You're Wrong About - Deep Dive Week 3: Nancy Grace v. The Jury

Episode Date: July 20, 2020

This week, Sarah walks Mike through Nancy Grace’s prosecution of American juries. Cameos include Mark Geragos (again), O.J. Simpson (inevitably) and Jessica Hahn (thank God). Gus Van Sant’s master...piece "To Die For" is discussed at length. Support us:Subscribe on PatreonDonate on PaypalBuy cute merchWhere else to find us: Sarah's other show, Why Are Dads Mike's other show, Maintenance PhaseSupport the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I thought you were gonna say we've replaced the theme song like Katie Holmes for Maggie Gyllenhaal. Ooh, we've replaced it with something that's like better and yet at the same time kind of unsavory for the way it makes you feel that none of your memories are real. We should put all of this in. Just long, long passes as I think of some shitty tagline. As you think of the great tagline. Welcome to You're Wrong About, where prosecutors are problematic and the Satanic Panic might be real.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Throwback! I'm gonna be hearing about the Satanic cult of California for the rest of my life, aren't I? I am Michael Hobbs. I'm a reporter for The Huffington Post. I'm Sarah Marshall and I'm working on a book about the Satanic Panic and Mike thinks I should call it the Satanic Realness because Nancy Grace has so blown our minds with her
Starting point is 00:01:05 digital truths or whatever. Is that what you're saying, Mike? We are on Patreon at slash you're wrong about and lots of other places to find the show and we have been getting a lot of questions for our first Ask Us Anything and we're going to record it this week. We are. And today we are talking about Nancy Grace. Again.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Part three, the trilogy. Yeah. So yeah, where are we diving in this week? What have we learned so far, Mike? I would love to hear you sum up what we've done. We have learned first of all that Nancy Grace rose from a sort of random lady into law school and into becoming a prosecutor after the murder of her fiance, which it appears she then sort of twisted into this simpler and more convenient origin story that confirms her beliefs.
Starting point is 00:01:57 And then last week we talked about how she hates the constitution and defense lawyers. Okay. Here's a good comparison. I was reading this book about the art and science of homemaking and there's a moment when the author is talking about rags versus sponges and she goes and the sentence is I am no fan of sponges. And you know from her kind of authorial voice that it's like I am no fan of sponges. And I feel like that's how Nancy Grace feels about the constitution.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Where she's saying she's no fan, but she's saying it in italics. Yes. I mean, another thing that to me is really interesting about this book is that Nancy great. And you know, this is what it's going to be going forward. Spoiler alert. Is that yeah, this is Nancy Grace's argument. And then each chapter is going to be like fairly anecdotal examples of like ways that
Starting point is 00:02:47 different aspects of the legal system are either corrupt or not to her liking. In the end, it's the book is a collection of anecdotes. It's like the trader goes bacon ends and pieces. It's a lot of little bacon ends and pieces. I was actually thinking about this in terms of kind of the relationship between anecdotes and actual data because as a writer, it's like if you're writing about, you know, income inequality, for example, you want to have like anecdotes in there that make it real for people, right?
Starting point is 00:03:16 It's about like the top one percent has gained 40% of the income gains, blah, blah, blah, whatever the number is. But then because numbers are kind of boring and people don't remember them, you would then include a bunch of indicative anecdotes of like Jeff Bezos own 75 yachts and Bill Gates has 51 houses or whatever. Right. The anecdotes are there as kind of like color. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:34 But it seems like there's also this turn with first of all, just kind of like bad journalism generally, but especially with people that want to confirm something that really doesn't show up in the data. It's like they just strike all of the quantitative parts of that, like they skip to the anecdotes, but like they haven't actually established that the underlying facts are true. Well, yeah. And I feel like if you're telling a story, and this is something that you do very well in your writing, I think, if you're telling a story with anecdote and data, then it's kind
Starting point is 00:04:03 of like knitting with two fibers and one is very colorful and beautiful and really makes the piece shimmer, but it has no tensile strength and it just like comes apart with the least bit of tension. Right. And then you blend it with something that's like very strong and is never going to like wear or fall apart, but just isn't interesting to look at at all. Right. And you put those two things together and then you have a great sweater.
