because this is the gift that just keeps giving. The website WhiteHouse.com
Starting point is 00:41:24 reportedly offered Sinclair $100,000 if he could pass a polygraph test verifying his claims. He took them up on it and the site said in a press relief that the polygraph organizers said his results indicated deception. That's not what was told to me by Tucker. Who administered it? The polygraph is true or false based on who administers it. So I don't White House. Obviously, it's going to come back deception. But whatever other one he took came back true. Sinclair then suggested the polygraph sponsors had been bribed to skew the results against him, an allegation his lawyer Sibley said he would expand on at his press conference. So he got one polygraph wrong. But he must have taken
Starting point is 00:42:06 another one because Tucker says he took another one. It just makes sense that the guy smokes crack, man. I mean, it just smokes. I mean, listen, Hunter, look who his vice president is. What do you think a party, what do you think the holidays look like with the Bidens and the Barack Obamas? We're talking about
Starting point is 00:42:22 trannies, coke. I mean, it's all there, dude. I mean, it's all there, dude. I mean, it's a fucking wild night. It's a real wild night. You know what I mean? I want an invite to that party. I want an invite. I'll be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:42:37 And look, a lot of Republicans want an invite to that party too. They don't want to admit it, but you got blow? You got trance? You got alcohol? You got a trance. You got alcohol. You got yayo. You got bags of yayo in the West Wing. So like many allegations, he's been accused of this by a lot of other people, right? Is there a lot of other people have come forward and said, I also had sex with Barack Obama. I also smoke crack because, you know, people who smoke crack don't usually just do it once. But hold up before we check on that. I just want to because this is just good. Sibley,
Starting point is 00:43:10 his lawyer, is best known as a lawyer for the D.C. madam, the late Deborah Jean Palfrey. The Florida Bar Association suspended Sibley's license to practice law in part for being a vexed litigant, a suspension that applies in Washington, D.C. as well. So the lawyer's got some issues as well. That's why she took the case. Wednesday, WhiteHouse.com has scheduled a competing press conference outside the National Press Club to discuss the results of the polygraph. Sinclair's brushes with the government long predate his recent interest in Senator Obama. The details of his criminal record surfaced after he filed the defamation suit against three anonymous
Starting point is 00:43:49 online critics with the names Tube Socks Ted D, who has written, among other claims, that he was living in a mental institution at the time he allegedly met Obama. Well, that you could just look up, right? You could just look that up. So maybe he wasn't living in a mental institution
Starting point is 00:44:08 the time he looked up. Listen, I don't know. I'm just saying, for Tucker to do this interview, I believe there's got to be something better. What is there? I think Tucker would have came out with it, right? He would have probably led with that, being like, we have this evidence.
Starting point is 00:44:25 You told me where the birthmark is, okay? We had operatives sneak into his whatever multi-billion dollar mansion he lives in now after he got rich after public office from being a community organizer. Now he's probably to his Netflix deals. Everyone watched those shows, by the way.
Starting point is 00:44:47 What did he do? Wasn't he starting a podcast and shows and producing content? Somehow you just end up with hundreds of millions of dollars, right? Just somehow?
Starting point is 00:44:55 Yeah. After office, you just end up with hundreds of millions of dollars. Sometimes not after office. Sometimes while you're in it, depending on whatever stock tips you hear
Starting point is 00:45:03 down the hall. Oh, my God. So he's only got one gay accuser. Is there not anyone else? How about crack? Has anyone else? I'm putting out, what do you call an SOS or a challenge or what is it? I will, you will become a guest.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I want actually in your comments for me to hear your story. It doesn't have to be true. I just want to hear your story about whatever trans crack party you were at with Obama. I want to hear about your experience or someone you've met or someone your mother's friends may have dated who smoked crack with Barack Obama. I want to hear it. You will not only be a guest on the Honest Papast Hour, I will give you $110 out of my wallet. wallet okay if you to the to a credible story about smoking crack rock with barack hussein saddam obama so what do we come up with there's only one so far there's only one accuser we can't corroborate one other person who smoked crack with him is crack something you just smoke once or does it kind of get its grips in you? Not if you're hunting Biden.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Well, has there ever been someone who smoked cracks who just laid off afterwards? Is it like shelf it? Is it like muscles where you take one and you're like, it's not for me? You know? Yeah. What are the chances you smoke crack once? Because what I hear is that it really gets its grips in you chemically. But I mean, if you're like a rich guy, maybe it's like an off night.
