Episode 230 - Dick on New Diet Coke
Episode Date: October 27, 2020The tent-destroying armageddon of Burning Dick, shooting guns on acid, Decepticons on the road, advice for the terminally 5'11", "vagina havers", the...
The Dick Show is a weekly science and rage based podcast where everything is a contest and there ams no rules--especially grammar rules. Chock-full of Dick Tips and the answers to questions like, 'Are you a rage?' and 'What even is a libertarian?' The Dick Show. Get some.
430 episodes transcribedThe tent-destroying armageddon of Burning Dick, shooting guns on acid, Decepticons on the road, advice for the terminally 5'11", "vagina havers", the...
Vito's Antifa Horror Movie, dogs with no eyes and the women who compliment them, the actual Trump sign guy, Tim Heidecker gets my Twitter account canc...
Corporate-speak, law enforcement with "full release", Kian is reverse body shamed, Road Rage: Tampa, John Wick Mario, "The Evil Dead" Dicktation, Mant...
Frank Hassle calls in about Boogie2988 shooing at him, celebrating Trump's death is different than RBG, capitalize Blacks, Birthers vs. COVIDs, walkin...
My Ruth Bader Gonesburg shirt is removed for hate speech, I shave to not look fat, Old Sean, the X-Men Genesis game, flavored creamer, a memorial push...
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Gonesburg, the Pelosi Pooper calls in, Madcucks returns, Netflix previews "Real Steel", gun shopping in California, Danny Polis...
Life or death with the LAPD, a guy with no inner monologue calls in, re-stubbing my toe, gender penis reveals, Sean on the miracle of life, women turn...
Fat Pig Friday, Sean's WAP, amateur bartenders, women sharing your food, sound-alike racism, the have-nots vs. the barely haves, trust the government...
Breaking my foot while camping, declaring girlfriend bankruptcy, risking your life for low financing, the sports of riots and political theater, brave...
The inverse of the reflection of the man, VR horror games, throw-up comedy, guys who pretend to be upset by "Cuties", competition in arts and crafts,...
My American Psycho sex tape vs. Ralph's Sex Tape, Null breaks up with me because I'm toxic to his brand, Catboy Kami calls in, a gigantic croquet fail...
Nothing is ever happening, pulling your penis while doing Kung Fu, a week of cold showers, putting the Switch away wrong, more cops murdering people, ...
The Burning Dick festival, Vito is a hoarder, an inconvenient drug overdose, love in the time of masks, random construction, Tik Tok, Protestors...
Dealing with the Garbage Store, diversity in serial killing with Mike from Sword and Scale, The Wonder Bread fetish guy calls in to explain himself, G...
Trigger discipline and the first rule of guns, the failures of ranked choice voting, the racism of color blindness, Kiwi Chris is a free man, abortion...
Generation NARC, the Alcoholics Anonymous Auto Club, camping problems with my family, teachers don’t want to work, getting COVID or getting molested,...
Protestors playing stupid games on the freeway, dogs vs. fireworks, music wars, Cancel Coin, Ryan Long calls in about street drinking, outing men for...
New Project 2 is globally blacklisted by MasterCard, Lowtax is falsely accused of domestic assault and resigns from Something Awful, voice actors unit...
A week of LA Killstreams, Sophia Narwitz on the Minneapolis riots, Jesse Lee Peterson offers to marry me, back to Pilates, how fat women got on lockdo...
Racist systems, Vermin Supreme calls in, faking your death, shaving your ugly face, Aydin talks about Karen syndrome, exercising while fat, anxiety dr...