Starting point is 00:04:30 What I find most interesting about this book and the anecdotes QQ's is to be in it is that they aren't even good anecdotes. Like this to me is maybe the most amazing thing about this entire book because she we talked about this last episode. She starts with the stories of the trials of two men who were each tried and convicted for murdering a little girl. They were each horrible stories. But the interesting thing about that too is that like that you're left with no sense
Starting point is 00:04:56 of injustice because like these men both were convicted and are never going to walk free. And you don't have the sense of justice thwarted in the way that Nancy Grace would want you to understand justice. So even her cherry picked anecdotes are like withered little old cherries like they're not even like plump red sweet cherries. That's so mean, he's little old cherries. You said it man. What I find most interesting about that is that just like the sheer laziness of it because
Starting point is 00:05:30 like there are plenty of defense lawyers who've done terrible things. There's so many of them. It's like trying to find dentists doing unethical things. Like of course they're there. Like I'm sure you can find people post conviction lawyers who never filed exculpatory evidence. You know people who were overwhelmed and did a bad job. People engaged in various forms of corruption. You know there's like there's so many possible stories out there and not even stuff that
Starting point is 00:05:55 has to be reported but just stuff that's you know that you could find looking at newspapers or that a professional writer who you hire to write a memoir for you could. It's just hanging off the cherry tree. It's just right there. Right. Listen, yeah, it's a cherry filled world out there. And what instead we get is sort of this list of like things Nancy Grace kind of remembers and that she talked about on TV at one time.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Right. Right. But let's crack on. I like it when you tell me anecdotes and then we debunk them from sources outside of Nancy's book. All right, let's do it. On elevators and in restaurants at bus stops and airports, I am constantly asked what's the secret to winning cases?
Starting point is 00:06:38 My response is always the same. You win or losing jury selection. Once the jury is struck, 12 jurors who hear the case selected from a pool of people, it's all over. That's a massive indictment of the criminal justice system. The fact that it doesn't come down to the facts of the case. It comes out to the randomness of jury selection. But fine Nancy, let's keep going.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah. There's a million ways that jury selection can skew in a weird and non-representative direction. And that's something that you could write a really interesting chapter about. But that's not what this chapter is. Shock horror. Oh, this is great too. This country's jury system is under attack as never before, largely because the juror
Starting point is 00:07:17 mindset has been left mostly unexplored and unchallenged. Awesome. Many recent cases have resulted in downright shocking verdicts that have left veteran trial walkers and legal analysts shaking their heads in disbelief. So we have as titles jurors who loathe the oath. Nice. Exhibit A. It's all about me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And then she talks about a Martha Stewart juror. Celebrity trials. Okay. Proceed. Yes. And basically this juror lied about a past arrest on the juror questionnaire. Okay. And she's like, he shouldn't have lied.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Why did he want to be on Martha Stewart's jury badly enough to lie? This is bad. Okay. I agree. And then she says, no one knows what the jurors motives were, but evidence suggests he had an issue with Martha Stewart and her millionaire lifestyle. It's not clear if his agenda involved getting Stewart convicted out of his own pecuniary interest.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And if he had some other more personal reason, like exacting revenge against the rich that was fulfilled by sitting on this jury and it's like, or he just wasn't thinking it through when he filled out the questionnaire or just wanted to be on the jury because it was an exciting celebrity case. Also, Nancy, quick follow up question. Do you just have the data on how many millionaires go to jail every year? Because it seems like if there's widespread bias against millionaires and that's affecting the justice system, we would see large numbers of millionaires going to jail.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Do you just have those numbers for me, Nancy? Do you just want to grab those? I want to see Hobbs and Grace. I want to work to crime machine to pivot to that. She would destroy me if we ever got into like a debate. I would be so scared. Would you just cry? You did great just now.