Starting point is 00:46:51 You're like, hey, let's do something wild. I want to smoke crack rock. I want to smoke crack like the brothers in the ghetto. What if Obama really speaks like that, like off camera? And then he gets on camera and he's like that. We're going to make the people. And then he gets off and he's like, oh, give me some crack. Where's my crack?
Starting point is 00:47:09 Where's my fucking pipe? Where's my pipe? So the guy wrote a biography. He's got a, he's wrote a book. Obviously there's truth to this story because it's on X. So it must be, but we're on to diarrhea. Speaking, speaking of diarrhea. Now, why does it depress you that that's a news story? Just because, I mean, this is what we're concerned with now.
Starting point is 00:47:43 This is where we've ended up. This is where we've ended up. Yeah. This is truly, this is where the national conversation is. And truly, it's what most people are interested in. Does the former first lady have a penis? Did Barack Obama smoke crack and cocaine and have gay sex with a guy named Larry Sinclair who has 16 aliases and did crimes in two states? That's where we're at, for sure. The national conversation is there.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Is Barack Obama an American citizen? It kind of started there. It gets hits, baby. There's nothing better than a conspiracy. We're talking about it now. We're not going to be talking about some bill and the details of a bill, right? And the stupider the population of America gets,
Starting point is 00:48:21 the less they can understand the sophistication of actual policy bills, legislation, executive orders, the three branches of government, Supreme Court rulings. They can't understand it from the horse's mouth. They need it regurgitated, you know, a la the game of telephone by the fourth college dropout who's got a podcast or a content page, who's trying to get clicks. It's a well-established American economy. And what's coming next is the Christian Ayatollah. Be prepared. We will elect a Christian Ayatollah who will be the head of a megachurch who will get famous at his megachurch. He's already speaking to fucking crowds of 30. He's doing fucking bigger arenas than Dave
Starting point is 00:49:06 Chappelle. He's shitting on Chappelle's weekends. It could be, what's his name? With the hair and the closed eyes. Oh, uh, Joel Osteen. Could be Joel Osteen. But someone like that, there will be a Christian Ayatollah, and the Tim Dillon show will be cancelled.
Starting point is 00:49:25 It will be cancelled for Ayatollah and the Tim Dillon show will be canceled. It will be canceled for, for being gay smut. It's, it's coming. It's, it's in America. It's in the bowels of the American spirit. Maybe we should turn this into a Christian podcast. We will. Might be good for us. And we will. Yeah. Cause look, everyone's doing the conservative switch. Yeah. Right. What's her name? A lot of people did that. Dave Rubin. will might be good for us and we will yeah because look everyone's doing the conservative switch yeah
Starting point is 00:49:45 right what's her name a lot of people did that dave rubin i'm a liberal gay guy trying to be a comic wait a second now i'm the gay guy on the right um they're coming for you too because you're living in sin he's gonna like wait a second no i thought the republicans were okay with kids we were until uh we are able to be honest about the fact that you're a Satan seed. Satan and the odds will look like that too. You're Satan seed and you're Jew. And you're Jew, Dave Rubin. You're Jew.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Not you're a Jew. You're Jew. Satan seed Jew. It's going to happen. You know, that switch everyone's doing. Candace Owens did that switch. She was a liberal blogger. You can't stand out as a lit, like you can't stand out.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Everyone's like, everyone's doing it. But when you come and you go fucking, Barack Obama hates black people. People are going, let's listen to this black lady. It's a good switch. It's a good move it's a market to be filled like i did an orthodox jewish podcast the other day yeah i did really and they're just like we got the market and i was like i know you do because you're you're you're the only ones who broke what the rabbi wanted and started a podcast and had me on right so
Starting point is 00:51:00 they've interviewed maftis yahoo a couple other people and it was fun it was a lot of fun they were great guys but right away they got an audience because it's an underserved community you know they mean there's a bunch of orthodox kids moving their curls back like this and listening they're moving their curls and they go what whoa did he say that whoa that's not allowed in the on the Sabbath? Whoa! So there's going to be a bunch of people who are Jews who are going to listen to me and a few of them might sneak my special. You know, it was worth it for me.
