Episode 170 - Dick on Losing Drugs
Episode Date: September 3, 2019The AI Autoblow machine, a plague of consent ruins Burning Man, racist butterflies, falling asleep while driving, losing all your drugs, windshield st...
The Dick Show is a weekly science and rage based podcast where everything is a contest and there ams no rules--especially grammar rules. Chock-full of Dick Tips and the answers to questions like, 'Are you a rage?' and 'What even is a libertarian?' The Dick Show. Get some.
430 episodes transcribedThe AI Autoblow machine, a plague of consent ruins Burning Man, racist butterflies, falling asleep while driving, losing all your drugs, windshield st...
I'm at Burning Man. Awash in a sea of liquor and t*ts listening to the worst Boomer cover band in the world to use this WiFi.
Two hobbits steal 80s Girl's car and I sleep through it, the Yang Gang wants you to live in a trash can, Let's Talk About Suicide, fifty ways to secre...
Epstein kills himself, butts invade America, IRL plot holes, Vito is in studio, white women f*ck dogs, my dad turns me into a bicycler, one in three w...
Losing the last ten pounds, the liquor sponge, the only gun argument you'll ever need, robot racism, The Bagel Boss calls in to talk about his various...
Going Bald, Second Hand Drinking, Andy Signore
Debunking the great moon conspiracy, the $15 minimum wage doesn't go far enough, ultra-progs attack knitting, Liu job lynch mobs a Dickhead, the very...
I meet Mundane Matt at Vidcon and lose a hotdog eating contest, split trash cans, the war on toilet paper, conferences and the people who go to them,...
Mike Cernovich calls in to talk about getting Jeffrey Epstein arrested, Dame Pesos and Karl from "Who Are These Podcasts" call in to make fun of the f...
Maddox kills his podcast, shorts with no pockets, John McAfee calls in to talk privacy coins, laziness, fucking whales, advice for the virgins, and be...
The state of permanent financial crises, an angry millennial really doesn't want to buy a hammer, gambling with your taxes, more parental kidnappings,...
A new murderer calls in, how to not be too serious all the time, my reverse graduation speech, who does your abuela know, soph gets her yearbooks tras...
Super Hot VR and "Don't do it without me", how to propose to your girlfriend, derailment, depression and Boomeritis, a teetotaler water shortage, inju...
Collecting on Maddox's $290, the groceries cold war, #LGBT month, THOTs vs. THUDs, a Greenpeace shakedown, waiting for the Oculus Quest, the sex extor...
A virtual planet of the apes, the WHO invents a video games disease, many new contestants on "Ask Your Mom, Wife, or Girlfriend when the Following Fiv...
A five years in podcasting super spectacular, the whore situation with Road Rage: Vegas, strip club secrets, The Killstream reunion, how the left can...
The scope of the Sex Strike, the identity of Mental Health, Testifying against a murderer who studied the blade, looking fat on Twitch, dating older w...
Mexican Rockabilly, too much Vavoom for the room at a local burlesque show, a local rapist, how Louis Farrakhan celebrates #HolocaustRemeberanceDay, K...
My visa is finally denied, knock-off legos, Mortal Kuckbat 11, a guy pees on a midget, the mirrors in my house are all a forehead too high, the mushro...
A case for the $500 minimum wage, how companies pushing the possibility of failure onto you, how to fix the student debt crisis, Sean brings me someth...