Starting point is 00:08:54 That's good. She's not here. We can just make a large scarecrow and you can pretend it's her for six months and get in fettled. No way. I have gotten like invites to appear on like Fox News and stuff and I would get absolutely fucking owned if I ever showed up on any of those channels or anywhere near Nancy Grace. She would destroy me.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I'm much more comfortable with writing spicy things on the internet. Yeah. That's how Tucker Carlson, you know, breaks your back over his knee and then sends you into a dungeon prison in an unnamed country. Going anywhere fucking near that. Okay. So in exhibit B, can't we all just get along? Nancy Grace talks about a case where CEO Dennis Kozlowski and co-defendant Mark Swartz
Starting point is 00:09:37 are leaving the courtroom when a juror makes the A-O-K sign at them. And after this becomes news and obviously suggests that the juror is impartial, the juror, his name is Ruth Jordan, goes public and appears on 60 Minutes, says that she didn't do it, and the judge declares a mistrial. So again, you're like, okay, well, there was a mistrial. So it seems like that all worked out pretty well. This is like me telling you what really bugs me is like people not having their dogs on leashes in the park.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And then I tell you a story of like people walking through the park with their dog on a leash. Right. And then this woman with brown hair came and her dog was on a leash. And you're like, Mike, when, when are you going to get to the part where like something bad happens? Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And then it's like, do you really just dislike dogs? Yeah. Like what? Do you dislike people? Help me out here, buddy. And so in exhibit C, we get a juror in the Scott Peterson trial. Ooh. And then number 29308 was polite during questioning by the state, insisting she could definitely
Starting point is 00:10:42 be fair and impartial. But then defense attorney, Mark Garagos, who is like as close as we have to a protagonist in this book. Bane. But then defense attorney, Mark Garagos abandoned his usually charming demeanor and went on the attack grilling her over a senior citizen bus trip. She took to Reno, Nevada, which sounds like a Raymond Carver story. Did you tell people on that trip that you passed the test to get on the jury and Scott
Starting point is 00:11:05 Peterson is quote, going to get what is due to him? Garagos asked the juror, a volunteer at a senior citizen center, acknowledged the bus trip, but denied talking about the Peterson case. The trial judge ultimately booted her off the jury again, seems like it worked out, but okay. Nancy says the more Garagos could trump up the motives of allegedly dishonest jurors, the more likely his accusations become the basis for a venue change or an appeal. A new trial could conservatively cost the state millions as it took months to get through
Starting point is 00:11:35 the 1600 jurors vetted for the trial. The bottom line is that these particular stealth jurors may be gone, but the damage has been done. Okay. And so what I think she's saying actually is that the defense is allowed to be too liberal in its claims of juror impartiality and that this is bad and it is too expensive, which is the closest she comes to making an argument. You have to give her that.
Starting point is 00:12:00 But then what actually happened with the Scott Peterson case? Is she mad that he got off or mad that he didn't get off? No, Scott, none of these, I mean, I can't think of anyone she talks about who was acquitted. Scott Peterson was convicted. Okay. He's in prison. But so the jury, was there a million appeals and a change of venue? But it could have gone differently.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I think she's saying like Garagos got an inch and what if he had taken a mile and it's like, well, yeah, that didn't happen. It's interesting, right? She's very fixated on these things where everything she wanted to happen happened, but like not exactly the way that she wanted to get there. Like that's really interesting as a focus. If she had wanted to fill this book with stories that would actually make the reader feel like America was full of criminals who weren't serving enough or any time for their terrible
Starting point is 00:12:52 crimes, like she could cherry pick those anecdotes, but she isn't doing that, which is really interesting. It's also interesting because of course, if you wanted to look at the problems with the jury system, you would look at things like black defendants getting convicted by all white juries or the fact that juries have ideas that have been implanted in their brains by people like Nancy Grace and a bunch of true crime media. There are actually like real critiques of the jury system to make. Yeah, I just, I feel like this really highlights how what she does is like, it can't be communicated
Starting point is 00:13:22 in the book. Right. Okay, this is a nice section intro. Greed by the book. When Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales, he put greed on the list of the seven deadly sins. Use that degree, Nancy. Greed has been around since time began and now it has warmed its way into the jury deliberation
Starting point is 00:13:39 room. Sanctuaries ago, there was no national inquirer offering big bucks for first person accounts from jurors and no competition craze TV and movie producers wooing jurors to trade information for national notoriety. There was no date line, no local news that could make instant celebrities out of jurors addicted to the limelight. I could just imagine you reading this and being like, there was no Nancy Grace, Nancy. In the not so distant past, jurors may have gotten some semblance of notoriety within
Starting point is 00:14:08 their communities, but they couldn't make any real money out of it. Now they can and they pose a serious threat to our justice system. Yeah, but again, in celebrity trials, there's like five celebrity trials a year. What is she talking about? That's a really good point. Yeah, she's not addressing the fact that like most jurors in the United States serve on juries for cases that no one talks about or wants to pay them money to talk about. Yeah, my mom was on a jury about a dude stole another dude's bike.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It took like half a day and like no one, she's not getting a book deal. No one wants to publish her memoir. So and I want you to try and think of what she might use as an example for why juries are corrupt and being bought out. Oh, is it OJ Simpson? Yes. Because some of those people wrote books, right? Yes, to be fair, a lot of them did.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yeah. And so Nancy says, a decade ago, the trial of the sanctuary ignited the juror turned literary cash cow phenomenon. The Simpson trial spawned scores of books, including I want to tell you my response to your letters, your messages, your questions written by the defendant before the trial even started, jurors quickly followed suit. And then she talks about a couple of different books published by jurors on the OJ Simpson trial. As far as I know, there are three of them. And I don't know, what do you think of that, Mike?