Starting point is 00:51:33 They'll watch it on a Saturday. So there's premeditated moves you can make that a lot of people do make that the people are not aware of, but if they just took one second to think about it, you can tell who's marketing and who's not, you know? And if you want your art to be commercials, that's where we are now. In fact, like, that's where we are
Starting point is 00:51:57 now. Art is commercial. It's commercial. It's not done for the spirit of the soul or for the commonality of the human condition. It's done to make money with premeditated planned moves and agendas that used to only be reserved for Madison Avenue. And you can see it everywhere. You can see it on people's independent podcasts and their brands. And people have gotten savvy, and they just have become good marketers. Like, I just threw up that video
Starting point is 00:52:29 of all those people saying my name. It's almost got a million views. It's a shit video. Just people going, Giannis Pappas, Giannis Pappas, Giannis Pappas. But guess what? You think you guys are going to have all the fun? Well, here comes fucking Madman Yanni.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Here I come. Here comes Madman Yanni. Fifth Avenue, baby. comes mad man. Yanni fifth Avenue, baby. I'm selling Coca-Cola. What was his name? Don Draper Pappas. And I'm selling you fucking satisfaction. Got a team.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Patreon.com. Sass. Yannis Pappas hour for the best Patreon. Most wild uncensored, most conservative, most liberal. Let's take down these fucking right wing Nazis. Listen guys, Patreon most wild, uncensored, most conservative, most liberal. Let's take down these fucking right-wing Nazis.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Listen, guys, they're coming for your kids. Whatever you want to believe, I'm here. They're coming for your kids. Oh, yep, the school shootings are starting. Must be an election time. Their Dems are starting out again. Federal agents, every single one of them, feds. My wife, fed.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Jesse's a fed. They're all feds. Proud Boys, feds. They're all fucking fed. Gavin McGinnis, Chinese spy fed. Elon Musk, fucking fed. They're all feds. They're coming for your kids. They're all Feds. They're coming for your kids.
Starting point is 00:53:49 They're coming for your kids. Also, sign up, patreon.com. Just bleep that. Right there, you got an audience. That last sentence, I got an audience. And in this economy, I got, what, 20,000, 30,000 paying customers who want to hear what my opinions are? Clip it. Yeah, or if I go the other way, you know?
Starting point is 00:54:15 Protect trans kids at all costs. 20,000, signed up right there. Impeach Trump. 10,000, at least 10,000 signed up right there. Impeach Trump. 10,000, at least 10,000. I'm in the algorithm somewhere. I'm one of the videos coming up, but this shit's not in any algorithm. I'm in the Yanni algorithm,
Starting point is 00:54:35 which is just like, do you want to be surprised? Because who knows what this kid's going to say? Anyhow, I love the comments too there will be people in this comment section on youtube right now the ones listening are the real fans and on youtube we got some real fans but it's a lot of wackadoos you get a lot of wackadoos in the youtube comments there will be some youtube comments who will try to prove to me that larry sinclair is the real deal and i look forward them. And I will do an editorial retraction based on your information that Barack Obama is a crackhead homosexual.
