Episode 452 - Monster Hunter Hunter
Episode Date: January 12, 2025The boys are and this time Jesse is getting smoked out in the worst way possible. Meanwhile Crendor is freezing and apparently it cut off the feeling...
Podcast by Cox n' Crendor Show
453 episodes transcribedThe boys are and this time Jesse is getting smoked out in the worst way possible. Meanwhile Crendor is freezing and apparently it cut off the feeling...
The boys are back and this time it takes all of 40 minutes to even talk about the new year! Why?! Because the boys have important things to talk about...
The boys are and this time Jesse actually has sports questions! It's true! Also Crendor has thoughts on men communicating, while Jesse realizes he wor...
The boys are back from their live show in Chicago and here it is for you!!!! Please enjoy! Go to http://factormeals.com/50cox and use code 50cox to g...
The boys are back and this time the Jesse is exhausted from a week of Game Awards events and driving around LA. Meanwhile Crendor went out to eat and...
The boys are back and this time the boys Crendor has many questions - mostly about if Jesse every crapped in a bag. Also Crendor is back to talk Arcan...
The boys are back and this time the boys regale each other with their thanksgiving adventures. At the same time Jesse's life seems to be MORE INSANE s...
The boys are back and this time you wouldn't like it when Crendor's angry! Meanwhile Jesse is jealous of cool kids and the boys take a trip to North D...
The boys are back and this time Crendor is somehow still fighting off weird body problems. Thankfully Netflix is here to cheer him up with their newes...
The boys are back and this time they're famous. Not like internet famous, but big time TV famous! This will not go to Jesse's head. Meanwhile Crendor...
The boys are back and this time Crendor has somehow found another way to be sick. Except this time it's hilarious sounding. Meanwhile Jesse enjoys Hal...
The boys are back and this time Jesse lost an album for his record player (yes he's one of those guys) and it slowly driving him insane. Down the rabb...
The boys are back and this week the title says it all. Our boy Crendor got Covid from spending too much time around nerds and chili dogs. Meanwhile Je...
The boys are back and this time Crendor listening to people talk in public sends Jesse down a rabbit hole of questions about relationships. At the sam...
The boys are back and this time Jesse has fled the US for 2 weeks to the UK to work on a secret video game project. But that doesn't meant the people...
The boys are back and this time Crendor and Jesse have come under fire for having opinions that aren't totally bonkers. Meanwhile Jesse is still obses...
The boys are back and this time Crendor takes it to the comment section! In fact we are all about the comment section this episode. Maybe even open to...
The boys are back and this time Crendor manages to grab some brunch and a few good stories. Meanwhile Jesse is still recovering from his cold. Thankfu...
The boys are back and this time Jesse returns with a cold from his trip to NYC. Maybe it was the kid next to him, maybe it was the enormous amount of...
The boys are back and this Jesse decided to go out into the world looking like a mess and was rewarded by meeting a fan. He can hear his mothers voice...