Starting point is 00:15:29 I mean, I actually agree that like that's it does seem distorting, but it's distorting to celebrity trials. I mean, the fact that she's calling it the trial of the century is maybe a tell that like this is not a typical trial that this isn't significant from a data perspective. Yeah, I mean, that's a much more objective argument than I have come up with. So I appreciate that. I know, what do you what do you think about? I mean, you've probably read these books.
Starting point is 00:15:55 What do you what do you think about them? I have, I haven't read all of them yet. But I mean, what I find really interesting is that in the same breath, she is leaping from OJ's book to the juror's books. This one, I want to tell you this is him responding to letters he receives from his fans. OK, you know, he worked with a ghost writer on this while he was in jail, awaiting trial. This was a calculated PR move.
Starting point is 00:16:17 And Nancy doesn't like that. I mean, I don't like it either, right? Again, this is like a point where I'm like, yeah, Nancy, like, I agree. Like once again, like if Nancy and I were having a pajama party, which would be the scariest thing I can imagine. But if we did that, that's where we would like clink our glasses and be like, yeah, fuck that guy. So yeah, that book was a calculated PR move.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I think it was something that his defense team churned out for him. It was a very cynically produced object. Like I can understand from a prosecutorial or human perspective, being very bothered by that and bothered by the implications of that. And I can even see being bothered by the celebrity trial is a phenomenon because even if there aren't that many of them, they do serve as these very significant markers, which both inform and gauge public sentiment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:07 About various themes in our legal system. But yeah, that has nothing to do with juries, though. Well, that's the thing. And then she leaps straight from OJ to these gurus. And to me, the, you know, the thing that's worth remembering about the OJ jurors is that like none of these people were making very much money. Yeah, they were trapped in hotels for like nine months. I mean, according to the Ryan Murphy show anyway.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And aside from that, like they didn't have lucrative jobs beforehand. I mean, many of them were government workers, which is why they were able to be on a jury at all. And nobody thought that the trial would last this long, but they knew that it would last at least, you know, least a couple months. And then after this trial is over, I mean, everyone hates them. Oh, right. Yeah. You know, I mean, just the discourse at the time is about how these gurus,
Starting point is 00:17:53 they must be so stupid, right? You know, they must have been duped by Johnny Cochran and the tone of kind of mainstream white American media is just frustrated. Doesn't begin to describe it. I think there's real anger and hostility and fury at these people. So they have a right to basically write something saying, this is why I did it. This is the information I had. This is the calculation that I made.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I'm extremely happy these books exist. I mean, that's my perspective on it. Like take that as as significant as you want to. Like maybe that doesn't matter at all. But to me, as someone who's trying to understand this trial and what it was like for the jurors and the alternates on it, hearing them is really interesting. And all of these books are out of print because they were kind of wiki properties that were lucrative for a hot second.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And then this kind of OJ fatigue set in not to be like super let the free market work its magic guy, but like these are people who had a unique experience that people want to hear that unique experience described in detail. I don't know that that seems fine to me. Also, have there been does she establish that there have been other trials since nineteen fucking ninety four where jurors have cashed in and gotten book deals? I mean, maybe there's a couple, but like no, this is not a trend. Yeah. The New Yorkie Simpson trial is is interesting, too.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Can you believe I think it's interesting? But like one of the ways it's interesting is that we like to use it, you know, certainly at the time, like to use it as indicative of all these issues in the system. And it's like the whole reason that trial was what it was, was because it was exceptional in every way. I keep thinking about someone like trying to write a hot take about the publishing industry and like all the structural factors that make the publishing industry problematic, but the only example they use is like Stephen King.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Like, yeah, the problem is that authors are like writing prequels and sequels to their work and like no one edits the text anymore. And there aren't enough girl characters in the stand. It's also Nancy Grace revealing how out of touch she has become with the very part of the world that she's trying to describe to us. Yes, true. Because she had her prosecutor days when she was seeing the kinds of cases that we're sort of churning through in American city.