Starting point is 00:55:11 But let's get to the good stuff, because a Delta flight had to make a U-turn, and this is how I'm going to get out of my Springfield, Missouri. I'm going to shit all over the plane. I'm supposed to be in Springfield, Missouri right now when you're watching this, but I'm probably not because I shit all over a Delta plane. First of all, to make the news, because I'm supposed to be in Springfield, Missouri right now when you're watching this, but I'm probably not because I shit all over a Delta plane. First of all, to make the news, because I'm marketing, I'm Don Draper. Listen, comics shits all over Delta plane.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Comics has diarrhea all over first class. Comics shits on stewardess. Getting better. Comics says knock, knock joke. It ends with diarrhea spray in face of person sitting next to him in row two. I'm in the news. I'm in the news. People's memories are short.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I'm in the news. That's the second advantage to what I do. The first advantage is that I'm not in Springfield, Missouri. That's the biggest pro I will get out of shitting all over my Delta flight this weekend to Springfield, Missouri for whoever the fuck is showing up. So they made a
Starting point is 00:56:16 U-turn because of a diarrhea incident. And diarrhea is spelled in a weird way here. D-I-A-R-R-H-O-E-A? This is the BBC. Oh, so this bit, diarrhea? Diarrhea? Let me go to the post.
Starting point is 00:56:30 They got the juice. Delta flight makes U-turn. All right, here's America. Delta flight forced into emergency landing because passengers shit all over the place. BBC's like, somebody defecated on the floor. There was a passenger who had had to go to the loo.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Didn't quite make it to the loo. So they were kind of just caught up and didn't make it to the loo. And then you get to the post. Shit all over the place. Delta flight from Atlanta to Barcelona was forced to turn around and make an emergency landing after a passenger had diarrhea all the way through the plane. The Airbus A350 was two hours into the transatlantic flight from Georgia.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Wow, you got to make just a U-turn right over North Carolina. When the pilot asked to come back because of the fecal fiasco, this is a gift for whatever writer was on this beat. This is a biohazard issue, the pilot said, traffic control. We got a fucking ass terrorist on flight 479. This is worse than 9-11. The pilot said to air traffic control, we've had a passenger who's had diarrhea all the way through the airplane,
Starting point is 00:57:44 so they want to come back to atlanta what does that mean i assume it means someone took down their pants and shit all over the plane like all the way down the aisle just all the way down the fucking aisle from first class to all the way to the back let's get some witnesses here the identity of the passenger remains a mystery but the passengers and crew were transferred and they flew on a different plane. They made it to Barcelona. So it's a success story. It is not known if the passenger
Starting point is 00:58:12 who had a digestive problem was aboard the plane when it touched down in Spain. Wait, they just forgave him for shitting all over the plane? He was like, can I get on the next flight now? And they're like, yeah, sure. plane he was like can i get on the next flight now and they're like yeah sure um they there was a a federal aviation authority flight strip was posted on reddit which appeared to confirm the situation was a biohazard all over the plane so if it's all over the plane um what did it back did he back it up and it shot all over the place cleaning crews were able to scrub down the aircraft
Starting point is 00:58:50 no he shit everywhere the company did not elaborate on the medical reason I'm thinking this is probably a prank gone wrong or something one of these YouTube pranks like I'm going to just shit on the plane probably something like that what do you get for shitting all over the plane?
Starting point is 00:59:07 Looks like there's no consequences. Or I don't know if the law has, the law has been created. We'd need like a seminal legal work on what, what kind of charges that is defecating in a public, like what is the defecating in a closed area? A defecating, what I don't mean, you know, are you, if you're in a closed area? Defecating what?
Starting point is 00:59:25 I don't mean, you know. If you're in the Mile High Club, if you bang in the bathroom. But if you shit on the plane, outside of the bathroom, that's an exclusive club right there. You're talking rare air. You're talking Lionel Messi. You're talking there's not a lot of people who've done that. This guy, I assume it's a guy.