Starting point is 00:20:00 And she just is seeing a completely different part of the legal system from her perch on TV. And she really doesn't know what she's talking about anymore. Yeah, in a way that is invisible to her. Yeah, she just cross examines a camera all day. You know, she's just I mean, I was thinking about like, she used to like go after real witnesses and stuff. And now she's like cross examining Hal.
Starting point is 00:20:24 OK, here's another OJ thing. Tracy Hampton, the 26 year old flight attendant who quit the jury early in the case, claiming stress, posed for a layout in the March 1995 issue of Playboy and keeping with the decorum of the trial, the spread was shot in a courtroom setting. My verdict and the words of OJ Simpson himself. Hampton is definitely 100 percent not guilty of having too much class.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Oh, Nancy. Zing, Nancy. What do you think about that, though? Seriously, because I really that really bothers me. Who fucking cares, Nancy? Like Playboy did a thing like your your beef there. Surely is with Playboy, not the actual person. That's a good point, Mike.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I don't think Tracy Hampton like decided the layout for her whole photo shoot. If Playboy offered me a million dollars to pose, nude, I would fucking do it. Who cares? I'm picturing you're like at a library and there's like just books and sort of strategic places. And then you're like, OK. I'm going to jump ahead in this book to the part where Nancy Grace
Starting point is 00:21:29 slanders one of my past loves on this show, the beautiful and irreplaceable Jessica Hahn. Oh, God. Oh, no. Can you remind us who Jessica Hahn is? This is a woman who, according to her, was brutally raped by Jim Baker, the famous televangelist, and she described this in great detail. And the entire country was just like, seems like some sexy weird stuff happened and just like didn't care.
Starting point is 00:21:56 It's an astounding episode in American history to me because Jessica Hahn, she did this layout with Playboy, where she's, you know, topless. She's like in the ocean. She's got a golden retriever. And then in the interview, she described in great detail the way that Jim Baker raped her. And I think that this happened over and over again,
Starting point is 00:22:20 that sort of mainstream media. There's, you know, AP is like, Jessica Hahn was naked and Playboy. Right. Isn't that incongruous with her accusations? And she described a twist in a hotel room and it's like, OK, if I say the phrase sexual assault to you and you hear sex, right? And like, I don't know what to tell you. Right. And anyway, here's what Nancy Grace says. Speaking of pseudo celebrities fleecing the courthouse.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Remember Jessica Hahn? She's the former church secretary who shot to fame after her affair with P.T.L. televangelist, Jim Baker, was exposed in 1987. Affair. She received two hundred and sixty five thousand dollars in hush money taken from the preacher's ministry to keep quiet about their trust. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Baker was booted from his TV ministry and indicted on charges of fraud and conspiracy. For her part, Hahn sees the media moment and capitalized on her infamy. Oh, God. People magazine inexplicably named her as one of the twenty five most intriguing people of nineteen eighty seven. The following year, she buried all in Playboy. The Long Island native went on to launch her own
Starting point is 00:23:27 nine hundred number phone line and popped up on television programs like the Howard Stern show, which I think is a radio show, and married with children. Wall Baker's sexual shenanigans and tearful apology failed to ignite a tinder box of television deals. Hahn milked her pop culture curiosity status as long as she could. Oh, it's just so dark, dude. I guess I want you to get skin soon.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I think. Well, what's funny also is she's completely downplaying. She's not only downplaying the rape, she's also downplaying all of the other fraud and financial shenanigans. Quote unquote, that Baker was doing as if like this woman brought him down on these trumped up charges when like he was never actually charged like he never actually faced any justice for the sexual assault, he faced justice for the like blatant
Starting point is 00:24:14 financial scams that he was doing. Yeah. Yeah. So like those two things are not actually related. I mean, she's doing exactly what you have said on this show so many times where she's giving Jessica Hahn all of the power. Like she orchestrated this entire thing. She was part of this tryst. She like concocted this story so that she could get a book deal
Starting point is 00:24:34 so that she could get in Playboy, et cetera, even though all of the evidence is that she was kind of like riding a wave as well as she could. Yes, I feel like this is this really explains my very mixed feelings about to die for by noted Portland director Gus Van Sant. Do you know that movie? I have seen that movie roughly 400 times. I have read the book based on I fucking love that movie. Thank God. That movie is iconic.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah, it's it's perfect. I love it. It's my favorite Nicole Kidman role. It's my favorite Joaquin Phoenix. It's beautiful. And it is this wonderful, I think, almost Stepford Wives like horror story, because it does this weird thing where the details of the case are very recognizably pulled ripped from the headlines of the Pam Smart case.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And so the novel version of that gives us this wonderful character named Suzanne Stone, who is sort of like fade down away and network like she's always wanted to be on TV. I feel like the to die for a model really kind of solidified the ways that Americans already tended to think about these women who the media suddenly couldn't stop hounding for like a period of weeks. So like Sam Smart, Lorena Bobbitt, Amy Fisher and Jessica Hahn, these really very vulnerable young women, basically girls who had been
Starting point is 00:25:59 through some amount of abuse, some kind of traumatic experience. And now we're being chased around by the media. And who if we watch them come to the conclusion of like, well, my life has been pulled out from under me and I need to make some money. And I'm being offered a lot of money for the first time in my life. And I guess I'm going to make some is then going to be accused of wanting all of this to happen. Yeah, yeah. So that she could be unmarried with children.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Right. Right. We're so afraid of manufacturing the kind of human who like the Nicole Kidman and to die for character like only feels anything when she's on TV. That we may be placed that anxiety in the wrong part of the story. Like Nancy Grace is accusing Jessica Hahn of being Nicole Kidman. And it's like, I think that you're Nicole Kidman. It is interesting. I mean, of course, all of this subtext was lost on me when I was obsessed with
Starting point is 00:26:54 that movie because I was like a 13 year old boy in the 90s. And so I was just like, this movie is dark and cool. That's if someone were to make like a, you know, a little like split screen story of our adolescence is it would be like you and me watching to die for before we met. But in the same moment, so nice. But it's like it really is like the creation of an archetype or I guess the sort of definition of an archetype, this idea of like the fame, hungry, not very special person.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Like Eve and all about you. I don't know in like recent American history if there is a confirmed case of that happening, of somebody sort of setting out to become famous and then debasing themselves only for the fame. It's just a matter of twisting all of these anecdotes that meet that like halfway. There are stories where someone did become famous and then the media in an attempt to wash the blood off its hands is like, you wanted us to do this to you. And it's like, I don't think anyone would ask for this, you fucking idiots.
Starting point is 00:27:56 All right. And now she is bringing in some other books that are examples of jurors publishing books. So she has her first example is one of the jurors in the trial of Jack Ruby publishes a book. What? That's like 50 years ago. To be fair, it was only 39 years earlier when Nancy Grace's own book came out. So I don't know if you feel, you know, shut down by that rebuttal. I think cars go too fast.