Starting point is 00:59:48 I don't think a girl would do this. Oh, it'd be good if it was. If it's a girl, that would be great. But it'd be funny if they go back and they see that this was planned. Like they go back into the personality and they see all the plans, like a terrorist or a school shooter. Like they planned their meal before and they're like, all right, I'm going to Chick-fil-A and I'm going to just fucking eat a bunch of White Castle,
Starting point is 01:00:10 like 20 burgers. And like he filmed the whole thing and he had a treatise and it was like all, this was like a terrorist attack, except he used diarrhea. That would be fun. That would be really fun. If they go back, he's like,
Starting point is 01:00:22 he's been planning this for months. He's been trading his stomach to eat horrible. Okay. He was holding in that diarrhea. Like he got sick two days ago. Cause you know how hard it is to hold diarrhea in, but he trained his body to be able to be poisoned by food. So he would eat, like he would probably put his own fecal matter on the food and eat it just so he would have diarrhea so he could train himself. So he got so sick and he had such a backlog of so many White Castle burgers. And then he went to Taco Bell. Went to Taco Bell at the Atlanta airport just to top it off.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Right? And then he just drank a gallon of milk. And he just sat down like a terrorist. He sat down like Muhammad Atta with the box cutter. And they say, where are you flying? He goes i'm love laverne and shirley you know that's probably what the terrorists do like you know muhammad atah was like where are you flying like laverne and shirley happy days happy days just studied a few words in english i'm laverne andne and Shirley just had a look at his face with the... He had a look on his face
Starting point is 01:01:28 with the glasses on, just waiting for the plane. And then he just went up and said, Hey, this is a hijack of this plane. I want you to fly right now to Tehran, Iran. Pfft. Pfft. And he was just holding people hostage with his ass cheeks god i want to speak to the pilot
Starting point is 01:01:49 open the door open the door and don't make any sudden moves the waitress you shit on her i told you you. You're just praying, shooting people with shit? Like a super soaker. Like a super soaker. That's what must happen. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this episode. We will definitely be going to YouTube education, YouTube re-education camp after this puppy,
Starting point is 01:02:24 which is what they do now is you can go to a class, right? You take a class. So now that's what they do now, is you can go to a class, right? You take a class. So now that's what they do. So if they don't like your podcast, YouTube will waive a creator's content violation form if they attend a class. Now, how do you attend the class? Is it virtual? Or do you got to show up in San Francisco?
Starting point is 01:02:39 Is this a new business where they're trying to revive that shithole? What is going on? They want to give content creators who violate guidelines a second chance. They believe take an educational training course. Hi, Giannis, welcome to YouTube's education class. Now, you beeped the word a few times when you just beeped it, right? But we know what you're saying in the context. So we are not allowing that type of behavior anymore. Okay? From now on, your podcast is going to be about this and only this. Let's see what the new policy course has explained right
Starting point is 01:03:21 here. YouTube will now allow individuals warned based on specific policies they break. Instead of a general lifetime warning that covers all of its policies, YouTube says it will give creators more opportunities to learn why their content may have crossed the line. That's going to be fun with comedians.
Starting point is 01:03:39 When you're going like, it was a joke, and they're going like, what's a joke? We have sponsors. Let's see. Hello, Siders. I'm here to mention your creator liaison. And today I am talking with Jennifer Flannery O'Connor. Oh, she seems like fun.
Starting point is 01:03:56 I am the VP of product management for trust and safety at YouTube. Okay, so hold on. This lady, no doubt, watched our channel very early on. She has got hall monitor. She's got front of the class. She's got just, she's watching this right now. I love you. I think you're doing a great job.
Starting point is 01:04:17 I mean, you can just tell. Some people are just the part. You can just see the power in her eyes, like just how much she loves it. And look at this cock. Let's go. New initiative around policy, warnings, community guidelines. What is it and why?