Starting point is 00:28:25 And here's a stew to Baker that illustrates my point. And then his nephew published a book in 2001 called the Jack Ruby trial revisited. So I just think that this Jack Ruby industrial complex that we have here is pretty outrageous, honestly. Yes. OK. What is most disturbing is not that books about high profile murder cases are being written, but that the plan to write them may be born before or during voir dire concept is critical, because if true, it bears on the motives
Starting point is 00:28:54 not only for jury service, but for a particular verdict, the outcome of the trial itself. Most often a conviction sells the best followed by an acquittal with a hung jury placing a very distant third place. What is she talking about? That's a really weird argument. She doesn't bring in any proof of that. Yeah. So Nancy tells a story about finding out a potential juror is a stripper. And then she tells us a story about this juror.
Starting point is 00:29:20 OK. This is an aggravated assault learned robbery case called State v. Wilson. She says, during jury selection, I notice the behavior of one woman when the poll took the general juror oath. She stood stiffly with her hands by her sides and refused to raise her right one to swear on anything. She was the only person out of nearly 100 who wouldn't raise her hand and solemn promise to uphold her duty.
Starting point is 00:29:41 OK. And she questions her and finds out that. I'll just read this to you. He says, what do you do in your spare time? What do you mean by that? Well, do you like to read? Do you like to dance? She stiffened at the mere suggestion she'd like to dance. I don't dance.
Starting point is 00:29:57 That struck me as odd. Being the Macon Catillion swing champion for my age category. The only word in that sentence that I know is champion. I had a woman who refused to dance, who wouldn't raise her hand and take the oath. And I put her on the jury. It turned out her religion disallowed her from passing judgment in any way on another person. Under any circumstance, even at a jury trial, it's a miracle I got a guilty verdict at all.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And I thought the stripper was my problem. No way. It was the church lady. But then aren't jury trials in all but two states unanimous? So if she got the guilty verdict, that indicates that this juror eventually voted with the rest of the jurors. So it's interesting that most of Nancy Grace's stories are like, Phew, that could have gotten bad, but it didn't. Yeah, close one.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And then we have why sequestration doesn't work. But again, this is only for fucking celebrity trials. Yes. I want numbers of how many fucking sequestered juries there are. You're not going to get any numbers at any time in this book. Like, that is not what's going to happen for you. And her argument is basically that it embitters the jury and that it doesn't protect them from media.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And that if they decide they want to find out what's in the news from family members, they're going to anyway. I can't take this. I am googling how many juries are sequestered. Hang on. Go for it. Okay, this is a article from J rank. Jury sequestration is rare.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Typically ordered in sensational high profile criminal cases. It sounds like it was done for the George Zimmerman trial. It was done for Bill Cosby. This is not something that happens very often, Nancy. This is not a problem with the criminal justice system. Yeah, you're not really thinking about the goals of this book, though. True, true. The goal here is to inflame and upset the reader.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And it's like having a bucket of ice water dumped on you to be told that this is an issue in a fraction of a fraction of the legal proceedings that work their way through our system every day. But she's very deliberately picking all of the cherries around the big fat plump cherries. Just Nancy, a little, tiny cherries grace. I'm just belaboring this metaphor as much as I can. I really like it. I mean, it's mean, but it's so silly of an image that it...
Starting point is 00:32:13 That's the kind of meanness I can get behind. Okay, so here's a nicely boring point that she makes that I really like. In many jurisdictions, jurors are not allowed to take notes. Some judge his favor, and some don't. It's all a function of the local rules. Lawyers aren't expected to keep track of everything without notes, so why should a jury? It's very hard to take in all the evidence without them. This might be the best part of the book, actually.
Starting point is 00:32:37 She's got me. That's the one thing I will unreservedly agree with Nancy Grace. People should be able to take notes. So if people ask you what this book is about, which I'm sure happens all the time, you can be like, it is a book where Nancy Grace bravely argues that jurors should be allowed to take notes. Here's a good one. Another nonsensical courtroom practice is with holding a written copy of the law from the jury.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I mean, she's two for two, Mike. They are the sole judge of the facts and the law of the case. I say give juries all the tools they need to do their job properly. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous? No pen, no paper, no way. This book is good, actually. I'm sorry. You're wrong about this book being bad.
Starting point is 00:33:25 We're back to the slumber party again. This is where we're clinking glasses with Nancy. Okay. So Nancy thinks, in conclusion, that jurors should only be able to talk about the case, quote, well after the trial. She thinks that jurors should be screened based on media consumption and that there should be detailed questions about jurors' television viewing habits. So that's an interesting one because if you screen for that, you'll end up screening for
Starting point is 00:33:49 like education and just general media literacy as well. Right. Like any category of question can provide a backdoor for like other questions. Yeah. Oh, she thinks that judges are too easily swayed by celebrity, which again is an argument we're getting because it happened with Lance Edo. Although there is an interesting Pam Smart connection here, which she doesn't bring up, but which I'm going to bring up, where the judge in that case, God bless him, was asked
Starting point is 00:34:19 like who would play him in the movie version of this. And he said Clint Eastwood. Ooh. It's funny because like this book is counter to like everything that I want to argue about the system. And also I'm like, I could have done a better job. Like it's almost painful. But also like imagine looking about the structures of judicial discrimination
Starting point is 00:34:41 and picking out like they're too nice to celebrities. You know what I mean? Like judicial bias is a real issue. And like again, Nancy, let's spend some time on Google Scholar. So this is probably her most contentious idea. She says, I also foresee the looming possibility of credit checks run on jurors to discover any civil suits pending against them that would bear on the case, which is like that seems specific and invasive to me.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah. That's super distorting because again, then you'd get mostly people with high credit scores, which is not a remotely representative jury. Yeah. Because if you're going to say someone with bad credit should be considered a less reliable juror because they're like, you know, vulnerable to being approached with a bribe or something like that, then like, I mean, I don't have very good credit because I'm a millennial. It's this thing of like, you want to strike people who like read the newspaper a lot,
Starting point is 00:35:34 but then you also want to strike people with like low credit scores. She clearly, like she clearly has not thought this through like so many like solutions sections to long magazine articles. It's very clear that they thought of it in like the last 15 minutes. Yeah. Nothing in the chapter preceding this has prepared us for this idea. It just like comes in out of nowhere and then she's like, well, bye. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Grace out. And you're like, wait, what? Credit checks? She says, but here's the problem. If this becomes common practice, it would almost certainly dissuade people from sitting on juries. Would you want to sit on a jury if it was going to be made public that you were sued for non-payment on a bounce check in 1991? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:36:12 How about if your credit card problems or brush with bankruptcy were uncovered? I wouldn't. So do you want us to do this or not? Yeah. The last thing we want Nancy is for people not to want to serve on juries. As opposed to now when we get a super representative sample of Americans every time we call a jury. Okay. The bottom line.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Penalties for juror misconduct must be instituted and enforced. Those who violate the oath and taint the jury should find themselves back in court again, seated behind the defense table facing charges of their own. That is how valuable the jury system is. We must be prepared to deal harshly with those who abuse it. For those who slip through the cracks for whatever reason, justice needs to come down hard and fast. People who lie to get on juries or lie during the trial must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I have a firm belief in the jury system. And to the people who violate the integrity of the court, I say, hang them high. I think she's like pointing her bat at the bleachers and just like swinging for like the fences. Exactly. And it's like, how do we get justice, Nancy Gray? She's like, I don't know, but it's going to be hard and it's going to be fast. Yeah, it's beautiful. It's such a marked difference.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Like the parts where she's talking about cases and like stuff, they're hard to follow. You don't really know where she's going. And then as soon as she's out of specifics, like she's back again. She's Fire Lord Ozai flames coming out of her fingertips. Yeah. Yes. So for our next episode, I would like to get a little bit meta now, now that we've gotten a sense of Nancy Gray's book.
Starting point is 00:37:58 And I would like to kind of do my own attempt, my own objection, where I make my own arguments about some things that I don't like and just mush together a bunch of stories because I think that even with that really silly way of making an argument, I can make something more compelling. I think we should do that thing from horror movies, like when you're being chased through the library by the monster and you're like pulling books off the shelves behind you to block its path. That's what we're going to do with her arguments for the rest of this book.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yeah. Just dashing through, yanking them off the shelves. And also, okay, here's my real goal, I think. Here's what we're going to try and do together. Your agenda. We're going to try and make soft on crime sexy. It's going to be soft and it's going to be slow. This got so sensual at the end.
Starting point is 00:38:51 This got so awkward. I had to wake you up, man.

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