Starting point is 01:04:37 At YouTube, we've always had community guidelines, which roughly outline what are the rules of the road for uploading content to YouTube. And we've always had what we call a strike system in place, which says if you violate our rules more than three times within 90 days, It's called the Yanis Papasau rules. But the changes that we recently announced are a way to help teach creators more about what our policies actually are. In the new system, Look at those eyes.
Starting point is 01:05:01 that you violated our policies and an option to take a training course. If you decided to take that training, this is really fucking freaky. Specific to the general area of our policy that you violated to try to teach you about where the line is or is not. And also, if you don't violate that policy again in the next 90 days, that warning would be completely wiped off. Oh, that's cool. Just to be clear, though, this update is about how the system works, right? We're not making changes to what is enforced on the platform. Exactly. Our community guidelines. I love these lofts. And we still do. Is this how we rehearsed it? Three strikes and you're out, meaning three
Starting point is 01:05:40 strikes and you lose your channel because creators who routinely violate our policies sort of make the community worse for everyone. So could you walk us through exactly maybe what the differences are between the warnings as they were and what they're going to be going forward we actually introduced this concept of a warning a few years ago when we made some other updates to our strike system with the premise that you know we actually introduced this system once we started realizing that our children's content and, um, a lot of big, uh, media supported content, um, was a lot more, you know, TV friendly, ABC, um, bigger money. Um, once we sold out, sold out the content creators who made our platform what it is and started actually showing Viacom's content on there and sort of skewing the system in their
Starting point is 01:06:33 favor and the algorithm for movie promotions and whoever pays us the most money to give algorithm priority to, we decided we'd come up with a strength system for independent content creators since we're the only dance in town, which is always good. All right, let's hear what else Crime McGriff has. Screamers are good and they actually want to comply with our policies if they knew. And so we're going to give them an extra chance.
Starting point is 01:07:02 But in the old world, we just gave you that extra chance, the warning. We didn't actually give you any means other than if you wanted to dig through our very dense help center to understand what are YouTube's policies and what did I do wrong? And when we lost it- I guess that's helpful to know what it is, you know? And that'll be fun to have to hear someone at YouTube say the word bleep it. Oh God. be fun to have to hear someone at YouTube say the word bleep it. Cover my mouth with Joe DeRosa's face. Like, well, at minute 47. And then you have to explain, like, you said Barack Obama smokes crack. And you're like, well, I was making fun. And then you're like, all right, is this what the class is about?
Starting point is 01:07:48 Context. It's all a joke. Everything we do here is to try to entertain you, to make you laugh. We're not thought leaders. This is not a real news organization. This is a disclaimer that YouTube sent me in an email that I have to say. I am a comedian. This is all for jest.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Nothing I said should be serious. I'm very, very to say, I am a comedian. This is all for jest. Nothing I said should be serious. I'm very, very, very, very, very liberal. I'm so liberal. I fucking send social security to myself. I'm so liberal. I take food stamps and give them, I buy food stamps and hand them out to people. I'm so fucking liberal. I've moved to San Francisco to live on the street and help those people learn Italian. Guys, hope you enjoyed that episode. See me live on the road. This week I'm in Springfield, Missouri at the Blue Room Comedy Club.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Then Calgary, Alberta, September 22nd and 23rd. Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 29th and 30th. The Vogel in Red Bank, New Jersey, October 14th. Comedy Mothership in Austin, October 19th through the 22nd at Joe Rogan's Club. San Francisco, October 27th and 28th at Cobb's Comedy Club. Sony Hall, New York, November 4th.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Providence, Rhode Island, November 10th and 11th. Phoenix, November 16th and 17th. Spokane, Washington, December 1st and 2nd. Tulsa, December 8th and 9th. Louisville, December 15th and 16th. Royal Theater in Toronto March 23rd and I will be announcing the pre-sale for my Vancouver show
Starting point is 01:09:09 theater show very soon and also Portland is about to get booked so stay tuned for those and be on the lookout for that patreon.com slash Janice Pappasauer for our bonus episodes guys small business shout out to exclusiveautoshipping.com
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